Pokテδゥmon Trainer Raichu (Part 3)

Story by Jared Todd on SoFurry

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**Pokテδゥmon Trainer Raichu has been taking far too long to process, and I'm aware it's a very good series with good characters. I've come to terms with the fact that this problem is me. and so, if you think you can write the series capably and willfully, PM me or e-mail me or comment on my userpage (but I'd prefer if you PM me or e-mail me). Hopefully, the new writer, whoever that may be, will post more frequently. Since I've quit writing, I'm also taking up editing now, so if you need someone to edit your story, take a shout out to this account: http://www.anthrostar.com/user/Jared+Todd+the+Editor

Pokテδゥmon Trainer Raichu

This is the story of a dark/shiny Raichu/furry, Ray. He is a pokテδゥmon catcher for Dr. Walt Levis, a pokテδゥmon researcher who researches the mysteries of shiny pokテδゥmon. Alongside his brother, Chuck, he sets out to find a pokテδゥmon of his own. This is the introduction to that story.**

"I don't see why we have to go to Pewter City. Everyone there stares at me," Caesar's throat hefted his vocal cords, nothing but growling and heavy, "Let's go somewhere else to get Ray's first partner."

Chuck just shook his head, and I tried to peer through the trees to see where we were going through all the branches.

"... wouldn't everyone stare at you regardless?" I practically glared between the wood and leaves.

"They're a bunch of hicks and kids. All of them." the venusaur grumbled under his breath, a spare tree branch snapping between his heavy hoof-like feet.

Chuck hit Ceasar across the neck squarely, forcing a growl and glare from him.

"I've heard there's a pokテδゥmon gym here, though.." I looked to both of them as we walked, "Have you ever tried fighting the gym leader?"

Brother slowed to stop, putting a paw to his chin. I could see a building far ahead, and a road closer than that as he stopped.

"We do train... but we've never thought of fighting in gyms," he looked down at Caesar as we both stopped too.

"I have," Caesar looked back at Chuck, and shook the branch stuck in his foot free from his scales, "But Chuck here's only caught three pokテδゥmon."

"What?!" I took a step back in shock, staring at my brother.

"Brother, I've been researching Caesar's growth, and running spare errands for Dr. Levis. I haven't been able to catch many pokテδゥmon. and in a year's time, looking for only shiny pokテδゥmon, three is a decent amount to have. Especially considering Caesar's already fully-evolved."

"Your brother's been busy, so we don't come here very often. I was an ivysaur last time I was here, now that I think about it."

I thought about it for a second, and after all the surprises I'd had recently, I really didn't care enough to think hard on anything anymore. It made sense when Caesar put it that way. That was all that mattered.

After a pause, Chuck nodded to both of us, and the two continued on. I started again and walked behind them silently. I'd never seen Pewter City before, even on the way to Dr. Levis' lab, so I was expecting it to be something.. new.

But, as I took the final step out of the forest and looked around, it barely even looked like a city. The first building I saw, I now realised, was a museum, and beside that, there were a few houses and the normal pokテδゥmon-related buildings.

".... small.." I mumbled, and watched brother and Caesar continue on.

Softly, I picked back up to them as they were walking, but Chuck turned around to face me as soon as I did so.

"Ray, why don't you look around? It'll be boring, we're just going to see a pokテδゥmon finder to see if there are any shiny pokテδゥmon we can find near here."

I looked between the two of them, the mammoth lizard pokテδゥmon still heading forward. I didn't like this place already, and had no idea where I'd go to 'look around'. I also didn't want to be alone just yet, having just calmed down for the first time in a while since Chuck came to see me. But.. it honestly couldn't hurt. I just nodded, and waved the two off, turning my back quickly in case I changed my mind. Silently, I sighed to myself, walking in the direction of the gym.

"Where now..." I said out loud, but I knew exactly where I was going.

As the doors pushed open, I hesitantly peered inside. This looked like some kind of hick city, so it wouldn't hurt to let a little of my true emotions slide for now. Just.. a little. As I peered in, I saw two apprentice trainers in identical outfits, a bear with spiky black hair who looked like a gym leader between them... There was already a fight going on. The gym leader's onix was fighting an brunette owl's charmander.

At first, I didn't see it, but I stared carefully at the battle. and there it was. The owl's charmander was black!

