Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 29: Jungle Adventure

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#30 of Counter Earth Chronicles

Last Chapter-

The latest story arc came to a close as Alex personally observed the three forms of punishment the empire doles out to very bad humans. That same day, Lurie sensing that Alex is horribly worried about his mistress and that Lea is still having difficulty dealing with her loneliness, invites the two them to attend the Sura concert at the Art Museum in World Two. Excited, Alex blows through his daily chores quickly leaving him a few hours of free time....

Counter Earth Chronicles

Chapter 29: Jungle Adventure

Day 98 continued

The first scene of the film took place at sunset near a raging river in a remote jungle lush, green and teaming with life:

A lone adolescent quadrupedal she wolf emerged from the river completely exhausted. She staggered around dizzily before collapsing onto the ground near its shore soon after emerging. Her small frame conveyed that she was quite thin and apparently suffering from malnutrition. It was amazing that she had managed to cross the river at all.

_After resting for a minute, the brown gaunt she wolf summoned her remaining strength and started to explore this new territory she had stumbled upon just past the river. _

(So hungry. Must eat!)

It appeared that this she beast was hunting for dinner a fact that was amplified by her stomach which was growling quite loudly. She decided to start searching this strange new territory for something to satisfy her hunger and to keep her going.

The she wolf carefully sniffed the air trying to catch the scent of small game, a mouse, rabbit, bird or lizard anything would do- she just wanted her hunger to end- NOW. As she walked through the jungle she caught the sight of that evening's dinner- a jungle hare. Despite being exhausted and extremely hungry- the she wolf summoned the remaining remnants of her strength to pursue her quarry, which darted as soon as it saw the wolf. The she beast wasn't having any of that as she chased after the rabbit through leaves, brush and undergrowth of the jungle.

The rabbit had the advantage- it's speed but made a critical error in judgement- as it was out running the brown wolf and doing quite well, it decided to hide in the base of a moderately sized tree. Perhaps it was growing tired or maybe it thought it could just hide from the she wolf.

When the wolf arrived at the tree, she stuck her paw into the hole at its trunk base and started grasping for the jungle hare- like a magician seeking to pull a bunny out of a top hat. Luck shown brightly on the she wolf that evening as she grabbed it by its ears. The rabbit was shocked that he had been caught by the gaunt brown pelted wolf.

Now the movie was starting to getting interesting! I leaned forward into the viewscreen with my full attention:

"Please, please don't eat me! I have a mate and young I have to look after!" The rabbit pleaded to the she wolf.

"I am sorry to hear that long ears." The she wolf said to the scared rabbit. "Your mate is about to be a widow and your young fatherless. Times are bad for us all- where I come from food is scarce and water even more so. Many of my kind are starving and dying in huge numbers. That is forcing us to go further and further in search of food. Speaking of which, long ears- you are the first thing I have caught all day- a real meal!"

"Please spare me!" The rabbit pleaded. "I don't want to die, I have too much to live for!"

"Sorry long ears you know the order of things here in the jungle. Besides I am weak from hunger and will not have the strength to return back to my territory otherwise." The wolf said to the rabbit.

"You mean you aren't from around here?" The rabbit asked.

"No the she wolf stated."

_"This is Kala the grey panther's territory- and his alone. He doesn't take kindly to other hunters on his grounds. I thought from the sounds of it you were here with his permission." The rabbit said. "If you aren't and he catches you..." _

_"He will what?" The she wolf asked. _

"Well you don't want to know." The rabbit said solemnly.

"Enough long ears! It will be a chance I will have to take." She said placing the rabbit under her right paw."

_Gently she lowered her head and snout to kiss the rabbit who had closed his eyes and had started to shake preparing for the end. _

"What is your name rabbit?" She asked the still cowering hare.

"Who cares? In a moment it won't matter anyway." He replied sobbing.

"It does to me." The she wolf replied.


"Well Clover, I am sorry our paths crossed like this in another reality we might have been friends. Be that as it may, you must die so that I may live. I will honor your sacrifice by making your death quick and painless. Rest assured little hare that your meat will nourish me and insure my survival." The she wolf said to the sobbing rabbit.

"Do you say this to all your prey?!" The rabbit asked.

_"All of them." The she wolf said. As she licked away the rabbits tears. He closed his eyes once again and lowered his head. "I am sorry Clover." The she beast said as she gingerly grasped his neck and with a quick wrench broke it, killing the jungle hare. Upon the creature's demise. The brown wolf started feeding on her evening meal. _

_After devouring Clover, the she wolf came to a shocking conclusion- the jungle hare was not filing at all. In fact the rabbit barely met her needs! She was still hungry- she wanted more, she needed more. Gently she buried the jungle hare's remains in the moist ground and started to sniff the air again. _

(Perhaps I could find Clover's mate or young.)

