Of change and shells

Story by FurryGunns on SoFurry

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#4 of Bowser and the Peach

I began this chapter with some intention of having more exposition on the story. I went through a few changes in it over and over. The more I wrote, the more story and explanation came out. Rather than write something with five pages of story and a page and a half of the sexy stuff. So at the start of the said sexy stuff I decided to make this chapter stand alone. It might not be what people are waiting for, but frankly it's me satisfying my ego. I apologize for the length of it.

A few notes about the story so....


The idea of Luigi becoming a woman came from an idea I had when I first preemptively started the third chapter. Then it was going to be both Mario and Luigi and they would become sex slaves for Bowser's army. It was more of a bait and switch that would leave Peach more or less the same way. When I started writing it again I decided against that and focused it down to just Luigi becoming a woman. I wanted some more drastic change than just the three of them transforming slowly, and I kind of liked the idea of a gender change on one of the series' protagonists. Luigi was originally the focus in the second half of the story, but then I remembered the series is called "Bowser and the Peach", not "the Adventures of Lady Luigi". So I cut it out and decided to make it a side story after I'm done with the next chapter.

The explanation of the koopas and the various parts of their anatomy was apart of that original draft too, which was going to be Scott explaining to Luigi about his/her new body. It seemed a bit strange for a creature that's largely a turtle to have the same genitalia as a human, so it felt like it needed embellishing. The spell is deus ex machina, no way around it. I wanted there to be a Bowser/Peach offspring, and a human having a humanoid turtle's eggs seems far fetched. Making Peach a koopa made the idea more believable to me, and Peach always getting reamed by Bowser's club seemed a bit too sadistic, so she needed to be a bit larger, but still be the sexy Peach we know. While it's not quite a picture or a painting, but you get the idea.

and I can't quite seem to get out of the mindset of them being lovers, no matter how much I try. I guess I really I am a hopeless romantic.

As before to cover my ass, Bowser, Princess Peach, Mario, Luigi and other Super Mario characters are a product of Nintendo Company Ltd. I do not own any part of Nintendo's creations, nor take any part in their development. This is a product of a wordy mind, and some dabbles of perversion thrown in for good measure.

As Princess Peach walked down the hallways through the kingdom she felt nervous. Bowser's arm draped around her shoulder gave her a sense of comfort but being the center of attention like this seemed so strange to her. She was used to being treated like royalty and being in the public light having grown up as she did, but the murmuring she heard made her feel like an alien. People commenting on her figure and what she was wearing. Soldiers telling each other what they wanted to do to her and in which position.

A small goomba waddled up to her and her fiance. Unlike most of the goombas she had seen in the past, and recently in the kingdom, this one had long brown hair. The small goomba bowed as best as it could, which made it seem more like a nod to Peach. "Excuse my bravado, but if I may I would like a moment of your time," The small goomba said, it's voice high, feminine.

Peach smiled and nodded at the goomba. "Of course sweetie, what's your name?" She said.

"Her name is Sarah," Bowser said. "She's one of the few female goombas in my army. I've heard quite a bit about you."

"Thank you my lord," Sarah replied, blushing. "I'd just like to say how happy I am to hear you two are finally getting married. For years my people have been separated from the rest of our species in the Mushroom Kingdom. The choice of my ancestors to leave the mushroom kingdom has kept us from returning to our homeland. As thankful as we are to you Lord Bowser to give us a home during our exile, we are glad for this peace and a chance to rekindle a connection to our past. I am not able to repay you for this, but I cannot thank you both enough."

Peach teared up, this brought all of the attention into prospective. She had nearly forgotten that the toad people and the goombas were related. She suddenly didn't feel like such a freak. Peach knelt down and hugged Sarah. "Your thanks are more than I need for payment," Peach said, trying to stifle her sobs.

Sarah, lacking arms was helpless to return the hug. She instead chose to close her eyes and enjoy a hug from her new queen. When Peach finally released the small goomba Sarah too was crying. She jumped up and gave Peach a kiss on the cheek as the only way she had to return the affection. "Thank you both again. I'll leave you two alone," Sarah said, then left as quickly as she came to them.

"Well, you are quite the people person," Bowser said.

"I'm not macho enough to be an ass," Peach said with a smile. She grabbed Bowser's arm and put it around her shoulder again. She still couldn't quite explain her attraction to Bowser. Different species, has kidnapped her more times than she can count, dictator, and all around not a nice guy. This could all be a show for her, his kindness towards everyone. For all she knew Sarah was a plant and was killed as soon as she was out of Peach's line of sight. It could be nothing more than sexual attraction, or the mushrooms talking, maybe even magic, but it felt natural to her. His muscular leathery skin against hers, the warmth of his body embracing her.

