Brightwood Academy Boys

Story by Leakypup on SoFurry

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#1 of Brightwood Academy Boys

Brightwood Academy is a strange place with filled with spanking, discipline, hypnosis, and diapers. If this is not your thing turn back now.

This is my first story in a long time. I hope you guys like it as much as I loved writing it. Too the people that helped make this happen thank you so much! You know how you are and you are awesome for putting up with me.

This is part 1 of 2 Chaper 2 will hopefully be out very soon.

Benjamin woke with a jolt and groaned. The rabbit quickly decided that the only thing worse than trying to sleep on a bus was trying to sleep on a correctional facilities bus. The large bull he was shackled to was dreaming away, leaning up against the window while he struggled trying to get comfortable with his shackles.

Without a clock, he had no way of knowing exactly what time it was but it had to be late well after midnight. Most of the guys on the bus were sound asleep but there was a tension as well. Everyone was nervous. They were almost to Brightwood Academy, and no one really knew what to expect but it did not stop them from wildly speculating during the bus ride.

He had filled out his application and spent a day taking some tests but other than that. Benjamin really didn't know what he had gotten himself into. It was supposed to be a reform school or something. All he knew was that it meant he didn't have to go to prison.

This was his 3rd and last day traveling. The bus had taken him all the way across the country on his way to the Brightwood Academy. It was agony waiting for hours as he could do nothing but stare out the windows and read the student handbook he had been given. For a school that was founded to reform young men he was surprised to find most of the guys on the bus hardly looked like criminals. With the exception of a canine that looked like a German shepherd and a badger that had tattoos and bad attitude, most of the boys looked like they could have been heading to a real college. The bus was filled with young furs ranging from 18, to 24 of the Student Handbook's Admission Criteria was to be believed. Anyone over 24 apply to be sent to a sister institution.

Benjamin had not really spoken to the other boys, Kevin the boy he was seated next to, had slept most of the trip. The rest of the bus was just as quiet except for three boys sitting around a baby faced pig. They seemed to want to try to pick on the little pig. It went on for nearly an hour before the guards shut them up but from the look on their faces they fully intended to take it out on the boar later. Benjamin tried very hard not to think about the next several years of his life.

When the bus stopped in front of the large gates he could not help but gulp as dread washed over him. Brightwood Academy looked more like a prison or a military compound than a school from the outside. The bright stadium lights lit the dark walls that surrounded the academy. The harsh light and Benjamin's own drowsiness made everything seem like it was part of a movie. Almost like it was happening to someone else. High walls blocked anything and everything from view and a large gate blocked the way in.

He tried to tell himself that it was all just to keep the public away but a knot of fear tightened in his stomach. It wasn't too late. He could just go home. It would just mean five years in a state penitentiary.

Two new guards he had never seen before started to escort the other boys off of the bus. One of them was a wolf, the other a very broad shouldered moose. Both were intimidatingly large. The new students were shuffled off of the bus and had were forced to line up to pass through the gate.

There was a loud crash as one of the boys who had been teasing the pig on the bus darted ahead and managed to drop his luggage. It exploded all over the ground. Clothing went everywhere.

Like sharks drawn to blood the guard hurried over to the panther that was scrambling to pick up his stuff. He has a suspicious smirk on his face while they berated him. It was like something out of boot camp, at least what Benjamin imagined boot-camp would be like.

Benjamin heard another crash as the pig from the bus went tumbling down to the steps of the bus and onto the concrete. The two other boys that had been picking on him during the trip were laughing as the pig starting to pick himself up. The guards were too busy berating the panther to notice. To even the most casual observer it was obvious that they had tripped him. He was clearly trying to bite back tears as he struggled to stand on a skinned knee. His jumpsuit was ripped.

Benjamin felt bad for the poor pig. He couldn't imagine what the clearly gentle piggy could have done to end up here. Getting out of line he walked over to the pig and offered him a hand.

"Those guys are asshole...." Benjamin said sounding sympathetic and just loud enough that the bullies could hear him. "Hi I am Ben."

"They just don't like me, because... It is stupid never mind. I'm Gabe."

Curious now he was not going to let it drop. "Seriously what is their beef with you?"

"I just don't want to talk about it.... They were dicks back at the last hotel they had us stay at."

The young buck and the Rottweiler that had tripped Gabe moved towards them sneering. "Oh we are the dicks? You are little bitch that wouldn't play along!"

The rottie shoved Gabe again. Then snarled at Benjamin stepped forward. "What you going to do something about it bunny?"

The young rabbit tried not to look intimidated by the much larger rottie. "Just leave him alone!"

"Fuck you!" Was all the response he got before the Rottweiler took a swing at him.

Benjamin managed step back just in time to miss the haymaker to his jaw. Years of school fight instincts kicked in and the feisty rabbit swung back hard. In the end all four boys has to be drug off of each other by the guards. Benjamin and Gabe looked much worse for it than the instigators.

The moose cuffed the bunny upside the head and chastised him. "What the hell do you think you are doing? It is only the first day! Both of you are heading straight to the Vice-Principal!"

A third guard now was helping as the wolf manhandled the rottie and the buck. "I got these two, call ahead to let Vice-Principal Barrett know we have 4 headed his way." He just nodded and grabbed his radio, while the wolf and moose marched the four over to the line.

Another guard called out behind them. "Make that five... this dumbass thought it would be funny to cause a distraction." The panther was forced into the line as well by the scruff of his neck.

"I didn't do anything! I just tripped!" He pleaded, it fell on deaf ears though and he joined their little group.

The moose gave Benjamin and Gab both a swat on the ass to get them moving again after they had waited for the panther. Benjamin could feel his cheeks burning with embarrassment. He could hear other boys snickering at the swat. He wanted to say something but he just froze up.

Forcing himself to walk to the gate, he was greeting by a smiling face projected from a screen. "Please identify yourself."

"Um... Benjamin Ward."

"Welcome to Brightwood Academy Mr. Ward please scan your ID and the gate will unlock."

Fumbling with the ID he had been given at the correctional facility he managed to swipe it after a moment.

Pushing through the gate he was shocked by two things. First being that the school beyond the walls was nothing like the utilitarian outside. The campus looked damn near gothic in the pitch black. Harsh stadium lights lit old -brick buildings that looked like they were straight out of the 19th century. The second was just how many boys were standing around the courtyard. . Just the first years were assembling in the courtyard, but there had to be at least 300 of them.

The five doomed students were marched across the courtyard towards a large and imposing building in the center of the campus. Benjamin hurried by a knot of boys his age, trying to get the humiliation over quickly. Like pulling off a Band-Aid. There as scattered laughter as the troublemakers were led past the crowds. He was very thankful once was led out of sight and into building.

The five boys were forced to sit and wait outside the Vice-Principal's office. They exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what was going to happen next. The moose and the wolf guards watched over them to make sure they didn't try to leave. After about 10 minutes the Vice-Principal stepped out and frowned as he ushered the boys into his office.

Vice - Principal Barrett was an imposingly build tiger. He dressed clumsily in a grey suit and a red tie which complimented his orange and black fur. He had clearly hastily dressed. Sitting down behind his desk and letting out a deep sigh the tiger. "Would one of you boys care to tell me exactly what you thought you were doing and why I needed to be woken up at 2 am to deal with it? Are you trying to get pulled out of the program? "

Benjamin gulped and drooped his ears. That was the last thing he wanted. A soft little bun like him would not fare well in prison. "N-no sir... They just... they were picking on him." He said trying not to look guilty.

Mr. Barrett turned to the two trouble makers and scowled. "He is right, I pulled the security footage. You two clearly started it but that does not mean you are all off the hook. When you signed your paperwork there was a clause in there about corporal punishment, do you remember that?"

All five boys looked at each other with a panicked look. "Wait that was real? I just thought that..." The rottie stammered letting the thought trail off.

"Of course it was real. We take the discipline of our students very seriously. Fighting is normally a major infraction. You can get kicked out for a single instance. I am going to cut you some slack because you have not been taught all of the rules here yet. Now if you all want to stay here at Brightwood Academy I want you to line up with your hands and noses against the wall." The tiger said pointing to the far wall of his office.

Once again the boys all gave each other questioning looks. One by one they got up though and took their place at the wall. The buck was the first to go, Gabe was the last one to reluctantly get up.

"But they started it... It wasn't my fault this is crazy. You can't use corporal punishment on us for something like that." The pig pleaded as he tiger rounded his desk and positioned him up against the wall.

"I can, and I will. I will not tolerate fighting on my campus." The Vice-Principal growled as he unbuckled Gabe's pants and yanked them down around his ankles, leaving the piggy's bare ass and bits exposed.

The other boys all snuck a peek but a glare from Mr. Barrett got them all staring at the wall again before they got a good look. He started to paddle the chubby pigs butt with an open paw. He delivered 30 hard swats on each cheek while Gabe squealing and struggled against the much larger tiger. When it was all over Mr. Barrett pushed his nose back up against the wall, leaving his pants down.

Benjamin was next in line and he got the exact same treatment as his new friend, 30 hard swats on each cheek. When he finished Mr. Barrett pulled up Gabe and Benjamin's pants for them and fastened them. "Ok we are not going to talk about this again; it is not going on your record. Both of you are going to go down to your orientation and behave yourselves. I do not want to see you in my office again. Do you understand me?"

Nodding quickly both boys dashed for the door. "T-thank you Sir..." Benjamin muttered quietly trying not to think about the other three boys still in his office. He tried to feel sorry for them as the stood there with their noses pressed against the wall looking thoroughly humiliated.

The tiger was turning back toward the other three students as they left with a scowl on his muzzle. "You three are going to learn not to start fights..."

Benjamin and Gabe quickly fled the office. The moose was still there waiting for them. He escorted them back down to the courtyard here the rest of the new students were milling about. Everyone's luggage had been stacked in a large pile. Guards were sorting through the non-descript bags and calling out names. After retrieving their luggage students were put into a line heading into what looked like a gym from the outside.

"Benjamin Ward?" The bunny jumped as his name was called. Racing up he grabbed his bag and got into line. He took his time getting into line, trying to stall until he heard Gabe's name called. One of the guards was clearly getting irritated and about to chew him out when the pig rushed over and shoved Benjamin towards the line.

"What the hell? Are you trying to piss them off?" Gabe asked barely above a whisper.

"It all worked out... didn't it?" The piggy just shook his head and laughed.

Lining up all the new boys seemed to take an eternity but once everyone had their luggage the doors to the big building were opened and boy's started to trickle in. Benjamin was far enough back and it was far too dark for him to see clearly what was inside.

Whispers raced up and down the line. "They are strip searching everyone!" The boy in front of Benjamin said in a hushed tone clearly intending him to pass it along. The boy was loud enough that it had already been picked up further down the line. If the guard, walking up and down the line heard it they did not say anything.

The line inched forward at a glacial pace. As late as it was, the young rabbit was starting to feel drowsy. He was not the only inmate starting to sway in place as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Nerves managed to overcome his sleepiness once he was able to get a good look at what was going on ahead.

Right in front of the doors there was a table setup where a lion guard as opening bags and searching them. He was working with a brown bear who was giving each student heading inside a thorough strip search. When the bear was done with them, he packed their clothing into their bag and sent them inside with only their duffel to try to hide behind.

The bunny was surprisingly calm by the time the boy in front of him was called, somehow knowing that he was not the only one going through it made it a little better. The fox in front of him eventually stumbled through the door clutching his duffel for dear life, tucking his tail between his legs.

