Queer Construction

Story by Joseph Raszagal on SoFurry

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Queer Construction

As written by Joseph Raszagal (Joseph Michael Schultz)

Wiping the sweat from his brow, the hot June sun beaming down with all of its golden might, a burly dragon dressed in a blue jumpsuit hefts a barrel full of bricks with both arms and navigates his way across a thin steel beam. More than a dozen stories up, a single miscalculation or slip could very well spell disaster for the muscular beast, but it had long since become second nature to him and the chances of him falling were astronomically slim. Besides, with a wingspan as wide as his, nearly twice his sizable height, it was more than unlikely that the ground would be treated to a dragon pancake any time soon. His red scales gleamed in the strong sunlight, contrasting with the worn and faded blue of his uniform, and his twisting horns cast a magnificent shadow down below as they pierced the surface of his short mane of midnight hair. Randal had taken to construction and manual labor at a young age, mostly because of his powerful physical build which severely overqualified him for such work, but also partly because it helped him hide a particularly dirty secret. You see, although the strapping young dragon has always been infamously popular with the ladies, some kind of ultra-powerful female electromagnet stuck on its highest setting, Randal himself couldn't care less. When it comes to chasing tail, his tastes have always proved to be slightly more masculine, and by that I do of course mean ENTIRELY more masculine. In fact, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that only the manliest of manly men could spark the dragon's southernmost fire; testosterone being the key ingredient. Sadly, life isn't always as kind or as fair as it should be, and Randal's been trapped in a rather middle-of-nowhere town for quite a long time; stranded in the rolling hills of Tennessee with no hope of escape and completely surrounded on all sides by people that can ONLY be described as stereotypical southerners. Homophobia permeates his home like a thick fog and anyone brave enough to publicly declare their homosexuality would likely be met by a bullet rather than open arms. So, understandably afraid that his lifespan might be drastically reduced the very moment anyone were to discover his secret, Randal decided to use the skewed gay stereotype, propaganda promoted by zealously religious Republicans, against his peers and neighbors. After all, who would suspect a big, strong construction worker, a veritable posterchild for the American working man, of being a cocksucking fruitloop? Not a single soul, that's who. Hilariously, this little ruse has worked for more than a baker's dozen of years and no one has come close to seeing through it; a truly flawless disguise playing off of the ignorance around him. However, as we all know, we are often our own worst enemies and the same can be said of Randal. His hormones, having been left to surge and swell by more than two decades of virginity, sometimes urge him to make brash, bold moves. One such move is being contemplated at this very moment; the tight, firm ass of one of his coworkers taunting and tempting him as it sways back and forth directly in front of him. The butt's owner, a young tiger named Andrew, isn't anything to scoff at either. Nearly as built and physically fit as Randal, a brick wall of muscle with a plush coat of fur atop, the flexing of the feral cat's muscles upon every swing of his sledgehammer and the straining of his shirt against his sculpted, washboard abs always places the admiring, infatuated dragon into a euphoric trance. Just once, he'd like to palm that pussycat's perfect rump and give it a generous number of squeezes.

"Randal, I need a mini-sledge." States Andrew as he bends over a barrel and inspects a sloppy job that another coworker had shirked on. Bricks were misaligned and too little mortar had been used. "I need to tap a few of these bricks back into place; Jeff slapped it together in a few minutes and left it to fall apart, just like he always does. A fuckin' summer breeze could take this thing down."

And there it was, staring him in the face; the fullest moon Randal had ever seen. It was beautiful. Two big, full, luscious cheeks were thrust up into the air as their owner begrudgingly repaired the shoddy work of a lesser constructor. Not only was it open season to cop a feel or two, maybe three, but the big cat was bent over in a way that both blocked his line of sight, thus making it impossible for him to identify anything bumping into his beautiful butt, and brought to the naughty dragon's mind a few thousand images of trains going into tunnels. This was Randal's chance and he did everything he could to control himself and not jump up into the air and highfive himself out of the sheer excitement.

"I've got you covered." Replies Randal as he grabs the aforementioned tool from a discarded box teetering precariously on a nearby beam. The words came out a bit too merry, but the cat, embroiled in his work, didn't notice.