"Les, use Smokescreen, then attack it with all you've got! This is his last pokemon, so don't screw this up!" he yelled, throwing up his arm.

As the black charmander quickly jumped back from a headbutt the onix used, he left the stone snake little to no space to avoid its head smashing straight into the ground. As soon as the charmander landed, skidding across the rocky floor, he barely took even a second to force in a deep breath, and puff that breath out, as steam and smoke swirled around him. I could see the onix shake the headbash off through the smoke, but the smokescreen must've been too thick for it because it awkwardly contorted its head around in a daze.

"Onix, don't let it distract you! Use a series of tackles until you connect!" the gym leader shouted.

The two apprentices were watching in awe, and so was I. I didn't know much about the elements, but wasn't fire weak against rock and ground attacks?

To my surprise, suddenly, there was a burst of flame through the smoke, which hit dully on the onix who was so submerged in the smoke by now, I could barely make it out. After that followed another, and another. Each attack of flame blew the smoke away more, and soon, the black charmander was completely exposed. The charmander was little, and obviously more than a little naive, but he was a tough fighter..

"No! You-- Charmander, that's not going to help, what are you doing?! You idiot! Rock-types are strong against that!" the owl shouted, jumping widely, making his purple shirt and a small droplet-shaped medalion jump along with him.

I sighed at the show, the onix brutally tackling the small charmander. He couldn't be more than level 7, and already he was fighting a gym leader and was expected to fight against an opponent twice as strong and smart as the little pokテδゥmon?

"Damn-- Charmander, stop it! Fight back!" the owl yelled, as the little charmander was barely registering any of the swerving and dizzying attacks consciously by now.

After the next attack struck, the charmander was down. I could only assume the match was over, because the owl fell to his knees, clutching the ground. It was almost completely devoid of any pebbles or rubble from all the commotion the trainer'd made along the battle.

Quickly and ashamedly, he lifted the pokテδゥball in his paw and returned the black charmander to it. Before he was transfered back into his trainer's ball, the charmander looked right at me, face and body bruised. I'd never seen such a sad face before in my entire life.

"Train harder next time. Maybe you'll win," the gym leader said, returning the onix to its own pokテδゥball. The onix itself had a disappointed and defeated face on it, despite having just won, "Don't put so much pressure on your pokテδゥmon. If you make them anxious, they won't be able to fight properly. You're responsible for the fight, too. Your charmander's too young to know how to fight. You have to teach it."

The owl gave a harsh look to the gym leader, and shook his head. "Ksch. If my pokテδゥmon isn't strong enough to fight on its own, then I obviously picked the wrong one. I need strong pokテδゥmon if I want to be the best trainer! They should be just as strong as I am!"

The owl quickly turned around, and walked back through the small length of the gym. As he was walking, he recognized my stare, and made a dirty face. A long-sleeved owl paw waved back-handedly at the gym, and then he made his way out of the gym with one of the fastest walks I'd seen.

The bear sighed heavilly to himself and shook a head I barely caught in my peripheral. "The audacity of beginning trainers still amazes me..."

My eyes fell back on the gym leader, mostly from the rattle of the two apprentices running over to him. That owl was the epitome of everything I thought a pokテδゥmon trainer was.. When I looked closer toward the bear, he was looking straight back at me. His face had such determination and ruggedness. Although, I also thought it could've been that awkward squinted face he was making playing tricks on my vision....

"Are you a trainer?" he yelled so I could hear him as he pocketed the onix's pokテδゥball, "Don't be like him. Pokテδゥmon deserve to be treated with respect and care."

Maybe not 'care' like they're pets or lesser animals, but I more than agreed with 'respect'... This gym leader.. He seemed different than what I expected. The type of person he was.. didn't quite fit with his job.

"Brock, sir, that was an amazing battle, once again!" one of his lackeys hung on him.

"Of course he won, that trainer was horrible. The way he expected such a small pokテδゥmon to stand up to Brock." the other one quipped.

The big bear only sighed to himself, eyes still locked on me, "Geodude got pretty hurt from that rattata's Bite attack," his big paw trifled through his awkwardly large pockets, then brought out a handful of pokテδゥballs, "Go and take them down the road to get them back to good health."

