Phantom Chronicles Chapter 13

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#14 of Phantom Chronicles Season 1 -Complete-

Hey folks! Here is chapter 13! As always thanks :iconAtriusBloom: for editing and :iconGwanaaj Maji Manidoo: for being a great mate!


School was doing alright, it was nice having a normal school day for once, especially after all the chaos all of us had been through. Howie was taking everything surprisingly well thankfully once he had time to mull everything over in his head. He certainly handled things better than I did but Howie was always a pretty solid guy. Part of the reason we were such good friends, he was actually remarkably insightful despite being such a goof.

I was kinda bored however, it was AP Chemistry, my last class before gym... normally I loved the class but right now my mind was pulled in several directions so my focus wasn't really 100% on the lecture, it wasn't helped by the fact it was a good bit ahead of the rest of the class (Yay genius intellect!) So it wasn't really necessary anyway.

'So Dil, did you notice that Ben seemed worried about something this morning?' Cosmo asked me curiously. My little shoulder angel had been pretty talkative today which was funny because he normally wasn't near as chatty as Ben's Suzaku. I just let out a shrug, yeah he had looked anxious about something, probably those weirdos we saw yesterday as well as Casper, that guy gave me the creeps and it was damn clear he wasn't a normal Shadow.

'I've noticed yeah, probably worried about Casper and those guys we saw yesterday... No clue who those guys are or what they're planning and adding a powerful Shadow like Casper makes things more worrying. He mentioned something called 'Il Fratellanza' The Brotherhood... Could there be more Rinato like Casper? And what do they want?' I said to him mentally. 'Bah, everything is so confusing... and I got Gym next ugh...' I said doing a face plant on the desk, I REALLY hated gym! I frankly sucked at anything regarding athletics because I was so damn clumsy. It's a wonder I was even passing, let alone getting an A in the class. (Probably a good thing gym was based more on the actual skill.)

'It'll be okay, so does clumsiness run in your family or something? Your Dad is very clumsy himself it seems?' I just shrugged at that. 'I knew very little about his family, hell, I didn't even know his actual last name he took was moms name.' I said as I briefly glanced towards the smartboard. 'Every time I've tried asking about his life in Montreal he either clammed up or changed the subject. But I wonder how similar our powers are? Since we're both Lumiere? He handled himself well against those Snow Leopard Shadows at home.' I said before turning my attention towards the clock.

'I'm surprised you waited so long to take gym, why did you?' Well that was the million dollar question huh? Why did I wait so long? Ben had taken it as soon as he entered 10th Grade but I had pretty much all AP courses so I couldn't squeeze it in... and I kept on putting it back and putting it back...

'Because I hate sports, I suck at them because I'm so damn clumsy it's embarrassing and if physical education was not mandatory for graduation I wouldn't have even bothered and of course I got stuck with Glen and Louis which makes me hate it even more. Steve is okay he doesn't bother me as much when I fall but yeah, Ben's probably just worried about Casper and his group so no big deal.' I told him as I looked towards Sunny. The petite rabbit was looking just as bored as I felt, though she always looked bored. Despite knowing her since middle-school I knew almost nothing about her. Which was strange, I knew just about everybody pretty well. But not her, though she had always been pretty secretive.

Not that I hadn't tried though, I had tried plenty of times but she had always rebuked my attempts of being friendly and she was never very interested in interacting with others even though she was wicked smart and would probably get along great with everyone if she tried but that was Sunny though her name being what she wasn't.

Finally though the bell rang signaling the end of class. I noticed Lizzie packing up her things and headed off but not before giving me a friendly wave, the girls might be a bit much a lot of the time (especially their crush on Ben) but all three were truly good friends. Too bad Ben would rather go up against a hoard of Shadow's than spend time any amount of time with any of them. Maybe then he would see they weren't pure evil. Seizing the chance however I walked up to Sunny and greeted her cheerfully. Maybe today would be the day she would play friendly? Was always worth a try eh? I certainly thought so.

"Hey Sunny! Had a good day so far?" She just gave me a weary look, probably not really willing to talk but I kept on all the same. I always tried being friends with everyone after all (Well except for the bastard duo they were the shining exception to that.)

"My day has been absolutely unremarkable Dillon. We share all but one class together you know exactly how my day was." She told me bluntly but I preserved, I was determined to get her friendly! If Ben never gave up on anything I'd be damned if I would!

"Still polite to ask eh? You sleep well? Hope doesn't bother you too much does she?" Sunny just shrugged in an indifferent fashion before grabbing her things and placing them in her bag before walking away without answering. 'Well that went well...' I thought to myself before shaking my head and headed off to gym.


Gym went like it often did, we played soccer again and thankfully I wasn't on Glenn's team this go around though I was once again regulated to goalie duties and I was seriously praying that Glenn and Louis stayed well away from me, I really didn't want to meet Roy's fate and I knew they would do it on purpose since they were such assholes and I really, REALLY doubted I could stop Ben from going apeshit on them. Thankfully though gym ended without anyone getting maimed and me embarrassing myself (I hate gym, have I mentioned that before? I must have! Because I really hate gym!)