The brown she wolf thought to herself- despite it being cruel. If she did find Clover's family at least they could be together in the afterlife.

_Just then the she wolf caught a scent- another jungle hare! Just a few paces west of her location. She bounded off into the thick undergrowth out of the camera's view as the brush shook violently. _

Did she find what she was looking for?! In the next instant the brush shook violently again as the brown wolf backpedaled from the undergrowth- her mouth wide open. The look of extreme fear on her face as she was followed by another form a grey male panther who was holding a jungle hare in his mouth.

_The panther was angry. Very angry. He appeared to be twice the size of the adolescent she wolf, his lithe form conveying a slight build. _

"Looking for this?" The panther said tossing the dead rabbit to his side like a rag doll.

_The brown wolf recalled what Clover had started to tell her about the grey panther before she had killed him. She now badly wished she had let him finish. _

She quickly assessed her situation as the panther calmly walked toward her location. What should she do?! In her present condition she was no match for the panther. Come to think of it she was no match for him in any condition. But what could she do? She decided to run. She turned tail and quickly bolted for the river. If she could some how outrun the panther and then cross the river she would be safely out of his territory.

_"Oh a runner!" The panther said trotting after the scared she wolf. _

It appeared he was taking his time pursing the trespasser or maybe since these were his hunting grounds he knew where everything was, every blade of grass, every tree, every bush or maybe the she wolf was going the wrong direction.

It was both. The she wolf took a wrong turn and ran down a different path that ended at a wall of a high promontory overlooking the jungle. It was a dead end and it appeared she was about to be just as dead.

(How the hell could the trio put down this movie?! This is great!)

I couldn't wait to see what happened next:

Seeing she had made a mistake- a big one, the she wolf screamed. "Someone help! Anyone please help me!"

"I think now you know how that jungle hare you killed felt when you caught it. As I have you." The panther whispered into her ear. She turned around to see the grey panther who had cornered her and was moving in on her almost too casually.

"Someone! Anyone! Please Help!" The she wolf screamed.

"There is no one here to help you my dear." The panther responded coldly. "But I did notice that you didn't mind helping yourself to prey on my hunting grounds! In fact, I am growing quite tired of you and others of your kind invading my territory without my permission anytime it suites your needs! That reminds me, that rabbit you killed and ate- Clover was his name? He started to disclose what I do to trespassers on my territory but you devoured him before he could tell you."

_Horrified the she wolf stared at the panther as he closed in our her. "What do you do with trespassers on your hunting ground?" She asked shaking. _

"I punish them, and the punishment for trespassing is DEATH!" The panther hissed as he stared at her- his nose to her nose. "You wolf wench will die to send a message to others of your kind that they are not to invade my hunting grounds or a similar fate will befall them!"

For the first time in her life the she wolf knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of one of her death speeches and she now knew how Clover felt when she gave him his.

The she wolf dropped to the ground, cowered and wept at the panther's paws. "Please kind sir! I came to your hunting grounds because I was hungry! Very hungry! Food and water is scarce where I am from! Many of my kind are dying because of that! Those that are left are traveling further and further looking for food, just like me! Please! I meant no offense. I only did this because I am hungry!"

The panther loomed over the brown she wolf.

"And your actions today have insured that you will have no tomorrows!" He said as he raised his right paw claws extended preparing for the killing blow. "You know I am feeling quite hungry too. Perhaps I will eat your remains like you did with that hare."

The she wolf was so scared she peed herself as she was preparing for the end. She then felt sharp teeth clasped around the nape of her neck. The panther was going to break it the same way she had the jungle hare! It was at that moment the she wolf couldn't take any more and passed out in the panther's grasp.

_Fortunately for her, the she wolf fainted before the panther could secure a good grasp on her neck. The grab he had made was a gentle one. Instead of breaking her neck the panther picked her up- like a mother wolf carrying a cub. He climbed the promontory to a cave at the very top-his cave where he put the she wolf down studying her carefully in the evening's fading light. _

She was a cute young thing- with her whole life ahead of her. The panther also noticed her nice brown pelt despite her rib cage clearly showing through. Times were indeed hard on her kind.

