Bunny getting creamed

Story by k9k on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales of Anun

Jeremy whined as he saw the very horny Anun approach and he fell to his knees as he begged "Please, I can't take it anymore, if I come anymore my dick will fall off! I will do anything just please not in my ass!" Jeremy closed his eyes, on the verge of tears when Anun smiled and said "Sure, however, I am not done with you yet!"

Jeremy raised a brow and squeaked when saw a blur and felt something clamp his wrists together. Jeremy cocked his head to the side in question but it all became clear as Anun said "If I feel teeth, I sticking it up your ass and ride you till dusk."

Anun used his thumb and forefinger on the mandible of the bunny, squeezing slightly, the rabbit's jaw popped open and Anun eased in, not stopping till he felt his ball press against the rabbit's furry chin.

Jeremy watched in horror as the massive onyx shaft was slid into his mouth, forcing his jaws apart and was thankful that only the very tip of the head tickled the back of his throat, however, his mouth was full, cheeks bulging on the knot.

Anun rubbed the rabbit's head, thumb massaging his ears as he began to move his hips back and forth, hand bobbing the rabbits head. Anun purred "Use your tongue; otherwise I will do this all night."

Jeremy gagged and gasped as the penis grew in his mouth, making his throat feel raw and his jaw ache. He knew if he puked, Anun would just tie him up and ram his ass raw. He twirled his tongue on the head, trying not to bite or nick the black, throbbing shaft but he felt his jaw being spread wider and wider by the swelling knot.

Anun kept his pace slow but panted as he sped up, sack slapping the rabbit's chin and neck and he howled as he forced every inch into Jeremy's throat as he came, thick, salty honey flavored seed shot down the rabbit's maw and soon filled his belly to the brim.

Jeremy winced as the canine got rougher and he nearly vomited when it was forced down his throat, tears welling in his eyes as the strong, musky fluid filled his mouth and dribbled down the corners of his jaw. He felt the hot liquid all the way down to his empty belly, and soon felt very full. Jeremy tried to pull off when he realized, to his horror, Anun's knot was stuck behind his teeth. Anun growled "Don't pull on it or else!"

Jeremy's jaw was screaming in pain when he finally felt the knot shrink, as he went to pull off however, he heard Anun say "Don't be so quick, you aren't done yet, clean me up." Jeremy gently licked the canine, least he cause him to become aroused again, swallowing all of the stray semen before he was picked up and put over the canine's shoulder.

Anun smirked as he carried the rabbit over to his favorite chair, and sat down and set the rabbit down between his thighs. Anun smirked as he said "You will suckle my cock and balls till I saw stop, got it?"

Jeremy nodded as he wrapped his lips around black flesh, gently suckling as he saw Anun pick up a book and begin to read, a paw on top of the rabbit's head, leaving only to turn a page. Jeremy relaxed as Anun massaged his scalp and ears and occasionally bobbed his head and the semi-erect cock. Anun guided the rabbit down to his balls, and said "Suck on them."

Jeremy opened his mouth but could only fit one testicle in at a time, so he began to switch off, suckling one and then the other and gulped as his head was forced lower.

Anun spread his legs as he leaned back and said "Lick my ass. Don't worry, its clean, inside and out." Jeremy closed his eyes as he licked, tasty a musty flavor as his tongue rasped against the crinkled black ring of muscle, sliding his tongue inside as his head was pushed closer. He smelled the musky, thick odor of the canine and heard the soft yips, the Ps sounding like an Fs, which to Jeremy's ears, sounded like Yiff.

Anun moaned as Jeremy rimmed him, cock growing hard as he pulled the rabbit back and slid his cock into his mouth. Anun bobbed the rabbit's head, making him go deeper each time and soon felt his knot in the rabbit's cheeks.

Jeremy closed his eyes as he felt the hot flesh in his mouth, his mouth and throat felt hot and raw and his stomach gurgled on the last load of jism. He felt the shaft go as deep as before, tears in his eyes as he heard Anun moan "Lick me till I come."

Jeremy slid his tongue on the thick onyx shaft, and gagged as he felt more of the hot seed in his mouth, some of it spurted out his nose, leaving a burning sensation. Jeremy was happy when Anun's knot went down and after cleaning him up, was happy that he would go home in the morning, and he would never EVER masturbate again unless his master directly ordered him to do so!

This is part three and final part of chew toy. Anun will be appearing next with his beloved master who shall sodomize his canine pet for the first time and after that, he gets a secret and special play thing! Said plaything is a creature unseen by all save for DJ, the artist, who will hopefully have the picture up sometime next month, HOWEVER! I will let you guys get a sneak peak at it in the story after next!

And if you enjoyed this work, check out the rest of series and please comment! They are ever so loved!