Solitary Romance Chapter Two: Tall, Dark and Handsome

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#2 of Solitary Romance

Lydia is a woman who does not like to share her feelings with just anybody. Quiet, restrained, private. She does have needs however; wishes and fantasies just like anyone, and this story is about those fantasies.

This is not just a story about masturbation. It's a story of self-discovery through masturbation, and I'm rather proud of it

Solitary Romance Chapter Two: Tall, Dark and Handsome

There was certainly something to be said for the stereotype of the tall, dark, handsome stranger. He was in many respects what every woman craved, simply because his description was such that he could be anything a woman wanted whilst still holding almost universal physical appeal. Even Lydia, strange as many of her likes and dislikes may have been to most, found the concept of this particular kind of man ever so appealing, and that was why one of her regular night time visitors was known by that rather suave but anonymous moniker.

Running a hand through the soft white fur upon her stomach, Lydia felt her paw drifting downward, ever closer to her warm, waiting nether regions. The tigress knelt upon her bed, fumbling in her dresser drawer in search of the toy that was to bring her to blissful satisfaction that night, but even as she felt her hand close around the firm, thick shaft of one of her larger dildos that second paw was already teasing at her slit with two fingers, pushing inward, making her gasp and shiver. She was horny tonight. She had been from the moment she arrived home, and yet somehow time had slipped by, meaning that it was close to midnight before Lydia finally locked her bedroom door and sealed herself away from the rest of the world for the night, ready to indulge her more personal, intimate appetites.

The naked feline growled a longing, guttural growl when she withdrew the toy from its spot in her drawer, observing its perfectly moulded canine length, pointed, thicker at the base than the tip, and of course bearing the obligatory canid knot. She drew it close to her body, running it between her breasts and whimpering as she teased her nether regions a little further with her fingers. It rose towards her muzzle, and she lapped at its tip, kissed it, before taking an inch or two inside her mouth. She closed her eyes, and heard the gruff, gravelly voice of her mysterious lupine lover wash over her with that same arrogant pride that she found so intoxicating.

"Mmh... that's it, baby. Get to work."

Lydia moaned, the sound muffled by the toy within her maw as she worked a few more inches over her warm tongue and felt its tip bump against the back of her muzzle. In her fantasy she felt a hand grip the back of her head, claws digging into her short, tufty headfur, holding her down upon the swollen shaft of that erection even though she had no intention of withdrawing from it. She began to bob, slurping and suckling upon the toy with such devotion and eagerness that her dark furred lupine lover couldn't help snarling in approval, his other hand touching Lydia's head more gently, caressing her ears and cheek with soft, lithe fingertips.

"Good girl. Good little slut..."

The tigress' fur bristled, half outraged, half turned on by hearing this man insult her so openly. She grazed his cock ever so gently with her teeth, not hurting, but reminding him of his place, and he chuckled in approval.

"Hey, don't worry. We're both sluts here. God knows I'd spend every hour of every day with my cock in one hole of yours or another, if you let me."

This was what Lydia adored so very much about this particular night time visitor, this fantasy of hers given life and form through her toy. He was so forthright, so honest and open. She didn't have to worry about dancing around any subject when he was here. She didn't have to play games or engage in any of those ridiculous social niceties that people grew up believing were absolutely vital to the functioning of society. If she was horny and wanted a rough, mindless fuck, all she had to do was say that to him. She didn't have to hint it, or gently suggest it through looks and teasing, subtle actions. She just said it, and he gave it to her. Sex was, after all, his only reason for existing. He knew it, she knew it, and they were both fine with that fact. Indeed they revelled in it, and the dark furred lupine never failed to show off that delight in the most obvious and physical of fashions possible.

A helpless groan escaped the tigress as she felt the cock pull itself free from her lips, her tongue snaking out after it to lap at the stiff, pointed tip one last time. She cried out a moment or two later when the male pushed her backwards, practically knocking her down flat onto her back. So vulnerable and exposed, lying there with her knees bent against her stomach and legs spread, pussy lewdly on display, Lydia felt so hot, so unashamedly sexual. She arched her back, stiff nipples pointing skyward as she imagined the wolf hunkering down over her body, his hot breath washing over her face and eyes glaring deep into hers, captivating her, stripping her of all the power and confidence she had fought all her life to gain mastery over. With an urgent cry Lydia brought the toy to bear between her legs, nodding mindlessly as she pictured the wolf lining himself up with her body, rubbing his hot, swollen shaft against her clit and back and forth between her moistened lips.

"You want me."

She snarled in anguish, but nodded wildly.

"You need my cock."

