
Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#6 of Sold

AN: Here's chapter 6, finally. I'm sorry it took so long and if it's not that good. I just couldn't seem to get going so it was done practically line by line in places. I finally got some inspiration for writing though so I managed to get this chapter done. On the bright side this story is doing better than The Howl From Beyond. There'll probably only be one more chapter of Sold and at current it's not going to have any sex, just plot and the conclusion. Thank you to Mew Sands for betaing.

Chapter 6

Pyrope shook his head vehemently, backing the gesture up by slamming his foot down.

Paul Morris' club had grown increasingly popular over the past month, and now people wanted to do more than just look at the pokemon. They wanted to touch them more, to taste them and to actually have sex with the pokemon. Paul still only had his three pokemon though and Pyrope had not become any more compliant during the course of time.

"Randy and Sheba can't be the only ones participating!" said Paul, "I've gone slowly with you but it's about time you started to listen to me properly. Northing's going to happen to you unless I allow it, so there's nothing to be scared of. Now are you going to obey?"

Again Pyrope refused, making Mr Morris growl in frustration.

"Then that's too bad. I need you and you're going to be available, whether you like it or not!"

Paul pressed the button for Pyrope's shock collar and held it down.

The sharp pain brought out a yelp from the striped dog and soon he was shaking on the floor, the strength of the punishment increasing the longer the button was held down.

Within a few seconds he had passed out and was picked up by Paul.

When Pyrope eventually came to he immediately recognised the club, which would open in a few minutes. He was on the side, an area that was usually left dark and accompanied by tables but now an area had been cleared for a bed, which he was currently on.

His shoulders were aching pretty badly due to his forelegs having been forced behind his back and cuffed together with strong, leather bindings.

This would normally have left his hind legs free for him to at least try to move but that had been dealt with as well, by fixing them in place with a special "H" shaped spreader bar. Instead of just a single metal bar linking his legs there were now two, one above and one below his knee joint. To further prevent him from doing anything the two bars had been welded to each other by means of a vertical centre bar, completely stopping him from bending his legs.

His long, fluffy tail had been wrapped up in soft blue ribbons that compressed the fluff into a more manageable size and was then fixed to the back of his collar, to prevent him covering his rear.

Pyrope had also been fitted with a muzzle that was holding his mouth closed, but he could tell it wasn't an ordinary muzzle, although he didn't know what was special about it, yet.

A long rope to the headboard of the bed completed his bondage.


Dave and Alice had been going out for a few weeks before she found that he was looking at porn on the internet, pokemon porn. For a moment Dave had thought that their relationship was going to end, however much to his amazement she was okay with it and confided her own interest in the subject. This had worked out well for them since they finally had someone with whom they could share their darkest secret. Since neither of the couple was a pokemon trainer they hadn't had a chance to try something for real but once they heard of an adult club where pokemon performed they knew they had to go and see for themselves.

Dave sat at the bar, swirling his drink absently as he watched Randy and Sheba on the stage.

They were pretending to try and wash the stage but when you mix two pokemon, one of which is permanently horny, with soapy water things start to degenerate. At first they started to slip and slide along the stage, their fur becoming plastered right up against their skin. Next they tried to help each other and wound up sliding their slippery bodies against one another's. As they did so their arousal was obvious, Sheba's swollen lips and Randy's pole jutting out from his nether regions.

Dave adjusted his pants and grunted. He cursed himself for choosing such tight pants, the clothing having grown incredibly uncomfortable. He was pulled away from his thoughts when his girlfriend tapped him on the shoulder.

"Mhmm?" he mumbled, turning to face her.

"Have you seen what's going on there?" Alice asked, pointing to one corner of the club.

Dave followed her finger across the room, to where Pyrope was, although hidden behind a curtain.

Pyrope had been placed in the darkest corner, the surrounding lights also extinguished until it was nearly pitch black. In fact, due to the sudden contrast in brightness, no one in any lit area of the club would be able to make out anything going on there. Pyrope was then closed off by a large, fairly thin curtain and inside the curtain a bright light shone down on him.

"There's a pokemon in there," whispered Alice seductively, her fingers walking up Dave's shirt, "Tied up and free for anyone to use."

He gulped, his fantasy so close to him.

"But what if someone sees us? We don't know who's here," he stated nervously, his heart starting to race, both from excitement and fear.

"It's alright. All you can see is the silhouette inside and outside it's too dark to make out who's inside. If we're careful no one will know."

A grin spread over Dave's face and he got up, abandoning his drink, and pulled Alice in for a kiss.

"Then let's go and have some fun."