They came to a large, brightly lit room with several dozen koopas and goombas of varying ranks and specialties. Wooden weapons and leather armor lined the walls along with large foam pads that also lined parts of the ground. "This is our training room, one of the smaller ones we keep in the kingdom for the guards." Bowser said. They walked over to a circle of koopas and goombas. The room was largely silent save for the sound of blows being exchanged. In the center they found the two Mario brothers fighting the hammer brothers in hand-to-hand combat. "Looks like we found them. They must be sparing, I haven't known Fred and George to fight with their hammers like this."

The fight was obviously a bit unbalanced. The Mario brothers had the experience of fighting and beating the hammer brothers and others in their ranks on numerous occasions. Still, the four of them made it seem like they were on even ground. The Mario brothers were in fine form as they blocked and traded blows, but Peach couldn't help but notice that they looked a little different as well. Mario looked taller than usual, Luigi seemed to have some significant muscle definition. What struck her as the strangest was the color of their faces. Like hers, it was darker, taking on an orange tan-like hue.

Peach pulled Bowser aside to a locker room she hoped was empty. "Bowser, what the hell is going on here?"

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. If those four were fighting it would be obvious by the rest of my soldiers joining in," Bowser said.

"That's not what I'm talking about and you know it," Peach snapped, her face getting visibly red with anger. "You've done something to us. My breasts are larger, Mario's grown a few inches, Luigi looks like he's been pumping iron, and all three of us look like we've been in Delfino for too long."

"Okay, I can explain that," Bowser said, his voice calm.

"You better," Peach said, her eyes darted around the room for something to fight with if she needed to.

"I haven't been entirely forthcoming with a lot of information. Everything you've eating, drank or simply taken into your body has been indued with a powerful spell Ian put together to serve two purposes."

Peach, having not found something she could easily grab to hurt him with, slapped Bowser. "You bastard!" She screamed, no longer worrying if someone heard or not. "It all makes sense now, why I agreed to marry you after you and your army violated me. Your fucking spell brain washed us."

"No Peach it hasn't," he replied calmly.


"No amount of magic you can make you do something against your will," Bowser moved towards peach as he spoke. She took a step away from him, but he gently grabbed her arm. "What the spell did was bring out what you wanted. I don't deny the rape was a horrible thing, and I regret it being a necessity, but your answer to my proposition, the affection, all of that is you. The most truthful you can possibly be. The other part of the spell was to change you into a koopa."

"What about the Mario brothers? They don't need to be koopas or persuaded into this situation like that!" Peach screamed into Bowser's face, struggling to pull her arm from his grip.

"No, you're wrong. While Luigi will listen to whatever you or Mario say unquestionably, Mario won't. He'll do what you want for a moment but he's just like me. He's arrogant, you can't be a hero without some arrogance. sitting submissively outside your bathroom without busting into my room while I healed and at my weakest wouldn't work. He wouldn't be in the training room sparing if the hammer brothers had come up to him with the frame of mind of a hero off to save a damsel in distress. He would want to fight them on friendly terms, yes, but the notion of saving you would make him do otherwise. The spell pushed him to do what he truthfully wanted to do, not do what he felt he was entitled to do."

"But why change them into koopas? It seems so pointless."

Her arm firmly gripped into his hand, Bowser pulled Peach towards him. "Everything was planned for, taken into account, even the hammer brothers. Casting the spell on you three directly wouldn't work because you would consciously work against the spell making it moot. Putting it the pink mushrooms the food, while rudimentary and not nearly as effect, worked to serve the purpose. As strange as it seems even the sex worked .

"Yes, an unfortunate result of the spell. It was created with you in mind princess," Bowser said, a tinge of regret in this voice. "Truth is, I need, no want, you to be a koopa. I want you to be my wife in every sense. I want to have children with you, but in order for that to happen you need to be a koopa. The spell was made with both you changing into a koopa and doing what your subconscious felt was the right answer. The strength of the spell is it's ultimate folly. Magic has it's own form of balance. It's just not possible to plainly change someone into a koopa, nor is it possible to remove the conscious decision without a significant catalyst. Ian worked for years on both spells individually, looking for the catalyst to cause either to work. It wasn't until a koopa he was training brought up the idea of using each as their own catalyst. Both spells work as a balance, they see each other as a downside. The advantage of making someone speak from their subconscious is balanced by the eventual transformation of the person cast with spell changing into a Koopa, and vice versa. Placing these spells on an indirect source of distribution diminished their strength. Using it on someone once wouldn't be enough, the effects would take over much slower and have a less dramatic effect. So it was used on anything we could use, even going so far as to enchant bodily fluids. The hammer brothers started the effect of the spell, the mushroom further enhanced it, as did my seed."

