Teenage Troubles: Chapter 12

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 1220 Grange Lane9:10 PM, 1st of May*Quinn*"No fur!" Quinn blurted out as soon as he recovered from the spoken blow. Darting forwards, he snatched the photo out of Leib's forepaws with ease. With his brow overtaken by a sweat, his tail alert and heart threatening to fly out of his body with its furious beating, Quinn held the photo high and used his other forepaw to shove his boyfriend back down onto the bed. Leib screeched with noise equal to an earthquake, his claws flew out and tried to rake across Quinn.Everything had gone to shit too quickly. Leib had only just got back, yet he'd already discovered Quinn's one and only dirty secret. Quinn had performed and uncountable amount of measures to make sure that no fur else found out. The photos were deleted, his phone was wiped and he only kept one of the photos close to his bed to remind himself of his sins. "GIVE IT TO US!" Leib howled, grabbing for the photo. Sounding like a stroppy kit, he demanded with less fury "Let us see it!" Quinn was much too fast for Leib and had started tearing the photo apart without thinking about it. He tore directly across Lyall's face, down his spine and then across his face; know it was impossible to recognize the rabbit. For good measures, he scrunched the pieces up into a ball and shredded them with his claws. He tossed the remains towards his bin, but they scattered onto his bed instead. "Mah!" Leib noised when Quinn let him go, the feline scurried onto his back. "Who was that! Tell us!" Leib cried as he started picking up the larger pieces and trying to assemble them. "Tell us! Tell us!" He added with more urgency. The cheetah moved to crawl down the bed, having spotted a larger piece that seemed to be of importance."No! No! Don't go!" Quinn cried, misinterpreting entirely. He grabbed at Leib, pulling the cheetah back and squeezing him tightly. "I didn't mean it! It was a mistake!" Quinn added as he slapped his muzzle down onto Leib's shoulder. "Don't go." He whimpered."We're not going anywhere! We just want to see the picture!" Leib explained. He didn't struggle, but instead ensconced himself into Quinn's lap and settled down. "But this is better. We might stay here for the rest of the night, if you explain what happened." Leib stuck out his tongue and looked up at the wolf. "Are those Devon's words?" Quinn asked with a relaxed posture."Yep!" Leib giggled."Good to see that he hasn't changed much." "So, will you tell us?""Do you promise to try not to switch? And to not get mad? And calm down the others if they get angry?" Leib put his head down and fiddled with the piece of photo that he had in his forepaws. Gently, Quinn rolled Leib's brown head furs between his fingers. "Amanda's already mad. But we told her that we can dye our hair since it's a new month! But she has to be good to you!" Leib wiggled about in

Quinn's arm slightly, Quinn tightened his grip by a little. "What color?" Quinn asked as a smiled warmly, it was cute the way that Leib was okay with changing his hair color every month or so."I want pink! Marco wants black and.... Devon wants to shave it all off. Please don't let him do that!" Leib said as he grabbed his head furs and pulled the locks over his eyes. "The rest of us like our hair!""I won't..." Quinn yawned, he was starting to become tired. "What color does Amanda want? I'll get the dye...""She wants to pick it herself, but she thinks that pink.... or... or..." Leib thought for a moment."Is she dithering?""Stop with the big words! Agh! Our small brain isn't supposed to listen to them!" Leib giggled."It means to be indecisive." Leib frowned at Quinn again. "To not get to the point." He explained."Ohhhh!" Leib stressed, "No she just can't decide. What do you think will look good? Pink?""Hmmm... Well pink might make Marco and Devon mad, so why not a purple? Something like plum? Would you like that?" Quinn asked, switching the attention back onto the feline. "I'll have to see it on a color chart, but it sounds delicious." Leib burst out into laughter, threw his head back and collided with Quinn by mistake. He scowled at his boyfriend, "Watch it!""Sorry." Quinn needlessly apologized through gritted teeth. "It's a dark color by the way."Leib flinched. "Like... like a bruise?""Not at all..." Quinn nervously said. Cautiously he added, "The color plum is far from a bruise's color." He lied."Do you have any?" Leib turned around in Quinn's lap and gripped onto the wolf's shirt. He pulled it all the way up and checked his body by running his forepaws through it.  "Plums? There might be a few in the fridge...""No stupid! Bruises!" Leib shivered and wrapped Quinn's over-sized t-shirt around himself."I don't have any bruises and you don't either. I checked." Quinn smiled."Okay then! Amanda promises to be good because she thinks that it'll look cool!""I'm sorry, but what do you mean by good?""She can't shout and if we switch to her, she has to treat you like the rest of us do." Leib elucidated precisely."I hope that you realize: you all treat me differently.""Does Devon....!" Leib cried, his voice breaking at the end. His brow became furrowed and his teeth ground against each other. Pulling his arms in close he started mumbling to himself and rubbing against Quinn. "Not at all. He's sexual and a bit...demanding at times." Quinn made sure to choose his words carefully. "But I do love him.""Do you love him more than me? As in, do you love Devon more than Leib? It's still Leib by the way." Quinn could just make out what Leib was trying to say. "Leib..." He opened. He didn't know what to say, he never did; why did the feline have to be so difficult? "You know that... it's just. That's just..." Quinn corrected

