Chapter 8 - Madness, Chaos... Fun!!!

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#5 of Genesis

Chapter 8 â€" Madness, Chaos, Fun!

The next morning Skye groggily began to wake up, his hands sliding down his slippery, smooth and cool skin.

"Slippery? Smooth? What the hell?" Skye shouted sitting bolt up in bed, causing the automatic lights turning on in his room.

"Skye, what's wrong?" Alex mumbled as he turned over, "Whoa, Skye when did you morph?"

"I don't know but I'd look down too!" Skye stated; pointing to Alex's webbed fingers, well, talons.

Skye felt a warm tingling sensation in his balls, though internal it was almost as if they were... growing.

"Skye, it feels like my balls, they're growing!" Alex said.

"Yeah me too, what's going on?" Skye replied.

"Not too sure, I'll check our stats on the computer, the scanners stay on us at all times. We should have an answer soon!" Alex replied.

"Ahh," Skye groaned, the area around his genital slit turning pink, his member slowly growing.

Alex wasn't too far behind his deep blue underbelly scales growing more purple as blood rushed into his growing member.

"Umm Skye, according to this, our bodies are undergoing some pretty intense changes!" Alex reported.

"Well, for example;" Alex started, "Our cocks, they're growing and so are our balls!"

"Oh, that's all!" Skye replied sarcastically.

"How is this happening and why is it that we're in our morph forms?" Skye asked.

"Well from what I can tell, our bodies are in the first form we achieved, for you, the Orca and me the Dragon." Alex noted.

"And our growth issues?" Skye continued.

"Well according to this, last night; some foreign DNA entered our bodies, it began to re-work some of our neural pathways and now it's adjusting our bodies to its liking, i.e., some major re-growth.

"What kind of DNA?" Skye asked, "Where did it come from?"

"Well it was introduced orally in our human forms, approximately when we dropped out of the worm hole." Alex read.

"The cum!" Skye snarled.


"Joey's cum, you know the cum that you decided to taste, and then feed us!"

"Oh, that..."

"Yeah, that!"

"Well I didn't know it could do this!"

"Well, figure out what's going to happen."

"Already on it,"

"Mind, hurrying that up, my cock never used to touch my lower abs!"

"Okay it seems it's adding about 20% of what we have, so you should be stopping in about 30 seconds!"

"Is that a cock size joke; Alex, sooo not the time!"

"No seriously, you're almost done!"

"Nigh, and so am I," Alex looked down at his now foot long cock.

A few seconds later, they growing stopped, or well their meat stopped growing, their balls on the other hand...


"I'm on it!"

"You've said that already!"

"Okay, they're growing... at... carry the four... oh."

"Oh what?"

"They're growing to be almost double their size!"

"Alex.... My balls were already really big, like tennis ball big, what are we talking here?"

"Well, ummm, just smaller than a small bowling ball, actually!"

"Alex, how will all that fit inside me, we're internal, not external!"

"It seems that it's converting some of our less important, body structures into testicles of sorts!"

"It should stop in ten seconds." Alex reported.

A few seconds later both boys were lying down again; panting, their bodies soaked in a cool sweat, hormones racing.

"Alex, I feel..."

"Horny?" Alex finished.

‘Yeah, why?" Skye asked.

"Well I'm guessing it's part of the growth, our bodies aren't used to having so much semen in them, and having to supply so much blood to our, well areas." Alex answered. "So our bodies are adapting by telling us to use them."

"Okay, you're the one who smeared the cum, so I get your ass!" Skye smiled.

"Fine, but I get to do this first!" Alex replied, grabbing Skye's Orca cock and sucking it into his mouth.

"It's... sensitive!" Skye groaned.

"Well then I guess Joey helped us out a bit!" Alex tried to euphemize.

"No, no he didn't, I could fuck you anytime before this, so it didn't change anything!" Skye replied, sucking in another gasp of air as Alex began deep throating his newly grown meat.

"All right, enough foreplay, let's go, hands and knees!" Skye demanded.

"Fine!" Alex replied flipping onto his hands and knees.

Skye lined his tapered cock up with Alex's sphincter, tossing the black dragon's tail over his shoulder; he sucked on one of his black webbed digits, and pushed it into Alex.

"Awww, it's sooo sensitive!" Alex replied.

"Then here's the fun part!" Skye replied, as he pulled his finger out and replaced it with his cock's tip; which spurted a nice puddle of pre right onto his ass.

"There's some lube, now get ready!" Skye warned, and seconds later he thrust forwards quickly.

Alex groaned loudly as his ass was taken deep by the orca's member, the smooth tip gliding deeply into his gut.

"Here comes another one!" Skye warned as he pulled back and this time rammed in deeper and harder! As he did this, Skye also reached around Alex's waist and grabbed a hold of his rock hard dragon cock, and began giving him a fast hand job.

"My balls feel like their going to burst!" Skye groaned thrusting deeper into Alex, his body quickly adjusting to the newly grown invader.

"Me too, not going to last, why did Joey make it short?" Alex answered.

Then, something unâ€"expected happened....

"Is your cock still going in deeper?" Alex asked.

"No why it's all in."

"Cause it's... growing." Alex replied, "Since it's tapered I thought you were going deeper but..."

"No way!" Skye shouted looking down; his cock was growing thicker, near the base was really growing.

"I've got a knot?" Skye gasped.

"Not just you buddy!" Alex replied feeling a large lump press from within his slit.

Skye rammed Alex deep and hard, his knot stretching Alex's ass wide, but with little resistance and a ‘pop', Skye slid in, filling Alex.

"Here I, cum!" Skye groaned as he went over the edge, his cock pulsing and his newly grown balls contracting more violently than ever!

Alex felt jet after jet of hot stick cum shoot into his gut, leaving him with a warm, full, feeling which seemed to make his arms and legs weaker by the second; leaving him helpless to stop himself from collapsing on the bed.

Skye tried to pull out, but his newly filled knot kept him tied to Alex, all he could do was turn Alex over, watching his face full of bliss and the large lump growing around his lower belly.

"Skyeeee!" Alex groaned as he too began shooting cum everywhere, over his head, onto the bed and all across Skye and his own body.

Their orgasms lasted about thirty seconds of continuous cumming, their bodies now spent, began loosing energy.

Skye collapsed on top of his lover, his smooth orca skin spreading the gooey mess on Alex's body across his and pushing Alex's tender meat against his slippery, soft skin.

"Ohhh, that feels good!" Alex replied.

"I love you!" Skye replied as he kissed the dragons, his beak meeting the dragon's maw.

"Together forever!" Alex mumbled.

"At least until my knot goes down!" Skye grinned as he playfully tugged his knot in Alex, eliciting further groans from his mate.

The two fell into a deep sleep, staying tied together; two boys, one soul, one love.


For a someone someone who asked bout some Yiffy Orca Fun!!! Just for you!!! And well me =P