A Gryphon's Tale: Chapter 2

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#2 of A gryphon's Tale

Chapter 2!!!!!!

So, please everyone let me know what you thought of this story by leaving a comment, And hopefully, you enjoyed the second chapter of this story!

On another note, PLEASE tell me if you found something that needs fixing in the story! also, Constructive Criticism is always welcome!

The night had come to the land quickly and fell just as fast. before Onyx had woken up, the sun had rose into the sky. Today was a beautiful, sunny day, so much more beautiful than most previous days. Onyx, of course, was far too tired to wake early. but Jade had been up since the previous night. she hadn't gotten any sleep at all, she was too worried for Onyx to sleep.

Jade spent most the time watching over the young cub, making sure he were safe, keeping his wing from getting anymore hurt, even though it was surrounded by the spint she had made for him. she looked at him for a few more moments, before she got up, and walked out of the dark den, and walked over to the ledge of the cliff.

She gazed down into the forest below, her long tail swaying slowly behind herself as she watched the trees and bushes. her purpose being to see if anything was there for her to catch, but unluckily for her, there was nothing, so she had to find her food, instead of it just coming to her.

With a quick push of her hind legs, she hopped up, and dived down off of the ledge, and soared down to the ground. landing hard against the dirt, sinking her claws into the weak soil. once against the ground, she looked around for a moment, before she started walking through the trees slowly, keeping her eyes peeled, and making sure to listen carefully for anything that may or may not consider there being an animal near herself

It took awhile though, she spent almost 2 hours just searching for a decent catch. the only thing she found as a bunny, and even that was too small for the gryphon, so she left it be. she soon decided it were best to just return home, hunting so early was never smart, especially with all of the other dragons roaming about. but she kept her territory safe and free of unwanted dragons, most of them being smart enough not to intrude on her land, and others being respectful of her land. but the few that did venture into her territory, would be attacked, serverely wounded, and sometimes killed by her.

But today seemed different, it was quiet, peaceful, and hardly anything was around. so she decided to return to her den, and check up on the cub. she didn't want anything attacking him while he were in his weakened state, especially another drake.

It didn't take long her for to return, she were on the ledge of the cliff in under 10 minutes. she landed roughly, and walked over to the den, looking at the cub. Onyx was indeed asleep, but he stirred a lot, which meant he would wake soon enough.

Jade sighed to herself, and walked around the stone platform that laid outside of her den. waiting inpatiently for Onyx to wake, but he never did. it was a few hours after waiting, that she decided to go hunting once more. she took to the sky, this time going over to a neigboring dragon's territory. she needed food, her stomach was aching, and she hadn't had a decent meal in over a few weeks, so if it took going into another dragon's territory to get food, so be it.

Soon after entering the Terriory, she landed roughly into the forest below, making a loud thud against the ground as she made contact with it. she rolled abt, until she got back up onto her feet, and turned to scan the area around herself. it was strange, much more lively than her's was. which made her thing if something else was hunting in her territory.

Just as she started walking, a large, black drake flew down, and landed right against her back, forcing her to fall, and do a face plant into the dirt. her entire body being pushed into submission, while the large black dragon positioned himself over her dominantly, and bit down onto her neck hard, putting his teeth marks into her scaled neck.

"Well, will you look at this? and i was just thinking of finding a bitch to rut, but you'll do, I suppose." The dragon smirked, his spiked tail moving around and wrapping around the much longer, green tail. once firmly around it, his tail jerked up, pulling hers up as well

"GET OFF OF ME!" The green dragon jerked around, her tail resisting the other's, but quite badly, her claws dug into the ground, and despite the pain of the bite to her neck, she managed to turn herself enough to bite the other, biting him in his leg. he roared angrily, before ripping his paw from her maw, and slamming it down against her muzzle, pushing it against the ground hard. she groaned at that, and was forced into a painful submission

"Now, where was I." Without another word, his tail pulled hers up once more, his shaft already out of it's slit, and almost fully erect. he rubbed it lightly against her rump, admiring the feeli greatly

"I wouldn't do this, but i need the relief, it is your fault for going into my territory, so look at this as a punishment." Without another word, The black dragon moved lightly, positioned his shaft near her slit, and thrust hard into her, penatrating her fully and pushing his entire size into her, which was about 4 feet in thickness at the base, and 5 feet in length

She wasn't ready for the sudden thrust, and she jerked when she felt him enter her completely. her sex ached, although despite her resistance, her walls still clamped down and relaxed, massaging the intruder, and forcing him to thrust harder. He was all too happy to do so, he continued to thrust, harder and harder each time, his tail roughly jerking at hers, and forcing it to stay out of the way, while his paws held her fround half against the ground roughly. he was nearing his peak already, and didn't care too much for her own pleasure. he could tell she were in pain, she hissed and roared every hard thrust, until eventually she drew silent, her eyes closed tightly, and her claws dug deep into the earth's soil.

It was far to much for the male, her resistance was too tight for him to resist, and he thrust hard into her, his load unleashing itself into her sex, filling her walls completely in his semen. the sudden thrust caused her to Roar loudly along with his own roar of pleasure, which only made the black dragon's peak last even longer. but he soon relaxed, and his climax soon ended. he panted slightly, before he licked the dry blood from the scales on her neck, revealing a large amount of small holes along her shiny scales.