As I walked towards my room I decided that I should probably attend archery club, so I could keep my skills sharp in case of a fight, we never knew when we would get called out into a mission or when those guys would make their move against us which was nerve wrecking! So archery it was! Ben was probably at practice by now anyway so I managed to get my bow in peace before heading towards the archery field which happened to be quite close to the football field. The school grounds were surprisingly large considering we were in Harlem but it was an old school. The archery field was walled off so no one would get hurt by any stray arrows. There was plenty of targets a ways back. And there was a stand where you stood to shoot your arrows.

Once I arrived I saw that the rest of the group was there talking amongst themselves, some were getting their bows out of the case while others were notching up arrows and aiming before firing! The club itself was rather small, only about 20 people but it was fun and unlike gym I was damn good at it if I say so myself! I always loved it! Almost as much as Ben loved basketball but I doubted anyone could love anything more than he loved his sport.

Tery was the first person to notice me of course, the slightly portly stoat smiled kindly at me and gave me a cheerful wave as I walked up to him bow in hand.

"There you are Dillon! How've you been? Heard you had a crazy week back home that true?" I just sighed and nodded. Tery McManus was one of the few non-American students in Fairbanks, being an Irish export he was a good guy and very passionate about archery and a damn good shot. He was straight sadly though but I still jokingly flirted with him from time to time but it was all in good fun really, nothing at all serious.

"You have no idea..." I murmured as I got my bow out. "You really have no clue at all!" I said as I found a free target before I notched an arrow and took aim before firing a bullseye. It felt nice, being able to shoot a bow without crazy shadow monsters trying to eat you. It reminded me of just why I got into the sport. It took focus and dexterity to do this and I didn't need to run around either which was a plus. And it gave me something to do when Ben went to his basketball camp as well. Because Ben always did basketball camp during the summer. I had managed to shoot three other arrows before Tery spoke up again.

"So, excited for graduation? What are your plans? I'm going back to Ireland for Uni, you're still banking on NYU if I remember correctly right?" I just nodded before notching another arrow before firing. That was my hope of course though I still didn't have a clue what I wanted to major in honestly, it was bothering me actually.

"I guess I am can't believe we're seniors, it feels like time really has flown by hasn't it? But yeah NYU is my dream, I want to stay in the city, I love it here."

"It's lovely yeah! Dublin is very pretty also maybe you and Zideke can come and visit one day? He's Czech right? He ever think about taking a trip there? Does he have many family there?" I winced at that, Ben never spoke about his Czech family from what I gather his great-grandparents fled Czechoslovakia during the annexation.

"A good portion of his family were killed in the holocaust... I'm not sure how many survived." I explained, that had always been a big no-no around Benji, asking about his family back in Europe. We had learned that the hard way when we had an ancestry assignment for school. I was doing my Mom's and he was going his Dad's side but Benji completely refused to help us with it.

"Ben's Jewish?" Tery asked surprised. "I never knew that. I thought he went to church with you?"

"He does, he isn't Jewish, his Grandfather Benjamin converted shortly after joining the army, he served in Vietnam after all, from what I gathered he had suffered nightmares for years and made Ben swear he would never join the military... Ben and him were very close after all. Besides, in Judaism lineage is matrilineality... passed by the mother and his mother isn't ethnically Jewish either." I said wiping away any stray tears that formed in my eyes. I really missed the guy...he was the grandfather I never had. Hell, the first thing he did when he found out I was gay was hug me and tell me that he had my back and he would deal with anyone saying bad things about me personally.

"Oh, I heard his grandfather had passed away while you guys were home, he has my condolences and be sure to give them to him. I'd give him them myself but he quite frankly terrifies me." I just let out a sigh at that.

"He isn't that scary, honestly, he's just a grump but overall a harmless one. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it." I told him defensively, Ben despite being the star of the basketball team was more feared than liked because of his grumpiness and temper but he had a heart of gold really, if only more people could see that. Tery just smiled and shook his head lightly.

"I'll trust you on that but do pass on my regards okay?" I just sighed and nodded before continuing with my practice. I wonder how Ben is holding up?


"Get your head back in the game Zideke!" The couch shouted as I rubbed my head after getting nailed by the basketball because I was so distracted. Today had not been a very good practice day... My mind just wasn't in the game today as that was pointed out. Hell, all day I couldn't just shake the feeling of dread in my stomach. We still hadn't gotten any info from Boss about those weirdos and Casper scared me... He was powerful, extremely so. Just feeling his aura made me sweat and he was undoubtedly the master of those god damn snow leopard shadows, even if they were easier with flight they still were a pain.

"Sorry, been distracted..." I mumbled as I got up and brushed myself off. I had gotten brained pretty good but I would be better in a few minutes. "Things have been crazy these past few weeks so I'm not 100% sorry Coach." The grumpy feline just sighed and waved me off. I was his star player which generally gave me a nice bit of levity in terms of things thankfully.