The panther thought for a moment- then walked to that back of his cave where he had some vines he was saving. Carefully he made a loop out of one vine and placed it around the upper torso of the fainted she wolf. He then attached it to a nearby tree on the promontory. In effect making a leash for the she wolf. The panther took a minute to marvel at his work. Before returning to the wolf and rubbing her head with his paw.

_The she wolf awoke to stare face to face with her captor. _

"Is this the afterlife?" She asked gingerly.

"No." The panther replied. "I have brought you to my lair."

The she wolf rose to her feet and looked around. From here Kala had a commanding view of his jungle. No wonder he had found her so fast. A paw grabbed her jaw redirecting her attention back to her captor.

"After some consideration, perhaps I have overreacted little wolf. Killing you would have taught you an ultimate lesson, but would not have deterred others of your kind from further invading my territory. No, you need to survive so that you can tell others of your kind."

"What are you going to do with me?" The she wolf shrieked.

"You will be punished of course. You may have noticed that you are high, high off the ground. This promontory, overlooks my hunting grounds and allows me to see all- you will remain here as my prisoner until I feel you have repaid me for you transgressions." The panther said gently.

"How am I supposed to repay you, I have nothing to offer." The she beast responded in surprise.

"I thought about that too my dear. You are quite young and have barely begun to live your life so you probably can't comprehend the magnitude of your transgression. I also realized what you said to me earlier is the truth- you are quite gaunt and malnourished as well. So instead of death- what should your repayment be?" The panther said leering at the scared and perplexed she wolf.

"It then occurred to me. You violated my territory and perhaps I should violate yours!"

The she beast looked horrified. "You are going to go hunting in my turf? But there is nothing there but death."

"Not your territory, BUT YOUR TERRITORY!" The panther said snickering- grinning wickedly at the wolf's ass. "There are worse things in this life than death little wolf- I think being my penis warmer is one of them."

The she wolf thought about her predicament for a minute. "My life or my virginity... my life or my virginity.... It is a fair price to pay. I haven't had any experience with this sort of thing sir, but I think I know the basics."

The panther appeared to dumbfounded as he grabbed a paw-full of oily liquid from a nearby tree and gingerly applied some to his cub-maker and the rest to the she wolf's ah, girl bits.

"We will see if you feel the same way when I am finished with you!" The panther said as he pushed her into the feline mating position, lifted her tail to the side and climbed onto her back. He then sharply entered her cub tunnel and attempted to mate the she wolf.

"Please Kala go real slow. It is my first time."

_"I will do what I please when I please prisoner." The panther replied. _

"OOH! So that is what if feels like to be entered down there." The she beast said forgetting that she was hungry.

The grey panther grabbed the nape of her neck and buried his thickening cat meat into her young virgin hole. He was confident that the barbs would scrape the she wolf's inner walls and prove to her that he was quite serious. He listened to the she wolf's reaction as he started thrusting quite vigorously inside her.

"Ow, that hurt!" The she wolf started to say. "Owch, hey wait! No, stop!"

The panther sped up his thrusts even more upon hearing that! It sounded like his penis warmer was not enjoying her first mating session. He thought as the pleasurable sensation of being inside her was nearly driving him mad.

"No! Don't! Stop!- UNNNGGGGHHHHHH! Don't stop! Don't stop! Don't stop!"

_The panther looked like he couldn't believe his ears! The wolf wench was enjoying this?! _

The she beast then let out a mighty "GUAAAH!" She had cum while the panther was insider her clenching his cub maker during her orgasm. This sent the panther over the edge too. The wolf's clenching had sufficiently stimulated his genitals and he erupted into the wolf wench with a snarl before collapsing on her back.

"Oh wow! So this is what it feels like!" The young wolf exclaimed. "I guess if you were a wolf I would be pregnant with your cubs."

"Yeah, something like that." The panther said in the haze of his afterglow.

"That was incredible!" The she wolf exclaimed. "Can we do that again?!"

"Listen! You are my prisoner. This is your prison. You will remain here until I say otherwise. I will mate with you when I like and where I like and you will accept it! Here." The panther said sternly as he tossed her the jungle hare he caught earlier.

"What is this?" She asked her captor.

"The rest of your dinner. You will feel better once you have some more meat in you. You will also look better too."

The surprised she wolf promptly ate what the panther had given her, remembering she was still hungry. She than settled in and went to sleep. The panther soon did as well. The she beast appeared to be happy that her tummy was finally full- but that wasn't the only part of her body that was.