himself. "A hard question. An ultimatum. You're all beautiful, you're personalities are different as are your philosophy. I can't decide." Quinn said, wanting to move on as fast as possible. "Let's just go to sleep now. I can't decide and it's getting late.""You can! Look, what do you think of Devon? What makes you love him?" Leib asked, turning around to face Quinn all whilst sitting in his lap. He put his arms around Quinn's neck. Quinn could feel the cat's warm, light breaths brushing over his face. "Well he's cute, especially when he tries to act tough." Quinn kissed Leib on the nose. "He really does try to be intimidating." "Devon says that you're a bastard." Leib giggled, "He doesn't like being called cute.""Well the rest of you like it. So to me, you're cute no matter what. All femboys are, but you're the most adorable of them all.""Thank you." Leib blushed. The flattery may have been banal, but after three months of being in a mental hospital for cub any flattery would be cherished and interesting. "What do you think about the rest of us?""Well... You're the adorable, cuddly fur, so that's great for me." Quinn tried not to offend, but deep down he knew that it would be impossible to appease them all. "Marco can be a little... insensitive at times, but when he isn't crossing the line it's good to talk to him. Amanda, well she can be a bit over emotional, but I do like exchanging gossip with her. Oh and I do like it when Devon starts getting sexual." Quinn admitted, bad move."What does he do with you?" Leib asked with sharp eyes."Blowjobs. and handjobs mostly, but this one time he topped." Quinn smiled, then he noticed Leib's face. His own smile twisted into a look of distress and panic. "Shit! Fuck! I'm so sorry.""Shut up." Leib grumbled and flipped over in the bed to have his back to Quinn.  He lay down and put his head on the pillow. "Liar." Quinn mumbled a curse under his breath and then set about trying to correct their amity. "Look. Devon asked me to do it, he was sad and I was worried. It honestly made us both feel better. You know that I can't make all of you happy at the same time and that I try my best, but it's hard sometimes. I still love you, you're still the best." Quinn tried to put a forepaw on Leib's cadaverous waist, but the cheetah shrugged him off."Did you use that one on Devon?" Leib berated, spitting at Quinn with words."No actually." Quinn chuckled, "He doesn't really respond to sweet and sensitive, so I save it for your ears instead.""Goody." Leib said with a stoic voice.Quinn sighed, normally Leib would have been back to his normal boisterous attitude. "Hey.... I know what'll cheer you up. You won't even have to move." Quinn suggested, giving Leib a nudge and leaning over him slightly. "I'm not in the mood." Leib growled, spitting and stressing all of his words."Not even for a quick handjob? I'll