"It's alright Zideke, just go sit on the bleachers for a bit, I'll get someone to take you to the nurse and see if you have a concussion okay?" I just nodded, I highly doubted I had one. I wasn't hit THAT hard but I knew it was usually best not to argue with him unless you wanted to do 50 laps and and 100 pushups. So I did as he bade while he took hold of Twitch who had been the one to accidentally brain me.

"Wallace! Since you were the one who knocked him down I expect you to take him to the nurse do I make myself clear?" He said in a firm tone. Twitch just nodded while everyone else watched with interest. Sighing he walked up towards me and waved me forward so we could go. Getting up we both left the gym.

"Sorry I brained you, I thought you'd catch it." He explained, "but you were obviously a thousand miles away." I just shrugged I kinda was really. "Patterson doing better? He seemed fine when I saw him this morning. Said he felt great." Yeah, he definitely looked better, at least I thought so. Dil had proven himself to be a difficult read sometimes.

"I know it was Glenn and Loius that hurt Dil." I told him bluntly which caught him off guard. He flinched lightly, obviously surprised by my admission.

"Guess he told you huh..." Twitch stated aloofly. "Surprised he kept it for so long, I told him myself he was an idiot to defend his bullies, I mean who does that?" He stated calmly before shaking his head. "So what now? I'm surprised you haven't smashed them into the ground by now." I just growled at that I so BADLY wanted to do that but I promised Dil... FUCK! Oh well, if they hurt him again then I really would let them have it! They would be charbroiled once I was done with them I bet you that!

"Trust me, the only reason they aren't in the morgue right now is because Dil made me promise not to hurt them but mark my words Twitch if they hurt them again all bets are off so keep those two on a tight leash you here me Twitch? I like you, you are a good guy even if I think you need serious help but I will beat them down, nobody hurts Dil on my watch!" I snarled.

"He asked you not to hurt them... Either Patterson is running for sainthood or he really is FAR too nice for his own good..." The tall rabbit said in an amazed tone. "I'll try Zideke but I can't guarantee anything, those two have had it out for Patterson for years and neither are particularly bright either... But hopefully I can stop them, tell Patterson thanks though, he isn't so horrible... for a queer at any rate." He said before I punched him in the arm as payment for that remark.

Eventually though we finally reached the nurse who unsurprisingly said I was okay though she advised me to take it easy for the rest of the day. Which I accepted, today was looking to be an off day since I believed Hope said she would handle Reaping duties and would only call if she needed it but that was unlikely. Once we got back practice was pretty much over. Once I showered I started back towards my room. Once I entered I saw that Dil wasn't around and his bow was missing as well, must have went to the archery range I figured.

Laying down on the bed I sighed, what a long fucking day, I was bored and I really was hoping Hope would send me a call, but I was broken from my thoughts when I felt a sudden chill before getting up. Shifting into my Reaper form I quickly went up to the roof and saw a red cloaked figure standing there.

"Bout time you showed up!" The figure teased. "I was about to send my Asassino's to fetch you Zideke!" The figure teased lightly. "I hate waiting after all! But thankfully that wasn't necessary am I right?"

"Casper!" I snarled out while brandishing my sword. "Why are you here!? Up for a fight?" He just laughed an awful cold laugh before shaking his head. He looked almost amused at my actions, as if i was a silly child or something!

"You wouldn't last five minutes puppy, no, I came to warn you." He stated as he removed the hood of his cloak showing his face. "Being that I'm on babysitting duty I found it a good time to point out the spirit mafia is planning something big!" He said in a wicked fashion. "As I've been assigned as your babysitter I can't let you go in unprepared! Oh no! You are far too important to my little group." The leopard stated coolly as he leaned on his scythe not even changing expressions.

"Little group? Spirit Mafia? What are you talking about?" I cried out in confusion. Who was this asshole!? Who did he work for? He obviously wasn't a lone agent. "Wait though... I thought those guys are your friends? Why are you selling them out to me?" Casper just rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if annoyed that he needed to explain everything.

"Friends? More like stupid pawns willing to sell their souls for power, disgusting right?" He growled out angrily before quickly calming himself down. "But you, you are special!" He said with a wicked smile his black eyes flashing manically which gave me the willies. "Unfortunately however I must go, can't spend all day talking with you! Got other matters to attend to so long hot stuff! And be a good puppy while I'm gone!" He smiled before he opened a portal but right before flashing me another vicious smile. "But I'd hate to leave you alone! Oh no, I'm going to leave you plenty of company!" He shouted as he summoned roughly twenty of those damn snow leopard shadows and three jellyfish shadows. "Hope my Assassins are good enough ciao! Oh and no calling for help! I'll know!" With that he disappeared into the darkness leaving me alone with those Shadow's.

"Oh fuck.." I mumbled as I quickly got into the air just in time to dodge several chain sickles aimed at me. 'This isn't good..." I mumbled looking at all of them. I had never had to take this group by myself... where is everybody!?


Practice was going very well, it was nice talking to Tery, he was a nice guy and we got along well enough right now he was talking about how he hated that he kept on being mistaken for British, which apparently was rather common it seemed much to his chagrin.

