discovering dad's secret part 1

Story by policebotspanker on SoFurry

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18 year old Victor was coming home for Spring break, and he was looking forward to spending time with his father since they had not seen each other for several months and they were looking forward to see each other and Victor couldn't be any more exited to tell his dad about the classes that he was taking, so he got on the first bus back home by the time Victor arrived at his house it was already 4 Pm as he walked up to the front door he heard what sounded like something hitting bare flesh, so he opened the door and went inside quietly closing the door behind him and he made his way in to the house and the sounds he heard from the front porch were much louder now that he was inside so he walked into the living room and was shocked by what he saw, sitting on a stool was his father in his police uniform spanking his partners bare butt.

Victor was blown away by what he was seeing, his dad giving a spanking to another cop and from the state he was in was suffering his but was deep shade of pink and his uniform trousers and belt were gathered at his feet and he was starting to cry, "OH man thought Victor this is hot as hell" as he watched his dad spank his fellow cop over his knees and from what he was saw his old man was doing a good job of it to Victor was so aroused at seeing his father's beefy uniformed ass seated on the stool, that he missed the flick of his dad's long muscular tail which was a not a good sign because he looked over his shoulder and saw Victor standing there with a throbbing erection and Victor looked like he was going to get yelled at, but the older Alligator just gave a small laugh and said "enjoying the show son" "b-but dad h-how did you know I was here?"asked Victor who was looking quite shame faced about the whole thing and wanted to disappear into a dark hole.

"Well son at first I did not know but when I heard you moan I figured you were watching" he told Victor, "hey dad can I watch you finish spanking your partner?" asked Victor with a hopeful tone "sure you can" his dad answered back and Victor moved to sit on the couch which gave him a good view for the show, Victor's father raised his scaly hand and brought it down on the Whales bottom and a loud smack echoed in the room after a few minutes the Whale howled with every spank the Alligator delivered, and Victor watched with great interest as his 48 year old father walloped his partners butt who was crying like a baby even though he was the same age as his spanker and the poor Whale began to hump the other cop's lap with each spank, and he clenched his cuffed fists and grit his teeth trying not to scream but was having a hard time doing so and deep down he knew that he enjoyed this just as Victor and his father were enjoying themselves Victor then noticed that his dad had developed an erection while spanking the other cop.

The Whale squirming over his dad's lap was Officer Cranston who was like a second father to Victor, which was even more of a turn on for the younger Alligator because Victor had been spanked by both his father and Officer Cranston growing up and he always wanted to see the Whale get his chubby little ass blistered, so seeing him get spanked bare bottomed was something he'd never forget and nether would Officer Cranston and speaking of the Whale his bottom was a deep red and stinging, and Victor caught sight of his dripping cock and remembered various spankings his father had given him and he realised that the Whale was so close shooting his load that the slightest thing would set him off.

And after about 45 minutes Victor's dad gave one final wallop and Officer Cranston gave a guttural grunt and shot a massive jet of cum on to the floor, and then went still over his partners knees breathing hard and after a few minutes stood up and rubbed his bottom with both hands "Ow Burt that really hurt I'm not going to be able to sit for two weeks", he told the the smug looking Alligator cop who stood up and and brought the other cop in for a hug and then rubbed his partners butt with his hand in a fatherly way and let the Whale cry into his chest knowing that his partner cared for him enough to discipline him when he needed it, after the hug Officer Cranston pulled his uniform trousers back up and buckled his trouser belt and put his equipment belt on after that, then Victor got up off the couch and passed the two cops on the way to his bedroom and from the way his dad looked at him he knew that the younger Alligator wanted to masturbate thinking about the spanking the he witnessed, and who could blame him Victor's father planned to masturbate thinking about the spanking as well going into the kitchen for a drink he joined his partner and talked about work but they mostly talked about spanking after all it is a very hot topic.

to be continued