Syn's Journey Chapter 3

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#3 of Syn's Journey

Written by my dear friend HornyBunny here on SF check him out!

#3 of Syn's journey Syn's journey continues into the capital city looking for Gem's friend Mimi at hte mage academy.

Syn, Goja, Gem belong to KeeperSeen

Rough draft started August 21, 2014. Rough draft finished January 31, 2015 Proof reading and editing finished, March 23, 2015 57 pages long, 7x9 writing space with a 12 point font. 33,495 words Characters including spaces 174,499 Characters excluding spaces 141,702

Syn's journey pt 3

The next morning after a night filled with sex, Syn wakes up with a brown and grey wolf curled up on his left side and a grey wolf curled up on his right. He looks at them and remembers the grey one is the last one he fucked before passing out.

"You're awake." Gem says a few feet from him pinned between two brown wolves.

"Yeah!" Syn groans sitting up feeling several muscles aching from all of the humping and cumming.

"Could you do something for me and the wolf pack? The person I was going to visit is a mage friend that carved out most of this cave. I wanted her to fix that crack in the wall, but she wasn't there." Gem says laying there on a wolf's belly.

Syn scratches his head and looks over at her. She lays there sandwiched between two wolves one in her ass and one in her pussy. "Yeah. When you're ready to go we can set off." Syn says looking over at the young mouse.

"I can't go. The guards know me too well. They won't let me in, plus I'm stuck between these two." Gem says looking at Syn.

"Where is it?" Syn asks as a wolf stirs and puts a paw on his leg with a whine.

"The next town over, the capital." Gem says feeling one of the wolves moving.

"What does she look like?" Syn asks as the wolf moves up onto his lap and nuzzles his large sheath.

"Her name is Mimi. She has black fur with a tuft of white fur on her chest and a cute little tuft of fur between her legs. She is very submissive. You'll most likely find her at the magic academy." Gem tells him as the wolf on top of her stirs and licks at the back of her head.

"Okay, black with a white chest at the magic academy." Syn says pushing the wolf off his lap and standing up "I guess I should get going before another orgy breaks out." Syn stretches and the two wolves that were lying next to him stand up and sniff at his sheath. "Knock it off you two." he tells them pushing their noses away and walking to the pile of his clothes. Syn gets dressed and slips on his coat "I'm off before more wolves wake up." Syn says looking over at Gem pinned between the two wolves.

Syn laves the cave and walks through the forest with several wolves following him until he gets to the field at the edge of the sea of trees. The wolves stop following him as he walks out into the field. "It should be a few days travel to the capital. I wonder if I'll get laid along the way. Gem certainly spoiled me on the way to the forest." Syn says walking to the edge of a dirt path. He turns and walks down it.

Syn travels for three days before he gets to the gates of the city capital.

"What is your business in the capital?" A bear in armor asks standing in front of Syn with a hand on a sheathed sword.

"I'm here to meet a mage at the magic academy." Syn tells him and the guard steps aside.

"Cause trouble and we'll take you down." The guard says as Syn walks past him when the gates open.

"Got it." Syn says as he enters the city.

Syn walks down the streets of the capital looking for the magic academy "I Really should ask for directions. I thought it would be a big building that is easily found." He says scratching his head. He turns and walks up to a door and knocks on it.

"What do you want?" A very hairy boar asks opening the door.

"Where is the magic academy?" Syn asks and the boar slams the door.

"Stupid outsiders always disturbing me." Can be heard from behind the door.

"Okay." Syn says turning and walking away.

"I guess I can wander around until I find it." Syn says as he continues down the street. He walks down several streets until he hits a dead end. He turns around "Maybe I should get a place to stay for the night. I could use a nap." Syn says with a yawn.

Syn goes to the nearest inn. At the counter is a very busty cow. He books a room for the night and goes to his room. He walks into the room and looks around. A bed, a desk, and a night stand are the only things in the room. He goes over to the bed and sits down on it and sighs sinking into the soft bed. He turns and lies down without taking off his coat and looks up at the ceiling. He quickly falls asleep. Memories of his first day of travel fill his dreams.

A few days earlier.

Syn sets out for the capital city to meet up with Gem's friend, Mimi. He walks for most of the day until dark clouds start rolling in. "Great, a storm and nowhere to take cover." Syn says looking up at the dark clouds. He keeps walking hoping to find somewhere to take shelter. A few minutes pass before he sees a building in the distance "I hope I can make it there before it starts raining."

Just as the words leave Syn's lips the clouds open up and rain starts pouring instantly soaking him through his thick coat. "Fuck!" Syn says setting off at a run. Puddles splash with every step until he reaches the building.

"A barn will do." Syn says pushing one of the large doors open. He slips in through the opening and quickly shuts it. As soon as he turns around, he sees the barn shrouded in darkness. He sees a lantern on the wall next to the door. He pulls a box of matches from his wet coat pocket and opens the lantern. He strikes a match and it fizzles out. He strikes another one and once again it fizzles. He strikes a third match and is finally bursts to life lighting up a small area of the barn. He lights the lantern and blows out the match.

With the lantern lighting up the barn Syn turns around and looks around. Several stalls line one wall and shelves line the opposite wall. He looks in each stall until he comes to the last few. Two horses fill the first two occupied stalls he comes to. One is brown the other is black and white. Just past them is another horse, but smaller. It is brown and white. "I guess someone is using this place. I hope they don't mind me getting out of the rain." Syn says shivering. At the opposite end of the barn from the doors is a pit in the floor with black marks around it.

Syn sets the lantern down "I need to get out of these wet clothes." he says taking off his coat and hangs it over the wall of one of the empty stalls. He picks up the box of matches and walks over to the pit in the floor "I hope this is a fire pit." he says kneeling down and getting a closer look. He smiles seeing burnt wood and other material in the pit "I guess it is." Syn says standing up and looking around for some fire wood. In the corner a small stack of wood sits. He goes over to the stack of wood and picks up a few pieces. He walks over to the pit and sets them down in it and picks up the match box. He strikes a match and lights the wood on fire and shivers as he watches it grow. The barn slowly lights up as the fire gets bigger until the barn is filled with light and warmth. He sits down, shivering a little less as the warmth washes over him. Before he knows it he falls asleep next to the fire.

While he sleeps the two adult horses flip open the locks on their stalls and walk out and over to him. They look at him and watch him sleep for a couple of minutes. While he sleeps his sheath starts to stir. In his dreams, Syn is fucking Gem and Goja's ass. The horses wander around the barn for a while until they return to Syn. They look down at him and then at each other. They look him up and down finally settling on his twin cocks standing tall and proud.

The two horses lower their heads and lick at the tip of his cocks making him stir a little. The two horses lick him again and a drop of clear, sticky pre-cum appears on the tip of each cock. They both lick up the drops. They seem to smile at the taste that covers their tongue and start licking at his cocks in earnest licking up as much of his dribbling pre-cum as they can making him moan in his sleep.

A couple of minutes pass as Syn's cocks stiffen even more turning darker red and he starts to slowly wake up. His eyes snap open when both horses start sucking on his cocks like they were teats. "Fuck!" Syn moans out opening his eyes and looks down across his body at the two horses sucking on his cocks. His hips start to buck as he approaches his peak. Less than a minute passes before his knots explode in size and his hips thrust up into their sucking mouths. The first thick jet of cum from each cock chokes the horses that pull away coughing up blobs of cum. Syn grabs his cocks and strokes them moaning out his pleasure. His cocks jerk and thick jets of cum spews from his cock landing all around him until they give one last convulsion and he goes limp on the floor.

The horses stand there watching Syn until his orgasm ends. They walk up to him and start licking his cum up "Good boys!" he moans softly feeling his cocks tingling.

Syn lays there until his strength returns and he sits up. The two horses turn around and point their rear ends at him and lift their tails. He gasps seeing a puffy, black skinned with a hint of pink peeking out pussy revealing that the horses are mares. The two mares look back at him winking their pussies at him.

Syn looks at them and a sweet scent tickles his nose. With his sudden awakening and rush of pleasure he didn't notice the smell and he didn't get close enough to notice it before he fell asleep. He looks at the swollen mounds and drops of fem juices appear. The two horses start backing up closer to him. Syn groans in his throat as the smell of two mares in heat gets stronger and his body responds by becoming even more aroused then it was.

Without a word Syn gets on his knees and crawls over to the horses until his nose if burning with the smell of a mare in heat. He blows on the slit in front of him and watches it wink at him and a small amount of pussy juice sprays form the slit and hits his face making his jerk and shake his head. The fresh scent making his head spin until he grabs her thighs and leans forward. He runs his tongue up her slit collecting her juice and tasting the sweet and slightly bitter juices. He starts licking at her pussy licking up her juices as fast as they appear. He stops liking her and she looks back at him and pushes back until he slips two fingers into her pussy and feels her muscles try to pull them deeper. "You want more?" He asks adding a third and fourth finger. Even with the extra fingers he had room to slips his thumb in with his hand and push until his fist slips into her pussy. The mare's legs quiver and her pussy pulls on his hand.

The other horse gets impatient and moves around until her pussy is closer. Syn looks over at her and smiles. Her pussy is gaping open a little more the first horse and a steady stream of pussy juice runs from it. He leans forward and runs his tongue up her slit and groans at the sweet taste covers his tongue washing away the taste of the other mare. He starts pushing his hand deeper into the mare he is fisting at the same time that he buries his tongue in the horse's pussy.

Both horses let out a neigh and whinnies of pleasure Syn works his tongue in one horse and his arm in the other until both mares let out neighs and their holes starts rippling around his arm and tongue. Pussy juice sprays form their holes and covers his face and arm. He works them over until they calm down and slowly pulls his tongue and arm out of the mares.

Syn stands up with his cocks standing out from his body. They are throbbing and heavily leaking pre-cum on the floor. He reaches down and smears the slick pre-cum around his cocks until hey shine in the lantern light. He moves closer until the tips of his cocks touch a hot, slippery pussy. The mare looks back at him and seems to smile at him.

Syn takes a cock in each hand and presses the tip of his lower cock against her wet, slippery pussy and the tip of his upper cock against her asshole. He moves a hand to her hip 'You've probably never been fucked in the ass, but you'll enjoy it when you get used to it." Syn says stroking her side. He pushes his hips forward and the tip of his upper cock pierces her tight anal ring. She looks back at him and he strokes her sides as his cocks slowly slide deeper until half of each cock is buried in her body.

The other horse moves closer and looks at what Syn is doing and lowers her head and licks his big, heavy balls. Syn's hips buck at the lick sending a few more inches into the horse. She arches her back neighing as pain and pleasure mix. "Naughty girl!" Syn moans softly feeling the long, thick equine tongue licking his balls.

Syn starts bucking his hips back and forth. The horse he is fucking watches him over her shoulder until her eyelids droop and her mouth hangs open "I guess you're starting to enjoy it." Syn says tightening his hold on her hips and pushing his cocks deeper. He works his cocks deeper with each thrust until his sheath is pressing against her rear end. He stops thrusting and holds his cocks as deep as he can and savors the tightness around them. He flexes his cocks a few times making the horses tail flick across his chest.

Syn starts slowly pulling his cocks out until the tip are the only part left in her. He slams his hips forward letting out a moan as pleasure washes over his body. He starts fucking the horse in earnest. He bucks his hips back and forth in foot long strokes until the other horse starts licking as his cocks as they appear from the horse's tight holes.

Syn holds out as long as he can, but in less time than he wanted he feels the pressure building up to a peak. He slams his cocks into the horse pushing her a few steps forward in the process and lets out a howl. His tail arches as his balls draw up against his body. The other horse starts lapping at his big, heavy, cum filled balls sending waves through his body. His knots in flat as he starts pouring cum into the horse's belly filling her womb. He humps her in short sharp jabs drawing out the pleasure as much as he can until his orgasm sputters to a halt and he collapses on her back.

"So good!" Syn moans out feeling the holes milking his cock. He leans there panting over her back until he other horse nuzzles his side and he looks at her. She whines and turns around moving her tail to the side exposing her swollen, dripping pussy to his gaze. "I guess you want some too." he says and she looks back at him and nods her head.

Syn pulls his cocks from the mare's rear end with a pop and grunt because his knots are still partially swollen. When his cocks come free a river of cum pours from the two stretched holes. He watches the gaping holes for a few seconds until he other horse nuzzles his cocks bringing his attention back to her. She turns around, lies down, rolls over, and looks at him.

"Now that is unusual." Syn says looking down at the horse.

Syn drops to his knees n crawls up between the horse's legs and looks down at her dripping pussy. He spreads her pussy open and licks his lips at the pink flesh within. He leans own and runs his tongue across her pussy moaning as the taste once against covers his tongue. He drives his tongue into her pussy making her legs kick as pleasure washes over her large body. He tongue fucks her pussy until he looks up and sees her nipples. He pulls his tongue from her pussy and moves up and licks at her nipples. He takes one between his lips and suckles on it like a pup. He watches her and sees no signs of pleasure, but keeps sucking until he pulls off the swollen teat with a pop and scoots back until his renewed cocks at pointing as her black skinned pussy and asshole.

Syn grabs his cocks and rubs the wet tips against the tight winking holes. He looks at the horse and pushes forward. She winces a little when her asshole it pierced, but quickly relaxes. Syn sinks his cock steadily deeper until he has most of his cocks buried in her body. He strokes her legs and holds them apart, so her legs don't kick him. He starts to slowly fuck her. Her legs kick as bursts of pleasure and sparks of pain mix adding to her pleasure. "Relax!" Syn moans feeling her asshole clasping tightly around his cock.

Syn reaches down and flicks her large clit making her legs kick nearly missing his head. He leans down over her belly and flicks her clit again and he r pussy starts rippling around his cock. Both holes ripple around his cocks milking them trying to draw the hot, sticky cum from balls. Wave after wave of pleasure washes over the horse's body soaking his cock in hot, slippery pussy juice. Syn humps her until his balls once again draw up against his body and his knots swell up locking them together.

Hot cum surges from both of Syn's cocks and flood her pussy and asshole. He humps her driving his pleasure on until he gives one last grunt and passes out on her big round belly.

Syn jerks awake in his room at the inn to a knocking on the door.

"Yes." Syn says groggily standing up not notice the bulges in his pants. He goes over to the door and opens it. Standing there is a young mouse with a crimson blush on her cheeks. She is barely taller than his waist putting her at eye level with his cocks. She is wearing a maid's dress reaching to her knees with a bow in her hair.

"S...s...s...sir!" She stammers with her eyes lowered.

Just as Syn notices where she is looking he feels it. His two cocks are hard and nearly tearing his pants open. "You want something?" he asks with a grin.

"Yes, sir." The mouse squeaks.

"What is it?" Syn asks as the mouse tears her eyes from his twin bulges.

"Breakfast is ready, but you might want to take care of those first. They might throw you out if you walk into the dining room with those like that, sir." The mouse girl tells Syn with a grin.

"Are you offering?" Syn asks returning the grin.

"Sure. I haven't had a horse sized cock in a while, sir." The little mouse girl says pushing past him and hopping up onto the bed.

"Not just one." Syn says walking over to her.

"I know, sir." The mouse girl says reaching out and running her hands up and down both of his cocks.

"Stop calling me sir and how old are you?" Syn suddenly asks.

"My name is Mimi and I'm 8" The mouse girl tells him as she squeezes the tip of each cock.

"That's kind of funny. I'm looking for another girl named Mimi." Syn says as she grabs the waist band of his pants and tugs them down.

Syn's cocks pop free swinging up and slinging a line of pre-cum from both cocks across her body. "Fuck." The mouse girl says as the warm pre-cum hits her face. She licks her lips and grabs one of his cocks with both hands and pulls it to her mouth. Syn grabs his other cock and starts slowly stroking it.

Mimi sucks on the tip of Syn's cock and her mouth is instantly filled with warm, sticky pre-cum. She gulps it down and sucks for more. She runs her little hands up and down his cock milking even more pre-cum from it until it pours out of her mouth and down her chin. She pushes forward trying to take more of his big cock between her lips, but they won't stretch anymore.

Mimi pulls her lips off his cock with a pop and pushes it to the side and moves forward until her nose is right in front of his balls. She runs her tongue through the grey fur moaning at the musky taste covering her tongue. "You haven't bathed lately have you?" Mimi asks licking his big furry balls.

"It's been a few days!" Syn moans out.

"I can tell!" Mimi moans out licking his balls. She spends the next few minutes lick and sucking his balls until a large puddle of pre-cum is soaking into the bed behind the little mouse girl.

Mimi looks up at him and sees him panting and his cocks are throbbing and pumping out a steady stream of pre-cum. She scoots back on the bed and rolls over onto her belly "Fuck me." she says looking back over her shoulder and raising her ass and wiggling it at him.

"If I'm going to fuck you. It'll be both holes at once." Syn says stroking his cocks.

"Do it." Mimi says pulling her skirt over her ass and showing off her ass. She pulls her soft cheeks apart showing him her tight little pucker. Syn licks his lips and pulls her to the edge of the bed putting her at waist height with him. He presses the tip of his cocks against both of her holes at once and runs his hand down the length of them several times. Pre-cum spurts from his cock tips and smears against her holes each time until her pussy and ass are shining with a thick layer of slimy pre-cum.

"Brace yourself." Syn says pulling her back and pushing his hips forward stretching her tiny holes around his cocks.

"Harder!" Mimi pants feeling the pressure building until with a moan her holes open and his cocks slide a couple of inches into the cub's belly. Syn lets out a little growl and pushes harder sinking his cocks a little deeper before she yelps and looks back at him "Fuck!" she pants feeling the cock stretching her like few others have.

"Too deep?" Syn asks not wanting to hurt her.

"No, you can go a little deeper. I just haven't had a cock this big in a long time and never had two at once like this!" Mimi pants feeling her pussy and asshole stretching around Syn's long, thick cub wreckers.

"Let me know if I go too deep or hurt you." Syn tells her as he starts pushing once again.

Syn looks down at her as he slowly sinks deeper watching her holes grow wider and wider by the second until he stops thrusting. He reaches around to her belly and feels his cocks through her flesh and smiles "Feel your belly." he says flexing his cocks a few times making her moan each time.

Mimi slides a hand under her belly and groans feeling his throbbing canine cocks distending her belly flesh. Syn starts sawing his hips back and forth making her squeak each time he pushes back into her. Suddenly, Mimi starts groaning and her holes start rippling around Syn's cock. "So good!" Mimi moans out as her body convulses in pleasure.

Minutes pass as Syn slowly sinks his cocks deeper into her until half of each cock is splitting her open "Fuck! I'm about to cum!" Syn moans out feeling the pressure building.

"Do it! Flood me!" Mimi moans out as another orgasm grips her.

