
Story by VoodooRoo on SoFurry

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This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. This also contains themes of a mature nature. Otherwise, please enjoy ;)

Characters and story by SpikeFoxx

[email protected]


His alarm went off for the second time. He'd already succumbed to the snooze button once, and was tempted to do it again. But he knew if he didn't get up now, he wouldn't have time for a shower without being late, since it was already eight in the morning.

Spreading his paws across the other side of the bed, the white Siberian tiger frowned at the empty space. Apparently the male he'd brought home the night before had opted to skip out sometime in the night; that was fine with him. He hadn't really been looking forward to the awkward 'morning after' anyway.

Kicking his legs over the edge of the bed, his large foot paws hitting the polished hardwood of his bedroom, he stretched before standing. Nude, he opened the blinds and looked over the downtown high rises and skyscrapers of Concielo, a western coastal city. The tiger lived on the fifth floor of a condo complex. He had moved in after leaving his last job; he liked the view and it suited his tastes and styles. Though his tastes could be described as 'eclectic.'

Walking across the room, he went into the attached bathroom, running the water and filling the room with warm mist. He sighed, taking the box of condoms on the edge of the sink and putting them away in the cabinet above the sink, remembering last night. A lot of alcohol, and a rare spat of loneliness of his part. A younger wolf was hitting on him all night, and finally the tiger had asked the lupine back to his place. He was glad he'd at least had the presence of mind to grab condoms before topping his guest. Reflecting on it, he didn't even know the guy's name.

He parted the curtain and stepped under the shower, letting the water sluice over his body; off his head, over his broad shoulders, his muscular arms, toned chest and abdomen, and through his groin. Washing off the scents of sex, he felt better when he was cleansed again. Not that he was afraid of diseases or that the wolf had stunk, he just always felt better after he showered. Sex wasn't something he did often; an act he wanted to keep a certain degree of mystique to, not wanting to be comfortable with the knowledge he could go out and score pretty much any day and time he felt like it. He worked out, and it showed. His eight foot-tall frame contained solid muscles that rippled under his fur. Aside from one scar across his muzzle, and one across his chest, he was pretty much perfect. But he would never think that about himself. Only one word ever came to him to describe himself; 'flawed.'

As he turned off the water, he reached through the curtain and grabbed a towel from the rack hanging from the top bar of the shower, drying himself off. The tiger stepped off onto a bath mat, hanging the towel up and finishing drying himself with a blow-dryer which he had discovered was just the easier way to dry all his fur. He studied himself in the mirror, gently running his finger over the scar on his muzzle. Sometimes he could swear he could still feel the sharp sting from the cut.

Coming out of the bathroom, he left the door open for the vapors to vent out. He opened a couple of the windows near his bed. His bedroom was on a corner, so he had a ninety-degree view, which was shaped like the bottom end of a pentagram; flat along the corner, and then angling off on either side, then flattening again along the walls. He loved the shape and design of his room; especially since he got morning light on one side and sunsets on the other. Sounds of the city drifted up to meet him; car engines and horns, furs talking, bells and whistles, and sirens far off in the distance.

He turned back to the other side of the room and opened his dresser, grabbing underwear, a shirt, and socks, slipping them all on. Also grabbing a pair of tan pants and pulled those on with a belt. The tiger parted the siding door of his closet, and grabbed a black vest from a hanger, undoing the velcro and slipping it over his head, redoing the velcro snug to his body. Lastly came a tan shirt, matching his pants, with a United States flag patch on one side, and a US Army patch on the other. Finally, he pulled on a gun belt, laden with handcuff pouches, a flashlight, mace, handgun ammunition holders, and an empty pistol holster. Out of a black box on the high shelf of his closet appeared his handgun, a Beretta M92FS 9mm. He loaded it and set it to safe, studying himself in a full-length mirror he had attached to the wall. Satisfied, he grabbed his name tag from his bedside table, labeled 'Zach', and went out to his living area, which was still shrouded from the coming daylight by blinds. Zach left them down for now, seeing no real reason to open them since he wouldn't be home.

Stopping by the front door, he grabbed his boots from the front closet. His large foot paws needed size 21-wide just to feel comfortable. Doing up the laces, he stood and grabbed his keys and sunglasses from a table next to the door. The tiger opened the door and stepped out, gently closing it behind him and ready for another day.


"And since most of you will be graduating in a week, I'm not stupid enough to bother assigning a summer reading," the fox professor said before the class. "I'll email your results to you, or you can wait to get them in the mail. I wish all of you the best."

The classroom dispersed to low talking amongst friends, and some raucous declarations of freedom from school. In the back, a Bengal tiger got up and left by himself, heading for the front of the room.

"Simon, could I see you for a moment?" called the professor.

Simon, the tiger, sighed under his breath, heading for the desk while the rest of his classmates filed out.

"Hope I'm not holding you up," said the professor as Simon approached.

"Not from anything too important," answered Simon.

The fox leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs and tenting his paws. "I just wanted to say that you should be very proud to be graduating next week. I have no doubt that your exam will be a passing one." He patted the stack of papers next to him on the desk. "I don't get a lot of students that I'm willing to write letters of recommendation for, but if you ever need one, please come ask."

Simon smiled slightly. "Thanks."

The professor smiled in return and nodded. "Enjoy your day."

Without another word, Simon turned and left, closing the door gently behind him. He took another deep breath. It was hard to believe it was all over. Four years of hard studying, long nights, and still squeezing in 'work.' A lot of downs, a few ups, and having to fight his urge to go back to old habits.

He walked down the hall to the doors, stepping onto the quad. The sprawling state college laid out before him; and as he stood there, he realized he would never really be coming back here again. He wasn't even sure about coming for the graduation ceremony. The college would mail him his diploma if he didn't come, and it wasn't like anyone would be coming to see him on stage. If no one else cared, why would he?

Bright sun beat down on him as he walked towards the parking lot on the far side of campus. He had lucked out on his last day, getting a close spot. Simon trotted down a set of stone steps, walking past the underground pavilion where the intracampus buses stopped, and hearing nearby furs planning parties and the like for the night. A part of him felt a pang of regret; in four years, he'd never really made a friend. There was no one he'd be spending the night with, and celebrating that he was ready for a career. It would just be him.

As he was lost in thought, he hadn't even noticed a jaguar standing next to his car, with his arms folded and watching Simon approach. "Hi, there," said the male. Simon didn't say anything as he came to the car, just stopping and standing still for a moment. The jaguar waved a wad of twenties at the tiger. "Got a moment?"

Sighing, Simon nodded. He dropped his bag near the car and went with the jaguar. The two of them walked back towards the bus terminal underground, the smell of diesel and exhaust permeating the air. Even on a bright summer day, it was dark in the tunnel, lit only with dirty yellow lights affixed to the walls. There weren't a lot of furs left, only the ones that needed to hop back to the dorms getting on the buses.

The jaguar smiled back at Simon, one of his 'regulars.' Once they were past the buses, the other cat pulled the tiger into a small alcove that shot off from the main tunnel. The jaguar pulled the tiger close until they were shrouded in shadow, and grinned, his excitement already evident and pressing against Simon.

"Gonna miss that muzzle of yours," whispered the jaguar, stuffing the twenties into Simon's waistband. Simon could hear the male's zipper being undone, and he slowly sunk down to the jaguar's crotch.


Zach stepped from the Humvee, grabbing his M-4 off the seat, adjusting his gun belt and walking back towards the guard's station. He opened the door, welcoming the air conditioning. His co-worker and friend, Jason, a German shepherd, was seated at a desk writing a report.

"Hey, there," said Zach, grabbing a plastic cup and heading for the water cooler in the corner. 'Cooler' wouldn't be the proper adjective anymore, however, since it only spat out luke-warm water.

"What's up?" came Jason's reply.

"Same shit, different day," mumbled Zach, taking a drink and then tossing the rest in disgust. "We need to fix this damn thing."

The shepherd snickered a bit and tossed his report in the filing bin. "There."

"What's that all about?" asked Zach, sitting down at another chair in the corner.

"Oh, one of the GI's decided he wanted to grab a gas can full for his own car while he was filling up one of the trucks," replied Jason.

"Damn," mused Zach. "Bet he's having fun."

Jason turned in his chair, grinning. "I believe the words 'running laps until Jesus comes back' were used."

"Surprised they didn't nail his ass," said Zach.

Jason shrugged. "If it was one of us, they would."

"Joys of being a civilian in a military world," laughed Zach. He had working as a civilian guard for the military base for a few years, since he left the SWAT team. He enjoyed the work; interesting, but he'd never been shot at yet.

"Almost that time of day," said Jason, pointing to the clock on the wall. Zach had barely noticed it was already going on five o'clock. It had actually been a quick day. "Want to go out and grab a cold one after work?"

"I don't know," replied Zach. "Got things I should do around the condo."

"Aw, c'mon, don't be so damn boring," encouraged Jason. "Just one?....maybe two?"

Zach laughed a bit. "Okay, what the hell." He didn't mind spending time with Jason, since he was the only guy on the base that knew he was gay. The shepherd was even willing to go down to the gay bar with the white tiger. Zach didn't have a lot of friends, so he was glad to have Jason around sometimes. He tended to be a loner by nature, but on occasion liked to have someone to hang out with.

"Should have the evening crew here any second," remarked Jason, putting his radio and other gear away in the back closet where they kept all that. "Jenkins pulled gate duty today, the poor bastard."

Zach smirked a bit. He had done that before and knew why it was a raw deal; whoever was on the gate couldn't leave until the next person was in, got their gear, and physically at the gate to relieve them. Usually the gate detail went home last. At five, it was the just three of them leaving; they had rotating shifts, so there was never a gap with one shift coming back to the guardhouse to leave and another coming on. But he didn't really care where Jenkins was; he was an ass anyway.

Zach went to the closet after Jason was done, putting his gear away. He then took off his work clothes and vest, grabbing a set of street clothes from his locker. Jason did the same. Jason opted for jeans and a black T-shirt, the white tiger in khakis and a dark maroon shirt he left untucked. He was finishing up when the next shift came through the door, talking amongst themselves. Pleasantries were exchanged on the way out the door. It was a rarity when Zach couldn't wait to away from work, and this was one of those times.

They walked back towards the entrance, where their cars were parked. The guardhouse was positioned up near the front of the base. Zach could see Jenkins over in the booth by the gate, and waved cheerfully. Jenkins responded with flipping him the bird.

"Such a nice fellow," observed Jason, dryly.

Their base, Fort Sullivan, was a modest sized base, covering 1,000 square miles for everything from lodging, to training, and even a bowling hall and library on base. In the five years he'd been there, Zach pretty much knew the place in and out.

They parked their cars near the officers' quarters, since it was arguably the safest place on the base. Not that Zach was worried. Most of the guys knew which car belonged to the large tiger with the gun, and stayed the hell away from it.

"Can't believe you drive a Hybrid," scoffed Zach, getting into his Mustang.

"Hey, it's better for the environment," replied Jason, feigning indignation.

Zach rolled his eyes. "And I'm the gay one," he mumbled, closing his door and starting the engine. He waited for Jason to pull out of the lot, and followed the shepherd out. The two of them stopped at the gate, where the new guard was on now, and lynx, who inspected their cars for smuggled out items, and then waved them on. The two of them drove across town, Zach rolling down his windows and letting the warm breeze in. The tiger reached up over his seat, grabbing his Ray-Bans and putting them on.

The bar they were headed for, 'The Den,' was a smaller bar in the middle of downtown. During the day and earlier evening had more of a casual bar feeling, but starting around eleven turned into a raver club. Zach had never been one for the rave scene, usually preferring to go earlier if he was going to go at all.

Pulling his car into the lot in the back, he parked next to Jason. The two of the walked back towards the front, heading into the bar.

"Haven't been here in a bit," said Zach, handing his I.D. to the bouncer, a large doberman, that was still dwarfed by Zach, just inside the door. He looked it over and nodded, handing Zach's I.D. back. The tiger and the shepherd moved into the bar area. The building was split into two areas; a bar area with a dance floor on one side, and a smaller lounge on the opposite side. Zach opted for the lounge side, Jason following his over.

Zach always enjoyed the lounge more, with leather seats, couches in the corners, was usually better lit, and had two glass panes in the middle of the room with water cascading down them. He also found it to be quieter as well.

They sat at the bar, which was glass as well with neon blue, red, and green lights underneath. The bartender, a black panther, came over to them, smiling gently. "What can I get you boys?"

"I'll take a scotch on the rocks," said Jason.

"Just a Heineken for me," answered Zach, quietly.

The bartender nodded gently, going off to get their drinks.

"Isn't this better than just puttering around your condo?" asked Jason, grinning.

"I suppose so," replied Zach, taking a sip from his Heineken as it was placed in front of him. "Guess we can get comfortable for awhile."


Simon sat in the private room of 'The Den,' looking over a deep cherry table at his pimp, or rather former pimp, a coyote dressed in an impeccably tailored black Armani suit. The coyote tented his fingers, sighing. "It's a shame that you're wanting to leave," he said. "I suspected this day would be coming soon."

The tiger said nothing, just staring back at the coyote. It was amazing to him to think he'd known this coyote for almost ten years, since he'd been taken in by the canid when Simon was only 12. He'd been put right to work; the coyote hadn't owned the club, arranging 'meetings' on the street then. It had only been three years since the coyote's 'business' had been operating through the club when he had purchased it to give his income credibility. In the years since being part of the coyote's prostitutes, Simon had started to make a life for himself, setting aside a lot of his cut of the profits he made and attending college. He had made a promise to himself that on the last day on classes, he would come to his 'boss' and make it official that he was done.

"Are you sure I can't ask you to reconsider?" asked the coyote.

Simon shook his head. "I'm afraid my mind has been made up for some time; today is just the day I get to say it out loud."

The coyote smiled mirthlessly. "Well, I won't stop you. If you're moving forward with your life, I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you for understanding," said the tiger.

The coyote merely nodded, waving to the door. Simon took the subtle hint, and got up, making to leave. As he opened the door, he looked over his shoulder. "A part of me will miss it; not the sex, or the money, but that you were the closest I had to a family for pretty much my entire life."

"I was merely your boss," replied the coyote.

Simon half-smiled. "Maybe." And with that, was gone through the door. He sighed as it closed behind him, feeling like he was finally free after so long. After so many years of being used, of male after male, and having no actual relationship to show in return, he was so relieved he was able to start his own life. Simon went down the hallway, opening the door that was marked 'Private' that opened up in the rear of the dance floor. The post-work crowd was starting to file into the bar area. The DJs were setting up for later in the evening, a quiet CD track playing over the speakers for now, none of the high-bass techno that would blast over the club in the later hours.

The tiger crossed over to the bar, deciding to get a drink to celebrate his graduating, and his new life. Considering his alternative was to go home alone, the bar seemed like as good a place as any, especially considering his former boss had told him he had half-off drinks for life, even after leaving. He nodded to the bartender, a wolf, who brought over Simon's usual, a vodka martini. Simon gently stirred the olives around absently, wondering where he was going from here.

