Ch. 24 Flushmas Eve

Story by solarix on SoFurry

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#24 of Flush a Fuck

Finally we get to the reason why i wanted to do christmas stories this year but got very much behind in my other work and well what i should have posted on christmas eve is being posted up now please enjoy as you will Flushmas eve a party like last year featuring special guests Kitsufox Jovialskunk and Asmo the fluff drake respectivly kitsufox on FA Jovial pony on FA and jdragon4m on FA. So glad i could include them in this years fun.

Flush a Fuck Ch. 24

Flushmas Eve

Aleck finished tying up a ribbon and then stepped down off the ladder and grinned happily. He had spent the whole day decorating and cooking for this party which had become somewhat of an annual tradition for him and his friends. He had just finished with the main decorations he had put up. Garland twinkled around the place and red ribbons hung off many different places attracting the eye along with the twinkle lights. Ornament boxes were neatly stacked up next to an empty tree stand and more lights waited to be wrapped on the boughs of a beautiful evergreen. Aleck sighed gently as he put away his step ladder and went into the kitchen to start loading up the table with the snacks and drinks. He had just finished when Lee came in with the tree and a friend in tow. The friend turned out to be Asmo the black fluffdrake. Asmo came in and presented Aleck with a hug and a plate of cookies before taking a comfy seat on the couch to watch lee put the tree in place.

Aleck chuckled as the pair began to argue about how the tree should be put in place. While they fought between each other on whether the tree was straight or crooked Mark showed up with Jovy and Kitsu in tow. The gang had all arrived and now the party could begin. Aleck had considered inviting more friends but had wound up deciding that no a small group was better since many would make overnight guests a problem. Aleck had convinced the group to spend the night and fully intended to make Christmas extra special for all his friends.

He finished putting out light snacks and continued working on dinner while the group put ornaments on his tree and hung stockings that they had brought over. He was just pulling the turkey out to cool when Asmo stuck his head round the corner.

"h-hey aleck we just f-finished the tree w-wanna come see it?" he asked

"Sure" aleck said as he covered the bird to let it cool slowly then followed the fluff dragon out to the living room.

The tree had been decked out in a beautiful mix of too much but tastefully styled so it glowed with three tones of lights and several hundred colors in ornaments and the rainbow metallic garland. A large star was on the top but over in a corner Leo, Kitsu, and Jovy were arguing over whether an angle, a different star, or a snowflake fairy would be better to place up there instead. Lee watched them quietly while snacking on things and clearly doing his best not to laugh finally informing them that since he was the tallest of the entire group he wouldn't be replacing it so the whole argument was moot.

"It looks good everyone" aleck said

"Yay" they said in mixed unison

"Well then let's go have dinner and then we can watch some Christmas movies before bedtime" the wolf said leading them to his dining room and the table.

Everyone followed behind slowly and joined Aleck at the table looking over and making soft ooh and aww noises as they came in. Asmo sat next to aleck and looked at the meal then at the wolf then whispered in Aleck's ear.

"Uh aleck I-I'd l-like for you do what you did last year with me please" he said shyly

Aleck smiled politely kissed Asmo on the nose leaving behind some nanites and said "sure thing Azzy now just wait for a second and then maybe me or Lee will be happy to nom ya"

Asmo grinned sheepishly and picked at some of the food on his plate waiting for the tingle to start. He waited quietly and enjoyed the conversation of all the things this group of friends had been up to during the year. He grinned at some of the conversations that had turned rather naughty and chuckled along with jokes old and new until the tingling sensation crawled over his fur and skin. He shuddered gently and then shrunk down to a good three inches in height and was then helped up to the table by Aleck where he began to wonder around happily as always sampling food in small bites and getting sips of juice from Aleck's glass. Eventually he made his way over to Lee and stole some food off the big Zebra's plate. Lee looked down and laughed.

"Well, well, well" he said "are you ready to take a nice trip down to stomach central?"

Asmo nodded shyly then climbed up on a piece of turkey and made himself comfy giving a thumbs up. Lee chuckled again and used his thumb and forefinger to lift the bit of turkey up to his mouth and popped it in. He then licked all over the little fluffdrake and swallowed with an audible gulp. Lee felt the gentle squirming of Asmo as he slipped down his throat and the gentle plop he made as he landed in the equine's stomach. Lee continued on with dinner and Asmo started his tentative exploration of the Zebra's tummy.