Syn pushes his cocks as deep as he can and his tail arches as his pleasure peaks. He lets out a howl as he starts cumming. His cocks jerk and jump as thick torrents of cum gush from them. With the first shot alone her belly swells and rounds out. Half a dozen more shots of equal volume follow it. Nearly a minute passes before Syn finally relaxes and his orgasm fades away. He falls forward and rolls onto his side, so he doesn't land on top of her. When his cocks pull free cum gushes from Mimi's gaping pussy and asshole staining the bed and leaving a puddle on the floor. Mimi lays there panting and groaning as pleasure continues rippling through her body.

Syn lays there until a knock on the door makes him jump up. "Yes?" Syn asks while grabbing his pants.

"Sir, breakfast is ready." An older mouse says pushing the door open. She gasps seeing Mimi on the bed with cum leaking from her hugely gaping pussy and asshole and Syn with his still swollen cocks holding his pants.

"What did you do?" She asks marching up to him "Tell me you didn't rape her. If you did. Your ass will be the guards."

"I let him." Mimi says still living on the bed. "When I came to tell him about breakfast his cocks were hard and I couldn't let him go down like that, so I let him fuck me." Mimi tells the older mouse.

"Good." The older mouse says going over to Mimi. She reaches out and cups the young mouse's ass and squeezes it a little "She has a sweet little ass doesn't she?" the older mouse asks pushing two fingers into Mimi's ass and wiggling them around making Mimi moan. She pulls her fingers from Mimi's asshole and raises them to her mouth and sucks them clean "And you have great tasting cum."

"Mother." Mimi says looking back over her shoulder at the older mouse.

"Hush. You loved my tongue in your ass last night." the older mouse says slapping Mimi's soft little mouse ass.

"So I guess you two are very close." Syn says standing there holding his forgotten pants as his cocks start to swell up a little again.

"If you like cubs. You should know that sex with cubs is allowed in the city, but it is frowned on. Someone might call the guards on you if they see you fucking a cute little cub, but all the guards will do is give you a hard time, but that is all." the older mouse says sticking her fingers in Mimi's pussy and sawing them in out a few time making Mimi wiggle and moan. She pulls her fingers out and sucks them clean again.

"Good. Something tells me that Mimi isn't the only thing that's going to feel my cocks splitting them open." Syn says as the older mouse stands up and walks over to him.

"I think we should leave before I get those cocks and show her how a real woman takes those things." The older mouse says pulling Mimi to the edge of the bed until she stands up and cum squeezes out of her ass and pussy with each step she takes.

"Wait, she told me I would be kicked out if I went down to breakfast with hard cocks." Syn says before the pair leave.

"Did she now." The older mouse says looking at her daughter. "That's not true, she just wanted those to herself. We don't care about erections, going down nude on the other wouldn't be a good idea." The older mouse says looking Syn up and down and licking her lips.

The two leave and just as the older mouse closes the door she slips two fingers into Mimi's ass making her squeak and shiver. Syn takes a few deep breaths and looks down at his cocks "Calm down, boys." Syn says sitting down on the bed and jumping up feeling a wet spot under his gray furred ass. He looks down at it and a large wet spot from Mimi is covering half the bed "Damn that girl gets wet." Syn says smelling her scent in the air making his body tingle with renewed arousal.

He gets his clothes on, leaves the room, the enticing scent and walks to the shower room. He showers and as he is scrubbing his fur his cocks swell up under the warm pounding water. Under the water he jerks off and blasts a huge load of wolf cum on the walls filling the room with the strong smell of cum. Just as he is about to clean off the walls someone knocks at the door "Don't bother cleaning up after you get off." Mimi's mother says through the door.

Syn walks over to the door "What are you talking about?" Syn asks as his cocks slowly deflate.

"I can smell your spunk out here. I'll clean it up for you if you unlock the door." the mouse woman says.

Syn unlocks the door "Wait until I get dressed before you do. As much as I would love to watch you cleaning up my cum and then fucking a load into you. I really need to get something to eat." he tells her through the door.

"Fine." The mouse says as Syn gets dressed.

Syn's jaw drops when he opens the door and finds Mimi's mother standing there nude with a large pair of breasts on display. She walks past him and his eyes follow her until she stops in front of the wolf cum coating the wall slowly dripping down the tile. She leans forward and runs her tongue through it moaning as the strong taste covers her tongue. She swallows it and licks up some more. She turns around holding the cum in her mouth and makes a show of swallowing it. She watches as her show does what she wanted it to do. Syn's cocks swell up and she turns around and starts licking the cum off the wall slowly shaking her ass side to side.

The mouse looks over her shoulder with a blob of cum hanging from her lower lip "My name is Emma, by the way." Emma says before slurping up the blob of cum and gulping it down.

While Emma is licking up Syn's cum, Syn moves up behind her and kneels down. He licks his lips at the sight of her fat matronly pussy. She grabs her grey furred ass and pulls the cheeks apart spreading her pussy open a little revealing her pink hole and big fat clit Syn leans forward and runs his tongue up her slit and moans as her sweet taste covers his tongue.

"Eat my fat pussy!" Emma says between mouthfuls of cum.

Syn stiffens his tongue and drives it between Emma's pussy lips and deep into her core making her back arch and her mouth hang open with cum running down her chin. Syn quickly saws his tongue back and forth while grinding his chin against her large clit. Less than a minute of this treatment sends her over the edge. Her pussy ripples around his tongue puling on it trying to milk a big load of cum from it. Emma's taste washes over his tongue and she gives a scream as pleasure washes over her. Her pussy contracts and a jet of pussy juice hits his neck. He seals his mouth of her pussy and drinks her spurting juices.

Finally, Emma's orgasm ends and she goes limp against her wall smearing the rest of Syn's cum on the wall into her cheek fur. Syn stands up and rubs the tip of his upper cock against her pussy "Both!' Emma moans out

Syn grabs his other cock and presses both tips against her soaking wet pussy. Before Emma notices what he is doing, Syn starts sinking both of his cocks into her pussy stretching them beyond belief. Her eyes snap open as pleasure and pain mix. Her pussy stretches wider and wider until half of Syn's cocks are buried in her belly her once flat and firm belly is now stretched outlining his cocks.

"Fuck me!" Emma moans seeing her belly stretching around his cocks. She moves a hand to her belly and cups the outline of his cocks. She can feel the heat radiating from them through her belly. Syn tightens his hold on her hips and slams forward sinking a few more inches into her making her back arch and her eyes shut tight as he pierces her cervix.

"Fuck me!" Emma moans as her body relaxes and the pain fades away. Her belly grows bigger as his cocks sink deeper passing through her cervix and violating her womb.

Syn leans forward "I'm gonna plant my seed in your womb." he says in her ear before taking it between his teeth and nibbling on it as he starts fucking her.

"Oh god yes! Do it. Give me your baby, so I can fuck it!" Emma moans out feeling the two cocks throb in her pussy.

Syn lets go of her ear and pulls her back while slamming his hips forward. Her belly surges in size until both of his cocks at hilted in her. He starts slamming his hips back and forth fucking her against the tiled wall of the shower. She lets out cries of pleasure as she builds up to release. She lets out a scream and starts milking his cocks with her pussy. Pleasure washes over her body as her pussy milks his cocks drawing great gushes of pre-cum from them making her belly swell even bigger until the outline of his cocks disappear. He moves a hand from her hip to his balls and starts massaging them feeling them swelling larger and his sack getting tighter until he slams his cocks into her and lets out a howl.

Syn's knots swell up locking him in her pussy as waves of pleasure wash over his body. His tail arches and nearly touches his back. His howl echoes around them telling everyone in the building and a short distance around it that a wolf has just gotten off. His cocks jerk and spit the first load of fertile cum deep into her womb. A dozen more shots of equal volume follow it making her belly grow until she looks far along into a pregnancy that may be starting at this moment.

Emma moans out feeling his cock filling her womb with surges of hot cum until she nearly passes out as orgasm after orgasm hits her. She goes limp against the wall panting as her body stretches around the two massive cocks and the equally massive load of wolf cum.

"Mom, are you okay in there?" Mimi asks knocking on the door.

"She's fine. She's just a little full of my puppy sauce." Syn says with a grin feeling the heat of his cum surrounding his cocks and her tight hole milking his cocks for every drop of cum he has.

"I'm not surprised after seeing how she was looking at you. Hurry up if you want breakfast." Mimi says.

Syn grits his teeth and tightens his hold on Emma's hips and pushes her forward and jerks his hips back. Both of them let out a yelp as his huge knots rip free and pain hits like a bolt of lightning. Emma falls to her knees against the tiled wall panting as cum sprays from her uncorked pussy.

Syn turns on the shower and washes his cocks and sheath before picking her up. He holds her with one arm and pulls one leg to the side and watches as the water washes away his cum. The water fills her gaping pussy and floods out. The mouse jerks and moans as water rushes through her gaping cervix and fills her stretched womb. After a minute Syn sets her down and turns off the water. He grabs a towel and starts drying off as his cocks remain hanging from his sheath.

Syn gets dressed and looks at the mouse sitting in the shower with cum still draining from her widely gaping pussy. She sits there stroking her pussy moaning softly forgetting about him as her body trembles with each touch "You've been fucked silly." Syn says with grin and she looks up at him with glassy, unfocused eyes.

Syn leaves the shower room and walks down to the dining room with two large lumps stretching down each thigh. In the dining room Syn eats breakfast and gets ready to leave when Mimi shows up "Are you sure you have to leave. I'd love to share you with mother now that you've had both of us separately." Mimi says.

Go up to the shower room and check on your mother. If she can walk down here on her own I'll fuck you both right here on the breakfast table." Syn says with a smile feeling a heat wash over his body.

"Are you serious?" A bobcat asks sitting at the table with scrambled eggs and toast in front of him.

"If she can, yeah, but I fucked her silly. She barely saw me when I was getting dressed after fucking her a little bit ago. I doubt she can actually walk down here on her own so soon." Syn says sitting down and waiting.

A few minutes later Emma walks down on very shaky legs leaning against the wall and panting with the effort "I'm here on my own." She says with a smile.

"Yeah, you are. This time I'm taking your ass." Syn says standing up and pulling her to a chair. He opens his pants and pushes them down exposing his sheath to her.

Several furs in the room stop eating and watches as Emma leans forward and runs her tongue across his sheath. Syn closes his eyes and sighs feeling her licking at his furry pouch. She reaches up and starts massaging his sheath. By now, Mimi has returned and it standing next to them licking her lips.

"Couldn't wait for me?" Mimi asks looking at her mother.

"Of course not. I haven't been fucked like that since that horse last year that took your anal cherry." Emma says squeezing Syn's sheath.

"Oh yeah. I remember him. His cock was huge. Even bigger than Syn's." Mimi says looking at Syn's big heavy balls. She leans over and starts licking and sucking his balls until the tips of his cocks appear. Both mother and daughter take a cock tip between their lips and sucks on it drawing a soft moan from Syn's lips.

Syn puts a hand on each of their heads and starts slowly thrusting his hips back and forth. His cocks slowly grow longer and thicker until he is hitting the back off their throats, Mimi's first then Emma's. "Swallow it!" Syn moans as the tip of his cock tickles Mimi's throat.

Mimi looks up at him with his cock between her lips and swallows milking the tip with her throat. Syn reaches down and pulls Mimi off his cock and turns around pulling his other cock from Emma's lips with a pop and sets Mimi down on the table on her back and hangs her head off the table. He strokes his cock a few times and presses it against her little lips. Emma scrambles up onto the table and puts her pussy over Mimi's face "Fuck me!" Emma moans out feeling Mimi grabbing her ass.

'I'm taking your ass." Syn says moving his upper cock to her ass crack and dragging it up and down the cleft smearing wolfish pre-cum along it. Mimi sucks on his cock trying to suck it deeper. She pulls on her mother's soft ass cheeks exposing her tight wrinkled pucker. Syn presses the tip of his cock against the tight ring and milks a few large dollops of pre-cum from it and smears it around the hole until it shines.

Syn grabs Emma's hips and pushes forward until his cock pierces her anus and her back arches. 'Fuck me!" Emma moans feeling him starting to stretch her asshole. Her tail hangs to the side flicking the tip. Syn moans out feeling both of his cocks being milked by tight holes. He starts to slowly pump his hips back and forth.

"Look at those sluts." A mare says watching them with one hand in her pants and the other squeezing a large, soft breast.

'Yeah, Mimi can take a cock as deep as it can go." The bobcat says stroking his cock smearing sticky pre-cum down his length.

Syn ignores the comments and slowly speeds up his fucking sinking deeper stretching their holes wider until nose and ass meet furry sheath. Syn groans seeing his cocks buried in both mother and daughter. He holds still enjoying the tightness.

Mimi reaches out and grabs his ass and pulls on it until he starts to move. Syn starts fucking his hips back and forth. Both holes stretching round his cocks constrict and milks pre-cum from him each time he bottoms out. His two cocks touch through bellies adding to his stimulation.

"Fuck the sluts." the mare moans digging her fingers into her pussy making wet squishing noises.

"Yeah, pound them and leave them drowning in your cum." the bobcat says reaching past his balls and slipping a finger into his asshole and moaning loudly at the added stimulation.

Syn pulls back until the tips of his cocks nearly slip free and slams them back in in a single thrust. Syn reaches forward with his cocks fully buried and pushes Emma's face down "Eat her pussy!" Syn groans feeling her asshole ripple around his cock "And cum for me!' Syn moans out feeling pussy juice running from the older mouse's pussy and soaking into his fur and adding her flavor to the cock her daughter is sucking.

Over the next few minutes Syn fucks mother and daughter on the table until he feels he is about to blow. Gritting his teeth he pulls out and steps back "Mimi turn around!" he grunts.

Emma and Mimi roll over and Mimi turns around until her and Emma are kissing. Syn moves up behind them and looks own at their asses and licks his lips. He pulls a chair over and sits down. He leans forward and runs his tongue from pussy to pussy drawing a muffled moan from them. He starts lick and sucking their dripping pussy's until he feels Emma's hole grab his tongue and milk it like it would his cocks. He drives three fingers into Mimi and she joins her mother in orgasm. Pussy juice coats his tongue making his cock throb as the sweet musky taste. He draws out their orgasms until they both collapses in a heap.

Syn stands up and strokes his cocks a few times smearing pre-cum down the length making them shine and putting on a show for the furs watching them. He steps up behind the two and presses his upper cock against Mimi's pussy and his lower cock against Emma's asshole and drives them forward drinking all 16 inches into them in a single thrust. Their heads and tails jerk at the sudden penetration.

"Look at those two!" The mare moans thrusting her hand in and out of her pussy. Sloppy wet sounds radiates from her pussy.

Syn tightens his hold on Mimi's hips and starts slamming his hips back and forth "I'm gonna cum this time!' He moans through gritted teeth.

"Do it. Fill me pussy!" Mimi moans as Syn pounds her pussy.

"Yeah, fuck my slutty ass and fill it full of your hot cum!" Emma moans out as Syn's cock slams in and out of her asshole.

Less than a minute later Syn hilts his cocks and leans forward and bits Mimi's shoulder and growls into the bite. Both females let out long drawn out moans when his knots inflate and stretch their holes until their lower body distorts. Syn lets out a muffled grunt with each jet of cum he fires into the mother and daughter duo. With the first shot alone Mimi's belly swells looking pregnant. With the second shot Emma's swells matching Mimi's. Shot after shot of hot, sticky cum fires from his cocks.

"Fill the sluts!" The bobcat grunts firing his own load of cum onto the table in front of him.

"Yeah!" the mare moans out squirting her pussy juice into the air to splatter across several tables adding her own strong smell to the air of the room.

Thirty seconds pass before Syn collapses forward panting and moaning as his cocks leak the rest of his cum. Both holes continuously milk his cocks and swollen knots as both mother and daughter are hit with wave after wave of orgasm.

Syn pulls his still hard cocks free and staggers back to the chair and collapses in it. Before he realizes what's happening; the mare is kneeling in front of him licking and sucking his cocks clean and milking the last dredges of cum form his cocks which she greedily gulps down and starts squirting once again as she orgasm from the taste alone.

"Oh man that felt great!" Syn moans as the mare cleans his cocks.

"Yeah!" Emma moans as cum leaks from her hugely gaping asshole.

Syn sits there until his cocks disappear into his sheath and the mare moves over to Mimi and Emma and starts licking them clean.

When Syn recovers he stands up "Where is the magic academy. I couldn't find it yesterday." Syn asks and Mimi turns around and sets her pussy in her mother's face and looks up at him.

"Head to main street and follow it until you see a huge building and you've found it." Mimi tells him as her mother starts licking her pussy.

"Thank you." Syn says reaching around her and giving her ass a squeeze.

He leaves the inn before he starts fucking them all over again and heads for the main street running down the middle of the city. "The city gates are that way, so that way." Syn thinks looking down both directions of the street. He walks down the street. Every few blocks a line of stands are set up selling various items. Half an hour later he is standing in front of a huge building with a large, solid looking set of wooden doors. He pushes them open and walks in.

"Can I help you?" a young female very pregnant looking deer wearing a long silver robe asks walking up to him.

"I'm looking for a young black cat named Mimi." Syn tells her.

"I think her group is up in one of the practice rooms." The deer says pointing towards the ceiling.

"How do I get there?" Syn asks looking at the deer and feeling a twitching between his legs.

'I'll show you." the deer says turning and walking over to a door.

She pulls it open and walks in. Syn follows her until they start walking up a set of stairs. Syn watches as with each step her ass shakes side to side making his crotch swell between his legs bigger and more insistent.

"I need stop by my room to pick up something. It's on the way." the deer says walking up the stairs. Syn watches her ass shift side to side with each step. He licks his lips as a smell fills his nose making his body heat up.

"Do you have a husband here?" Syn asks suppressing a grin.

'That's a strange question, but no only me and my kids are here." the deer says and a grin spreads across Syn's muzzle.

"I see." Syn say as the deer stops on a landing and pulls a door open. He follows her through it and down a hall until she stops in front of a door.

"Wait here. It'll just be a second." the deer says before pulling the door open.

Syn follows her in and shuts the door. Before she can turn around He moves up behind hear and presses his body against her and wraps his arms around her. He cups a large milk swollen breast in one hand and rubs her belly with the other. "What are you doing?" the deer asks.

"I can smell the need to be fucked rolling off you like a thick musk." Syn says in her ear before gently biting it and drawing a soft moan from her. He finds her thick nipples between his fingers and pinches it making her moan louder until she realizes what she is doing and bites her lips to stifle the moan.

"Let me go." the deer says with gritted teeth.

"Why should I. You can feel what you did to me. Shaking that big beautiful ass in my face as we went up the stair. Flood my nose with your scent. How can I let you go until I get my rock off and give you the fucking you're craving." Syn says letting go of her ear for a moment before licking her neck making her shiver.