Peach stared at Bowser, stopped struggling against his grip, but was still tense. "How can I believe a word you say? You haven't done anything to make me trust you," she said.

"Peach," Bowser said, releasing his grip. "If I wanted your kingdom without you I could have done that ages ago. I want you to be my wife, my queen, and if you don't trust me then there's no point in all of this. "

Peach stood there, staring at Bowser for a minute, her eyes darting over his body. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath. "There's something a little freeing that knowing what I say now is what I actually think in the deepest part of my mind. Despite every imaginable reason for why I shouldn't, I trust you, and I love you."

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't love me," Bowser said. He opened his arms and walked towards Peach. Peach leapt into his arms, her arms grasping what they could of his wide frame.

"I'm glad your happy to hear that, I'm sure as hell not." The two of them looked at the open door. Mario stood there, fists clenched, Luigi right behind him with Bowser's army behind them. "I'm going to change into a god damn koopa without any say in it because of your mind fuck magic?" Mario yelled, spit flying from his mouth. "I'm going to kill you and everyone in this entire kingdom for this."

"Mario, wait a minute." Luigi said, his hand on Mario's shoulder. "Is ruining peace for both kingdoms worth it? Hell, is killing the one that Peach loves worth even killing a fly? She might have turned you down in the past, but I know you still love her. Can you still destroy her happiness because you're angry?"

Mario was stunned, he hadn't known Luigi to be so candid and open. He relaxed his hand. "No, I couldn't. As much as it hurts to see her in love with Bowser, even covered in his fucking cum stings, I can't hurt her like that." Mario turned to Bowser, pointing his hand at him. "You owe Luigi and I. We've unwittingly been your puppets in this whole plan. Our lives have been turned upside down because of it."

"Fair enough," Bowser said. "I couldn't deny you after all you've done, albeit against your will. The specific of the spells can be altered to whatever you want. You'll both still turn into koopas, but you don't have to be like you are now but with shells. You can be taller, stronger, skinnier."

"I want to be a woman," Luigi said.

"What?" Mario said, his voice breaking.

"I'm sick of waiting for Daisy," Luigi said. "I'm still a fucking virgin for crying out loud. As much as I've tried to accept not finding someone I can't accept it any longer. I want to turn over a new leaf, and if this is my subconscious speaking then I guess it's truly what I want. I mean it explains so much, my timid sensitive nature. I'm more feminine than I am masculine."

"Very well, we can do that Luigi." Bowser said with a nod. "Mario, what about you?"

Mario said nothing, just stared at his brother for a moment. "I can't really believe that's what you're going to choose."

"Mario, I've lived in your shadow for my entire life." Luigi said. "You're older than me, stronger than me, more courageous than me. You've had someone to love, and while she hasn't returned it as much you would hope she still loves you. I've chased after Daisy and she's hasn't shown nearly as much interest. She might be sweet and all, but it's like she thinks of me as little more than a brother. Maybe it's my fault, maybe I wasn't trying hard enough, or maybe I just wasn't attracted to her like that. This is what I want Mario."

Mario nodded, "It's your choice," he said, turning to Bowser. "Okay King of the Koopas. If can change myself then I want to be taller. I want to be stronger and skinnier. I might be a hero, but being short and fat is just fucking embarrassing when I run around saving people's lives," he stopped briefly, his mouth agape. "And I want to lead your army."

"Of course, you and Luigi are more than welcome to fight and lead my army," Bowser said.

"Oh, I want nothing to do with fighting." Luigi interrupted. "Peach and the mushroom kingdom are going to be safe. I've got no real reason to fight anymore."

"Alright, well your intelligence would still make a great asset," Bowser said. "You're a great tactician. You don't need to fight but your brilliant guidance would help limit casualties on both sides if you're willing to help there." Luigi nodded. "Mario, I saw you fighting in there. Even holding back you're a great fighter. As much as you might not like it, the spell helped you. Being a koopa means you're going to be stronger and tougher. Your expertise in training the army would help them immensely. I couldn't think of anyone better to lead my army whatever the need to fight."

