Confessions of Dog Love

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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A young boy and his confessions of naughty things he has done with his female dog

The first time, I remember, wasn't very long ago from now,

and I didn't even know it could happen or about any of it at all really...  It was after soccer practice, and I rushed

upstairs so that I could take a shower and wash the sweat and tired feelings

away from my body because it always feels so nice to take hot showers after

soccer!  This time was different though,

because Diva, our canine doggy friend who lives with us and also happens to be

a Husky type breed, followed me into the bathroom before I could even close the

door behind myself!  Well...  That's weird... Is all I thought about it the

time, but then she just sat there without leaving as I tried to tell her to get

out because she would just be locked inside there with me doing nothing while I

took my shower if she didn't get out, but she wouldn't budge! She just sat

there, whining a bit like she wanted a treat from me, but I didn't have any to

give her...

Diva has always been my favorite thing in the world! And when

I heard someone say that a doggy is man's best friend for the very first time,

I remember thinking, yup...! That's me and Diva! Because she is my best friend,

and I love her!  And after what happened

next in the bathroom together I only started to love her that much more...  The naughty thing that we have done lots of

times now... The naughty thing that I will tell to you and only you... So please

don't tell on us...


So Diva was just sitting and whining in the bathroom there

with me, just staring at me and refusing to leave, so I told her: "Suit

yourself, furry butt! But you're going to be stuck in here!" And then I closed

the door and locked it with us both inside. 

Before I could even do anything else though I felt her nose poking right

against the inside of my legs against the crotch area of my soccer shorts!  She nuzzled into me there of all places, and

snorted and huffed the same kind of cute little doggy sounds she liked to make

when she was being silly and wanted to play.

"Diva!" I yelled and then laughed as I grabbed either side

of her head with my hands to massage and pet her there like how I know she

likes it, but she still wouldn't even stop her silly motions against me! She

just kept on nuzzling and sniffing into my crotch area...  And she was even bumping into the special

part there between my legs and making it feel so funny and... Good feeling is how

I realized it felt mainly...  And I didn't

know it could feel like that at the time! But maybe Diva did...

"Okay, okay, okay! That's enough!" Is what I told her, and

just laughed and giggled as I ran around and away from her to jump into the

bath so I could take my clothes off there instead of where I usually did

outside of the bath and finally have my shower if she was going to be so

troublesome.  But once I got into the

bath and got naked, she just wouldn't stop her whining at me!  And it is always so cute when she does that...

And I will always help her when she whines like that... Because it's so cute when

she does it...  But I was naked and in the

bath already like I said! And she was whining, and I could feel the place between

my legs was still feeling good all over somehow there almost like Diva cast a

spell on it or something with her nose. 

I mean I now know it's called a penis, and it gets like that when you

get excited and it's time to play with Diva in the naughty way, but I didn't

know what that meant that first time at all...

"Diva..." I complained to her, just wanting to take my shower

and not really wanting to help her with whatever she was whining about that

time as much as I would usually help her with treats or playing...  But now I know that it was a special kind of

whine of hers that she was making, and now it's my favorite, and I'll tell you

why, and why that special kind of whine is only made for me...  "Okay, okay, okay!" I then told her as I

hopped out of the bath and came to meet her, but she quickly came to meet me


"Diva, Diva, Diva..." I remember is all I could say as she

buried her doggy head back into my crotch so fast and then began licking and

licking at my penis...  It got erect and

excited for her, even though I myself didn't know what was going on much at

all...  Diva seemed to know, and my body

seemed to know...  But I didn't, and it

all felt so good, so quickly, that I just let it happen without thinking about

it very much... 

"Oh my gosh... Diva..." Is what I kept telling her as I sat down

on the floor to try and comprehend all of the pleasure feelings I was being

given, and Diva just continued to lick and lick and lick and lick and...  It didn't take long that first time.  She was focusing her tongue on just the end

of it and the whole thingy began to vibrate and feel white-hot-happy I call it

as white juice stuff began to gently dribble out!  Diva just licked it up though and took it

away with her tongue, and then just kept licking. And licking... And licking


I was in love with Diva even more then after she made me feel

like that. She is my doggy, and my best friend! 

I just couldn't help but feel so in love with her as she kept licking

and licking even more against my penis with her tongue...  Never wanting to stop her lickings on me

there as I leaned forward to pet and pet her head and ears and to feel her

amazingly soft fur... 

"Good girl... Good girl... Good girl..." I kept whispering to her

as I moved my fingers around any part of her body that I could touch to try and

pet her and make her feel happy too as she kept moving her tongue to pet me on

my penis and make me feel good like I didn't even know I  could. Her eyes were half closed as she did

this too, I saw, and she just wanted to lick it all around, not just on the end

anymore...  Sometimes the ball parts below,

and it all just felt so amazing everywhere on that area, she seemed to want to

make it all wet and rubbed with her licks really badly.

"I love you Diva... Good girl..." I finally told her as my penis

stopped feeling as good as it was before, and it began to deflate a bit.  It stopped being so hard and it got more

sensitive,  like it was out of its white

stuff and needed to take time to recharge, as I now know is what happens...