"No. let me go" the deer says trying to break free of his arms.

"When I'm done." Syn tells her and grabs the robe she is wearing with his hand on her big, round life swollen belly and pulls it up. Inch by inch of silver robe rises until her bare pussy is exposed. "naughty deer. Not wearing panties." Syn says quickly pushing his hand between her thighs and cupping her swollen mound and feeling several rings piercing her pussy.

"Stop it and I'll forget what happened so far." the deer says looking back at him over her shoulder.

"No deal." Syn says pushing a finger between her pussy lips making her rings jingle a little.

"Stop it." the deer says louder before Syn pushes her forward onto a couch and flips her over and grabs her muzzle before she can say anything. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a length of rope and quickly wraps it around her muzzle. She reaches for it and he grabs her hands and pins them down to the couch.

The deer mumbles something and tries to get her hands free. Syn looks down at her with a grin and licks his lips baring his teeth. Syn moves her hands together above her head and quickly shifts his hands so he is holding both of her hands above her head with one hand. He reaches into his pocket once again and pulls out another length of rope and quickly ties her wrists together. "There. That should do it." Syn says taking a step back and looking at her lying on the couch with her robe pushes up to her belly exposing her pierced pussy.

Syn drops to his knees and pulls her thighs apart. She struggles to keep them together until Syn pulls them apart easily overpowering her. He looks at her pussy and licks his lips once again. He moves closer and looks at the piercings. Two rings on each lips and a gleaming jewel tops her clit. He leans down and takes a ring between his teeth and pulls on it. He moves to another ring and pulls on it. He moves to each ring and tugs on each one until he all four of them have been tugged on. He moves up to her clit and lashes it with his tongue making her body jerk.

Her legs start to lift up and he pushes them back down and moves closer "Just relax and enjoy this. You need it as badly as I do>" Syn tells her looking at her slightly swollen pussy. "I can see your starting to like it." he says leaning closer and sniffing her pussy blowing hot air across her pussy. He runs his tongue up her slit and flicks it at her clit. He repeats it several more times before stiffening his tongue and driving it into her pussy. The deer lets out a muffled moan as he starts tongue fucking her pussy.

Syn slips two fingers into her pussy and saws them back and forth covering them in her flowing pussy juice. "Look at how wet you are." he says holding up his fingers and rubbing them across her nose. He sticks his fingers back into her pussy and gets them wet again. He moves his fingers lower and rubs them against her asshole. Her eyes open wide and she starts to struggle "An anal virgin." Syn says and the deer nods "Not when I'm done with you. Heck your baby will be swimming in my cum by the time I'm done." Syn says pushing his fingers through her tight anal ring stretching it open making her body spasm and jerk away from him as pain radiates from her asshole. He holds his fingers still and waits. He licks her clit sending waves of pleasure through her body.

He pulls his fingers from her ass and stands up. He grins when he opens his pants and out flops his twin cocks. Each one is 8 inches long and throbbing to life with each beat of Syn's heart. Both cocks grow bigger with each pump of his heart. The deer's eyes open wide at the sight of his growing cocks. She sits up and tries to stand up. Syn pushes her back onto the couch "Let it happen and enjoy it. Your pussy is soaking wet from a little tongue fucking. You'll love it when my cocks at stretching your pussy and asshole. I'm gonna drive my cock into your womb and give your baby some company." Syn tells her stroking his cock until they reach their full 16 inches.

Syn grins and lays his cocks across her belly showing how far his two cocks reach up her belly. They both reach past her belly and drip pre-cum in the crease under her big, milky breasts. "See how far my cocks will go in you. I'm gonna womb fuck you. It's been a long time since I last womb fucked a pregnant woman." Syn says with a smile.

The deer looks down between her breasts and starts to struggle again. "I guess you're just the magic academy fuck toy since you haven't fried me with a spell." Syn says stroking his cocks. He lifts his cock and drops them on her belly making her groan into the rope holding her mouth shut.

Syn leans down and wraps his lips around one of her nipples and sucks on it. He slips his hands down across her belly and rubs her thighs working closer teasing her until he thrusts two fingers into her pussy and another two into her ass making her hips buck. He sucks on her nipples until a jet of breast milk fills his mouth. He swallows it and sucks for more. Syn moans around the nipples tasting the sweet motherly milk cover his tongue.

After a couple of minutes of fingering her and drinking her milk Syn pulls off her nipple with a pop causing a few jets of milk to spray form her nipples and pulls his fingers from her lower holes. He moves back until his cocks slip off her big, round belly. He grabs his cocks and presses the tip of his lower cock against her asshole until she lets out a muffled scream and tries to wriggle away from him. He grabs his upper cock and presses the tip against her pussy and moans softly feeling both tips enveloped in heat.

"Here it comes." Syn says with a smile. With both cock tips seated in her holes he grabs her hips and thrusts forward sinking the first few inches in her body. She lets out a scream and starts trying to move away from him. He takes a breath and thrusts forward again until his cock tip hits her cervix and he stops for a minute savoring the tightness squeezing both of his cocks. "You're soaking wet!" Syn moans feeling her juices lubing up her asshole.

The deer screams into the rope wriggling to get away from him. Just as Syn is about to thrust into her again he hears the door open and glances over at it. The door closers and two cubs freeze in place seeing their mother tied up and being raped. They stand their frozen in place surprised by what they see.

He looks at their mother and thrusts forward forcing the tip of his cock into her cervix. With another thrust he sinks his cock tip past the tight ring of muscles and into the sea of amniotic fluid. Syn lets out groan biting his lip feeling her muscles spasming around his cocks. Syn fights back another moan as her pussy and asshole starts rippling around his cocks as her eyes open in surprise "You like being tied you, don't you!" Syn moans out feeling her holes milking his cocks. Pre-cum pours form the tips of his cock. He pushes forward a bit more sinking another inch of long, thick wolf cock into her womb and grunts feeling something hit his cock.

Syn holds still feeling the fetus hitting his cock. Surges of pleasure shoot from his cock and making his knees weak. He looks over at the two cubs and smiles at them and they stay in place unable to move. Syn starts thrusting his hips again grinding against the fetus with each thrust "I can feel your baby rubbing against my cock." Syn moans out pushing his cocks as deep as they can go and the tip of her belly deforms around his cock.

The deer lets out another muffle scream as her body starts shaking as another orgasm hits her. Her body ripples around his cock milking even more pre-cum from his cocks. Syn looks down at her and sees her eyes roll back and hears her moaning and on a whim reaches down and pulls on the rope around her muzzle and she lets out a loud moan. "Fuck me, asshole!" the deer moans looking down at him.

Syn starts thrusting fucking her through her orgasm "Don't stop until you feed my baby your cum!" The deer moans out. Syn thrusts a few more times and bottoms out and lets out howl. His cocks quiver and cum surges up the lengths and spews into her body. Her bowels flood with hot cum. Her belly grows even bigger as he fills her womb with hot cum. He feels the baby wrap its arms around his cock and hug it tightly. Surge after surge of cum pours form his cocks until he nearly falls forward on her even bigger belly.

Syn jerks up and groans looking down at her belly "You've got a little slut in there." Syn says rubbing her belly. "It feels like it's sucking my cock tip!" Syn moans as a surge of pre-cum shoots through his cock.

"Oh god yes!" the deer moans feeling his cocks filling her body, his knots sealing her pussy and ass trapping the cum behind them.

Syn looks up at her with a grin "We have an audience." he says and the deer looks over at the door and sees her kids standing there watching them.

"Shit. Untie me." the deer says pulling at the rope holding her wrists together.

"I have a better idea. Watch." Syn says wrapping the rope around her muzzle again.

Syn pulls his cocks back tearing the swollen knots form her pussy. His cock pulls out of her womb and some fluid follows it before her cervix clamps shut trapping the amniotic fluid and cum behind it. The deer grunts when his knots come free. Cum, pre-cum and amniotic fluid drips form his cocks as he turns around and looks at the little cubs.

"What are you doing mister?" the little cub boy asks as Syn approaches them with a grin.

Syn doesn't say a word. He reaches out and wraps his fingers around their throats and lifts them off their feet. The two scratch at his arms trying to get free, but their short finger nails do little more than scratch him. He squeezes until they go limp, passed out and turns to the deer mother. "I'm gonna fuck them." He tells them. He sets the two little cub down next to their mother. The limp bodies sit next to her with blank eyes.

Syn sits down next to them and picks up the little cub girl. He pulls the power blue dress she is wear off and drops it on the floor next to the couch. He holds her and spreads her legs and looks at her tiny slit. "I guess she is still a virgin." Syn says stroking his fingers across her slit. The deer nods her head and looks at him. Syn looks at her and pushes a finger into her daughters pussy "And very tight." Syn says with a smile. "Yeah, she's a little virgin. What is she 4 or so?" Syn asks with the deer looking at him with a glare.

"Fine. Don't answer. Her age doesn't matter." Syn says sawing his finger back and forth feeling a little moisture forming around his finger. "She's getting wet." he says pulling his finger from her pussy and lifting it to his nose and inhaling it with a groan feeling his cocks throb with desire. He reaches over and rubs his wet fingers across the deer's nose forcing her to inhale her daughter's sexual scent. Syn lifts the little cub up and runs his tongue across her slit and moans ass the taste covers his tongue.

The deer starts mumbling words while Syn licks her little daughter's pussy.

"She tastes pretty good. Better then you." Syn says with a smile as he sets her down on the couch.

Syn picks up the little boy and starts stripping it. "Looks at that. He's got a huge sheath already. E's what 6 or 7." Syn says looking at the little boy. He strokes his chest a few times before stroking the large sheath a few times and the pink tip of the boy's cock pokes out. He strokes the pink flesh coaxing out more and more of deer cock until 6 inches of flesh protrude from the little deer's sheath.

Syn moves over to the deer and lowers the little cub to his mother's pussy and pushes his cock against her gaping folds, his cock slides into her and her eyes roll back and she lets out a moan before realizing what she's doing and fights it back. E moves the little male cub back and forth making him fuck his own mother.

Syn pushes his forward and bends him forward 'I'm going to fuck him while he fucks you." Syn tells the deer. He strokes his lower cock with one hand and holds the male cub in place. His smears pre-cum down his cock before pressing the tip of his cock against the little boy's pucker. With a grunt Syn' forces his cock into the little cub's ass stretching it open like ever before.

Suddenly, the cub wakes up with a scream and moans feeling the pain of penetration first then the pleasure of his cock in his mother's pussy. Syn starts moving his hips back and forth fucking him and helping him fuck her. He slowly sinks deeper into the little boy's butt until half of his cock is in him.

Syn reaches over for the female cub and picks her up and strokes her pussy a few times collecting her juices on his fingers. He lays her down on her mother's belly with her pussy in her brother's face. Syn sticks his finger in his mouth and moans as the taste. With his free and Syn pushes the male cub's head forward into his sisters pussy "Lick her pussy!" Syn moans feeling his tight body squeeze his cock milking pre-cum from the tip.

The little boy leans forward and pushes his head between his sister's legs and runs his tongue from the bottom of her pussy to her little, immature clit. Syn gives the boy a few thrusts before pushing his head aside and pulling the little girl's to his cock tip. His upper cock rests on the boy's shoulder. He presses his cock tip against her little slit and groans louder feeling her lips part and let his cock sink into her body.

"Looks at this momma. Your children are loving this. Your daughter is soaking wet and your son is fucking you like a pro with my cock nearly a foot into his belly, I bet if I changed the angle I could fuck you with his belly." Syn says looking at the deer. Her eyes are rolled back and droll is running out of the corners of her mouth s she moans constantly.

Syn forces his cock deeper into the little girl's body until he tip appears in her once flat belly. Suddenly, she gives a jerk and moans out before looking up at him and then at her brother. She moans against feeling his cock throbbing in her belly. He hip spread apart as his huge cock penetrates her deeper. Her eyes roll back as pleasure washes over her body "That's right little slut. Loving the feeling just like your slutty momma!" Syn groans feeling both of his cocks squeezed.

Syn tightens his hold on both cubs and thrusts forward while pulling them back. His cocks sinking into them until all 16 inches are stretching their hips and bellies. Syn's lower cock in the male cub is stroking across the deer's clit making her writhe in pleasure. He fucks the two cubs until he grits his teeth and slams into them.

Syn lets out a growl and howls as his knots inflate stretching the cubs out even more. His cocks spasm and shoots the first volley of hot cum into them. Their bellies swell with the first jet alone. Another one quickly follows it making their bellies even bigger. Shot after shot of cum shoots form his cocks making the cub's bellies inflate like a balloon. His knots hold back the wall of cum he finally starts to calm down.

The two cubs let out groans as orgasms wash over them when Syn starts cumming in them. The male cub starts shooting thick ropes of cum deep into his mother's pussy. He paints her cervix with each blast of cum. above him his sister is writhing in pleasure as her belly swells bigger and his cocks throb sending bolts of pleasure through her body with each throb.

"Look at your kids. They love being fucked. They're going to be fuck toys when they grow up. Hell, your son is already hung like an adult and shoots a huge load. Good thing you are already pregnant. Although I do love the thought of him knocking you up. Syn says leaning forward panting as the last of his cum leaves his cock to join the lake off cum in each of the cub's belly.

Syn reaches up and pulls on the rope. You loved it didn't you?" Syn says looking at the deer and seeing the answer in her eyes.

"Of course I did. I love being used as a fuck toy. These two have been fucked since birth by the mages here. His cock is so big because of a spell the headmistress cast to satisfy her." The deer moans feeling the weight of the two cubs and a fresh load of cum in her pussy.

"Do you have to leave. I really want to feel you fucking my properly." The deer moans feeling pleasure rippling through her body with the thought of Syn taking her and her kids again.

'I really need to go. I can't stay here and fuck all three of you all day." Syn says grabbing the female cub and pulling her off his cock with a pop and holding her up over her mothers mouth as cum pours for her stretched and gaping pussy. The deer opens her mouth and gulps down as much of the as he can. Syn sets the little girl down on her mother's face then wraps his fingers around the boy's waist and pulls back tearing his knot form the boy's tight asshole. The boy winces, but moans out feeling cum pour from his asshole and soak his balls.

"Well, in that case. Their is something you can do. Go into my room and open the nightstand and take out the three pink rings." The deer says cradling her kids toe her breasts. The cubs suck her nipples as Syn goes into the room and returns with the three pink rings. "those rings will take on the shape of any cock that penetrated it exactly. I usually have it as a horse cock and sleep with it in my pussy and ass, but I want to feel your cocks in my and I'm sure the kids do to." the deer says. The two cubs nod with her nipples between their lips.

Syn reaches out and pulls the two cubs off their mother's nipples with a pop and lets milk spray from her nipples. He sits down on the couch and sets them down on either side of him "Get me hard and I'll use the rings then give you three a cum shower." Syn says looking at the cubs. The two cubs each take a softening cock into their hands and starts licking, sucking and kissing them back to life, within a couple of minutes his cocks are back to rock hardness.

"Now slide the rings to to the base of your cock and leave them there until you cum and they will copy your knot as well." the deer says still tied up on the couch. Syn takes a pink ring and pushes it down his cock about halfway down it it's too thin to continue. Syn pushes it down until it locks around his base he takes another ring and slides it down his other cock until it is settled against his sheath. He takes the last ring and slides it down until it's with the other ring around the base of his cock.

"Get to work if you want my cum." Syn says looking at the 4 and 6 year old cubs. They both stand up and take the tip off a cock between each of their lips. Syn reaches around them and slides a finger into the boy's butt and strokes his finger along the girl's slit. The two cubs gulp down his pre-cum until It starts dripping down their chins. He pushes his finger into the girl's pussy making her moan around his cock. The boy grinds his sheath against Syn's cock moaning as pleasure starts to radiate from his growing cock.

The two cubs suck at Syn's cocks gulping down his flowing pre-cum. The boy grinds his sheath and swelling cock against the solid pillar of flesh moaning around the ti of Syn's cock. The girl moans feeling Syn pushing his finger into her pussy, even after fucking with His huge cocks her pussy clamps down on Syn's fingers as if it was never penetrated. "Suck him babies!" The deer moans out watching her kids sucking cock.

Syn moans out pulling his fingers from the cub's holes and pushes their heads against his cocks until he feels through tight throat surround the tip of his cocks. The two gag a little before his pre-cum floods their throats. They start swallowing to keep from drowning in the slick, sticky pre-cum. "Feed them your cum!" The deer moans sitting and watching them pressing her thighs together pleasuring her swollen clit.

"Here it comes!" Syn groans before letting out a howl as he starts cumming. The first shot alone fills their little mouth and throats to capacity and cum starts spraying from the corners of their mouth and nose. The two cubs bellies swell as shot after shot of cum floods their throats. They swallow as fast as they can, but much of the sticky seed escapes their mouths. By the time Syn stops cumming both cub's bellies are swollen and cum is covering their front sides.

"You can pull off the rings now!" The deer moans squeezing her thighs together.

The two cubs back off and falls onto the couch panting now that they can breath. Syn reaches down and grabs one of the rings and pulls it up his cock. The ring clings tightly to his cock until it pulls free and a glowing translucent replica of his cock tops the ring. He hand sit to the male cub then pulls off another ring and hand it to the female cub. He pulls off the last ring and looks at the faux cock. He stands up and walks over to the deer and pulls her legs apart and in one move stuffs it into her pussy. Her eyes roll back as pleasures and pain of the sudden penetration fills her. The dildo slides past her pussy lips stretching her open

"Oh god yes!" The deer moans out. Her pussy stretches around the toy until the tip finds her cervix and pierces it making her eyes open wide as pleasure and pain mix. Syn slides the toy into her until the huge knot kisses her lips. He grits his teeth and grabs her hip and pushes harder. She lets out moans and groans as the toy digs deeper into her occupied womb. "So good!" the deer moans as her pussy lips close around the knot and Syn starts stroking her clit until she explodes in orgasm. Her eyes roll back as pleasure washes over her body.

Next to them the two cubs are playing with the dildo teasing each other until hey start fucking each other with them.

"I better get out of here otherwise I'll never leave. "Syn says seeing the cubs getting in on the action.

Syn turns and starts picking up his clothes. "You don't need to leave." The little girl says as she humps the dildo.

"Yes I do. I'm here for a reason and sex isn't it." Syn says pulling his shirt on before pulling his pants up his legs and stuffing his swollen cocks into his pants; a large lump runs down each leg outlining the sheer size of each cock. He quickly leaves the room as moans fill it and the deer asks the some to fuck her ass and the daughter to sit on her face. Syn bits his tongue as he leaves to keep from stopping and watching.

Syn walks over to the stair well and starts walking up the stars until he gets to the third floor. He walks up to the nearest door and opens it. Inside the room is dimly lit, but empty. He shuts the door and crosses the hall and looks in that room. The room is just like the first one. He looks in three more rooms before he finds a room with someone in it.

