
Story by The Fire Tiger on SoFurry

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#3 of The Fantastic Creation

Finally, it happened.

I'm out of school, giving me time to actually finish this story. I've had it in mind ever since my final exams started, and with summer vacation inbound, I have all the time in the world to write whatever! I should be more active, I guess? I'm not even sure. lol

Please enjoy! :D

Yeah. 15 years of eternal suffering. Big whoop.

I was born in California, so I'm a resident of the Un-United States of America, but my parents are Peruvian for some strange reason, so I also have the peruvian nationality. I did go to Peru once when I was about 12. I'd do anything to go back there again.

My entire life has always been the same: I go to school, get beaten up, called names, have my lunch money and homework taken, go back home, have a stupid argument with my parents about my "conduct" just because I tried to fight back, and lock myself in my room until the next day. At least my sister comforts me every once in a while, but she has actual friends that wait for her.

What's the point, anyway? I only serve for nothing. I'm a worthless piece of trash and everyone, even my own parents, hates my guts. I've only got the internet and my stories that earn me fame from afar.

Today was all the same. No one helps me out just because I'm a moron. I've been kicked in the back, slapped by books and even had an entire gallon of water drained all over me, and none of them get a single warning. But when I try to step out of the classroom just to calm down for a bit I immediately get slapped with prolonged detention for "reiterated incidents". It's pretty unfortunate that I only have a computer to look forward to in my life.

My parents don't even care it's my birthday today, and yet when I go online, hundreds of Happy Birthday messages flooded my inbox. I even announces the release of a new story I just finished writing, and everyone went crazy over it.

So... yeah. 15 years of eternal suffering. Like anyone would care, anyway.

Although, I'm not sure if anyone would like this story at all. It's original and completely creative, sure, but it's a break from my typical stories. It's about... religion.

All the while, the Fantastic Creators have looked over the poor tiger's soul for the past 15 years. Upon his birth, he was donned with a gift that could potentially change not just his fate, but that of the world's, too. All he had to do was exploit it and, in some way, call to them. He, of course, didn't go at it alone. The Fantastic Creators made sure the soul survived up to this very day, and he was the first thing to mind whenever Wiraqocha, creator of everything, woke up.

And that soul's name is...

"Uthurunku!" Pacha Kamaq, defender of the World, exclaimed as he witnessed from above the soul, in a body that didn't belong to him. His new name was Allan Montero, of a somewhat average build, and slightly messy hair. His only quality that shined from him was his eternal nobility and kindness, lest we count his infinite creativity.

"I don't believe it!" Pacha whispered to himself. "He's done it!" The triceratops could barely contain himself, and he stood up and immediately ran over to Wiraqocha, who was on his throne, like always.

The tiger woke up from his daydream as he heard claws slightly rustling through the clouded surface of their heaven. As soon as he stopped in front of him, Wiraqocha asked, "What is it?" He was rather worried, as Kamaq has never been like this as far as he knew.

Nearly out of breath, the triceratops responded, "Uthurunku! He's finally done it! He remembers us!" He took his Creator's Rod and waved it above him. In an instant, a small hole of light appeared in front of the tiger, which transformed into an moving image. As Wiraqocha observed it, he could see a small and somewhat messy room, and then... a figure of himself? No, apparently just another tiger...

"Who is that?" Wiraqocha speculated, confused.

Kamaq, still panting, said, "Allan Montero, just turned 15 today, lives in the USA. Parents are Peruvian, and his life is nowhere near good."

A memory passed by Wiraqocha. "Wait... Is he really...?"

Kamaq then waved his rod in the air one more time to create a notebook. He handed it to his brother as he still looked at the images in shock. "This is the notebook he constantly writes on. And if you look at the first page his very first idea for a story was--"

Wiraqocha had already turned the pages and read: "The Fantastic Creation." The tiger simply smiled. "It worked, just like we predicted."

"There's just one more thing to do..." Kamaq said, but his face turned into a fearful one. "But... how? We've never done this type of thing before..."

Wiraqocha simply walked over to the triceratops and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Have you forgotten who we are, too?"

He looked over to his brother. Kamaq remained thoughtful for a minute before confidently saying, "No. Not at all."

The tiger smiled again. "So, how about we get to it? There's not much time."

Both deities raised their Creator's Rod, and with a flash of light, they were gone.

Everything was ready to upload, I guess. I still wasn't feeling all that confident, though. Religion was a very picky subject for me as it is for most of my fans. I've always wanted to write about it, but I never did because of how controversial it might seem. Either way, what's done is done. I might as well just get on with it.

My hand grabbed the mouse and as I hovered it over the rather small Upload button, the feeling of controversy hit me again. I shouldn't do it, I thought... It won't be worth it...

At the last second, I decided not to upload, but as soon as my hand relaxed and let go of the mouse...

"Surprise!" The door slammed open, making it sound like a gunshot, and I jumped in my seat while accidently clicking the mouse. I turned my head to the back to see my mom and sister with a chocolate cake in hand, but when I turned back to the computer screen, a small window saying "Upload Complete!" appeared.

"Brace for impact..." I quietly said to myself. Mom started singing the classic birthday song and the least I did was put on a fake smile. At least I'm going to enjoy some actual time with my family.

That night I slept without reading the comments on the story. I was in no mood to talk to anyone after that. All I hoped I was that tomorrow would be less miserable than today. In the end, I couldn't hope for a better day. It never gets better.

