Transformation Stream Story 17: Cheap Subjects

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by Heru, we have this little story of a pair of cleaners transformed into something much more fitting their pay scale.

If you like these little short stories, consider coming in during my weekly streams and getting one for yourself. They're only $10, and customized for your needs.

Cheap Subjects for Heru by Draconicon

Doctor Reddins watched from his isolated saferoom as the two laborers made their way through his laboratory. The scientist knew they were there; he'd been the one to hire them, after all, though not for the reasons that they probably assumed.

He reached out, nudging one of the control consoles towards him. The humans were making his work easy, keeping themselves to one part of the lab, barely shuffling around as they worked. Each movement was half-hearted, almost lazy. In fact, if he had actually hired them to clean his lab, he would have been rather disappointed. They were ineffective, and certainly not worth even the slight amount that he was paying them.

As targets, however, they were quite suitable. He aimed one of the ray-guns across the lab at the pair of them, smiling slightly at their nearly still forms.

"Just hold still..."

Making a few final adjustments, the scientist locked the ray-gun in position, and pressed the fire button.

The pair of humans looked up as the blast of light zoomed across the lab. Of course, as it was traveling at the speed of light, they had no chance to do anything but look before it collided with them. As expected, the blast of energy knocked them off their feet, and pair of them hit the floor hard enough to bounce twice.

"And so it begins..."

Professor Reddins turned his cameras towards the test subjects, tapping on a few of the keys in his safe room. The various monitors lit up with different perspectives of the pair of humans, though they weren't quite so human anymore.

His hands wandered down to his crotch as fur - thick on one, fine on the other - began to sprout from their exposed skin. It bunched up quickly, spreading up along their arms and down their legs. It puffed out from beneath the cuffs of their pants and through the holes in their socks, and out from beneath the sleeves of their shirts. Their shirts rose up, pushed up by the waves of fur spreading out beneath it, until it was held up above their stomachs.

The changes between them soon became apparent. The fine-furred one started growing a muzzle, though a short, narrow one. Whiskers bloomed from his cheeks, pushing out until they were just as fine and invisible and long as a Himalayan cat. Fingers curled, claws sprouting from the flesh, as pads grew along the worker's palms.

Different changes slipped over the other worker's body, as his muzzle began growing in as well. Unlike the becoming-feline at his side, however, this one grew a longer, thicker muzzle. It lacked whiskers, but had the drooping cheeks and lips that many dogs had. His ears lengthened, hanging down the sides of his head while his partner's ears began to grow, sliding up to the top of his head.

"Such lovely subjects."

The professor stroked himself through his clothes, the lion enjoying the show as the two subjects rolled onto their stomachs. Their asses rose up in the air as their bodies continued to change, under the effects of the metamorphic beams from the raygun. It was spectacular to watch, and he grinned as he had to pull his cock out of his pants to continue enjoying the show.

Despite the looks of fear on their faces (brief flashes amidst gasps at the effects of the transformation), he could tell that their bodies enjoyed what was happening to them. What was left of their pants - ripped through by fur and new, lean muscles - bulged at the crotch as they were changed. Bulging more, however, were their asses, as the change focused itself there.

Bit by bit their rumps - small enough for men their size - expanded, pushing against the stitching of their jeans as they got bigger. They swelled outwards, the cheeks growing rounder, thicker, both with muscle and with cushioning, lovely fattiness. Never enough to turn the professor off, just enough to give them a hint of femininity.

Suddenly the pants ripped, tearing off of the pair of subjects. A mix of the growing tails - thin and sinuous, thick and wagging - popping out from the base of their spines and the sheer thickness of their new rumps was enough to break the denim apart, leaving their rumps bare to his eye. Better still, the cheeks parted, the transformation continuing to emphasize those lovely backsides. He grinned as they pulled apart enough to naturally reveal the hole between, licking his lips as he imagined having his fun with those lovely, tight puckers.

The species shift continued, bodies rippling underneath the fur as new muscles, new neurons were built into the body. They shuddered, squirming from side to side as they rolled over again, laying on their backs. Their backsides seemed to grow further, their asscheeks huge in comparison to what they had been as humans, looking positively gorgeous to the scientist as he watched their rumps cushion them like pillows. They were just built for fucking.

Due to their proximity, he knew the two of them couldn't avoid looking at each other. Both cat and dog continued to look and then glance away as soon as they thought the other was watching. Typical straight human behavior, really, but it wasn't something they'd have to deal with for long.