Syn opens the door and before he can speak. He sees an older woman with a young boy. Both of them are nude "Mom, are you sure about this!" The boy moans out as the mother's arms moves.

"Yes honey. I need your seed for my experiment." The mother says and Syn smiles seeing the mothers arm moving faster and the son's breathing getting more labored as he lets out soft moans.

"Oh god, mother!" The boy moans out and his mouth opens wide as he moans out his pleasure.

"That's it cum for mommy." The mother says. She milks him for every drop of seed she can before he falls back on the table panting as his body tingles with the afterglow of orgasm.

Syn stands at the door watching them and licking his lips. His pants bulge as his cocks swell at the thought of taking the mother with the son watching.

"Damn, I need more." The mother says looking down at something.

"I can't mom. My balls are hurting after cumming three times in a row." The son tells her with a moan at the end.

"Damn, where am I going to get enough cum?" The mother says turning around and seeing Syn standing at the door watching them.

"Who the hell are you?" The mother asks slipping her hand behind her back, but before she can Syn sees she is holding a beaker.

"My name is Syn. I was looking for Mimi when I found you two." Syn tells her with a bit of a grin stepping into the room.

The mother looks him up and down "Who are you trying to fool. Stuffing your pants to look like a hot shot." The mother says seeing the long, thick bulge down each thigh.

"They're real. I can show you if you want." Syn says now openly grinning. He runs a hand down one thigh and squeezing his cock making it twitch.

"Go ahead. I doubt you're as big as you think you are." The mother says setting the beaker down on the table and walking over to Syn and pulling him farther into the room "Even if you're tiny I need more cum for my experiment and I can get it from you."

"What if I refuse?" Syn asks taking a few steps closer to her.

"I'll call the guards and say you raped my son." The mother says looking at him.

"Not that I was planning on refusing. I never turn down a chance to get me rocks off." Syn says opening his pants and pushing them down letting his twin columns of flesh bounce up and sling a small amount of pre-cum at the mother.

"Dear god!" The mother gasps seeing his cocks.

"If you want my cum, your son will need to help get it." Syn tells her with a grin and a flex of his cocks making them bounce a few times. Large drops of pre-cum drip from the tips of his cocks with each flex.

"Does he really need to; can't I have you to myself?" The mother asks looking at Syn's cocks as they continue to drip.

"First of all, what are your names and yes and no? I've been fucking cubs for a while now and I've started taking a liking to their tight little bodies." Syn tells her grabbing his cocks and pointing them at her son still sitting on the table and squeezes them making pre-cum bubble form the tips even faster.

"My name is Maria and he is Kelly." Maria tells him and Syn smiles at the name and licks his lips.

Syn walks over to a chair next to the table Kelly is sitting on and sits down in it. He spreads his legs open 'let's see what you two can do." He says grabbing his cocks and stroking them.

"Come on over Kelly. I need a lot of cum and by the looks of his balls. He'll give me more than enough." Maria says following Syn. She drops to her knees in front of Syn and pulls one of his cocks to her mouth. She licks at the tip as Kelly moves over next to her.

"Are you sure, mom? I've never done anything with another boy." Kelly says looking down at her as Syn strokes his cock.

"Just do it. You'll never know if you'll like it until you do." Syn says looking at him and holding his cock out for the little mouse boy. Kelly reaches out and wraps his fingers around the tip of Syn's cock. His fingers not even close to touching. He pulls it to his lips and licks it a few times. His tongue is quickly covered in pre-cum and he lets out a soft moan as the taste covers his tongue.

"I think he likes it!" Syn moans softly as the mother and son suck his cocks together.

Maria lets go of Syn's cock and grabs her robe and pulls it open and tosses it aside. Her big heavy breasts bounce as she gives them a shake. She scoots forward pushing Kelly aside until Syn's cock slides up between her breasts. She presses her breasts together around Syn's heavy cock and starts tit fucking him.

"This is one thing that I miss while fucking a cub, big soft breasts!" Syn moans out feeling one cock enveloped in soft fur and the tip of the other enveloped in wet heat.

"I bet. I've got some of the biggest breasts in the academy." Maria says moving her breasts up and down his cock. She squeezes her breasts until the big thick nipples stroke along the sides of his cock. Pre-cum sprays from the tip of his cock, coating her chin and cleavage. She flicks her tongue at his cock tip moaning at the taste covering her tongue.

Syn lets out a loud moan as Kelly starts sucking on his other cock again. Pleasure shoots through his body making his fists clench and his toes curl. Pre-cum seeps from his cocks until he grabs them and pulls them away from the mother-son duo. "Maria, get on the table on your back. Kelly, get on the table on your mother's belly with your face between her breasts." Syn says holding his cocks and squeezing them tight enough to stop the flow of pre-cum.

The two quickly scramble up onto the table. Maria lays down on the table with her ass at the edge and Kelly climbs up onto her belly and lies down and licks at her cleavage. Syn stands up grinning and walks over to them. When he reaches them he loosens his grip on his cocks and flexes his muscles making pre-cum shoot from his cocks like water from a hose. Pre-cum covers both mother and son making them scream a little in surprise.

Syn pushes his lower cock down until the tip touches Maria's pussy and softly moans as the tip slips in. he lets go of it and it threatens to break free of her pussy lips. He grabs his other cock and pushes it down to Kelly's little mouse cub ass. "Are you going to fuck him?" Maria asks wrapping her arms around Kelly, holding him in place.

"Of course." Syn tells her as he pushes his cock against the tight virgin hole. His lower cock sinks a little deeper into Maria making her sigh. He bucks his hips driving his cock through the tight anal ring and invading Kelly's ass. Maria pulls her son into a kiss to muffle the scream from the penetration. She runs her hands up and down his back until he relaxes.

"Lucky me. A virgin ass." Syn says with a grin and Maria smiles.

"Yeah, his father hasn't taken his ass yet." Maria says fluttering her pussy around his cock trying to get him moving. Syn grabs Kelly's shoulders and pushes forward. The mouse boy lets out a scream as his ass is stretched by inch after inch of long, thick canine cock. Maria moans out as her pussy stretches around Syn's cock. Her pussy grows wider by the inch as he sinks deeper.

"Fuck us!" Maria moans as his cock slowly sinks deeper. Syn reaches out and grabs one of her nipples and pulls on it making her body jerk and her pussy clamp down around his cock.

Syn spends the next few minutes fucking Maria and Kelly slowly sinking deeper making Kelly's belly stretch and his back arch. Syn's cock finds Maria's cervix and presses against it until the gate opens and he slides into her womb. Her belly stretches and deforms around his cock like a living condom. Both mother and son's bellies touch as his cocks sink deeper into their bodies. "Fuck! I'm about to cum!" Syn grunts feeling his balls tingling.

"Don't cum in us. Cum in the beaker!" Maria moans out barely remembering what the original purpose of Syn was.

"Not going to happen!" Syn grunts thrusting forward sinking the last few inches of his 16 inch cocks into them and letting out a howl. His tail arches just as his back does until the two nearly meet. His knots explode in size locking them on his cock. Both mother and son join him in orgasm. When his knots swell and hit all of their pleasure points. Both holes milk him until he unleashes his first thick, sticky jet of wolf cum. His hips jerk and his cocks throb as cum shoots through his cocks. He tightens his hold on them and pulls back. His knots slip free making them scream out in pain and pleasure. She rams his knots back in. her keeps pulling his knots out and ramming them back in until he gives one last grunt and nearly falls on them as his knees weaken. "Fuck this is good!" Syn pants leaning over them. He takes one of Maria's large nipples into his mouth and sucks on it making her pussy ripple around his cock coaxing out the last of his cum.

Mother and son lay there impaled on Syn's cock panting with their bellies bloated with cum. When he recovers Syn tightens his hold ponce again and pulls his inflated knots free. A tidal wave of cum rushes form both mouse holes quickly forming a puddle on the floor as their bellies try to flatten. Maria rolls Kelly off her and quickly grabs the beaker next to her. She shoves the mouth against her pussy moaning softly as the cold glass presses against her sensitive mound. Cum pours from her gaping hole into the beaker quickly filling it most of the way full. "Damn, that's more than enough." Maria pants feeling the edge of the glass tickling her clit.

"Good." Syn says grabbing his clothes.

"Wait." Kelly says sitting up. A puddle of cum around his tight little ass.

"What is it?" Syn asks holding his clothes.

"I want more. Don't leave yet. I want to taste your cum." Kelly says in a quiet voice.

Syn looks at Maria "If you want to. go ahead. Give him a massive dose of your cum." She tells him watching as the big wolf walks up to the little mouse boy.

Kelly grab's Syn's upper cock his fingers not even close to touching. He leans forward and licks at the tip moaning softly at the taste. He takes the tip between his lips and sucks on it. Syn's toes curl as sparks of pleasure shoot from his cock tip. Kelly strokes the shaft as far as he can reach.

Syn gasps feeling a set of lips on his lower cock. He looks down and sees Maria sucking on his cock once again. He moans louder as she takes his cock deeper. She wraps her big breasts around his cock and tit fucks him while sucking on his cock.

Syn reaches out for Kelly's head and pulls him farther down his cock until the little mouse cub starts gagging. "Take a deep breath!" Syn moans pulling his cock back until he sees Kelly take a deep breath. Mid breath Syn pushes forward and the head of his cock slip into the cub's throat. His neck bulges showing the outline of the wolf's thick cock.

"Look at your son. He took my cock into his throat." Syn moans feeling the tight tube constricting around his cock. Pre-cum spurts from his cock with each milking spasm around it.

"Such a quick learner." Maria says pulling her lips off the cock she is sucking. Pre-cum hangs form her lips as she talks.

"Yeah!" Syn moans as Kelly grabs his cock and squeezes it milking pre-cum from it.

Syn starts thrusting his hips, fucking his cock in and out of Kelly's throat and Maria's breasts. "Fuck this is good!" He moans feeling two pairs of hands grab his big, heavy, cum filled balls. He gives his cock a hard thrust making Kelly gag a few times.

Minutes pass until Syn lets out a howl. His tail arches once again and his knots explode in size. He starts thrusting his hips back and forth fucking his cock deeper into Kelly's throat. His neck rounds out and stretches wider until Syn presses his knot against Kelly's lips. Jelly's throat bulges with 16 inches of wolf meat down his throat. "Take my cum, slut!" Syn grunts shooting the first blast of cum down the mouse boy's throat.

Kelly gulps around the thick canine cock until Syn pulls it back and floods his mouth with the strong taste of his cum. After a couple of blasts of cum into the mouse boy's mouth, Syn pulls his cock free of his mouth and blasts the last of his cum in the boy's face. Kelly's gray fur turns white by the time Syn is done cumming.

"Fuck!" Maria gasps gulping down the last of Syn's cum and looking up at him.

"I can keep going, but I really need to find Mimi." Syn says seeing the look on Maria's face.

"Don't go yet. Let me suck on your cocks a bit more." Kelly says with cum dripping off his chin.

"A few minutes more, but I really need to go." Syn says seeing Kelly nursing on his slowly softening cock trying to get it to stiffen again.

A few minutes later Syn pulls his cock from Kelly's lips with aloud pop and the mouse boy chases after it like a slice of cheese. "She should be a few rooms over trying to summon something. I doubt her and her friends can actually do it since summoning takes a lot of magic." Maria tells Syn. She turns to Kelly and pulls him close and starts licking his face clean of Syn's cum.

"Thank you." Syn says feeling a twitch watching her clean his cum off her son's face.

Syn quickly dresses and leaves the room before they get another load of cum from his balls. He leaves the room and continues looking in each room until he finds Mimi and a group of other mages in a room surrounding a circle on the floor.

"Okay girls; let's try to summon the fenrir demon." Mimi says as the girls surround the circle.

Syn quietly slips into the room and watches them standing against the door.

Across from Mimi is black cat with a splotch of white around her left eye. The one on Mimi's left is blonde from the angle Syn can see her. The one on Mimi's right is white from the angle Syn can see her.

"Okay girls, focus." Mimi says as they clasp their hands together. Syn watches as they all start glowing. A few seconds later a small column of smoke rises form the center of the circle. A few more seconds pass before the small column of smoke explodes filling the room with a thick black smoke.

A thought suddenly crosses Syn's mind. The only things he can smell in the room are the four kittens. He quickly strips out of his clothes and tosses them behind a small pile of boxes next to the door and quickly moves over into the center of the room.

"Did it work." the White kitten asks, coughing.

"I don't know." Mimi coughs raising a hand and it starts glowing as the smoke starts swirling and rising until it passes through a hole in the wall.

"It worked!" the black and blonde cat say at almost the same time.

"Are you the fenrir demon?" the white cat asks looking up at him barely standing mid-thigh level.

"Uhh, yeah" Syn says looking down at her and all four of them break out in giant smiles.

"Cool. What is your pact?" the blonde cat asks walking up to him.

"Pact." Syn says looking down at her.

"You know. Something that binds you to us." the blonde cat says as the other three cats move closer.

Syn grins "I must mark you with my seed and plant my seed in your bellies." Syn says looking down at her.

"Are you serious?" The blonde kitten asks looking directly at his sheath and gulping.

Syn reaches down to his sheath and squeezes it making the tips of his cocks pokes out "Yes." He tells her as he slowly strokes the little bit of pink encouraging it to grow. He sits down and pulls Lily closer "You're first." he says with a grin.

"Uh...okay. I'm Lily" Lily says as he pulls her closer. His cocks grow longer and thicker as she gets closer until his upper cock is touching her smooth little belly.

"Have you been fucked before, little girl." Syn asks reaching out and cupping her crotch.

"I'm not a girl. I'm a boy with a pussy." Lily says looking at him.

"Then why do you have a girl's name?" Syn asks rubbing his cock up and down her belly tracing where her little womb is.

"They thought I was a girl when I was born." Lily says grabbing his cock and squeezing the tip. Pre-cum smears across her palm.

"My daddy did last year." Lily says looking down at his bright red cocks "His wasn't as big as yours, though." she says feeling the hot tip jumping up and down her belly with his heartbeat.

"I bet. Not many are as big as me." Syn says reaching out and running his finger back and forth across her slit.

Syn grabs his upper cock and lifts it up until it is in front of her face "Lick it." he tells her squeezing it. A large drop of pre-cum appears and hangs on until it starts to fall. Lily leans forward and licks at the tip of his cock sending waves of pleasure through Syn's body. Her rough tongue scraps across his cock tip cleaning up the remnants of pre-cum.

"You three strip. I want to see what I'll be marking. Also, what are your names?" Syn asks. They each introduce themselves. The black kitten with a splotch of white around her left eye is Ruby, the blonde kitten is Ella, and Mimi introduces herself.

Mimi immediately starts stripping revealing her black body with a tuft of white fur on her chest. He looks down and sees a tuft of white fur between her legs and his cocks give a jerk and spills pre-cum over Lily's snout. "Looks like he likes you" Ruby says looking at Mimi.

Syn looks back at Lily and reaches out. He cups the back of her head and pulls her towards his cock until her lips stop stretching around his girth. "Good girl. Now suck and drink my pre-cum!" He moans out. Her tongue wiggles under his thick canine cock helping to milk pre-cum from his cock. Her throat ripples around the tip of his cock coaxing more pre-cum from it.

"This feels great!" Syn moans out. His head lolling back as pleasure ripples thought his body. He looks over at the Ruby, Ella, and Mimi and grins "Ruby, come over here and suck my other cock before it makes even more of a mess then it already has." He tells her. The black cat walks over to him and grabs his heavy, rock hard canine cock between her little hands.

"I'm a boy too. Just like Lily." Ruby says before lifting the cock to his lips and sucking on it.

"So many cuntboys to fuck!" Syn moans feeling their mouths working his cocks.

"You two make out. I want to see some sweet little cub action between you two!" Syn says in half a moan as Lily and Ruby nurse on his cocks.

Syn watches as Mimi turns and looks at Ella. She moves closer" Just like we always do." Mimi mutters when the two are nearly touching noses. Ella grabs Mimi and pulls her into a kiss. Syn groans deep in his throat when the two embrace.

Syn reaches out and picks up Lily and pulls him close. He turns him over and looks at his rear end and licks his lips. His pussy drips a few clear slippery drops of juice. He lifts Lily to his nose and presses his nose against his pussy and inhales making him gasp and sigh. He sticks out his tongue and runs it up his slit making his legs jerk as he touches his clit. He laps at him until he lets out a long moan and starts convulsing. Lily's pussy ripples against his tongue. Pussy juice pours from his little pussy and covers Syn's tongue making his cocks jerk.

When Lily's orgasm ends Syn turns him around and looks at him "Get ready for a thorough fucking." Syn says grabbing his upper cock and lifting it up. Syn presses Lily's wet pussy against the cock tip. He jerks Lily down and the first inch of cock disappears between his pussy lips. Lily arches his back and lets out a scream as pain wracks his body. Syn moves his thumb down to Lily's tiny clit and circles it around the little nub. After a few seconds Lily's back starts to relax and his breathing starts to get deeper "Good girl." Syn says scratching his head.

Syn looks over at Mimi and Ruby and smiles. The two are on their knees with a hand under the others robe. They are no longer kissing, but breathing heavy leaning against each other. His cocks throb and Lily groans feeling his pussy stretch wider around the throbbing cock.

Syn looks back down at Lily and tightens his hold on his waist and pulls him farther down his cock. A few more inches of thick canine cock slips into the kitten's belly. The once flat belly deforms around Syn's cock. Hot pre-cum bubbles up from the tip of his cock making Lily's tight passage slippery helping him sink deeper.

"Oh god!" Lily moans hanging there limply feeling both pleasure and pain. His eyes roll back and he lets out gasps and groans. Syn starts moving Lily back and forth along his cock. Under Lily, Ella nurses on Syn's other cock swallowing big gulps of hot slippery pre-cum. Lily's tail brushes across her head each time Syn pulls him to the tip of his cock.

Syn reaches down and pushes Ella's head down his cock until the tip of his cock hits the back of her throat making her gag. He ignores her gagging and pushes until the tip of his cock pierces her throat and he lets out a loud moan. Her throat convulses around his cock milking pre-cum from it as she gags around it.

Across from them, Mimi and Ruby are leaning against each other fingering the other. "Pinch my clit!" Ruby pants feeling an orgasm just about to wash over him. Mimi pinches the black kitten's clit sending him over the edge. Ruby's body locks up and starts convulsing as waves of pleasure wash over his body. Mimi finger fucks Ruby through his orgasm until he falls back panting and limp.

"Sit on her face, so she can eat you out and get you off." Syn says watching Mimi and Ruby as he fucks Lily and Ella with his long, thick cocks.