The little dragon made his way around in the dark gently bumping into bits of gingerbread and sticky candy that was partially melted. He found a piece of dinner roll and snuggled up on it as more Christmas dinner rained down around him and stomach acid began to ooze from the walls. He managed to go to sleep before full digestion began and dreamed wonderful dreams of giant turkeys filled with stuffing.

Lee ate like the rest of the group who had paid no attention to Asmo shrinking and the spectacle of the little black fluffdrake being swallowed up. Everyone just ate happily and chatted about Christmas hopes and wishes and dreams.

While they ate no one heard or noticed the crash that came from the living room as an uninvited pure white husky made his way into Aleck's house. He looked at all the decorations and the large amount of stockings on the mantel then grinning evilly made his way to the bathroom and hid in the tub.

The group had no clue that someone else had entered their happy gathering den. They were just too happy to enjoy a meal together and when the meal was done to gather round the tree turn off the lights smile happily then turn to another glowing object and watch some old classic and new classic Christmas movies.

They had just finished up with a cartoon version of a Christmas carol when Aleck felt the urge to go. He excused himself and made his way to the bathroom dropped his pants and took a seat getting ready to take care of business. He had just settled in for a long simmered crap when the white husky from earlier popped up out of the tub and literally scared the crap out of Aleck. The wolf thanked his stars he was already on the toilet because the mess that escaped him would have been highly unpleasant to clean up. The husky grinned and padded over and sat on Aleck's lap.

"Well this is a pleasant turn of events" he said

"Uh excuse me but first off I'm in the middle of private business, second how did you get in here, and third who the hell are you "Aleck said trying to push the Husky off his lap.

The dog looked at the wolf and put a finger on his nose "well this time of year most people refer to me as Santa" the husky said before getting off the wolf's lap and opening a bag he had dropped next to the tub.

He pulled out some items and began to put them on including pillows, a red fur trimmed jacket and pants, black boots and finished up with a hat and bear. He then turned and was a perfect representation of Santa.

"In case you haven't guessed I'm the Santa you hired from the special service" the husky Santa said with a wink "And now I think someone has been very, very naughty and deserves to be punished"

The fake Santa lunged and pushed the beard aside as he yawned open his maw and took all of the larger wolf's head into his mouth and gave a fierce swallow. He slowly worked his way down Aleck's body pausing and wiping the wolf's ass and flushing the mess before continuing on. He paused when he cot to Aleck's balls and cock playing until a white mess erupted out spraying his maw with salty/sweet stickiness and shooting the remaining into the toilet. He then sped up the swallowing process working his way down to the toes and finally gulping all of Aleck down. He then pushed some buttons on the flushmaster making it into a huge golden throne that he took a seat on and waited.

Kitsu was the next one to enter the bathroom and he looked at the fake Santa and murled gently. Then he came over and shyly took a seat on the huskies lap and said, "I've been pretty good this year Santa anything special for me?"

"Santa" looked at Kitsu and smiled "I think Santa has a bag filled with stuff for a young fox like you" he then gently prodded Kitsu off his lap and dropped his pants smirking as his cock throbbed to life and dripped pre for the fox.

Kitsu looked at the pink pillar and smiled mischievously, "ooo Santa you know exactly what I want" he then got down on his knees and began to lick on the dripping cock fumbling with his pants as he did.

Kitsu worked his pants down to play with his cock while he sucked off Santa who slowly worked his way back down onto the seat of his "throne". He then began to bob Kitsu's head back and forth on the cock as he sucked and worked Santa's cock into a nice frenzied state all ready to be put someplace even more special. Santa moaned in joy as he felt the sweet warmth assault his cock and raise it to t heightened state of sensitivity before he pulled the fox off.

"Bend over the toilet" he growled

Kitsu complied and used the bowl as support wiggling his ass playfully. The husky lined up the drool and pre covered missile and slowly slid it in to the hilt. He then slowly slid it out making Kitsu murrl continuously echoing in the bowl. The husky began to rapidly pound Kitsu going in and out like a riveting machine. Kitsu soon found his head completely in the toilet bowl and then under the water where he moaned out bubbles continuously as the Santa sated his needs. Kitsu pushed back briefly to breathe and then let the Santa shove his head back under the water and actually pull the flush sending the fox over the edge and spraying his load all over the floor and front of the bowl. Santa soon came after Kitsu filling the fox and then pulling out panting and looking at the fox who had pulled his head up from the bowl and was panting as well. The husky looked at the fox and ginned evilly then forced his head back under by shoving his cock back into the dripping ass and flushing the toilet hard. The flush that occurred sucked Kitsu down he pipes, off the Santa's cock and down the pipes and away.