The first lackey stood up straight, and darted in front of the gym leader, "Right, sir, right away!" Giving him a short nod, he clumsily snatched up the pokテδゥballs, and darted the other way; toward me. When he saw someone at the entrance, the balls almost spilled out of his paws, and he tripped a little. He must've been so engrossed in his master he didn't notice me. Idiot, I caught myself thinking.

Without any more moment's hesitation, he ran past me, and now, the space between me and another soul became even wider. The weight of how out of place I was weighed on me full-strength now.

"You never answered me. Are you a pokテδゥmon trainer, or aren't you?" 'Brock' shouted again. He paused, for a moments' thought, then, "You can always come back later if you're not as confident in your abilities after that."

I tried not to smirk. "No. No-- well, nnnn..." I tried and failed, "No, I'm not."

The bear laughed, as if straight from his diaphram, "You don't sound very confident about that."

I didn't want to get personal with this complete stranger. "I'm not a trainer. I'm just learning about them. Pokテδゥmon." I stated, a little at odds with his laugh.

The bear straightened up, as if I'd said something rare. "... you're a pokテδゥmon researcher?"

I froze. What? Wasn't that what Chuck kept calling it? "What's a pokテδゥmon researcher?" I inquired, narrowing my dark yellow eyes.

The gym leader only fought back a growing grin. "Someone who studies the habitats, personalities, functions, and abilities of pokテδゥmon. Except, far more personal and in-depth than pokテδゥmon scientists. Like a sort of fusion between pokテδゥmon breeder and scientist. It's extremely rare-- most people have never heard of them," he watched my face carefully, though he didn't need to. My face was dripping with obliviousness. "I take it you're new to it, then."

'Pokテδゥmon researcher'. I'd heard a hundred different terms starting with the name 'pokテδゥmon', but never once did it sound so common; nor respectful.

"What else can you tell me about pokテδゥmon researchers?" I urged.

Brock bursted in laughter suddenly. "I was actually wondering if you could tell me more about them. As much as I'm an avid gym leader, my true passion is pokテδゥmon breeding."

I sighed. Another sudden encounter into a brand new world. I was going to have to get used to this, wasn't I?

"What do you know about Dr. Walt Levis?" I played it cool.

Brock's laughter suddenly and dramatically halted, his face frozen in shock. Finally, someone else gets to play the victim. "... the Walter Levis?"

"Still workin' fer that damned Dr. Levis, I see," the gruff bloodhound grunting, scratching his completely bare underbelly.

Caesar and I were in an abandoned shack off to the corner of the city, in the forest, meeting with the same burly, bare mutt as he waddled through his more than humble abode. The entire shack was covered in charts, papers, and scrap machines. He always knew how to keep his little 'house' neat for his customers. The most dirty thing in the shack was a large radar contraption, blinking with green and yellow dots. In the center, there were three dots, all different colors. One, the one furthest away from the other two, was green. That was Pete, the pokテδゥmon finder. The other two, paired close together, were a yellow-red dot (Caesar), and a yellow-green dot (me). Off to the west, there was a very special dot, one that was glowing yellow, red, and green- and it was darker than the rest of the dots too. I couldn't stop myself from grinning. Ray is so special...

"Watch that filthy tongue of yours," the venusaur growled at the mutt, "Dr. Levis is a good man."

The mutt grinned, and turned around, "Yea, I should consider myself lucky, righ'" he fondled himself openly, scratching deeply under his sac, "He gives me a good cocksucker."

I couldn't help but cast my eyes down and to the side ashamedly. Caesar obviously noticed, glancing worriedly up at his partner. It was true, though.

"So that famous brother of yers is in town with you, eh?" he grinned at Chuck's reaction, eyes, I could only assume, satiated with lust, as they always were. His bulbous point finger tapping directly at the rainbow-colored dot.

Caesar stomped forward on a foot, he was clearly losing his past-grated patience. "The kid's none of your business."

The bear's muzzle only grinned wider, fangs showing through his thick black lips, "I'd watch that pokテδゥmon of yours' 'filthy tongue of his if I were you. I might decide to up the price for information one of these days, for his mouth instead of yours." he coughed loudly, "Plant types always have the best tongues, with such harmless teeth, too," he rubbed his sheath lewdly, closing his eyes, and soaking the sensation and his hot imagination in. It was disgusting, "I can only imagine how it feels on a cock, slitherin' around freely as it pleases, lubing it with plant spit; especially with one as big as your pet there's," he managed to grin even wider, basking in his fantasy.