It was so degrading, so cruel of him to strip her bare of all fortitude like this; snatching away all the strength and independence that she prided herself on possessing, and yet the very fact that he was able to do so with such ease made it glorious. Again Lydia nodded, grunting and huffing in frantic excitement, and she almost sobbed with relief when her ears rang with a satisfied snort of derision and satisfaction from the wolf. He had her submission now, which meant he had all that she was. He may have been the fantasy, but real or not, immaterial or otherwise, he was in control now.

Lydia's eyes opened wide, her muzzle falling slack and her legs kicking out into the air, thighs trembling, toes flexing and curling, as the wolf's cock began to sink into her hot depths. There were days when fantasising about being filled by a thick male member felt like a gesture of nothing less than pure, unfettered love, someone plugging up a hole within the very fabric of Lydia's being, completing her. At other times however that same thoughts could make Lydia feel so helpless and weak, not entirely dispelling her arousal but tapping into some far less confident aspect of the tigress' psyche, claiming her in a manner that while still erotic was by no means entirely pleasant. The most exciting occasions of all however were at times like this, when those two potential scenarios combined and Lydia was left feeling both controlled and adored. She was helpless, shamelessly disabled by the pleasure assailing her, but it didn't frighten the feline female because she knew that the wolf whose body seemed to envelop her like a hot, living blanket was determined to protect her in any manner at which her own defences failed.

The more of the canine dildo that slid into Lydia's depths, the more deeply engrained the feline's fantasy grew. By the time the wolf hilted himself within the female's treasure, his swollen knot pushing at her slit, spreading her wide but not quite applying enough force to push its way inside yet, Lydia was a mess. She was silent and her face stood with an oddly stoic expression, but only because she knew that if she opened her mouth or let the slightest sign of her lust show forth, the grinning lupine figure looming over her would seize upon that momentary weakness and use it to ravage her poor, needy form. Thus a waiting game began, a cruel game of chicken with pleasure as the currency and an orgasm as the prize. She dared not relent, giving him the satisfaction of breaking her, and in return the wolf crouched still and silent, buried within Lydia's pussy but utterly unmoving.

"C'mon, cutie. Don't you want me to fuck you good and hard?"

Lydia's eyes opened, within her fantasy at least, an she stared defiantly up at the wolf. He licked his lips, and his shining, almost sapphire blue eyes flashed dangerously. Somehow Lydia clung onto her sanity.

"Ooh, I see, playing hardball today are we? Well that's fine. I can wait. I've got all the time in the world. But you... you have work tomorrow. If I keep you up too long, you'll be so tired when your alarm goes off, and I know how much you hate fatigue making you less productive. Such high standards... it makes me wonder why you'd settle for a guy like me."

The tigress growled under her breath.

"Y-you know all too well why I have you here."

A playful grin crossed the wolf's features. He nodded.

"Yeah, okay, that's fair. You want me because I don't give a shit, and you wish you could be that way."

It was Lydia's turn to nod, more seriously though, a soft sigh escaping the back of her throat as she did so.

"You care about so much. Maybe not the kind of things your friends and family do, certainly not the type of stuff most of the world cares about. But you do care, and it drives you mad inside when someone does things the wrong way. Even now, thinking about me, you're still locked in your same way of looking at the world. That's why I say 'the wrong way', when what you really mean is a different way. Any way but your way."

Another sigh, deeper, heavier, escaped Lydia's lips. She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Shut up. Just... shut up and fuck me."

The wolf snarled. Not threateningly or angrily, but asserting his dominance. Lydia ruefully opened her eyes once more, staring up into his shining blue hues.

"No. If you wanted someone who would go along with whatever you have to say, you'd have played with the Prince tonight. He'd lie here with his tongue shoved up your cunny and you'd tell him about all your problems, knowing that he'd be a good guy and listen with infinite patience. But at the end of the night, when you went to sleep, you'd still be wondering if perhaps you should have challenged yourself a little more; chosen to make sure that you were being sensible, rather than closed minded and pig headed through your own arrogance."

For almost three minutes now Lydia had lain still upon her bed, toy buried inside her pussy, spreading her open and resisting every squeeze and tremor of her inner walls to try and dislodge or otherwise move it. Only now did she pull it out a few inches, and with a high, broken cry of pleasure thrust it back in, hard and fast. The wolf grunted with effort as his hips bucked forcefully forward, ploughing his cock into the tigress once more, and reached out with one hand to hold Lydia's gaze in line with his own. He leaned over her, like a dark, ruggedly handsome shadow, and with their noses practically touching he addressed her yet again.

"Tell me what happened today. Tell me what made you pick me tonight. Tell me why I'm being so damn mean to you, and why we're both pretending like it's nothing more than our usual rough-housing."