Benjamin handed over his luggage to the lion who looked more bored than anything else. A smirk crawled across his face though when he found the stuffed rabbit Benjamin had packed. "Trying to sneak a friend in? Don't worry I won't tell cubber."

Blood rushed to his face and made his ears burn as the lion teased him. He had forgotten he had packed the stuffed rabbit. He had been told he was allowed to bring one item with him other than clothing. Somehow the stuffed bunny from his childhood was the only thing he ever considered.

The big bear got his attention though and had him lift up his arms so he could pat him down. It was not Benjamin's first pat down by any stretch or even his first strip search. It was the first time he would be doing it in front of a crowd though. The bear unzipped his prison issued jump suit and stripped him out of it. Left in only a white t-shirt and his underwear the bunny got another pat down before finally stripped fully nude.

The bear's paws explored his tender places for anything hidden. The most humiliating part was when the bear made him bend over the table and spread his cheeks. He inhaled sharply and yelped a little. His ass was still very sore from the humiliating spanking.

"Something the matter with your rump boy?" The bear asked gruffly. Before adding with a slight chuckle. "I don't need to cavity search you do I bun?"

"N-NO!" Benjamin said shaking his head.

The bear popped him on his tender ass. "Just fun'en ya kid. Get your ass in there. The Doc is going to want to see you." He said handing over his duffel and guiding him through the doors.

Once he was though the doors it was clear it was not a gym at all but a large locker room with a separate section on the back labeled "Infirmary". None of the boys were washing up in the showers yet. Most were just standing around waiting. Gabe showed up not long after. Benjamin couldn't help but take a better look at Gabe's rather unimpressive package. The pig had big nuts but his uncut tip was all you could see of his cock nestled above them.

"It gets bigger..." Gabe said blushing when he caught Benjamin looking.

"Mine isn't much better." Benjamin said with a laugh.

A large beast of a man ambled into the hall. Benjamin could only guess he was some huge breed of boar. He couldn't think of any other breeds that big off of the top of his head. "Okay boys... time to get washed up and a quick check up with the infirmary before we begin you get settled. Grab a towel on your way." He said pointing to several large stacks of fresh towels.

There was some grumbling about already being clean as the boys lined up to take a towel but most were so intimidated by the nearly 7 foot tall boar that they kept their mouths shut. They were mostly just thankfully not to be standing around naked anymore.

The boar who Benjamin later would find out was named Mr. Hudson, was just grinning as they assembled behind him. He didn't say anything though as he led them all towards the communal showers and showed them all how they each had a locker and toiletries.

It was a little strange when the boar and three other furred staff hung around to watch as they boys wash up. No one challenged it though and Benjamin spent most of the shower trying to sneak a peek at his chubby pig friend and the other boys.

After toweling off, Mr. Hudson stopped them from getting dressed. "Ok boys go back to your locker get your bag... you won't be coming back here. No clothes yet. Then line up front to ass in by the infirmary. "

Benjamin could see that there was already a group standing in line. They seemed to be able to handle about 25 boys at a time though the showers and infirmary. The first group was just finishing up.

Once everyone was lined up the Boar grinned looking pleased. "Now everyone get nice and close with your new friends. If I can fit my paw between you, you are not close enough." He waited until everyone was pressed together before he continued. "You were all told to bring a personal item. Please take that out now... It will need to be approved."

Benjamin was horrified at first not wanting to show everyone his stuffed bunny, but when Gabe pulled out his own plush animal he couldn't help but laugh. "What a bunch of babies we are huh?" He said nudging the pig who was sitting next to him with a stuffed bear. Not all the boys had stuffed animals but most were some sort of soft childhood toy.

There were some complaints up and down the line in but they all felt so silly, with their plushies and toys that it was hard to be indignant. Even if you were pressed front to back naked with a perfect stranger while you waited in line.

By dumb luck Gabe and Benjamin ended up nearly at the front of the line. Gabe settled in behind him while he got familiar with another boy in front of him. Benjamin had to bite his lip to keep from moaning when he felt something poke him in the rump.

"Sorry. I am nervous..." Russ whispered in his ear when he Benjamin squirmed.

"You are going to make me do it too..." Benjamin whined quietly back.

Mercifully the boy in front of him was called into the infirmary before he could spring wood himself. When it was finally Benjamin's turn he had to rush in trying to hide an erection with his stuffed bunny.

Forgetting where he was, for a moment he nearly stumbled with a large polar bear greeted him with a smile. "Well hello there. Can I get your name?"

"Benjamin Ward." He replied still trying to cover himself.

"No reason to be shy Benjamin. It is safe here. I just need to get some of your vitals and give you a quick once over to make sure that there is nothing wrong with you."

Benjamin just nodded, as the polar bear put on a fresh pair of gloves and got to work. Most of his examination was fairly normal but there were a few quirks that made Benjamin very uncomfortable. To start, Dr. Yeager insisted on taking his temperature rectally. Then there was his oddly intimate inspection of the rabbit's cock and balls. The polar bear did not do anything too direct but his paws lingered there far longer than was necessary. It was making Benjamin start to get hard.

The bear then pulled out a specimen cup and unscrewed the top. "I need you to fill this to the line..."

Benjamin flushed when he looked at the line. "You mean pee right? Not um... semen?"

That got a big laugh out of the doctor. "Yes Mr. Ward... I need it for a urine sample. I know you are young and virile but I doubt even a pent up bunny could give me that much of a semen sample."

The bunny gave a sheepish look... "I just thought because..." He looked down at his stiffness.

"Don't worry it is okay, everyone is at nervous at first. I see more erections come through here. It is nothing I have not seen before. Now relax and try to fill the cup." Benjamin nodded bashfully as the bear spoke.

He tried to do what the doctor asked but he was far too shy and far too hard to squeeze anything out.

Dr. Yeager put a big paw on his shoulder and whispered softly. "Just relax and let go... Try imagining yourself as a little cub with no control... just letting it flow out."

Benjamin did just that and it was like someone flipped a switch in his head. His erection was gone almost instantly as his stream started to flow. He filled to the line and then some before the doctor stopped him.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" The doctor asked with a big grin. "I see you had someone there to help you get through this. What is his name?" The big bear said giving the stuffed bunny a gentle tug. Benjamin had not let go of it during the whole exam.

For a horrifying moment Benjamin couldn't place the name of his stuffed rabbit. How could he forget? He had owned the stuffed rabbit for years.

The bear frowned. "Looks like I might have my work cut out for me with you. Are you sure you don't remember his name?"

Benjamin looked down at the rabbit again and frowned. He had never named the stupid stuffed rabbit. He hadn't even had it for a month let alone his whole life. Why did he remember being given the plush toy after his testing to get in to Brightwood?"

The bear saw the worried look on his face and calmly started to talk. "Benjamin, I know you are confused right now. Tell me what you remember."

"I talked to the recruiter... He told me I needed to pick what my favorite toy out of a box. That I would remember... always having it." Benjamin was holding his head now, looking like he was on the verge of a break down.

"Okay Benjamin this is very important. I need you to listen to me very carefully. You are safe and everything is okay. Just take a few deep breaths and try to relax. Then I want you to look up at me.....

** **

Sounds drifted past Benjamin, it was hard to place but there was one voice that stuck out from all the others, the doctor. He wasn't still in the infirmary was he? No it wasn't right. He was so sleepy. He just wanted to sleep forever...

"Benjamin seems to have had bit of a break. We expected a few to resist the first test. He was sustainable. It works but direct confrontation seems to have triggered a schism. With such a short contact there was bound to be a fairly high failure rate."

The young and very drowsy student started to stir and the voiced quieted. He felt strong arms pushing him back down onto the table. Table? Maybe this was still the infirmary.

"Benjamin you can hear me can't you? I am this is Doctor Yeager. I need you to listen to me. You got very faint and passed out. I need you to rest for me. You poor little thing you got a bump on your head. Why don't you hold onto Mr. Bun for me? You remember Mr. Bun don't you?"

Benjamin felt the soft plush bunny get pressed into his arms. Of course he remembered Mr. Bun. It was his favorite toy growing up. He nodded sleepily.

"Good boy... Now these nice men are going to take you to your room and let you take a long nap. You just sleep right now though sweetheart."

Benjamin felt himself getting picked up like he weighed nothing. For just a moment he wondered if it was Mr. Hudson that had picked him up. He was so tired he could not even look up to check. Instead he fell soundly back asleep.


Benjamin did not wake again until late morning. He was dressed in the briefs and t-shirt he had been wearing under his prison uniform. Mr. Bun was still in his arms. A raccoon was awake and looking at him from the other bed.

"Morning sunshine...." He said with a smirk.

"What the fuck? Where am I? Who the hell are you?" Benjamin could not remember being led to the dorm or put in bed. The last thing he remembered he was waiting in line for the infirmary.

"This is our room, and I am your new roommate. Little princess like you couldn't take all the stress and passed out in the doctor's office." The Raccoon teased. "At least that is what they said. Betting pool is favoring that you bumped your head when the good doctor was porking you."

Benjamin was too tired and groggy to protest all the teasing. "You are kidding right? There really isn't a betting pool is there?"

The raccoon laughed and hoisted himself out of the bed. He was just wearing an a-frame undershirt and briefs as well. "Nah I am just fucking with you. I'm Russell but most people call me Russ."

"Nice to meet you I guess." Benjamin said rubbing his sore head.

"You guess? It is a fucking honor to meet me." Russ said sticking out his paw to shake Benjamin's hand. He was clearly joking, and had a goofy grin on his muzzle. "Someone came around while you are sleeping. Said we have the morning to unpack and get ready before breakfast. "

Benjamin was disappointed to find that Gabe did not end up as his roommate but soon discovered he was just across the hall. Luckily his new roommate, Russ, seemed like not only a friendly guy but they had quite a bit in common. He wasn't too bad to look at either. Both of them were a little chunky but the raccoon was the bigger of the two, a fact that Benjamin didn't mind at all.

They quickly started to get to know each other as they unpacked. With only one bag there was not a whole lot to unpack. They did find that the school had provided quite a few school uniforms for them to wear. They found out that there was one staff member in charge of each building. A large rabbit name Mr. Cobb was the head of theirs. He made the rounds and introduced himself to all the boys staying in his building.

Benjamin was pleasantly surprised to find that the big rabbit was very kind and did not seem to look down on his inmate students. His off white fur made him look like he could have been part of Benjamin's family,

After politely chatting with Russ and Ben for a bit he sighed and shook his head. "Ok boys now for the unfortunate stuff. So you probably have a few days before your classes start. That is ok and you have free reign of this building until then and you will have plenty of chores to do. You are not allowed out without an escort. You will have an appointment with a councilor sometime in the next few days. We will let you know and I will take you to it. There is a handbook in your drawer that lays down some basic rules and what can happen if you break them."

Benjamin checked the drawer for his copy and started to page through it while the older rabbit continued to speak. "You will probably see that most of this is pretty basic stuff. No cutting classes, no disrupting classes and such. Most infractions will earn you a single demerit; each demerit is good for 10 swats on the butt. More serious infractions earn more demerits. There is a small notebook in your drawer. You are to carry that on you at all times. If you earn a demerits and the instructor cannot or does not want to punish you themselves they will note it in your book. I will check it every night before dinner. If you ever don't have your notebook on you it is an automatic 10 demerits."