Caesar was infuriated. Shakenly, I tried to place my paw on his side as sternly as I could. The pokテδゥmon's limbs immediately stopped at his partner's touch. Caesar sighed heavily. Poor guy..

The mutt didn't have the same empathy. He laughed gutterally. "There, controlling the thing's not so hard, is it?"

"Pete, please, stop playing around like this. We're good customers. Now do you see one or not?" I tried.

It was so very unaffective. Pete's face went straight, jowels dropping, eyes fixing on me. I tried my hardest not to jump straight out of my skin; his glare was like a block of ice sliding up my spine. I could hear his canid fangs grinding against themselves. "You think you have the right to say that, boy? Ya really do?" he started walking toward me. He could see the fear in my eyes, couldn't he. I tried to remind myself he wasn't going to hurt me, all he wants is sex. But that stare got in the way. Before I knew it, he was right up to me, eyes a mere foot apart, glaring. "Do ya?!"

My eyes shut the canine out hard and I quivered, "I'm sorry!"

"Get to apologizin' an' maybe I'll check your little request from your Dr. Levin," he ordered. I'd never gotten him this mad before, this was an entire new level, "I said get on your knees!"

Before I could cater to what he was saying, there was a stern crack and I felt my knees lose their balance. I dropped to them, and the weight was excruciating. "Chuck!" I could hear Caesar shout, but the stinging pain throbbing through my knees muffled the noise around me. Fucking pervert kicked my knees in--!

smack. A hot and throbbing muscle whacked me across the muzzle. I opened my eyes, and all that was within my range of view was thick dog cock, veins thick, sheath tight against the mass of muscle. The flat tip leaked pre, and I knew what had to be done. I opened my mouth, and licked it off.

"Chuck. Don't do that, he doesn't deserve it," I could hear my partner say.

"Dammit, would you shut yer pet up? Every time 'e comes here, 'e makes me want to ferget I know what their little cries mean," his paw gripped the side of my head, claws scratching through my hair.

I had to focus. He might be a pervert, but he was still an important contact to keep. I bathed the head with my tongue to get rid of all the taste, and for a second I forgot it was a chore. His information's technically for free too... "Mm.." I tried to move my head farther, but his hand was too firm for me to reach, so I simply dragged my tongue out further for it, lapping at the tight skin barely covering all the hot muscle inside.

I could feel him grin. "Such a good cocksucker, though.. Jeez, it really would be a treat t' have yer pet's mouth on me. Y'probably teach him some good moves, probably suckin' his cock all day," I kept licking at the underside, keeping the taut frenulum exposed, "Ah, fuck yea, keep that up..."

But he was already starting to give in to humping at my eager muzzle, as much as he wanted me to do the work. My tongue kept in perfect rhythm with his new thrusts, following him up that thick rod, obeying his command and slurping the thick rod further in my awaiting maw with each tiny thrust.

The world around me melted now, and I didn't want to deal with any distractions besides this wonderful rod. It was intoxicating, the musk of manly sweat, the taste of precum from a well-fed man covering my tastebuds, a juicy tight piece of meat between my lips and tongue and the roof of my mouth. When I'd flick my tongue for more of the well-hidden taste under his sheath, I'd know he hadn't found a willing mouth like mine in a long time, and he'd cringe as I held the head up to the rough roof of my maw, as he pushed himself against it. The last time precum hit this far back in his sheath, it was two days ago. Pete had two days worth of loads in the girthous orbs which I was now reaching for, fondling and stroking, as more cock presented itself.

It was getting deeper than the head now, and I had to pull my tongue out from under that tight sheath which clung to his rod like no other I'd ever seen or sucked before. I opened one eye to peek on him, curious, and sure enough, his eyes were closed. His rough, thick paws were running through my short hair, meagerly humping into my gifted mouth and tongue.

It was when the head of his rod hit the back of my throat that I knew he was starting to get into it. When he moved his hips back, I moved forward, sucking up the thick cock tightly, tongue lashing across vein and sensitive skin. I didn't have to wait long for him to hurriedly push his forward. I deftly swallowed as it rushed in, and it pulled the cock as far into my tight throat as it could go, clenching it tight, my cold nose hitting the dog's lower stomach. I breathed in the musk, in heaven, as the dog moaned.

"Oooaaaaaahh.... Fuck..."