Lydia squeezed her eyes tightly shut in reality, but to her horror, the fantastical representation of her eyes would not comply. She couldn't blink any more than she could move, her body and the portion of her mind devoted to conjuring up this sexual apparition seeming to take control in a rather disturbingly vivid fashion. With a groan of frustration as she tried to wrestle free from her own mental hold one last time, attempting and failing in record time, the tigress fell back limply against the bed. She exhaled heavily, and nodded a slow, resigned nod. In return, the wolf loosened his grip upon her body a little. Lydia whimpered softly, wishing he hadn't.

"Someone... someone called me heartless today. They weren't even insulting me, they were saying it was a good thing. I had to make a call to one of the small businesses we lend to, they hadn't made their mortgage payment for two months. I... look, I don't even know why I'm saying this out loud. You know it all already, and don't fucking deny it."

The wolf bucked his hips again, not pulling out, but simply driving his cock against Lydia's crotch and grinding his swollen knot against her clit. She gasped, her breath snatched away, and shook her head mournfully. The more she said, the less interest she felt in any sort of pleasure. This however, as the tigress swiftly found out, was exactly the male's point.

"And you already know that I know it all, so why do you need to bother telling me that? We could go round in circles all night discussing the finer points of your messed up psycho-analytical skills, but the bottom line is that as much as you want to believe I'm here to help you resolve your latest crisis of consciousness, I'm actually here to get you off. That's my job, and if you're feeling so down in the dumps that you don't want to cum... well, you either tell me something that'll make you feel better, or you let me go back to my drawer and curl up all unsatisfied and horny to mull over your problems. It's a simple enough decision, so make your choice and stop wasting both our time."

Lydia didn't know whether she wanted to headbutt the wolf lying down atop her body, yell at him, or throw her arms around his neck and burst into tears. Thankfully in the end she went somewhat down the middle, and while uttering a clearly displeased grunt towards the male she did open herself up at least enough to give him what he was asking for.

"I called them up, the business that is... and I told them what would happen if they didn't get back on their payment schedule. They gave me the usual reasons, poor economy leading to poor turnover, cost of buying in stock and perishable goods wastage. I told them that it was tough all around, and that thousands of other small businesses managed to conduct themselves within the bounds of their finances each and every day. I gave them the usual information, the options for a more dispersed, long term payment plan and the potential for foreclosure on their business, where they could look up bankruptcy legislation if it came to that, and... and I hung up. That was my job done, and I'd done exactly what was asked of me by my employers."

The female's voice trailed off for a brief while, and she just lay there, looking up at her fantasy lover and trying to feel excited by the stiff length of his manhood that was lodged deep inside her. When she failed to do so, feeling horrifyingly empty and unsatisfied despite the toy buried within herself, she forced herself to finish telling her story in the desperate hope that doing so would make a difference, even if by the smallest of margins.

"One of my bosses stuck his head into my office a few days later. He told me that he'd been listening to the recording of my conversation to determine its usefulness as part of a staff training exercise, and said that he wished he could be that heartless on business calls, because it always messed with him to have to deliver news like that to anyone knowing all the lives it could potentially ruin. When I told him I hadn't thought about that, that it was just doing my job, he just laughed and said that was what he meant about wishing he could be so heartless."

Another silence followed. Lydia wanted to believe that it was the wolf being sensitive and caring, knowing that right now as much as she wanted his rough, carefree nature to steal her away from her problems, she needed him to take the time to consider this sincerely with her. In reality however the tigress knew that in all likelihood the wolf, being a simple extension of herself, was every bit as confused and saddened by this as she was. Thus if he was going to answer, he needed some quiet time to separate himself from the majority of Lydia's mind and thus free himself from whatever portion of her razor-sharp but somewhat inflexible mind was preventing the tigress from reaching a satisfactory conclusion of her own.

The longer the silence lingered, the more strangely comfortable Lydia felt, lying there with her toy simply sitting, waiting between her legs, held firmly yet entirely stationary by both hands. She could almost feel the wolf's weight pressing down on her, comforting her with his body if not his voice, and before long she felt her lips parting slightly and her tongue tasting the warm bedroom air, sharing a phantom kiss with her fantasy lover. He had never kissed her before. Never. Yet now he did, and it was with that kiss that his eyes re-opened, and those blazing sapphire gems poured themselves and their knowledge out into Lydia's mind when their muzzles reluctantly parted and the wolf spoke up anew.

