Closing time

Story by Leapardofalltrades on SoFurry

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Authors note: This was a story done as a submission to Furotic exchange on LJ, for Shinmaxwell. Enjoy. Parzifal property of Shinmaxwell, all others figments of my imagination...

+==================== Closing Time=====================+

Neal leaned over the counter one last time to wipe the dampened cloth along it's surface. He sighed softly and smiled a bit as he looked over at Sara as she walked behind the counter to put away a tray of glasses and pitchers, clinking them slightly as she dropped them into the sink to rinse them off. Neal's grin grew a bit more as the lynx bent over to pick up a rag that had fallen on the floor, showing off her tight rear in the cut off jeans she was wearing. The chubby bull mastiff licked his chops for a second before calling out to her a second later.

"I bet yer glad it's close'n time Eh? Sara?" his gruff Bronx accent called out as he pulled the rag back and tossed it back into the empty side of the sink.

Sara looked back at him as her stubbed tail twitched a bit. She followed his eyes and sighed, slightly annoyed that he had been staring at her ass again. This didn't last long though, she knew him well enough to know he meant nothing by it, besides the fat pooch wasn't her type, a real softy at heart.

"Yea, If I run into another asshole tonight, I'm going to scream" she grinned, her teeth showing from between her lips. "What about you, I bet you'll grab a beer and head upstairs?"

"Yea," Neal grinned and leaned against the bar "I'll be in the sack before too long. It has been one shitty night."

Neal pushed off the bar and rubbed the back of his head as he yawned, yea it had been a long night. Neal owned the bar lock stock and barrel and his flat was upstairs above the bar. All in all it was an easy life, except when things got rowdy, but that was usually few and far in between. Neal smiled at Sara and wiped his hands onto his greasy white tank top. As he licked his chops, he considered what needed to get done before they could both call it a night.

"I think," Neal started, "as soon as you get those glasses cleaned and put away, all we need to do is check on the taps, and make sure the coolers are stocked then we can both head home."

"Great!" Sara smiled back at Neal and already she was putting the mugs away in the dishwasher for a cycle. "How about I check the taps and you go pull the beer for the coolers?"

Neal nodded again and turned to walk back towards the stock room. Just as he was about to lift the plank to walk out from behind the bar, the front door to the bar swung open with a creak and a dark figure stepped inside. The figure had to fold his wings behind him to slip through the door. Neal grumbled slightly and stepped through the opening in the bar and turned to walk out towards the stranger.

"Hey! We're closed, you can't come in here!" Neal barked at the man, agitation edging his voice as he swung his arms, trying to turn the man around.

"Good. That means you won't have any distractions while serving me." The figure stepped into the light, walking towards the bar, the thick British accent flavoring his words.

"Not another asshole!" Sara grumbled from behind the bar.

"Yea, speak of the devil and he comes piss'n on your doorstep" Neal continued walking, trying to intercept the stranger before he got to the bar. "I don't think you heard me mister. We're not serving any one, we're closed." Neal stepped directly in front of the figure, growling slightly under his breath

.The figure stopped, looking up with his red tinted glasses. A slight grin crossed the creature's face as it glanced over the gruff looking bartender; sharp teeth peeked from just inside curled lips. The hybrid's eyes where still obscured by the dark tinted glasses and his mussed head fur hung haphazardly around his face and pointed muzzle. As the echidna/dragon began to chuckle softly he moved to the side to walk around the bartender, forcefully pushing the bull mastiff out of the way with his shoulder.

"Every one serves me, in one way or another." His voice was a cold, near melodic with the accent, and seemed to voice the same unshakeable confidence his demeanor did.

"Hey!" Neal shouted, quickly getting pissed off. He tried to reach for the hybrids shoulder to pull him back around. "I don't care, your not getting served here! Get out or I'm call'n the cops!"

As Neal grabbed the hybrid's shoulder, but a sharp tug loosed Neal's paw hold. The hybrids arm circled back and with a rough shove to the mastiff's chest, he pushed the pooch back harshly. Neal tumbled back, not having time to catch his balance and crashed into the side of one the bar's many smaller tables. His flailing arms only managed to knock two of the chairs over as he went crashing to the ground right onto his tail.