Russ was peeking over his shoulder as Benjamin went over the list of crimes and punishments. The rabbit was not kidding when he said that most things earned you spanking though the book listed how many demerits each earned you. Some of the more serious crimes were marked "with implement" or "humiliation" both boys were a getting a little frightened.

"What does this mean?" Benjamin asked holding up the book and pointing to the offending sections of the handbook.

Mr. Cobb sighed again. "Well you don't need to worry about that if you behave but if you receive one of those punishments the instructor or councilors giving you your punishment is within their rights to use an implement like a belt or switch. If it is marked humiliation they can ask you to do something that will be embarrassing, usually some sort of public shaming. Both are at the discretion of the staff member administering your punishment."

He could see both boys starting to panic some and put his big hands on their shoulders to comfort them. "This was all in the paperwork you signed before coming here. It is part of the reason we are allowed to do what we do. We never like using corporal punishment on students but it is sometimes necessary.

Neither of the boys was particularly comforted by that but they kept quiet. "Ok boys now get changed into your uniforms. If you are caught out of uniform that can earn you a demerit and you don't want that. As a new student you only get 10 swats per demerit the longer you stay here the more you get per demerit."

"Wait you mean it gets worse!?" Benjamin asked sounding incredulous.

"Of course we expect more from our older students. It gives them more incentive to behave. Even after you complete your time here your time at the Academy you will still stay at a halfway home until you can prove you are rehabilitated." Mr. Cobb said getting up off of the bed and getting ready to move on to the next room.

"Oh one last thing, you will notice that there is no mention of punishments for um... intimate infractions. That is intentional; while is it is not strictly banned, we do allow out boys to play as a reward for extra work and rewards. We know that young men your age are filled with hormones you can't exactly control. You are free to... ahem... pleasure yourself or find another student to explore that with as long as you have been given a pass from your caretaker, namely me.

Benjamin interrupted. "B-but we aren't gay why would we want to play with another guy?" He was lying but he had been doing it his whole life, this was no different.

"Hush that is quite enough of that. If you fib to me again I will turn your ass red. All the boys that stay in my dorm are, or at least said they were on their application. We find it causes less trouble if we let boys with similar attractions stay in the same dorms. As long as it does not affect your studies and you keep it to your room or the showers, I will let you earn the right to paw off or hump. Those privileges can of course be revoked for misbehavior. Right now you have not earned anything so keep it in your shorts boys."

Russ was looking too stunned to speak after hearing that but Benjamin just managed to mutter, O-okay Mr. Cobb." before blushing hotly. "B-but what if we can't um hold it in, or do it anyway?"

The big hare raised an eyebrow. "For a wet dream nothing. You can't control that. If you intentionally paw off of have sex with another students you would get a firm spanking for a start, after that probably a few days in chastity. If you can't keep in it in your pants Mr. Yeager can always help you get your urges under control." That last part sounded oddly like a threat.

Benjamin was too mortified to speak so he just nodded, trying to fight down his blushing.

"Have fun you two and you better be in uniform before I see you again." The rabbit said with a chuckle as he slipped out the door and closed it behind him.

Looking over to his new roommate, Benjamin thought the poor raccoon was going to be sick. The bunny on the other hand started to laugh as the absurdity of what Mr. Cobb had just said. "Well that was super awkward. Just got outed by that fat rabbit."

"Yeah totally! I mean it isn't like there are any girls here anyway but that was really awkward..." Russ said.

Benjamin was laughing harder now. "I wonder if those perverts stuck us together to see if we screw! I know they asked on the application but I figured that was so we wouldn't get stuck with a gay basher or something."

"So you really are gay? He wasn't just making stuff up?" Russ asked shyly.

"Yeah... I don't make a big deal of it or anything." Benjamin said as Russ watched the chubby bun move over to the closet and start looking at the uniforms.

"I get that... so what are you in for?" Russ asked curiously.

Benjamin didn't respond at first, he was busy checking out the stop drawer of his dresser. He pulled out one of the drawers and whistles. "Wow we can't even wear our own underwear. Look at these." He said holding up a pair of thick white fabric briefs. Red piping around the legs and waistband made them look like they were for a cub. The fabric was so thick they almost felt padded. At least they felt comfortable.

"Oh wow they look like what I wore when I was eight! Only without the superheroes on them." Russ said with a laugh. "Come on tell me why you are in here. I should know what kind of degenerate I am bunking with."

"I got caught breaking into someone's house. It was dumb; I never should have let my friends talk me into it. How about you?" Benjamin responded quickly. It was like pulling off a Band-Aid. It was best to get it over with.

The raccoon just shrugged like it wasn't that big of a deal. "Yeah I wish I was in for that. I stole a car and wrapped it around a tree..."

"Ouch I bet that hurt..." Ben said wincing.

"Actually I was pretty drunk at the time, really drunk. I kind of bounced." Russ said as he got up to start changing himself. Unlike the bunny he didn't hesitate to strip down to his fur. Looking a bit more confident now or possibly just horny from watching Benjamin prancing around in his underwear, he yanked down his under wear and let his hooded cock dangle out in the open.

Any thoughts of seducing the raccoon were erased from Benjamin's mind as he quickly realized he was the one being hunted now, and it was working. His eyes flicked down to the Russ's cock so he could steal a look. Russ was nicely endowed but nothing monstrous like he suspected Mr. Cobb was packing.

Russ caught him looking and grinned. "Take yours off and we can compare. Do you have a foreskin or do you have a cute sheath?"

Suddenly very shy Benjamin blushed and covered the growing tent in his underwear. The raccoon was getting him pretty worked up. "Um... Really shouldn't we you know... get dressed."

"But you have to put on your new underwear... You want to be an upstanding student here at Brightwood, don't you?" Russ said as he slipped his paws into Benjamin's waistband and tugged down his underwear. The bun's half flaccid member flopped out into the open. He was getting hard but he was far from erect. Russ pressed up against Benjamin and held his cock up next to Benjamin's, one in each paw.

It was clear that the raccoon was much longer and a bit thicker than the bun when they were half hard, much to Benjamin's embarrassment. "Hey come on... we have to get dressed." Ben said starting to firm up in Russ's paw as the raccoon squeezed and kneaded his little pecker.

"We can't really compare soft can we? Come in it will be fun." Russ said trying to coax the bunny to full hardness. Benjamin, despite his protests, was not pulling away or trying very hard to stop his new roommate.

"I-I guess not... They didn't let us jack off in lock up. I haven't cum in weeks." The bunny whined as he started to give in. "He said we can't though... Don't want to get in trouble again."

"Me either... So keep it down. I have to say now that I know the rules I am kind of pissed you are my roommate. You are pretty cute. It might be hell living with you if we aren't ever allowed get off. I might have to do a lot of extra chores."

Benjamin just blushed in response. He didn't really know how to respond to that. He was quite hard by the time Russ slid him down to his knees and pressed his hooded tip up against the bunny's nose. Benjamin could smell how needy he was, pre-cum was drooling from his tip and smeared on the bun's nose.

"But what if they catch us? I mean he just said we aren't allowed to play."

"How is he supposed to know if my load ends up in your muzzle? I will return the favor."

With a needy moan Benjamin gave in and wrapped his muzzle around his new roommates cock and started to suck. He savored the raccoon's taste as he peeled back his hood and licked his fat tip. Russ put a paw on the back of the bunny's head and rubbed him encouragingly

"Oh yeah, god that feels good. I have needed this for sooooo long." Russ said as he started to gently thrust. "Damn you are good at that."

The bunny looked up and smiled at Russ with a silly grin. Benjamin had sucked more than one cock before and the bunny was proud of his talent.

"Mmmmf if you keep that up I am going to shoot." The raccoon was tensing and shivering trying to hold himself back. "Here, hold on. Get over there on the bed."

The boys shuffled awkwardly towards one of the two double beds in their dorm and fell into it. Russ swung himself around and climbed on top of Benjamin, so he could slide Benjamin's cock into his muzzle as he got his own sucked off.

Neither one of them lasted much longer but Russ was the first to explode into his roommate's muzzle. Benjamin didn't think the raccoon was ever going to stop shooting, as he gulped down the big load. Quite a bit managed to dribble down his chin onto his chest.

The rabbit came only moments after Russ finished using his muzzle. Unlike huge mouthful of cum Russ fed Benjamin, the raccoon only got a few small squirts that splattered over his tongue. Pulling off of the rabbit's cock Russ jerked him harder with his paw trying to work out a few more shots but Benjamin just drooled cum out weakly onto his chubby belly.

"Are you sure you were jerking off in lock up weren't you?" Russ teases as he collapsed onto the bed next to the bunny licking his lips. "Small load for such a worked up bunny."

Benjamin blushed a bit and laughed. "Well maybe a few times. They were really bad at checking but I haven't cum in days I swear."

"Suuuure. I think you were just teasing me to get me all worked up, so I would drop a load in your muzz. Poor little bunny needs to get off sooooo badly!" Russ teased.

"Worked didn't it?" Benjamin said with a wicked grin.

"I knew it!" Russ said pouncing Benjamin again and wrestling with him playfully.

The boys played around a bit more as they chatted about their lives and why they ended up at Brightwood. Both stank of cum and sweat and were wrapped around each other when there was a knock at the door and Mr. Cobb slipped into their room.

"You boys liking your new uniforms?..." The big rabbit trailed off when he saw the boys nude and desperately trying to cover their naked bodies. "Boys... What did I tell you when I left before?"

Benjamin had managed to cover his cock with a pillow while Russ clasped his paws over his bits, neither answered.

"I am waiting..."

"You said we need to be in our uniforms when you came back. We lost track of time!" It was Russ that eventually spoke up, leaving out the part where they were not supposed to get off.

"Yes and I also told you that you had not earned your sex privileges yet. That is no excuse. I gave you almost two hours to get changed and unpacked. I see you two put that time to better use emptying your nuts." It was hard to tell of Mr. Cobb was really upset or thought the whole thing was funny. He if wasn't mad, he was certainly good at acting like it.

"We can get dressed right away! We are sorry! It won't happen again I swear!" Benjamin pleaded. He had already gotten one spanking and did not relish the idea of a second on his first day.

"Hush now, you are in enough trouble. Two demerits each, both of you get up and stand with your arms behind your head. Legs spread." Mr. Cobb said as he walked over to the small washing basin the dorm was equipped with and wet a washcloth.

Both young men did as they were told not wanting to think about what Mr. Cobb was up to. Both were flaccid and spent, still dripping with seed as the chubby rabbit started to wash them both with the cloth, starting with their fat tummies and thighs. He alternated between the two of them not letting either speak or moved as he humiliated them.

"Now which one of you started this?"

Neither of the boy's spoke at first but eventually Russ piped up. "I-I did."

"I did, Sir." Mr. Cobb corrected. "That is good to know, I might have to keep an extra eye on you Russ."

Benjamin was horrified as he felt his cock slowly getting hard again as Mr. Cobb worked his way up the bunny's thighs with the wet cloth and wrapped his hand around the bunny's cock. Peeling back his foreskin Mr. Cobb washed Benjamin's tip and shaft, then over the boy's balls.

The rabbit was surprisingly clinical about it. He seemed to be totally ignoring that the boys were rock hard again. He washed them with a roughness that reminded Benjamin of a frustrated parent cleaning a child who had managed to get themselves dirty.