Leaning over his studly coworker and passing him a small hammer, the winged reptile hovers closer and removes his pair of weather-worn, leather welding gloves. Then, as innocuously as he can manage, Randal reaches forward and gently slides his open palm over one of Andrew's firm nether-cheeks, relishing in the strength and texture of the long since sought after prize. Though still partially blocked by a thick layer of denim, the striped buns nonetheless feel precisely as perfect and flawless as he'd always imagined they would; the amorous dragon has to resist the urge to squeeze and grope any further, lest he be discovered and caught in the act of molestation.

Immediately feeling the alluring muscle tense in response to the light touch, Randal quickly pulls his claw away, jamming it back into its respective glove, then shakily exclaims, "Oh, did I hit you with my knee? Sorry about that."

Shrugging indifferently, apparently accepting the apology, Andrew returns to the task at hand and gently taps a few bricks back into alignment, and responds, "I'll live, just watch your step from now on, alright?"

Grinning wide as though he'd just won a prize of some kind, but still safe from the tiger's prying eyes, the red dragon stifles a giddy cheer and replies, "Yessir."

Though the moment lasted a mere split-second, the dragon's wide smile and immediate desire to strip the glove off of his claw again spoke volumes; it must have felt more like a wondrous eternity to him. The rest of Randal's day played out relatively plainly, with no real way to compare to what had already happened. Brick were stacked, mortar was spread, steaks were driven, and so on and so on. Still, he eventually found himself whistling while he worked, one of the most famous signs of an overly cheery disposition. But all good things must end with time and as dusk fast approached and the bell rang, signaling the end of his eight hour shift, the big dragon began to sulk noticeably; saddened that it would likely be a long time until his and Andrew's work schedules aligned so perfectly again. Taking one last look back towards the flawless feral hunk as he laid waste to a particularly unfortunate ham sandwich, Randal sighed and shook his head. What he wouldn't give to have that cat lick and sink his claws into him... and more.

"If only." Muttered Randal as he closed the mesh gate to the open-air elevator.

During the trip several stories down and then several more via the stairs that had yet to be finished further towards the top, moonlit darkness crept up on Randal and bathed his surroundings in an ambient atmosphere. Stepping out into the gravel parking lot, the scarlet dragon rummages through his pockets until he comes up with his car keys and then shuffles over to a older model Jeep. Unlocking the driver's side door, though the windows were already down and thus fairly pointless to lock to begin with, Randal shimmies in, a tad bit too large for such a tiny vehicle, and starts the engine. The rusting relic rumbles to life and then spirals around, spewing a gray spray of rocks and dust outward, but skids to an abrupt and sudden stop as the driver's eyes fall upon a familiar face standing in the way of the exit. The headlights didn't lie. There stood Andrew, a bemused look accenting his already fetching face, with a backpack slung over his broad pair of shoulders. With one thumb stuck up in the air like a highway hitchhiker and a half-emptied bottle of water clutched tightly in the other paw, the tiger grins merrily just before sauntering towards the Jeep in an alluring stride that he simply must have practiced. Gulping once, Randal fidgets nervously in his seat, afraid that this seemingly chance encounter might in fact have something to do with that tasty little touch he'd indulged in earlier. He hoped and prayed that it was all just a coincidence instead.

"Well, I guess I didn't ask yet, but seeing as how you haven't left already, is it safe to assume that you'll give me a ride?" Chuckles Andrew. His laugh was hearty and strong; the kind of laugh that comes from someone easygoing and happy enough to utilize it often and to great effect.

Nodding sheepishly, Randal replies, "U-um, sure. I didn't even know that your shift was over yet. Did you get off already?"

Grinning a bit more than he really needed to, the tiger answers, "I'm off work, sure, but I can't say that I've GOTTEN off yet. That all depends on you, big guy."

Opening his maw to reply, Randal suddenly finds himself staring with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. He couldn't believe what he'd just heard.

"Did I catch you off-guard?" Questions Andrew, still grinning. "What with that little stunt you pulled back there, I thought you knew already. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I wasn't expecting it, not at all, but it was more than a welcomed surprise in this hellhole."

