Facility One Oneshot, Bed time

Story by Brodec on SoFurry

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Another dirty little one shot. This one is more descriptive than most of the Facility one stuff, going with a more detailed, less overly sexual writing style. Hope you still like it! I might write a third one tonight or tomorrow night, Not sure.

Once again, this writer bunny is broke, and bored, if you need a dirty, cheap little commission story done up, feel free to let me know! Yep, thats right, I'm begging for work, but hey, this is a oneshot, its not MENT to be classy!

Enjoy! :D


Jeff, a 17 year old skunk, son of one of the schools teachers, had just gotten out of class. He was, in every way he could think of, your classic skunk. Black with a single white stripe down his back, big, bushy tail, and a rather fowl smell if he felt the need. He headed toward his room, walking quietly down the halls of the school.

He was stopped, seeing a very well known rump dart around a turn in the hall, a tail he knew better than almost any other. He followed, and saw that same tail dart into a classroom, certainly empty in this part of the school at this time of night. He had been taking a evening class, most students were in bed by now. He paused outside of the classroom, listening, and then walked in.

His eyes were drawn to the teachers desk, but more importantly, to what was on it. A thin, beautiful skunk, sitting on the edge of the desk. She had an apple in one paw, and was just taking a bite, juices running down her chin. Her legs were spread wide, showing the pink of her sex, as it dripped, a wet spot already forming on the desk between her thighs. Her pink nipples showed threw her fur. She curled one finger, begging for him to come closer.

No words were spoken. She finished her bite of apple and tossed it in the garbage can, and when her son was close enough, they waisted no time talking. Their lips met, in a deep, passionate kiss, as bodies pressed snuggly to one another. He urged her down onto her back on the desk, and let his tip find her damp folds. He kissed under her chin, and down her collar bone, finally, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, and suckled softly.

His hips rocked forward, and he thrust deeply into her. Her velvety walls parting around his long, thin member, a perfect fit, as always. He felt her tense under him, heard her breathless moan as he hilted himself in her, balls resting against her rump.

He drew back, slowly, and heard another moan leave her, as his tongue swirled around her nipple, teasing yet another small sound from her lips. He drew back until only his tip was within her, and thrust forward again, balls slapping against her rump this time. He started to thrust steadily, rapidly, as thick pre starts to smear along her walls. The scent of her lust fills the air, more powerful than anything the school could use on them, and drove him wild.

He nibbled at her nipple, and then brought his lips away, letting the cool night air wash over the damp pink flesh, chilling it, drawing a gasp from her as he brought his lips back to hers, kissing her deeply as he thrust more rapidly.

He slid his paws up between them, kneading her breasts and teasing her nipples as he made love to her, his thrusting stopping for a short second as he ground his hips against hers, letting her feel a thick squirt of pre wash over her cervix. He swirled his tongue around hers, and let his eyes slowly drift shut.

She was in heaven, his member spreading her, filling every inch inside of her. Her thick juices dripped down the cleft of her rump and pooled around her tail. The wet, lewd sound of their love making filled the air as his shaft slid in and out again and again.

Finally, he felt her tense under him, felt her breath catch, and then felt her passage rippling. Ever inch of her tight cunny milking his member. He kept thrusting, holding back as her juices coated her rump and his balls, as her breathless moans turned to lusty screams, as her climax set fire to every nerve in her body.

He Pulled out at last, as she panted and shuddered under him, and moved up to kneel on the desk. He rested his long member between her breasts, and she grinned, managing even in her orgasm numbed state to realize what he had in mind.

She squeezed her breasts together around his length, and took his tip into her mouth. Her hot tongue swirled around his tip, teasing his glands as he started to thrust between her breasts. His member pushed into her mouth, down her throat, and then slid back up, as she lapped at it and fondled his balls with one paw.

As he thrust, she swirled her tongue around his member, using all her many years of practice to pleasure him, suckling at his tip now and then, even going so far as to slip a finger under his tail and tease his tail hole, which brought a lusty, pleasured grunt from his lips.

They kept this up for a long few minutes, before he pulled back, and reached down. A few fast strokes with his paw, and her once clean face was painted white with his seed, her breasts were marked with thick skunk spunk, and her smile almost touched both ears. He slid down off of the desk. She say there, licking her lips and panting, as the seed soaked into her fur. He whipped himself clean on her thighs, briefly considered thrusting back into her, before yawning deeply.

"Dear, I think your up past your bed time." She mumbled softly, as he turned and headed for the door, leaving his mother coated in his seed on her desk.

Facility One Oneshot, Kelly and Sam

I know its short, but I really don't seem to have more plot in me yet for the main story, so I'm just writing mindless sex, I hope none of you mind... I know most of you LIKE mindless sex. So, here are the twins, getting up to no good between class. I...

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Facility One - Christina Kidd

Alright, so, this is the first commission I have ever done, this story, along with its second half that will be posted... someday soon, with luck, belong more or less in full to Christina Kidd, I am simply posting them because I think they should fall...

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Facility One, Day two, part one

Day 2, part one. His dreams that night where... strange. He slept threw the night and well into the morning, dreaming of many things, and awoke with a start. A wet tongue was sliding along his member, and when he looked down, he saw a pair of long...

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