
Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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After a history of teasing each other via choice pornographic material, the ifrit dragon Darius and the ankylosaur Iscin decide upon taking their pent up frustrations out on one another personally. But how exactly does someone copulate with a twenty foot tall dinosaur? Darius will have to get creative.

Done as a trade with Darius Koopa.






by Iscin

This is a work of erotic fiction.

All characters portrayed within are 18 years of age or over.

Iscin and Darius © Their Players

All rights reserved © 2015.


Photo Reel

Darius feels the vibration of his smartphone just as he pulls into the driveway. Hmm, wonder what it is this time. The green on yellow scaled ifrit dragon takes out the vibrating device and unlocks the screen. First photo. Canine. Hot, so hot in fact that the guy is sweating. A bulging loincloth, cosplaying as some kind of barbarian. His sword is not exactly well hidden by the loincloth. Second photo. Feline this time. Slim build and well-groomed fur with stripes. Wearing a suit jacket and next to nothing else. This one is almost tasteful until Darius sees the mirror reflecting the visage of the cat's fluffy fanny. Third image. Cetacean type. Smooth skin, well toned but not bulging. Well, no muscles are bulging, but the speedo he is wearing is another matter. Hung larger than an equine, this one's dick is sprawled out over his abs and going up to his chest like some kind of pet sitting atop its master's torso as he reclines.

I saved the best for last that time.

Where do you keep finding these?

Trade secret.

The dragon grunts before feeling around for the burdening stiffness in his pants. Before going inside, he has to deal with this first. Belt buckle first, now pant button and zipper. Darius sighs with relief as his erection springs up, pushing out through the hole at the front of his boxers. The pulsating black spire of dragonmeat reaches up along his abdomen before nearly meeting with his chest. Darius spits on one hand before curling his fingers and thumb around the growing organ, smiling with pride that his index finger and thumb do not quite reach around the thick girth of the turgid member. With his other hand he holds up his smartphone, opens the camera app and starts recording as his occupied hand starts to work the shaft. Tightening his grip, the dragon closes his eyes and recalls the images he just saw. Each one builds on the last, along with other equally arousing sights recalled from memory.

'Ah, fuck.' Darius growls as he opens his eyes and realises that his dick is already starting to pre-ejaculate, much of it getting on his T-shirt.

He angles it away as best he can, but the fluids just keep on coming, the saliva from before now a paltry amount by comparison. Darius is still holding the phone up to record all of it as he starts to rub his meat sword even faster than before. His breathing is becoming more shallow, his hand holding the phone less steady as he becomes increasingly worked up. If someone were to walk by the driveway now the sight they would get would be worth talking about. But none of that matters to the fired up reptile as he whacks his meat off at an ever increasing rate. One good thing from coming off from work means that he will be able to wash his clothes right away, which is what they will be needing as the pre-ejaculate starts to stain his underwear and pants. After having spent a good ten solid minutes of one handed self-help the dragon can tell his libido is about ready to pop, sending a mess of jizz all over his shirt and probably get some on his dashboard.

'Hang on.' Darius says for the camera and lets go of his achingly hard erection to reach down into his underwear and pull out the heavy sac that are his scaly yellow balls. 'There, gotta make sure you can see this.'

All whilst being careful to hold the camera sideways in as full a view as it can get, the dragon bends forward in his driving seat. Inclining his head as low as he can the burly man manages to get his lips to reach the head. Once more his hand squeezes the middle of his dick, giving it one last firm tug before scrunch his eyes shut and holding back the roar that is trying to climb up his throat as his testicles pull up against his crotch. Each full and rich blast of spermatozoon semen can be visibly seen traveling up along the throbbing black shaft before it reaches Darius' experienced mouth and tongue. The dragon swallows shot after shot of his own jizz, doing his best to avoid spilling any so as to require cleaning out his car's interior. His whole body is tense, from his shoulders to his tail, every muscle is clenched as sustains the raging eruption of his own fat dragon dick. Despite his best efforts though some of the sticky white stuff dribbles out from the sides of his mouth, either running down his chin or dripping onto his already sweat and pre-ejaculate wet pants.

'Gah!" Darius gasps for air as he comes back up off his monstrous erection.

The now softening phallus still has a few spurts left in it which spatter against the dragon's already soiled shirt. Darius sighs and leans back into his seat as his tense body relaxes, his back down to the tip of his tail shivering slightly at the feeling of his balls becoming nice and empty again. After a moment he remembers the smartphone he is still holding, albeit at not the right angle anymore during his orgasm, and reorientates it so as to get a close up of his now sleeping and messy member. Taking a few seconds to get a range of different shots he tells the intended watcher that this is the result when you continually tease a virile dragon all day. Finally, he turns the camera to himself and gives the camera a wink whilst licking some of the semen still sticking to the edges of his lips and chin.