Santa then pissed into the bowl flushed again and took his seat waiting for his next victim. He even managed to find Aleck's collection of magazines and was reading a delightful one as his host was digested away. His next victim happened to be Jovy who had had a bit too much soda and was actually wondering where Kitsu and Aleck had gotten too but didn't want to just pop into the wolf's bedroom in case something of a naughty nature was going on. Still when his bladder began to cause him pain he decided it was time to find the bathroom and answer natures call.

He had just found the bathroom door and was sneaking in when he realized it was occupied by someone. "Umm oops hi are you gonna be much longer" the little skunk asked?

"Santa" looked up from his magazine about how to properly tie a cranberry bough and mistletoe garland and grinned. "Oh poor little skunkling you need to go don't you?" he asked

Jovy nodded and padded in slowly. The husky got up from his seat and went over to stand by the sink, "it's all yours little guy go on" he then went back to his magazine while Jovy dropped his pants and took a seat on the toilet.

Jovy started out by peeing tinkling continuously and moaning as his bladder was slowly emptied and the pain went away. He then gently farted and giggled up a storm. The fart was followed by a few gentle splashes and more giggling this time from the skunk and from the Santa by the sink. Jovy looked over with a large blush and a really loud thunk from beneath him. He continued on pooping for a few more minutes then reached for the paper to wipe himself with. Santa by this point smiled and came over slowly.

"I see you like tushes" the fake Santa said "would you like to play with mine?

Jovy nodded "yes if you really wanna offer" he said with another blush.

Santa came over to the commode and dropped his pants before flagging his tail and exposing a clean pink pucker. He pressed that up against the skunks nose and said "it's all yours lil cutie"

Jovy giggled and stuck out his tongue then gave a gentle lick before he began to play with the hole using his tongue. He licked it all over and gently probed into it causing Santa to giggle and moan as the little skunk worked his way deeper and deeper into the cheeks of Santa's ass. Jovy never noticed he was being swallowed up until his head popped into the ring of the huskies pucker and was gently forced deeper and deeper into the fake Santa's smelly bowels by the sitting motion of Santa retaking his throne once again. Soon the only thing that remained of Jovy was his stripped tail that was slowly slurped up from the damp and disgusting waters of the bowl that Santa flushed alerting his next prey that the toilet was open.

Leo had been quietly waiting outside of the bathroom ever since Jovy had gone in desperately needing to pee. He burst through the door making a brief apology as he came in quickly undoing his pants and rushing over before realizing that the fur on the toilet wasn't Jovy and that Jovy wasn't anywhere in site.

Leo put aside this info and looked at the Santa before muttering "aleck really went all out this year"

The husky laughed "heh, heh, heh oh not really he kinda went in just like you are but unfortunately both holes are a little occupied right now." He then began to rub his sheath.

The rubbing intrigued Leo as it would to any horny otter. Leo forgot about his bladder's needs and watched as the sheath disgorged an impressive cock. The husky waggled it and let the salty hormone charging smell waft over to Leo who literally crawled over and began to lick on the cock never seeing it grow larger and never noticing that he was being pulled into it and then down. The little otter was too thrilled to please the pillar of flesh that dribbled pre on his nose as it grew and stretched over that nose and then slowly over his head slurking and glurking as it stretched to take in his shoulders. It slurped and gurged as it took him in up to his waist where it had trouble with his thighs until Leo spun gently licking inside the shaft and was soon little more than a bulge splashing into the gargantuan balls of the Husky who groaned in pleasure and leaned back on his throne blacking out briefly.

"Santa" rested for an hour after taking in his two meals in rapid succession. By this point Aleck had been digested completely but was still at home in the faker's stomach. Jovy had been dragged in to the stomach but was still mostly solid and Leo was a rapidly melting memory in the distended balls. The faker leaned back on the bowl and belched gently from his cock and maw and watched his cock return to normal size while his balls took on the overstretched dimensions of two carrier bags and smoothed out completely. The only sounds were the gentle breathing and the loud gurgles as the stomach began to work on its other portion of fur.

While he rested in the bathroom, Lee was beginning to wonder about where all his friends had wound up. He knew about aleck's version of fun after all he had just finished processing Asmo and was feeling the need to send the cute fluff drake off for his eventual return. Lee was confused though Aleck had promised that he wasn't going to eat on his friends. Lee sat back and rested for a bit longer then finally when he was farting far too often and his bowels were giving slight spikes of pain he decided it was time to see what was going on in that bathroom.