do anything to make you happy right now." Quinn said amorously."I'm not going to suck your dick. Just leave me alone." He covered his despondent feelings with false anger."Who said that you had to suck me off? I'll do it to you instead. Come on, I did say that I was going to make your first day back extra special.""You can start by throwing yourself out of the window." The cheetah vehemently hissed."Not whilst you're alive. Leib?" Quinn asked as he rubbed up against his boyfriend's back. "Still Leib." The cheetah answered, his voice had returned to the usual pitch, the feminine undertone surfacing again. "You said that you'd do anything, right?" He asked. Quinn nodded, he was rightfully suspicious, but didn't refuse. "Tell us who the rabbit was in the picture." A long pause. "Did you not recognize him? I thought that you'd never for get his face." Quinn joked. Leib caught on quickly.Flipping over, he starred at Quinn's face. "Lyall Morrigan?" He gasped. Quinn bit his lower lip and nodded. "Explain everything. Now." The cheetah demanded. Quinn sighed once more, he hadn't planned on confessing to anything. Quinn ran through the events leading up to the night he raped Lyall, how he'd planned everything out and how he'd succeed completely. "... I only wanted revenge." He finished with a weak squeak and trembling. Leib put his arms around Quinn and patted the wolf's back. "Quinn, Devon wanted revenge, Amanda wanted some as well, but hurting their son was a terrible idea. He was kind, his parents are the problem. Marco said that by the way." Leib added."But I thought that if I did something horrible to their son, or maybe their daughter, they'd... they'd break or realize what it feels like to have somefur important taken away." Quinn bundled his forepaws up into fists and put his arms around Leib. "I don't even think that they cared. It's been 16 days and they've only just come back to the country. They're not even spending time with their son...""Where is Lyall? We'd like to see him." Leib explained. "You might not be able to.""Why's that?""He's.... Well he's." Would Leib even understand it? He could be so childish and naive at times, he didn't understand cancer, he didn't realize how important the pills he downed every day were or even what they did to him. Quinn stayed silent for another long period of time. "Is he dead?" Quinn shook his head to say no. "The thingy when you can't move? But you're still alive?""PVS? No... It's a little worse" Quinn answered once more."Then what's wrong!" Leib asked, jumping on the bed. "Tell us! Tell us! What's worse than not being able to move?! Or being dead!"Quinn felt tears running into the fur just below his eyes, it was almost alien to him. He hadn't cried for months now, nothing had come close to being worth tears. Yet, even though Quinn had come to terms with Lyall's state as soon as he

was informed, he couldn't hold back the tears. He wasn't even involved now, or at least he would be if Lyall were to wake up. 'If'"He's..." Quinn gulped down even more fear. "He's in a coma."Max Max's trainers pattered on the smooth, crimson tiles as he moved his feet up and down to calm his nerves. He held his forepaws close to his body and in them he clasped a plastic bag. There wasn't a pretty rose or a box of chocolate, nor was there a sweet 'get well!' card. He wanted to send Lyall one, he'd send him several if it meant anything to the rabbit, but he just didn't know what to write down: something long or simple? Should it be sweet? Should he write it to Lyall as a friend or boyfriend? Did it matter either way, would Lyall ever wake up to read them? Max tightened his grip on the bag and bit down on his lips as his eyes trembled.It took a minute for the fear to pass, but even then his eyes were edging with tears. "For fucks sake, Max...." The fox muttered to himself as the violent shaking spread to his hickory colored forepaws. Once more, his grip transformed to be more tenacious. His forepaws were aching, but he didn't dare to drop the bag. The white tip of his tail curled up around his waist, he looked down at it and pushed it away with anger. He hated everything about himself now; memories, choices, fur, body, personality, life, nothing was sparred from his hatred. Recently, thanks to the lovely natural phenomenon known as puberty, his fur color had taken drastic changes. It couldn't have been caused by stress because they weren't graying, but rather the warm colors were becoming lighter and the cold colors were turning darker. The fur that had been orange was closer to a dark yellow than ever before and  from the corner of his eyes to the start of his mouth, a dark streak of fur was appearing.On top of the color change, his claws were becoming sharper both on his paws and forepaws. So far he'd ripped through two pairs of socks and had accidentally scratched himself countless times. His tail was also becoming bushier and bigger, getting trousers and boxers on were a nightmare. "My boys all grown up!" His mother had exclaimed when Max had been unable to get his tail through his boxers. They'd cut the tail gap bigger to solve the problem, but it wasn't exactly fun to be half naked in front of his own mother. The only things that were worse than having to go on all fours in front of his mother were the memories of Lyall. He'd spent hours ,when he should have been sleeping, thinking about Lyall without counting the time he'd used up whilst he was awake. Max would hear the rabbit's giggle in his mind, he'd whip around and grab at thin air as if Lyall would actually be there. Worse yet, Quinn was off school. Then again, Max wouldn't have been able to face him if he'd shown up.Max's ears perked upwards."I'm sorry sir, but you honestly can't keep on