Ruby lays there panting from her orgasm. Mimi scoots up her body until her feline pussy is over Ruby's mouth. "Lick me." she says pulling her little lips apart revealing her inner pinkness and swollen clit demanding attention. Ruby looks up at Mimi and sticks his tongue out and runs it across the pink flesh making Mimi shiver and gasp "Again." Mimi says looking down at the cuntboy under her. Syn watches as Ruby starts focusing his licks on her hole cleaning up her juices as soon as they appear. Ruby moans tasting the Mimi's juice making his own pussy heat up again.

Syn reaches down and grabs Ella around the waist and lifts her up until her pussy presses against his cock. Syn holds her with one hand and turns Lily around making Lily's eyes bug out. Syn groans feeling the tight cub body twist around his cock. Syn pulls Ella pussy against his cock until her tiny pussy lips part and he slides into her tight little pussy. "Kiss." Syn growls feeling pleasure washing over his body. The tightness around his two cocks and the sounds all four kittens are making makes his balls ache for release.

Syn watches the two girls press their lips together and moan softly into each other's mouth. He slowly strokes them up and down his cocks. They slowly sink down his cocks stretching their once flat bellies into skin tight flesh condoms. While the two make out Syn suddenly pulls them down his cocks pushing them apart as his cocks fill and stretch their pussies. Their bellies bulge with canine cock meat until all 16 inches are in them. Their belly flesh clings tightly to his cock showing every lump, veins, and bulge of his cocks. "Fuck yes!" Syn growls as his knots start swelling. The two girls gurgle, gasp and groan as his knots grow bigger stretching them wider making their hips change shape.

"Take my cum, sluts!" Syn grunts as his cocks jerk and a jet of cum shoots from the tip of each cock. Ella and Lily's' belly's swell as cum fills them. Syn watches through partially closed eyes as they grow bigger and heavier until his cock starts to bend down under the weight. The two cub's bellies grow bigger and rounder with each shot of fertile wolf seed. Syn lets out growls and yip as pleasure washes over his body. Cum pumps from Syn's cocks into the two kittens belly's until Syn falls back panting as his orgasm slowly fades away. His knots lock the cum in place keeping the two kittens looking like overfilled water balloons.

He looks over at Mimi and Ruby and smiles. The two are in a 69 and their tails are lashing about. He looks down at the two kittens he just filled and sees them hanging form his still hard cocks limply their eyes rolled back with drool running from their mouth's. "Looks like it was too much for them." he says sitting up and looking at them sees their legs pushed apart by his big, thick knots.

Syn grabs Lily's stretched hips and pulls him off his still swollen knot with a yank "Ruby." Syn says and both kittens look over at him "Come over here. You're next." he says. Mimi looks at him then crawls off Ruby's face lashing her tail across the cuntboy's face tickling his nose.

"Mark me and plant your seed, demon." Ruby says turning around presenting his little cub ass to Syn. Syn looks down at her ass and sees her pussy has several piercings in each lips and a jewel through her clit. Ruby shakes his ass side to side teasing Syn with glimpses of his pussy and asshole.

"You're getting both of my cocks at once." Syn says grabbing Ruby and pulls him close. Syn lines up the tip off his lower cock with Ruby's pussy and pushes it into the hot, wet tight confines of the kitten's pussy until he can let it Goja and it stays in place. Next Syn Grabs his upper cock and presses it against the little cub's tailhole. Ruby wraps his tail around Syn's cock and strokes it teasing the big bad wolf. Syn yanks Ruby back onto his cock making Ruby's back arch and his eyes bulge out as several thick inches of canine cock stretch his tiny holes wide open.

"Fuck!" Ruby screams as Syn pulls him farther down his thick cocks.

"Slow down" Mimi says moving over next to Syn watching her friend being deeply fucked.

"I went easy on those two, but I'm fucking him full of my cum until he passes out." Syn says watching the outline off his cocks appear on both sides of the kitten's body as his cock ounce off each other. When Ruby's body is half way down Syn's long, thick cocks he starts jerking him back and forth "Fuck he's tight!" Syn moan out.

"Play with my cock through his belly." Syn tells Mimi, the little black kitten walks over to her friend and grabs the tip of his cock through his belly making Syn groan at the added tightness.

Ruby hangs there, limp. He groans and gasps as pleasure and pain fills his body. The cocks slowly sink deeper into his body until his pussy lips are kissing Syn's big, mucky sheath. Ruby's hips stretch to take the thick base of Syn's cocks making his already stretched out body even more so. Syn holds him in place savoring the tight constricting body around his cocks. Syn pulls Ruby up his cocks and starts stroking him up and down his cocks moaning and groaning. Ruby moans, groans, and babbles as his body fills with hard wolf cock. Mimi strokes Syn' cocks every time they stretch out Ruby's belly.

"Fuck Yes!" Syn howls feeling his balls about to burst. He pulls Ruby down his cocks until his legs spread even farther apart until they look like they are about to break. Syn's knots lock him in place and Mimi grabs one cock through Ruby's belly and Syn grabs the other and they both strokes the long, thick cocks pushing Syn even farther over the edge. Syn's cocks buck and blast a thick hot jet of cum through the twin columns of flesh. Ruby's body instantly inflates with the first shot. A dozen more follow it until she looks very pregnant with a dozen kittens.

Syn lies down and his cocks stand up and Ruby sinks down his cocks until she has every inch beyond his knots in his body. Ruby sits there eyes rolled back and drooling as his body twitches barely conscious of anything, but the cocks filling his belly and the hot cum filling his womb trying to knock him up. "Mimi." Syn says looking at the kitten looking back at him.

"Yes." Mimi says moving closer. Moisture runs down her thighs from watching her friend being fucked by cocks horses would be jealous of.

"Gem sent me to get you. There is a large crack in the wolf den wall that she wants you to try to fix." Syn tells her and she looks at him with wide eyes.

"You aren't a fenrir demon." Mimi says.

"No, I just thought it would be a good way to get into some cub pants" Syn tells her as he reaches down and yanks Ruby off his still swollen knots making her moan out and a tidal wave of cum pours from his pussy and ass covering Syn's groin in cum.

"You could have just asked us. We love sex." Mimi tells him walking over to Ruby. A thin trail of cum leaks from her pussy and ass. Mimi leans down and runs her tongue through the trial of cum making Syn shiver.

"I just felt like playing along." Syn says setting ruby down on the floor.

"Looks like you fucked all of them out cold." Mimi says looking at her friends stretched and leaking bodies.

"Yeah, suck my cocks." Syn says grabbing his upper cock at the base and shaking it around a little showing off the still rock hardness of it.

Mimi crawls up onto his toned belly and grabs one of his cocks and starts suckling on the tip of it. Syn watches her licking his lips. Her tight little black furred ass makes his mouth water. He reaches out and grabs her ass and squeezes it making her gasp around his cock. He runs a finger up and down her crack brushing against her tight little asshole. He jabs his finger into her ass making her yelp and arch her back. He starts sawing the finger in and out. After a minute, he adds a second finger making her pant around his cock. He adds finger after finger until he has four fingers stretching her ass out "You're pretty tight." Syn says feeling her tight hole squeezing his fingers. He tucks his thumb in and pushes.

"Fuck!" Mimi screams feeling his large fist slide into her ass and a fist shaped bulge appears in her stomach.

"Suck my cock or I'll shove my other fist up your ass." Syn tells her pulling his fist back until his hand pulls at her tight ring. He shoves it back in making her eyes roll.

Mimi grabs his cock again and stuffs it into her mouth. She can only get a couple of inches before it's too thick to go any deeper. The little kitten sucks on the big fat canine cock while he fists her ass. Her belly stretch until Syn's fist can be seen then he pulls it back stretching her anal ring only to push back into her until his fist can be seen again. Syn reaches around her and strokes a finger up and down her slit flicking her clit each time he gets near it. He thrusts his finger into her pussy making her jump and gag around his cock a few times as pre-cum suddenly floods her throat.

"Fuck yes!" Mimi suddenly groans and her asshole starts rippling around Syn's wrist.

"Cum for me." Syn says with a grin. He fingers her pussy and fists her ass until she nearly falls over only held up by his fist.

"Go move your friends closer together." Syn says pulling his fist from her ass and watching it gap open.

Mimi crawls off him on shaky legs and pull her friends together. Syn gets up and starts stroking his cocks "Lay down." he tells her as his balls starts to swell and the pressure builds up.

Mimi lies down next to them and Syn grits his teeth and lets out a howl. His tail arches and his knots explode in size. He milks his cock and struggles to keep his eyes open as thick jets of cum shoot from both of his cocks. Hot cum splashes over the girls. He moves his cocks back and forth sprays hot wolf cum over the kittens until they are laying in a puddle of cum. Mimi writhes in the puddles moaning as each blast of cum hits her. She fingers her pussy moaning and licking up any cum that lands on her face. She writhes there until she explodes in orgasm and she adds her own juices to the puddle around her.

"Fuck!" Syn pants when his orgasm finally ends and he nearly falls over.

"Let's keep this between us until we leave the city." Syn says weakly looking down at Mimi as she lies in the puddle of bodily fluids moaning as her orgasm slowly fades away.

"Yeah, There should some armor in one of those boxes next to the door. It'll help you pull off the summons part." Mimi tells him rubbing the cum into her fur and moaning softly as she tingles with pleasure. "Have a look in the boxes by the door. They keep some armor in their for some reason." she tells him slipping two fingers into her pussy and starts masturbating again.

Syn looks through the different boxes until he finds a suit of armor "This should do. I'm only gonna need half it though." Syn says pulling the armor out leaving his lower body exposed. His balls bounce freely and his sheath stands out proudly announcing its presence.

He watches Mimi masturbates until his cocks start to swell back to life. "Let me add some glyphs before you fuck me. It'll help pull off the summons part." Mimi says seeing his cocks growing hard.

"Okay, but hurry up." Syn says sitting down in front of her.

Mimi holds her hands together and mutters a few words. Her hands glow bright teal. She starts drawing on his fur with her fingertip leaving behind a line of teal. She draws on his body focusing on his sheath, emphasizing it until his body is covered in glowing symbols.

When Mimi finishes Syn puts on the armor leaving his large sheath and big heavy, cum filled balls exposed for all to see. He looks at her and pulls her onto his lap. He positions her at the tip of his upper cock and pulls her ass down it in one go. Her eyes roll back as pleasure floods her body "Fuck yes!" Mimi moans out. Syn rolls over onto his knees and pulls his cock free from her clasping pussy. He moves his lower cock to her pussy and shoves it into her in one go like he did with his other cock. Her belly stretch until his cock is clearly visible through her flesh.

While Syn is fucking Mimi. The other three kittens start to wake up. They wake up one at a time to find their fur matted in thick, musky wolf cum then they notice Syn fucking Mimi with foot long strokes. "Get over here and play with my other cock.' Syn tells them when he sees them wake up.

"Fuck me, master!" Mimi pants. Her pussy clenches around his cock when she calls him master.

"Call me master again." Syn tells her and her pussy clenches around his cock again.

The other three cubs grab onto his upper cock and stroke, lick, and suck his cock. Syn suddenly grabs one of the three and impales her on his upper cock making his back arch as he fights back an orgasm. He fucks them for a few more minutes than hilts them trapping them in place when his knots swell up.

"Take it, sluts!" Syn growls continuing to hump them even as cum shoots from his cocks and makes their bellies swell. Nearly a minute passes before his orgasm ends and he falls over on top of them pinning them under him. Their swollen bellies cushion him thanks to the knots trapping the cum in place. With a grunt her sits up and pulls his cocks free of their tight little pussies. His huge knots tear free of the tight holes they are filling. A tidal wave of cum pours from their stretched and gaping holes. The other two kittens dive into their crotches and starts licking up as much of his cum as they can smearing it over each other and masturbating.

When the mini-orgy in front of him ends, Syn looks down at them "You'll need to make a daily tribute for me to stay here otherwise I'll return to my home." Syn tells them and they look up at him.

"You're kidding." Ruby says and Syn grins down at her.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Syn asks her crossing his arms over his chest.

"We should show him off at class tomorrow." Mimi says with smile.

"Yeah, they won't believe that we summoned a fenrir demon." Ella says looking at the group.

"Where will he stay tonight?" Lily asks with a grin.

"He can stay with me." Mimi says with a bigger grin.

"You just want him to fuck you silly." Ella says walking over to Mimi and slapping her ass.

"What's your point? We all want that." Mimi says reaching back and slapping Ruby's ass.

"I'll be staying with Mimi. If one of you wants to join us, you're welcome." Syn says towering over the kittens.

"Why only one?" Lily asks.

"I have two cocks. One cock for each girl." Syn tells her.

"Who gets the second cock?" Ella asks looking at his sheath and licking her lips.

"I'll decide later. I want Mimi to show me around town." Syn tells them and their ears droop.

"You'll all get some again, just not tonight." Syn tells them.

"Come on. I'll show you around town." Mimi says reaching out and taking his hand. They turn to leave. Just before they leave the room she reaches out and slaps his ass and wiggles her butt at the other girls.

They walk around town for the next few hours talking until hunger gets the best of them. They go to a restaurant. Syn orders a sandwich and stops Mimi from ordering "I have something else for you." he tells her with a grin.

"Let me tell you what happened on my second day of my journal here." Syn says and starts telling her what happened between me, a giant wolf, and a giant tiger." he says pushing his chair back away from the table. They sit down and Syn starts telling Mimi the story while she sits in his lap playing with his sheath.

Syn is passing through a forest on his way to the capital city. A few hours into the forest he is passing through a scent catches his nose and his mouth starts to water "I smell a wolf in heat." He says licking his lips and feeling his sheath swelling. Waves of heat wash over his body focusing in his sheath. He stops and looks around "I wonder where she is. I could use a break from walking." he says as his cocks start to slip from his sheath

A couple of minutes pass, but Syn sees nothing and starts walking through the forest once again. Suddenly, he is knocked to the ground by a wolf as big as him. "What the fuck." he says as the wolf growls at him pinning him to the ground. Drool drips form the wolf's mouth as it growls. He struggles against it until the smell hits him even harder than it did before and his cocks surge from his sheath tenting his pants nearly tearing them open and soaking them in pre-cum in record time.

The big wolf stops growling and sniffs the air then looks down at Syn. It sniffs at his chest then moves lower until it is sniffing at his nearly bursting pants. It whines a few times then licks his cocks a few times. The wolf bites his pants and tears them open releasing his two cocks slapping it in the face twice and smearing pre-cum across its muzzle. It shakes its head and looks at his cocks and growls at them. It licks its lips and steps back off of Syn and turns around.

Syn finally sees where the smell is coming from. Between the wolf's legs is a dripping, swollen, black pussy. He sits up and licks his lips at the site. He leans forward and pulls her closer until her pussy is within tongue's reach. He runs his tongue along her slit moaning at the strong musky taste. She whines and shivers as she flicks his tongue as her large, swollen clit. "Good girl." he says stroking her sides before driving his long, flexible tongue into her pussy. Her tail arches up exposing her tailhole. He moves his thumb to her tailhole and rubs it around the tight ring making her pussy grow wetter and clamp down around his tongue pulling it deeper. He tongue fucks her pussy and starts poking his fingertip at her tailhole. She pulls away from him and growls at him.

"Message received. No anal." Syn says pulling his tongue from her pussy and flicking her clit. The wolf relaxes and turns her rear end back to him lifting her tail as high as it can go. He moves forward and once against starts licking her pussy. He teases her hole with the tip of his tongue and rubs her clit. He moves lower and takes her large clit between his teeth and very gently nibbles on it making her legs quiver. He pushes two fingers into her pussy making her arch her back and howl out as pleasure washes over her body. Her pussy spasms and a wave of female fluids wash over his fingers and cover his tongue as he licks her clit.

When she recovers from her orgasm Syn gets up on his knees and strokes his cocks making them glisten with a coating of slick pre-cum. He presses the tip of his lower cock against her pussy. She whimpers as he stretched her open and looks back at him "Relax and enjoy it." he says stroking her back making her relax. His cock slowly penetrates her until his upper cock starts to slide across her asshole. She shudders and looks back at him with a growl. "I'm not going to fuck your ass." he tells her as his cock continues sliding across her ass until it passes by her tail.

"Fuck you're tight!" Syn groans as his cock passes the middle point. He keeps going until his hips meet her ass "You've got it all." he moans feeling her tight walls rippling around him trying to pull him deeper.

Syn grabs her hips and pulls his cock out when the thick, pre-cum dripping tip nearly falls free and slams all 16 thick pussy breaking inches back into the wolf making her tail arch and her front legs give out. Her tongue lolls out as he eyes cross. He starts fucking her in foot long strokes until he feels her pussy start convulsing around his cock again. "Cum for me!" Syn pants feeling her pussy rippling around his cock milking pre-cum from it. He grits his teeth when he feels his balls tingling and the pressure quickly building. He moves a hand to his upper cock and presses it against her ass and strokes it up and down the cleft between her soft asscheeks as her tail wags side to side brushes across his cock.

"Fuck! Here it comes!" Syn grunts through gritted teeth. He humps her harder and faster until his knot catches just as the pleasure overtakes him. His back arches, his ass tenses and his balls draw up against his body. Jets of hot cum shoot through his cocks and floods her womb. Shot after shot of fertile wolf seed floods the wolf's womb marking her as his. One cock inside her flooding her womb and the other in the air spewing cum in great arcs. Cum rains down on both of them. Jet after jet of cum shoots from his cocks until he falls back, legs too weak to keep him up. His cocks stay hard as his knot holds the two locked together dragging her down on top of him.

"Man that felt great!" Syn pants feeling her pussy still milking his cock.

Syn lays there enjoying the feeling of her pussy around his cock until the wolf starts growling and looking at the bushes.

"What's wrong?" he asks looking at the bushes.

A tiger the size of the wolf pushes through the bushes and hisses at the wolf. "Knock it off." Syn says loud enough to get their attention. The two stop growling and hissing at each other and look at him.

Syn looks at the tiger "Are you in heat, too?" he asks and she nods her head "Did you want to get fucked?" he asks and she nods once again.

"Okay. Wait until I'm free of her pussy and I can fuck you." Syn tells the tiger.

The tiger walks over to the pair and licks his upper cock making him shiver at the feel of her rough tongue on his sensitive flesh. The wolf growls softly at the tiger. The tiger licks at his cock until it stretches out and licks at the tip and cleaning off the drops of cum clinging to it.

The tiger moves around Syn and squats down on his face pressing her big fat, swollen pussy against his face. Syn grins and grabs her hips and holds her in place and runs his tongue across her black slit and moans as the taste. His cocks twitch as he starts eating her out. He peels her pussy lips apart and looks at the glistening pink inner flesh and drives his tongue into her depth. The big cat lets out a yowl and pushes back against him. The cat starts licking at his cock again making him moan into her pussy. As the cat licks his cock the wolf ripples her muscles around the other cock and an idea hits Syn.