After some time, I woke up in a very dark and black room. I looked around frantically. What the hell happened?

After I stood up, I shouted, "Hello? Is anyone here?" No one responded, and I was honestly starting to get goosebumps.

Suddenly, a voice. It was unclear at first, but then I heard it calling someone by their name. "Uthurunku... Please respond..."

I was completely confused now. "Eh? Wh-- Who are you?"

The strange voice called back, "It's me... Turn around and look at us... We're glad you completed your mission..."

I slowly turned around not knowing what to expect. As soon as I did, though, I found a yellow triceratops right in front of me, simply smiling. I jumped back in fear, and almost immediately after a tiger got behind me. I turned to see him and instantly recognized his face...

"...Wiraqocha?" I meeked. "No, impossible!" They were only imagination!

"This may be a dream," The tiger said calmly. "But we aren't."

I was completely shocked. "What... what do you guys mean? Aren't you guys supposed to be the result of my imagination?"

The triceratops, Pacha Kamaq, I think his name was, knelt down to me and placed on of his hands on my shoulder. "Your imagiantion was the gift we have given you upon your birth," he coyly told me. "We did it in hopes that you would remember our names in a distant future and start our plan for the better world we desperately want."

"You have shown to us you are more than capable of taking up the task," Wiraqocha bellowed. "After all these lives, you'll finally live the one good life you wished for everyday."

I was still in shock. There was so much to take in, it would almost be the most frustrating thing if it were all a dream. "So... that story I posted... it was true?"

"Down to the detail," Kamaq replied. "Even the Rock-Paper-Siccors match."

Wiraqocha softly chuckled. "That was dumb, actually. But no matter." He took a sort of scepter that he had on his right hand and raised it in the air. "Hold still," Wiraqocha said, before a small pillar of light emerged from above me. I looked up but the flash was pretty bright... I seriously hoped this wasn't a death sequence...

"It's time you found your memories." Wiraqocha's voice echoed through my head, and almost immediately I was hit with what seemed to be an infinite amount of thoughts... I don't remember any of this, and yet it all seemed like deja vu. The more I thought of it, though, the more it made sense...

My head started to hurt immensely as some more sensetive and blood filled memories came along as well. I screamed in agony and collapsed to the floor, holding my head. "Make it stop!" I shouted. "I..." In my rage, I thought, did I remember all this? Was this... what I was all along?

I don't know how long I was there. It could have been hours for all I care. It finally stopped after a long time. I was still on the floor, kneeling and head hurting. I panted in exhaustion as both deities walked over to me and my recently adquired memories. "Why... did you do this..." It was the last thing I could muster before my body hit the floor. I was too weak to even move anymore.

"Remember who you are..." Kamaq said. "It was your mission all along." was, wasn't it?

"This is the beginning of something completely new for you," Wiraqocha said. "Welcome back to us... Uthurunku."

The name resonated through my head, and with one last effort to escape, I only sighed my last breath. My mind went blank...

I woke up again, but this time it felt different. I was no longer Allan, the tiger that everyone despised. The one that always had his lunch money taken. The one no one could comprehend.

That was just another life badly lived.

I regained my forces and tried standing up. No one was around, but I felt Pacha Kamaq's prescence from behind me. As I turned around, I saw him with his head down, obviously thoughtful.

"Kamaq," I said. "Long time. Don't you remember me?"

The triceratops raised his head and looked up to me. A smile emerged from his otherwise somber face. "Uthurunku. Welcome back." He leaned over to hug me tight, and as he did, a tear rolled down his cheek.

We stayed like that for a bit. He then let go and said, "Now that you are practically one of us... I guess it's time you knew."

"I think I already know," I spoke. "I am immortal now. My mission is to spread this newfound power to all the corners of the Earth and set the new call to action for the fantastic world we will build."

Kamaq, sighing, replied, "You're oddly calm about this... Are you absolutely sure you can do it?"

I closed my eyes momentarily, then firmly said, "Yes."

We both stared at each other. Kamaq was somewhat unconvinced. I knew this wouldn't be easy, what with the situation of being immortal and all. I knew I had to make it work in the end, though. It's the only way.

I smiled as I could feel morning approach. "So... where do I go from here?"

The alarm sounded as I was abruptly woken up from my dream. I stayed thoughtful, though. As much as it can be dismissed as a dream... it wasn't.

"Remember your mission..." Wiraqocha's voice softly echoed through my room, reminding me more that this was, in fact, real. I never forgot.

"I used to be fearful of that alarm," I remembered from Allan's life. "Not anymore." I leaned over to the alarm and slapped the Stop button. It was time.


"I can already tell that this new generation will be awful," Wiraqocha muttered to himself as he silently paced back and forth in front of the now abandoned house that once belonged to Uthurunku, the soul that had feared descending down to Earth once...

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From my perspective, the world was merely as small as can be. Nothing but a huge ball of dirt and water. And incapable people, nonetheless. But as bad as they may be, or how stupid they might be, I knew that my time would come to descend once more to...

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Condor of the City // Chapter 1: Dangerous Decisions

"So is this it?" Rodrigo, a puma and the shortest of the four of us, slowly panted and proceeded to point to a big, burnt out house in the middle of nowhere. Carlos, a hawk, and Bernardo, a mastiff, also stared at the building for a bit. I looked at it...

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