waiting." A voice that the vulpine had grown familiar to over the last week said. Putting on a fake and weak smile, Max tilted his head up to look at the cat. "I can." Was he response. "I mean, what if he wakes up and I'm not there? Or if no fur's there?""I promised you that if he does wake up, we'll call you and have somefur in his room within the minute. He won't be alone." The golden cat sat down, her navy blue uniform hung loosely from her body. "But he won't know anyfur who's there." Max pointed out."Well..." She cleared her throat. "He'll get to know us. If he panics, we'll put him under for everyfur's safety." She said truthfully."He's not dangerous." Max hummed. "He's wouldn't lay a paw on anything. He's so gentle and kind..." Max smiled, the police officer giggled in a way that reminded Max so much of Lyall that the fox's head shot up."You care about him, don't you?" She asked with a warm tone."Yeah..." Max blushed. "So will you trust me and not give him knockout gas if he starts worrying? He just needs comforting, that's all." The police officer shook her head and cut Max off before he could demur. "It's policy really. Personally, I wouldn't let him go near the stuff, but since he has claws and forepaws we have to. You had no idea what some furs do when they're scared and cut off.""Kill other furs? Steal things? Jump out of windows?" Max questioned."And they bargain, especially if they've lost something special. Most furs would do anything, even if it meant breaking the law or killing somefur to get somefur special back. Are you and Lyall that close?" The police officer asked. An image of a knocked out Quinn flashed past Max's eyes."No." Max said as he bit his lip. "We just go to the same school." The cat decided not to comment."Do... do you know why he did it?" Max asked after what seemed like hours of silence."The pills? We have no idea. There are a lot of side effects to the pills and he could have been trying to achieve any of them. From his medical records, there was no reason for him to be taking them. They were in the house become of his parents insomnia, at least we hop-""He has anxiety." Max butted in."So you're saying that he might have been trying to smooth out his anxiety? Why?""He must have been afraid. He was home alone and his parents weren't there. Maybe he thought that somefur had broken in?""Max, the police found your prints and fur all over the mailbox and Lyall's room. There was also another set belonging to one of your friends. A lot of the officers in this district are putting forwards their suggestions some of them aren't very kind to you...""They think that Quinn and I raped him?" Max's ears flattened out even more and his body dropped into a slouch."Did you? I'm not saying that you did and I don't think that you would, but I have to ask." Max paused for a long time, breathing heavily as he thought. "No.

I'v-I've..." Max gulped, was their any turning back now that he'd said part of it? "I've noticed that he doesn't really... have anyfur around his house a lot.""That's probably not relevant, but again I'll put all of what you've said forwards to the chief. But one more question, why do you think he did?"Max's head whirled. "To kill himself..." He mumbled weakly. "Or... or maybe he was trying to go into a coma. Or... forget everything. Maybe he embarrassed himself in front of somefur important. Do... do you know how he took it? Did he inject?""No. There weren't any needles or drugs in the house, so he won't be facing charges at all. If you must know, he swallowed." The officer chuckled to herself, Max felt a spike in his rage, but kept silent. "He also drank a lot of alcohol, and I mean a lot. There were half a dozen bottles of wine, strong stuff, so he might have been incredibly drunk and looking for a laugh, so he took the pills by mistake. That seems like the most reasonable, so don't worry. Your boyfriend probably isn't suicidal."