"Thanks for the compliment," Mario said with a smile.

"As great as this is, could we get out of here?" Peach interrupted "All of these people in this small locker room is making me feel a bit claustrophobic."

"Right," Bowser said. He looked at his army. "All of you heard the lady, get out of here and back to training."

Three days had passed since that conversation, the changes to their bodies had become more apparent. Peach was now herself scratching her skin uncontrollably. Neither of the Mario Brothers, or Mario Siblings as it would soon become if Luigi didn't change his mind, seemed to be having such issues. It seemed to her the reason for this was that she had been under the effects of the spell for a longer time and much more frequently than they did. Her progression would happened much quicker and serve as a warning of what was to come for them.

She would have asked Bowser why this was, but he was indisposed of at the moment and didn't feel it was necessary to put more on his plate. She knew of two people, or more appropriately koopas, that could help her. Ian, Bowser's most senior magikoopa, would have an answer for her without a doubt, but Peach had found him a bit cold and calculated. Scott, the koopa who helped her snap out of her stupor that day in the bathroom, would be the one she would ask. He might not have all of the answers she needed, but he was probably one of the more thoughtful and kind koopas she had met in the kingdom. The only issue was finding him.

She had been aimlessly wandering down the hallways of the kingdom for at least a half an hour by now, asking anyone she could if they knew where to find the magical koopa. The outfit she was given wore was the same she was given three days ago. She had only come into the castle with the clothes on her back when she was kidnapped, which were completely ruined. As a request she had asked for them to be changed to pink, which Bowser had Ian do rather promptly. It had been attracting a lot of attention as she went from hallway to hallway.

Mario wasn't too thrilled that he had yet to change much, but Bowser insisted that he had Ian hard at work with specific variations of the spell that had them undergoing these changes for the three of them. Luigi and Mario's made to their specifications, while Peach's spell was being made to Bowser's specifications. Peach was concerned by this, in that her diet hadn't really changed yet she had been gaining weight.

Her breasts and ass had grown quite a bit, and her frame looked wider after the first full day under the spell's effect. Thankfully she hadn't noticed any significant changes in her size that day, hoping it meant that stage of her transformation was over. She actually really liked the changes, they didn't make look heavy so much as they made her buxom. Having bigger breasts and ass she didn't mind as long as it didn't progress too poorly.

The outfit she was wearing had been changed twice on the first day by to accommodate her growing assets and frame. Since then nothing was changed and the outfit felt like it was barely holding together. Worse still she had to ditch the skirt part of the outfit the day before as it refused to actually buckle to the outfit. The leering eyes and wolf calls from what she felt like was every male in the kingdom only made her feel even more naked than she already was.

"Excuse me, do you know of a koopa named Scott?" Peach asked a koopa in the mess-hall who was enjoying a healthy portion of a delicious smelling bowl of some sort of soup. She resisted the urge to scratch her inner thigh.

"Um yeah he's..." the koopa said as he looked up from his bowl. The image of his new, soon-to-be Queen standing in front of him, every inch of her almost jumping out of the pink leather outfit. He blinked, realizing what he was doing and looked down at his bowl again. "Check the kitchen. He just returned to working there yesterday."

She thanked the koopa, blushing. She had noticed he was desperately trying to hide his erection under the table. The mess hall's serving area was cleaned and empty, she walked into the kitchen. "Scott, are you there?" She asked as she walked through the hinged swinging doors. The sound of running water and the clatter of plates and pans coming just from her right.

"If you missed lunch you're out of luck, it's all gone. I'd recommend coming earlier next time," Scott's familiar voice rang from room with the running water.

"No, not here for that, although it does smell great," Peach said, almost slipping on the wet floor. She took off the heels and walked barefoot towards his voice.

Scott looked over his shoulder from his sink. "Princess Peach, or is it Queen Peach at this point?"

"Not quite yet," Peach replied, she found it a bit strange that the wet floor didn't cold against her feet, or wet for that matter.

"What can I do for you then Princess? Need an adjustment to your ensemble?"

"Well, I'd like that, but that's not why I'm here," Peach said, relieving the itching that resided at the inside of her thigh without fear of anyone seeing. "In case you haven't heard, the Mario Brothers and I are slowly being changed into koopas."