Taking his drink, he walked towards the other end of the club to the lounge, which was still quieter. He sat on one of the leather couches in the corner, looking around. There were only a couple furs in the lounge, but really only one caught his eye; a tall, muscular white tiger sitting at the bar with what looked like a friend of his. Simon could only see the male from behind, but could tell he was ripped. The white tiger was also dressed nicely, and Simon could see he was sipping a Heineken.

Getting up from the couch, Simon went to the other end of the bar from the white tiger. The bar was shaped like an 'L,' and he sat on the shorter end of it, leaning over his martini and looking at the white tiger. He could now see he was very attractive, with an intense look about him, and a scar over his muzzle. Simon hadn't had such an immediate attraction to a male in a long time. He was only hopeful that the other male the tiger was with was just a friend. The tiger picked up his martini and was ready to go over and introduce himself.

"Hi, there," came a voice on his right.

Simon turned and came face to face with a young lion sitting next to him, in a smart three-piece business suit and tie, smiling. He was younger, his full mane not even having grown in yet; looked almost fresh out of college. "A friend of mine said I could hopefully find you around here."

The tiger frowned. "Sorry, you must have me confused with someone else."

"No, I don't think so," said the lion, putting a gentle paw on Simon's forearm. "He said to look for a cute tiger with a body that won't quit. I'd say you fit the bill. He said you and him had quite a night last week; like no other, I believe were his exact words."

"Look, I don't do that anymore, and I'm rather busy--"

"I pay cash," interrupted the lion, smiling again, holding a roll of fifties up for Simon to see. "If you're not in the business, now it just means you're freelance; name your price."

Simon sighed. He didn't want to do this anymore; but without having to give part of the cut up to his pimp, this would be pure profit, and he could use the money until he could get an actual job.

"A thousand," he said, doubling the standard rate he usually charged, hoping the high price would also maybe drive off the lion.

But the stranger just smiled and shoved a wad into Simon's shirt pocket. "There's half up front." He quickly scrawled something onto a bar napkin and slid it in front of Simon. "Just be there in one hour; seven-thirty." The lion got up to leave, straightening his tie. "And I'm Lincoln, by the way. I'll see you later." He gave Simon a slight wink and left. Simon looked down at the address in front of him, and the bills in his pocket. He considered taking the money and going; but the other five-hundred would be helpful.

He then remembered what he was doing before Lincoln had interrupted, and spun around in his seat to look where the white tiger was. But he was gone, just leaving an empty seat and beer bottle.

"Dammit," muttered Simon, getting up and taking the address with him.


Zach opened the door to his condo, dumping his keys on a small bureau next to the door. He sighed, dropping his duffel bag on the floor. He was relieved it was his days off; it had been a long week. Walking across the living room, he opened the curtains over the huge windows that lead off onto his balcony. Dying light came in over his condo, over the top of his grand piano next to the windows, and towards the middle where his furniture was arranged in a square; a couch and two love seats flanking it. There was no TV; he didn't really watch any.

The rest of the condo was hardwood, like his bedroom, with an area rug around the furniture. Despite being a large living room, he didn't have much in it. His large footpaws thumped on the wood as he went towards the kitchen, which was part of the wall opposite the door; it shared the other half with a half-bar set-up, with a smoked glass partition in the middle. It had taken a lot of begging and bribing to the condo board to get approval on putting in the bar.

Going behind the bar, he grabbed a Heineken from a mini fridge under the bar, popping off the top with bottle opener. He took a long drink from the bottle, leaning against the bar, which was solid cherry wood, and sighing. It was probably going to be a long couple of days off; nothing to do, and Jason was doing something with his wife and kids.

Zach walked around from behind the bar again, walking out to the balcony. He sipped his beer, and watched as the city beneath him began to light up. It would be dark, and he would be by himself. He didn't really mind. Most of his life had been spent by himself. It was almost a comfort to him these days; when it was just him, there were no surprises, no 'what ifs.' Just him.

But tonight, for some reason, it was bringing him no solace to stand there by himself. Quite the opposite; making him restless, and long for something other than a quick fuck. Getting a piece of tail was easy; a relationship, for him, was hard. To trust someone else enough to get that close. It was probably why he had spent so many nights by himself.

He just merely stood on the balcony, watching the sun set slowly, and the world go by.


Simon looked down at the address scrawled on the bar napkin in front of him. He checked the house number for about the dozenth time since he'd been standing there on the portico of a modestly-sized Spanish villa for the last ten minutes, listening to the gentle songs of cicadas as night moved in. There was still that chance to turn around, walk away, and never have to see this male again; but, reluctantly, and perhaps deep down with a hint of lust at what could be, he knocked gently on the door.

The door swung inward, and the young lion from the bar was standing there, in khakis and a white linen guayabera shirt. He smiled softly and stepped aside, waving his paw aside. "Come in. Please."

Simon awkwardly shuffled across the doorway, Lincoln gently shutting it behind them. He stood in a marble-floored lobby, with a chandelier above his head casting off soft light, a wooden staircase in front of him going upstairs, and arched entryways leading to the rest of the house, all of it colored a gentle cream color.

"If you think this is impressive, you should see the Audi in the garage," said Lincoln, walking past Simon and smiling.

"You seem awfully young to afford all this," remarked Simon, looking at some painting on the wall, one of which he recognized as an original Francisco de Goya. "I know that wasn't cheap," said the tiger, pointing to the painting.

Lincoln laughed. "No, it wasn't. My father is a rather prominent lawyer, and I currently am on the fast-track as a partner once I finish law school. In the meantime, I do internships and errands for him. He keeps me in a style I'm...accustomed to."

Simon raised an eyebrow. "And being gay?"

The lion smiled broader. "Is my little secret. At least until the trust fund kicks in."

Simon nodded, amazed at the wealth around him.

"Please, come in the living room," Lincoln prodded, leading the way, through the archway on the right. A maroon couch and chairs encircled a glass coffee table, with a large 80-inch plasma TV and stereo system dominating the wall opposite the entryway. More paintings were littered around the walls, and the room was carpeted in white with flecks of gold coloring in it. Simon could see a set of French doors leading off to a back deck, and a lighted pool surrounded by palms.

"Can I offer you a drink?" he asked as he opened a cabinet in the corner.

"Gin and tonic would be nice," answered Simon, sitting down.

"Coming up," said Lincoln, disappearing into the kitchen through an archway on the opposite side of the couch, and reappeared with a large bucket of ice. He dropped a couple cubes into two glasses, making Simon's drink in one, and pouring scotch into the other.

Lincoln sat down, smiling. "Here," he said, as he handed Simon his drink.

The high-end gin touched Simon's tongue, tasting fantastic, even better than what they served down at The Den. He set his glass down on the coffee table on top of a coaster.

"So...," started Simon, looking at Lincoln.

The lion grinned slyly. "In a hurry?"

"No, I suppose not," replied Simon, leaning back against the couch. For some reason, he felt uncomfortable. He'd been to posh surroundings before, been with richer clients. But being out of the business for good, now it felt awkward to be paid for sex.

"You look uneasy," said Lincoln, quietly, moving a little closer. "Need something? Something to eat? Maybe something else to relax?"

Simon raised up his glass. "Already got a drink."

Lincoln shook his head. "I meant something...else." He grabbed a wooden box off the table and opened it, revealing several small bags of white powder arranged side by side to one another.

The tiger looked up sharply. "Coke?"

"I didn't buy a glass table for no reason," laughed Lincoln. "Come on. A couple hits will get you going."

"I don't do that anymore," replied Simon, leaning away from the box of cocaine like it was a coiled cobra ready to strike. "Used to do meth but...not anymore."

Lincoln shrugged, tapping a bit out of one of the bags onto the crook of his paw, and sniffed it off. His eyes widened and he shook his head, then laughed. "Woo! Always a rush."

Simon said nothing, turning his attention back to his drink. This sort of thing wasn't new to him either. He had a low point in his life, when he had thrown himself away to methamphetamine. All his money he was getting from sucking and fucking went straight to his habit, and he had had to work hard to pull himself back out of it. The only thing worse than the habit was the cause of it in the first place.

"Would you like to see the backyard?" asked Lincoln.

"As long as we're not in a hurry, I suppose so," replied Simon.

The lion smirked. "Come with me. Bring your drink." Lincoln lead the way across the living room, opening the French doors to the balmy early summer air. Cicadas and frogs greeted them with the chorus of the night, and a full moon was coming over the palms. The yard extended off into darkness beyond the pool, encroached by ferns and palm trees. Lincoln clicked on the yard lights, illuminating the yard. Simon could now see delicate flowers and a wooden gazebo, with a small pond in the very rear.

"Just as nice as the rest of the house," remarked Simon, walking around the pool.

"I like to come out here at night," said Lincoln, sipping his drink. "Very peaceful."

Simon said nothing as he faced the rear of the yard, drinking his gin. Wind gently ruffled his fur, and brought the smell of hydrangeas and summer lilacs. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply.

"You're awfully quiet," observed Lincoln.

"I'm not usually paid to talk," replied Simon. "Just enjoying your garden."

"Comes at no small price, I can assure you," said Lincoln. "Have someone come by a couple times a week. All the joy, none of the fuss."

"Like hiring a whore," Simon muttered.

"What's that?" asked Lincoln.

Simon turned back to face him. "Looks great."

The lion smiled wryly. "Want to see the bedroom next?"

"I thought we weren't in a hurry?" asked Simon, with a slight grin of his own.

"We're not," answered Lincoln, opening the doors and letting Simon past him back into the villa. "But, why wait? We're going there anyway."

The two of them walked back through the living room to the lobby, and up the stairs to a hardwood hallway that lead down to several rooms. Track lighting cast subdued light over the hallway, lighting up a couple frescos that were hanging on the walls. At the end of the hall, Simon could see a large stained-glass window of a garden, which was just starting to catch moonlight across it.

"Here we are," said Lincoln, opening the last door on the left. "The 'boudoir,' such as it were."

The lion stepped aside and let Simon past him. The bedroom was just as immaculate as the rest of the villa. A large California king-size bed sat opposite the door, which was in front of a set of open bay windows that were letting the gentle breeze from outside in. Birds of paradise sat on either side of the bed in pots, flanking the mattress. The right wall was draped in a blue silk tapestry with a changing screen in front of it. The left had a door leading into a private bath; Simon could see a huge sunken tub and mirrors on all sides. A low dresser sat near one corner, a large floor mirror next to it. A walk in closet was situated next to the bathroom door. Lincoln snapped on the lights, and gentle track lighting above the bed came on.

"Spare no expense anywhere, do you?" asked Simon, walking towards the bed and running his paw over it. "Egyptian cotton?"

Lincoln nodded, coming into the room. "Nothing but the best." He put his paws on Simon's shoulders, the first time he actually had touched the tiger. "In all things." Simon closed his eyes and sipped his gin. He was content there until he heard the front doorbell ring.

"I'll be right back," whispered Lincoln. "Make yourself comfortable." With that, the lion disappeared from the room, his footfalls retreating down the hallway.

Simon sighed, sitting on the end of the bed, finishing his drink. He reached over and set the glass on a bedside table. He took off his shirt and jeans, pushing them to the side, left in his black silk boxers. Getting off the bed, he went over the dresser and grabbed a bottle of Versace cologne, spraying a bit onto himself. He went back over to the bed, lying down on his side, propping his head up on one paw. He could hear footsteps coming back down the hall, and could swear he heard two sets of voices.

The door opened again, and Lincoln stepped in with a slight-built cheetah behind him in black chinos and a purple button-up shirt. "Glad you could make it," Lincoln said to the cheetah as they walked in.

Simon sat up on the bed, looking at the two of them. "What's going on?"

"This is a friend of mine, Ryan," said Lincoln. "Figured since I was paying double the rate," he began, looking over at Ryan, "I should get double the fun."

"I don't know about this...," started Simon.

"Oh, come on," said Lincoln, coming towards the bed, Ryan behind him starting to undo his shirt. "One, two, does it matter?"

"I guess not...," replied Simon, hesitantly. He watched Lincoln smile and start to undress as well. Ryan was already down to his underwear. Simon looked the cheetah over. Thin, slightly toned, with golden eyes that sparkled with anticipation. He pulled his boxers down over his hips, revealing a plump sheath and loose testes. Simon took it all in, liking what he saw. Ryan winked at him and smiled when he caught the tiger looking.

Lincoln clearly worked out, and was the much more buffed of the two. Sinewy arms, hard chest, and the beginning of a six-pack all rounded out a pleasing package. Simon liked the look of Ryan more, but Lincoln gave off the domineering feeling that Simon responded to more. The lion was also nude, standing next to the bed, his sheath already slightly bulging and a bit of his cock peeking through his sheath slit. He had taken lions before, and the only rough part was when they withdrew, feeling their spines against him. It never permanently hurt him, but it was unpleasant.

The larger cat kneeled on the bed in front of Simon, grinning. Ryan sat next to the tiger on the opposite side, rubbing Simon's back. "How 'bout we get those boxers off?" whispered Ryan.

Simon hesitated, looking down. "O...okay." He lay onto his back and let Lincoln lift his legs into the air while Ryan worked his underwear off. He felt exposed, not having done anything like this in while. Several weeks had gone by since a full-on call; he'd had a few pawjobs and oral, but not this. He closed his eyes and tried to relax, wishing he'd had more to drink. Ryan's paws brushed over the tiger's sheath while getting his boxers off, and Simon knew from the grin on the cheetah's face it was on purpose. For some reason, he just couldn't get at ease. Not being someone's property anymore, not being pimped, just made him feel like he didn't want to sleep with someone he didn't like.

"You're just as cute as my friend said you were, and more," said Lincoln, rubbing his paws over Simon's stomach and inside of his legs. Ryan was more interested in Simon's ass, gently rubbing his paws over the tiger's butt, and occasionally straying up to the bottom of the tiger's balls. Simon took a sharp breath when he felt his balls being touched; nothing new to him, but just weird now for some reason.

"Which one of us will go first?" asked Ryan to Lincoln.

"I paid," replied Lincoln, fondling himself gently as he started to get erect. "I think I should go first." His paw drifted lower across Simon's body, pushing a finger gently against the tiger's tailhole. "I've been patiently waiting." He moved himself around in front of Simon, lifting his legs. "Maybe he can suck you off while I'm busy," he said to Ryan. "Are you ready?" he asked to Simon.

"I...um...," stammered Simon. "I just...need a moment..." He rolled his legs away from Lincoln and got off the bed, standing there.

"What's the problem?" asked Lincoln, slightly annoyed. "I thought you were a pro."

"I am...I was...," muttered Simon. "Look, I'm sorry, I don't know I can do this." He bent down to grab his clothes, balling them up. "Sorry. I'll bring your money back tomorrow."