"You have no idea how bloody annoying it is! Are Americans THAT ignorant of geography!" He fumed a bit, I kinda tuned him out honestly though, I'd heard this rant several times as I had it memorized basically, everyone else had already left so it was just us two at the range. I was ready to head back and get my homework done for the day but just as I was about to snap my case close I noticed a large amount of shadows starting to condense all around us. Even Tery felt it as he started to break out in a cold sweat.

"Wha-whats going on... It got so... Cold all of a sudden.." He cried out shivering. My paw was already on my choker ready to transform but I needed Tery out of the way, he'd just be a distraction which I couldn't have, I was still new to Shadow slaying and I didn't think I could divide my attention that far. So I swiftly turned towards him, my face stern as I started to tell him to get out of here.

"Get out of here!" I ordered him as I grasped my choker tightly, Tery looked like he was about to protest but my glare swiftly silenced him, without saying a word he quickly ran as best as he could and once I was sure he was out of sight I swiftly changed into my spirit form and quickly brandished my bow and already notched an arrow and was ready to fight. "You guys wanna play? Then let's play!" I shouted out as around twenty shadows spawned around me. 'Well this isn't good...' I thought nervously, I still was pretty green in terms of fighting and my few experiences with these Shadow's weren't fun but I held firm.

"Okay let's go!" I cried out as I started my fight.


Today had been nice for Hope, she had managed to get even more sightseeing in during the day, she was still amazed at how much there was to see and do around here. She had tried to convince her ironically named roommate to join but the bunny had harshly refused her and both the boys had their own thing leaving her alone. It wasn't so awful. The boys could be gross (But then again so were most adolescent boys and she figured that hopefully the two would finally just fuck already. Lord knew they were going to sooner or later but it was driving her a bit mad at how STUBBORN those two were!)

Sighing she looked around again. At the moment she was in 5th Avenue window shopping at all the gorgeous clothes. While the Reapers had their own fashion scene it wasn't near as massive as the ones in the mortal world. So many pretty clothes! Was a shame that she probably couldn't afford half of the things in those stores but it never hurt to look.

She was really starting to like it in the mortal world. And Ben wasn't COMPLETELY obnoxious so being his puppy-sitter wasn't terrible but she did kinda miss Ed. Maybe she should call him later? But all her thoughts were broken when she noticed that the shadows had began to condense at several points all around the crowded avenue.

"No... not here!" She mumbled to herself. It was WAY too crowded to fight them safely, especially since she knew any repairs would be taken from her earnings which wasn't good either not to mention the civilians being collateral. Boss would have her head if anyone got killed during the fight and she had seen what happened to people who accidentally got mortals killed it wasn't pretty and most never recovered from the shame it brought. Her mind immediately made up, Hope rushed towards central park there should be enough space to fight there.

She could feel that the shadows were following her, not yet fully forming but she kept on, it was a large number from what she could sense which was odd, large Shadow groups were extremely rare. Finally though she managed to find a relatively deserted part.

"Okay if you assholes want a fight I'll give you one!" She cried out holding her staff.


'Ben watch out!.' Suzaku cried as I managed to barely dodge another chain sickle thrown at me. I had taken down at least three or four of those bastards but it wasn't fun. These weren't those weak feral shadows these guys were much stronger especially in groups.

"Will you fuckers just die already!" I snarled while sending more tiny fireballs to hit them, strong enough to damage them but not strong enough to damage the roof... Really didn't want to cause collateral damage especially since it came out of my own pay. Naturally the Shadows said nothing, instead opting to roar out while slinging their weapons at me which only struck my barrier. Swiftly I swooped down and sliced at one killing it easily but had to get right back up into the air before the others could slice me up. 'Five kitties down only fifteen more to go... joy...' I thought to myself as I dodged another torrent of ice spikes. "You guys seriously suck!" I complained as I took down two of them by skewering two of them on my sword.

"Stupid Casper!" I mumbled as I managed to dodge another flurry of ice. "Seriously! Die already!" I said before charging my sword. "Gale Slash!" I cried out while slashing my sword out letting out a massive wind blade which took out four more of them at once. "Close... just need to stay focused and calm!" I mumbled as I sliced up several more shadows until there were only about five or so left. By then I was gasping in exhaustion, it was seriously hard fighting all of these guys all at once but I was getting there. 'I won't lose!' I quietly resolved. 'I can't lose.. I can't leave Dil.'

'This is crazy! I've never seen so many Shadows! But what did Casper mean? What was the warning for?' Suzaku squawked once again.

'Have no clue! We can figure THAT out when these guys are dead!' I mentally shouted as I began to heat up the air around me. During my training sessions with Hope I had learned a few more tricks and this was one of my favorites. "Incineration Burst! !" I cried out before setting all the air on fire and swiftly killing the remaining Shadows.

However I had used the last of my strength and I could feel myself begin to lose consciousness. I had barely made it to my room before I had passed out completely. The one problem with that move was that it took a lot out of me... just as I was slipping off into dreamland I briefly prayed that Dil and Hope were okay, and if they had been ambushed as well. The very last thing I saw before darkness was Casper's smarmy grin... I was going to knock that smirk off his face! That was the last thought before I let myself fully fall into dreamland.