 Max balked and gagged on air."H-h-how?" Max trembled, biting down on his lip and turning his head away as far as possible."How did I know that you love him? You buy him gifts, come here everyday, know so much about him and your fur was all over a pair of his underwear. I do hope that you youngsters were using protection..." The officer smirked suggestively."We don't have sex. We won't, I'm not gay!" Max howled. The whole room turned to look at him for a second, but turned away when the word that had been said sunk into their head. "Whatever you say Max. " The officer said with the same smirk leaving her face slowly, "I'll leave that out of my casefile, but thanks to that there is a new angle on this case. Would you like to see him?"Once more, Max's body stopped functioning. He nearly collapsed. It couldn't be true, it had to be devilry, she had to be lying. He'd asked that question every day, stood outside his door, pestered the staff and even offered to help out for the chance to see Lyall, but he'd always been told 'no.' Too young, not well or too desirous for his own good was what the nurses had said to Max, what did the latter even mean?"See Lyall?" He croaked with an elixir of every emotion possible behind his voice. He wanted to see Lyall badly, so badly that he had begun thinking about breaking into his room or getting himself hurt. Yet, on the other hand, he was afraid. He was worried that he'd step inside of the room and he'd flat line, or that Max would knock out a cable and cut off his food supply. Even worse, he was terrified that Lyall wouldn't be Lyall anymore; Max ,both as a person and physically had changed, his fur and amounts of pubic fur were two examples. Would Lyall have had to undergo the same changes as Max: would the rabbit have a beard, a mustache, sideburns?Or would near death have preserved his body?"Who

else?" The officer asked rhetorically. "Unless you want to see some poor rhino with tuberculosis?"As in now? Right now? I get to see Lyall!?" Max asked with rising excitement."Well you have been cooperative, it's only fair that we let you see him now. But I will have to come with you." Max's mood dropped, he wouldn't be able to get away with kissing Lyall or confessing to everything he'd done since the incident. "That's alright... I just want To see him.""Look. If you don't want me to be in there with you, the only other option is to wait until he wakes up. It should be any day now, so you won't have wait long.""How long?""We don't know. No fur knows, that's the thing about comas; it could be days it could be years." The officer shrugged. "But there's a very, very low chance of it being a year or more. A month? Possibly, but anymore than that isn't likely." She added before Max could have yet another breakdown."Would I be able to give him this gift?" Max asked as he lifted up the plastic bad slightly and placing it on his lap."Ahh.... I should have guessed that you'd have a birthday present for him.""Yeah.... I didn't get to see him this morning, so I didn't get to wish him happy birthday." Max smiled, wondering how Lyall would react if he woke up to find all of his gifts. "Has anyfur else gotten him a gift? No fur's bought him a CD have they?""No. I don't think so. There's been a few shirts... and a cake. A new pair of trainers as well, but nothing like a CD.""Good." Max beamed. "Can we get going now?" He asked as he sprung up onto his paws and offered a forepaw for the officer to take."Don't run too fast, the nurses are just begging for an excuse to throw you out." The feline chuckled as she took Max's forepaw and pulled herself to a standing position. "Thank you." She smiled before beginning with a slow pace. "Now don't go ahead, the nurses might think that you're not with me." The fox dropped back to her side, ahead by only the tip of his shoe. Max incessantly trod on her heels when he moved behind her, he occasionally made her stumble or accidentally bumped into her entirely, but the officer would only laugh at the impatient vulpine."I'm glad that you're enthusiastic to see him, but honestly he won't be going anywhere." She stated. "Don't worry when you see him, he's actually doing better than the nurses are expecting. There are.... a lot of machines around him. Don't get mad and smash them, they're helping him to recover." "I'm not stupid, I wouldn't do that.""But you do have.... Actually, never mind. We're here." She said as she opened the door to Lyall's room. Max burst past her, gliding across the laminated floor, and was at the rabbit's side within the millisecond. He didn't stand around and look at the surroundings as per usual, he wanted to speak to Lyall. "Hi." He whispered softly as he sat down on the green arm chair and