Blushing feverishly, having never expected to be hit on in such a, for a lack of a better word and the previous use of the best possible description, hellhole, Randal meekly replies, "Y-you really mean that? It took everything I had to do what I did back there. I've been wanting to for months, but fear kind of kept me from taking action. Gays aren't well received in this neck of the woods, so I was worried that if I ever did make a move on someone, I'd get beaten and lynched in a heartbeat."

"I'll admit, it's been a worry of mine for a long time too." Sighs the large feline as he puts a single, strong paw on the rattled dragon's shoulder. "But not this time. No, this time you made the right call, because I plan on returning the favor." Smiling, Andrew takes his paw and brushes it affectionately along Randal's cheek, then he adds, "If you want me to, that is. I won't force anything, but I will push forward and show you what you've been missing out on if you're even the slightest bit curious."

Returning the smile, Randal nods his head once more and states, "I've never actually been with someone before; I've never had sex, I mean. I-is that what you're asking?"

Chuckling, Andrew nudges the crimson dragon with once closed fist and remarks, "You know, for a big guy, you're pretty shy. Yeah, that's essentially what I mean, but it doesn't have to be limited to only sex. After all, you're the only other gay guy I know around here and I'd very much like to get to know you better, maybe over a drink or two, maybe over dinner, maybe over a movie, maybe over a lot of other things."

Without the slightest bit of deliberation, Randal answers back, "You have no idea how much I'd like that."

And with that, the Jeep stirred into motion and took off into the night. The dark highways were desolate except for the luminescent glow of each passing streetlamp, but the darkness alone wasn't enough to dampen the spirits of the cramped vehicle's inhabitants. Bypassing Andrew's home by a good five or six miles, the two eventually pull into a nondescript driveway and then into a small garage built into the owner's house. Though still trapped in his home town, Randal had at the very least escaped his parents and their twin sets of all-seeing eyes. So, safe from discovery by the outside world, the burly dragon escorted his guest from the car and into his humble home. Skipping the tour of a few VERY forgettable rooms such as the kitchen, living room, and basement, the two instead decide to make their way directly towards the bedroom. Behind them, the door is soundly shut.

"Quite a nice place you've got here and all to yourself too." Remarks Andrew as he slips out of his jacket. "But it must get pretty lonely here, nobody else around and all."

"I'm with good company now, so I'll count the lucky stars that I have." Replies Randal as he steps forward and glides a single claw down the side of his guest's sturdy, chiseled chest.

With a sensuous growl, the large tiger questions, "Even if it's only one striped star?"

"Absolutely." Answers Randal firmly; his claw still drifting lovingly across Andrew's chest and then further down to his belly.

In response, Andrew simply wraps his arms around the scarlet dragon's shoulders and pulls him close. Looking up into the reptile's eyes, slowly welling up with the recognition that long ignored desires are finally manifesting, Andrew parts his lips, opens his muzzle, and lays siege to Randal's own scaly maw with his first ever kiss. More than he'd expected, the sweet taste of the cat's mouth assaulting his senses, Randal closes his eyes and allows himself to be lost in the perfection of the moment; the strong, cradling arms of another man, shaggy with an exotic coat of orange and black fur, contouring against his sturdy frame as their mouths embraced. Soon, a tongue invades his warm, wet confines and the dragon is only all too inviting as he replies with his own. The two tongues dance for what seems like an eternity and then Andrew steadily draws his willing captive down to the bed, upon which they continue for an everlasting eternity more. Breaking the kiss, the muscular tiger takes one padded finger and gently brushes aside a single tear from his passionate host's cheek. Randal blushes, then leans forward to peck at Andrew's lips once more. As minutes pass, paws and claws proceed to shift about, sliding and caressing each other more thoroughly, more intimately, and more amorously. Two dirty, ruddy uniforms, caked with the dust and grime of their owners' trade, are suddenly strewn about on the floor and along with them follow caps, shoes, socks, and every remaining inhibition. A soft moan echoes through the room as the mammoth tiger's gentle groping steadily drifts further south; the reptilian worker having never before been pleasured by another's touch. Andrew notes the surprising smoothness of Randal's shiny, red scales as he glides a paw down the dragon's back and then around the thick, stocky girth of his flanged tail. While admiring his mate's hide, lustrous in the wan moonlight, the feral feline's other paw slips in between two crimson thighs and cups a pair of golf ball sized testes; plump and full and absolutely perfect in his palm. Already half exposed, Randal's erection stiffens the rest of the way almost immediately and soon stands at its full mast, nearly ten inches long and as impressively thick as you can imagine. Marveling at it for a moment or two, Andrew wraps his fingers around the throbbing, jet black pole and strokes it lovingly, eliciting yet another joyous moan from the overstimulated dragon.