Benjamin couldn't help but notice that the Russ was watching his little cock get washed which just made it all the more humiliating. Luckily the hare turned his attention to Russ after getting Benjamin so worked up he thought he was going to cum again.

Russ was panting and trying not to thrust into the older bunny's hand as his hood was peeled back and got his knob scrubbed. He started to buck his hips as the large rabbit was essentially jerking him of into the washcloth. Far more than he had done with Benjamin.

"If you come again you are getting another demerit." Mr. Cobb warned, as Russ started to shake and moan.

"No fair... That feels unnnng!" Russ said trying hard to hold back.

"You need to learn to control your impulses Russ, I will paddle your ass if you cum again." Mr. Cobb said matter-of-factly.

The second warning clicked something in Russ's head though and he started to squirt hard again into the washcloth. The rabbit pulled it away and tsked as he let the rest of the load spatter onto the hardwood floor. When he was finished the hare gave the raccoon's bits another once over with the cloth and wiped up the puddle on the floor without saying anything about it.

Still making the boys stand at attention Mr. Cobb returned the washcloth to the basin. He then took Benjamin over his knee and started to paddle the bunny's ass. Twenty hard swats exactly, ten on each cheek while Russ watched.

When he was done the hare did something very odd. He gathered the sniffling bunny into his arms and whispered. "I am sorry I had to do that bunny. Go lay on the bed while I work through Russ's demerits."

Benjamin scrambled over to the bed humiliated and ashamed. He watched as Russ was hauled over the hare's lap and received 30 swats and a stern warning not to cum while being punished again. Mr. Cobb had made the raccoon count his swats out.

When the spanking was over the Rabbit sent Russ to the bed as well then went to their shared closet and grabbed two uniforms. "I am sure both of you boys thought the washing and spanking were humiliating enough but I am going to make sure you are properly ashamed of your behavior. Since you seem to think you don't need to get dressed on your own. I am going to do it for you for the next week. You cannot get dressed or undressed without me doing it for you. You are also getting a time out from sex. Three days. That means you cannot earn your privileges even if you are good. "

The two boys exchanged glances but were far too afraid to speak up.

"If I catch you humping again I will be sure to march you out in front of your whole dorm and paddle your asses like little children. Then I will give you one more chance to prove to me that control yourself and not come while you are teased. Like I just did with Russ only everyone will be watching.

If you cannot wait three days come to my room and I can work something out with you. If you can't prove to me you can control your urges you will both be going into hard chastity. Have either of you boys ever been locked up down there before?" When both of them shook their heads no he continued. "Well it is no fun let me assure you that."

Both boys were flabbergasted at what they were hearing but neither protested. They knew that it would just make things worse than they already were. Not only were they both sure the hare had just propositioned them but he also seemed to be enjoying humiliating them. They could tell he was hard through his slacks, his big cock was snaked down one leg.

Awkwardly they let the big rabbit get them dressed like they were little cubs. They were of course painfully embarrassed but that was the point of course.

Once they were dressed and ready Mr. Cobb led them out into the dorm common's area to meet up with the rest of the boys in their dorm. It appeared that there were other staff members staying in this dorm but Mr. Cobb was in charge. The rooms were paired off into quads of four students. There was a wolf, a tiger, and a ram each in charge of one of the other quads. Mr. Cobb was in charge of Benjamin's quad as well as the most senior staff member. He overheard the ram and the wolf talking about how Mr. Cobb always liked taking charge of "problem quads" himself and that they already had some discipline issues with several students.

Gabe and his roommate were the last to show up after Mr. Cobb went looking for them. The chubby pig and his red panda roommate had red eyes and were trying not to sniffle as they were lead toward the group.

The pig quickly made his way over to Benjamin and whined. "Fuck! They spank you for everything here! It is weird...."

"I know!" Benjamin said in a hushed voice, while they were all led double file toward the cafeteria for dinner. "What did you do?"

"Well Mack and I were um... We thought we could sneak in a quick jerk after getting dressed. I got cum all over my uniform and didn't notice. Mr. Cobb paddled my ass and changed me like I was a little cub." The pig didn't mention that he had to lick his pants clean before the hare put them in the laundry hamper. "Mack didn't change into the uniform underwear and even that got him swatted!"

"What are we going to do? They can't just keep this up can they?"

"Take a good look at Mr. Cobb's slacks. See that wet spot... I think he gets off on it."

"Shit..." Benjamin could see it plain as day. The hare had been leaking precum like a faucet and had stained his tan slacks.

The older rabbit caught them looking and frowned. He waited a bit before coming up to the boys and whispering. "Something wrong boys?"

"N-Nothing sir..." Benjamin said shyly.

"Good now no more chit chat." The hare said giving him a wink, and making him blush even more.

All sixteen of the new boys were then shown around their new dormitory. It was a large story building with 8 rooms for students and nearly as many for staff.

There were only a few shared bathrooms on each floor for all of them and the large communal showers were in the basement along with the gym.

Breakfast was surprisingly good and homemade. All the boys ate like it was their last meal. It was certainly better food than they had gotten in jail. As they were served the cook, a large stallion, explained that they would all be taking turns helping in the dining room cooking, cleaning and serving.

That got some grumbles out of the boys especially when they found out that it was starting right away. After they stuffed themselves silly they were put to work clearing the tables and cleaning the kitchen under the stallion's stern direction.

Once they were done they were escorted back to the dorm and were allowed some time to themselves in the common room. Benjamin, Russ, Gabe, and Mack got to know each other better and swapped stories of their lives. When Mr. Cobb came up in conversation they all seemed to be in agreement that the big bunny was a pervert or something but none of them really seemed to be upset about it. Russ and Mack seemed mostly amused while Benjamin and Gabe tried to hide their arousal.

The rest of the day was unpacking and organizing their room. As well as strict lessons on how their dorms were to be maintained.

When it came time for bed Mr. Cobb took the boys back to their respective rooms and got them undressed. Benjamin was a bit horrified when the big rabbit insisted that they wear pajamas. They were made of a soft baby blue fleece and had a drop seat for their rumps like long johns. White button snaps on the front ran down to the crotch. Worse of all they had childish prints on them that made them look like something a toddler would wear. Benjamin protested but Mr. Cobb calmly explained that it was part of the punishment. If he was dressing them he got to choose what they wore.

All four boys had lost their dressing privileges this week. Their pet theory was Mr. Cobb did that to all the new boys to break them in their first week. It did not change how humiliating it was to be a full grown man and have someone dressing and undressing you.

The next morning they were shown to the showers again in the basement. Benjamin was not surprised when Mr. Cobb insisted on not letting his boys undress in the locker room. Like they expected he did it for them while other boys snickered and laughed. They were not alone though. A few other boys were getting the same treatment.

On their first morning all showering together everything was fairly calm, if any of the guys had managed to earn the privilege of jerking off none of them took advantage of it. A few of the guards pulled the good boys aside and gave them a gentle reminder that the showers were one of places they were allowed to use that privilege. Still none of them were brave enough to be the first.

Benjamin was nearly convinced that all of the staff here were prisoner raping perverts. Nothing he had seen had proved otherwise. He tried not to think of Mr. Cobb watching as he soaped up his fur and sensitive places.

Benjamin had imagined that more than a few of the new boys had ended up like him and on the shit list. He really didn't know how he was going to last 3 days without coming with Russ, Gabe and Mack around. All three seemed to be just as misbehaved as he was.

The bunny tried to get through his shower with a minimum of looking around or gawking but it was inevitable. A Mack caught him stealing a peek and just grinned. The big red panda was getting pretty hard. He was not nearly as shy as the other boys in his quad. He grabbed Gabe and spun the pig around so he was facing Benjamin and pointed to the pig's little stiff cocklet. It would have been pretty impressive if it wasn't for the pudge around his crotch and his fat pig belly.

Gabe was looking humiliated and ashamed but at the same time defiant. He pushed back the pudge to show off his cock. "Told you it got bigger..." He said blushing. Mack gave the piggy a protective hug and let him hide his shame. Despite teasing him the panda seemed to like the little pig. Out of pity Benjamin looked away.

Once they all finished the boys toweled off and Mr. Cobb came over to them to get dressed. It was even more humiliating getting undressed. Benjamin was so tense he could barely stand it. He had so many questions.

For the rest of the day they were shuffled from one tedious chore to another, only breaking for lunch. They were told they would start would all attending their remedial classes to get them up to speed on their college level classes but they did not start for a few days. So they were stuck doing chores until then. Real classes were not starting for some time.

Almost none of the boys in Brightwood had ever graduated high school. Some like Benjamin had their GED but they were a minority. It was easy coursework but it kept them busy. That evening was much the same as the previous night.

Benjamin was getting increasingly wary of Mr. Cobb and the rest of the staff but when Mr. Cobb tucked him into bed at lights out he couldn't help but get a warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach.

The two day's went by in a blur off chores and cleaning. Staff was keeping them busier than they ever thought was possible. Wednesday morning Benjamin showered, ate and attended his first class at 7am. An hour later Mr. Cobb poked his head into the class and nodded towards Benjamin. "Sorry to interrupt class but Mr. Ward here has an appointment with the councilor."

The teacher just waived Benjamin out of the room. Even at the brisk pace that Mr. Cobb was leading them at the pair was almost late. He only had to wait nervously for a few minutes until the door opened and another student stepped out clutching a stack of paperwork and practically ran for the doors. The staff member escorting him stopped the slight canine boy and gave him a demerit for running in the halls.

Benjamin wondered curiously why he was in such a hurry to get out of there. The door creaked as Mr. Stapleton to poke his big bovine head out. "Mr. Ward I presume? I do believe you are my 8:15 come on in and sit down. I am sure you have lots of questions. We also have your enrollment to finalize."

Mr. Cobb followed him into the councilor's office and took a seat next to him. It was a little uncomfortable mostly because of the mixed feelings he still had about the rabbit and this strange school."

"Let me first to welcome you to Brightwood Academy Mr. Ward. How your trip?" Mr. Stapleton asked as he straightened his suit before taking a seat himself.

"I am glad I was given this chance." Benjamin said not wanting to complain about his situation to someone who was most likely less than sympathetic.

"I am glad to see you are an eager student. Do you have any questions for me yet?" There were dozens of questions he had but he was afraid to ask some of them in front of Mr. Cobb. So he went with a bullshit question.

"Why me? I mean I am pretty average..." Benjamin said blushing hotly. Hoping he was not too transparent.

"Well Mr. Ward, no offense but, in a lot of ways you are below average. Your disciplinary history in school speaks for itself. You graduated with a C+ average from a public High School. Most higher institutions these days would not have even looked at your application."

The bull adjusted himself in his seat then laid down a folio with Benjamin's mug shot attached to the front. "Then there is your arrest record.... Public mischief, possession, and breaking and entering... very naughty Mr. Ward..."

"Why did you then? I mean if I am such a bad student?" The young man said trying to bite back the sharp tongue that had gotten him in trouble more than once. "I mean why not just let them send me to prison?"

"The reason, Mr. Ward, is we do not look at your arrest records or your school transcripts. Do you remember when you put in an application here? All the paperwork you had to sign?"

Benjamin rubbed the back of his head. He did quite well. "Yeah the public defender made me fill out application before sentencing."

"When you signed that paper work you became our problem not the State's. We see potential in you Benjamin and we would like to foster it."

"What do you mean your problem?" Benjamin asked.