My turn to show you something.

The ankylosaur is stepping out of the shower room with a contented look on his face, his scales now nice and clean from the hot water and vapour. He has just thrown on a clean white t-shirt and loose fitting slacks. Now he is ready to relax and calm down for going to sleep. However, as he sits down on the edge of his mattress he notices his phone blinking. Darius must have seen the last sequence of select pornographic content by now. It had become a strange sort of erotic ritual, but one that the large dinosaur has found plenty fun if for no other reason than the dragon's responses that always vary between approval and frustration, depending on the time of day he sees the arousing images.

With an idle flick if his thumb Iscin brings up the app with the messages in. He sees the single sentence with an attached video. Puzzled he holds the screen up closer to his face and taps on the media. It starts buffering, he waits, with the phone in one hand and the other hand hovering down. Of course what he sees is not the usual affair of scantily clad boys and girls, most of them of mammalian lineage, in various suggestive poses or outright flaunting their wares. No, this time he has a full high definition, albeit slightly shaky, video of the dragon's own lower body and genitals.

He has seen amateur pornography like this hundreds of times before, but none where the performer is moaning the dinosaur's name. Iscin watches intently, his other hand diving down underneath the slacks he has put on even as his third leg is starting to simultaneously uncoil and swell. Still holding the phone up to his face, the ankylosaur starts swinging his legs up and over the threshold of the mattress. His torso goes horizontal, osteoderms digging into the reinforced mattress even as his hammer-tail swings over, narrowly avoiding the bedside dresser.

As the video of the dragon progresses, showing more than just simply dick, so too does the state of the reptile's enormous instrument. It whips out from his slacks and thumps against the ankylosaur's chest. A long, thick, throbbing organ of a mostly human shape, albeit with a series of ridges riding up it in rings. The blue scaly dick twitches between fingers and thumb as Iscin begins to stroking it, the head spitting and drooling against his plain shirt. Somehow the dinosaur's masturbation syncs up with the heaving of his chest, toned pectorals rising and falling against his shirt.

It is not going to take too long for Iscin to come as his hand quickens with every beat. A snarling, animalistic sound thunders from his mouth, his tail thrashes and slams again against the floor at the end of the bed causing a little superficial damage to the floor. Self-control falters as his balls ache until inevitably he lets go of the phone. He moves both hands to his shaft and is now stroking it with renewed vigour, his eyes squinting as he curls forwards trying to bring the head of his throbbing erection against his mouth. And all the while those digitally recorded sounds of the similarly self-loving dragon are playing in the air, adding to the atmosphere and the image inside of Iscin's head as his dick begins to hardening to its zenith.

'GRRRAAAAARRGH!' The prehistoric reptile growls as his loins tighten and his cock finally starts erupting.

Discharge after discharge comes his way. Keeping his mouth open the ankylosaur starts catching as much as he can. But there is always more, hitting his neck, chest or whizzing over his head as it begins soiling the head pillows and bedsheets. Going on for a solid minute and a few seconds after the dinosaur is quickly being painted white until finally his orgasm dies to a crawl, a dribble and now nothing as his dick falls limp against his torso. He now leans back against the soggy pillow, rubs his face so as to remove some of the excess semen and sighs whilst looking up at the ceiling.

'Let me know when you're in this week.' The breathless voice says from the recording still playing.

'Is that what you want? Well then, we'll see what you can do.' Iscin says in mirrored breathlessness.


Saurian Semen

Darius is dressed as appropriately as one might expect for someone as ridiculously transparent as the ifrit dragon. Far from just his hair being flaming, the dragon of green, yellow and red is dressed in a low hanging set of tight and purple leather pants that show off the g-string rising up his crack. The shirt is a netted one, that fits loose around his chest, clinging on to either one of his yellow pectorals. And of course, there is around the front, where the crotch if his pants are practically bursting under the strain of holding up his package.

Iscin is nowhere near as audaciously attired. Instead, he is dressed casually in a pair of loose fitting jeans and a dark t-shirt with some arcane geek symbol emblazoned on his chest. Sufficed to say at the moment that he opens the door, revealing the lewdly dressed ifrit dragon, the ankylosaur feels a flush of embarrassment spreading across his face. I bet the neighbours have already seen. He thinks to himself as he now pulls the smaller reptile inside, shutting the door behind with a stated thump.