Well, all of that seemed to calm Diva down after we did that!

I stood up, finding my legs a bit shaky and wobbly after sitting for so long

and feeling everything I did... But I got up and got myself into the bath, and

turned the shower on, and yeah Diva seemed to be less whiny and laid down to

wait for me to finish washing finally! 

And but do you know what she did after when I was finally all clean? Diva

tried to nuzzle into my area between my legs again so that she could get more

of the white stuff out! But it was still so sensitive and didn't want to be

licked anymore by her right now, and I had video games to play...  So! I just got dressed and rushed out of the

bathroom after that very first time doing that with Diva.  And that was how all of that happened, but

then there were many more after that and we did another different naughty thing

together too...

A few days had passed after all of that happened with Diva

the first time, and she began following me around even more than she normally

would ever do before...  She was "Glued to

me" is what my parents would keep saying about it!  She just always wanted to be by my side, and

when we were the only two people in the room and she got me alone, that's when

should would do THAT whine where she wanted to lick at my penis and receive

that special kind of treat that only I could give her...  And, but then, so... I did give it to

her...  Whenever I could... I gave it to her...  Because I loved to give it, and she loved

even more to lick at me there until it came out...  In my room it happened a couple of times when

I knew everyone was out of the house, and in the bathroom it happened at least

once every day, because I could lock the door and have an excuse as to why I was

in there with the door locked.

"Aww, who's your girlfriend?!" Is something my parents would

also always say as well to tease me! Just because Diva would always follow me

around and jump up on me and want to be on my lap... And she would always just

stare at me randomly sometimes with such loving eyes too whenever I was on the

couch and ignoring her a bit, and she wanted to be naughty with me somewhere

alone with just us... It always made me blush and feel so uncomfortable and

embarrassed when they said that though! 

Because they didn't know how we really felt about each other and what we


"You know why she is so affectionate towards you right

now?  It's because she's in her first heat

and is on the prowl for a doggy mate to claim as her own!  Maybe she thinks you are just the candidate

for the job!"  My father had also said once

back then just so he could laugh and tease me! That was just the one time he

said that to me though, because my mom yelled at him for it and said it was

inappropriate to say... But I remember it clearly because it got some questions answered

for me when I began to ask him what it all meant.  I also remember it so well, because... He

didn't know how true that was, and how she had already claimed me as her mate

in the bathroom just the other day!  I

realized then too, that Diva and I we were not only best friends, but also


"What's heat?" I asked him, and that was the very first time

I ever learned what a penis was even called too, and that Diva was a female

doggy so she had a vagina.  Being in heat

is what happens when a female canine is ready to make puppies, but that was

about all of the information he said he was comfortable sharing right now,

maybe when I was older he said!  But I

figured the rest out on my own with Diva shortly after anyways...

The next time I had a soccer game and knew that the bathroom

would be mine for a long while is when I explored what being female and having

a vagina meant... When I explored Diva's vagina...  I think about it a lot recently and how fun

it is to go inside... But let me tell you what happened...

She stood perfectly still as I brushed my hands along her

body, and she didn't even follow my penis around with her never ending licks

like she usually would, I think she knew I had finally realized where all of

this would lead to with her...  I reached

my hand between her two back legs, and I felt the slippery part of her vagina

there. I could have sworn I saw her squint in pleasure out of the corner of my

eye as I gently pressed one of my fingers inside of her, and my penis was more

excited than it has ever been as I felt the hole that it was supposed to go in

for the first time. It felt warm and moist, and fleshy and almost like walls of

butter might feel as they gently came to squeeze and hug at you from all sides.

It's kind of hard to describe, the feelings of Diva's vagina...  But it will hug your finger or your penis in

happy kinds of loving hug motions and make movements like that just like how my

penis will respond to touchings and jump excitedly in its own different way.

It's almost like I need to put my excited penis inside of Diva when it gets

like that so that the insides of her vagina can hug at them and take the white

juices out of it to calm it down.

These are the sorts of things I learned from feeling the insides

of Diva's female doggy vagina! And I've thought about them a lot! Because, it's

the best...

Diva knew exactly what to do that first time after that. She

always knows just what to do...  After I

touched her for a bit in her vagina, she seemed so excited about it and happy

but then moved to turn around in front of me instead, causing my finger slip

out of her as she lifted her tail up in the air and lowered the front side of

her body to the ground to lay down on just her forelegs while still standing on

her hind legs. I could see her little pink vagina area against her white fur so

easily, and I knew she was showing it to me because she wanted my penis to go

inside now instead. 