"For the next four years you belong to this program and this academy. Did you ever read what you rights you were signing over? What Brightwood Academy even is? "

"The DA just said I should apply. That we it was kind of like boot camp or something. That you were real strict." Benjamin was starting to get worried. He had barely even looked at the pages of paperwork he had signed without ever reading. "Didn't think it was anything I needed to ..."

"We are not the most usual institution. As you probably have figured out by now we also only offer attendance to young men who identify as gay or bisexual."

"Mr. Cobb said all the guys in my dorm were... I-I thought that might be the case. Seemed kind of weird how many guys were popping boners in the showers and such. Plus my roommate..." Benjamin gave them a slight grin. He was starting to open up. "Why not just take everyone?"

"We were founded to create a safe space for young men who might otherwise not fare well in prison due to their sexual orientation and help rehabilitate them." The bull made it all sound to reasonable.

"Now tell me Benjamin do you really want to be here?

"I just think I can be better... I always got the short stick. I want another chance."

"We think you can be better too Mr. Ward. That is why you are here to get your second chance. We are giving you an opportunity to advance your learning and your own potential. Something most people in your situation never really get"

"Thank you Sir..." The bunny said trying to sound grateful.

"It is far too late for you to back out now but I think it is fair for you to understand what you have gotten yourself into. I hear that you already been punished by both the Vice-Principal and your caretaker Mr. Cobb." The bull said as he pulled out a copy of the consent forms he had signed as part of his application.

With a gulp, Benjamin nodded. Here it came. "Yes sir. The vice-principal said he wasn't going to be on my record." He paused for a second looking confused. "Caretaker?" He had only heard Mr. Cobb use the term once.

"Oh he didn't mention it in your official record but you will find that Brightwood Academy is a small place and word can spread quickly.

"You and the other first year students we will live together in your own dormitory. Each quad is overseen by a caretaker. Mr. Cobb is yours. Some students jokingly refer to them as den fathers. You will attend classes every day except the weekends. You will be on time and never tardy. Fights as you have found out are not tolerated. Breaking rules of any kind will earn you demerits. Demerits earn you punishments."

The bull slid him some paperwork and forms. Benjamin tried to look over it but it was so dense that it was almost impenetrable. "Mr. Cobb already explained the demerits to me." He clearly had more questions about that but he was hesitant.

Mr. Stapleton noticed, and asked. "Is something else on your mind? Now is the time to ask."

When he didn't answer right away the older rabbit jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow. "Answer the man."

Not able to look up and meet the bull's gaze he kept his gaze on the consent forms. "What is this about... corporal punishment. I mean we are not cubs what is with all the spanking."

"Corporal punishment is an effective tool for keeping problem students in line." The bull replied dismissively.

"But I'm not a problem inmate!" Benjamin shot back. "Why have I gotten punished then?"

"You got into a fist fight within 10 minutes of arriving here. While I do understand that you were protecting Gabriel you should have told one the guards instead of using your fists."


"Isn't fair?" The bull was getting short with him. "We are giving you a chance to not only serve a fraction of your sentence but also walk out of here with an expunged record and a diploma. I think we are being rather generous. Now if you are so concerned read starting here." Mr. Stapleton said jabbing a finger to one of the pages in the stack.

Knowing he was beaten Benjamin looked back down to the consent forms. What he found scared the shit out of him. It allowed for implements like belts, and paddles. Even a switch was allowed for the worst offenses. It also spelled out some of the humiliating things that could be done do them. From minor things like being sent to a time out corner and having to make public apologies to having to more harsh ones like having to do physical education classes nude.

It also spelled out regression punishment; it started with loss if privileges and progressed into forced remedial classes and heightened supervision by the caretaker. As Benjamin read, he could not help but think about Mr. Cobb not letting him dress himself.

The bull turned the page for him and then pointed to a section about hypnosis and re-education. He skimmed over most of it. What caught his eye was something called diaper punishment. Benjamin didn't even want to think about that the meant but he made himself ask.

"What is this about... um...? I don't really have to wear them do it?"

"Diapers? Well that entirely would depend on your behavior and the discretion of your caretaker. It is normally used as a deterrent for gross violations of the rules. I will tell you nearly all boys who come through our doors end up with some level of regression before we build you back up."

"Are you talking like brainwashing, is this even legal?"

"Of course it is legal, we have a charter to do exactly what we are doing and no it is not brainwashing. You will not do anything that you do not want to do. We simply help you learn to control your impulses better. We have found that it is a lot easier to do that without all the mental baggage you are carrying around."

"Y-You can't be fucking serious? You are all crazy? People agree to this?" Benjamin had been on board with everything so far, well maybe not the switch or belt, but he didn't have a problem getting spanked now and then if he got a clean record out of it. The diapers were taking it just a step too far.

"Language Mr. Ward!" Mr. Cobb growls angrily. "That is a demerit!"

"Language? You are fucking nuts! You really think I want to let you guys brainwash me and stuff me into diapers just because you can waive your magic wand and get me record clean? Fuck you and fuck your demerits!"

The hare grabbed him by the scruff and pulled him in real close. "Not another word... Your little outburst is over and you just earned another three demerits." His voice was acid.

Dropped bodily back into his seat Benjamin tried not to shake. Mr. Stapleton had the same smug look on his face as he sat there on the other side of the huge desk. "Are you through?" It was dripping with condescension.

"Yeah... I am not doing that..." The rabbit folded his arms grumpily like a child throwing a tantrum.

"You seem to be laboring under the misapprehension that you have any choice in the matter. You signed the contract of your own volition with multiple witnesses who will vouch that you were not forced to sign." The bull said sharply.

"You tricked me!" Benjamin wailed.

"We did nothing of the sort... you know that cute little pig friend of yours? He sent in his application in triplicate just to make sure that we got it. It is not our fault that you did not bother reading what you were signing your name to. Now Mr. Ward our time is almost up and I believe you have earned four demerits during your visit. I believe I will claim those before you leave."

The bunny started to panic, he looked to Mr. Cobb for direction but the large rabbit just gave him a sorrowful look. Like he was saying, "Sorry kid you made your bed, now sleep in it."

The big bull got up and peeled off his jacked, neatly folding it before setting it aside. He took his time rolling up the cuffs to his crisp white dress shirt. "Benjamin please bend over my desk."

The bunny almost sobbed. This couldn't be happening. "No please... "

"Mr. Cobb please help Benjamin assume the position."

The hare seized the young bunny and hauled him out of his seat and forced him over the bull's desk. Benjamin gasped as his pants and underwear were dropped down around his ankles. Meanwhile the bull was taking off his belt and folding it over.

"I am sorry to have to do this but you will not speak to staff the way to spoke to me... Understood." The councilor's voice was grim.

"Y-Yes sir..."

"Good boy now hold these out of the way don't want to clip them by accident." He says tapping the bunny on his dangling sack and pecker with the belt. "Count out ten stripes. If you don't count it before the next stripe falls you have to take it again."

Benjamin quickly cupped them with one paw and braced himself for the worst. When the first blow stuck his ass the bunny thought he was going to fall over. Mr. Cobb's paws kept him steady. Yelping and struggling he forgot to count before the next one fell.

"Start again..."

"One!" He managed to squeak out before the belt bit into the tender rump a third time.

Stripe after stripe on his creamy white ass Benjamin yelped and struggled against Mr. Cobb holding him down. Around the 4th blow the bun started to cry in long jagged sobs. "I'm sorry!"

"You are now, I am sure of that." The big bull rumbled angrily behind him. "Remember how much this hurts next time you think about mouthing off."

"C-can we stop?" Benjamin asked sounding pitiful.

"I have only heard you count out four Mr. Ward." The councilor said brining the belt down on the rabbit's ass again.


Somehow Benjamin managed to count out seven stripes before the pain distracted him enough that missed another one. Mr. Stapleton was not even hitting that hard. The leather belt was doing all the work for him. Mr. Cobb was trying to comfort him but it didn't help much when it felt like his ass was on fire.

After having to take the eighth swat twice was enough of an incentive to sputter out nine and ten between sobs. Mr. Cobb pulled him into a hug when it was over and held him for a long time. Everything just seemed to melt away as he was held and lovingly stroked.

"I'm sorry..."Benjamin kept saying over and over again as he buried his face is Mr. Cobb's chest.

"Hush now... It is over, no one has mad at you. You did something wrong and you were punished. Since it was your first belting we can zero out your demerits." Mr. Cobb said warmly.

Benjamin didn't notice as Mr. Stapleton caught the bigger rabbits gaze and nodded to the floor. There was a large puddle of piss and Benjamin's pants were soaked. "Why don't you go clean him up I can take care of this."

Mr. Cobb just nodded. "Come on sweetie let's get you to a bathroom. It looks like you had an accident. "

Benjamin squirmed as he big rabbit rubbed his back. "I-I didn't' have an accident. " The little chubby little bunny protested.

"It is ok come up pull up your pants for now." Mr. Cobb said pulling up Benjamin's underwear and pants for him. They were cold and wet. Benjamin started to sob all over again when he realized that his caretaker had not lied to him.

Carefully he got up and let Mr. Cobb lead him out of the councilor' office. "Be good Mr. Ward. I hope I do not need to meet with you again. " The bull said as they left.

Soaked and humiliated Mr. Cobb led him towards a bathroom, and Benjamin was in no mood to put up a fight. Benjamin noticed quickly that he was being taken into one of the many "restricted areas" that were only for the older students. Mr. Cobb had to unlock the door to the bathroom when they finally reached it.

Benjamin was very thankful that he only passed a few other people, all of them staff on his way there. The public bathroom was not what Benjamin was expecting. Then again he was not sure what he expected. There were no urinals, only a few stalls. Most of the room was taken up by four big changing tables, only sized for adults.

At first he was confused by the big changing tables with brightly colored stickers and smiling faces painted on them. Slowly it started to make some sense to him though. If they used diapers for punishment they must have a place to change boys.

"D-do I have to put on a diaper? It was an accident! It won't happen again I promise!" Benjamin pleaded.

Mr. Cobb slipped his big paws under the little bun's arm pits and hoisted him into the table like he was nothing more than a whining toddler. "Cubby you pissed your pants, that means you get a diaper for at least 24 hours. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. You are going to wear it. Understood?" Mr. Cobb's voice was firm but gentle, leaving no room for discussion. "You are going to piddle in it too like a good cub. If you need a change any teacher in your class can do it for you or you can come to me. "

"What if I? You know." Benjamin asked barely above a whimper, afraid to fully voice his concern.

"If you need to do more than piddle let someone know and we will take you to the potty If you have an accident you have an accident. No big deal. You will do better next time. If you take it off for any reason on your own, it is an automatic demerit. Understand?" The big rabbit said rubbing Benjamin's belly as he laid him back.

Mr. Cobb made quick work of his student's trousers and underwear, stripping him out of them with practiced ease. This was clearly not the first time he had done this. Leaving Benjamin stripped and exposed he was quite happy that the little bun was not putting up more of a fight. Dr. Yeager had done an excellent job as always.

Benjamin squeaked as his den father's paw ran over his tender bits and slowly tugged back his foreskin so he could clean it with a wet wipe. Benjamin had never felt this humiliated before but he couldn't make himself try to stop it. Deep down he knew he deserved this for leaving a puddle on the councilor's floor.