"Hey you creep!" Sara screamed in outrage, quickly hopping the bar and sliding along it to drop to the floor on the other side, then darting towards Neal.

As Sara circled the few tables, her fur was already on end. She kneeled at Neal's side and looked him over. Besides some obvious discomfort, the obese pooch seemed more pissed off than injured. Sara helped him sit up and checked him over for a second more before standing. As she walked up to the hybrid, she hissed through her clenched teeth. The hybrid was watching her every move, even before she was face to face with him. His evil smirk was still pasted on his face. His head dipped slightly, looking her over from toes to ear tips and his licked his lips at what he saw.

Sara reached back with her right paw and then swung with all her might. The slap crossed the hybrids face and jarred it to the side, his red glasses hanging crooked across his face and 3 jagged gashes lay along his cheek from her claws. As the eyes turned in his skull, the teal orbs staring back at Sara for a moment before closing. The hybrid growled a bit, his breath quickening as he reached up to pull his glasses off his face. With his eyes still closed, he turned his face back at Sara and then snapped them open. Sara gave a startled hiss as she saw them, the previously teal eyes where now glowing red.

"That," The hybrid began, his voice becoming gruff with anger, "is going to cost you ripe little wench!"

His hand was quick; Sara failed to anticipate it. It flew through the air and snatched Sara's hair in his fist. Sara snarled in alarm and reached up with her own hands, trying to wrestle his fingers from her hair. Her claws only excited his twisted nature further and his lips curled away from his sharp teeth as he began to move Sara downward. The leverage on her hair was easily used against her and soon she was being force to bend at the waist. The hybrid simply continued pushing her downward till her balance caused her to put one knee down on the hardwood floor.

"Ahh! you creep let go of my hair!" Sara screamed, desperately clawing at his hand.

"The name is Parzifal, not creep. I doubt you'll be forgetting that any time soon."

Another jerk to Sara's hair had her finally kneeling fully on the ground in front of him. He sighed softly and then smirked. Already the scene was getting him aroused, feeling the feral power flooding his veins and burning in his mind. It was always interesting how things like this happened, just walk into a bar and already he had a cute little lynx kneeling before him, ready for worship.

Neal had another idea though, and as the hybrid had his back turned to him he had picked up one of the chairs and now poised it to swing at the hybrids back. With a slight grunt, he let it swing with all his might. Being a chubby out of shape mastiff didn't do him much good today. The swing landed across Parzifal's wings and back and the chair bounced off harmlessly. Not even the satisfying sound of splintering wood could be heard. As Neal tried to raise the chair again, Parzifal moved to counter the move quickly.

Releasing Sara's hair, Parzifal turned with his left hand balled in a fist. Again, his hand was quicker that Neal could account for and the shot landed swiftly in the bull mastiff's Adams apple as he had the chair raised over his head. The Chair dropped immediately and the chubby bar owner's hands went to his neck as he began hacking and wheezing before doubling over and reaching out to lean against one of the tables. Parzifal gave the mastiff no time to recover and his right hand was already swinging towards Neal's head. The blow landed, leaving Neal to collapse on the floor as unceremoniously as he had the first time.

Parzifal had struck the pooch behind the left ear, Neal was out before he even hit the floor the second time. The sound of falling chairs filled the small space with chaos for a moment longer and then fell silent. Silent except for Sara's panicked breaths as she scrambled across the floor a few feet in front of Parzifal. Calmly, the hybrid reached behind him, feeling for the handle of his thorn laden whip and took a step forward. Three long strides put him within reach of Sara as she scrambled towards the bar.

"Enough of that, you're not going any where my little toy." Parzifal growled smirking.

One good swing along the back of her unprotected thighs stopped Sara's scrambling. She yelped in pain, curling up on the floor, and wrapped her hands protectively along the backs of her legs. Eyes wide with fear and uncertainty looked back at Parzifal, which only made him grin further. Yes, he was in control and this tight young lynx would be his entertainment for a few hours.