"Wait!" exclaimed Lincoln, getting off the bed, walking towards Simon. "Wait, just stay, have some fun. Maybe you just need another drink or--"

"No!" shouted Simon. "I'm...sorry. I just don't want to do this anymore." He turned to walk to the door. "Again, I'm sorr--"

"You are pretty sorry," grumbled Lincoln, grabbing Simon's arm roughly. "Now, I paid, you little slut, and unless you got the cash in your pocket, you ain't going nowhere."

Simon frowned. "Let go of me." He face contorted in pain as Lincoln squeezed tighter. "Let go!" Lincoln said nothing, grabbing Simon's other arm, the tiger's clothes falling to the ground. "Let go! I said no!" yelled Simon. Lincoln strong-armed him back to the bed to the waiting Ryan, who was laid spread-eagle on the bed with an eight-inch erection. Lincoln pushed Simon down against Ryan, back first. Ryan pinned Simon's arms back, the cheetah having more strength than he looked. Simon squirmed against Ryan's grasp, feeling the cheetah erection brush against the inside of his legs.

"Now just settle down, and enjoy yourself," muttered Lincoln, rubbing himself. "It's going to happen one way or another, may as well have some fun."

"Let me go!" shouted Simon. "I don't want to do this!"

"Should have thought of that before you took the money," said Lincoln, kneeling down in front of Simon. He grabbed Simon's ankles and lifted them up, exposing Simon's pink tailhole. "I guess you're going first after all, Ryan."

The cheetah laughed a bit and smiled. "I'm ready."

With Lincoln's help, Ryan's cock was guided towards Simon's tailhole. Simon resisted as best he could, but with Ryan holding his arms back and Lincoln on his legs, the tiger couldn't go anywhere. All he could see was Lincoln's leering face, and feel Ryan's breath against the nape of his neck. He grunted and twisted, but it was to no avail, and he felt Ryan's cockhead against his pucker, the lion on top of him helping Ryan in while holding the cheetah's penis by the base. It gently sunk into Simon's ass, the tiger grunting as it did, then crying out as he was spread open after a couple weeks of inactivity. A small part of him enjoyed the feeling of being filled again, but he didn't want it like this. He couldn't fight it, he just gently took in all of the cheetah, relaxing himself to accommodate the feline's girth. He was breathing heavily as Ryan hilted up in him. The cheetah started to thrust up into Simon, his maleness coming out of the tiger and then disappearing right back inside.

"There, was that so bad?" asked Lincoln, sarcastically.

"Fuck you," spat Simon.

"No, I think I'll fuck you," retorted Lincoln, bringing himself closer, straddling Ryan's legs, pushing Simon's legs up further. He could see Ryan's cock buried in Simon's tailhole, and that made him even hornier. His own nine-inch cock was throbbing with anticipation. He came closer, Simon yelling in protest.

"What are you going to do!?" asked Simon, trying to see.

"Two for the price of one," whispered Lincoln. He pushed his cock up along Ryan's, his cock starting to nestle in between Ryan's penis and Simon's tailhole. Simon's jaw hung slack, his eyes squeezed shut, and despite himself he was hard. Lincoln slowly brought himself into Simon along with Ryan, both of them spearing the tiger simultaneously. Lincoln grinned as he managed to get all himself inside, feeling the hard throb of his friend's shaft against himself and the cloying warmth of Simon's inside. It made for a fantastic combination, one he'd never had before. He started to thrust, and felt Ryan's cock sliding against his, feeling it pulse on his own shaft.

Simon had stopped squirming, still not willing, but enjoying the new feeling. But he felt used and violated, not able to fully enjoy himself. He had never had two males inside him before; two at the same time, but not in him at the same time. He knew Lincoln was humping into him, and then he felt Ryan start, the two of them synching their thrusts with one another, their combined girths spreading Simon wide open, then letting him relax when they retracted before sliding back in together.

"Mmmf, so tight...," murmured Lincoln, bending over Simon, bracing himself on the bed. "You're so good."

"Please, stop...," begged Simon.

"I love when they beg," said the lion, as if he'd never heard the tiger's pleas, thrusting harder. The underside of his shaft felt so tantalized as Ryan's cock touched him, stimulating him in a way that just fucking someone had never achieved before. Simon felt the two of them in so deep, both of their heads were stroking his prostate with every thrust, and his cockslit was slowly leaking out precum. Despite the pain and embarrassment, he wanted to touch himself. Over his shoulder, he could hear Ryan's breath coming in ragged gasps as he humped into Simon, his vice-like grip on the tiger tightening as he was more worked up. Simon cried out, and that just seemed to spurn the two felines inside him on.

"Looks like someone is enjoying this," taunted Lincoln, looking down at Simon's erection, laughing a bit, "despite saying otherwise." He caressed the tiger's penis a bit, rubbing it and taking some of Simon's precum on his finger and bringing it to his muzzle for a taste, licking it off with a content sigh, enjoying the salty tang. "Delicious." Simon just glared at the lion.

Underneath the tiger, Ryan brought his muzzle down on Simon's shoulder, biting down hard. Simon cried out again, flinching away from the bite, but wasn't going anywhere with the cheetah holding him down and Lincoln on top of him. Ryan's fangs sunk into his shoulder, painful yet delightful at the same time. Simon did enjoy being bit, but not usually this hard. It sent waves of sensation through his body, meeting the feeling from his groin and ass. The two combined were almost unbearable to him, not from pain, but bordering more on pleasure. He still didn't want to be in the position he was, but the new senses that were being brought on were just too much to ignore.

"Think our friend is finally getting into it," Lincoln spoke softly, to none of the two in particular. Ryan merely replied with a growl as best he could through his teeth and Simon's shoulder. Clearly he was enjoying himself as he started to hump faster. Lincoln was almost having a hard time keeping up, his sex propelling him along. His breath was coming in ragged gasps as he filled Simon up along with the cheetah beneath the tiger. Ryan's cock pulsed and twinged against his, engorged as the cheetah's orgasm was starting to approach. Lincoln closed his eyes and breathed deeply, listening to Ryan's own breathing and Simon's whimpers. The smaller tiger had stopped thrashing, and was now just waiting for it to be over. Lincoln had sort of liked the protesting, and the anger, but being able to finish in peace was also nice.

"Gonna cum right up your ass," whispered Lincoln, arching his back and burying himself inside the tiger as deep as he could. "Right up...your ass..." Simon said nothing in return, bunching up the covers tightly in his paws and bearing it.

Of the two of them, Ryan came first. Lincoln could feel the cheetah's cock pulse against his, and a bit of the other feline's semen dripping over his own, the only hotter than the inside of Simon's ass. Ryan bit down harder on Simon's shoulder, eliciting another yowl from Simon as pinpricks of blood showed in his fur from Ryan's fangs. The lion was spurred on further by feeling his friend's orgasm, and hearing Simon. His own cock began to twitch as his seed began to pump up through his shaft, and through his cockhead, releasing into the tiger beneath him. Quietly gasping, his unloaded into Simon, his cum splashing the inside of Simon and a bit of Ryan's penis. The feeling of numbness afterward claimed his cock, and he just felt good. Ryan was laid out beneath Simon, panting, his chest heaving. Simon was just staring upwards.

Lincoln gently withdrew himself from Simon, then Ryan pulled his cock out. Lincoln reached down and grabbed Simon, dragging him off Ryan and dropping him roughly on the floor. Simon's cock dripped semen on the floor, along with a few ropes coming off of Lincoln's penis. The lion reached over into the side dresser and removed a stack of bills, throwing them at Simon. "Here."

The tiger looked up at the lion. "I don't want it." He tossed the money aside, standing up.

"Suit yourself," replied Lincoln. "You know where the door is."

Simon bent down and grabbed his clothes, turning after he did. "I hope you realize I'll be going to the police."

Lincoln smiled in return; a cold, unfeeling smile. "I hope you realize you're a slut, and my father is a very powerful, very rich lawyer. Call the police all you want."

Simon said nothing else, knowing the lion was right. He could see the cheetah lying across the bed behind Lincoln, smiling and flicking his tail, still obviously hard. The tiger shook his head in disgust and went down the hallway, pulling his boxers on. He had the pants on and was pulling his shirt back on as he was running across the lobby, flinging open the door, and going back into the summer air. He didn't stop until he was back in his car, with the doors locked, and he was driving down the street. Pulling onto Oceanside Drive, one of the main roads, he rolled his window down, letting fresh air roll over him. Taking a deep breath, he started to cry, all his humiliation washing over him at once. He wiped his eyes, his vision blurring. He couldn't quite make out the road, couldn't see the edge, but felt his car lurch as it went off the road and into a ditch.


Zach flipped on the windshield wipers as fat drops of rain began to fall from the sky. He sighed irritably. He had decided to go for a drive after restlessly pacing around the condo for a bit. But now he wished he had stayed home in the first place. He hated driving in the rain. There was no real problem with it, he just didn't like to get wet. The road already had a sheen from his headlights as water fell across in front of him.

The rain coming down in sheets now, he just wanted to get home. Through the rain and want to get home, he barely noticed the tail lights in the ditch on the side of the road. He could see a car down in the ditch, and someone in the driver's seat. He sighed, slowing down. He didn't like to get involved in someone else's problems, but the public servant side of him wouldn't let him keep going. Stopping the car, he pulled to the side of road. He grabbed a flashlight from the glovebox, and, grudgingly, stepped into the rain.

Rain pelted him in the head as he walked back down the road, clicking on his flashlight. For once, he was glad he had his waterproof work boots on still. He got near the edge of the road, shining his light over the car. He could still hear the engine running, and it didn't look like it was too bad a shape. Probably a skid on the wet pavement and was stuck. He could barely discern the driver behind the wheel; he looked like a tiger.

"Hello!?" called Zach from the top of the ditch. "Are you okay!?"

The driver turned in his seat, hiding his eyes from the light. He cracked the window slightly. "I'm fine. Really. Please, just...leave me."

Zach groaned ad rolled his eyes. "Look, you need a cellphone or something? You look a little too stuck to just push out." The ditch wasn't deep, maybe four feet, but the car was at a weird angle, and the mud was going to make it worse.

"No, I-I...," started the tiger, and his voice cracked. "I'm fine." He sniffled.

Zach frowned, having seen plenty of furs with this same attitude and outward signs; something was very wrong. He crouched down near the edge, and hopped into the ditch, his boots splashing in water. Walking over to the car, he could see it was braced against the roadside bank and the far bank, still about a foot and a half off the bottom of he ditch. Zach came to the driver's side, his towering frame still able to see into the car.

"Sure you don't want some help?" asked Zach, water sluicing over his head. The driver looked over, his eyes bloodshot. "I have roadside assistance. Get a tow truck here."

The other tiger sniffed again. "O-okay."

"Come on," urged Zach, "I'll help you down."

The smaller tiger opened the driver's side door, and, taking Zach's much larger paw, hopped down to the wet earth below. The drainage ditch was already beginning to fill as the storm showed no signs of letting up.

"We can sit in my car," suggested Zach, flatly. He didn't like the idea of a stranger in his car, but at this point, he was already in. Plus he didn't feel like getting more wet than he already was, if that was possible. The smaller cat nodded in agreement at the idea. Zach climbed his way back out of the ditch, turning to give the shorter tiger and hand up. His paw felt so diminutive in Zach's, almost disappearing within. Giving the smaller tiger a sharp pull upward, Zach pulled him up onto the road. The Bengal tiger rubbed at his arm as Zach turned and started walking for the car.

"You can sit in the passenger side," murmured Zach. He had a knee-jerk reaction to put the tiger in the backseat, but fought the habit. His mind also drifted to his Beretta in the trunk, but decided against that as well. The innate feelings of mistrust he had for everyone were just as hard to fight off as his training. He walked around the car and got into the driver's side, closing the door against the rain. Saying nothing he flipped on the vents to help dry them off before dialing his phone and calling for the tow truck.

"Thank you," said the younger tiger as Zach hung up.

"It's not a problem," replied Zach, quietly.

The other tiger looked over. "What's your name?"

The white tiger hesitated for a moment. "Zach."

"I'm Simon," offered the younger one. "I guess I'm glad you stumbled along. Been sort of a rough night."

"I could tell," murmured Zach. He really didn't want to hear about someone else's problems. He had heard so many, from so many furs. Everyone had their own problems without being burdened with another's.

Simon shivered and pressed his paws closer to the vents. "Still a little cold?" asked Zach, turning up the heat. Simon nodded gratefully and settled in against the warmth.

"Gonna be almost an hour before the truck shows," said Zach, turning on the windshield wipers. "There's a small cafe not far from here."

Simon didn't really want to be in public with anyone right now, but being stuck in a car by the side of the road wasn't much of a better alternative. "O...okay."

Putting the car in gear, Zach pulled away from the side of the road and drove for the cafe. The smaller tiger just slouched in the seat next to him, and almost seemed to be trying to make himself into a ball, fidgeting with his paws and the end of his tail. More of the nervous ticks Zach had seen sitting in hospitals and standing by the side of the road.

Seeing the neon sign for the cafe, he pulled into the parking lot. He could see the lights of the city not far away. They were still between the residential and city areas. Zach did sometimes like the suburban area better, where he could go for a walk and not worry about waiting for a crosswalk to change the light, or listen to the honks of motorists. Stepping from the car, he noticed the rain had let up to a fine mist. Figures, he thought to himself. He looked over at Simon getting from the car, nervously looking around and holding one of his arms, rubbing his paw up and down.

"Okay over there?" asked Zach.

Simon nodded wordlessly, walking for the cafe. Zach fell in step behind him, going through the door after Simon. The cafe was mostly empty when they got inside. Given the time of night, Zach wasn't surprised. It was almost nine o'clock, and only the night hawks were out. A couple of furs at the counter turned to look at them, and then went back to staring into their coffee.

"I was expecting more of a Starbucks sort of thing," remarked Simon, looking around.

Zach shrugged. "Can't get a cup of coffee for a dollar at Starbucks." Zach actually liked the charm of the small-town cafe. He could still smell the greasy cooking range in the back from the dinner rush earlier. "Come on." He led Simon to a small booth in the corner, that had chairs on one side and a booth on the other. Simon sat on the booth side, Zach the chair side. The waitress came by, an older collie, taking their orders, which were just two cups of coffee. She walked off without another word, leaving the two of them alone. They say in silence, neither of them saying anything; Zach looking over the cafe, and Simon staring at the table top and tracing lazy circles with his finger.

"Thanks for stopping," whispered Simon, at length. "I don't have a cell phone, so...I could have been there for awhile."

Zach looked back at the orange tiger, and met him right in the eyes. "It's okay. I don't mind stopping to help when someone needs it."

"You don't seem like you were too thrilled to stop," mumbled Simon.

Zach raised an eyebrow. "Sorry."

Simon smiled, but one that Zach knew was completely hollow. "It's okay," the Bengal tiger said. "I'm just glad you stopped at all."