Pyrope whimpered as Dave and Alice entered the curtained area in which he was being held. His ears were flat against the back of his head his arse was leaking cum down the back of his spread legs.

"Isn't he cute?" giggled Alice, ruffling his head fur.

Pyrope growled up at Alice but was ignored by the couple.

"So what should we do with him?" asked Dave, his clothes falling to the floor with a dull thump.

Alice grinned, pulling her own clothes off, "Well I've always wanted to feel a pokemon's dick in me, and I think you want yours in a pokemon."

Dave nodded, inspecting the growlithe's muzzle, "Indeed I do, and it shouldn't be too hard either."

Dave reached down the side of Pyrope's muzzle to where there was a small dial. As he twisted it, Pyrope's jaws were slowly forced open by the adjustable device.

The bound fire pokemon tried to hold his jaws closed but it was no use. The mechanism was highly resistant to being squeezed shut and a simple turn was enough to overpower his jaw muscles.

Once he had opened the fire dog's jaws Dave rolled Pyrope onto his back, exposing his sheath.

Alice flicked her hair over her shoulders and lay to the side of Pyrope, her head lying on it's side on the pokemon's soft belly, giving her a close up view of his sheath. She moved her hand to the warm organ, slightly damp from some of the previous patrons, and began to firmly massage it. Her fingers manipulating the flesh and urging the blood to flow, smiling as the pink flesh gently slid out of its pouch.

Dave watched Alice as her hand worked its way along Pyrope's length, his own cock hardening as he watched her and the bound pokemon. His hand strayed to his crotch and his fingers ran lightly from the tip to the base, where they tightened around it in a fist. He knelt on the bed, using his hand to point his dick to the open hole that was Pyrope's mouth.

As her boyfriend was easing his cock into Pyrope's maw, Alice brought her own, full lips to the head of the growlithe's dick before her and gave it a kiss. She could feel Pyrope wriggle and squirm underneath her. As she took more of his member into her mouth she could taste his meat and the watery pre-cum that had started to leak out. She smiled, loving the taste of pokemon seed, even though at the moment she could taste some human juices still on his member. Greedily she began to suck on the heated rod, bringing poor Pyrope steadily closer to another unwanted climax, while she could feel her own cunt start to leak in anticipation of being taken by the canine before her.

Pyrope's ears lay flat on his head, his face curled up in disgust as Dave started to pump in and out of the pup's maw. Every so often the cock would trigger the growlithe's gag reflex and he would squirm more than usual until it pulled back just slightly, gradually teaching Pyrope to handle it going further into his throat. Dave's shaft dripped out pre, the clear fluid being spread over the inside of Pyrope's mouth, much to his disgust. Having no choice he would lap it down, shuddering and growling at the moans of pleasure the action brought forth from the human at his front.

Having waited as long as she could stand, Alice straddled Pyrope, her fingers running through the thick coat of fur on his chest, her fingers seeking and pinching his nipples one-by-one. Each squeeze made the striped pokemon flinch and, as his muscles tensed, she felt his cock twitching at her waiting cunt.

"Good boy," she murmured, now rubbing him sensuously, "Let me feel you in me."

She sank herself down on the engorged, red flesh, letting out a deep, husky moan as her lips were spread apart by the animal tool. She gave a shiver as she eased more and more of his slippery pole into her twat, her female juices oozing down the shaft and soaking Pyrope's crotch fur.

"Be careful not to get his knot in you," warned Dave, "We don't want to spend forever waiting for him to go down."

Alice nodded, wiggling back and forth, grinding the bulge at the base of Pyrope's dick against her pussy lips, "I know. You don't have to worry about me."

The next couple of minutes were torture to Pyrope. Alice and Dave ground up against him, moaning in pleasure and slowing down whenever they approached they're climax, trying to prolong their contact with the unwilling pokemon. As much as he disliked it, Pyrope was helpless to control the primal instincts of his body and he grew ever closer to his inevitable climax.

Alice's eyes were closed tight, all her attention focused between her legs where Pyrope's cock slid in and out, slipping easily past her nether lips. Despite her attempts to slow down, she couldn't help but speed up as the anticipation of her climax with the growlithe approached.

Her hand grabbed the bound pokemon as she cried out loudly with pleasure. Her head flung back and her whole body arched into the strongest orgasm of her life.

As he watched his girlfriend writhing in ecstasy, Dave smiled and thrust his member deep into Pyrope's gagged maw. He grunted and began squirting his cum into the canine's muzzle, one wave of seed after the next. As he withdrew he rubbed it clean on the bridge of the Pyrope's nose, chuckling as the growlithe wrinkled his face up.