"Really," Parzifal began, letting his thick British accent bleed through his words. "You shouldn't be so concerned with getting away, because you can't. What you should be worried about is how you're going to please me. Quite simply, I won't be going any where till I'm satisfied."

Sara already had tears in her eyes from the stinking smack to the back of her unprotected thighs, slowly though the look in her eye dissolved into subtle defiance.

"Fucker! You can go to hell! I'm not doing any thing for you!" Sara hissed back.

Scrambling to her feet again, Sara began to crawl away as fast as she could. Parzifal smirked and took another step forward. He lifted his foot and planted it firmly against Sara's round posterior and gave it a good shove. Sara was forced off balance and sprawled on the floor, sliding a few feet before she looked back at him with anger boiling in her eyes.

"You creep! Leave me alone!" Sara's voice was angry, defiant, but still edged with uncertainty.

Still Sara tried for the corner of the bar again, where she knew a phone was hidden under the counter. She kept crawling forward, hoping that Parzifal would ignore her long enough to get to that one corner. Parzifal simply watched for now, whip still clutched in his paws. After she had taken a few steps, he followed her and quickly approached from behind. Soon he was walking beside her as she crawled across the floor.

"How do you know you won't enjoy it? Some kittens like a little punishment when they're being disobedient. It's a way to seek attention. But I'll warn you now. Obey me or else." Parzifal looked down, grinning wickedly at what he suggested.

Sara didn't look up, only crawled faster as she headed towards the corner of the bar. Five feet left, four... She kept going. Parzifal had other ideas however, and in fact Sara seemed to be walking right into them. He leaned down with the whip and then lashed out with it. The whip landed squarely across the back of one her outstretched paws. Sara screamed in pain, stopping long enough to cradle the hand in her other paw as more tears began to slip from her now puffy eyes.

"Damnit! You ass!" Sara's voice was becoming shaky from fear and pain.

As she examined her paw, the slight stains of blood began to well up through Sara's fur. She cringed slightly for a second, jumping as Parzifal moved in front of her. The slight grin that peeked from between the blue streaks in his head fur smiled down at her as his red eyes regarded her with predatory intention. Sara still needed to get to the corner of the bar, but now Parzifal was between her and her goal.

As Sara looked up into his face, his impressive physique now seemed dominating, he towered over her. The few details her mind could pick up quickly began swimming in the river of jumbled thoughts that flooded her mind. The dark grey fur across his broad chest and toned belly was accentuated by a white tattoo across his chest and a blue strip running from shoulder to shoulder. Sara blinked the tears from her eyes and sniffled some. She was in trouble, and she knew it. Nothing about this character made her feel even the slightest bit comfortable.

Sara swallowed hard and got back down on her hands and began to crawl. She tried to skirt around Parzifal, crawling off to the side of his feet as he stood there staring at her. Sara didn't get far though. As she tried to skirt around Parzifal, he simply reached down and let his fingers run though her hair and quickly snatched her up by it. From that point on, she was drug across the floor as he stepped forward towards the corner of the bar. Sara screeched loudly, hissing and fussing in pain as she clawed at his hand desperately.

Parzifal ignored the pain for the moment, grumbling lowly only to show his pleasure at having such a frisky kitten to toy with for the time being. As he approached the bar, he lifted Sara slightly so as to lean her over one of the many bar stools that where bolted to the floor around the countertop. Sara was still screaming bloody murder as Parzifal laid his whip to the side and reached behind him once again to fetch something from his pockets. A par of steal handcuffs came into sight a moment later, fastening one of the rings around Sara's right wrist as she struggled with his hand.

As soon as Sara realized she had been cuffed, she jerked her hand away. Parzifal held the other end securely, letting her struggle with it as she pulled away from the bar stool and began to jerk at her tethered limb.

"Hey! Let me go! Fucking creep!" Sara was huffing and growling, struggling with all her might to get away.