"You didn't look too thrilled when I showed up either," remarked Zach.

Simon looked away again. "Rough night." The waitress came back over with their coffee, setting down the mugs and walking away again. Zach sipped his, getting the bottom-of-pot, last-cup-of-the-day taste he was expecting. He drank it straight up while Simon added some creamer to his.

Zach sighed. "So what happened?"

Simon took a quick sip, curled his lip and pushed it aside. "I don't think you really want to hear about it."

Zach leaned forward. "Try me."

Shifting in his chair uncomfortably, Simon rubbed the back of his paw. "I...I am...was an 'escort,' shall we say. Earlier this evening, I went on one last job, I guess I could put it. When I got there, he invited a friend, and I tried to say no, but they...he...they..." His eyes brimmed with tears, and his paw was bunched into a tight fist. "I just needed the money..." He sniffed, wiping his eyes.

Zach sipped his coffee again. A story he had heard before, over and over, from so many males and females. The darkest side of their chosen profession; getting raped when they show up to their job. Of course, afterward it was always said that they paid, and the 'escort' was there voluntarily. But the minute that 'no' was uttered, it became rape. He was always disgusted that most of the time the law didn't see it that way. Who wanted to waste manpower and resources on a whore?

"It's okay," said Zach, quietly.

"No it's not!" blurted Simon suddenly, looking up. He looked over at the waitress and patrons at the counter awkwardly, slouching into his seat. "...Sorry."

The white tiger said nothing as his phone buzzed. He flipped it open, checking a text message. "Tow truck is back down the street. Came quicker than expected."

Simon nodded, wiping his eyes again. "You want to go?" asked Zach.


The two of them got up, Zach leaving a five on the table to pay, and they went back outside into the cool night air. The rain had stopped and it smelled of fresh wetness and damp grass. The two of them got back into the car, Zach starting the car. He was caught off-guard when Simon leaned against him, burying his face against Zach's shoulder. The Bengal tiger sobbed quietly, pressing his fists against Zach's chest.

"It's okay," said Zach. "It's okay," he repeated, putting his paw on Simon's shoulder. "It's over." He turned a bit in his seat, letting Simon push his face into Zach's broad chest. Simon cried loudly, letting it all out, tears running down his cheeks while Zach stroked his back, and gently whispered to him.


The winch whirred as the tow truck pulled Simon's car out of the ditch, gingerly getting it back on the road without scraping it on the edge of the road with the odd angle the car was stuck at. Zach stood by the truck, watching the driver, a dalmatian, do his work.

"So this's your car, huh?" asked the dal as the car finished its climb back to the road.

"Yeah, sure," answered Zach. Technically, his roadside only applied to his own car, but since they didn't write the car information down anywhere, it was easy to fool them usually. He looked back at Simon, who was still in Zach's car. The tiger was just hunched over, looking down at the floor. He looked positively miserable.

The dal reached over and unlatched the car as he finished. "You're all set, sir."

"Thanks," replied Zach, taking his wallet out and extracting a couple twenties and handing them to the driver. He nodded in thanks and got back into the cab of his tow-truck, driving off. Zach walked back down the road to his own car, checking his watch; almost nine. So much for scotch and a book.

He knocked on the window, and Simon opened the door, looking up at Zach with bloodshot eyes. "It's all set," said Zach, motioning to Simon's car.

Simon got out of the car, wiping his eyes again. "Thanks, again. Really, I...I don't know what I would have done out here by myself. Probably still be sitting in the driver's seat."

The Siberian tiger stared back impassively. "Just did what was right." He stepped aside and let Simon out, who closed the door behind him.

"Are you a cop or something?" asked Simon, suddenly.

Zach looked off, and sighed. "Something like that." He walked back around to the driver's side of the car. "So long."

The Bengal tiger turned to walk away. He stopped after a couple paces, balling up his fists as realization struck him. This was the same male from the bar! He had been so miserable and lost in himself he hadn't noticed right away. Spinning around, he looked back at Zach. It was definitely him. There couldn't that many towering masses of tiger walking around town. There was no way lightning could strike a third time, it would be now or never.

"Wait!" called Simon, coming back towards the car. Zach stopped midway getting into the car, looking over at Simon. The tiger came back to the car and stopped, suddenly self-conscious again. Simon just looked down at the ground again, rubbing his arm. "Um...could I call you sometime? Maybe?"

Zach frowned in confusion. "There's rape hotlines, they'd be better able to give you what you want."

Simon didn't say anything. Zach's frowned changed to a softer expression. The smaller tiger didn't want a rape hotline, he wanted a friend. Zach just didn't know how he fit into that role. "Sure," Zach finally said, at length. His number one rule had always been 'don't get involved,' but rules were made to be broken. Taking a piece of paper from his pocket and pen, he scribbled it down and handed it to Simon.

"I've probably kept you out longer than you wanted," mumbled Simon, as he took the paper. "I'm sorry."

"S'okay," assured Zach. "It's my day off tomorrow."

"Good to know," said Simon, trying another smile, but still didn't really feel it. "Um...guess I should finally let you go."

Zach nodded and got in his car this time. He was already questioning whether it was a good idea to give his number to an ex-prostitute he met by the side of the road that told him he was just raped. But it was too late now, and as he drove away, he realized he would just have to live with whatever happened.

Simon just watched as the tail light faded as the white tiger drove off, standing there in the middle of the road. He was almost sad to see Zach go, which he found odd as he'd only known the Siberian tiger for only a short time. Simon just missed him. Maybe it was having the company, but it was more the tiger himself. Despite being distant, he hadn't seemed mean; just more empty. Like he was carrying a pain with him.

He walked back to his car, getting in. He still felt awful from the night's events, but somehow, after being with the white tiger, he felt better. Despite knowing he would be crying again before the night was over, he was ready to at least get himself. Putting the car in reverse, he pulled a K-turn and headed towards the city, towards home. He looked over at the number scrawled on the paper on the seat next to him. Picking it up, he tucked it into his shirt pocket, to make sure he didn't lose it. He would never let that number get away from him.


As he walked down the steps to his apartment, Simon grabbed the handrail, mindful of the slippery steps. His keys jingled as he took them from his pocket and undid the lock, stepping inside. The apartment was below-ground, all his windows at street level. It didn't make for the greatest view in the world, but the price was right. Clicking on the overhead light, which was just a naked bulb, he closed the door. His two-room apartment looked even smaller than usual. The living lead right off to the bedroom, which had an attached bathroom. In one corner of the living room was a very small kitchen efficiency. He had picked up furniture here and there whenever he could; from Goodwill, the side of the road, other furs that didn't want it anymore. The yellowed walls were barren, and the floor had a mish-mash of area rugs over it. A pock-marked coffee table sat in between his couch and chair, with an old, small flat-screen TV nearby.

In all his years as a prostitute, he had never brought a client back here. It was rare that any of them even asked to go to his place, preferring a private residence or hotel of their choosing. On occasion even just a backseat of a car. The ones that did ask to go to his place, he either politely declined, or paid for a hotel out of pocket. His cut from his clients had been about two hundred per fur. But despite that, he had never been able to get into a better place. His current rent was three-hundred a month, and was about what he was willing and able to pay. So he had stuck with it, telling himself someday he'd be in a better place. That had been when he was 16.

Sitting down on the couch, he sighed. He didn't know what he was going to do with his life now, where to even go about a real job. He'd never even applied for another job in his life. He had a bit of money left after college, and though he hated the sight of it, the five-hundred Lincoln gave him would also help out. Simon mentally kicked himself for leaving the other five-hundred behind after all he went through; but he didn't want that lion's money anyway.

He heard a gentle crumple, and reached into his shirt pocket, pulling out Zach's number. Gingerly, he set it on the coffee table, as though it were made of fine glass and would break if handled too roughly. Simon just stared at it for a moment; seven little digits had never meant so much too him and seemed so imposing. How would he even go about calling the white tiger? He had only seen him at a gay bar, and for all he knew, that guy Zach was with was his boyfriend. A part of him hoped not though. He was attracted to the other tiger, a feeling of infatuation that was new to him. On occasion he had been attracted to clients. But not this immediate, or this level. Zach had been so dominant, and in control without being commanding. And despite his cool attitude, he had been comforting to Simon. What Simon really wanted was to feel those arms around him again. He lay back on the couch, and imagined being held by Zach; consoled and whispered assurances like he was earlier. The tiger sighed, putting his arm over his eyes, content to fantasize about it and block out everything else.


A day had passed since Zach had met the tiger on the side of the road. A part of him was curious if Simon really would ever call. Maybe he got home and realized he didn't really need someone to reach out to. Or just didn't want to call anymore. Zach didn't have the Bengal tiger's number, so he couldn't call Simon.

He walked to his sliding glass doors and out onto the balcony, holding a mug of coffee. The sun had been up for a few hours, the city coming alive. Even in early summer, he liked coffee. Not the caffeine, nor the warmth, but just the everyday routine; that it was the beginning of a new day. Being his day off, it was always full of possibility. He never really made plans too far in advance; whatever he felt like going out to do, he did. Or if he wanted to stay in with a book and a drink, that was fine, too. The tiger didn't consider himself an intellectual; on occasion, he enjoyed William Blake or Goethe. He enjoyed mostly mysteries, though he was never sure if he really liked them or if it just reminded him of days since passed.

Stepping back in from the balcony, walking across the living room, he went to the kitchen, grabbing a banana. He gently peeled it and went back to the living room, sitting down on his couch. His newest book was on the coffee table, and one he had been meaning to read for awhile, 'Paradise Lost.' Normally he was never much one for what other considered 'classic,' but it was a plot line and idea that appealed to him for some reason.

While he ate breakfast, and flipped open his book, his phone rang. He looked up sharply at it. The sound was almost foreign to him, hardly anyone called. The only calls he usually got were from work, or Jason. Setting his book down, he picked up the cellphone and looked at the ID. Definitely not work or Jason. Flipping it open, he brought it to his ear and said, "Hello?" No one replied, but he could definitely hear breathing on the other end of the line. "Hello?" he repeated.

"Hi," came a quiet voice finally. He recognized it as Simon's.

Zach took a deep breath. "I was wondering if you would be calling. When you didn't yesterday, I figured you weren't going to bother."

A long silence persisted. Then Simon spoke, "It was a rough day yesterday. I wanted to call and talk, but...I didn't want to be a bother."

"It's all right," said Zach, neutrally. "Is that why you called?"

"Not exactly," replied Simon, hesitantly. Zach could hear the nervous edge to his voice. "I sort of wanted to repay you...for the other night. Could I take you dinner tonight?"

Zach didn't reply immediately. He balled his fist, and relaxed it, a nervous tick he'd had for years. He was being asked to dinner by a former prostitute that he just happened to help with car trouble. That he had even given his number up so freely was so out of character for him, but now to go to dinner with this male. He had been expecting maybe a phone call or two, talk him through a bit of it until Simon was ready to call a rape line. This he hadn't been expecting. But, he was an ex-prostitute, and seemed to have no malicious will. His gut instinct said no, but what came from his muzzle was, "Sure."

Simon breathed a sigh of relief over the phone. "Anywhere you want to go, it's on me."

The white tiger thought for a moment. "There's a sushi place I really like to go to, 'House of Flying Leaves.' Little expensive..."

"Wherever you want, really," said Simon. "I can't begin to thank you enough. What time then?"

"I'm not picky," replied Zach. "Six-thirty?"

"All right," agreed Simon. "Want to meet there?"

"Do you know how to get there?" asked Zach.

"No, now that you mention it," answered Simon, dejectedly.

The white tiger sighed again. "Why don't you come here then? I'm not far from the highway."

"If you really don't mind...," began Simon.

"It's fine," Zach said abruptly. "You're paying for dinner after all."

Simon laughed a little; and unlike the other night, this one sounded closer to real. "Okay."

"Get something to write on; I'll give you directions."


Simon hung up, and almost couldn't stop smiling. Despite what had happened recently, he felt like things might actually be going his way. The white tiger had seemed hesitant about going, but Simon gathered that was just his personality. Strong willed, determined, helpful, but distant at the same time. But what remembered most were those strong arms wrapped around him, and how it made everything seem okay.

In the back of his mind, he was still replaying over and over the other night. Though he had been with so many males over his life, when that other male had walked in, it had become too much. It had gone from a quick money maker, to his past life, and that had been too much. At the time, he hadn't known why it bothered him so much. Now, however, it was clear to him now. Simon never wanted anything to do with what he had done before. He wanted his new life, and part of that meant sleeping with who he wanted, not who could bring the cash.

He glanced over at an old, dingy, yellowed clock he had on the wall. It was only ten o'clock, but six would come fast. Simon wanted to be as perfect as he could before going to meet with Zach. This wasn't a date, but he still wanted it to be perfect.

Walking through his bedroom, he moved around the small mattress he had on the floor, past the bare, peeling walls, and into the bathroom. He had done what he could when he had first moved in when he started college; cleaned the grout, scrubbed the tub and toilet. But everything maintained a yellowish stain to it that was never coming out. Stripping nude, he looked at himself in a full-body mirror he had hung on one wall. Thin, with a bit of tone, thick, soft fur. His pimp had kept him in good shape, insisting he go to the gym and eat well. Simon was almost going to miss that part. But what went with it just wasn't worth it. At one time, he had lived in sort of a communal home, mostly for the males that had no real place to live that were in the employ of his former pimp. They all actually went to high school if they were of the age that required it, and got their cut of the money, and were fed if they weren't buying their own.

But Simon had moved out when he was able. It was the attitude there he couldn't take. So many of them just teenagers, and resigned to, or even embracing, the whole thing. And when the lights went out, it was even worse; the sucking and fucking that went on all night, 'practice,' some of them called it. Simon had been asked to join in on occasion, and he always refused; for some reason, that just seemed to make them all want him more. To get a taste of what they couldn't have. He had left before anyone could act on the urge, though.

Turning on the water, he stepped under the water, wetting his fur. He always liked showers. Made him feel clean, purified. He had always made it a point to shower after sex; the smell and the fluids had always reminded him of what he had done. Even though it was his income, and for a long time his life, it didn't mean he had to be proud of it.

While he stood under the water, his mind drifted over his last client, over Zach, what he was going to do for money. So many things intruded in his mind. Tonight, however, would only be about forgetting all that for a bit, and enjoying himself with, hopefully, a new friend.


Zach sat down, bouncing his footpaw in anticipation. It was already almost six, and he was waiting for Simon to show up. He had dressed up, putting on his pressed khakis and a midnight-blue button up shirt. A pair of black dress shoes sat nearby, but he liked to his feet stay free as long as possible. He rubbed absently at the bottom of his footpaws.

When his buzzer went off, Zach looked over at the door. Zach had called down to the lobby for the doorman to let any guests for him right in. Getting to his feet, he went and opened the door. The Bengal tiger stood on the other side, with his hands clasped behind his back and looking nervous. Simon was wearing black chinos and a black and white striped polo. The difference from the other night was amazing; Zach couldn't even believe he was looking at the same male.