Syn lifts her hips and pulls on his upper cock. The cat presses down against him not wanting to leave his tongue. Syn pushes on the cat's hips until she turns around and looks down a him with a frown and hisses at him "Shut up." Syn tells her as he blindly moves the tip of his cock around. His cock finds her rear cleft and he moves his cock up and down her rear end brushing against her asshole making her moan out. He presses his cock down until the tip finds her pussy. She pushes back against his cock moaning and groaning as it sinks deeper into her. She lets out a yowl as his cock sinks deeper into her rear end. She pushes back against him taking his cock deeper until her ass presses against the wolf's/

"Good kitty!" Syn moans feeling her tight pussy gripping his cock like a vice. The wolf lays there moving her hips a little milking as much pleasure from his cock as she can without getting up.

The tiger starts humping her hips back and forth. Syn sees her nipples in front of him when she gets most of the way down his cock. He licks his thumb and rubs it across the nubs making her freeze and shudder. He licks and, nibbles, and sucks on her nipple when they get close to his mouth. A couple of minutes pass and milk starts to leak from her other nipples. She stops fucking him and lets him suckle on her nipples causing more milk of flow from her nipples and rain down on him.

With the added stimulation to her nipples the cat lets out a yowl her pussy starts convulsing around his cock. When the cat yowls the wolf jumps making Syn groan. The cat digs her claws into Syn's chest barely piercing his chest fur. She slams back against him and yowls out in pleasure again. She grinds back against his knot trying to get it in. Syn grabs her hips and thrusts up against her as much as he can with the wolf still locked around his lower cock. He finally stretches her out enough to get his knot into her pussy making her go limp and pin him to ground nearly cutting off his air. She humps him through her orgasm and her muscles seize up around his knot setting him off.

"Fuck!" Syn grunts and starts cumming himself. Cum shoots into the wolf's belly making her already filled womb stretch and deform her belly. She whines and orgasms around his cock milking the cum from his balls. The tiger yowls as hot cum floods her belly. Shot after shot of wolf cum fills her belly until it starts to swell like the wolf's. Nearly a minute passes before Syn's orgasm starts to fade. Both the tiger and wolf hump him bumping ass's until his vision goes black and he passes out from pleasure overload.

When Syn wakes up both the tiger and Wolf are sitting their suckling on his cocks like they are best friends. He watches them moaning softly until his balls seize up and a cum starts spewing from both cocks. Cum pours form their muzzles as they try to gulp it down. Syn grunts and groans with each shot until his balls are drained and he lies back panting in orgasmic afterglow. The two animals lick each other clean and lay down on either side of Syn. The tiger purrs contentedly.

In the restaurant, Mimi is kneeling in front of Syn sucking on one cock while another little cub kneels next to her sucking his other cock. Just as Syn finishes his story he closes his eyes and his body tenses up. "Here it comes!" Syn moans feeling his pleasure about to peak. He reaches out and grabs Mimi's head and pulls her down his cock until she has to stand up and lean over so his cock can continue down her throat until she is kissing his sheath. Her mouth stretched out well beyond what should be possible. The other cub is watching them out of the corner of his eye and stroking Syn's other cock.

"Fuck!" Syn grunts as his knots swell up. Mimi's jaw spreads open even more until it should break, but she only moans out as his cock swells even larger locking it in place by the knot behind her teeth. Syn grunts and a thick jet of hot wolf cum shoots from his cocks. The cub next to Mimi gags and coughs as cum pours from the cock he is sucking on. Mimi moans around the cock feeling jets of cum fill her stomach directly, quickly filling it and rounding it out. Her belly swells with each surge of cum. When Syn stops cumming Mimi looks several months pregnant. Syn looks at the other cub and grins. She is covered from head to toe in his cum with a large puddle surrounding her.

"How did you like the story and lunch?" Syn asks looking down at Mimi.

Ten minutes later. Mimi pulls off his cock with a gasp and looks up at him "I loved it, master." She says licking her lips. Mimi grabs his shrinking cock and runs her hands down it milking the last of his cum out of it and licking it up.

Syn looks down at the little cub that was sucking his cock. She is sitting in a big puddle of cum covered from head to toe in it as well. "What's your name?" Syn asks.

"Miranda, sir." the little cub asks.

Syn picks up the little fox cub and sets her down on the table and cum squishes out from under her ass. Mimi grabs her leg and starts licking the cum form her fur.

Syn takes a soft cock in each hand and starts stroking them up and down slowly pumping them back to life. He watches Mimi move from licking the fox's fur to between her legs and is licking at the little cub's slit. Syn's cock quickly rise to the occasion standing at their proud 16 inches long and almost too thick for him to wrap his fingers around.

"Are you going to fuck me?" the fox asks looking at the twin columns of flesh

"Of course. I can't let you leave without a belly full of my cum." Syn says smearing his flowing pre-cum across his cocks.

Mimi moves aside and pulls the fox's pussy lips apart "Relax, you'll love it." She tells the fox. Mimi leans down and runs her tongue across the fox's immature nipples licking up a dollop of cum.

Syn steps up to the fox cub and rubs the tip of his lower cock up and down her pussy. He tickles her tiny clit with his cock until she gasp and her body tenses and relaxes with each gasp. Syn smiles and presses the tip of his cock against her tiny hole. Mimi rolls over and crawls on top of the fox cub and lifts her ass "You can have me, too, master." Mimi says looking back over her shoulder at Syn. He grabs her ass and pulls the soft mounds apart and spits on her tiny asshole.

"Fuck those two kiddie sluts." A tiger says watching them.

Syn pulls Mimi back onto his cock spearing her asshole on his thick cock. Which both cubs impaled on a few inches of cock Syn pulls them back sinking six inches of cock into them in a single move. The fox cub lets out a howl as her virgin pussy is violated and her womb is penetrated all in one go. Mimi moans out feeling her ass stretching open and her pussy growing wetter as the moment of pain disappears and pleasure replaces it.

The fox seizes up around Syn's cock trying to stop it, but Syn powers through it sinking his cocks deeper into the two girls until his hips meet theirs and he holds still savoring the tightness around his cock.

Syn grabs Mimi's hips and pulls his cock out until the tip is the only thing left in her and slams forward making her moan out and the fox cry out as pain and pleasure mix. He starts slamming his hip back and forth moaning softly feeling the fox's juices starting to flow more freely making his penetration smoother.

"Do it. Fuck my daughter full of you cum." A male fox moans out standing next to Syn watching the fucking and stroking a long thick canine cock.

Minutes pass as Syn fucks the two cubs before he feels his balls tighten once again and he hilts his cocks in them and lets out a howl. His knots inflate locking the girls to his cocks. The outline of his cock poking through their bellies changes shape as cum fills it. The skin tight fleshy condom rounds out in pulses as Syn fires load after load of cum into the fox and cat. Syn falls back into the chair behind him while still cumming and the two cubs let out yelps of surprise at the sudden change.

The two cubs sit on Syn's lap kissing and stroking each other barely able to reach each other because of the cum swollen bellies.

After a couple of minutes Syn reaches out and pulls Mimi off his still swollen knot and sets her down on the table next to him. Cum pours form her stretched out asshole making a puddle grow on the floor. Syn pulls the fox close and kisses her. He strokes her belly feeling the heat of his cum through her belly. Syn grabs the Fox under her arms and pulls her up until his knot pops free and she yelps out in surprise and a little pain. He sets her down on Mimi's face letting the little black and white kitten gulp down his cum. Mimi's fur turns white as cum drains from the foxes stretched out pussy and womb.

When the foxes pussy stops draining hot, sticky cum. Several adult cat women start licking her fur clean like a mother cat.

When Mimi is clean Syn looks at her sitting on the table swinging her legs. "Let's go." Syn says standing up and stretching feeling his loins buzzing.

They wander around the city until they find a stage with a large cage on it and several lionesses in it and a horse being carried off covered in scratches, bites, and blood. "Who can last the longest in the cage?" a platypus asks standing on the stage next to the cage "So far no one has lasted more than a minute."

"I can." Syn says walking up onto the stage.

"You'll need to get rid of the armor first." the man says. Syn removes the armor leaving him completely nude in front of the crowd. Many of the women instantly lock their eyes on his sheath and balls feeling a tingle between their legs at the sight.

The cage door is opened and Syn steps into the cage and the door is shut before the lionesses are released in the cage. The three feral cats walk up to him crouching low ready to attack. Syn stands there with his arms crossed over his chest and watches them. The cats sniff the air and start to relax. They walk up to him and walk around him several times until one stops in front of him and moves closer. She sniffs at his belly then moves lower until she is sniffing his sheath and she runs her rough tongue across the furry pouch.

"What the hell." the platypus on stage says.

"You didn't say how I had to last longer more than a minute." Syn says with a grin as another cat sniffs him and licks his hip.

The lionesses move around in front of Syn and turns away from him and crouch down and raise their asses into the air and lifting their tails at the same time. Syn smiles and moves behind them and drops to his knees behind them. He cups a soft lioness ass in each hand and squeezes it feeling his cocks sliding out of his sheath. He runs a hand between their legs and strokes their slits and finds them already wet. He leans forward and runs his tongue up one big, black puffy slit tasting her juice. "Smelt the sex on me." Syn mutters sliding a finger into each slit making the lionesses moan. He finger fucks and licks them until his cocks are as hard as can be.

The lionesses' moves closer together trying to get Syn to focus on her alone. "Slow down you three." Syn says pulling his fingers from their slits and sucks them clean. He moves behind one of the lionesses and runs a cock up and down her slit gathering her wetness on it until the tip shines in the sunlight. He stops with the tip between her folds and closes his eyes. He slowly pushes forward enjoying the tightness until he feels the other two lionesses start licking his other cock. His eyes open as she licks and suck on his cock making his balls ache for release.

"Fuck! Careful!" Syn pants seeing the two lionesses sucking his cock. he slowly sinks deeper into the lion in front of him until his hips meets her soft ass and her belly is stretching to accommodate his cock her belly stretches out looking like a lion colored version of his cock.

The lionesses move down his cock keeping their teeth away from his flesh until they are at his sheath and start licking their way back up them. One of the lionesses moves from his cock down to his big, heavy balls and licks them making his hips buck. She takes it into her mouth and sucks on it. Her teeth graze his sack making him cringe, but moan as a strange pleasure follows it. Syn hears a loud clanging behind him and another lioness shows up and quickly joins the lion sucking on Syn's balls and starts sucking on the other one.

The crowd watches as Syn fucks one lion and is sucked by three more. They can see two of the lions rear ends are facing them and their pussy's are swollen and dripping onto the floor of the cage.

Syn looks down at the four lionesses and smiles. He stops moving feeling each ball sucked on and a rough tongue licking his upper cock while a tight, wet lion pussy milks his lower cock. He looks out at the crowd and smiles giving his hips a jerk and sees Mimi watching and blushing with a hand under her robe.

Syn starts moving his hips back and forth slowly letting the lions move with him until he hilts his cock in the lioness again. She lets out a roar and her pussy starts milking his cock trying to pull it deeper. Pre-cum pours form his cock with each wave of muscles around his lower cock. Syn lets out a grunt when the lion licking his cock suddenly takes it between her lips and sucks on the head. He reaches out and holds the lions head in place as he starts pumping his hips once again. Both lion's let out a roar as he fucks them.

Minutes pass as the lionesses' trade places taking turns licking his balls, sucking his cock or getting fucked. Syn fucks all four of them before rolling one over onto her back and looking down at her. He licks his lips as he kneels down and starts playing with her nipples. She wiggles at the unusual feeling, but lets him continue. As he is playing with her nipples the other lions work on his cock causing a puddle of pre-cum to form on the cage floor.

Syn straightens up and points his lower cock at the lions pussy and in a single thrust sinks into her belly making her eyes roll back as pleasure washes over her body. Her legs go limp and her tongue hangs out of the corner of her mouth. He starts pumping away as her intending to dump his load in her this time. The other three lions move around and starts licking his upper cock making his hips buck and her back arch as pain and pleasure mix. Three rough tongues scrapping across his rock hard cock sends him into overdrive. He speeds up his humping until the only sound that can be heard are his hips meeting the hips of the lion. Her belly stretches out around his cock and sinks back to normal with each thrust.

Mimi watches from the crowd fingering he pussy moaning softly until Syn starts slamming into the lion and she loses it her body seizes up and pleasure watches over her body. He falls back against the horse standing behind her and spasms as waves of pleasure wash over her body. When her orgasm ends she looks up at the horse with a smile and feels a hard lump against the back off her head.

Up on stage Syn is just about to pop. He slams into the lion one last time and howls out as his knots inflate and he pushes the lion sucking his cock down his shaft until his knot locks her in place. The lion he is fucking roars out as his knots stretches her wider than any new born cub could. Both lions feel the first shot of cum leave his cock. His cocks jerk and shoot rope after rope of cum deep into the lion's bellies. Both lions bellies swell with each shot until Syn's orgasm ends and he sits there panting as the other two licks gently lick his balls.

"Looks like that felt good!" Mimi moans out feeling the horse behind her rubbing her little slit with his cock sticking out over her right shoulder drooling pre-cum at her feet.

"Yeah!" the horse moans as Mimi nuzzles his cock.

Back up on stage. Syn watches as the lion sucking his cock pulls free managing to keep her teeth from grazing his cock. He grabs the lion's hips below him and pulls his swollen knot feel making her jerk and jump back even while on her back. He turns to the other two lions and grins at them. They move closer and he turns them around so their rear ends are facing him. He licks his lips as they move their tails aside showing off their swollen and dripping pussies.

Syn rolls one of the lions over onto her back and moves the other lion on top of her. He looks at them and leans over running his tongue from own pussy to the other and back down. He moves closer and runs the tip of his cocks up and down a slit until he pushes forward wedging his cocks in their slits. He pushes forward slowly sinking his cock into the tight, wet heat of two lion pussies. He moans out as their tunnels ripple around his cocks pulling them deeper until their bellies meet and press against each other. He tightens his hold on the upper lion and starts pulling back moaning softly as pleasure washes over his body. He starts pumping his hips back and forth.

Behind them. The other two lions are in a sixty-nine licking each other. The one Syn face fucked is licking his cum form the other lion's pussy.

Out in the crowd Mimi is licking and sucking the horse's cock. Pre-cum is spilling out of the broad head and covering her face. She's moaning and groans as the taste of his cock and balls washes over her tongue making her pussy twitch.

Back on the stage. Syn lifts the top lion's tail and rubs his thumb over her asshole making her pussy clamp down around his thrusting cock. He pushes his thumb hard against the tight ring until the tip penetrates it and the lion lets out a growl and pushes back against him forcing his thumb deeper into her. "You like this, huh/" Syn asks and the lion tightens her hole around his thumb and pulls it deeper. Syn pushes his thumb ass deep into the lion's ass as he can and moans out feeling her pussy ripple around his cock. He slams into the two lions one last time and lets out a howl as he starts cumming. His knots inflate stretching the lions wide open. His cocks jerk and spit thick rope after thick rope of cum deep into their wombs. Their bellies inflate with each rope if cum growing in pulses. Syn grunts with reach blast of cum until he falls forward pinning them under him riding out the last of his orgasm.

While Syn is on stage blasting his cum deep into the lions. Mimi is out in the crowd impaled on the horse's cock taking a big, sticky load of cum deep into the tiny, cub womb. Her belly inflates in surges with each blast of cum until she looks very pregnant. Mimi sits there impaled on the horse's cock savoring the feeling of her pussy stretched open and her womb filled with so much hot cum.

Back on stage. Syn pulls his cocks free unleashing a river of cum. The two lions quickly roll over and start licking each other clean. Syn watches them stroking his cocks. He watches as the four lions line up and start licking each other. Syn goes around behind the only lion he didn't fuck and presses the tips of his cocks against her pussy. She looks back at him and then buries her face in the lion's pussy in front of her.

Syn gives his hips a buck and sinks the first few inches of long, thick canine cock into the feline's pussy. She tense up around him and squeezes a wave of pre-cum from his cock. With the added lubrication Syn pushes deeper sinking deeper until his hips meet her ass and he stops moving enjoying the tight rippling tunnel. After a few seconds he starts pulling his hips back. He starts pumping his hips back and forth moaning as pleasure builds up once again. He pushes two fingers into her ass making her buck against him and yowl out. He reaches forward on his deepest thrust and pushes her face into the cat's pussy under her nose. She starts licking the wet, sloppy hole once again making the cat also yowl out.

Minutes pass as Syn fucks the cat. On one pull out his upper cock slips free and before he can catch it slides into her ass making her back stiffen and jump in surprise, but doesn't try to get away from him. Syn sees her reaction and keeps pushing into her ass until he is balls deep in both her pussy and ass. "Fuck!" Syn pants feeling his orgasm building up even faster with her tight ass milking his cock.

Less than a minute passes before Syn feels the pressure building up to a peak. He slams his into hers and lets out a howl. His tail and back arch as he starts pumping loads off wolf cum into the lion's pussy and ass. Her belly swells with each surge of cum until she looks like she is carrying a dozen kittens. Syn pulls back tearing his knots free and strokes his cock milking the last few ropes from them and spraying them over the chain of cats. With one last grunt his cocks give their last load of cum.

Syn looks at what he did and then walks over to the cage door "Can I get out. I'm pretty sure I last more than a minute." Syn says snapping his fingers a few times to get the platypus's attention.

"Uh...yeah." The platypus says opening the door. The lions stay in place licking Syn's cum from their fur.

The cage door is opened and Syn steps out to applause and cheers form the forgotten crowd. "That was quite a show, master." Mimi says running up to him with fresh cum running down her thighs and her belly still swollen and presses her nose into his fur and inhales deeply drawing in the scent of fresh sex.

"What do I win?" Syn asks looking at the platypus.

"Uh... a thousand credits and a night at the Black rose inn." The platypus says not expecting to have to give out a real prize.

"Good, I needed a place to stay tonight." Syn says taking the pouch of coins and the voucher for the inn.

"The black rose inn is the best inn in the city." Mimi tells him as they walk off stage.

"Good, I could use a nap after cumming so much." Syn says with a yawn.

"I'm not surprised, master." Mimi says with a smile feeling a tingle every time she calls him master.

"Let's go get one of your friends then we can go to the inn and spend some time in bed together, mostly sleeping." Syn says looking down at the little black and white kitten.

The two head back to the magic academy and pick up Lily and head to the black rose inn. Syn takes off the armor and sits down on the bed and sighs laying back and relaxing as the two little girls make out next to him. His cocks slowly slide out of his sheath and stiffen until the two 16 inch pillars of flesh are throbbing with a steady stream of pre-cum running down each one.