"Yeah heard about that, even saw how the brothers are taking to it. Mario's been in here for every meal, and I saw Luigi with him at breakfast this morning," Scott said. He placed one last dish in the drying rack, pulled the plug in the sink and grabbed a towel to dry his hands turning around to give the Princess his full attention. She suddenly stopped scratching herself and held her hands in front of her. Scott half-laughed. "What about it?"

"Well I seem to be having some strange side effect to the spell. I'm itchy all over," Peach said, her scratched her shoulder, not feeling the need to avoid that itch. "I was wonder if you knew anything about it with your knowledge of magic."

"That's something Ian could help you out with more than I could. He probably cast the spells," Scott said, tossing the towel on the counter.

"I thought of that, but frankly he scares me," Peach said, scratching the back of her neck now, which struck her as strangely appropriate.

Scott laughed. "Fair enough, he scares me too, which is why I quit training under him. I didn't expect you to be so open about it though."

"That's part of the spell. It's my subconscious speaking, kind of like I can't lie. Can't do one without the other apparently," Peach said.

"Really? Ian used that idea? He didn't seem to think it was such a great idea at the time. That ass," Scott said half serious half joking. He had walked up to Peach. He looked much shorter with her slight gain in height. "If you kneel down I can make that outfit more comfortable for ya."

"That was your idea?" She got on her knees, Scott's hands glowing. He pressed them against against the leather that covered her shoulders. The leather leather expanded, the missing pressure a great relief.

"Unless I'm mistaken and my inflated ego is making me think it's my idea, then yeah," Scott shrugged. "Doesn't bother me much frankly. If I cared about magic like he did I wouldn't have quit despite his dishonesty." He said, a slight grin on his face. "Enough about the past, on to your dermatological issue. If your skin is itching I'd have to wager it's from the scales. The yellow pigmentation is the base, and if you're really becoming a koopa you're going to end up growing scales. I wouldn't be surprised if you've got fully grown patches on your body already, they're quite small, microscopic even. Unless you're looking at your skin through a microscope it looks like like your skin, but a yellowish-orange color."

"Do they grow thicker in some places than others?" Peach asked.

"Um, yeah. The hands and feet have a higher number of scales and thicker skin," Scott said, pausing. "Why?"

"I took my shoes off when I came in here and I couldn't feel the water on the ground," Peach sat down, and looked at the bottom of her foot. "That look about right?"

"Yep, there ya go. Near as I can figure it's a genetic trait for dealing with rough surfaces or high temperatures. Most koopas can walk on sharp gravel or hot coals just fine, but find the steel toe boots to be a nice tactical addition," Scott lifted his foot showing off his green shoe. "I just like how they look. Unless you aim to get stabbed in the foot or wade in a lake of lava you don't really need to wear shoes anymore. In fact, you might not be able to unless you get some special made."

"What makes you say that?" Peach said, a little concerned. She sat down cross legged as she listened to Scott. She immediately regretted it finding she was sitting in a puddle of cold water partially forgetting it was there, but remained sitting in the position figuring the damage was already done.

"Well if you were going to be a traditional species of koopa you wouldn't grow like you have. You're gaining a lot of muscle and your skeleton even seems to be changing because of this. From the looks of it you're not just going to be Bowser's wife but also his same subspecies."

"Muscle? Oh thank god, I thought I was getting fat," Peach sighed at the news.

"Oh yeah. I'm not exactly at the height of my physical condition I'm not slouch and I can barely lift an empty wooden barrel. The strongest koopas I know of are the hammer brothers, and they're not nearly as strong as Bowser and his children. Good news too, you won't end up losing your hair once all's said and done."

"That's great news, but it doesn't explain why I'm more endowed than I used to be," Peach said, motioning at her breasts.

"Bowser probably had Ian whip up a special order for the spell that went on you. His old wife had a nice pair and ass too," Scott said, smiling. He stopped and coughed.

"What happened to her?" Peach asked blushing.

"She died after the Koopalings were born. It was really tragic, but she was a bit of a bitch."

"Who was Bowser Jr.'s mother?" Peach asked, she had stopped scratching herself now focused on what Scott was saying.

"Ya know, I think that might have been Birdo with the help of some magic."

"I thought Birdo was a man."

"Birdo likes to change his or her mind a lot. The wonders of Koopa magic at work. Birdo was a male last I heard," Scott shrugged. "Birdo might change genders like people change shoes, but one thing's always consistent. Birdo loves sex, and loves being paid for it even more. Some of the soldiers are put off by his current choice, others are indifferent and some like it. I don't think he really cares," Scott clapped hands together abruptly. Peach jumped a bit. "I hate to be a bad host, but I need to get to work on Dinner and I'm not one much for Gossip."