Parzifal still held the other end tightly in his fingers, only leaving his arm limp to let Sara struggle vainly as she hissed at him. The struggling quickly exhausted Sara though, and bored Parzifal before long. With a jerk, the hybrid pulled Sara to him. He gripped her cuffed wrist and pulled her towards the bar where a hand rail was bolted around the perimeter. He slipped the free end of the cuff around the handrail and then reached for Sara's free hand. Sara struggled a bit, seeing what was coming; the chain of the cuffs clicked and clinked on the metal handrail. With her other hand restrained already all she could do was try to keep her other hand out of Parzifal's grip.

Skilled as he was with dealing with reluctant playmates, Parzifal quickly managed to snag a hold of Sara's left wrist. She whimpered softly and tugged and twisted her arm trying to free it.

"Please, let me go!"

Parzifal held it tightly as well and slowly pulled it towards the open end of the cuffs. As her hand was slipped inside, her fate was sealed with the mechanical clicking of the latch, securing the loop in place around Sara's wrist.

"Gods no, what are you going to do with me?" Sara's voice was gripped with fear now, seeing as she was now fully at Parzifal's mercy. She struggled briefly, twisting her arms and pulling at the cuffs to no avail.

"I'm not sure really. I never plan these things, mind you. Opportunity affords me many chances to have my way with many fun playmates. Tonight, that seems to be you." Parzifal seemed pleased with himself.

Sara jerked on the cuffs again but it was obvious she wasn't going anywhere soon. Parzifal knew this as well and licked his lips at the prospect of taking advantage of her. He moved behind Sara and pressed his body up against hers from behind. Her pert rear and stubbed tail wiggled slightly in front of him, rubbing against his groin. Having watched her crawl on the ground, whimper in pain and fear, Parzifal had already become aroused.

He leaned forward, pressing against Sara's rear and mashing her body against the stool. Sara whimpered and hung her head slightly as she whined in protest; she could feel that erection pressing against her ass. As tears began to stream down her face, she let out a soft sob and twisted her hands in the cuffs. As Parzifal ground his hips against Sara's, he reached up with both hands. Hooking his strong fingers in the collar of her pink pullover, he grunted and pulled it apart between his hands. The fabric ripped from the top and he followed the rip down with his hands till it was completely ripped from top to bottom.

Now Sara's back was exposed, the shirt hanging loosely off the sides of her body. The only thing that held the fabric in place was her arms, and those where chained to the handrail. Sara gritted her teeth, giving a frustrated whimper, and trying to pull her elbows in to tuck the fabric around her chest. She hadn't worn a bra to work, most of the time that meant the tips where a little better, but now she regretted it felt humiliated.

The worst part of it, Sara admitted to herself, was that someplace deep inside she felt excited. The humiliation mounted as she realized the feel of Parzifal grinding against her ass was turning her on. She didn't want to be turned on, she wanted him to leave and leave her alone. As Parzifal gave another rough thrust against Sara's backside, she grunted slightly. The grunt sounded dangerously close to a moan. She whimpered again and hung her head between her arms as she cried.

"No crying!" Parzifal barked, growling through his teeth.

Before Sara could raise her head to spit something back at him, Parzifal had grabbed the whip. He struck Sara along the back near her shoulder blade. Sara screamed and cringed away from the pain. There was no place to go and that strike had been rough. She whimpered and sobbed; the pain of the whip starting first, and then the sting of the cuts and scrapes the thorns left behind. Parzifal reached up with one hand, moaning softly, and ran it through her fur where the blood began to weep through. He smeared it through her pelt and then leaned forward.

His hand slipped under her ribs and came up against one of her breasts. As he palmed one, he squeezed it softly and growled gutturally behind Sara. Her nipple was pressing into his palm, stiff and excited. Parzifal knew he had her then, her body defying her and giving in to his attentions.

"I'll make this worth it, my dear. Before it's done I'll have you begging for more." Parzifal huffed into one of her ears.