"Hi," Simon timidly said. He looked at Zach awkwardly for a moment.

"Oh," mumbled Zach, stepping aside. "Come in."

Simon nodded, and walked past Zach. He looked around in awe. While not as big as Lincoln's, the condo spoke of money, and someone with style. It wasn't overblown, and in your face, like a rare painting on the wall. Understated, subtle.

"I like your place," Simon said, quietly.

Zach walked past him, his big feet thudding gently on the hardwood. "Place to come home to, at least."

"Wish my apartment was this nice," murmured Simon.

"Where do you live?" asked Zach, grabbing his shoes and starting to put them on.

Simon hesitated for a moment. "On the South side, closer to Costa Verde."

Zach nodded, saying nothing. Despite the pleasant name, Costa Verde was mostly known for whores, drug trafficking, and gangs. Simon saw the brief frown pass over Zach's face. "But, I'm planning on moving out once I get some money from a job," added Simon quickly,

The white tiger said nothing still for a moment. "Lot of investigations lead there, and then went cold. Everything disappears in Costa Verde."

"So you did used to be a cop," remarked Simon.

"A long time ago," replied Zach. "Another lifetime."

Simon nodded. "Another lifetime..." He watched Zach put his shoes on for a moment. "Anything you ever talk about from then?"

"No," Zach answered, flatly. He stood, straightening his shirt. "Ready?"

Simon didn't say anything, just following Zach into the hall and elevator, riding down to the garage. Zach nodded to the doorman as they walked past, heading for Zach's Mustang. The other night, Simon had hardly noticed what a nice car the other tiger drove. Just like how he hadn't recognized Zach from the bar, he had been so wrapped up in himself. Now he was actually able to enjoy it. The way the car revved and purred when Zach started it, the way it handled, and how Zach looked behind the wheel. He was awash in ambient blue light from the dash lights, giving his white fur a sky-blue look. As they pulled out of the garage, Simon could see the sun setting, light glittering in between the sky scrapers and high rises around them. This area of town was so much different from where he lived. No trashy apartments that charged by the hour, or project housing. His fondest wish was to live here some day.

"I was a captain," Zach said suddenly.

Simon looked over at him. "What?"

"In the police force, I was a captain. SWAT," continued Zach. "I left a few years ago, and got my job I have now."

"What's that?" asked Simon, as Zach drove on.

"I work over at the military base," replied Zach, taking a gentle turn and continuing on. "Civilian guard; basically MP without the potential of being shipped overseas."

Simon nodded, taking it all in. It was apparently all Zach was willing to disclose at the moment, because he went back to being quiet and just driving. They were near the main strip of the city, adjacent to the night clubs and bars. The Den was actually not far from where they were. But Zach was going away from them, to a smaller main street. Simon recognized the area as being near the mall. He could faintly make out the lights on the opposite side of the highway next to them of the mall. But Zach kept going to a small restaurant lot, pulling in. It was a smaller place, with a pagoda-like decor on the front. Simon assumed this was the place the white tiger had been referring to.

"Looks like a nice place," remarked Simon, as Zach pulled into a parking spot and turned the car off.

"Best sushi in town," said Zach, opening the door and getting out. Simon followed suit, stepping from the Mustang. The air was cool again, and getting more so as the sun dipped over the horizon, gently ushering in the night. Stars were just beginning to dot the horizon, and a half moon was starting to ascend to the heavens.

The Siberian tiger opened the door, holding it for Simon, the two of them stepping inside. Simon was surprised at how large the restaurant was. It had seemed so small from inside, but inside was much more spacious, even having a second floor to it. Most of it was taken up with hibachi grill tables in the middle, with private rooms on the outside with sliding doors. On the right end was the sushi bar against one wall, and several tables for patrons who didn't want to sit at the bar or wait for the hibachi to be cooked. Next to the sushi bar was a small rock garden, properly trimmed and kept in order. Zach walked over for the sushi bar, Simon following suit. They sat down right in the middle, the chef, a kangaroo, just finishing another order to send to one of the hibachi tables. He nodded at Zach and Simon, who waited patiently.

"This place is fantastic," said Simon, looking around. He had never really been to such an elegant place. Maybe once or twice his clients had taken him to dinner first, but those had been few and far between.

"I recommend the crab or tuna, if you've never had it before," remarked Zach, cursory looking over the menu.

"I have once or twice," replied Simon, looking over the menu. He didn't want Zach to think he was ignorant about these sorts of things. The truth was, he had sushi once before, but it was from a grocery store that one of his clients had left over. At the time he hadn't eaten in a couple days, and food was food. It hadn't been bad, and he had wanted to try the real, fresh thing.

"What can I get for you?" asked the chef, coming over to them.

Zach looked over at Simon, raising a questioning eyebrow. "Um...why don't you order for me?"

Zach turned back to the chef and requested a couple rolls for them. The chef nodded and set to work, cutting the meat, preparing the rice, and starting to roll it all together. Zach sat and sipped on a glass of water the waiter had brought, remaining taciturn. "How were you...after the other night?" asked Zach, suddenly.

Simon took a deep breath, almost forgetting the way they had met. Now he almost felt embarrassed. "Fine...I'm, fine."

The white tiger nodded, saying nothing else. Simon took a deep breath, letting it go slowly. What Zach must have really thought about him. Ex-prostitute who got raped and on the side of the road completely out of his mind. He hated himself at that moment. He hated his past, his choices, everything. He especially hated that he didn't have the confidence in himself to realize none of that was his fault or decision.

"I probably should've asked if you were allergic to fish first," murmured Zach, putting his glass down.

Simon shook his head. "No, I'm not." He thought maybe he should have said he was, so that they would leave, and he could go home. This whole thing was a stupid idea. There was no way Zach would ever have an interest in him, let alone want to date him. They were probably only here because Simon offered to pay.

"You seem nervous," Zach said, quietly.

"Um, no...no, not really," replied Simon, concentrating on keeping his paws still.

Zach said nothing else. He said something to the chef that Simon didn't understand. The chef nodded, and squirted some sort of sauce on top of the roll before starting to cut it into pieces.

"You speak Japanese?" asked Simon, surprised.

"Korean, actually," answered Zach. "Just a little I picked up in the military. The sushi bars were the only places I would eat off-base because they were the easiest to tell if the food was fresh or not."

"And you were in Korea?" asked Simon.

"No, Japan. Camp Zama, in Kangawa," said Zach. "But there were some Koreans working in the sushi places, and one in particular I got along with."

Simon just thought for a moment. "Sounds fun."

The white tiger shrugged. "It was better than the alternative."

The Bengal tiger didn't say anything for a moment. "What was that?"

"Staying home," answered Zach, flatly. As he said that, the chef came down to them and handed a couple plates over the counter. One had several individual pieces on it, and the other had two rolls on it. The Siberian tiger took them, thanking the roo. The roo bowed slightly at the waist and went on to someone else's order.

"Try the crab and tuna," said Zach, pointing to a couple pieces for Simon. "And the white fish roll is good, too. I asked him to put a spicy sauce on it, I hope it won't be too much for you."

Simon nodded, taking what Zach pointed out. He watched, fascinated, as Zach took a set of chop-sticks and picked up one of his pieces, tilapia as Simon recalled Zach had told him, and popped it in whole. Simon tried to follow suit, mimicking Zach's holding of the chopsticks, but couldn't quite get it. Simon looked over at Zach, embarrassed again.

"Here," said Zach, adjusting the sticks in Simon's paw. The orange tiger watched as Zach arranged the sticks for him. More he was enjoying having Zach touch him again. He was so distracted, it took him an extra moment or two to get the process for it. But it only took a try or two before he got the, now mangled, piece of sushi in his muzzle. It did taste delicious, so much better than old grocery sushi. Somehow different than what he expected; nothing like fish after being cooked. His embarrassments were forgotten for the moment as they ate together.

"These are actually really good," Simon remarked, eating another.

Zach just nodded, taking in a piece of the white fish roll. Simon wasn't the first fur he had brought here. He came a lot on 'dates' before he went home to bed someone. It was nice place without being over the top. None of them had ever been a real date, however; he had never seen anyone that he had sex with again. So far, he still wasn't sure what he was making of Simon. The tiger seemed nice enough, and had been pretty quiet the entire time. The Bengal tiger was eating another piece of crab sushi, enjoying it intensely, Zach could tell. Oddly, he had never cared before about whether or not his 'partners' were enjoying themselves, just ready for what was going to happen afterward. But this time, he was happy Simon was liking the food.

When the two of them were finished, Zach ordered a cup of green tea to relax with afterward. The warmth soothed him, and complimented the meal well. The white tiger sighed contentedly while Simon dug out money from his pocket to pay the bill. The waiter took the bill and cash, while Simon left a tip for the chef in a small glass bowl on the sushi bar.

"So," started Simon, "what did you want to do next?"

Zach shrugged. "Your car is back at my place; have to at least go there to get it."

Simon's ears went flat against his head. "Oh. Just...want to be done, then?"

The Siberian tiger looked over at the smaller tiger, who was looking down at the counter in front of them. Zach sighed deeply. "Did you want to come up when we get back?"

"Not if you don't want me to...," mumbled Simon. "It's okay, I did just promise dinner. I guess I don't expect that you would want me around."

"Normally I wouldn't," replied Zach, flatly. "But I suppose I can make a exception."

"It's okay--"

Zach stood up. "Come on. After you paid for dinner, it's the least I can do." He started to walk for the door, Simon still staying seated. Zach turned back and looked at the Bengal tiger. "You coming?"

Simon hesitated for a moment, then got up and fell in step behind Zach. Where their evening would go from here, Simon didn't know, and he didn't care. For now, he was just happy to get to spend some time with this male.


The door opened, and Zach walked in first, followed by Simon. The white tiger shut the door behind them, turning on the lights. Simon was amazed how different the condo, and the view, looked after dark. High rises were aglow now, visible from Zach's large windows. Now having had the chance to really look around before, Simon now took in the bar, and piano, situated in the middle of spartan decoration. "You don't have a TV?" asked Simon.

Zach shook his head. "No need for one, really." Simon didn't say anything in return, just standing by the furniture. "Please, have a seat," encouraged Zach. "Want a drink?"

"Um...sure," answered Simon. "Anything will do."

Walking across the room, Zach went behind the bar, grabbing a bottle and pouring two glasses of brown liquid, no ice. He came back and handed one to Simon, and one for himself. "Thanks," said Simon, sitting on the couch. Zach sat down on the opposite love seat. Simon took a small sip of the drink and wrinkled his nose a bit. "What's this?"

"Scotch," answered Zach, taking a drink himself. "Don't like it?"

"Just a little stronger than what I usually drink," answered Simon. "Can I ask you something?"

Zach took another sip from his drink, nodding.

"You went from the military to the police force, right?"

"That's right," replied Zach.

Simon shifted a bit in his seat. "Why did you leave?"

Swallowing his scotch, Zach answered, "Why did you leave what you did?"

Simon didn't respond for a moment. "I didn't want to do it anymore."

Shrugging, Zach said, "About the same for me."

The Bengal tiger set his glass down. "That's not the truth, though. The truth is, I...couldn't do it anymore." He looked up at Zach, who only looked back impassively. "I spent almost ten years doing that. My parents, they abandoned me. They were never really married. My father left before I was born; I don't even know what his name is. My mother was a junkie, and I presume my father was as well. I was their accident." He smiled mirthlessly. "Mom used to call me that when she was high. She would smile at me, and call me her 'little accident.' I would go hungry a lot, scavenge for what I could while she was doing whatever she could afford at the time." He looked off, to the balcony windows, into the night sky. "The last time I saw her, I was going to bed. She was passed out in the chair by the window of our one-room apartment. It was barely a hovel. Her eyes were glassed over, but I could tell she was watching me as I went to my dirty mattress on the floor. When I woke up the next day, she was gone. No note, no trace, no nothing. Like she just decided to get up and walk away. The landlord evicted me, said we were four months behind on the rent anyway. I was picked up on the street by a pimp. Saw me giving blowjobs at a gas station bathroom. Took me in, fed me, gave me a place to stay. All I had to do in return was keep my tail in the air."

"You're very frank about yourself," observed Zach. Simon shrugged. Taking more of his scotch, Zach asked, "How old were you?"

Another laugh with no humor. "All of twelve."

"I'm...sorry," said Zach slowly, as if the words hardly were ever spoken by him.

"No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to throw all that at you. It's...the life I want to put behind me," said Simon, firmly. "I promised myself I would go to college, learn something useful, and make my life worth it. I only want to have sex with people I..." He looked over at Zach. "...Like."

"And the night I found you on the side of the road?" asked Zach, more inquisitively than malicious.

The smaller tiger sighed. "He had approached me in the club I worked out of, offered me double my rate. I thought I could use the money, and it would be all mine, so I did it. What was one last time going to matter? But then his friend showed up, and suddenly...I didn't want to anymore." His fists balled up on top of his knees. "I don't know why. I just...panicked. I'd done two guys before, but this was more than that. They entered me...at the same time..." Simon looked away, fidgeting with his paws.

"It's okay," assured Zach, gently. In the short time he had been on the police force, he had dealt with some rape victims, and most of them felt ashamed, when they weren't busy blaming themselves. "It's not your fault."

"I know, but, when they were both...inside me, I just felt helpless, and used," Simon replied. "Just like before."

"Before when?" asked Zach.

"When I was in high school," explained Simon. "The one I went to, a couple guys found out I was a gay prostitute. They took me to the locker room, and held me down. Told me if I didn't do what they wanted, they'd tell the whole school. Then they both fucked me. They were canines, too. Both of them pushed their knots inside me. It was so painful, but...I told myself I could take it. That they wouldn't get the satisfaction."

Zach nodded, amazed at what this tiger had been through and not snapped a long time ago. There weren't a lot of people he could say that about. He had known officers, both police and military, who had been through hell, and on the other side, they were never the same. "Why didn't you ever go to protective services?"

The smaller tiger shrugged. "I dunno. I guess the freedom, really. Aside from having to go on my 'jobs,' I could do what I wanted. My pimp gave me the same cut as everyone else, no less because I was young. I knew the streets, the furs. I guess I just felt at home."

Zach nodded, understanding. "Home is where you make it, I suppose."

Simon half-smiled. "I suppose." He looked Zach in the eyes. "What about you?"

"Me?" asked Zach. "I don't...really like to talk about myself..."

The Bengal tiger nodded. "It's okay. Really."

"...Sorry," replied Zach, offering a slight smile. Simon just frowned. "What?" asked the white tiger.

"When you smile...," started Simon. "It's like you're hiding some horrible pain."

The Siberian tiger's smile vanished when Simon said that. "I guess I don't do it often."