"Damn Shadows go away! Flèche sacrée!" I shouted as I blasted several light arrows into my foes swifty slaying several of them. Running to a safe distance I took time to address my wounds. I had several cuts across my body and several tears in my clothes from where the Shadow's had scraped me with their blades but it wasn't anything a bit of peroxide couldn't handle. However I didn't get to rest for very long because I was forced to dodge another attack from the Feline Shadows.

"You guys just will not give do you?" I complained while notching arrows and hitting my enemies. Sadly my base arrows did little against them which was annoying. "That's it!" I shouted as I began to charge my arrow with a bit of electricity. "Let's see how you like this! Flêche de foudre!" I cried out and released the electrified arrow which swiftly hit and subsequently electrocuted around five of them causing them to fade out as those strange lights from before floated towards me and entered my chest.

Just what were those things? And why did I feel stronger with each and every light I absorb? Shaking those thoughts off I quickly focused back on my enemies. Their numbers were slowly starting to fall and the ones left were pretty banged up from my arrow spamming but it wasn't over yet sadly, even I knew that. So with a deep breath I got back up and notched several more arrows in my bow before letting them fly. The archery range was damaged pretty badly, holes were everywhere and several targets were broken but those could be fixed so I wasn't completely worried.

The fight lasted for a few moments longer before the last Shadow faded away and leaving me exhausted. As I rested against one of the poles I was once again wondering what was going on, It wasn't normal for so many high powered Shadow's to congregate all at once and I swore I felt several large spikes in Spiritual energy all across the city.

I just hoped Ben and Hope were okay, because I had a feeling this wasn't a random attack, it felt far too planned and organized and I bet Casper was involved, those Shadow's were the ones flanking him yesterday after all. All these questions filled my brain as I swiftly rushed towards my room, I was exhausted and it would probably be best not to pass out in the range. Thankfully I managed to reach our room and closed the door just as my powers faded and I face planted into my bed as all went black.


Hope just panted as she watched the last of the Shadows fade away, she had never seen such a large group of high level Shadows attack in unison before. Even the times she and Ben had fought those Shadows it was often far lower but over twenty Shadows had attacked her. That was nearly unheard of. Picking up her phone Hope swiftly dialed Boss, hoping that he would have answers as to what was going on!

Her phone range five times before she finally got an answer, it was Julie who answered naturally, Boss rarely took calls directly himself and the other woman sounded quite concerned judging by her worried sounding tone.

"Hope? I was just about to call you myself... are you okay? Our sensors detected a massive influx of Shadows around the city including at Fairbanks Academy, is everything okay?" Hope just shook her head, she knew she had sensed several other large spikes in Shadow activity but she wasn't able to pinpoint exactly where those spikes were. Hearing it was at the school was quite worrisome. Especially since she knew for a fact that Ben and Dil were there.

"Any word from Ben or Dil?" She asked worriedly. She had gotten attached to those two and if anything happened it would've been her fault if they got hurt since it was her who got them mixed up in all this.

"Benedict and Dillon are both fine." She offered. "Both took out their own groups of Shadows before passing out in their rooms. The Rinato you had mentioned, Casper had also made contact with young Benedict shortly before the attacks, though what was said is currently unknown." 'Casper contacted Ben? Why?' Hope thought in confusion. It was odd enough that a Rinato would even be spotted in the living world but of all people to make contact with Ben? Why him of all people?

"Really? I'll ask Ben about it later, did you guys find anything on the 'Spirit Mafia' I told you about? Any names? Information at all? They definitely knew about Reapers, and if they are indeed mediums we should have files on them."

"I've looked all through the database but unfortunately there are no records of such a group and since their bodies were covered we have no way to properly identify them with our records." Julie replied professionally. "Whoever they are this group thrives in complete anonymity." 'Well that wasn't good...' Hope mused, how could such a large seeming group completely escape their notice for who knows how long... all this was making Hope very nervous, especially with Casper running amok. Was he the one who set the Shadow's after them? Those Shadow's DID flank him yesterday...

"Alright, thanks Julie, keep me posted if you find anything okay?" Hope said in a formal manner, Julie agreed in her typical professional tone before hanging up. 'This can't be good...' Hope thought as she headed back towards the school. 'Massive Shadow attacks, a Rinato contacting Ben directly and a mysterious group of rogue Mediums which we know absolutely nothing about...' Sighing Hope once again shook her head, it wouldn't do to lose her head right now, the current agenda would obviously be getting back to school and checking up on the boys and make sure they were okay, and ask Ben just what Casper wanted... with all that in mind Hope swiftly started her way back towards the school hoping she could find at least some answers there.


Howie just shivered to himself in his room, he was still a bit shaky from earlier. He knew for a fact that he had sensed a bunch of those scary Shadow things popping up around the school, though they seemed to have been taken out rather quickly, considering there presence had vanished not very long after they first appeared.