"You care, but the problem is... you don't care whether people know you care. So they see you as heartless, fuck them. They don't know you, they don't understand you. You made your peace with the fact that most people think you're weird a long time ago. Now though you find this new problem, and what's the first thing you think? That maybe you shouldn't care after all. Maybe you should try to live up to their opinion, purging yourself of another unnecessary worry. I'm sorry, Lydia, but screw that, and screw you for even considering it. I'm not here for you to learn how to be some unfeeling robot. I'm here because you don't want to be judged, and you know that for every naughty, messy, spur of the moment dumbass thing you think of, I'll have gotten there first and set up a whole camp-site for the two of us to share. You care, Lydia. You care, and so do I. We just don't let it stop us from doing what needs to be done... whether that be your job, or making a stubborn slut of a tigress cum."

Lydia stared up at the wolf. He stared back at her.

"I... I don't know if I want to keep going. It doesn't feel right. Even if I do believe what you're saying, even if I think it sounds right... I still feel like crap."

A knowing twinkle entered the male's unnaturally intense blue eyes.

"Yeah, but how will cumming make you feel any worse?"

The female frowned.

"That's not what I mean. Don't be an ass."

Smirking now, the wolf shrugged.

"Hey, this is your fantasy. Don't blame me just because you can't rationalise your libido's wishes with whatever's going on in your brain."

As if to demonstrate the position of Lydia's libido, the wolf bucked his hips against Lydia's tight pussy. She grunted in pleasure, and growled deep in the back of her throat at him.

"S-stop that."

Another grin, wider, ever more devious.

"Stop what? I'm just a fantasy. You're the one pushing the dildo."

Lydia hated it when her fantasies started using reality against her, as she couldn't deny that they were right on the rare occasions that they did so. This was one such occasion, and as Lydia pulled her toy back a short way before driving it home again, she whined in frustrated excitement not at the wolf, but at herself.

"I... I just wish I didn't have to think about other people all the time. I know it's selfish, I've always known that, but... fuck, why can't they just mind their own business?! It's one thing when it's work and I'm contacting them, but that bastard... that fucking bastard in my office, why did he have to stick his face into my affairs and mess things up when I was perfectly content with the way I was handling myself?"

Pulling the dildo almost all the way out of herself, then pressing it back in again, brutally fast and shamelessly hard, Lydia took her own breath away, gasping with pleasure. The wolf chuckled deep in the back of his throat.

"You're getting all worked up. Looks like you need to let off some steam."

The tigress snarled.

"Fuck yes..."

Her lover beamed anew, and though he leaned down close over her naked body once again, his lips remained a hair's breadth apart from hers. Lydia shuddered in ecstasy as he drew back and thrust once, twice, three times in rapid succession, pumping his cock into her and driving her body into convulsions of blissful relief.

"Tell me how much you hate that guy from your office."

He kept on thrusting as he spoke, and though she could barely find room to draw in so much as a fresh breath of air between gasps and whimpers of pleasure, somehow Lydia found the strength to respond.

"I... I want to bring him here and show him just how much I care. I wish he could see me now, wasting a whole night worrying about his precious opinions."

Lydia worked herself harder still with the toy, angling it so that the thick knot pressed against her clitoris with each inward stroke, relishing its thickness as it spread her wide open around itself and left her poor pussy trembling and quivering in lust each time it withdrew, however briefly. She wasn't speaking aloud in reality, limiting her rage to the fantasy world inhabited by her lupine lover, but the look spread over her face was one of supreme concentration as she poured her heart and soul out to the wolf in what she hoped was a coherent fashion whilst fighting to maintain the frantic pace of his wild thrusting.

"I need him to see me... t-to watch me... to wish he could stop me from feeling the way he'd made me feel, and wish he could join me in feeling how I'm feeling right now."

A long, lustful groan escaped the wolf as he began working his cock in and out of Lydia in a state of near delirium, so excited to hear the fire returning to her voice and to feel the pleasure beginning to overwhelm her body, the motions of his cock announced now by the moist slippery sounds of a truly needy woman's most intimate regions.

"You naughty little slut. You want him to watch you? Watch us?!"

Lydia laughed, half giggling, half crying out in pleasure as she nodded her head eagerly.

"Yes! God yes, let him watch, let him squirm and blush and wish he hadn't said a word, because who knows... maybe I'd have let him join me otherwise. Heartless?! He doesn't even know the meaning of the word. We'll show him heartless. Oh fuck yes, w-we'll show him..."

The wolf tossed his head back, howling in rapturous ecstasy as he drove his hips forward with an almighty force and his knot slipped into Lydia's depths with a thick, wet slurp. A broken scream escaped Lydia herself a moment later, and she arched her back, eyes wide and muzzle hanging open in a constant, fevered whine of glee. She felt her lover's hot breath in her left ear, and as she hung on the very brink of orgasm, he whispered the words that she had been waiting to hear all night.