Simon looked the white tiger over, able to get closer now. He was just as muscular as Simon had thought at first glance. Despite seeming cold and a bit distant, Simon still liked him. It was like he had some terrible secret that Zach didn't want anyone near. But underneath, Simon could see good intentions, and a pure soul.

However, what caught Simon's attention most now were Zach's footpaws. Up close, he could see that they were huge. Bigger than any Simon had seen before. Shortly into his 'work' early on, he had discovered he had a bit of a paw fetish. As time went on, it grew, and he was a full-on pawslut. Occasionally, he could find a client that was willing to let him sniff their feet, or sometimes even hump them. He didn't know why he had such an attraction, just one of those things.

Simon shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "Can I ask you something else?"

"Sure," answered Zach, drinking his scotch.

"Can I...play with your feet?" asked Simon, embarrassedly.

The white tiger stopped mid-drink and raised his eyebrows. "My what?"

"Your...feet," repeated Simon, casting his eyes down. "It...relaxes me." He stood up, and walked around the coffee table towards Zach. "Please?"

"I...yeah," replied Zach. He hadn't had someone play with his paws in a long time, and he loved when another fur did that. It was one of his interests he kept to himself. But the idea of the younger tiger on his feet...he couldn't say no.

Simon came and sat on the floor in front of Zach. The big tiger's paws were right in front him. He had only to reach out, and he was touching them. Soft and warm under his touch, yet also firm. Cradling Zach's footpaw in his paw, he brought it to his muzzle, sniffing gently. Such a wonderful smell. Musky, but in a good way. A subtle smell of his workboots as well. Lifting it a bit higher, Simon licked at toes. The white tiger wiggled his toes when they were licked, and flexed his footpaw gently. Simon could hear Zach let go a gentle moan. He was pleased the bigger tiger was enjoying himself. Simon loved to give pleasure out. He was never really concerned with himself getting off, he just wanted to make sure the fur he was with enjoyed themselves. Simon never thought of it as a by-product of his life, but really more just who he was. He wanted to be caring and supportive to someone, and receive it in return.

Looking from the corner of his eye, Simon caught a look at Zach, who was leaning back with his eyes closed. He also could see the white tiger's large bulge pressing against the fabric of his pants. Simon surmised that Zach must be huge, given how big he was tenting. Smiling inwardly, Simon went back to Zach's paws, tonguing the massive paws in front of him, easily twenty inches long. He got his tongue in between Zach's digits, sliding in and out of them. The white tiger's toes splayed wide for him, his claws emerging and retracting every time Simon tongue went over the bottom of his toes. Simon held the paw up in front of him by the heel, using his other paw to gently massage Zach's footpaw while he continued dutifully licking and sucking. Zach's handpaws had since moved his own groin, where he was slowly rubbing himself through his pants.

Growling deep in his throat, Zach managed out, "You're...good at that."

"Lots of practice," replied Simon, playfully. He moved down Zach's footpaw, nuzzling around the arch of the paw and around the heel, loving every tactile sensation and smell. He could never get enough of these feet, and he felt a stirring in his own sheath that echoed the sentiment. The paw he had been using to massage Zach's foot dropped to his own crotch to readjust himself as he felt his erection straining at the front of his pants. He wanted to just unzip them and let himself free, but didn't know how Zach would react and didn't want to seem weird. It struck him as odd that after all this time, he still had some modesty.

But Zach must've noticed where Simon's paws were, because he edged the footpaw Simon wasn't holding over to the Bengal tiger's crotch, pushing against his testes under his pants. Simon's breath caught in his throat at the touch, stopping him at his foot loving. Zach's footpaw went a little higher, over Simon's sheath, feeling his erect maleness under the fabric.

"Little excited?" asked Zach.

Simon nodded, blushing. He hadn't thought Zach had noticed, but clearly he had as the large paws enveloped his groin and bulge, slowly rubbing back and forth over it. He looked up at Zach, seeing the white tiger's eyes gleam now with arousal. Not the sadness that usually was there. Purring gently, Simon put his now-free over the top Zach's massive footpaw, letting his paw move with Zach's footpaw above his groin. Breathing deeply, he buried his muzzle in the footpaw he had in front of him while he let Zach do whatever he wanted.

"We could be more comfortable in the bedroom," whispered Zach. Simon almost wasn't sure he had heard it correctly the first time. He looked up at Zach, at his intense emerald green eyes, and the look in those eyes told Simon he had indeed heard right.

"Okay," answered Simon, meekly.

He stood, and Zach got off the loveseat, Simon now able to see his erection pressing outward, Zach making no motion to cover it. The white tiger walked towards the back hallway, past the windows, Simon right behind him. The Siberian tiger opened the bedroom, motioning for Simon to come with him. The Bengal tiger walked in as Zach clicked on a muted bedside lamp. Golden yellow light cast over the room, which was like the rest of the apartment; sparsely decorated, hardwood floors, and large windows showing the night and stars beyond. Zach went and lay on the bed, on his back, leaning to one side and propping himself up on an elbow. Zach his shirt off, unbuttoning it and tossing it to the floor. Simon could see a long scar across his right pec, stretching from his collar bone across to his sternum.

"How did you get that?" asked Simon when he saw it.

"Another time," replied Zach, flatly. Simon looked away. "It's okay," said Zach, motioning Simon over. The smaller tiger took a couple tentative steps over, sitting on the edge of the bed. He absently looked Zach's paws over, wanting to touch and sniff them again. "You can do whatever you want," whispered Zach, seeing Simon's transfixion. "I just don't want you to do something you're not ready for."

"I am ready," Simon spoke, softly. "After the other night...hell, the last several years, I want someone to be close to. I want to spend a night with someone of my own volition." He met Zach's eyes. "Someone like you."

Zach said nothing in return, merely waiting, letting Simon go at his own pace. The younger tiger stood, undoing his belt and pants, letting them fall to the floor. His erection strained against the fabric of his boxers, and Zach could the pink of the orange tiger's cock through the thin white fabric. Deftly, Simon let his boxers fall from his hips, over his thighs, and to his ankles, kicking them aside. He was left in just his shirt, exposing himself to Zach. His seven-inch cock stood away from his body, glistening gently in the light from the lamp. His eyes were cast down, for some reason embarrassed to be seen naked by this male.

"It's okay," said Zach. "Whatever you want to do."

Simon looked up, then over at Zach's feet, and back at Zach. The white tiger nodded, watching as Simon got on the bed, kneeling by Zach's feet. Zach shifted so Simon would have more room, spreading his footpaws apart to Simon would have his choice. The orange tiger settled in front of the right one, rubbing Zach's sole gently, which sent a jolt of pleasure up Zach's leg. It sort of tickled, but after a moment just turned into a sexual stimuli, equal to as if Simon had been touching his cock. He watched as Simon looked at his feet to intently, with rapture and sex in his eyes. Zach spread his toes apart, and wiggled his footpaw, beckoning to Simon. When he was having sex with someone, he was never worried about his part, or problems, just what was happening in the moment. At this moment, he wanted Simon to use his feet.

Hovering his cock over Zach's footpaw, Simon was struck at how surreal this moment was. A couple days ago, he had seen this male at a club after leaving his life as a prostitute, then met him again after a car accident, and now he was here, ready to use the same male's feet. It almost seemed too good to be true, like he would wake up any moment. But as he settled his length along Zach's footpaw, it all felt so real, so fantastic, to be a dream. The white tiger's fur was so soft and warm, welcoming his penis into it. Zach's feet were so big, almost three times longer than his cock. He could thrust all the way across Zach's paws and back, plenty of room to hump and pleasure himself. He could tell by looking at Zach that the white tiger liked having Simon's cock there just as much as the orange tiger did.

He started to gently hump against Zach's soft foot, the fur rubbing his cock tenderly. He braced himself against the bed, leaning over Zach's feet and rubbing himself against the white tiger's massive footpaw. He hadn't had a chance to hump someone's footpaw, just rub or lick them, and the feeling was so different from anything else he ever did.

While watching Simon hump his foot, Zach slowly undid his pants and parted the flaps, not able to take them all the way off at the moment. Parting the flap in his boxers, he pulled his cock into view, all twelve inches of it, and two and a half inches wide. Simon got a look at the massive penis in front of him, continuing to pleasure himself while he watched Zach wrap a paw around his maleness and start to paw off without hurry. Simon could just also see the top of his massive testes past the part in the fabric, but was more watching Zach masturbate. A large drop of precum was already cresting over the top of the Siberian tiger's cockhead, an obvious sign of his arousal. Simon purred deeply as he kept thrusting and watching the bigger tiger rub his penis. Simon still was amazed at how big Zach really was.

Watching Zach jerk himself off, Simon felt renewed arousal course through his body, making him pump his maleness against Zach's footpaw a bit faster. Every thrust made him feel better, with the sensation of the fur against every inch of his cock, over his head and shaft, occasionally touching his balls to the very end of Zach's footpaw. He had never been with someone who's feet were so large before, and it felt amazing. The two of them spurned each other on, one of them enjoying watching the other hump his feet, the other seeing him pawing off. Zach had forgotten how much he loved to have another fur's tongue, paws, or cock in his footpaws. To have somefur practically worship his footpaws. He wanted Simon to suck and lick at them again, all over both his feet.

Simon began to gasp and moan out, wrapping the bed sheets up in his paws, squeezing tightly. He hadn't orgasmed in awhile, since even before the other night. His body and cock ached for release as he pushed on, thrusting and grinding against Zach's paw. He hardly noticed when the white tiger moved his other paw closer, bringing it down over the top of Simon's cock, enveloping it between the two huge footpaws. Now Simon could thrust in between both of them, and the feeling was so intense, almost overpowering. To have both of those feet on him, the fur surrounding him, tantalizing his every movement, warmth enclosing all around him. His tail twitched in ecstasy, moan and breathing deeply. He could mentally see himself, between the folds of Zach's paws, feeling little ropes of precum escape his slit. Finally, he looked down at himself, seeing his penis lost within the two large paws. He looked up at Zach, who had stopped pawing himself, now just lying there, watching Simon. The Bengal tiger blushed a bit, but didn't stop, couldn't stop now. His cock twitched, and his balls churned, wanting their liberation. It had been so long, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. His penis erupted, spurting his cum over the soles of Zach's feet, coating them in his milky fluids. It felt so good, to be orgasming while his maleness was trapped in between these two huge footpaws. He thought his orgasm would never end, it was so intense. He felt his cock practically go numb, still pulsing a bit as the last remnants of his semen trickled out from him. Simon was breathing deeply, gently unwinding the bed sheets from around his paws. Zach was smiling gently, and Simon saw of the sorrow there he saw before; just contentment.

"How are you?" asked Zach, gently.

Simon panted hard, then replied, "Good." He smiled weakly, his orgasm wearing his body out. Zach took his paws from Simon's cock, and Simon could see his sticky seed spread all over the insides of the massive footpaws. Before Zach could take them too far away, Simon gently grabbed one and brought it to his muzzle, smelling his own spunk all over Zach's sole. Opening his muzzle, he gently licked off his own cum, tasting the saltiness and tang of it. Zach watched, mesmerized, as Simon did this, feeling his lust rise up again. The orange looked at Zach while he was doing this, seeing Zach's paw move his member again and gently rubbing himself. Content, Simon moved to the other, licking it clean of his own mess. His own erection had not retreated, and this was only aiding in keeping it hard.

When he was finished, Simon licked his muzzle off, getting the last bits of his sticky prize. He crawled up closer to Zach, settling in between his legs. "I could help you out with that," he said, gently, eyeing Zach's cock like a treasure. Pausing for a moment, Zach then moved his paw aside, giving Simon free access. Greedily, Simon moved his muzzle forward, licking at Zach's head, getting the pearls of precum that had gathered there. The taste mixed with the flavor of his own semen, but he could definitely part Zach's from his own. Taking only Zach's head into his muzzle, he suckled on it gently, tasting more of the white tiger's fluids. He wanted more, milking the base of Zach's penis and shaft, and getting his prize. In his lust, he took more of Zach's cock into his muzzle, getting the first four inches into himself, and realizing now just how big the tiger was. His jaw muscles strained to take all of the feline maleness in, but stopping at six inches for the moment. There, he caressed Zach's penis with his tongue, gently moving his shaft, head, and all the sensitive areas he knew to find. The large tiger purred and growled as Simon set to work.

Zach was amazed that the smaller tiger could take him in so fast. Simon was already halfway down his shaft, suck gently. The warmth of the tiger's mouth around his cock was fantastic. He loved watching his penis disappear into the smaller tiger's muzzle. He knew that Simon had been a pro, but this was beyond anything he had experienced before. What he really wanted to do was grab Simon by the sides of the head and muzzle-fuck him. But for the moment, he was content to let Simon pleasure him.

Trying to get more of Zach into his muzzle, he freed one of his paws and gently pressed it to Zach's large testes, only able to get at a bit of them since the rest were still trapped in the white tiger's boxers. He was rewarded with Zach's gasping a bit, and growling harder. Simon took it as a sign of pleasure and kept at it while he deep-throated the white tiger, a bit of Zach's cock now pushing down the back of his muzzle. He felt more of the warm fluids leaking from Zach's cock, and sliding right down his throat. He loved the feeling, and started to slide the seventh inch into his maw.

Zach just lay back and enjoyed the feeling of Simon's muzzle on his penis. It was still incredible, making his cock pulse and his balls draw closer to his body. He didn't want it to end, but knew his orgasm was approaching. He had already been pawing off earlier, which had hastened his orgasm along. Now he wished he hadn't, so he could feel Simon on his member just a bit longer.

Not able to get all of Zach's cock into his muzzle, Simon wrapped his paw around the remaining inches, pumping in time with his muzzle as he began to bob up and down, his maw impaled on Zach's penis. The white tiger pressed his paw down on top of Simon's head, not forcing him down, just resting it there. Simon continued to suck on Zach's cock, rubbing the base, and feeling it fill his muzzle. It was almost as good as if Zach were filling his tailhole, which sent a feeling of excitement through him at that idea. Feeling Zach's member throb in his paw and muzzle, he knew that the white tiger's orgasm was almost at hand.

When he came, the tiger roared out loud, not caring who heard. He felt his semen course up all twelve inches of his cock, and out of his tip, exploding into Simon's muzzle. It came with such force, it was more than Simon could take. The Bengal tiger pulled away from Zach's cock, all of the white tiger's cum plastering on the bridge of his muzzle and face. Simon was covered in cum, loving the feeling of the warm fluid hitting his face. Each spurt from Zach's cock was weaker and weaker, as the last bit of it dribbled down the underside of his massive cock. The Siberian tiger's chest heaved heavily as he lay there in the afterglow of his orgasm, looking at Simon's cum-covered face as he licked as much off as his tongue would reach.

"Sorry," breathed Zach.

"I didn't expect so much," said Simon, licking more off, savoring the flavor. The initial bit he got had been so good, and now he wanted more, as much as he could get. Zach leaned forward and started to clean off the parts Simon reach, sampling his own seed.