Syn lays there with his cocks standing tall and drooling a steady stream of pre-cum. The two girls stop kissing and fingering each other and look at him with a grin and crawl over to him. They each take a cock in their hands and start stroking it. Syn lets out a moan and looks down at them as they lick and the pre-cum.

The two kittens spend the next ten minutes pleasuring Syn. They lick and suck his cocks, play with his balls, ride his face until he lets out a howl and starts cumming. Cum spews from both cocks and rains down on all three of them. Before Syn's orgasm ends he is out cold after passing out from exhaustion.

The two kittens lick him and each other clean then curl up next to him and take a nap.

Syn sleeps for the rest of the day and clear through the night until he wakes up in the morning.

The first thing he notices is both kittens are riding his cocks. They are hilted with their bellies distended and they are grinding against each other. "Fuck!" Syn groans feeling the tight, wetness surrounding his cocks.

"Cum in us again!" Lily moans stroking his cock through Mimi's belly as the two cocks rub against each other.

"Fuck!" Syn grunts arching his back and thrusting up against them.

"Cum in us, mater!" Mimi groans feeling his cocks twitching in her womb.

Syn reaches out and holds them in place and starts humping up into them. He lets out grunts as they ride him until he pulls them down against him and his knots inflate. He lets out a howl as he starts cumming. His knots hold them in place as cum fills them. Their bellies swell with each blast of cum into them. They slowly push apart as their bellies getting bigger and starts touching.

Nearly a minute passes before Syn relaxes against the bed, sighing as his body tingles in orgasmic afterglow.

"That was amazing!" Lily moans rubbing his very pregnant looking belly.

"Yeah, master can cum a lot." Mimi says rubbing Lily's belly as well.

"Yeah, he sure can." Lily says feeling the knot stretching his pussy wide open and hot cum filling his belly.

Syn lays there watching them still feeling tingles running through his body after being woken up like that. They two kittens talk and grope each other until his knots shrink enough for them to pull off his twin towers of flesh. As soon as his knots come free cum gushes from their pussies soaking Syn's crotch and the bed in his still hot and very musky cum. The two quickly get into a 69 and starts eating each other cleaning up as much of his cum as they can until their heads are covered in cum and pussy juice.

"You two stay here and rest while I go get something to eat." Syn says sitting up and stretching.

"Awwww." Mimi moans as he stands up.

"You can come, but all I'm doing is eating." Syn tells her as she slides off the bed with her belly still swollen, but much smaller than it was before.

Each kittens grabs one of his hands and walks along beside him still just as nude as they were when they were riding his cocks.

Down in the dining room. Syn eats his breakfast while Mimi and Lily sit across from him teasing each other trying to arouse him into fucking them silly right there. "You're lucky that this place is so accepting of cubs like you two. Last time I was summoned I was kicked out of an inn because the innkeepers son and daughter found my cocks hard and rode me until they were both bursting with my cum.

"Tell us about it?" Lily asks kissing Mimi's tiny nipples.

"Fine, but I'm still not fucking you two. I still have to get my tribute from Ella and Ruby" Syn says and starts telling them the story of what happened on his last day of travel.

On Syn's last day of travel he stops off at a roadside inn to rest and after a large lunch of various types of meat he rents a room.

"Finally a bed." Syn says laying down on it and almost instantly falling asleep.

While sleeping Gem and Goja fill his dreams coaxing his twin cocks to life. In his sleep he pushes his pants down and releases the twins. Syn wakes up to a pair of female tiger cubs looking at him with slack jaws. Both cubs are wearing the same maid's uniform. A dark blue dress with white around the edges and down the chest.

"Can I help you two?" Syn asks looking over at them and feeling their stare on his manhoods.

"Are those real? I've never seen anything that big." one of the cubs asks.

"Yeah, they are." Syn tells her flexing his cocks making them jump and a bubble of pre-cum appears on the tip.

"Can I touch it?" the other cub asks taking a step closer.

"If you want to, go ahead." Syn says grabbing his cocks by the bases and leaning them towards the cubs.

Both cubs move closer and reach out and touch his cocks and gasp. His cocks throb when they touch them and pre-cum drips down the thick shaft. One of the cubs tries grabbing a cock, but she can't even come close to touching finger tips.

"Can we play with it like mommy does with daddies?" one of the tiger cubs asks looking at Syn.

"If you want, but you can stop anytime you want." Syn tells them. Both cubs grab his cocks with both hands and strokes up the shaft making Syn's eyes partially shut as pleasure starts rippling from his cocks.

One of the cubs climbs up onto the bed and kneels next to Syn and starts stroking his cock harder and faster "Will the white stuff come out like with daddy?" the cub asks looking at Syn.

"If both of you keep doing that some will." Syn says with a moan as they both start working his cocks harder and faster.

Syn closes his eyes and savors the feeling of building pleasure until suddenly the pleasure stops. Syn groans opening his eyes. The two cubs are stripping off the maid uniforms and Syn gasps. Under the dress they are both nude and he gasps once again seeing one of them is a boy.

"I didn't know you were a boy." Syn says when the cubs climb onto the bed and grab his cocks again.

"Mommy wanted a girl, so she dresses me up like one." The boy says starting to stroke Syn's cock once again.

"Let's do like mommy and daddy." the girl says leaning forward and licking at the cock she is stroking and Syn's breath catches in his throat. The boy follows suit and licks at the cock he is stroking and Syn grunts feeling his muscles tensing up. Pre-cum pours from his cock tips and down the shafts until it reaches their tongues and they lap is up like milk.

"You two like my pre-cum?" Syn gasps feeling their tongues licking at his cocks coaxing more pre-cum from them.

"Yeah, it's sweet." the boy says with pre-cum around his lips. He leans forward and takes the tip between his lips and sucks on it gulping down the pre-cum directly.

"Can I do what mommy does with daddy?" the girl asks.

"What does she do?" Syn asks with a grin knowing what she means.

"Mommy sits on his lap, but he's a lot smaller then you are." the girl says standing up.

"Sure." Syn says reaching out and grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up and moving her until her pussy is over his cock "This might hurt. My cock is bigger than your leg." Syn tells her and she looks down her body at the cock between her legs and nods at him.

He lowers her until her pussy meets the tip of his cock and sighs feeling the heat spread out around the tip until it reaches its limit with less than an inch in her. "This is the part that might hurt." Syn tells her. Her brother stops sucking Syn's cock and watches as he forces her down his cock until several inches disappear in her belly.

"How far are you going?" The boy asks Syn.

"All the way. I want to feel my knot in her pussy when I cum and make her look like she is carrying my pups." Syn tells him slowly sliding the girl down his cock.

Several minutes pass while the boy licks and sucks Syn's free cock and the girl slowly slides down his other cock. Her belly distending until it take on the shape of his cock and the orange fur starts to part revealing the pink flesh beneath it. Finally, Syn lets out a growl and pulls her down his cock and smiles.

"You too." the girl says looking over her shoulder at the boy.

"You want him impaled like you?" Syn asks with a toothy grin looking the boy.

Syn reaches around the girl and grabs the boy and picks him up "You'll love this." Syn says moving the boy over his cock and pushing his tight little boy pucker against the giant wolf cock.

"Are you sure about this?" the boy asks looking down at the cock about to fill him.

"Do you really have a choice whether I'm sure or not?" Syn asks flexing his cock making the girl groan as pleasure floods her body.

Syn lowers the boy to his cock tip and starts pushing him down around it. "I could always scream." the boy says with a smile feeling his pucker starting to part around Syn's big, thick cock.

"I'm sure you will when I'm hilted in your tight little ass." Syn says with a grin slowly working the boy's butt down his cock.

Syn suddenly pulls down on the boy who lets out a yelp and goes limp. His belly starts to deform just like his sister's did. Finally, Syn lets out a dominating growl and hilts the boy on his cock "Got you both!" Syn moans out feeling tight holes wrapped around his cocks and milking them for every drop of pre-cum he has.

Syn slides to the edge of the bed and stands up with the cubs hanging from his cocks held in place by the thickness alone. He turns around and kneels down until the boy is lying on the bed and grabs onto both cubs and starts fucking them. They both let out groans feeling his cocks slide through their bodies sending waves of pain and pleasure though them. The pleasure overwhelms them and sends them both over the edge. Syn grits his teeth fighting the milking waves of muscles around his cock. Pre-cum gushes from his cocks each time the cubs milk his cocks.

"Take it sluts!" Syn growls feeling his pleasure building to a peak already. He gives them a few more thrusts then hilts them and lets his knots lock them in place around his cock. He grits his teeth to keep from howling out his pleasure. His toe nails dig into the floor and his tail arches exposing his tight ass to anyone that might enter the room without knocking. Cum gushes from his cocks and into the tight cub bellies. They both lay their limp as pleasure overwhelms them leaving them babbling and moaning. They bellies swells with each jet of cum that fills them until Syn falls forward onto the bed careful not to pin them under him

"And after my knots came free the inn keeper came in looking for the two cubs and found them lying on my bed. Their bellies swollen and cum pouring from their gaping holes and my cocks still out and covered in cum and other juices. That's when the summoning was undone and I vanished." Syn tell the two kittens finishing his story and sporting two huge, hard throbbing cocks.

"Are you sure you don't want to fuck us before class?" Lily asks sitting on the table and spreading his pussy open with one hand and rubbing his tiny clit with the other.

"Yes, now stop it." Syn says standing up. His cocks are still rock hard and dripping pre-cum.

"When is the class I need to go to?" Syn asks Mimi.

"Still a couple of hours until then. We can walk around the city until then." Mimi tells him.

The armor clanks as they walk and talk. Half an hour later Syn's cocks have shrunk and his sheath is swollen with unsatisfied wolf meat.

At one shop they stop at. A child is crying for some milk, but the panda mother doesn't have any milk for him "How about you give him some of your milk?" Lily asks with a grin.

"And I bet you'd help get it out." Syn says looking at the white furred kitten.

"Of course, it would be for a good cause." Lily says and the mother looks at him.

"He does love the taste of cum." the mother says with the child standing next to her holding her hand.

"Fine, but I want you to tit fuck one of my cocks while Lily and Mimi play with the other." Syn says looking at the panda mother.

"Fine with me. I could use some man milk as well." the mother says letting go of the boy's hand

"Mother, don't be such a slut." A young panda standing next to the mother says.

"Your brother is thirsty and both of you already drained by breast milk, so this kind wolf's cum will have to do. He looks like he has a lot by the look of those balls." the panda mother says licking her lips.

The panda mother goes over to Syn and kneels down pulling her shirt off and setting it on the floor next to her "You might want to move it further away or else it'll get soaked in cum." Syn tells her and she tosses it to her daughter.

"I'm Samantha." The busty panda says reaching out and grabbing his balls and starts massaging them. His cocks start to slide out of his sheath and she gasps seeing the size of them.

"Fuck, I wish I could have these fuck me." Samantha says stroking Syn's cocks as they grow longer and thicker by the second.

"You could, but you'd have to fight Lily. He's giving you a death stare." Syn says looking over at Lily and seeing the "If looks could kill" stare.

"He can have you all to himself. I just want to milk you for my son." Samantha says looking up at him from her knees. She wraps her big, soft breasts around his cock and strokes them back and forth.

Mimi and Lily start playing with Syn's other cock. The two lick and suck his cock drinking the pre-cum as it bubbles up from the depths of his balls. Syn stands there stroking the base of his cocks looking at the three females pleasuring him. Syn lets out a roar and his body tenses as phis pleasure peaks.

Syn's cocks jerk and start spewing hot cum over the three. "Bring Herman over here, Sylvia" Samantha says squeezing her hand around Syn's cock trying to hold back and flow of cum. Sylvia brings the little panda boy over and Samantha holds him up to Syn's still spurting cock taking blast after blast of cum over her bare breasts and face. The baby latches onto Syn's cock and starts sucking on it before he starts coughing and gagging from the force of the cum shots. Samantha quickly pulls him away and starts sucking the cock letting Syn's cum drains out of her mouth and all over her big, soft breasts. He happily licks her breasts clean moaning at the sweet musky taste. she keeps feeding him like this until Syn's orgasm fades and he falls back into a chair behind him with his cocks still drooling thick white strings of wolf cum. Samantha holds a cock to Herman's mouth and he sucks the last of the cum from the cock.

"Has he had enough?" Syn asks looking at Samantha as Herman nurses from the slowly shrinking cock.

"Not yet, how about another dose?" Samantha asks looking up at Syn from her kneeling position.

"Get on the table. If he wants more him and his sister will need to get it while I eat your pussy." Syn says with a grin as his cocks hang from his sheath starting to pump back to life. Samantha climbs up on the table and spreads her thick thighs apart showing off a big, plump pussy with a trail of fem juices trickling from it.

Syn pulls up a chair and sits down in it and pulls Samantha closer. Herman and Sylvia both crawl under the table and start sucking on the tips of Syn's cocks. Syn leans forward and runs his tongue up Samantha's slit moaning at the taste that covers his tongue. He lashes his tongue as her big, thick clit. He moans into the face full of pussy he has as the two cubs nurse on his pre-cum. He pushes his tongue between her folds and moans into her pussy. He drives his tongue into her pussy making her back arch as pleasure floods her body.

Under the table Herman and his sister are each sucking and licking Syn's cock milking as much pre-cum form them as they can and gulping it down. Herman's belly is swelling as he stuff more and more of the musky lubricant into his belly.

Mimi and lily climb up onto the table and get on either side of Samantha and start sucking on her long, thick nipples. The two cubs play with her big soft breasts and tease her nipples.

Syn slides two fingers into her pussy and starts liking her clit. He moves a finger lower and pushes it into her ass making her gasp and tense up. Her body relaxes for a second then starts trembling as an orgasm washes over her body. He gasps and groans out her pleasure. Syn focuses on her clit keeping her orgasm going until she collapses in a panting heap.

Syn stands up pulling his cocks out from under the table with the two cubs following them until they are kneeling before him. He picks up the Sylvia and sets her on the table next to her mother. Syn sits down and leans forward. He runs his tongue up her slit flicking her clit making her writhe. Herman crawls under the table and starts playing with Syn's cocks once again. Syn drives his tongue as deep into Sylvia as he can, making her hips bounce off the table. He licks her cervix and tickles her G-spot until she lets out a scream and starts cumming. Her pussy milks his cock until he stiffens it and pushes deeper. Her eyes open wide and in mid-orgasm her body seizes up, taught as steel and lets out an ear splitting scream as Syn's tongue pierces her cervix and he starts tongue fucking her womb.

"Fuck my womb!" Sylvia pats looking down her body and seeing her belly moving a little with his tongue. He tongue fucks her to several orgasms as a crowd gathers around them attracted by her screaming for more.

"You want more?" Syn asks pulling his tongue from her womb and flicking her clit.

"Yeah!" Sylvia pants and Syn stands up grabbing both cocks and stroking them until pre-cum drips off each cock.

He presses the tips together and grabs her hips with one hand and pulls her closer. Her pussy splits open around his twin columns until they start digging into her. Her eyes open wide as he r pussy is already stretched beyond anything before. Her belly stretches around his cocks clearly showing his progress. He pushes until he hits her cervix and stops savoring the tightness and letting her feel the stretch. After a few seconds her tightens his grip on her waist and pulls her down his cocks. Her belly grows bigger by the inch until all 16 inches are in her belly drastically distorting her lower body until she is nothing more than a living condom.

"Sylvia!" Samantha moans finally seeing her daughter next to her and the lump running up her body.

"I love it!" Sylvia moans out reaching down and stroking his cocks through her belly. Her eyes are out of focus and she's drooling a little. A puddle of pussy juice and pre-cum grows around her tight, little ass.

When Syn bottoms out and stops moving Herman starts licking and sucking on Syn's balls. Mimi and Lily climb off the table and joins him in worshiping the big, heavy cum filled balls, Herman and lily get on both sides for Syn's balls and Mimi kneels behind him pushing her head between his legs. All three lick, sucking and kiss his big furry, musky balls. Syn moans out feeling three little tongue licking his balls and a very tight cub womb milking his cocks and sucking up every drop of pre-cum he spews forth. After a few seconds her starts pulling back and slams forward Sylvia lets out another scream and her body starts convulsing as an orgasm grips her. He starts slamming his cocks into her with each thrust being harder than the last until he is fucking her as fast as he can. With one last deep thrust his knots flare up and his cocks jerk making her belly jump and round out as the first twin shots of fertile wolf cum floods her womb seeking out any eggs that might be present. He grunts and shots another load into her. The three cubs under him watch his balls visible contract as cum shoots form them and through his cocks and into the cub. Her belly grows bigger and bigger by the shot until she looks very pregnant. Syn pulls his cocks free and strokes them firing load after load of cum over mother and daughter until his orgasm wanes and he staggers over to a chair and collapses in it as his cocks stay hard and drool the last dregs of cum form his balls.

The three cubs follow him continuing to worship his balls until he recovers. Syn looks down t Herman and grins. He picks up the young boy and holds him over his upper cock "Are you ready for your last dose of cum?' Syn asks tickling the boy's tight hole with the tip of his cock.

"Want milk from daddy bottle." Herman says looking down at Syn's cock.

Syn tightens his grip and pulls the little boy down his cock until half of it is in Herman's belly already distending it to outline his cock. Mimi moves up and starts sucking on little Herman's cock. Syn starts pulling his lower until Mimi is on her knees sticking her ass out. Lily moves up behind her and starts fondling her.

"Fuck!" Syn grunts feeling Herman's ass clamping down around his cock and milking it.

Mimi moves away from Herman's little cock and starts fondling Syn's monster cock. Lily gets up and joins her in pleasuring Syn's lower cock.

"Fuck!" Syn grunts again feeling his other cock being played with.

Syn works the panda boy up and down his cock until he feels the pressure building up. With one final plunge his knot inflates and locks the boy in place. Both cock jerk and spit a thick rope of cum. cum fills Herman's belly until it rounds out and grows bigger. Cum shoots from the other cock flying through the air and landing around them. Some on him, some on Mimi and lily, and some on the crowd watching them. Half a minute passes before Syn collapses into the chair panting as his cocks starts to soften almost immediately.

He struggles against the close darkness as the exhaustion from all of the sex finally hits him. His eyes close and he falls asleep with Herman on his cock still impaled on his softening cock.

"I hate to say this, but we really need to get going. I was supposed to meet my husband a little bit ago." Samantha says sitting up and looking at the clock on the wall "Thank him for me."

"Yeah, I'll thank him." Mimi says as Samantha gets Herman and Sylvia to their feet and rushes them out of sit with her big soft breasts still covered in cum and both children's bellies swollen and leaking cum from their well fucked holes.

Syn sits there sleeping for half an hour before he wakes up with a groan. "I needed that!" Syn groans sitting up and looking around. Mimi and lily are sitting on a table in front of him covered in drying cum looking innocent except for the cum.