The evidence was there, after all. The two of them looked longer at each other, their expressions of disgust fading as they slowly stared longer, blushing rather than gritting their teeth and gagging. Even as their cocks changed - both growing shorter, from a six and seven inch shaft to nothing more than five - they stared at each other.

Yes, that's it...let those old worries fade away, Professor Reddins thought as he watched, squeezing his cock hard at the sight of the two former humans slowly drawing closer together.It's not like anyone is watching you. It's not like someone is making you do this. So get together and - Oooooh yes.

It was better than he'd hoped. The dog subject pushed his new nose underneath the cat's tail, sniffing and nuzzling at that exposed hole. It puckered immediately, flexing under the dog's brief sniff before it was attacked by the dog's tongue. The professor moaned at the sight, groaning under his breath as the two subjects started getting into it, the cat turning its body around to reach for the dog's ass.

"This is even better than I hoped."

The professor's grin got wider and wider as the two of them enjoyed each other in a rimming 69, the two of them licking at each other's assholes with abandon. There was little so pleasing to him than to see two people - no more than friends, and often enemies - suddenly needing each other with such voracious lust. And it was so different from what two 'straight' men would have done, too. Anal sex would have been understandable between the two of them, if they were needy enough, but to attack each other's asses with nothing more than their tongues? It was something that showed just how far the two of them had fallen, and how well the re-routing of their mental connectors had worked.

And they were loving it, Professor Reddins saw. He grinned at the monitors, seeing that the dog and cat were oozing eagerly as they kept rimming each other. Barely touched at all, those cocks were oozing more than a pornstar edged to the brink of climax for over an hour.

"Yes, this is working far better than I hoped. Two assistants for the price of an hour's cleaning...quite the bargain."

He grinned, his hand flying along his cock as they kept eating out each other's asses, their transformations complete. They were going at each other eagerly, rolling over so that the dog was on top - no, the cat - no, the dog again, their tongues sliding between their plump ass cheeks, their cocks throbbing and drooling on chests and stomachs. The floor was getting slick with their juices as they moved around, but he barely cared. The show had to go on, and he was enjoying it far too much besides.

Soon, they'd moved past licking to tongue-fucking each other's holes. So slick and wet were their rims that their tongues slid in easily, pushing past the spread puckers and teasing their insides in a way that neither seemed quite prepared for. There was a brief pause as they gasped in shock before they went at it harder than ever, muzzles buried between spread ass cheeks, the cameras catching every little bit of the tongue play going on. The professor moaned, kicking his pants off as the show got hotter and hotter.

In and out, in and out their tongues went past their flexible holes, the transformation lending them a flexibility that nobody else would naturally have. Tails wagged and twitched, and their heartbeats - according to the few monitors not showing all the lovely porn - rising higher with each passing minute.

"That's it...cum for your master, sluts...cum...cum!"

It took them a bit longer, but soon they did, the dog and cat gasping as they suddenly went over the edge, blowing their loads against each other's chins and chests as they kept up the ass licking. They slipped apart, panting as they lay on their bellies. The professor knew that it would leave a stain on his floor, but they'd clean it up eventually. Besides, the sight of those spit-slimed asses was more than worth the tradeoff of a later clean-up.

He took his hand from his cock, shaking his head as he got to his feet. Out of habit, he almost reached for his pants, but stopped himself at the last minute. There was no need to get dressed in front of these subjects. They were his pets, now, and pets needed to know where they stood in front of their master.

He walked down naked, standing at the edge of the safe room. As he put in the code to open the doors, he saw that the cat and dog were getting to all fours again. He thought they might be getting back to playing with each other, but that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, they were...presenting themselves, for lack of a better word. As if they knew that they were owned.

Guess they took to the transformation better than I thought. I'll have to do a bit more testing, but that particular invention might just be ready to roll out.

Opening the large titanium doors, Professor Reddins stepped out onto the lab floor. The soft sounds of his footsteps across the room didn't even get the pair of slutty subjects to turn around. It did, however, make them raise their asses up a little bit higher, showing off their holes that little bit more.

He paused behind them, running one hand over each of their holes, circling the open puckers, and chuckled.

"My my, you've done a very good job on each other."

"Thank you master."

"Thank you master."

And so obedient, too.

As he rubbed their asses a few times, he felt his cock twitch insistently. It did still need attention, after all, and he did have two very willing asses in front of him. The professor grinned as he grabbed it, tapping the head of it against one set of ass cheeks, and then the other.

"Eenie, meenie, miney, moe..."

The End

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