Project F, Chapter 1 Vacation

Story by Klynolder on SoFurry

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It was another hot July summer, the sun kissing everything with warmth that only a few would enjoy. The very heat warmed the wind modeled waving sands of the dunes. Only to be carried away with the ocean filled breeze along the beach front. There on the beach front, a set of ears belonging to a golden furred canine twitched at the sounds of the crashing waves.

A dingo lay there, letting the sun warm every fiber of a well toned body. The sun giving off golden glows of light that exposed the fine muscular back. Those that did look, found their eyes trailing down the line of the back right to the edge of red border shorts. Just the edge of a very defined rump, and tail was escaping from the shorts. Without a care to the world this dingo just laying there, resting his head on his arms.His right arm supported shaved spots that was covered in some tribal form of tattoo works, and around his neck a hand weaved necklace of some kind.

Laying on the blue beach blanket to the right of the dingo, lay a digital device, to his left appeared to be a standard issue service pistol of some type. Near his foot paws sat a red cooler, a large backpack, and an something most in their right mind would run from screaming at the top of their lungs. A Dragon.

Well over twenty feet, this beast lay there in the sun. His scales the color pure bronze, a massive head crested with horns, and his jaw sporting darker barbed horns akin to that at of a bearded dragon. The nose so feline like buffed out air, the very sound seeming dream like. Along this large beast from his neck to tail grayish blue stripes, matched the underbelly. Every so changing to the color of the sky.

BUZZ!!!! BUZZ!!!! VBUZZ!!!!!

"Dusty, you going to answer that?" Came the rumbling voice of the beast that lay there next to the dingo.

"Nope!" Replied the dingo in the most sarcastic tone he could muster after being woke up.


The digital device made one last buzzing sound, as itself was soon flying, then taking a dip into the ocean water. A pair of golden paws brushed back and forth as if removing something off them.The dingo found himself standing now with a satisfied smirk on his muzzle, then dropped like a sack of potatoes with his head now laying on the dragon's forearm. Crossing one leg over his knee, he noted that his big beast of a friend was eyeing his leg, that was now exposed from the short sliding down. Of which as normal, he smiled and left it alone.

"Did you even look to see who it was?" The dragon's voice now quizzle about the sudden actions. His eyes seeming to smile, with a tilt of his head.

"Now why would I do that, Beleg!" Grinning as if he just asked for dessert before the main meal. Dusty played a paw down his fuzzed covered chest, then letting it rest on his own belly. "We are on vacation, and I plan on it being just that." He winked at the dragon, while reaching up with that same paw and brushed it along the chin of the beast.

Uncaring of who was looking or watching for that matter, the dragon gave his dingo a soft lick along the chest before nuzzling it.

"Welcome to day one of week one!" The dingo giggled to himself warmly, as his right paw now reached for the red cooler. Not that he could see it, but the dingo managed a bottled out of the cooler. "Oi, give us a hand ay mate?"

Beleg raised the tip of his tail up, and snaked it up between the dingo's legs. Allowing it to brush just past the genital parts, that lay hidden inside the border shorts. The dragon smile with his eyes again hearing the male dingo moan softly.

"Thanks!" The dingo whispered out, petting the tail served as a bottle top opener, with the blade like tip.

Winked up at his friend, then turned up the bottle. Cold liquid dribbled down his chin, leaving small trails down his neck.Those small trials now became hunting grounds for a large muscled tongue, that lapped up the liquid very gently. The very touch of it, sent shivers of warmth into the body of the dingo. He felt his muscles relax, and was washed away mentally with a deep rumbling of his dragon. Dusty just lay there, remembering the frist him and this beast meet. The first bonding, that took place and how his life was forever changed. A life he would never give up, and he knew without any shadow of fear. Beleg was changed just as much as he was.

"Bel." Dusty spoke softly, letting his paws hug the dragon's tail close to him. "How bout you and I head back to the hanger? What do ya say?" Dusty's hips grinded against the massive tail that lay between his legs.

"Sure, lets gather all our belongs and fly out." Nodded Beleg in agreement, allowing smooth scales on his tail to glade with friction out from between the dingo's legs. Knowing that each rise of the the sales provided a vibration. A vibration that made the dingo's sheath swell, and was rewarded soft moan.


* * * *


As soon as the sounds of the motorized hanger doors shut. Clicking sounds ecohed as lights came on. The center hanger was once used for aircraft, now served as housing and living areas for dragon's and their riders. All part of the deal made by Central World Government, for front line dragon riders and agencies that used them. This hanger was not as large as Belegs's back home, however it was big enough.

After putting all the stuff that was taken to the beach was put away. Dusty walked over to the south wall of the hanger. The wall was white tile covered, with shower nozzles lined in a row. Dusty stood there looking at the exposed shower, one ear turned to the sounds of Beleg rumbling away. Hearing this, the dingo's mind wandered to that first week he had to live with Nolder. That first week was not he expected, nor did they tell him in basic training what would happen. Dusty's sheath got very warm with the memories, which left him smiling again.

Knowing Beleg was watching, the Dingo made show of letting his thumbs ride down to the border shorts. Allowing them to slide down very slowly, exposing a golden firm rump, that was highlighted with white between the cheeks. As Dusty pulled them down, he turned facing the dragon, whom seemed to have gotten closer.

A massive paw reach out, cupping the dingo by his exposed rump. Easing Dusty back against the wall of the shower.The dingo simply relaxed himself feeling the hot breath of Beleg, how the low growl throbbed in his very bones. It washed over him, as the link was opened between Dusty and Beleg.

The dragon's massive muzzle daintily peeled the rest of the border shorts off. Showing prize he was seeking. Beleg's eyes shifted colors, both the dingo and dragon shared in touches and feelings. The sensual press of dragon's muzzle against the dingo's sheath, a tongue fished into the tight confines forced another moan from Dusty.

Skill of knowing, the beast worked to probe the lining. Coiling around the now swelling knot, sudden warmth buzzed deeply in the dingo's mind. Not holding back at all, Dusty opened the fullness of the feeling to the beast. The dingo's arms hugging against the bridge of the dragon's snout paws dugging in.

Beleg's eyes rolled into the back of his own head, tasting the dingo yet again. Feeling the very touches forced both dingo and dragon into curling paw toes. The air grew warm and hot, Beleg felt the leaking of pre building up between his own legs and tail. Each time the dragon's inner maw and tongue formed to lines of the dingo's member, the dragon's cloaca winked, allowing a tapered tip curling out.

Dusty dug his paws into the dragon's snout bridge moaning. Beleg was fully evoked, his cloaca edges fully open. A heavy musk now filled the air, the full lenght ridged member slide out curled with ridges flared.