'What are you doing dressed like that?!' Iscin asks with the hint of embarrassment evident in his voice.

'Don't you like it?' Darius replies, hiking his tail up and pushes back against the larger man. Iscin can see the pants slipping down another inch.

'Fucking hell! Why are yooooh.' Before Iscin's ranting can go any further Darius' quickly gets his hands around his prize, fingers digging into stretching denim.

'Oh shut up. You talk enough online.' The dragon laughs and turns around, facing the other male.

Barely beyond the threshold of the dinosaur's home, Darius is already drawn to the taller male's crotch. His fingers flicking the latch on Iscin's belt buckle. It loosens and so too does the ankylosaur. Though rushed he is unable to deny the dragon's roaming hands as they tug on the denim, prying it down and revealing a pair of rather well burdened grey boxer shorts. Darius almost tuts in disapproval before now leaning in and taking a hearty sniff of the other man, a musky dose of his masculine scent rising off of the worn underwear.

'Smells good. Mind if I help myself?' Darius says in a deep, suggestive tone of voice.

'G-Go ahead.' Iscin replies, looking on down at the man with baited anticipation.

The elasticity of the waistband is generous enough for the drake to pull it out far. He does so and now releases another trapped pocket of musk. An alluring growl is made by the dragon as he nuzzles in closer, his nostrils flaring up and Iscin can feel the reptile's hot breath beat down against his crotch. Of course, Darius' real intention is to get the weighty package still hanging and bulging down against the boxers. Standing on eye level with the dinosaur's crotch, Darius unveils what is inside with the excitement obvious on his face.

'Fuck me...' The dragon whispers as the dinosaur's immense instrument flops out over the edge of the underwear's waistband.

The difference in size between the two men had always left Darius with some heightened expectations of what dangles between the dinosaur's legs. Nevertheless, it is something else to finally have it in front of him. Or better yet in his now trembling hands as he uses both to lift up the ankylosaur's endowment. It is some two feet long and still soft and amply heavy whilst being held aloft by the dragon's robust hands. He is ignoring everything else about the larger reptile, including the flustered grunts as the organ begins to twitch into life, awakened by the dragon's touch and heavy breath.

'Well' The large dinosaur asks. His voice equal parts nervous and lustful. Unsure exactly how the little drake will respond now. So few are truly prepared to take on someone of his size, in every sense, and in truth he is a little worried that in the heat of things he might injure his partner.

'It's beautiful.' Darius replies, his eyes lit up and his hands laying upon the huge phallus. He's bigger soft than I am hard.

As the dragon starts getting his fingers accustomed to the girth of the snake within them. The serpent continues growing, it is in synchronisation with the ankylosaur's heavier breathing. Darius' breath is also growing heavier, space within his leather pants growing increasingly more taut. Wishing to relieve the pressure he briefly takes one hand away from the dinosaur's rising titan and undoes two of the zippers attached at the point where the crotch of his pants meet the leggings. This loosens them enough to let the dragon's dark, metal-studded erection to spring out, beads of glistening pre-ejaculate already dripping from the fat throbbing head of the thing.

However, he quickly resumes groping, squeezing and in general physically molesting the dinosaur's massive flesh cannon jutting out from betwixt'd his legs using both hands. It is, after all, the least that he needs to be handling the leviathan. There are some growls words coming from the ankylosaur's head far above, but Darius' attention is too fixed on the prize in both hands. God, he's huge. Rising up horizontally from the dinosaur's crotch, the cobalt-flesh toned organ must have now swollen to a turgid three feet, as thick as the dragon's forearm and still growing. In truth, the damn thing is more than four feet long when fully hard, complete with a set of boney ridges like half circles that travel all the way down its length.

Not only interested in the gun, the dragon also desires a thorough inspection of the magazines. Running his right hand down along the side of it he can feel the beast throb and buckle, hear him grunt and growl. Beautiful. But his hand is destined for something else as it now reaches the base, outstretched to its zenith, he reaches inside and scoops out one and now the other heavy, pendulous testicles. Of course, what did I expect. They are practically grapefruit bordering on watermelons in size. He barely has to touch them to realise their sheer mass as they sway gently with each tremble of the saurian's thighs.

'C-Closer...' Darius the other male say, but before he can reply a hand comes down and grabs one of his horns.

'Hey!' The dragon shouts.