Sara simply hung her head, trying to turn her ear away from his voice. His words made her blush fiercely, that dark place inside her wondered how it might be. This powerful male, rutting her, taking possession of her body and making her his property. Parzifal was already well on his way to doing all this, and Sara realized with great fear that part of her wanted this. Never mind that already she was growing moist from the lewd sensations of Parzifal grinding against her ass.

"Please, stop, I don't want this!" Sara cried out, hoping to appeal to his kindness if any.


That wasn't his only response. He lashed out again landing the whip along the same wounds as before. Sara yelped again and hissed from the pain. Parzifal grinned and welted her again, then another and another. After about 5 or 6 lashes to her back, Parzifal stopped and let his other hand smear the blood into her fur once again. The pale grey fur was now tinged with red and pink. The wounds were superficial, but they stung fiercely. Sara was writhing in pain under Parzifal, squirming against his groin without realizing it. Parzifal just moaned loudly then put the whip to the side.

He grabbed Sara's hips, pulling them against his own. His erection throbbed painfully in his jeans, causing him to grunt loudly, and figured he would have to do something about it. His hands slipped down her hips, hooking his thumbs in her shorts and began to pull them down her thighs. He didn't even bother keeping his claws at bay as the tips raked her flesh under the fur on her thighs. He pulled the shorts down to her knees with a jerk and as he stood up again, his palm landed flat handed across one of Sara's bare cheeks.

As Parzifal looked down he could see where the thin white sting of Sara's panties slipped up from between her ass cheeks. He brought his hand back and slapped her cheek again but much rougher this time. The sting of the bare spanking left his hand tingling. Sara just grunted, crying out, turning to look back at Parzifal with a tear soaked face.

"Ahhh! Stop hitting me! I'm not some whore you can just beat! Just leave already!" Sara hissed back at him though the sobs of pain and humiliation.

Parzifal just grinned at her, his own hair slightly damp with perspiration. The expression told Sara he wasn't going anywhere, and now that face was burned into her brain with a cold expression and the strange scar across his forehead.

"Your not going anywhere and neither am I, love. Tell me the truth; you're excited by all of this. You've never had any bloke like me have you? Some one who just takes what they want." Parzifal grinned.

Parzifal would settle this debate right now. His hand slipped towards the center of her thighs. A finger wrapped around the hem of her panties and pulled it to the side. Already he could feel the damp warmth that radiated from her pussy. Even before he slipped his finger inside her, he knew what he would find. The puffy lips gave way readily, slick with excitement and coating his finger. As he pushed it deep inside her, he chuckled softly at her.

"Your body tells me I haven't done anything wrong so far, listen to it, it's telling you what you want!"

Sara was, for once, without words. Instead she was panting, paws clenched as he invaded her cunt with his thick digit and probed inside her. She hadn't realized how aroused she had truly been, but now with a finger slipped inside her hot and puffy sex, it took all her concentration to keep from moaning outright. With her lip trembling, she whimpered a bit more and stanched another moan as her hips jerked slightly. They jerked, but not to get away, despite what she thought she wanted, they pressed back slightly against his hand, allowing his finger to press deeper.

Humiliated, Sara rowled and hung her head in her arms again to begin sobbing pitifully. Her cheeks where soaked, her nose running wetly and her mouth getting dry from all the panting. She could feel the wetness dripping from her pussy as Parzifal fingered her for a moment. After a few more minuets he pulled it out. He leaned forward and slipped the soaked finger up under Sara's muzzle, smearing it across her lips and nose. Sara yelped in surprise, jerking her head to the side and away from his finger. She shook her head, almost hoping to have it shaken from her muzzle like water, but it clung tight to her fur.

Sara licked her lips a second later to clear the fur on her lips of the tears. The salty tang coated her tongue and her sensitive pallet also picked up the slight musky tinge of her own arousal Parzifal had smeared along her cheeks. She blushed again, this was all so very naughty and she hated to admit that. It was erotic, arousing.