"Diva, I love you..." Is what I whispered to her as I grabbed

my penis with my right hand and guided it to her female doggy hole there at her

rear end.  At first all I felt was fur

against the tip of my sensitive male part, but then I felt the wet slippery

parts of her vagina, and then I felt the even wetter warm parts of her insides

as I went into her a little bit and the tip of my penis disappeared inside of


Everything felt so perfect as I gently shuffled myself

forward with my feet a little bit and let go of my penis with my right hand,

because more and more of it was pushing and pressing deeper into Diva's vagina,

and I no longer even needed to hold it up for it to be in her.   My penis was so very inside of Diva... And I

couldn't believe it... And it all felt so perfect and amazing it really did...  I just wanted to be with her forever like

this, and I couldn't go in any further anymore, so just leaned forward over her

furry body to hug her with my arms instead. Everything felt so warm and nice as

I just felt her soft fur against my chest, arms, hands, crotch and legs from

the outside, and felt her even more warm and wet vagina from the inside at the

same time. It was so crazy to feel her against me from both the outside and the

inside, so I took it all in and remembered it really well, and just laid

against her to feel it all.

It was like the ultimate doggy hug is what I thought to

myself as I wrapped my arms around Diva and I felt her canine vagina tightly hug

and squeeze me.  She was in heat as I had

learned, and she was so very ready to make puppies, and I wanted to help her

make them. I noticed how just thinking like that about her was making me even

more excited inside and out, and my penis jumped and jumped inside of her as

her insides tried their best to squeeze and hug and calm me down like they do.

These were... The best feelings I had ever felt yet...  And I wanted more so tried something, and

learned that I could make my penis jump myself if tried real hard and kind of

flexed myself down there.

This went on for a while with me inside of Diva and on top

of her, and my penis kept jumping like that inside of her doggy vagina...  Sometimes I would rest and allow it to be

still and it would jump on its own, and sometimes I would do it myself and flex

it to make us feel touched and connected together down there, but soon the

white hot happy pleasure began to build and begin moving the feelings

themselves from within me in such a strong way like it hadn't yet, so that they

could go directly into my best friend and my doggy, only into her from behind

and down there between her legs this time instead of her muzzle like usual.

I squinted in pleasure as it came out of me and so very strong

into her like it never had before... My body shook against my doggy mate as my

chest rubbed against her back and forth a bit and our puppy making parts bumped

and danced against each other in such a happy way...  My penis had come out a bit as this all

happened, and I wanted it back in and inside of Diva, and so after feeling the

sensation of having my white hots going into her and feeling what it felt to

just go in and out a bit, it just felt so good to keep going and so I went with

the motions of that and began lightly pushing and pulling my crotch against her

fluffy rear end so my penis would go into her vagina again and again a bit.

I could feel Diva's tail wagging back and forth against me

now as I just kept pressing and pulling my body against hers, feeling myself

slip into her female doggy place again and again was the best.  I just never wanted all of the feelings to

stop, and her happy tail told me she didn't want them to ever stop either...

Now I wanted to make the white stuff come out and have it

happen all again, and I knew I could too because sometimes when Diva was

licking my penis and I was really feeling so good with her doing that, she

could get me to make it come out twice by using her tongue.  But this all felt even better than that did

with her licks... It was like her tongue was wrapped entirely around me down

there and rubbing up and down all over, and gently hugging and hugging against

me again and again as I pushed and pulled my penis into her... It's always the

best to be inside Diva down there instead... 

I love to hug Diva with my arms and be hugged by her in her special

female doggy way she knew how to...

I realized then after doing this for a while how Diva was

panting while I was inside of her heat and moving my penis inside of her to

make us feel good together, and so then I began panting too, because I was her

doggy now just like how she had always been mine. We were doggies, and I was

her mate, just like my father had said she wanted one, and it felt like the

best thing ever...

"Diva... Diva... Diva..." Is what I told her as I felt the white

hot happy getting closer and ready to come out again... This time it was shaking

my body so much that I had to hug Diva even harder just to not fall off of her

and onto the floor, but she must have knew it was coming because I felt her

rear end become more strong and steady on the floor and she even whined quietly

about it all!  It was a happy kind of

whine like I have never heard her make before that...  It almost felt like the sound she was making

was pulling the white stuff out of me and into her vagina as her insides

excitedly wiggled against me and all of the good feelings rushed forward and

into her again, and suddenly felt very tired and weak against her... But mainly so,

so very happy and warm feeling all over inside of me is what I felt after playing

with Diva in such a naughty and loving kind of way. It's always the very best...

I love Diva...

Since then, after that first time that I made the white hots

come out of my penis and so deep into Diva's vagina, I have heard that happy

whining sound she will make when she gets them inside of her there many more

times, and it still has always felt like the most perfect and amazing thing I

could ever feel...  

But all of this has only happened over this last week! So

please don't tell anyone, okay?! Please!!! You are the first and only one I've

told! And I only told you because I know that you have a doggy mate just like

me! Because I can see the way your own doggy there is looking you...  Just sitting there and staring at you with

those special kind of eyes that say that she wants you to be alone with her

somewhere... Just like Diva always does to me... 

Is she in heat right now like Diva is? 

I know you're older, but please don't tell!  When you're in love with your doggy it has to

be kept a secret, or else they will laugh at you!

I just... Had to tell someone... 

And thought you might understand... Because it's the best!

So I won't tell anyone, and neither will you, okay?

**A dog in need

is a friend indeed. But when one's heart is true, it becomes something anew...**

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