"Bathroom's over there, if you want to wash up," said Zach, pointing. Simon nodded and disappeared for a moment, the sound of running water issuing from the bathroom. When he came back, Zach was already dressed again, standing in the middle of the room. Simon was slightly disappointed that Zach had redressed already; he had been hoping for a bit of cuddling afterward.

"Sorry," started Zach, apparently noting Simon's disappointment, "I have to get up early tomorrow for work."

"Oh," Simon simply said, not trying to show his deepening dispiritedness. He walked over and retrieved his pants, putting them back on. Apparently, the evening was not going to be as perfect as he had hoped.

When he was fully dressed, he followed Zach back to the front door, standing there awkwardly for a moment. Neither of them said anything for several minutes. "Can I call you again?" asked Simon, finally. He wanted to know if this had been a one-time deal.

Zach hesitated for a moment. "Sure."

Simon nodded when Zach didn't say anything else. "Okay."

"Okay," echoed Zach. He watched as Simon opened the door, and looked over his shoulder once more.

Taking a step towards Zach, he leaned in to kiss the tiger, but then stopped himself. He cast his eyes to the ground, and walked back to the doorway. "Bye," said Simon.

Zach merely raised a hand in farewell. Simon turned away again, and was gone through the door. When it was closed, Zach deadbolted it for the evening, then leaned against the wall with a heavy sigh. Like his usual ritual, he went back to the bedroom and started the shower. As he stood there, he felt bad that he just ushered Simon out like that after sex. Simon probably felt that the white tiger had just used him. But Zach didn't know what else to do when they were done. With his previous partners, they had always gone home or gone to sleep. For some reason, he hadn't felt like he was ready to have Simon stay in the apartment. But now that he was gone, Zach wished he'd let the tiger stick around for a bit longer; and that was very unlike him.

"Fuck," muttered Zach.


Simon lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. It was late, almost two AM, but he didn't care. What had he really been expecting? That Zach was just suddenly going to sweep him off his feet, and carry him off into the sunset? That was never going to happen for him. He rolled over onto his side, just looking at the bedside clock. Simon sighed, not wanting to get up anymore. Zach had been like all the others; casting him aside when he was finished.

Eventually, sleep claimed him. He welcomed it, to chase away the pain.


It was dark in the house, almost midnight. Zach's paws crept silently along the floor, sneaking from his room in just a pair of shorts. Despite being his birthday, it had been just another day as far as he, and his father were concerned. His dad had sent him to bed at eight, wanting him 'out of his sight.' Zach knew better than argue with the old man, or even worse his belt. The bottle of whiskey his dad had already been hitting also told the young tiger to go to bed early.

But he was thirsty now. The kitchen was downstairs and past the hallway where his dad's den was. It had once been his mother's sewing room, and his father had kept it that way for a long time, not moving a thing. But recently he had renovated it it into a den and hunting room. Zach had been strictly forbidden to ever go in there; he didn't even know what it looked like. His lithe, fifteen-year-old body moved stealthily towards the kitchen, looking down the hall. He could see the door at the end slightly ajar, a thin line of light spilling onto the carpet. From inside, his father grunted at whatever he was doing.

The white tiger kept going to the kitchen. As quiet as he could, he grabbed a glass from the shelf and filled it at the sink. With his water in hand, he turned and headed back for the stairs to go back to his room. But when he got back to the hall, he yelped, almost dropping the glass. Standing in the doorway was his father, looking like a shadow as he was backlit by the room behind him. For a moment, Zach didn't say anything, wondering if his dad was in such a drunk stupor by now that he wouldn't even notice his son.

"Come here," his father said, in a low whisper. Somehow when his dad said things like that, it was more disconcerting than when he yelled. Zach swallowed hard, taking a few slow steps towards the den. His dad didn't say another word, just turning and going back into the room. Zach came to the doorway, looking around inside. On the opposite wall was a wooden bench, with knives and other various tools above it. His dad's gun locker sat in the right-hand corner, still locked tight. His father only had been out hunting a handful of times, less and less every year. Other than that, there was a Lay-Z-Boy chair, and that was it. His dad was standing with his back turned to Zach at the bench.

"Come in," whispered his father. Hesitantly, Zach walked all the way in, still standing closer to the door than his father. He could see the empty bottle of Jack Daniel's on the edge of the bench, and the empty shot glass next to it.

"Fifteen years," said his dad. "To the day since your mother died." Zach said nothing. He had heard this all before. Every year, on his birthday. All that every changed was the number. "Fifteen years," repeated his father, slurring his words slightly. He turned to face Zach now. "Ever think about that?"

"A-all the time, sir," replied Zach. He knew what his father wanted to hear. Though it wouldn't save him the beating that would inevitably come, it might lessen it. Or his dad could pass out before he started.

His dad picked up the empty bottle, looking at it and set it back down. "Do you? Do you think what she did for you? And how I have to live now!?" He knocked the bottle of whiskey off the table, sending it to the floor with a crash. Zach flinched a bit at the sound. "This day isn't about you; it's about her."

"Yessir," said Zach, quickly. He could feel it coming; that his dad was going to close the distance any second now, and strike him, then take off his belt, and that would be the end. A few moments of agony, and then freedom to another day.

"It'll never be about you!" raged his father now. "I didn't even want a kid! She wanted you! And then you cost me everything!"

Zach winced at the coming hit, but felt nothing. He heard something, though. A delicate sound of metal on metal. He looked in time to see his father pick up his twelve-inch hunting knife from the rung over the table, and turn on Zach, raising the knife high. "Ungrateful son of a bitch!"

The elder tiger swung hung, but in his drunken state, overextended, giving Zach an easy moment to step aside. But what Zach didn't plan on was his father coming with a backswing. The young tiger tried to dodge, but didn't get out of the way in time, the blade catching him just above the top of his muzzle, over the bridge. He yowled in pain, reeling backward. Blood had gotten into his eyes, and he could taste it as it slid down the side of his muzzle. Stumbling a bit, but still with intent in his eyes, his father came at him again, knocking Zach down and straddling him, raising the knife high. Zach screamed, and flung his hands upward, catching his father's arms as the knife plunged down. His father was drunk, and Zach was strong, but not strong enough. He merely managed to deflect the knife from its intended target, the center of his chest. It sunk in just near his sternum. Zach yelled louder now, pushing the knife away from his vital organs, the blade drawing a jagged line through his chest as it was still stuck in his flesh. When it got to his collar bone, it cut free of his muscle. With the sudden disappearance of the resistance, his father fell forward, over the top of Zach. The younger tiger seized the opportunity, kicking his father off of himself. He got back to his feet, holding his paw to his chest. His father started to get back up, and Zach kicked him under the muzzle, sending the older male flying onto his back, the knife falling away. Zach ran down the hall, headed for the front door. He could hear his father yelling behind him, cursing him. When he got outside, he just ran, yelling himself, but for help. Lights clicked on in various houses, and people started to come to the doors. But Zach wouldn't stop. He was just going to run. Run forever.


Zach sat straight up in bed, quelling a yell that started to form. He was drenched in a cold sweat. Reaching out, he clicked the light on. He rubbed his eyes, looking around. His room, in his condo, not at home. He was thirty, not fifteen. Getting out of bed, he went into the bathroom, nude, and splashed water on his face. 'Only a dream,' he told himself. Only a dream. But the scars on his muzzle and chest reminded him that at one time, it had been all too real. Gently, he traced his fingers over the scar on his chest, delicately touching it as if would open again.

The condo was so quiet at this time of morning. It was almost dawn; he would have work in a few hours. He sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to sleep anymore this morning. Pulling on a pair of shorts, he went out to the living room, sitting at his piano. It was the one thing that always made him calm. He started playing a Chopin piece that was his favorite. He felt as peace as he started to play, letting himself get lost in the music, and forget everything he left behind.


It had been a month since Zach had last heard from Simon. The younger tiger had never called again. Zach had felt horrible about the whole thing. He couldn't pick up the phone to make the call himself. He had copied the number into his cellphone, but never used it.

Now he was just staring off over the weapons range while Jason drove on their patrol, talking about something Zach wasn't paying attention to. "What?" asked Zach, not looking over.

Jason groaned. "I said, what's had you so distracted lately?"

Zach shook his head. "Nothing."

"You've been like this since that night with that other tiger," Jason went on. "What's up? I've never seen you think about anyone after one of your famous one-nighters."

Now the white tiger looked over. "How do you know I was thinking about him?"

Jason pulled his sunglasses down a bit. "I can tell. C'mon, Zach, I've been your friend since you started working here. I can tell what's on your mind. Like booze, or sex. That's about it really." He gave a Zach a sideways grin, while the white tiger hit him playfully in the arm. "Seriously, what's been up?"

Zach sighed. "I shoved him out the door after we finished."

Jason just paused for a moment. "And?"

The white tiger shrugged. "I felt bad."

Jason whistled. "Wow."

"What?" asked Zach, defensively.

"You actually cared," replied Jason, another grin spreading over his face. "He really got under your skin."

"No," said Zach, quickly. "Just...I dunno, he had been really down on his luck lately, broke."

"Oh, yeah, the one you said you helped," said Jason. "Could it be you cared about him more than just helping him out and letting him buy you dinner."

Looking off again, Zach didn't say anything for a moment. "I wanted him gone so fast because I didn't know what else to do with him after sex. I think he wanted to cuddle or something. I've never had anyone do that before. I guess maybe I panicked." Jason laughed a bit. "It's not funny," muttered Zach.

"It's not that," started Jason, "It's just that who knew this guy could crack that rough exterior of yours." Zach said nothing again for a moment. "Why don't you call him? asked Jason.

"He probably hates me now," answered Zach. "To just call out of the blue a month later, and say, 'hey, wanna get together?' "

"Won't know until you try," prodded Jason as he turned the jeep towards their guardhouse.

"I don't know if I can," said Zach.

"Look," said Jason as he pulled up and stopped the car. "I've never seen you lack confidence about anything. Why is this different?"

"Because, I think he wants a relationship," Zach said. "And I don't think I can be that guy for him."

"Or maybe you can, and just don't want to," interjected Jason. "Maybe you could get to know someone else, trust someone for a change." Zach looked off again. "Look, I know you're going to do whatever you want in the end. But at least think about it?" With that, the shepherd opened the door and stepped out, shutting it behind him, leaving Zach alone with his thoughts. He listened to sound of gunfire at the range, and other trucks nearby. After a moment, he pulled his phone out and began to dial.


Setting the last box of books down, Simon wiped his forehead. He was ready to unpack them when his phone rang. Taking a quick look around the store, he ducked behind a shelf and opened it up. "Hello?"

There was a long silence, and then, "Hello."

Simon frowned. "Zach?"

"Yeah," came the voice. "Listen, I'm sorry about...a lot of things. Mostly that I never called again." Long pause again. "I was calling to ask if you wanted to get together again."

The Bengal tiger felt his heart leap into his throat. "Yes, of course! I'd love to!" He realized he had to keep his voice down. "When?"

"How about tomorrow, after I leave work?" suggested Zach.

"Okay," answered Simon. "I'm actually at work now, myself."

"Sorry," said Zach, quickly.

Simon laughed. "It's okay. I'm just working at a Barnes & Noble. I'm up on the second floor stocking, so I'm pretty much by myself."

"All right," was all Zach replied with.

Simon smiled to himself. "What time tomorrow?"

"Six?" suggested Zach.

"Six it is," agreed Simon. "I'll see you then."

"Bye." And then just the click of Zach hanging up. Simon's smile widened. He never thought he would hear back from Zach. The last month he had just been drifting along, going to his job he had gotten the week after his night with Zach. He had been thinking about Zach all the time, but had never wanted to call again. At the time, he had thought Zach didn't want anything to do with him. But now Zach had called him, and asked him over again. At this point it just couldn't get better. It would just be a long wait until tomorrow evening.


Zach opened the oven and checked on the food he had in there for the hundredth time. He was baking a couple of game hens, and finishing a couple of baked potatoes for their dinner. He intended to be ready to serve as soon as Simon arrived, which at this point was any minute. Reaching into the refrigerator, he grabbed a bottle of red wine he had been chilling and pulled the cork, pouring the contents into a decanter and leaving it to breathe for a few moments.

He couldn't remember the last time he had gone to such lengths to make dinner for someone. Of course he had cooked for guests on occasion, but nothing so extravagant. 'Is this a date?' he thought to himself. He hadn't even considered it yet, but yes, this was his first ever actual date. He felt something he hadn't in a long time; excitement.

As he was preparing the wine, the doorbell rang. He walked out of the kitchen and to the door, opening. There stood Simon, dressed more casually in a black button-up shirt and jeans. He smiled when he saw Zach. "Hi."

The white tiger mustered up a smile in return. "Come in." Simon walked past him, feeling even more shy than the first time he was here. He stood there while Zach closed the door, waiting for the other tiger. Zach led him over to where he had sat before. "Dinner will be ready shortly." He disappeared into the kitchen when Simon was seated and returned a moment later with the decanter of wine and two glasses. "Hope you like pino noir."

"Anything is fine," said Simon, watching Zach bring it over and place it all on the table, pouring it for the two of them. He handed Simon a glass, clinking his glass against the orange tiger's. "Let me go finish dinner."

Simon drank a bit of wine, enjoying the taste. He'd never really had much good wine before. Occasionally at restaurants before, but that was it. He was even more surprised when Zach brought out the main course. "My God. That looks incredible."

"Come on over and try it," said Zach, pulling a chair out for Simon. The Bengal tiger brought his glass and Zach's over to the table, sitting down. Simon put a bit of food on his plate, eager to try the fare in front of him. Cutting off a bit of the game hen, he put it in his muzzle and tasted it. The flavor was incredible, better than anything he'd had, especially lately.

"Like it?" asked Zach.

"I love it," answered Simon around a muzzleful of food. "Sorry," he said, swallowing.

Zach laughed a bit. "That's okay." Simon stopped and stared at him. "What?" asked Zach.

"That was the first time I've heard you laugh," said Simon, grinning. "I like it."

Zach took a sip of his wine. "Guess it's another one of those things I don't do often."

"Maybe you will now," remarked Simon, eating more of his wonderful meal.

Zach regarded him for a moment, then returned to his own meal. "Maybe I will." They ate mostly in silence, Simon telling Zach a bit about his new job, Zach mentioning the boring things that had been going on at the base. They finished dinner, working on emptying the wine bottle. Sunset began to creep in against the windows, the two of them still talking on and on.

"Let me clear some of these dishes off," said Zach, standing and clearing the plates away into the kitchen. The evening was going great. Simon hadn't harbored any ill will to him about before. Zach suspected that Simon knew he had trust issues, and that he was willing to work with them. Grabbing another bottle of wine, he went back to the living room, and saw Simon sitting on the couch, holding his face in his paws.

"Simon...are you all right?" asked Zach, coming closer.

When the orange tiger looked up, it was clear tears had been streaming down his face. "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me, I...just started."