"Oh, right. Sorry. Thank you for all your help," Peach said standing up. Scott handed her a towel to dry the kitchen water off her.

"You're more than welcome," Scott said with a pleasant smile. "If you need anything else after the dinner service I'll be more than happy to help. I'm sure Ian's waiting on you to help your transformation along."

"Not unless I wasn't told I had an appointment of some sort with him," she said certainty she hadn't just forgotten and it was tucked away in her subconscious somewhere.

"Great goomba Ian's getting lazy in his old age. He should have at least done something to help with the shell or tail or something. It wouldn't take much effort." Scott rubbed his eyes in frustration. "Go see him, don't worry about him having too much on his table, he has more than enough people helping him to help you along."

"If it makes these changes less awkward I will. Thank you again Scott," she said with a smile. Scott nodded and smiled back. She started to walk out of the kitchen, but stopped. "Scott, do me a favor will you?

"Depends on if it requires I lose a limb," Scott said, as he began slicing some vegetables.

"Go see Ian. You're the kindest and smartest koopa I've met yet. You could help a lot of people if you learned more."

Scott sighed, "If it were anything else I would gladly agree, except that limb losing caveat I just mentioned, but there's not really much else he can teach me. Going to Ian would just be a frustrating situation of him trying to get me to learn how to summon a bolt of lightning from my hand, or create a spell for some sort of giant fireball. I couldn't learn anything productive unless I learned something destructive, and even then I doubt he'd let me read some of those books he has on healing and whatnot."

"Well you've got a friend in a high place. Go to him, I'll make sure he'll give you whatever you want without trouble," Peach said, a enjoying the power she had being Bowser's fiance.

Scott laughed. "Alrighty then, but only because you asked and because I'm sick of having pruney hands."

Peach had regretted going to see Ian. When she brought up the spell to help the transformation along he acted as though he was just getting everything ready and was waiting for her. What made things worse was how he cast it. His clammy hands groping her when he cast the spell to help with her transformation made her shutter. She felt dirty after having his hands on her chest. She hoped her demand to let Ian use his books would be listened to so she wouldn't have to return. The spell did help somewhat with the itching, but only made things a bit more awkward.

Her scales were still growing in, but the itch was more mild now. The issue was more so what else it did. He started the growth of her tail and shell. The shell was a trait amongst all koopas, but koopas tend to grow them when they're developing. Her changing into one would mean that she would have to get used to the hard patch on her back, which would eventually cover much of her back. Right now it was like a hard scab at the base of her neck. Ian said that because she was changing into the same subspecies as bowser she'd likely grow spikes, but there was also the off chance that she might not grow spikes or grow something else on her back. She had hoped it wouldn't be grotesque coral like structure on her back. He had asked her if she wanted some specific color on the shell. She chose her favorite color, pink.

The tail wasn't nearly as bad, but still felt strange. At the moment it was a small bump at the base of her lower back. It would continue to grow longer until it was full length. She would notice a change in her balance when it grew longer, but because the change was progressive it would be easier to get used to. The hardest change he mentioned would be sitting in a chair. While most of the chairs in the kingdom had no backs she might find herself sitting on her tail sometimes. The issue of knocking things over with would probably be one of the other issues, especially if she has spikes growing on her tail just like her shell.

While not something that showed immediately the other changes he mentioned seemed really strange to her. Koopas have eight fingers and six toes, humans have ten and ten. Because of this some of her fingers and toes would begin to fuse together. The alternative was that she would lose a toe or a finger, which she didn't care much for. Once they were finished fusing she would have to get used to not walking with two extra toes, or handling things with four fingers. It was more so the awkward transition that bothered Peach. She wondered how it would feel during the middle of the transition, two fingers or toes that were part of the same finger, but still have fused. The idea made her a bit sick.

The last change probably bothered her the most. Her pussy would begin changing from a human's to a koopa's. He didn't mention specifics, but the idea alone of a middle ground between her forthcoming reptilian and human vagina was too much to handle. He said there was an upside to it, which was that she didn't have to shit out of it.

It was at that time that she vomited on a book he had open on the table in front of her.