Probably taken out by Ben and Dil since he had sensed their prescience as well. As cool as the Reaper thing was, those Shadows terrified him. He still hadn't gotten over his first encounter with them, and he definitely hoped that he wouldn't have any more because quite frankly he got lucky. He knew he couldn't rely on Ben or Dil to bail him out if he got attacked once again. Sighing he shook his big head, all this was crazy really.

Shadows, Reapers and Mediums, all those were comic book stuff in his mind, finding out all that was real was pretty damn awesome in a sense, even if it was terrifying as well.

"Get it together Howie..." The bear muttered to himself once again, he had been mumbling like this to himself ever since those Shadow's showed up. His roomie was off somewhere, probably banging some chick. He had been planning on asking Christina Audrey out today but that had been derailed by his freakout. "Maybe I should see if Ben and Dil were okay? I hope they weren't hurt while fighting those monsters." He said before getting up.

He briefly sniffed himself, he had been working out today, since football season was over he didn't get much practice so he spent a lot of time in the weight room so he wouldn't go soft. He was banking on that football scholarship, he couldn't risk getting out of shape, especially with his future on the line. He winced though, he stank! If he was going to find those two it would probably be best to shower especially since Dil hated it when he was smelly and sweaty because he was a massive germophobe (seriously, he had seen his and Ben's room, it was spotless and his room at home was even cleaner!)

With that in mind he gathered some clean clothes before he headed towards the bathroom. While he stripped he thought of just how good the pussy he had fucked at the party felt. It was so tight and juicy and tasted awesome! Especially when she came and squirted her pussy juices on his tongue.

Damn that pussy tasted good, and it was so damn tight! He definitely needed to call her up sometime since she gave him her number before they split. Shaking that away he ignored his throbbing cock, he could fap later right now he really needed to see if they were okay and weren't injured. He knew they had some level of regeneration but he wasn't sure if it had an exact limit.

The shower was quick and then he got dressed in a tee shirt and sweats before heading out. Ben and Dil's room was several rooms down from his own. Being the Senior boys floor there was about 40 guys total and 20 rooms total, two per room. The girls was an identical set up naturally and he had seen the interior of the girls dormitory quite often naturally. Having snuck in there for the occasional nookie.

Once he reached the door he heard snoring, curious he checked to see if the door was locked, when he saw it wasn't he quietly opened the door and peeked inside and saw that both were completely konked out, Ben didn't even stir despite being an infamously light sleeper! Despite being zoned out they both seemed largely fine thankfully, so gently as he could he closed the door and came face to face with a familiar pretty raccoon, Hope he believed her name was?

"Hi..." He stated awkwardly, hot as she was he still found her kinda scary, especially with how eager she was to zap his memory about the Reaper thing. "You checking on them also? They're fine, asleep but otherwise fine." Hope just nodded, and he gradually worked up the courage to ask her what was going on. "What happened earlier? What was with all the shadows? I could feel them from the weight room. Are such large groups normal?"

"No, no they are not, such large groups are virtually unheard of. I don't think I ever encountered so many at once and all three of us were ambushed." She mused lightly. "But you say you sensed them? Pretty impressive for a mortal with the sight."

"The sight?" He asked confused, what was the sight? Sensing his questions Hope swiftly explained herself.

"You know, the sight, being able to see ghosts and the like, like Dil for example. Lumiere's are a special type of Medium but you aren't a Medium you shouldn't have sensed them so keenly." Hope mumbled to herself before shrugging. "Anyway, since I know they are both fine I'm heading to my room see you!" She said before turning around and leaving him alone. Shaking his head Howie was still confused, all his life things had been normal but everything had changed these past few days, hopefully he wouldn't get dragged too deep into this mess though, especially if it meant more contact with Shadows that was the last thing he wanted in all honesty.

Sighing to himself he decided that it was probably best to return to his room... maybe finish fapping? With that in mind Howie swiftly rushed towards him room hoping that his roommate wasn't back yet.


"That was a reckless move boy, you were supposed to only watch Benedict, not show yourself to him." Elwyn complained coolly. "Not only that you sent your Assassins to attack both him as well as the Reaper girl and the Lumiere, as we speak they are probably already starting to put the pieces together do you realize that? You could have put our plans at risk!" I just yawned, this had been going on for ages and Elwyn still wouldn't let it go.

"He survived didn't he? The more he fights the stronger he gets. The stronger he gets the stronger his soul becomes and we need his soul strong correct? For our plans?" Elwyn just nodded, still not happy about my actions obviously though I didn't really care. "Besides, watching him was so boring, and I despise those twits." I muttered thinking of our mortal 'friends'. "Just how greedy do you have to be to align yourself with your natural enemy?"

"Their greed is useful to us however, it gives us a link to the Mortal World which we can use to cover our own actions. However yes, I find them detestable as well, I have fought many Mediums and devoured their souls but at least they fought... but remember all we need is for them to bring Benedict out into the open, while he is under the protection of Joshua we cannot touch him directly. We need a way to drive him out on his own... but how?"

"The feline Lumiere of course," I stated. "Benedict is completely devoted too the housecat. Capture him and Benedict will come running, backup be damned."