Zach came and sat next to him on the couch. "It's okay." He put his paw tentatively over Simon's. "It's okay."

"It's just...I've never had someone care for me the way you have," explained Simon, sobbing a bit. "After so long of having no one, just people after my body. I fell in love with so many of them..."

Zach said nothing else, just guiding Simon to him. For this tiger to bare his soul so openly, Zach wanted to make it go away, all the pain and humiliation. He just let Simon bury himself in his chest, stroking the back of his head.

"There were some of them, that I thought when it was done, maybe they would want to be with me for longer than just sex," said Simon, lowly, "but they never did. After awhile, I turned to drugs...meth mostly. I could take it anymore...I had become what my parents were...what I hated."

"It's all right," whispered Zach.

"I've been alone...for so long," sobbed Simon. "Thank you..."

Zach took a deep breath. "You asked me where these scars came from." Simon said nothing, just staying against Zach. "My mother died in childbirth when I was born. My father blamed me for it. Every day of my life, he made it hellish. Since I was old enough to walk, I was old enough to get beaten.

"When I got into my teen years, it got really bad. He would get drunk and hit me daily. Finally, on my fifteenth birthday, he tried to kill me. Came at me with a hunting knife. I managed to get out, and one of the neighbors called the cops when they heard me yelling. Took the cops half an hour to catch up with me. I just didn't stop running."

Simon wiped his eyes and looked up at Zach. "What happened to your dad?"

"They charged him with attempted murder. He's still serving time," replied Zach. "I ended up in an orphanage. That's why I understand why you wouldn't go to protective services. I spent three years there, and enlisted in the military the day of my eighteenth birthday. Another one uncelebrated with no one."

"And that's why you don't trust anyone," murmured Simon, taking Zach's paw.

"Yeah, pretty much," said Zach, with a wistful sigh. "I did my four years, a short stint with the Rangers, and left. When I got out, I applied to the police force, and they pretty much fast-tracked me to SWAT."

Squeezing Zach's paw gently, Simon asked, "Then why did you leave there?"

"We were on a call up. Barricaded suspect, holding his two kids hostage," started Zach. "My team was going in. We got to the second floor, where he was in the bedroom, ready to breach. We went through the door, and were unaware he had rigged the door with explosives. It killed him, his kids, and one of my team mates, a friend of mine. I didn't fear for my own life, but after that and the military, I couldn't watch more furs die. So I left for the military base, figuring it would be a safer place I could put my skills to use, and have been there ever since."

"Sounds like it was hard for you, too," said Simon, softly.

"Both of us," replied Zach, suddenly realizing they were holding paws. He hadn't ever had such an affectionate act with someone before. When Simon saw Zach was staring at their entwined paws, he smiled. The white tiger leaned closer, his large frame over Simon, and kissed the orange tiger on the muzzle, gently putting his paw on the side of Simon's head. Simon's eyes went wide in surprise first, then he just closed them and enjoyed it. He reached up and began to undo the buttons on Zach's shirt, but Zach put his paw over Simon's, stopping him.

"I don't know if I can be what you want, or deserve," said Zach, softly. "It could take awhile, and I may never get there."

"It's okay, I'm willing to help you," whispered Simon.

"To learn to love?" asked Zach.

Simon strained up and kissed Zach on the muzzle quickly. "To trust."

Zach just smiled in return. "If you want to, then let's do it right." He stood up from the couch, reaching down and picking up Simon in his arms. The Bengal tiger put his arms around Zach's neck as the white tiger carried him off to the bedroom. He kissed Zach just before the Siberian tiger gently lay him on the bed. Zach undressed himself down to his boxers, then stripped Simon, pulling the smaller tiger's pants off, leaving him nude from the waist down. Simon smiled seductively and pulled his own shirt off, tossing it aside.

Coming to the bed, Zach lay next to Simon, nuzzling and kissing him. Oddly, Simon felt safe having the much larger white tiger with him, and to have someone that showed him affection, not just going for his taihole. But he wanted to see Zach nude again, and sat up long enough to pull off Zach's boxers, throwing them aside and exposing his bulging sheath.

"Like what you see?" asked Zach, gently.

Simon nodded and blushed slightly. "Very much." His paw drifted down to Zach's sheath, rubbing and stroking it gently, feeling the white tiger's erection start to stir beneath his paw. The bulging sheath started to give to way to Zach's pink cock, slowly emerging to its full twelve inches. When enough of it was free, Simon gently took it by the shaft, stroking his paw up and down the enormous penis in his paw now. The larger tiger just growled and purred, enjoying the attention.

"Not so tough now," whispered Simon, playing with Zach's cockhead, and watching him curl his toes in pleasure. Simon remembered licking and sucking on those very toes only a month previous. The taste of his own cum off of Zach's soles was as vivid as if it happened yesterday. Lost in his memory, he hardly noticed as Zach caressed his balls in the white tiger's massive paw. He jumped a bit, grinning despite himself, then just purred as Zach rubbed them over, gently squeezing them. Simon own maleness began to emerge from his sheath, coming to its full length. Just like Simon, Zach wrapped his paws tenderly around it, beginning to stroke. Pawing each other, they lay there, lazily stroking one another off.

Abruptly, Zach took his paw off of Simon's cock, standing up. Simon looked at his inquisitively, Zach leaning down and kissing him on the nose in reply. "One second." He got up, Simon just watching his cock bounce as Zach walked. The Siberian tiger opened the blinds, letting starlight and the moon spill into the room. He then went to his closet and reached onto the top shelf, brining back a couple of candles and box of matches. Setting the candles on the side table, he lit them up, then coming back to the bed. The candles gave Zach's white fur a golden tint.

Simon smiled. "Smells like coconut."

Zach sat down next to him, trailing a paw over Simon's hips and thighs, right down to his footpaws, rubbing them gently. "Now where were we?"

The orange tiger grinned shyly. "Right here." He rubbed his paws against Zach's chest, abdomen, and then cock. Zach murred and purred, liking the feeling on his maleness. He hadn't had someone give him an actual footjob in a long time. Normally if he got any footpaw play, it was just foreplay. But he was thoroughly enjoying the other tiger's footpaws all over his cock, rubbing and stroking him.

"Zach?" asked Simon.

"Mmhmm?" replied the white tiger.

"Do...you want to take me?" asked the younger tiger.

Zach looked over Simon, seeing honesty and seriousness behind the question. Zach lie down next to Simon, holding his paw once again. "If you want me to."

Simon squeezed Zach's paw. "Would we be together afterward?"

Zach smiled slightly. "I think so." He had never had a mate before. The idea was so foreign to him, but also, with Simon, appealing. Someone so patient, and knew of the pain that the past could bring. Like they were meant to be.

The orange tiger kissed Zach on the muzzle. "Then take me as your mate."

Zach gave Simon one last kiss, then got up onto his knees, positioning himself in front of his new boyfriend. He took all of Simon in once more; his toned muscles, slight build, beautiful blue eyes, and erect cock. To Zach, now he was the most perfect male.

Picking Simon's paws up, he raised them until the Bengal tiger's tailhole was exposed. Licking his muzzle with anticipation, Zach stroked himself, making sure he was fully aroused. His large cock begged to inside of the younger tiger, and he couldn't wait to mount Simon. He brought himself close to Simon, pressing his cockhead against Simon's tailhole. "Are you ready?"

Simon nodded. "It's okay, hun, go ahead."

Zach took a deep breath. He had never been nervous about sex before, but this was different. This wasn't just sex with a random fur; this was now his mate. Still so surreal to him, to know he was going to be with someone that wasn't going to leave forever in the morning gave him comfort. He sniffed Simon's footpaws that were next to his muzzle, giving one a quick lick as he started to sink into the smaller tiger. Simon gave a short yelp, but it was quickly replaced with a pleased moan as Zach filled him. The white tiger took the paw of his mate, letting Simon squeeze it tight as Zach mounted him.

"Are you all right?" asked Zach as half his shaft was inside the younger tiger.

"Mmhmm," gasped out Simon, loving the feeling. He liked to feel filled, to know someone was inside him, becoming one. And Zach definitely made him feel full. The white tiger continued to push himself inside of Simon, and every inch just brought Simon more pleasure. When Zach hilted himself, it was the best feeling Simon had ever had during sex. His own cock pulsed from the stimulation inside his ass.

"You're so tight," whispered Zach. "Feels...fantastic."

"I think anyone would be tight for you," said Simon, sardonically. Zach just let out a quick laugh. Then, the white tiger began to withdraw, and thrust back inside, going back out a third of his length before sliding back into Simon. The feeling was so intense for of them, the two of them lost in one another. Zach leaned down over Simon, muzzle to muzzle, as he continued humping into the smaller tiger. Simon could feel Zach's heavy breathing as the bigger tiger fucked him. Simon licked the end of Zach's nose, rewarded with a lick to his own nose. Simon giggled, kissing Zach, and again receiving the same in return. The weight of Zach on top of him made him feel secure, safe, just as the white tiger's maleness inside of him made him feel loved. He had had sex with so many furs, but this was the first time he had ever made love.

While thrusting into Simon, Zach was enjoying the affection Simon was giving him. It was rare he ever yiffed in this position, even rarer that his partner did anything but just lie there, maybe make an occasional moan or mutter something. But here, with this male, it was different. It was caring, and emotional, a connection forming between them as they shared their bodies with one another. It was then Zach realized that until then, he had never made love to anyone, but here, with Simon, it definitely was.

By the candlelight, their passion continued, the light of the stars and moon dancing over them as they explored one another. Simon had never wanted anything more than he wanted this moment to go on forever. He purred at Zach, who nuzzled him in return. They locked their muzzles to each other, their tongues exploring the other. Simon had always dreamed of a moment like this, and never imagined it would come. He entwined his tail with Zach's as drops of precum started to form on his tip.

Zach was slowly propelling himself back and forth now, in no haste to bring their coupling to a close. He loved the feeling of Simon's heat around his cock, the orange tiger's tongue on his, and Simon's body heat rising to meet his own. Zach also loved feeling Simon's feet resting against his back, thinking of Simon's footpaws while he pushed himself as deep as he could into Simon's soft insides. Even with their muzzles locked, Simon was still making little noises of pleasure beneath Zach. Zach was also aware of Simon penis pressing against his stomach, which just made his arousal even more intense.

Beginning to hump faster, Zach wound his arm around the back of Simon's neck, bringing the smaller tiger closer to him. Their muzzles were no longer touching but their tongues were, licking at one another furtively in their lust. Zach's continued sliding his cock in and out of Simon, and every thrust just felt better to Simon. He could feel more and more precum leaking onto his stomach and chest, with a vague warmth to it. Not as much as the heat he could feel from Zach's penis inside him, though. Simon stopped licking at Zach's muzzle for the moment, nuzzling into his neck instead at the pleasure that was overtaking his body.

"You're trembling," whispered Zach.

"Because it's feels good," susurrated Simon into Zach's neck. "And because I'm with you."

Zach purred in response, thrusting into Simon faster now, less of his maleness retreating each time. He just wanted to leave it inside Simon's tight, warm rear. Every time he felt Simon's own penis pulse against him, he started to push into the younger tiger faster and harder. Simon could feel Zach's cock right against his prostate with every thrust and push, and each time it was another blast of ecstasy up through his body. No other male's cock had every stimulated him like that, and he loved it. He'd had erections during sex before, and even precum before, but he felt like some invisible was stroking his cock as Zach mounted him. The feeling was intense, almost better than if he were actually being touched.

"I want you to cum inside me," breathed out Simon, raggedly. "Please..."

"I will," replied Zach, gently. "I will." Their tails flicked together, and Simon's toes clenched up as Zach hilted himself over and over again. Every thrust, moan, and kiss was another moment for the two of them, as their broken hearts found solace with each other. Simon stayed pressed to Zach, listening to the white tiger's heart beat, quickening as he made love to the Bengal tiger.

His testes tingled, and a familiar sensation crawled up his cock, and Zach knew he was going to orgasm soon. He slowed himself, then hastened his thrusts, alternating back and forth to draw out their coupling. But he also wanted to fill his new mate, to feel his seed deep within the orange tiger.

"It's okay, hun," whispered Simon, feeling like he was going to explode from the sensations inside him. "It's okay..."

Zach purred, licking the side of Simon's face, and gave one last thrust. With that, his climax surged through his cock, up through his shaft, and erupted from his head. Simon could feel every pulse, twitch, and surge of semen inside him as Zach finished. The white tiger bit down on Simon's shoulder, and this time it just felt fantastic to the younger tiger. Cum dripped from Simon's plugged tailhole and down over his ass and tail; so much of it he could actually feel the spreading warmth leaking from his body. As Zach came inside him, and biting down on his shoulder, it was all too much for him. His own tiger maleness twitched and pulsed, bringing his own semen out and all across his chest, and a bit on Zach's stomach. The white tiger purred when he felt Simon cum, and the smaller tiger just moaned in the absolute pleasure of the moment of being filled with his new mate's cum and that Zach had triggered his orgasm without even touching him. His own cum was plastered all over is chest, the warm fluid slowly spreading. Simon was covered in cum almost literally head to toe.

Letting go of Simon's shoulder when both their orgasms had passed, Zach looked him in the eyes, and Simon looked back, nuzzling against Zach. Neither of said anything, there was nothing that needed to be said. They both understood that this was what they wanted, were desperate for in their lives; for someone to care for, and be cared for in return. They just enjoyed the moment together after they shared themselves.

Finally, Simon broke the silence. "Zach?"

"Yeah?" the white tiger answered quietly.

"I think...I'm falling in love with you," whispered Simon. Zach didn't respond with anything, just the silence stretching on. "I know it's fast but--"

"It's okay," said Zach finally. "I...I..."

"I know," started Simon, "I didn't think you would feel the same way, but it's...how I feel. I just didn't want to weird you out..."

Zach took Simon's paw again. "You didn't, I promise. I'll be able to say it, but just..."

"I know," said Simon. He could still feel Zach inside of him, the two of them still not uncoupling. Simon didn't really ever want to.

"Someday, I'll be able to say it," whispered Zach. "We have plenty of time." Slowly sliding his cock out of Simon's tailhole, he lay next to the younger tiger, who put his arms around Zach, clinging to him. "All the time we want."

Lying in bed, they stayed there in silence, neither of the moving, just enjoying the other being there. By the time dawn came, they still hadn't moved or slept, both staying awake all night to see the other. For both of them, there was nothing else in life they could ever want. They had each other, and had trust in each other, which was as much a gift to each other as their love. Every day would be a new way for them to express that trust and love, and neither of them would have to be alone any longer.


Forbidden Fruit

This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. Otherwise, please...

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This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. Otherwise, please...

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This story contains scenes of MxM homosexual acts. If you're not into MxM, gay, or furry, don't read. If you are under 18 (21 in some states) or your locality prohibits looking at subjects of a pornographic nature, don't read. This also contains themes...

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