While he was using his magic to clean the book he explained that reptiles and birds have a single orifice for what humans and other animals have two for. They deficate, urinate, and have sex with the same organ called a cloaca. Koopas, while very similar to reptiles, don't have this sole hole to do all of that with. In that respect they're much like humans, along with the hair koopas some time have and the mammary glands which technically made koopas mammals. He assured her he could help make that transition if it was too much for her to handle, but she declined saying she felt sick enough as it is. This didn't do much for Ian's temper, and she was ejected from the room.

She spent much of the next three days in bed, only getting up for an hour or so to take a shower, satisfy her morbid curiosity, and use the toilet. She didn't sleep much despite spending so much time in bed. The tail would often pull the blankets off of her, and her shell made it difficult to lie on her back; which she found was best to avoid being woken up by Bowser's late-night-to-early-morning wood.

Scott was kind enough to bring to her a hot meal he had prepared himself. He had listened to her and was enjoying the books in Ian's library that focused more on the healing aspects of koopa magic. He had offered to help accelerate the changes for her, but she decline saying she wasn't in the mood for anymore surprises. Bowser wasn't tremendously thrilled with her seclusion, and refusal to have sex during this time. To his credit, he did not add any pink mushrooms to her meals, but he seemed to grow more and more irritable with each passing day.

On the fourth morning she woke up early unable to sleep. She noticed the apparent lack of not feeling the need to scratch everywhere constantly. The layer of yellow scales that were growing in sickly patches were now covering her entire body. They didn't look too different from what her skin used to look like, but to the touch much of her skin felt much more slick. The main exception was her hands. They covered with a coarse layer of scales that felt vaguely like sandpaper if she dragged them in a certain direction; which she learned the hard way. Her shell and tail were entirely formed, and to her delight did not have spikes on them. Instead she had a number of small bone-like half-spheres. They looked very polished and were smoothed to the touch.

While in the shower she noticed her pubic hair was rather strange feeling, and then it vanished. She jumped out of the shower and found a small hand-held mirror. To her shock she could not see her pussy in the mirror. She reached down and felt the same hairs she had felt before and then didn't. Even more surprising she found out that her pubes were not so much pubes as they were apart of her skin. When she touched them they quickly disappeared and would reappear after several seconds. These hairs seemed to keep their stiff shape and interlace perfectly, acting like a pair of biological panties. The unfortunate truth was that the same couldn't be said about her nipples, which she found were erect at this moment having just jumped out of the shower.

Curious about it she decided to check the only other embarrassing place she worried about. She lifted her tail, and pressed a finger into her crack. No hairs, just skin and her asshole. She relaxed her tail, the awkward appendage lying between her cheeks. She held the behind her and gazed at it over her shoulder. No matter how she positioned the handheld mirror she couldn't see anything she didn't want people to see. Despite almost forced into being nude she felt it might not be so bad.

Then what Ian said about reptiles and their single organ echoed in her mind. She had an asshole, which meant Ian said was true, She ran her fingers through the hairs, they all receded to show her pussy. It looked human, but not quite like hers. It seemed almost bigger. The lips were engorged and apart, almost like a slightly agape mouth. She spread the lips and found that to be mostly all there was to see. None of the shape that was her human pussy remained save for the facsimile that were the lips. The brightly lit bathroom worked well for seeing everything, but she suddenly wished she had the lights off. She saw straight into what looked like her womb which was but a hole about an inch around and but what was now her index finger's length in. Worse still her clit seemed to be replaced with a small hole and she couldn't see where she urinated from.

She abruptly dropped the mirror and went to Ian hoping he know what the hell was going on. She slammed the door open, breathing deep after running down full blast down the hallways.

Scott's head shot up from the book his face was buried in. He squinted straining to get his eyes to focus, "Peach is that you? What is it?"

"I'm a fucking monster is what it is!" She screamed, her hand wiping some sweat off of her forehead.

He rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "Wait, what? Sit down peach and tell me what you're talking about."

She grabbed a stool and tried sitting down, the tail got in the way. She kicked it aside and decided to stand instead. "I woke up earlier this morning, everything about the transformation seemed finished. I went to take a shower and found these strange little hairs instead of pubes. When I touched them they vanished and came back after a while. I didn't think too much about it. I thought it was actually kind of neat, but until I looked at what was under those hairs. I have a fucking mouth for a vagina. What the hell is going on?"