The little bun squirmed a little as his caretaker cleaned up his most intimate places but tried to hold still as best he could. His heart began to race when he heard the big fluffy diaper getting readied. He was a big boy after all. He didn't need diapers.

Suddenly none of this made any sense any more. What was he doing? Letting strange big men paddle his ass with a belt? Put him into diapers? He tried to get up but a firm paw held him down onto the changing table.

"What is the matter cubby?" The chubby hare asked.

"This isn't right... You can't put me in that. I am not a little cub." Benjamin whined.

Mr. Cobb frowned maybe the Doctor's conditioning was not working as well as he thought. "Hush, it is just for one day. Let Daddy take care of you."

Benjamin felt his heart flutter. "You aren't my Dad..."

A big paw started to rub his tummy slowly. "Of course I am sweetie. I am a Daddy to all my boys. Now I want you to relax and take a deep breath. Just put all of is out of your mind."

Benjamin tried to relax and do as he was told, to forget where he was and what was going on. Suddenly he was handed his stuffed bunny he had been sneaking around in his backpack. No one told him he couldn't but he just felt safer knowing Mr. Bun was with him. When Mr. Cobb pressed it into his arms he clung to it for comfort and slowly started to calm down.

Mr. Cobb frowned he knew him that the stuffed plush would put the bun back into a suggestive state but it was sloppy and rushed. All the students should have it nearly hard coded after a single visit to Dr. Yeager.

The hare started to rub the bunny boy comfortingly in long slow strokes. "That is my good boy. See this isn't so bad. It is just for one day." After light sprinkling of powder Mr. Cobb rubbed it in tenderly, seeing if he could get a reaction out of the boy now that he was calm.

"I-I guess not..." Benjamin said looking embarrassed, he buried his face in Mr. Bun to hide his blushing. Part of him knew that he would be rebelling against the tender touching between his legs but all he could manage was to keep from moaning as he was teased.

"Good boy now, we are almost done. Your pants are soaked so this is what you are going to wear to class." Mr. Cobb said like it was totally normal to send a boy to class in just a diaper.

"B-but..." The bun's ears drooped in defeat. "Yessir." His cock was throbbing in his caretaker's paw.

A not insignificant number of boys ended up liking their diapers a little more than the others. The big rabbit was happy to see that Benjamin was one of the boys that would probably end up loving them. The big cub was rock hard as his diaper was finally taped up after being teased erect. The bunny had been naughty so he was not going to get a release before being taped into his diaper tight enough to keep paws out.

"OK, up you go..." Mr. Cobb said as he helped the bunny boy up off of the changing table.

The diaper felt so strange between Benjamin's legs. It was thick and bulky, and practically made him waddle. It somehow still felt comforting and nice. Still holding onto his plush in one paw he started to rub his tented front only to get his paw slapped.

"None of that... If you are very good you will be allowed to make a sticky after your classes tomorrow. I will check your work first before I decide." He thumped the little bun on his chubby padded ass and led him out of the bathroom and towards his class. Still inside the restricted area, Benjamin tried to peek inside the other rooms to see what was going on. He was curious as to why these areas were off limits to the other students. A stern look from Mr. Cobb kept his eyes from wandering too far. As they rounded a corner he saw a tiger caretaker holding another tiger boy about his age wearing only a thick diaper that was totally soaked and leaving a trail of puddle as he sobbed.

Benjamin recognized him from his dorm, he was almost certain the young tiger's name Teri. Mr. Cobb stopped and knelt down next to the pair of tigers. "Looks like we have an upset little tiggy here don't we?"

Teri sniffled and tried to dry his tears now that it was clear he had an audience. "D-Mr. Ramsey said I was going to have to wear diapers for a week!"

Mr. Cobb just tsked and laughed softly. "Well why does your den father say you have to do that?"

The bigger tiger just shook his head and answered for his boy. "Well he has wet the bed every night he has been here and I have caught him skipping class twice now."

The big rabbit nodded gravely. "You are lucky Mr. Ramsey is being nice. If I caught one of my boys skipping class he would get worse than just a diaper!"

"Oh don't think I am going soft on him. He is getting worse than that. Say goodbye Teri, we need to get you changed and back to class." The bigger tiger took him by the paw and led towards the bathroom with the changing tables.

Benjamin looked up at Mr. Cobb and gave him a worried look. "What would you do if I skipped class?" The younger bun thought he knew the answer would be a spanking but he couldn't keep himself from asking.

"Well another belting to start, then a meeting with the vice-principal. You probably would not be allowed play with yourself or the other boys for a long time as well." Mr. Cobb said almost casually.

Benjamin just gulped, he did not want to be part of any of that. The vice-principal was certainly not anyone he wanted to meet again. The bun was lost in his thoughts as they wandered back into the main halls. They started to see more first year students and they were between classes so there were a lot of boys moving around. Benjamin tried to pull the bottom half of his shirt down over his diaper but it just made him stand out more.

The embarrassed bunny could hear scattered snickers and noticed some boys pointing at him. "T-this isn't fair." Benjamin whined clinging to Mr. Cobb's paw.

"Nonsense, a little bun piddled like a baby and now you are dressed like one. How is that not fair?" That big hare said with a grin. "Besides you are not the only one. Remember Teri? And what about that boy?"

Benjamin turned to see a mouse scampering between classes with no pants and a diaper like him. "I-I guess but it is still embarrassing. Everyone can see." The smaller rabbit said still desperately trying to hide his diaper front.

"That is the whole point kiddo. It wouldn't be much of a punishment if no one could tell you are a crinkle butt." Mr. Cobb chuckled as he led the bunny boy into this next class. Suddenly Benjamin could feel all the eyes on him. Naked from the waist down except his diaper he felt so exposed. He rushed to his seat and sat down quickly, trying to ignore the heat rising to his cheeks.

"Look at the baby bunny!" Someone called out which got a laugh out of the class.

"I bet he uses them too!"

"Are you a wet baby?"

Feeling like he was going to die from embarrassment Benjamin hid his face behind his backpack. Mr. Cobb kissed him on the back of the head. "See you after class." The big rabbit whispered.

"Aww, did your Daddy put you in that baby?" A wolf boy teased.

Mr. Cobb patted the wolf on the shoulder as he left and gave him a devious grin. "I certainly did. Do I need to talk to your den father about disrupting class?"

The wolf just gulped and shook his head no. "Now be nice. Who knows when you might have an accident and end up in a diaper yourself."

"Imma big wolf!" The boy growled.

"Sure you are." Mr. Cobb said with a smirk as he left.

Benjamin was thankful that the teacher came into the class not long after Mr. Cobb left. He could barely pay attention he was so embarrassed by his current situation. It didn't help that it was math, the bun never really had a head for numbers.

To his horror he was called to the front of the class to answer a question. Benjamin was going to refuse and take whatever consequences there were but the teacher was a rather large badger and he didn't relish the idea of another spanking so soon after the councilor belted his ass.

As he waddled up to the front of the class, there was laughing every time Benjamin's diaper crinkled. The badger grinned and patted him on his poofy seat, handing him a piece of chalk. The bunny stood at the board for a long while just staring at the problem. No matter how long he stood there, he could not make sense of it. With a sudden flash of brilliance he scribbled out the answer. Even more snickering erupted from the class.

"That is a very nice try baby but you forgot to carry here and here... I am not sure what you did here." The badger said correcting his work while everyone watched. The little bun was not even aware he was piddling his diaper until he was sent back and someone started to tease him.

"Look the baby bunny is soggy! He does need his diapers!" It was the wolf again this time.

The teacher growled and pointed to the wolf. "That is one demerit for talking out of turn and one for picking on another student. Get up here now..."

The wolf reluctantly got up and headed to the front of the class. "If you think you are a big boy solve the next problem. If you get it wrong. I am doubling your demerits."

Picking up the chalk with a shaking paw the wolf started to puzzle out the problem. Now that he was faced with a problem himself it was suddenly a lot harder. Benjamin watched almost feeling bad for the wolf as he started and stopped half a dozen times. He finally committed to an answer as he scribbled it on the board the class started to giggle. The wolf thought it was because he was getting it wrong, he didn't realize he was pissing his pants.

"Very close, but you forgot to do it in the correct order." The badger chastised. "I see you want to join Benjamin in his diapers though." The teacher said nodding to the boy's soaked pants.

"What? I am not a..." The wolf looked down and clamped his muzzle shut leaving the rest unsaid. The class was laughing again as the wolf was bent over and stripped out of his soggy pants and underwear.

"You get 4 demerits total but I will let your caretaker deal with those." The badger said snatching the boy's notebook and scribbling down his demerits for later punishment."

"I would normally call your caretaker to get you changed but I don't see much of a point. Okay boys work on your worksheets while I take care of Will."

The wolf looked heartbroken as the teacher led him to a large empty desk and started to change him like he was a baby. Like Benjamin the wolf was clutching his plushy for comfort before it was all over.

The rest of the class was trying to watch but the math teacher made sure that they were working on it. "I expect everyone to have questions 1-10 done. One demerit for each one you don't finish."

Once he was in a diaper the wolf was let back to his seat without his pants. Somehow Benjamin managed to get all 10 questions done. Not all the boys were that lucky and the badger made them take their swats before they were allowed to leave at the end of class.

The rest of the day was eerily similar. Almost every class Benjamin had for the rest of the day, had at least one other boy in diapers or one that ended up in them. While it made Benjamin feel a little better he was still getting teased and in a definite minority.

At dinner he found several of the other diaper boys eating together, he recognized the mouse, Teri, and Will. He was also surprised to see Gabe. Unlike the other boys the pig still had his pants but the thick diaper was sticking up from his waistband.

Benjamin sat down with them and gave them all a shy look. "You guys too huh?"

Gabe laughed and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well I guess... I had an accident in PE. Doctor Yeager said I shouldn't worry. I just had the one accident but I still have to wear this dumb thing."

The bunny blushed. "Um... I got mine because I peed on Mr. Stapleton's floor."

"You peed on his floor!?" Will asked trying not to laugh. "That guy is so mean I didn't even want to look at him funny! What were you doing?"

"I-I was getting a belt for talking back to Mr. Stapleton and Mr. Cobb. I couldn't help it I just lost control.

Benjamin said sounding defensive. "What about you!? You were just at the board answering a question when you pissed yourself."

The wolf boy blushed hotly and took another bite of his meal. "I just got nervous... I used to pee when I got scared or nervous when I was a pup. I haven't done it since I was really little."

All of this seemed so wrong but Benjamin could not figure it out. Why were they all piddling their pants? Looking around the table, all of them were at least 18. Will was probably 20. He was starting to feel really uncomfortable when a familiar paw rested on his shoulder. It was Russ and the chubby raccoon was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey there cutie. Pampers dry?"

"Don't be an ass... you will probably end up in them sooner or later." Benjamin said grumpily. He liked the raccoon, getting teased by him was making the bun's ears hot.

"What? You look cute in them I swear." Russ said with a devious grin.

"Whatever... The bunny said making room for his roommate to sit with them. "Why are you sitting with us anyway? I mean you could go sit with the other guys..."

Russ just shrugged and leaned in to give Benjamin a nudge. "Maybe I just like my bunny."

Will and Teri nearly snorted with laughter. "Your bunny?" The tiger asked still giggling. "Don't see your name on him."

"Hey I saw him first. Besides he is my roommate!" Russ protectively hugged the bunny in mock seriousness.