touched Lyall's forepaw with care; it was cold, but his pulse was still there. The black rabbit was breathing normally, his chest moved up and down beneath the sky blue shirt. Despite all this, Max suddenly felt enervated; Lyall seemed so.... dead.Max was almost enthralled by Lyall's appearance. He hadn't changed a bit, or at least not by much. His head furs had grown slightly, but it was hard to notice since his hair had been pushed behind his head, so that I didn't get in the way of the machines. He was beautiful, not a single thing about him was disheveled or stained. There was a clear, sacrosanct tube lying just under his nose, going horizontally across his face and behind his head. His arms were covered in wires as well and a heart beat monitor to his right kept the nurses informed. Max couldn't read any of the machines, so didn't pay any attention to them. So long as he doesn't flatline... Max thought to himself. That possibility seemed almost impossible, Lyall looked too healthy to just die.His raven black fur had a slight luster to it, but when Max ruffled Lyall's fur with his forepaw he saw the pallid skin beneath. "Is-is he supposed to be pale?!" He cried to the officer who nodded calmly. She was inspecting a pot of flowers that rested on a side board in the corner of the room. There were also several ecclesiastical ornaments, each was emblazoned by  fancy designs and portraits of the cross. "He nearly died, I'd be worried if he wasn't pale." She chuckled. "Sorry. Bad luck to mention death." She frowned, "Don't worry about him. Put your gift down for him and say a few words, you're not supposed to be in here."Max squeezed Lyall's forepaw, the rabbit twitched and Max nearly jumped backwards. "He-he-h-""Twitched? Blinked? Opened his eyes? Gave you a squeeze back?" The cat questioned. "That doesn't mean anything. He'll do that sometimes...""Oh." Max responded as he stood up, still smiling at seeing Lyall move. He placed his gift down on the table and pushed it as far back as possible. "Do you think that he'll see it if it's back here?" He asked."Yeah. He'll see, if not the nurses will pass it to him." The officer informed Max as she took out a newspaper and sat on the sideboard, reading it. "Go on. Kiss him on the forehead and speak to him, maybe he'll respond."Slightly annoyed by the cat's teasing, Max shuffled away and sat back in the chair. He took Lyall's forepaw in his and rubbed the rabbit's palm. "Hey." He said awkwardly. "Shit... sorry that wasn't a good introduction. Ah fuck that sounded stupid.... I'm not good at this. Er... Miss?" The fox asked as he raised his voice to catch her attention. "Yes?""What do I say to him?""Anything! I don't know!" The cat responded, sounding very annoyed. "I'm not good at sweet or sensitive.""Well neither am I!" Max rumbled."Sorry for shouting, Lyall." Max apologized to the lifeless rabbit and gave him

another squeeze, there was no twitch this time. Max sighed. "Well.... There's a gift for you on the side board, it's a CD. I know that you like the band, and they released a new CD a few days ago. I thought that you'd want it, since you were going crazy about it before...." Max's voice broke. "Fuck..." He said under his breath. "Anyway... I beat up Quinn." Max whispered. "He didn't cry... And... And don't listen to the crap he said. I sent those messages as reverse psychology, I love you still.""Hurry up Max!" The officer said as she stood up suddenly. "It's almost ten already, you need to go home.""Sorry I need to go." Max blurted out impatiently, his head shot forwards and collided with Lyall's as he tried to kiss him. "Sorry." Max repeated and pecked the rabbit on the forehead.In the exact moment that Max turned away Lyall mumbled something. "Fox..." His weak, guttural, drunken voice said so quietly that Max almost didn't here him. Max whipped around and stood in shock. "He said fox!" Max cried out as a frisson over came him. "He said fox!" He repeated nearly cavorting. "Miss!""Max. Go on and wait outside, by my car. I'll drop you at your home." The officer said quickly, pointing to the door. "Seriously a nurse is coming down the corridor and if you don't go now, you won't be allowed to come back." Max took one more look at Lyall, scrunched up his fingers and toes feeling harried. "Fuck it." He said to himself and kissed Lyall once more before scarpering out of the room with speed tantamount to how he entered.Sighing, the officer walked over to Lyall's bedside and stood over him for a moment. Lyall's frail voice spoke once more. He asked with eyes half open: "Who was that?"Thanks For Reading!Sorry that it took so long and I'm sure that half of those facts about comas were completely wrong. As always, tell me if you spot any mistakes! ^_^Story, Characters and Locations ¨© Kalebthecat