Parzifal didn't let Sara dwell on that thought for much longer. His fingers where already working the zipper to his pants and soon he was pulling them down towards his knees. His sheathed cock slipped from his pants and stood out proudly in front of him, bobbing slightly with each pulse of his heart. He gave Sara's ass a harsh slap once again, and then let his hands grope the globes of her ass and pull them apart. One thumb retained the string of her panties, leaving the valley of her ass and cunny exposed to his view as he looked down.

Parzifal didn't even bother to guide his cock as he let his hips press forward. His sheathed head pressed against Sara's puffy lips, the heat radiating into his manhood and filling him with even more feral lust. He bent over her, reserving nothing at his hips came slamming against Sara's. The forceful thrust sank his cock right into her sopping wet sex. The sheath pealed back from his cock and now he was engulfed in warmth and wetness. He growled from the pleasure, head tilting back slightly. He reached for her shoulders and let his strong hands grip them tightly.

As he pulled back, the slick opening of Sara's pussy smacked wetly around his cock. He let his thick head pull back till it was just outside the puffy lips of her sex and thrust again. Sara had been gritting her teeth up until now, the first thrust filling her with the pain of a rough penetration and more than enough pleasure to be worth it. Still she didn't give in, she didn't want to let him know she was getting off on this or even admit it to herself. Parzifal's thrusting continued at a maddened pace from that point on.

His hips pounded against Sara's and his claws dug into her shoulders as he pulled himself into each thrust. His body worked like a machine, pistoning his hips forward. His hips crashed against her soft round ass, slapping loudly in the small bar. He grunted again, feeling her wet channel sliding along his cock and then the pleasure of feeling his member slipping deep inside her warm moist depths.

Sara grunted with each thrust, feeling Parzifal's cock reach deep inside her. As tears continued to steam down her face, she tried to keep it from happening. It was building up too fast. The feel of this fierce rutting was slamming into her body, pressing her against the stool and racking her entire body with the force of each blow. His cock was pounding in and out of her cunt, and she could feel her pussy clench against it. She couldn't help it, it was slowly driving her mind blank until it her body finally demanded its due from the intense pleasure.

Parzifal's throbbing cock continued to pound into her, even as her body tightened up. Her cunt spasmed once and then reluctantly her whimpers turned to grunts of pleasure. Through the tears, her humiliation became complete as she began to rowl and moan. She came with Parzifal still fucking her roughly. She moaned, unable to hide it as her voice gained volume. Her body shuddered slightly, her tears tasted sweet as bliss flooded her mind, twisting her already confused thoughts further.

Her body pressed back against Parzifal, only to have his hips jar her forward. As she moaned, her voice quivered with the intense emotional toll the orgasm had on her. Parzifal just grinned, feeling her cunt grip his cock. He didn't slow down for one second. He just kept pounding into her. His claws left bloody furrows in her fur as he began to drag them down her back. He could feel her cunt becoming even more wet after the orgasm.

Sara wailed as she felt those claws rip furrows in her fur. Though it was painful, the ebbing orgasm turned it into a strange sort of pleasure, a stronger sensation to push the orgasm along further. One orgasm turned into another and she cried out loudly, no longer trying to hide it as she moaned at the top of her lungs. Her eyes stung from the crying and she clenched them closed as her head reared back to let out another quivering moan.

Parzifal reached forward, slipping his fingers into her hair and pulling Sara's head back even further. He reached around with the other hand and struck her across the cheek roughly, letting the sting sink in while she shuddered under him. She yelped in surprise, but still she was moaning. The orgasm took its toll and soon Sara became exhausted from its intensity, her body trembling and hanging limply there supported by the bar stool. She flinched as Parzifal struck her cheek again, but this time she welcomed the pain, the intensity and fierce nature of the fucking.

Sara's eyes shot open a second later. Parzifal had pulled out of her sopping cunt and now he had the slickened head pressed against her puckered tail hole. She shook her head no, even as his grip on her hair remained firm. He held her face up, her body straining slightly as he kept tension between her cuffed arms and her head. His free hand was holding his thick cock against her ass and with the same fierce thrusting he pressed it into the tight ring.