"So what do you suggest? That the Mafia abduct Dillon? Hmm, that could indeed work, the boy has been shown to be protective... I will bring this information to the Master, you are dismissed Casper." The jackal said before leaving me alone. In a typical feline fashion I stretched out on the couch I had been sitting on the entire time. Thank gods it was over! I hated it when Elwyn lectured me. It was annoying and it made me feel almost like a child somehow. Elwyn reminded me FAR too much of my Father sometimes especially since he looked around the same age my Dad was when I died.

Deciding it was probably best to get up I slipped off the couch before adjusting my cloak before I left Elwyn's sitting-room. Once I exited it I was in another starkly white corridor. Elwyn's wing of the palace was rather spartan in terms of decorations. A simple black and white tapestry was the most decorative highlight of the hallway. Elwyn had always been odd, I didn't actually know much about him personally. Or at least about his living self. I had tried asking but he had proven very tight lipped about everything. I thought he might have been a Priest in one life? Or maybe even a knight on some obscure holy order? How else would he have such a contradictory power as Dark and Light?

Oh well, eventually though I found myself in my own chambers but frowned when I sensed a foreign presence within them even if it was very familiar. Letting out a sigh I entered my bedchambers and saw a beautiful and very naked female otter laying on my bed. Her fur was so black it was almost blue, and her hair was a soft brown and her eyes were the same black as mine. Her breasts were quite lovely as well and with her legs spread the way they were I could see her glistening pussy quite well. Especially since she was quite gently stroking her sopping clit which brought feelings of arousal in my belly.

"Aw, dear Nadia, what brings you to my bedchambers? And in such a state of undress?" She just gave me a sultry smile. Nadia was *Numero Sei* of our little group and my direct superior being the resident water user. She was also the one who gave me my name when I was reborn as a Rinato.

"I wanted to keep you company, I saw how our *Paladino Oscuro* was giving you a hard time over the Wolfie and thought I could help." I just shook my head, though I was smiling. Our *pirata delll'oceano oscuro* was an amorous woman, not that I was complaining. I was never one to turn down a fuck, it wasn't like female Shadow's could get pregnant. Our lack of souls rendered us sterile and we were completely immune to mortal diseases. So I stripped myself of my robe and other clothing before getting in between her legs. Bending down I gently began to lap at her clit and pussy. Which made her let out a pleased gasp. I had plenty of practice even in life I had gotten plenty of pussy, in both senses of the term. And I always felt pleased to bring so much pleasure just with my mouth and tongue.

Like any good English gent living in London during the Victorian era I was a frequent at many of the brothels that ran within the great city. Much to the chagrin of my Father who sat on the House of Lords. He wanted me to become a Minister funnily enough. But I ignored him naturally, the sex was fun and the majority of the women in my social class were far to stuffy for my tastes.

But all that was before I met my first love, Anthony, aw, was his soul tasty when I devoured it when I became a Shadow, the first I ever ate actually, he was a handsome lynx the sex was quite something but sadly my life crumbled when my father caught us in bed. I was disowned naturally, mid of winter of 1878 and I met my end soon after. But I had more pressings things like the squirming woman who's pussy I was eating out. Aww, the tongue of a feline was always great when giving oral.

I had manage to dig my tongue into her boiling hot depths and purred at her taste. Nadia had always had a particularly tasty pussy. I continued this until she cried out and squirted her delectable pussy juices. I just smiled and continued to eat her out until she pulled me away from it.

"Enough foreplay my pet, fill me with your barbed cock!" She ordered, even during sex she made sure I remembered who was in charge, not that I minded, a strong woman was always a fun fuck after all. So without warning I brutally thrust into her soaking wet pussy making her cry out in joy as I continued to thrust inside her. I loved my barbs I knew exactly how to move and work them so I would scrape in just the right places inside a lover, male or female. This wasn't a particularly long fuck, both of us were quite worked up all told but I got another orgasm or two out of her after I filled her with my spunk. Eventually we did separate and lie on the bed. She just panted into my ear especially as I idly fondled her breasts and sopping wet pussy causing her to hum in delight.

"That was fun, but what made you want to taunt our target?" She asked curiously. "It isn't like you to directly confront a target outside of assassination so what drove you with young Benedict?" While she did so she gently rubbed my belly making me purr.

"If he is indeed the one who can fully restore us he needs to actually survive the Mafia's plots, he's useless to us dead! Also it's just fun messing with him really. His reactions are hilarious."

"So do you ever miss being Olivier Frost?" She asked but frowned when I growled at the mention of THAT name, very few of us Rinato liked being referred to by our mortal names it was usually a touchy subject considering they DIED and lost their souls leaving us in this accursed half life. But Olivier was one person I hated, his weakness for dying 18 years old, born December 21st 1860 and dying December 24th 1878. Right before Christmas, freezing to death in a rancid gutter as the life slowly was squeezed out of me, I still remembered my body being found that day.