Giggling and pressing against one another, Dave and Alice hurriedly dressed, no longer paying the squirming pokemon next to them any more attention. Pyrope glared at their backs as the couple left him alone, unsatisfied and disgusted. He hated the taste of Dave's cum in his mouth, his forelegs had thankfully gone numb but lying on them was anything but comfortable for the poor dog and, much to his shame, his cock stood rigid between his hind legs, sticky and starting to itch as the cum and pre began to dry on it.

A noise caught his attention and his heart sunk as a new person, also someone he'd never met, came towards him, their hands already pulling their pants down.


"There we go," chuckled Paul, removing the adjusted gag from Pyrope's mouth. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"

The growl from his pokemon was all the answer he needed.

Paul sighed, "Oh well. Even if you don't like it you're going to have to get used to it. I need you as an attraction for now. It will be a lot easier on you if you just stop resisting it."

Pyrope's fur just bristled and he would've snarled at Mr Morris if his jaw wasn't aching from being gagged for so long. As it was he could barely move; the strict bondage had left his muscles sore and as he stood there he couldn't stop himself from trembling.

"I just want you to listen to me," stated Paul, stroking Pyrope's striped fur.

He grunted as he reached a damp spot, one of many, and withdrew his hand.

"You are rather a mess now aren't you?"

Paul walked over to a nearby cupboard and retrieved a fluffy, blue towel. he knelt down next to the growlithe and began to rub his tired body, massaging each body part and drying away all of the night's grime.

Despite his flaws, Paul was pretty talented with his hands and after a few minutes he had Pyrope murring softly, the feeling and strength returned to the pokemon's limbs. He smiled as he heard the low sound but a sudden knock on the door to the room made it disappear.

"Who is it?"

"Open up, Paul. It's your brothers."

"Mmm. Fine. I'm coming."

He left Pyrope wrapped up in the towel and set a two bowls in front of him, one with food and the other with water, and went to meet his brothers.

Pyrope lay quietly for a while, eating and drinking small amounts as he waited and let his energy come back. It seemed strange for him to be alone after being with people constantly for the previous few hours. Just thinking about it made him tense up again, his resentment and anger flowing as before. It was then that he noticed Paul hadn't closed the door properly and he had a clear escape route. It didn't take him long after seeing his possible salvation before he decided to take it. Throwing off the blanket, the growlithe leapt to his feet and ran for freedom as fast as he could, not willing to let the chance slip from his grasp.

Unaware of the loss of one of his pokemon, Paul was sitting at his desk, facing his two brothers, Damien and Jeremy.

"Now what do you two want here?" demanded Paul.

"No need to be rude," replied Jeremy. "We have a business proposal for you."

"I'm not interested," cut in Paul.

"Hear us out," pleaded Damien, "We know we haven't been the most supportive of you."

"But we want to change that," continued Jeremy. "You've shown that you are capable of managing something without it just collapsing and so we'd like to invite you back into the fold."

Damien nodded in agreement, "You give us your club and your pokemon and you can share in a cut of the profits of all of our businesses. You know you'll get bored of this in time. With us you'd be able to do whatever you want."

"I want to run this club," stated Paul, firmly. "I'm not interested in joining you again. I can make do on my own."

"I don't think that's in your best interests," countered Damien. "Working together we can do more. You'd have some real control on what goes on in the world. You'd have some real money, not the piddly funds you currently receive."

"We just won't take no for an answer," echoed Jeremy. "Family shouldn't be divided like this. We should stick together."

"I'll only give no for an answer!" declared Paul, "Now get out. I'm tired from collecting everyone's money."

He stood up and led his brothers firmly to the door.

"All you care about is money. I'm not doing this for the money and even if I were I wouldn't work with you two. When I was struggling you didn't care about helping me, it's only now that I have something you want!"

As Paul continued his voice got louder until he finally finished, pushing his brothers outside and slamming the door.

"This isn't over yet!" shouted Damien. "You can't treat us like this. We'll give you until tomorrow to rethink."


AN: Random fact. I'm not good at making up names but for Pyrope's I wanted something related to fire. I was glancing through a book on gemstones and found the entry for the Cape ruby, which is red, and its proper name is Pyrope Garnet. News update for...

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Seven Days to the Wolves

Seven Days To The Wolves By: Rakuen Growlithe AN: This is a collection of short little paragraphs intended to cause amusement. Those without a sense of humour will not find enjoyment in this. Those who do are warned not to die laughing. The end...


Secrets part 2

Secrets (Nicobay Commission) By: Rakuen Growlithe Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon or the characters in this story. Nicobay and Malyabay both belong to Nicobay. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. This story contains sexual themes and should not be...

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