The wetness made the entrance easy for him. Sara, however, hadn't had time to prepare for the violation of her ass. The ring stretched painfully around Parzifal's wicked member. The burning and cramping filled her entire body with agony for a few long moments. They seemed like an eternity for her as she began sobbing loudly again, her tears falling down her face once more.

The thrusting didn't stop for the sobbing though, or for the pain he knew he was inflicting. It was all the same to him, and the pleasure of the even tighter orifice left him wanting nothing more than to pound into her body with renewed vigor. The collection of pre and her wetness lubed the passage of his cock as it slammed into her body relentlessly again. He moaned even louder, savoring her suffering as his pleasure. He kept his hips slamming against her ass. The velvet passage gripped his cock with the warmth of her innards squirming around his flesh.

He kept his hold on her hair and kept his cock sinking into her. He smacked her again and then hooked his fingers into her mouth, pressing them against her tongue. She gurgled slightly and stared up blankly as he violated her completely. That feeling of humiliation returned again, mixed with a strange sense of morbid pleasure mixed with the pain. Warm pleasurable sensations made themselves known, breaking through her consciousness as that cock rutted her ass roughly.

The pain and pleasure mixed, becoming intense once again, and then mixing with her humiliation and shame. She couldn't help that it felt so good. She wasn't in control, he was. Maybe that was what was filling her with so much shame. He was in control, using her like a toy, a play thing. He was using her, and she liked it.

Parzifal's hips began to alternate the pace a bit. The pleasure was now beginning to build for him and his body showed it. Looking down on this young lynx with her clothes tattered, her back tinged with blood from his whippings and his claws. The tight ring of her ass slipped back and forth across his distended fleshy head and now his cock was getting even stiffer as his balls tightened slightly. He looked at her again. Her head was pulled back, her hair in his hand, body shaking with each thrust. The look on her face; the one where Sara hated loving it. The look of a toy who was being used and, despite the pain, she was being pleasured by it.

He growled loudly, gritting his teeth as he thrust against her for all he was worth. He released her hair, letting her head fall forward and then reached down to hold her shoulders again for a better grip as he fucked her brutally. His cock felt swollen, sensitive and throbbing. After a few more jerking thrusts he finally let go, letting the image of Sara whimpering in front of him burn into his mind. The rush of semen came from deep inside him, pushing forth in a frothing mass as the first rush gushed into Sara's ass.

Sara could feel that first shot. The semen burned her innards with the heat of it. His erratic trusting was doing something to her body. She couldn't tell exactly what till it rushed over her again. As the second shot of semen pored itself into her ass, she felt her ass spasm around his cock. The warmth and the feel of that thick pulsing cock pressing deep inside her had reached a place she didn't know existed. She came again, moaning loudly between whimpering breaths and huffing for air.

Her body twisted under Parzifal. She came like never before, even more powerfully than her first orgasms. Her body shook, powerful quakes of pleasure surged through every sinew and vein. She wailed in pleasure, whimpered in shame and cried from the pain. All of it mixed into a sensation that was beyond description. She loved that sensation, it made her feel so very vulnerable and powerless and somehow it was like Parzifal was feeling a need she didn't know she had. As her body quaked again, she lifter her muzzle again and cried out in pleasure.

"Yessss! Fuck yes.. gods.. rape me... I'm yours. Fuck me, I'll be yours forever... please don't stop." She shouted at the top of her lungs, whimpering afterward.

Parzifal simply growled in satisfaction, having driven her to this point with his prowess. The last of his ejaculate pored from the tip of is now tingling cock head. He pulled it from her rear with a succulent plop and stepped back slightly. He spread her cheeks with his hand, looking at her abused ring. The puffy flesh was coated in a glaze of their mingled juices, and even some of his semen dribbled down her crack towards her puffy mound. He looked up again and smacked her ass again and laughed at her.

He rubbed and toyed with her ass, smirking as he panted softly and came down from his own orgasm. A few minuets of heavy breathing quickly cooled his feral lust and soon he was simply waiting for the right moment to gloat over his victory.