_Time passed- at first a day, then two, then a week and then several weeks. During that time the she wolf appeared to adjust to her captivity. The panther kept her imprisoned on the high promontory during that time modifying her leash into a harness. She could walk any where on the high plateau she wanted, she just couldn't leave. _

She was also able to see his vast and picturesque territory ripe with game and prey. In the distance she could also see the edge of the territory she had come from- which was barren. This new land almost appeared to be flowing with milk and honey.

The grey panther fed her two meals a day mostly lizards, rabbits and birds he had caught while hunting. He would also bring her water from the river to drink. The she wolf ate without question- glad to be no longer starving.

The grey panther also made love two her twice a day, he called it rape- but it really wasn't as the she wolf throughly enjoyed it. Apparently she felt the panther was a wonderful lover despite being her first and only lover. At night she cuddled with her captor and soon started to appreciate his company and companionship.

One afternoon the panther returned from patrol of his jungle. "Maki!" He called out to the she wolf. He found her on the far edge of the plateau her backside slightly over that edge. Seeing that he came upon his prisoner relieving herself, he blushed and quickly turned his back to her- to give her some privacy.

_The she wolf didn't seem to mind, as she had seen him doing the same thing at the same spot many times before. _

"What is it Kala?" She asked finishing.

"Your punishment has ended. I am setting you free to return to you kind." The panther said cutting her harness. "I will show you have to reach the river and how to leave my hunting grounds. I don't want to you to come here ever again! Understood?"

Maki thought about it for a moment. "No. I have no desire to leave Kala."

"Why not? I am giving you a chance to return to your own kind!" The panther responded surprised.

_"That is true, but there is nothing back there for me, but pain, hardship and death." The she beast said as she ran up to rub her head underneath the panther's chin. _

"What about your family or friends won't they miss you?"

"I am an orphan Kala and most of my friends are dead having died from starvation, malnutrition and disease. I have no desire to return to that. There is no future there, no life. I would much rather stay here with you." Maki said to the grey panther. "Your hunting grounds are full of life. During my time here I have eaten like I have never have in all of my days."

"I have noticed that you don't appear to be so gaunt or malnourished anymore. In fact your pelt has a nice color to it that wasn't there before- you do appear to be quite healthy and quite lovely for a two year old." Kala said to the she wolf.

"I have also watched you during my captivity Kala, you have a well-built beautiful body with powerful legs and jaws that complement your superior hunting skills- you are a highly knowledgeable, quite capable hunter and fiercely independent. But you also appear to be rather lonely."

"What are you saying Maki?" The panther asked the brown wolf.

"Everyone in this existence needs someone for companionship at the very least. It is not good to go through life by yourself." The she beast said still nuzzling the panther. "Please don't send me away."

"What do you know about companionship or relationships for that matter? You are still quite young, inexperienced and besides you are still finding your place in this world." The panther said harshly.

"Yes, I am still trying to find my way." Maki said thoughtfully. "But for the time being. I realized my place is with you. I can offer you friendship, companionship, someone to talk to and something more- someone to share your life with."

"What does this lone panther have to offer you?" Kala asked.

"The same, friendship, companionship, adventure in a new land and...." Maki said lowering her head and slightly blushing- "fantastic sex." With that she kissed the panther right on his lips."

"Very well you can stay." The panther said. "With a few stipulations: I like sex first thing in the morning. I want and demand meaningful, thoughtful conversation during mealtime and I want to lie next to you at the end of the day."

"Only if I can make love to you at the end of the day, cuddle you while we sleep and assist you in defending your hunting grounds from all trespassers." The she wolf said.

"Deal." The two said in unison.

From that day forward Maki the brown wolf had a new home and a mentor/friend/lover to share it with and Kala, the panther had a companion and lover to share his life with.

_Maki eventually did determine her place in the world, right there with her panther Kala. They had many adventures together defending his hunting grounds from trespassers. _

Soon a legend was spread about a mystic jungle territory that was defended fiercely by grey a panther and his mate a brown wolf .

(Hmm.... not bad.)

"Did you enjoy OUR movie?" A voice from behind me asked.

"Sorren! How long have you been there?" I asked the dragon.

"I walked in during the last ten minutes. You were so transfixed that you didn't even notice me. So how was it?"

"That was a fantastic movie! I hope it is turned into a series." I said to the dragon. "I understood most of the dialog, and the cinematography was mesmerizing. The plot was more than engaging and the sex scenes were fantastic. But most interesting was that I could really identify with the plot."

"How so? And remember no spoilers!" The goofy dragon said.