"I'm going to find a spell in one of these books and see to it that Ian is a torso by the end of the day," Scott said with a sigh. "He didn't explain shit to you. Look, koopas lay eggs, because of that much of a female koopa's womb is designed to hold those eggs. They're relatively large and a clutch can be as small as five or as big as a thirteen," Scott paused and held up his hands understandingly before Peach's words could escape her fully formed koopa muzzle. "I know, wait. The entrance to the womb is much more shallow than a human to accommodate the number of eggs. Unlike on a human the koopa cervix is lined with a large number of nerve endings, and serves as a large g-spot. Penetrating the womb a common thing in intercourse with a female koopa. The opening is pliant prior to pregnancy, after which it shrinks to hold the eggs in until they're ready to be laid. Those stripes on your stomach are for the expanding of the stomach during this gestation period. Pregnancy in koopas is about five months as opposed to nine months in humans. The everything that's there is supposed to be there, there's nothing wrong with you."

"Really? I don't seem to have anywhere to piss from and my clit is an innie now!" She was still visibly angry, but more calm now. She had picked the chair up and sat on it, her tail extending down the length of the chair's legs. It wasn't too comfortable but she was sick of standing.

"Ah, that's not your clitoris, that's your urethra," Scotty said with discomfort, almost nervous she would hit him. "The number of nerve endings on your womb are well over double the number found on a clitoris. However the labia of a female koopa is somewhat similar to a clit. Not as sensitive, but when you're aroused the lips will become puffy and come closer together. When every you go to the bathroom from now on it'll come from where your clit is." Scott sighed, slightly relieved getting that all out. "I understand this is a drastic change, but it's not going to be so bad. I know Bowser'll probably have my head for this, but I'll give you my own personal money back guarantee. If you hate having a koopa's privates I'll find someway to you back to human. Maybe I can even find away for you to just have a human vagina if you want."

Peach was visibly relaxed by now. She shook her head with a smile. "No, I don't think I could do that to you Scotty. It was just the shock of it all. I mean, the only thing visibly human on me anymore is my hair. It's all so sudden. A week ago I was a perfectly normal human being, now I'm the Queen of koopas. Thank you for helping."

"It was my pleasure, I'm actually rather thankful to you too. If you hadn't encouraged me I would still be in the mess hall making dinner for everyone. Granted, I still do it, but it's much easier when I use magic," Scott said with a smile, he paused. "Oh, almost forgot about the hairs. Those aren't hairs, they're scales."

Peach blinked for a few beats at Scott and cocked her head sideway. "Really?"

"Yeah, they really thin and elongated scales. Near as I recall they're more or less to keep dirt out of your vagina. They retreat under the skin if they're touched so they don't poke, and come back out if it's safe. Somewhat awkwardly they also retreat if you're aroused or in heat."

"Say what now?" Peach said, her smile gone.

"Um yeah," Scott said, the feeling of being hurt returning. "Every three months or so you'll have your period, but you won't have blood coming out of you. Instead those scales retreat, your womb will be wide open, you'll release pheromones designed to attract a mate, and you'll find yourself aroused nearly constantly. From what I've been told by Wendy the effect is similar to the pink mushrooms; with exception of the pheromones and high likelihood of becoming pregnant. It lasts for around three days, sometimes sooner if the biological need is met."

"So I'm going to be a walking time bomb of sexual energy waiting to be impregnated?" Peach said.

"I'm afraid so, but considering you just finished changing it probably won't be for a while," Scott said with a placating shrug.

Peach puckered her lips, "I think I'm fine with that."

Scott sighed. "Glad to hear that, I think Bowser would be too."

"I should hope so, or then this whole transformation would seem pointless," Peach said with a laugh. "Thanks for the answers Scott, you're like my personal encyclopedia for all thinks koopa related."

"I'm glad these paper cuts weren't for naught then. Now if you don't mind, I think I should get some sleep. I hate having print ink on my face constantly," Scott said closing his book and getting up from his desk.

"Sleep well, and thanks for the help again," She said leaving.

Next Chapter: Sex!

Bathtime fun

Okay I'm an ass, it's been three years since I added another part to the story. Beyond being lazy, I couldn't really figure out how I wanted to start it. A while ago I decided to start working on it again after almost removing it from the various...

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Main Course

Did not realize I had rewritten this before. Either way, this would be the third version I've posted here. Major changes this time, notably Bowser's dialogue. Wanted to make him more sympathetic, not a bipolar psycopath. Again, continuity changes as...

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Warm Up

The Third, and hopefully final, rewrite of this chapter. Went through and fixed some things for continuity and characterization sake. Fixed some typos and grammatical errors, but seeing as I tend to mess up with that in theses stories quite a bit there...

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