"Samantha had to go meet her husband. She wanted me to tell you thank you." Mimi says hopping off the table.

"Do we have time to walk around a bit and stretch my legs?" Syn asks.

"Yeah, we have time." Mimi tells him. Once again, each cub takes one of his hands and follows along beside him.

They walk along the streets looking at the various stands picking up a bits and baubles until a spicy scent tickles Syn's nose. At first he barley notices it, but feels the blood flow changing direction at the command of the scent. As he gets closer to it the smell gets stronger and he starts to follow it without noticing until he is looking at a centaur.

A beautiful zebra stripped centaur is watering a flower bed. She turns and her rear and faces him and his mouth floods at the sight and smell. Her tail moves side to side teasing him with glimpses of her swollen black skinned pussy and puckered ring just above it. He walks up to her.

"You shouldn't be teasing males like this." Syn says leaning against a fence.

"What are you talking about?" the centaur woman asks.

"I can smell your heat. Your body is craving a mating." Syn says with a bit of a chuckle.

"Real smooth. And I suppose you want to give me this mating." the centaur says crossing her arms over a large pair of soft looking breasts.

"I would probably be the best one around to do it. I can give you a fucking you'll remember for a long time." Syn says flexing his sheath drawing her attention lower.

"Show me." she says with a blush creeping up her neck upon seeing his sheath for the first time.

Syn starts massaging his sheath and the tips of his cocks appear. He works them until they grow longer and thicker by the second until they are over a foot long and still growing. "They'll get bigger if you help me. Uncross your arms and come over here." Syn says stroking his cocks with a light grip keeping them growing lower. The centaur walks over to him and drops her arms to her side.

Syn leans forward and lick one of her nipples. She shudders and moans softly. Her nipple stiffens and Syn takes it between his lips and sucks on it. She wraps an arm around his head and pulls him closer to her breast. He sucks on her nipple and a drop of liquid touches his tongue. It's sweet and makes his cocks throb to life and bounce with each beat of his heart.

His cock tips drag up and down her belly leaving a slimy trail of pre-cum. "Fuck my!" the centaur pants feeling her pussy burning hotter than any fire she's seen. She turns around pulling her nipple out of his mouth with a pop and a spray of milk. She lifts her tail showing off her swollen and dripping pussy.

Syn drops to his knees behind her and pulls her black pussy lips apart and looks at the dripping pink inner flesh. He licks his lips and leans forward. He runs his tongue across her pussy making her rear legs quiver. He pushes his tongue between her lips and rubs his chin again her large button making her legs kick nearly missing him "Watch it." he says pulling his tongue form her pussy and giving her hip a soft slap.

"Sorry. You were playing with my clitty. My legs are heard to control when someone plays with my clitty." the centaur says looking back at him as he pushes his tongue back into her pussy.

Her taste washes over his tongue making his cocks throb and ache as pre-cum spurts form both cocks hitting her belly. He tongue fucks her and teases her clit making her legs quiver, her pussy milk his tongue pulling it as deep as it can go, and her butthole winks at him. He pushes a finger into her slit and swishes it around making it wet. He moves the now glistening finger to her butthole and pushes it through the tight ring making her stiffen and howl out her pleasure.

The centaur leans forward and lets Mimi and lily nurse on her breasts. The two cubs gulp down her breast milk and moan at the taste. The centaur plays with their little cub slits making them moan louder around her nipples.

Syn pulls his tongue from her pussy and stands up leaving her on the edge of orgasm. He grabs his cocks and pushes both tips against her slit "Get ready for one hell of a stretching." Syn says pushing forward into her. Her back arches as his twin cocks stretch her wide open. He sinks deeper until half of each cock is in her. He starts pumping his hips holding onto her hips for leverage. He sinks his cocks deeper with each thrust until his hips meet her big, soft horse ass.

"Fuck me! The centaur moans out holding Mimi and lily to her breasts.

Syn pulls out to the tips of his cocks and slams back in making her take a step forward. Her pussy clamps down around his cock and she scream out as pleasure washes over her body. He pulls back and slams back into her making her take another step forward. He fucks her until she reaches the side of the house a few feet away and pounds her up against it until she once again starts cumming. Her pussy contracts and starts spasming around his cocks. Pussy juice prays form her pussy around his cock making him hump her even harder.

"Put one of those things in my ass!" the centaur moans out as her orgasm winds down.

Syn steps back and moves his upper cock up until the tip is kissing her pucker. He pushes forward and sinks his cock s back into her until he is balls deep in her pussy and ass.

"Now fuck my like you mean it, puppy." The centaur says and Syn slams into her knocking the wind out of her. He slams fucks her until his balls clench and draw up against his body he howls as his knots inflate stretching her even wider setting her off once again. Waves of pleasure wash over them. Mimi and lily watch and masturbate as the two adult cum together. The centaurs pussy milks Syn's cock drawing out every drop of cum he has until he collapses over her back, panting as he rides the last waves of pleasure.

"That was great!" the centaur moans out feeling his cum filling her swollen belly and suppressing her heat.

"I hope you like having babies." the centaur says looking back at Syn.

"I've probably got a few seeds planted in the city by now." Syn says pulling his cocks free. Mimi and lily rush over to lick his cocks clean and clean up any cum that spills form the centaur's pussy.

A few minutes later the four have recovered and the centaurs belly is still swollen.

"We should head for the magic academy." Mimi says seeing Syn cocks pulling back into his sheath.

"Let's head to class. It's a bit early, but we can get good seats while waiting for our turn." Mimi says.

"Okay." Syn says as the two cubs grab his hands and pull him along. His cocks hang from his sheath slowly retracing. A few minutes later they are back at the magic academy.

"Finally found you." Maria says walking up to him. "I've been looking for you." She says stopping in front of him.

"Did the experiment work?" Syn asks as the two cubs look up at her.

"Not Really. I wanted to make a pair of magic cock rings. One to make my husband's cock bigger and the other for Kelly, but it didn't work the way I hoped. It had no effect on my husband and a minor effect on Kelly. I think the amount of cum determines the effect." Maria tells him.

"What is she talking about?" Lily asks.

"She summoned me before you did. Her and her son milked my cocks for the cum in my balls." Syn says keeping up the pretense of being a summoned demon.

Syn reaches out and pulls her close "Play along with the demon thing." he whispers before pressing his lips to her.

"I was wondering why you suddenly vanished. I figured someone might have summoned you, but I wasn't sure where." Maria says playing along seeing the looks of the two kittens.

"I think they will have a greater effect on you since you gave me the most." Maria says holding out her hand and holding no to two golden rings "these are cock rings. They will make your cocks bigger or they can merge into one cock that's bigger then both of them combined. I'm not sure how much of an effect it will have though." She tells him.

"Really." Syn says taking the rings "I'll try them out next time I get hard."

"I hope they work better for you." Maria says.

Lily sneaks up behind Syn and reaches around his waist and grabs his big, heavy, cum filled balls "Let's test them now." He says fondling his balls.

"Stop it." Syn says taking a step forward trying to get his arms from around his waist.

"COME ON." Lily says move a hand to his sheaths and massaging it.

"Fine." Syn says relaxing and calling Mimi over. The two cubs start playing with his sheath. His cocks quickly reach full size and he slips the rings over the tip of each cock and they magically shrink down to skin tight tightness. He pushes them down and they expand and contract to match his cocks shape until they are seated behind the small lumps that will become his knots.

"Just think what you want to do." Maria tells him with a hand squeezing one of her big, soft breasts.

Syn's cocks starts to vibrate then push together until they form one cock that starts to swell bigger. The two cubs watch as his cock doubles in size and his balls swell to match the growth.

"You want it; I'll give it to you." Syn says grabbing Lily and flipping him over, so he is looking at the cock upside down. He looks down the 3 foot length and gulps, but grins at Syn.

"Do it." Lily says opening his mouth. In one swift plunge Syn sinks half of his cock into Lily's mouth. His mouth, throat, chest, and belly deform around the foot and a half of cock.

"Fuck! It really worked. I was right about it having the strongest effect on you." Maria says with a hand between her legs.

"Yeah and he's going to get it for being such a slut. Mimi get over here and suck on my balls." Syn says gritting his teeth feeling Lily's tight flesh constricting around his cock. Pre-cum pours from his cock tip. He grabs his waist and pulls him back and up lifting the cock until a foot of cock meat leaves his mouth. He groans and gags around the cock. A mix of his pre-cum, saliva, and throat slime coat his cock making the bright red surface shine in the light of the hallway. Syn plunges him back down the cock making his belly swell.

Mimi grabs Syn's huge, heavy, cum filled balls and starts licking and sucking on them. She licks the base of his cock where the mixture of fluids is building up. The taste makes her body burn with need. She starts masturbating and buries her nose in his balls and inhales deeply. Mimi lets out a loud moan as pleasure starts racking her body with the smell alone.

"Don't stop." Syn says feeling Mimi no longer licking his balls. The little black kitten pushes her nose back into his big, heavy, furry balls and licks them drawing a moan from him. She starts licking and sucking his big balls again feeling pussy juice running down her thighs.

"Take it slut!" Syn groans feeling the pressure building up. He gives Lily a few more pumps and howls out his pleasure. His balls jerk up and smack Mimi knocking her back a bit. His knot swells up and locks behind Lily's teeth trapping him in place. Syn's cock swells bigger and a great gush of cum shoots through his cock and floods Lily's belly. Maria and Syn watch Lily's belly swell with the first jet. Jet after jet of cum fills the kittens belly inflating him until his belly looks like a balloon about to burst. More than a minute passes before Syn's orgasm ends and he staggers back against a wall holding Lily onto his cock as he strokes his swollen belly moaning around the cock.

"He came when you started cumming." Maria says looking between the kittens spread legs and a puddle on the floor under his.

"I'm not surprised. It looks like the rings worked." Syn says with Lily's jaw held open by his knot.

"We should get going. This would be one hell of an entrance, master." Mimi says looking at her friend hanging from Syn's massive cock.

"Yeah, we were heading to class to show them the demon we summoned." Mimi tells Maria.

"You better get going if you want him to stay there." Maria says rubbing Lily's belly and moans softly feeling the heat radiating from the kitten's swollen belly.

The two walk away from Maria with Lily bounce along hanging from Syn's swollen knot. A few minutes later they enter the classroom to a gasp.

"What happened?" the teacher asks seeing Lily so swollen and hanging from Syn's crotch.

"He was being a slut and wanted my cock, so gave it to him. Hard and deep and inflated him like a balloon. He's stuck on my knot at the moment, but I'm guessing he loves it." Syn says before Mimi can answer.

"Who is he?" the teacher asks looking at Syn.

"He's a demon we summoned." Mimi says proudly looking up at Syn with a smile.

"Really, you and who else summoned him?" the teacher asks looking at the kitten.

"Lily, Ruby, and Ella." Mimi says and Lily gurgles around Syn's cock.

"When did you do this?" the teacher asks looking at Syn.

"Yesterday. As long as we pay a tribute each day he'll stay." Mimi says rubbing Syn's leg.

"What kind of tribute and why is Lily hanging from his cock." the teacher finally asks.

"Lily was being a slut, so he face fucked him and he got stuck on his huge knot." Mimi says stroking Syn's balls making Lily's belly ripples when the cock jerks.

"What can he do? Does he have some kind of magic?" the teacher asks barely believing any of it.

"He has two cocks normally, but Maria gave him a magic cock ring he helped her make when she summoned him and now he can make them each bigger or merge them into a super cock. He has an almost inexhaustible sex drive. He fucked all of us until we passed out yesterday when we summoned him and probably made us all carry his baby." Mimi tells the teacher and rubs her belly with the last part.

"Really." the teacher says eying Syn.

Right about then Lily slides off of Syn's cock leaving it standing there sagging slightly with a coating of cum and saliva.

"Wow!" Lily coughs rubbing his belly" I haven't been this full in a long time."

"Ella, Ruby it's time for your tribute." Mimi says looking at her friends sitting among the other students.

Ella and Ruby both stand up and walk up to Syn with a smile plastered on their faces.

Syn's one long, thick cock changes shape until two cocks are in its place. Each one much bigger than they normally are.

Ella and Ruby stand in front of Syn's cocks and each take one in their hands. They lick the tip tasting his cum and Lily's juices covering it. Syn lets out a soft moan feeling their rough feline tongues licking his cock tips. Almost at the same time they each take the tip of the cock they were licking between their lips and Syn lets out a louder moan.

"Girls." the teacher says walking up to them "What do you think you are doing?" she asks.

"It's the tribute. We have to be marked with his seed each day and he has to give each of us his baby" Mimi says stroking her fingers across Syn's heavy balls.

"Okay, show us." the teacher says stepping back with a smile.

"Really." Syn says looking at the teacher.

"Yeah, let's see what you can do, oh so mighty demon of sex." The teacher says sarcastically.

Syn reaches down and pulls Mimi closer until her nose presses against his big, heavy ball sack. "Lick'em!" he moans out feeling the two kittens sucking on the tips of his cocks. Mimi grabs his balls barely able to hold them and starts licking them. She lets out moans as the smell of his balls fills her nose and the taste covers her tongue. Pussy juice runs down her thighs from the smell and taste alone.

A couple of minutes pass as the two kittens try taking his cocks deeper, but can't get any leverage to force the twin rods of canine meat deeper. Syn watches them and takes pity on them. He reaches down and cups the back of Ruby's head and pulls on his head until his cock slides into his tight little throat. Ruby's neck swells and bulges with cock meat. With a buck of his hips Syn pulls his cock out of Ella's mouth and lifts Ruby off his feet. He catches him and holds him above the cock "Open wide, little slut." Syn says and Ruby opens his mouth as wide as he can. Syn plunges him down and impales him on the cock sinking half a foot into his gullet before he meets resistance.

"You can take it deeper." Syn says pushing Ruby farther down his cock. While Syn is distracted with Ruby, Ella starts sucking his lower cock again.

"Bring me a desk I want to do this properly." Syn says feeling Ruby's throat constricting around his cock and milking pre-cum from it. Mimi quickly runs over to a desk and drags it over to Syn. "Ella get on the desk and spread your legs." Syn says looking past Ruby. The black kitten climbs onto the desk and pulls her legs open showing him her still gaping pussy from the day before. Syn pulls Ruby off his cock with a slurp and sets him down on the desk with him and Ella in a 69 position. "Ella, eat his pussy." Syn says grabbing both of his cocks and stroking them making pre-cum spurt from them.

"Open wide." Syn says pointing his cocks at both Ella and Ruby. Ruby opens his mouth wide and Ella spreads her legs open. Syn looks down at the two open holes and smiles. He steps forward and presses the tip of his upper cock between Ruby's lips and the tip of his lower cock between the lips of Ella's pussy.

"Watch this." Syn says grabbing a kitten in each hand and thrusting forward. Half of each cock disappears from view.

The class gasps and the teacher groans seeing Ruby's throat change shape and Ella's belly swell.

Syn tightens his grip on each cub and starts humping his hips back and forth. His cock slowly sinks deeper with each thrust making the swollen bellies even bigger. Mimi caresses Syn's balls encouraging him to fuck them harder.

"Watch this!" Syn grunts taking his hands off the two kittens and flexes his cocks. The two kittens lift up off the desk. He flexes his cocks several more times lifting them up and dropping them back down. Ruby's throat swells when his cock flexes. Ella's belly stretches and twitches as she is lifted by his cock. Syn drops them back own on the desk and starts pumping his hips back and forth moaning as he does. The class and teacher watch in awe feeling lust starting to seep into their bodies.

Several minutes pass before Syn slams his cocks as deep as they will go and roars. His knots inflate locking him in place stretching Ruby's jaw open and Ella's pussy wide open. A second later, a hot jet of canine cum spews from his cock. Syn grunts out his pleasure as cum fills the girls. Their bellies swell as cum fills them. He bucks his hips humping them until he falls forward over them panting as cum continues dribbling from his cocks.

"Well that certainly was a show." the teacher says with a blush showing through her cheek fur, but the game is over. He's not a fenrir demon, girls. He's a wolf that's taken advantage of you four." the teacher says walking up to Syn.

"Yes he is. How else could he have so much cum and fuck so much?" Mimi asks.

"Normally I wouldn't be able to give you girls a passing grade for the day since he's not a demon, but he does seem to have unusually strong sexual stamina, so he might have some sex demon in him, but I won't fail you today." the teacher says looking at the four kittens.

"Really, you won't fail us?" Lily asks rubbing her big, cum filled belly "But if he's not a demon how did he appear out of nowhere when we did the summoning?"

"I don't know, maybe he has some magic power, but I really don't think he is a demon." the teacher says looking at Syn. Syn looks at her and smile a little seeing the outline of her nipples in her shirt and the smell of arousal in the air.

"I want to see you five after class." The teacher says looking at the four kittens and Syn.

Syn hangs around until after class and after the last student leaves the teacher locks the door and turns to them "I want to test him out myself. You four can join in, too." the teacher say licking her lips.

Over the next few hours Syn fucks all five them then until his balls are drained and aching from cumming so much. By the time he is finished with them they are all swollen with cum and looking very pregnant.

"I'll be staying with Mimi tonight" Syn says scooping the swollen bellied kitten up in his arms as his cock drools the last dregs of cum on the floor. He carries her out of the room and to her house on the edge of the city.

He lays her down in bed and climbs in next to her and cuddles up to her. Her hands reach down and grab his sheath and massages it try to coax it back to life. "In the morning." Syn says and she moves her hands down to his balls and holds on to them until she falls asleep.

In the morning Syn wakes up to Mimi sucking one cock and stroking the other until he opens his eyes and looks down at her. Her belly is still swollen, but not nearly as much as the night before. He quickly rolls her over and pushes his cocks into her double penetrating her. Minutes pass as Syn humps her and just as he is about to cum a knocking at the door fills the room "Mimi, are you home?" a female voice asks through the door.

The end???

Ranch Rounds ch.10 - Ninetales, Vulpix, Ranch Workers(Mother and Daughter)

"I really should check on the ninetails. She's getting pretty far along in her pregnancy." Syn says getting up from the grass where he and Ciri slept. She is gone and so are the Nidoqueen and the Nidoking gangbang. He tucks his cock back into his...

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Ranch Rounds ch.9 - Nidoqueens & Nidokings

Syn, a well known Pokemon breeder in the area is spending the day in a forest with several pokemon he has captured and let roam. He walks through the forest surrounding the ranch his family owns checking on the different pokemon. He started with...

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Blind Date

Seen sat alone at the bar counter, nursing a tall glass of pina colada. He sat at the curve, watching the entrance to the bar for his blind date, though he didn't know who or what to expect. That was the point of a blind date, as goofy as the idea was,...

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