It was strange, very strange being transparent. I still felt cold but it didn't bother me all that much, though seeing my iced over body reminded me just what had happened. Freezing to death, I had never felt that cold before nor did I want to. The cold was awful and got worse and worse until I fell fully into the darkness and here I was merely a phantom hovering over my corpse. No golden gates or even burning agony just floating, I wasn't sure if I was relieved or disappointed by this revelation. Either way it was quite disconcerting seeing my own corpse. It was pretty early in the morning and I had floated until some wench wound up accidentally tripping over it and screamed bloody murder when she saw it bringing our several men out from what looked like a small church.

One of them, a chubby Norwegian Forest Cat wearing a clerical collar, a Norwegian blooded immigrant perhaps? His hair was the typical gold you'd expect a Scandinavian even if he was quite portly. The feline just sighed sadly before he moved to close my eyes which had been left open at my death before praying.

"Poor lad, barely an adult and dead. Wonder if he suffered much? The poor thing." He said before looking directly at me before shaking his head before turning towards the lion next to him. "Take the boy in the church Freddy, we'll at least give him a proper burial. And comfort Melissa once you finish that."

"Isn't that the Frost boy?" The lion said as he picked up my body. The preacher just shook his head sadly at his question.

"It doesn't matter now does it? Just a body now, but come let us clean up the body and pray for the poor lost soul." The man said as he stepped inside the Church. I followed them inside the church. It was a rather shabby church, obviously a church for the more destitute Londoners obviously. They took my body into the Pastor's personal chambers, an even shabbier room with a tiny bed. Gently the lion placed me onto a cloth covered table.

Without a word the Pastor went to work and started to brush my fur to get the ice out and after a few minutes he managed to have my frozen corpse look halfway presentable. After a brief prayer he had the lion wrap me up in the same cloth and they left the church and eventually soon after I found myself buried in a small unmarked grave towards the back of the building. After I was fully buried the lion left leaving me alone with the pastor who did something I didn't think possible.

"I'm surprised you are still here child, normally the cloaked ones would have sent you off." I startled at that, did he just talk to me? How could he even see me? I was dead!

"You... can see me? And what do you mean by the 'hooded ones'?" I asked.

"I can see you quite clear child, God blessed me with the ability to see the dead, I take it as that I can help comfort the soul, let them accept their death so they can pass on easier. At least that is how. How old are you if I may ask?"

"18..." I stated bluntly. "I turned 18 on the 21st."

The man just nodded quietly and sighed. "I'm going to leave you be child, I am sure you will be found soon so I bid you adieu and may your afterlife be gentle." With that the pastor left the graveyard leaving me alone. Being dead sucked... I couldn't believe it, a few days ago I was on top of the world and now I'm floating and my body is in an unmarked grave. Hopefully those guys would come soon...

~~End Flashback~~

"I'll take it as a no then? But won't you be restored as Olivier when your soul is returned?" Nadia asked. I just gave her a shrug, that sounded about right. My soul WAS Oliver's, but I didn't want to go back to being that weakling. I liked being me honestly.

"I don't know," I said as I rolled over away from her. "I guess I will but do we really want to become the people we were? None of us have any family and nowhere to go, where would we go when we get our souls back? Stay in the dark realm?"

"I never thought about it, maybe we can stay here? It's all we know really, but I better be going, good night Casper." With that I was left alone once again. What a day, first being lectured by Elwyn and sex with Nadia. But still, just how would the wolf return our souls? Sure I felt a... presence inside him, but who knew? I felt a similar presence in the housecat though THAT particular presence was quite sinister and unlike Benedict it didn't feel like it was a part of him... no, it was more like whatever it was was imprisoned inside the cat.

Sighing once again I was suddenly overwhelmed by exhaustion. It really had been tiring, doing babysitting. And of course I had another shift tomorrow. Hopefully the Boss will eventually inform us mere plebeians of his grand scheme. That had always annoyed me. The boss never was one to shoot straight. Hell, it was very rare he even bothered to talk with us. It was usually Elwyn who ran things day to day but seeing him more active was strange. Was it because he finally found a way to restore us? Or was he planning something all his own...? Maybe I shouldn't be doubting him, he was the one who had restored at least a semblance of order in this shaded realm. And it was him who brought us all together. I had no reason to doubt him.

Finally deciding enough was enough I sighed and buried my head underneath a pillow so I could sleep without all these questions running through my brain. I shouldn't be doubting the Boss, he's done plenty for our kind but still,everything was still so murky. Oh well, I'm sure things will be revealed shortly, now I just have to sit back and enjoy the show! With all that settled I gradually relaxed and let myself fall in the comforting dreamless sleep.

Phantom Chronicles Chapter 14

~~Ben~~ First thing I really remembered waking up was this obnoxiously bright light and me, being such a light sleeper it drove me nuts because it seriously felt like someone was shining a flashlight right in my face. The whispering was next,...

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXIX

Chapter 39- Fun at School Getting up sucked... or at least Lucas thought so. He had never been a morning person. Not in the least, but he guessed that he could probably relate that to his being a Dark Mage. But in any case this morning he was...

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion: Interlude 4

Interlude 4: The Arrival "The situation in Crosstown has been settled Mr. Palmers we are currently on our way to Greasham." I told the jackal who was sitting on the other side of the screen. The man just nodded in satisfaction, obviously approving of...

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