Benjamin was so embarrassed he couldn't say anything. He was thankful when Russ finally slipped off of him and started to eat. He was even happier to see that Russ didn't make a bigger deal out of him being diapered.

After dinner Mr. Cobb and the rest of the caretakers led the boys who weren't on kitchen duty back to the common room to relax before bed. There were free to head to their rooms if they wanted to but most hung out. The only things they really had to do were some old board games and playing cards but they all made the most of it. The diapered boys did get teased a little but most of it was just in good fun.

About an hour and a half before lights up Russ drug Benjamin back to their room with Mack and Gabe. At first they were just playing cards but then and started to get frisky. None of them were allowed to cum yet but all four of them were worked up. The bunny as still very self-conscious about the diaper but he couldn't help but get hard when Russ started to knead the squishy front with his paws.

"Mm you are so cute in that. How are you not hard just all the time?" Russ asked with a lusty growl.

"W-what do you mean? It is horrible!" Benjamin replied testily which earned him a thump his diaper seat.

"Don't take that tone with me baby bun!" Russ teased as he climbed on top of Benjamin and stripped off his thick underwear. Benjamin watched entranced, the raccoon was rock hard and drooling from his tip already.

"I donno, I think the fat little piggy is cuter!" Mack said wrestling Gabe out of his shorts on the other bed. Like Russ he stripped down to his red fur. His thick cock was much longer than the other boys and thicker too.

"But it isn't sexy or anything...." Benjamin whined softly. Gabe nodded in agreement as he squirmed.

Russ pressed his cock against the soft squishy front the bunny's diaper and started to grind. "Says who?

You are freaking adorable like that. I just want to hump the crap out of you." The raccoon said playfully flipping Benjamin over and grinding against his diaper seat.

For the young bun it felt very strange. It was humiliating and arousing all at the same time. He let out a whimper as Russ lowered the back of his diaper and slipped his slicked up member between Benjamin's ass cheeks. The bunny was very thankful for the lube that was discreetly left in their rooms for them.

Groping around for something comforting to hold onto he grabbed his plush bunny and hugged onto it. Burying his face in it he took a deep breath and snuggled in. It felt like a warm blanket wrapped around him. Whenever he hugged his plush everything was comforting and safe. He felt himself start to let his mind drift off.

Mack watched the other boys play for a bit then decided he wasn't going to be able to behave himself. Snatched up the pig's teddy bear off of the floor then shoved him over the edge of the bed. He pulled down the seat of the pig's diaper exposing his ass. With a little lusty growl he sunk his big cock into Gabe.

"Little bunny likes his diapers huh? Bet you have been dying to have a big boy's cock under your tail all day." Russ teased

"Uh huh..." The bunny whimpered feeling himself get even subbier, his cock grinding into the soggy front of his diaper.

"Naughty little bunnies get hard when they soak their diapers and you are a very naughty bunny." Russ growled out in a low voice. "Piss your diaper for me little bun..."

Benjamin whimpered, "Yes Sir..." and started to once again soak his diaper, it was already quite full and the flooding started to leak out around the legs gathers. There was a wet squelch as he was fucked down into the soggy diaper.

Gabe was not needing any such encouragement. He soaked his diaper freely after Mack started to fuck his chubby pink ass. Mack rewarded Gabe by squeezing his soggy diaper front with a firm paw.

"Such a filthy little piggy. I bet you pissed yourself just so you could wear these didn't you?" Mack teased.

"M-Maybe..." Was all Gabe could muster in his defense. In truth he hadn't exactly pissed himself on purpose but he was trying to hold it as long as he could. He just forgot about how much running there was in PE and all that bouncing make him leak.

Mack started to really pound the pig's chubby butt. Only the teddy bear pressed up against his face kept him from squealing loud enough for the whole dorm to hear.

They laid there for a long while, just rutting away. They were too caught up in the moment to notice the bed was knocking against the wall.

The boys froze mid-thrust when they hear Mr. Cobb's growling voice. "All the thumping and squealing better not be what I think it is. " He growled from outside their door.

The four boys tried to scramble to cover themselves but there was not much point. The large imposing hare stormed into the room and looked at the boys accusingly. Russ and Mack and managed to slide out of their diapered partner's but they were still slick and stinking of sex.

Mr. Cobb surveyed the scene and shook his head angrily. "Did a little diaper pig and bun get their tails humped? Tell the truth now. I will go easier on you if you do."

"R-Russ said I looked cute in my diapers and we were snuggling, and it just sort of happened." Benjamin blurted out while Russ looked at him in abject horror for his betrayal.

"I wouldn't have done it if you were just going to snitch!"

"Russ stop that right now! He did the right thing by telling me truth." Mr. Cobb growled. "I told you what was going to happen if I caught you doing that again without permission." He growled angrily. "Don't any of you move an inch." He said as headed out into the hall to grab Mr. Rhodes the big ram caretaker from the other quad.

Benjamin started to beg when the rabbit returned with the ram. "Y-you can't be serious about this! I mean not in front of everyone!"

"Yes you naughty cubs are going to do exactly as I say... Stand up hand behind your backs." Mr. Cobb growled.

Mack was the largest and the biggest potential threat so he was the first to get this paws tied behind his back then a blindfold was placed over his eyes. The other three started to sob as they one by one were bound and blindfolded. They had seen another boy get a similar punishment the night before. He was just led out and spanked for calling his caretaker something very naughty.

The two big caretakers made them walk front to back, close enough that they were all touching. As soon as they were led out into the hall boys began to tease and snicker. The other two caretakers could be heard trying to quiet them as all four boys were taken out into the common area and forced to stand in a line.

Benjamin's heart was racing. He couldn't see anything and he knew he had to be standing in front of 12 other students in just his diaper. He could hear them settling in to watch their punishment like it was a public performance or something. Any hope of coming out of this not totally humiliated was crushed when Mr. Cobb started to speak.

"These four boy's decided that they were going to have sex even though they had not been given permission. Worst yet they had already been punished for it once. Now they are going to help me demonstrate why you obey your caretakers and what happens if you don't."

There was some murmurs from the boys but they were cut short when the big hare continued on.

"Each of them is getting 10 demerits and they are going to have to prove that they can control their urges or they are going to be locked up in chastity for a week. " Mr. Cobb rumbled angrily. "Now why don't we start with boy's who were doing the stuffing?"

Benjamin could hear the caretakers moving around. Part of He could feel the heat coming off one of them as they moved up behind Russ.

Russ looked indignant. "No you are just a big perv that gets off on this!"

That clearly didn't sit well with Mr. Cobb, as the big hare noisily yanked his belt free from the loops. Unlike Benjamin the raccoon had not taken it before. Despite his anger at being talked back to Mr. Cobb kept his cool and the punishment was mostly restrained. The belt cut down swats to a quarter of the original amount. That meant the raccoon was still going to take 25 strokes across his chubby ass.

Mr. Cobb roughly bent him over a chair in the common room then started to stripe his ass with the belt. The first 10 were with the training pants still on which dulled the pain. It was all thunder and no lightning. The shock of it though, and the sharp thuds on his backside was too much for Russ's regressing mind and he started to dribble just a little unlike Benjamin's flooding. After the first ten the training pants were ripped down around the 18 year old's ankles and he took 15 more hard strokes on his upturned ass and the pain came roaring in. The raccoon howled in pain and started to kick.

After the last stroke fell on Russ's now burning ass. Mr. Cobb pulled up his now damp undies and sent him back to stand in line again. He was still sniffling and sobbing as he stood there in front of everyone.

Mack was next, unlike Russ he didn't fight which meant that it took the first 10 on this training pants. The rest of the demerits were delivered with an open paw to his cubby ass. The big red panda kept his long fluffy tail laid over his shoulder and out of the way for nearly the whole spanking. He only slipped up once when he was getting paddled on his bare ass. Mr. Cobb forced it back up and kept on spanking.

Benjamin listened on edge the whole time and was scared out of his mind. He did not want another belting and not being able to see was messing with his mind. His heart was racing as Mack was led back to the line up trying to choke back tears.

"You were a good boy for telling me the truth. Come here sweetheart." Mr. Cobb said laying aside the belt and guiding the little bun over to for his turn. The caretaker tugged open the front on the boy's diaper and checked for cum. "I see you didn't cum but only because I walked in on you. Now I told you if you were good I was going to let you do that anyway tomorrow after classes. Why would you break the rules?"

Benjamin was acutely aware that everyone in the dorm could hear this intimate exchange. He heard snickering from the boys he knew were watching his every movement as he stood at the front of the room in a soaked diaper.

"I-it just felt so good when he was touching me and rubbing my diaper. He said I looked cute and sexy in my diapers, no one ever called me that before. Not in a sexy way like that at least." He sniffed trying not to start bawling. He was clutching his plush again and squeezing it for comfort. "I didn't mean to cum I was just wanted to make him feel good. The humping made me squish into the diaper."

"I believe you but you also didn't have to let him in rump did you?" Mr. Cobb asked pointedly.

"No Sir..." Benjamin said looking defeated.

"Thank you for not fibbing to me about this. It is important that you come to me if you do something bad. If you fess up to your mistakes the punishments is much less worse. Now lay down over my lap and we can get this over with." Mr. Cobb said laying the little bunny teen over his lap, then started the thump the seat of his thick diaper with an open paw.

It didn't hurt like the other times it had been spanked but in a way it was more humiliating. He was like he was just a little baby bunny caught with his paw in the cookie jar and was being punished for it. Even though the stripes on his ass sometimes stung as he took his 10 demerits worth of swats it was mostly painless. He was crying by the end though. The seemingly endless series of thumps reminded him of how naughty he was, and how much he deserved to be in this place.

He had long since lost count of how many swats he had taken when they suddenly stopped. Mr. Cobb helped him up and dried his tears. "There, there, no more bunny tears."

Like the other's Benjamin was led back to the line as he sobbed. Gabe was the last to get this swats. Like Benjamin he only got his with an open paw only the piggy started to kick and squirm. Mr. Cobb stopped paddling just long enough to strip in totally out of the diaper and finished counting out the swats with his big paw. The poor pig never even noticed he was piddling onto the floor as he was spanked.

Once all of the swats has been delivered Gabe was guided back to the group buck naked and sniffling. Benjamin felt like he was taking it pretty well, despite his sobbing, right up to the point where one of the caretakers, he couldn't tell which, popped the tapes on his diaper and exposed his flaccid member.

He instinctively tried to cover himself with his paws but tied up, all he was able to do was squirm.

"Now then, we are almost done. Now these naughty boys have one more punishment. The other caretakers and I are going to turn our backs. In ten minutes time if any of them have cum, they are going to spend the next week in chastity. With our backs turned we are not going to be able to tell what is happening. It was be unfortunate if any of you boy's teased them with your paws or muzzles but we certainly would never be able to tell who did it..." Mr. Cobb said as he wandered to the back of the common room and faced a wall. He hoped that he had been blunt though that the other students would catch his hint. The rabbit looked at this watch. "Ten minutes starting now. "

At first nothing happened, then the whispering started. "Go do it!"

"No you go do it!"

"Okay but only if I get Mack..."

"Sure I wanted the bunny anyway."

Benjamin was nearly shaking when he felt the warm body of a boy press up against him and start to grope his soft flaccid cock. Beside him he could hear the other three boys starting to moan and plead.

"Please... they will put us in chastity... no......" Benjamin whispered. As he felt a very warm wet muzzle wrap around his cock and start to suckle. Whoever it was that was teasing him was really good at sucking cock.