"The plot was quite similar to my own life- my arrival on Counter Earth and my relationship with Lady Ursa (Who I now miss more than anything). Oh at the end Maki's relatives and family move in and mooch off of the panther for the rest of their lives!" I said to the dragon.

Sorren's mouth hit the floor when I said that to him.

"Alex!! I said no spoilers!"

"Oh and then Maki finds a surrogate father and gives Kala tons and tons of wolf cubs!!!"

"I can't hear you!" Sorron said covering his hearing slits on his head. "La la la!" The dragon did not want to hear anymore spoilers from his little buddy.

I started laughing maniacally at the goofy dragon. Who soon realized that I was just screwing with him.

"By the way, how is it that you and the others only managed to watch the first twenty minutes of the movie?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh that, Tauren, Lurie and I were quite tired that evening and could barely keep our eyes open; we ended up sleeping on the sectional that night. Speaking of tired- Tauren and Lurie should be back soon. I think it would be a good idea to have dinner ready and waiting for them- especially after a long day." Sorren said looking at the clock it- was about 4:30 PM.

"I hope Lurie still has enough energy to go out this evening." I said to the dragon.

"Me too and especially even more for later." Sorren giggled.

He had been doing that a lot today especially after we left Lea's lab.

For the next thirty minutes I helped Sorren prepare that evening's dinner- chicken and dumplings with a side salad for Tauren. Around 5:20, Lurie walked in. Followed soon afterward by Tauren.

"Hi guys how was your day?" I asked the pair.

"Exhausting!" The bull said. "If I have to upgrade another system- my mind is going blow up."

"Same here love." Lurie said to her bull. "But I am almost ready for this evening I just need to shower and get dressed."

"You better get moving Love." Sorren said. "Lea will be here in ten minutes. You too Alex."

Quickly Lurie ran upstairs and removed her work uniform and jumped into the shower. While she was in the shower, I combed through my clothing looking for something appropriate to wear for a concert. I decided on a white shirt with blue dress pants. Lurie decided on a white top with a blue skirt. We finish getting dressed just a Lea arrived.

"It looks like both of you will be taking dinner to go." Tauren said handing Lurie a package.

"You can eat dinner on the way to concert." Sorren added. "Lea did you have anything to eat? Would you like some dinner?"

"Please and thank you- it will have to be to go as well." The lioness added. I noticed that Lea was dressed in a beautiful pink top with a white skirt and matching purse. Both she and Lurie looked stunning.

"Wow, Lea, you look striking!" I said to the she beast with my mouth wide open. Lea promptly closed it for me while the 'yote girl punched me on my shoulder. "OW!!! Uh you too Lurie." I said humbly.

"Thank you Alex. Hey shouldn't you guys be ready?!" The lioness asked. "It is going to take us roughly an hour to reach the Art Museum. If we leave right now we should have about thirty minutes to look around before the show starts- provided traffic isn't bad.

"All right you three take care, have fun and don't stay out all night!" Tauren said as he kissed Lurie and myself on our foreheads.

Lurie and I followed Lea to one of the loading docks of the castle where she had her vehicle parked.

"So what are you driving these days?" Lurie asked the hot looking lioness.

"This!" Lea responded pointing to a three seated red something at one end of the dock.

"Wow a HR5X!" Lurie said.

"What is an a HR5X?" I asked the she beasts.

"It is a new prototype solar powered three seated convertible hover car. Range is about 1000 miles on a charge. It is quite quiet, comfortable and very fast. " Lea said to me.

"That is one hot looking car!" Lurie said to the lioness. "How long have you had it?"

"One season. It is quite efficient."

It was more than that. It was the most beautiful vehicle I had seen during my time on the planet. Like the females that were to be my dates that evening I was anxious to take all of them out for a spin.

We jumped into the vehicle Lea and Lurie in the front and I was in the small rear seat in the back. Lea allowed Lurie and myself to eat during our trip provided we didn't spill anything in her car.

With that we were off the rush of air we experienced while flying through the traffic was amazing. Especially on this warm spring night- two hot ladies and one hot ride. This evening was looking promising already.

To Be Continued....

Next week: Alex realizes he nearly missed another domino fall as the empire continued its march toward ruin- Historic Reveal #2.

Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 30: Something Is Out There (And It Is Coming...)

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 28: Time And Eternity

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 27: Lea's Return

_Last Chapter-_ _Alex, Tauren and Sir Wolf attended Lea's Final Judgement where the High Evolutionary forgave the she beast of the crimes she was charged with and allowed her to resume her duties. But only after blaming everyone for their negligence...

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