"This bite marks won't be going anywhere for awhile, i own you." He pulled out, and got off of the weakened female, she were far to weak to move, she laid there pathetically, her tail laaying flat against the ground, while she kept her eyes closed. the pain was much worse now that the once added pleasure was gone, her body bruned, and ached, she didn't even had the energy to speak for the time being.

"Leave my land, you have 10 minutes before i return for another rough rutting."

The black drake took off into the air, and flew towards his own den, while the female lay there, she thought to herself for a moment, she couldn't fight, he was far to big, she could only leave, so she forced herself to get moving, she weakly stumbled onto all fours, and slowly walked out of the Dragon's Territory. her bones ached, her hind legs even more so, her sex burned of forceful intrucios, she had nothing more to do, but to go rest.

It was still early, around 5 in the evening, so she needed food. she gathered up some food, whatever she could find at least, which was some fish, a few bunnies, a fox and a deer. she ate most of the food, leaving behind some leftovers like the bunnies and the fox, and a few fish. she carried it back to the den, where Onyx was laying. he had woken up, and was waiting for her to return. and when she did, he was rather excited, he hopped up like a puppy seeing his owner,and ran over to her, nuzzling into her legs and chest, she dropped the food down to the ground, and walked into the den, before she fell to her side roughly, groaning lightly

"Jade? what happened? are you okay?" Onyx gulped lightly at the new scent on her scales, it wasn't hers. he was already accustom to her own scent, he new that wasn't her scent that was around her body

"It's nothing, just eat."

Onyx sighed, went over and laid down by his food, before he sgtarted to nibble on it. he had so much curiousity now that she had a new scent on her. but he wasn't going to ask about it anymore. it seemed to make her rather uncomfortable. he soon lost track of time, as he just started to bite and gnaw on his food. eatting evrything that was offered to him, and when he finished eating everything, he started ngawing on many different bones, ignnoring the ones he broke, and starting on new ones after he chewed the same one for awhile. but this soon lost it's interest, and he turned to look at the sky curiously. his ears perked, he loved how beautfil it was, he wanted to go explore! he quickly got up,and walked over to the edge of the den, it was step,and flying seemed to be the only way up and down the cliff. s he turned to Jade, and walked over to her, nuzzling her side.

"Jade? could you take me down to the ground?"

"Fine...but only for a little while."

Despite her weakened state, she got up anyway. her body aching as she moved. she picked the gryphon up, and took to the sky, holding him lightly within her jaw by his feathery scruff. she carried him to the only place she wanted to go, which was the hotsprings she had within her land. the place was large, having large lakes of hot water. she dropped him against the ground, and walked slowly over to the largest one that wasn't a lake. which was about twice her size. she went fully into it, the water being around 6 feet in deepness. She walked over to the usual spot she lays around, and flops down onto her side. which makes the water rise slighty and cover her entire body, her head being laid out along the dry stone outside of the hot springs

Onyx hesitantly watched her, and soon walked over to where she was, and hopped into the hot water himself. swimming around until he found a nice spot to relax in, a spot not deep enough to where he can't stand. the water felt great, it wasn't too hot, but it wasn't too cool, it ws soothing to the touch, and made his entire body tingle in warmth. he cdrenched his entire body in water. as to be completely covered in the warmness of it, before he swam over to the female dragon, and crawled onto her side, laying down and murring happily

"I'm sorry Jade,i should've been awake...i wish i could help you, you seem hurt. but i don't know why." he huffed lightly, his injured wing being pressed against his back tightly, so that it wouldn't move at all and cause him any pain. the hot water on his wing made it hurt much less, and soothes the pain. that was probably why Jade had wanted to come here in the first place.

"It's fine Onyx, i will be okay, nothing is wrong." Of course she lied, everything was wrong, she was just dominated over and was now a bitch to that dragon, the marks on her neck proved it. she hated it. there was no way of denying it. it hurt her just thinking about how badly she was beaten. she though she was strong, but she showed no sign of strength in that fight.

The two laid in the hot water for what seemed to be a few hours, until they had decided to return to their den. Jade picked up Onyx and carried him home, before she went to find some more food for hyerself, while onyx ngawed on some more bones, and soon went back to laying down, watching the sky as it darkened within the sky. he was rather interested in what had happened to jade. but he didn't have the courage to ask her about it anymore. he was afraid she might punish him or something.

Jade soon came back, with a deer to eat for herself, although she ended up giving half of the meal to Onyx. they ate peacefully, hardly talking at all. Jade still hadn't felt like talking, and Onyx didn't feel like making her upset. so they ate in silence, and after that, they both retreated to the den. Jade laying down in the back of the den, and Onyx hesitantly join ed her. he aid down and pressed up against her chest, and she soon lowered a wing over the young cub, covering him. she then started to lick at his fethers lightly, getting a few sot, enjoyable coos from the Gryphon. she did this for about 10 minutes, before he fell into a light, peaceful sleep, and she joined him soon after.