Paws started to grope and tease the bunny's ass, spreading his cheeks and fingering the outside of his hole.

"Hey his rump is still slick...."

Mr. Cobb angrily cleared his throat from across the room as a warning. He wanted them teased but not penetrated.

The restrained boys moaned and writhed as they were touched, groped and sucked. The teasing was relentless, their whimpers and pleas just seemed to make the laughing and taunting boys work even harder to get them off. Benjamin was very worried he was not going to be able to hold on. The worst part was being blindfolded he had no idea who was going to be the one responsible for getting him locked up for a week. Time seemed to pass achingly slow as he bit his lip and tried to hold back.

There was a burst of laugher to the bunny's left as he heard Mack cry out and start to cum. The big red panda was almost in tears again as they boy's continued to tease him until he has sprayed cum all over his belly.

The piggy was next, based on the sounds he was hearing Benjamin almost felt bad for the little pig. He was getting mercilessly tormented making the piggy began to snort and oink faster and faster until he came with a squeal.

Benjamin felt his knees getting week as a new boy started to suck his cock while another teased under his tail. At least two other pairs of hands were groping and touching him as he felt his climax building in his loins. He started to pull away but he was held still as they simply finished him with their paws. The young bunny arched his back and cried out as he fired off a big load all over the floor while a room full of boys taunted him.

Russ was the last to blow his load but Benjamin was so distraught from getting a load forced out of him that he didn't even notice.

Mr. Cobb checked his watch. There was still three minutes left but he called it early. "Ok boy's you have until the count of ten. Then we are turning around. I expect you all to be in your rooms when I do. Understand? We are going to be a good 20 minutes should you need to take care of anything. Just remember to clean up." There was a mad dash as all of the boy's scrambled back to their seats, leaving the four tied up boys dripping with cum.

Mr. Cobb wandered over to the raccoon who still crying despite his drooling cock. "Are you ready to apologize for what you said? I didn't think I was going to have to teach both of you not to back talk in the same day."

Russ let out a long pitiful whine and nodded quickly. "Y-Yessir."

The hare pulled up Russ's training pants and took the blind fold off; but it wasn't until he was dragged into a hug that Russ broke down and started to sob again. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again! I'll be good!"

"Apology accepted." Mr. Cobb said drying the boy's back with his big paw. "Yes you will behave but that is because starting tomorrow you are going to be in chastity. All four of you will too. Now let's get you fresh undies and into bed."

Benjamin and the other boys were getting released with the help of the other caretakers. None of them seemed to be taking it as hard a Russ was. The little sobbed for a long while clinging to Mr. Cobb.

Benjamin ended up being snuggled by Mr. Rhodes while the caretakers applied some much needed aftercare and love. None of the boys could really explain why they craved comfort and praise from the big males who had inflicted the punishment on them, only that right now they seemed to need their approval as much as air.

"I don't need fresh undies." Russ protested weakly finally feeling better. He felt so powerless; he couldn't even decide when he changed his own damn underwear anymore. He had taken them off before the fun had started and as far as the raccoon was concerned that was all that was necessary.

Their caretaker frowned and felt up the front of Russ's underwear then tugged them open to inspect the raccoon's bits. The inside of the thick cloth training pants were soaked with pissed. Most of the un-diapered boys had not made the connection that their overly thick underwear were training pants, Russ included.

"You are getting cleaned up and in a fresh pair and that is final. You pissed yourself like a baby so you are going to dress like one." Mr. Cobb said firmly.

Eventually they were all led back to their rooms to get tucked in after getting a diaper change. Russ was still protesting the whole way back to their rooms but there was no strength behind it. He knew he was beaten. Mr. Cobb just gently kept insisting that he had earned them with his misbehavior.

Benjamin's diaper was in pretty bad shape after Mr. Rhodes had tried to put it back on him after he was punished. The ram had wanted the bunny to feel safe and care for but he was just more embarrassed as he was forced to waddle to his room holding his diaper closed.

When they were finally alone with Mr. Cobb again he laid down a changing mat on Benjamin's bed and put the bunny down onto it. Benjamin tried to hide behind his bunny ears as his caretaker laid open the hastily re-taped diaper and started to clean up the cummy, pissy mess he found. Mr. Cobb kindly did not tease the bunny too much as he got the sticky mess cleaned up. Benjamin thought he was going to die from embarrassment when the big hare lifted Benjamin's legs and wiped his drooling hole.

"Much better now that your rump is clean isn't it?" Mr. Cobb said as he taped his boy into a fresh diaper and then tucked him into bed. "You know I don't mind you two playing, you are very cute together. You just need to do it when you have earned it and not a moment before."

Benjamin just blushed and squeezed Mr. Bun tightly to his chest. He took deep breaths as he started to relax and enjoy the change. It was comforting in a strange way.

Russ was fidgeting the whole time that Benjamin got changed. When it was his turn he whined and protested at first. "But I don't need one! I swear."

The caretaker just handed him his stuffed raccoon and guided him down onto the changing mat with a firm paw. "Hush now, just for tonight. If you keep it dry you can take it off in the morning. No one is going to make fun of you I promise. Now just lay back and let Daddy take care of you."

"D-Daddy?" Both boys asked almost in unison. He wasn't their daddy, den father maybe but that was different.

"Of course, as long as I am your caretaker I am your Daddy and I will take care of you." Mr. Cobb said as he slipped the raccoon's underwear down and fondled his cute chubby butt.

"Y-yes Sir." The boys answered again slowly. It was very strange but so was everything else at the school.

Russ dropped his stuffie and let out another whine and tried to get up when Mr. Cobb got out another fluffy white diaper. It of course earned him a pop on the ass but he felt better having put up a fight. The plushie went right back in his arms and Russ squeezed it tightly almost instinctively.

What the raccoon didn't know was that punishment and the plush were triggers for regression, and that both together just made the effect stronger.

"You are a good diaper boy, and you will wear your diapers when you are told understand? You are going to learn to look forward to spending time in your thick diapers." Mr. Cobb said as he quickly diapered up Russ. When he was finished he led the raccoon over to Benjamin's bed and sat down with a boy on either side of him.

Making sure they were both holding their plush toys Mr. Cobb gave them both a kiss on the top of the head and squeezed them tight. "You boy's look much cuter this way. Now you boys got Daddy worked up with all this rut. See..." He said leaning back so they could see the enormous tent in his pants.

"S-Sir!" Benjamin squeaked, he knew this was naughty but he couldn't for the life of him remember why. Neither boy could take their eyes off of it. Since the moment they set foot in Brightwood Academy. they had been receiving mild mental re-adjustments. Making them respect and obey their Daddies. Mr. Cobb was very pleased to see that Benjamin and Russ both instantly locked onto his aroused member. It meant they were getting close to the next step in their regression.

"What is it baby? You want to see it don't you?" Mr. Cobb said groping this thick shaft through the thin fabric.

The smaller bunny just gulped. "Y-yes sir..."

"Well just this once but you both need to hug onto your stuffies and keep your paws to yourself." The big rabbit tugged up his shirt and took off his pants. The big rabbit's freed member sprung up to slap his fat belly, then he slowly started to stroke it.

The boys were both snuggling with their stuffed toys while Mr. Cobb toyed with his fat member. They had a sleepy, dreamy look in their eyes as they stared. The chubby hare knew he wasn't going to take long to shoot so he kept his pace slow at first.

"Mm you boys see that? This is why I am Daddy... and you are little cubs." He said slapping the palm of his hand with is cock. "You boys are going learn how to show this respect. All of my boys do eventually."

The boys slowly nodded. "Yes Daddy."

"I want you boys to rub each other's diaper fronts." Mr. Cobb ordered and waited until they complied.

"Now what do you feel?"

"H-he is all soft and squidgy." Russ said with a childish laugh.

"Him too!" Benjamin said with a grin.

The big hare frowned and tsked. "No that isn't right at all is it? You naughty boys want Daddy's cock, and it makes you hard right? Even all spent, just seeing your Daddy's big cock gets you all stiff. Now feel again. What do you feel?

This time the boys gave a nervous giggle. "He's hard!" They said almost in unison.

"Stand up and show me how hard you are."

The boys got up and showed off their newly tenting diapers. Mr. Cobb slipped a paw into the front of their diapers one at a time and groped their stiffies.

"Very very naughty boys. Getting all hard like that. You like being naughty boys for Daddy don't you?" The hare said still fondling the boys as he jerked his fat uncut pole. "Papa is going to squirt!"

The smaller bunny just gulped stared as Mr. Cobb started to furiously stroke. It made a wet sound as his foreskin, slick with precum, glided back and forth over his fat pink knob. With a sharp gasp he aimed down and started to paint his chubby belly with seed.

Russ just made a soft whimper as he watched Benjamin nuzzle and starts to lick Daddy's belly clean. Mr. Cobb took pity on him and fed him the gooey mess still clinging to his spent cock.

"Good boys now it is past your bed time. You are going to have a big day tomorrow. Now get in bed sweeties." Mr. Cobb said tucking his cock back into his pajamas and helping the diapered up boys back in their beds. He made sure they still had their stuffed toys as he said. "Ok sweeties, when you wake up this is all going to have been a very nice dream ok? If you wake up in the middle of the night wet I want you to come to my room don't worry about waking me up. "

"Y-Yes Sir..."

"Okay I want you to have happy sexy dreams about Daddy. This is your last night with free cocks for a while. I want you to have a cummy diaper in the morning or you are going to get a spanking." The rabbit said finishing tucking the boys into bed. He had no intention of following through with that threat. The boys would never really remembered what happened tonight. It was almost certain they were going to wake up with cummy diapers though.

The boys just nodded and blushed. Their plushies making them docile and submissive with the cocktail of pheromones they were dosed with. The caretakers were of course inoculated against the effects.

"Good night sweethearts..." Mr. Cobb said as he turned on their lullaby nightlight and shut off the lights before closing the door behind him. In an hour the nightlight would start to reaffirm what good baby boys they are and how much they need their diapers to keep them dry.

Mr. Cobb popped a pill into his muzzle. Dr. Yeager claimed they would let the caretakers fuck nearly all day if they really wanted to. The big hare preferred to think he was just that virile. He was a rabbit after all. He crossed the hall to Gabe and Mack's room and knocked on the door.

"You boys still up?"

Gabe squeaked as the door opened. Both he and Mack were laying on the bed petting each other. A very soggy diaper and a soaked pair of training pants were laying at the foot of the bed.

Mr. Cobb just sighed and slipped into their room and shut the door behind him. It is past lights out now and both of them knew better. It was going to be a fun, if long, evening.

Daddy-Bear's Boy 3

Warren expected to sleep fitfully after Harley insisted on tucking him in but he fell fast asleep curled up next to his Daddy. The smell of bacon cooking is what finally got him up and out of the bed. Harley was humming to himself wearing only an apron...

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Daddy-Bear's Boy Chapter 2

Warren was a little bit shocked when Harley insisted that he share the bed with him that evening. Despite his protesting he found himself curled up in Harley's arms drifting off to sleep. In a way it was a dream come true, he had never had another man...

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Daddy-Bear's Boy

Warren paced back and forth in front of his bosses office. He was nervous; his boss had called him in for an early morning meeting. Since he got hired on after his internship he had always tried to do a good job. Harley, his supervisor hated early...

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