"You were lovely, doll, but all things come to an end. You asked me to leave, and now that I'm satisfied I think I'll depart for now. It seems I wasn't as thirsty as I thought." Parzifal stated simply.

Sara turned her head to the side, trying to look back at Parzifal. The words stunned her, breaking the intense afterglow of the animalistic rutting. The words sank in, hanging heavy in her belly. Despite every thing, this was something she wanted more of.

"What? No! Please don't leave me here!" Sara jerked on the cuffs making the softer bits of her body jiggle pleasantly "Please, take me with you. I'm not mad, really. I won't say anything. Just don't leave me alone like this. I'll be your pet, your toy, you're..." she hesitated "slave."

Parzifal was already pulling his pants up and tucking his cock and balls away. As he zipped his fly, he simply chuckled at Sara and kept grinning. He stepped beside her and reached over to retrieve his favorite whip before stuffing that back into his pocket. He adjusted the red bracers near his shoulders and sighed. He reached over, grabbing Sara's face and turning it to look into her eyes. The expression was so precious, so wanting. Everything he wanted was in that expression and nothing more. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately for a moment.

Sara whimpered into his mouth, the kiss sending chills down her spine. She kissed back desperately, hoping that she could convince him of her worth. Her kiss was sloppy, entirely too eager. That's what happens when you blow someone's world away, they cling to you desperately because you're the only thing that stands out. Sara didn't understand what had happened through all this. Only that Parzifal was responsible for it all and she wanted more.

Parzifal broke the kiss, stepping forward a bit more. As he stepped out in front of Sara and turned her head back a little further. There, under one of the bar tables was Neal, wide awake and staring at them both dumfounded. Sara blanched, Neal had seen it all. She felt herself blushing fiercely again and began to weep again. She wanted to hide, but the cuffs still held her. Parzifal knew this was the best time, the time to crush her broken spirit even further.

"I never had keys for those cuffs sweetness. I'm not taking you anywhere. I'm done with you, and I want nothing more from you. You're a flash in the night, a wet dream that's forgotten before you even wake up." Parzifal laughed at Sara, patting her cheek as she sobbed again weakly.

Tears filled Sara's eyes. The puffy redness around their lids was still painfully obvious. Now that her heart had been crushed she became even more unsure of what to want or expect. She still wanted to go with Parzifal, still wanted him to show her even more of that pleasure. As much as she wanted, now he was telling her things that stung far more than his whip or claws. She hated him even more now as she wept against the hand rail of the bar. She couldn't even hide herself from Neal, who was still watching the entire thing and not offering a single hand to help her.

Parzifal turned and walked away from Sara, waving to her idly over his shoulder. A wide smile covered his face as he walked by the table where he had left his glasses. He quickly donned them and passed Neal on his way out. Neal just looked at him blankly, shocked by the nature of the scene he had just witnessed. As Parzifal pushed open the door again and inhaled the cool night air into his lungs, He looked back to see Neal standing and walking stiffly towards Sara.

As he closed the door, the last thing he heard was Sara's wail-full sobbing. Neal offered some consolation.

"Sara.. I'm sorry.." Neal seemed unsure what to do.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! Get away, just get away.." Sara screamed back at Neal.

Parzifal chuckled softly, pushing his glasses further up his face and walking down the road without a second thought to what he had done. It was all in a nights work for him, maybe he would get lucky and find something a bit more to his taste down the road. Things seemed hopeful as he wandered into the night, not really caring where he was headed.

A Fathers Revenge

Authors Note: Basic Disclaimer, I am not responsible if you're viewing this stuff illegally in your location, IE underage etc. The following story deals with controversial subjects such as Rape, Sadism and murder. If you're uncomfortable with such...

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Roads of oportunity

Authors notes: Well, I've finally got a story to submit. As a new author, I'd like as much input as any one can offer. Things I'm interested in getting feed back about: Story composition, Is it a good story, does it keep your interest? Gramar and...

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