"Except we won't show him, because this is just for us. Just for you. So long as you can justify your feelings to yourself, you don't need him, and that's what really matters. I understand now, and that means you understand too, Lydia. You've got nothing left to prove... so just lie back, and cum."

Huffing, whimpering, Lydia teetered upon the edge. The wolf's voice deepened, returning from the caring yet arrogant soul she'd needed to the careless playboy she wanted so shamelessly, and barked one last, urgent command to her as the tigress twisted the knotted toy within her clutching, quivering depths and felt its rough surface, all eight inches plus the bulbous base, stimulate her hot, sensitive, stretched innards all at once.

" Cum!!"

In that instant, and in that orgasm, all of Lydia's tensions and worries were summoned forth and exiled in a torrent of savage, ferocious pleasure. She wailed in release and relief as she came, kicking, writhing, frantically digging her fingertips into the very base of the toy as she fought to hold it deep inside herself, even the bulbous knot not enough alone to hold it in place against the fierce contractions of her body's inner walls. The violent surges of pleasure seemed to enthrall her entire body from head to toe, sparing nothing but her single minded focus to keep the sweet, rich ecstasy of that orgasm coming. Just when she seemed to have hit the very peak of her orgasm however, crying out anew in a yowling, mindless shriek of euphoria, Lydia was seized by a sudden and uncontrollable urge to do something insane. She gripped the base of her toy, and rather than simply ceasing to push it inward against the rippling, contracting walls of her tight pussy, pulled with all her might.

The sound that issued forth as Lydia pulled her toy free from her dripping depths was one of such lewdness and raw sexuality that the tigress swore she heard her lupine lover howl in satisfaction, though in reality it may just have been another distorted scream departing her own lips. The feeling that accompanied that action however was far from lewd and dirty; it was pure, simple heaven. She could barely register feeling it at all before the re-enforced, secondary assault of her climax overwhelmed her senses all at once. Suddenly she was rigid as stone, locked inside her own body as a helpless prisoner, able to do nothing but blush and gasp and feel her back arching, her knees quivering, and a rich squirt of feminine ejaculate burst out from between her spread, raised thighs. Once. Twice. Three times she erupted in quantities that must have equalled less than a tablespoon in total, but which felt so very, very wet to experience first-hand. Then, as quickly as the fresh pleasure had set in, so too did it depart, taking with it what little may have remained of her normal orgasm. Her body was overworked, over-stimulated and finally, thankfully, spent.

Lying there in the wake of that... whatever it had been, not her first rather wet climactic experience by any means, but one of the most unannounced and shocking in its intensity, Lydia stared up at the bedroom light glowing like a hot sun upon the ceiling. She knew what came next, that after relaxing and relishing her orgasm's sweet after effects for a short while she would have to pull herself to her feet, stumble sleepily over to the light-switch upon the bedroom wall beside the door and turn it off. In theory she should have been readying herself to change the sheets of her duvet too, not wishing to go to bed only to wake up in a room that was rife with the scents of spent sex. The tigress was no idiot though, and she knew that any thoughts of doing so tonight were ludicrous. She was barely able to keep her eyes open, let alone slip on her dressing gown, walk downstairs, turn on the washing machine and pour out the right amounts of fabric softener and washing powder for a load of bedding.

Half an hour ago of course Lydia would have given the world for such a distraction, anything to take her mind off the concerns that she had been running and hiding from all night, including her attempted retreat into a masturbatory haven. Now though, with her body at rest and her mind at peace with itself, she wished for nothing more than a peaceful night's rest.

Rolling over onto her side, still atop the covers, Lydia closed her eyes. Not to sleep, just for a single moment's peace and tranquillity.

Close by, on the spot where it had fallen after being removed, Lydia's toy sat still and forgotten in a small damp patch of the female's fluids, more droplets visible on the pale sheets in a clear streak beyond it where she'd so violently cum. If the tigress had been coherent enough to do so, she might have glanced over at the toy and observed her lupine lover sitting there, a mixture of his and her fluids coating his crotch, contently grinning as he watched over her in the still brightly lit bedroom. Lydia's tall, dark, handsome stranger was gone for the night though, and there was very little chance of his returning even for a momentary visit for one simple reason.

About a minute or so later, the tigress began to snore softly. She was too tired to wonder who was going to visit her next time she felt the need for companionship of some sort, but satisfied in the innate knowledge that when that time came once again, someone would be there, and with their help she would go to sleep both peaceful and content at the end of the night.

By Jeeves