The ankylosaur pulls the dragon in by one of his ivory horns. The smaller reptile's snout presses up against the tower of pulsating flesh. Even with his petty resistance the dragon is quickly giving in, extending his tongue as he is pressed in against the enormous fucker. With his other free hand the dinosaur begins to stroke himself, coaxing a now steady drop of clear but musky pre-ejaculate that cascades down and drips onto the dragon's face and down his back. Whilst he is being used as something of a sex-toy. Darius also begins playing with those dangling spheres, using two hands at a time to lift and grope one then the other, gauging the shear mass of their liquid contents as their surface area deforms around his supportive hands.

'Come on you can do better than that!' Iscin says, having now really gotten into the swing of things.

'Sure! Let me try something then, bring your tail around in front and keep your legs straight.'

Darius has a novel concept for mounting the ankylosaur as Iscin does as he is asked. First he locks both arms around the massive dinosaur dick, holding it to his chest and his head rising just above so that he his chin, and thus his beard, is receiving a very sticky wash. Now he swings his legs up, pushing his tail down and against the other reptile until he can swing his thighs around the other man. It is a silly position, but one that nonetheless works as Darius sort of dangles from the dinosaur's crotch, both arms around that massive member, his legs locking around Iscin's backside and their tails offering one another a kind of structural support.

'Wow, that's...' Iscin starts to comment before Darius sticks his tongue down the slit of the dribbling shaft. 'FUCK! K-Keep doing that!'

The pace quickens, their bodies now locked and syncing up. Even as the dragon humps his own black meat-stick against the undercarriage of the leviathan, his muscular torso curled around, his arms try to alternate in stroking the topside, one staying still so as to maintain his position. And of course, is face buried against the head, tongue lapping up the juices dripping out like sweet nectar, his appreciate moaning matching the dinosaur's aroused vocalisations.

Feeling that titanic flesh pounding with the heartbeat of the giant against his own far less impressive appendage is driving Darius wild. He tries to slow his thrusting down, pacing himself, but there is no way to stop the dinosaur's throbbing and this now results in a very sudden and unexpected early ejaculation. Iscin, of course, hears the dragon roar, sees his eyes squinting shut as he feels the splatter of warm gooey semen against the further end of his third leg, but none of that matters to him. With both of his own hands, and the help of the dragon's warm, semi-naked body thrusting against him, the dinosaur is barrelling towards his own climax.

It starts with a steady rumbling sound. Darius picks up the vibrations, his feet adjusting as claws grip for anchorage against the dinosaur's buttocks. He leans back, mouth wide but fully expecting more than he can reasonably swallow. Even so as he feels it travel down the length of the dinosaur's cock, and simultaneously against the dragon's abdomen and chest, the ifrit is in for a nasty surprise. The first shoots almost directly between the dragon's ivory horns, skidding across the hallway before finally coming to a halt against the door at the other end. Leaning up, Darius wants to catch the second shot, but it is also more energetic than the first.

'FUCK!' Iscin hisses with a sharp intake of breath. His dick twitching several degrees higher up as the second load blasts out under pressure.

The dragon might share the sentiment, but he is now unable to express it as he drowns in a massive discharge of dino dickjuice that fills his mouth and nostrils, covers his face and is now running down over his chest, shoulders, and arms. He feels like he is riding a wild beast as a third and now a fourth volley sounds. Some catches the dragon on his jaw or in his shut eyes, but most of it misses as he ducks and weaves, still hugging with his arms around the midsection of the erupting volcano and his legs around the ankylosaur's instinctively thrusting waist.

Slowly but inevitably the dinosaur's powerful orgasm begins calming back down. What was a torrent becomes a running faucet and is now nothing more than a soft patter of liquid white as it becomes every increasingly flaccid and Iscin gently lets the dragon down onto his back. For a moment the ankylosaur looks guilty and more than a little worried, as Darius just lies there, very obviously breathing but also very obviously stunned. His shock is beginning to pass however as he blinks and starts to wipe away the excess spunk, licking his fingers and sitting up right on the wet floor below.

Looking up at the other male the ifrit dragon can see that though his tackle is a mess, the rest of him has remained relatively unblemished. Taking a glance behind him though confirms the utter desolation of any clean surface in the hallway, with long streaks of saurian jizz painting the walls, the floor and even the ceiling. Turning back to stare up at the dinosaur, Darius now has a wonderfully wicked smile on his face. His tail thuds happily against the floor behind, incidentally kicking up a small splash of spooge, and as he takes his first deep breath since the ordeal began he knows exactly what he wants to do next.


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