He got up and padded/clopped his way down the hall and into the bathroom. Santa had heard the clopping and had managed to get into the darkened bedroom knowing that if he was there in his current state he would likely become prey to the much larger equine. Lee found the bathroom to be empty so he made his way on in and dropped his pants then took a seat on the toilet letting out a large FRAAAAAAPPPPPP!

Lee groaned in pleasure as the first log graced his pucker and got stuck. He could feel it there and he could tell why it was stuck. A combination of too little water and sheer rectum packing had led to what was easily a horsecock sized log pressing at his back door and he found himself straining to get it out. He grunted and felt almost ripping pain as it slipped out slowly and splashed into the bowl rapidly followed by three more. Lee panted gently and grabbed up some paper to wipe up with. He was wipping away large amounts of the claylike mixture of Asmo and snacks when the huksy returned and chuckled gently.

"hoo boy you're a big one aren't you but then santa has always been able to hide the big stuff in small sacks and spaces pretty well eh?" he said with a snort

Lee looked over and grunted before standing and flushing the toilet sending Asmo on his way "yes I suppose he has but then you aren't santa are you?"

"No no im not but don't worry big guy you won't need to ponder that for long" he lunged forward and knocked lee to the floor.

The big zebra never had a chance as soon as he hit the floor the rest of the now bulged out husky landed on him knocking his breath away. Before he could even attempt to breathe he found his head stuffed into a maw. He was slowly swallowed up after that bit by bit forced down into the fake Santa who let the swelling rip his pants and shirt completely to rags as he gulped the equine down to his stomach finishing with a huge belch.

The Santa then did his best to make it up to the bowl where he rested his bare cheeks on the seat waiting for the rapid digestion to complete itself so he could offload his guests and then be on his way.

As with all rapid digestions this didn't take long and he soon found himself bent forward so that his colon could open up and let all the waste flow freely into the bowl that expanded rapidly with every fart and splash that landed below. The flushmaster slowly took on the appearance of a huge water balloon topped with a gilt back and ornate chair arms like some weird neo gothic gold beanbag. Still the waste fell out of the husky and before long the guests in his cock wanted freedom as well and cummy blasts rained down below staining the brown and sludgy mess in a yellow/cream. Finally after a full hour and enough gas to power up a Victorian house for a month the last little bit of waste fell into the turgid waters and was allowed to float for a bit as the husky panted in pain. The fake Santa stood to survey his work and was assaulted with a horrid smell so strong it over powered the flushmaster's ability to stop it. He grabbed the flush handles and sent it all away with the sound of a pool draining with rattling skulls being sucked off for processing.

He then gathered up his bag and changed into his street clothes and headed over to wash his paws. He was still laughing to himself as he turned to collect his bag and was faced with an impressive site. There on the recently used and now normal sized toilet was another husky dressed as Santa. The husky had his pants down and was obviously in the process of offloading something. He looked over as he finished and wiped then flushed the mess but remained on the seat waiting.

"Well come on now we don't have all night and to be fair it isn't a very hard thing to figure out how naughty you have been Daniel" Santa said

The husky now known as Daniel padded over slowly and took a seat on the exposed thigh of Santa "you know me?" he asked quietly

Santa nodded "yes, yes I do and I also know you are very naughty indeed, unfortunately I'm fresh out of coal so you will have receive bowl" Santa said as he stood and stuffed Daniel into the toilet and flushed him off to and away.

Santa then pulled up his pants and put the lid down on the toilet. He trumped out of the bathroom turning off the light and all the lights as he went along to finish his work after his much needed bathroom break. All those cookies usually took their toll and it had been a unique way to punish someone. Santa put all the gifts he had brought under the tree and then headed for the fireplace and rising up with a call of "Merry Christmas" he was gone and all was quiet waiting for day.

Ch. 25 Merry Christmas Flush

Flush a Fuck Ch. 25 Merry Christmas Flush The next day dawned bright and cold. Aleck woke up feeling much too warm and slowly realized why he was. He could feel a pressure on his chest and legs and stomach and as he woke he...

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Ch. 23 White Flushmas

Flush a Fuck Ch. 23 White Flushmas .... "Please sir its Christmas day sir"....... "Chocolate fresh from....."....... "and now we continue our exploration of the latest gadget from Flush a Fuck the Snow-go 500 now yellow snow is a thing of the...

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Ch. 22 Halloween Special 9/9 Halloween Birthday Potty

"Okay, umm hmm yess okay I get it well just show up when you can its gonna go on for a while alright okay bye, bye" aleck said hanging up the phone and stretching. He got up and padded into the kitchen where a lot of his friends were busy putting...

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