"Playing with yourself is all well and good, but I'm guessing that you've never so much as had another even touch this before, have you?" Muses Andrew with a devilish smile.

He didn't need an answer as the instantaneous blush made it obvious enough.

Moving forward, his intentions clear, the tiger kisses the bulbous cock's head and then trails a long lick up the shaft. With one last smile and an adorably foretelling wink, he takes the throbbing length into his blazingly hot maw and suckles, sending rapturous shivers down its scaly owner's spine. Then, using his tongue as a cushion to protect the sensitive staff from his bottom row of teeth and predator's fangs, Andrew dips forward and takes it all into his mouth in one seductive swoop. The room is suddenly filled with a series of moans this time, the sensation too much for Randal to keep to himself or release in short bursts. He breathes heavily and slams shut his eyes as a wonderfully arousing series of slurping and sucking sounds soon follows his uncontrollable moaning. The feeling is warm and wet and better than anything he'd ever felt before and as he forces open his eyes to see the huge tiger's head bobbing up and down on his ten inch, dragonic dick, the ravenous sensation only grows that much more amazing. Andrew's mouth felt tight and his throat felt even tighter, and as he began swallowing, gulping to send the dragon teetering over the metaphorical edge, Randal digs his claws into the headboard and prepares for the pressure growing within him to be released. And then, after burying the gasping reptile's bone as deep into his muzzle as it could go, Randal's limits were reached. Shuddering rapturously, his cock spasming several times and still trapped within the depths of Andrew's greedy maw, Randal howls loudly as he loses all control and shoots forth a veritable stream of milky, pearly seed. The sticky semen coats the back of the tiger's throat and the cat is more than happy to have it all; continuing to suck and slurp and empty the dark prick of all of its delicious cream. Upon lifting his head and allowing the entirely emptied hose to fall limply to its side, Andrew licks his lips and smiles down at his mate, who's chest is heaving harder than it ever had before.

Randal opens his mouth but only a sputtering squeak emerges; words fail him.

"Enjoy that, did you?" Chuckles Andrew as he lies down beside the hulking dragon.

However, nodding his head works fine, as Andrew soon learns.

Smiling warmly, the burly tiger wraps his arms around Randal's shoulders and kisses him on the cheek. Then, in a soft and comforting tone, he states, "Because this is still your first time, I want this to be special for you. What comes next is all up to you, okay? Do you want to do the mating or do you want to be mated?"

Instantaneously struck with wide eyes, Randal mutters, "W-what?"

Laughing happily, the strong tiger plants his paws in the center of Randal's back, right below the arch, and begins massaging and rubbing. His padded fingers press into the scaly surface, kneading as they spread out to circle and encompass the dragon's entire back. Then, in a near whisper, Andrew says, "This is about you; I want it to be. So, in light of that, how would you like to make love?"

Gulping down the knot in his throat, Randal struggles to consider the question. He's known what he's wanted from the very start, his fellow builder's tool buried deep between his cheeks like an iron post, but saying it for the first time, to the man willing to do it for him, was proving to be more of a challenge than he'd anticipated. So, rather than using words to reply, Randal instead opens his wings so as not to harm them, then lays flat on his back. Spreading his legs, the mammoth dragon reveals himself once more to the jungle stud and smiles sheepishly, ready to be taken, mounted, and mated at the tiger's leisure. Raising an eyebrow, a bit surprised by the large man's steadfast submissiveness, Andrew wastes no time at all; nodding his head, he takes the initiative and fishes from one of his discarded uniform's many pockets a small bottle. Quickly identified as a lubricant not intended for the construction site's heavy machines, but instead for more personal places, the big tiger squeezes a generous amount into his open palm and then applies it, quite fetchingly, to his prickly feline penis. He's more than impressive as well, a full eight or nine inches or perhaps even more; Andrew is clearly up to the task. Stepping forward and resting a paw on both of the dragon's airborne thighs, the striped cat positions himself at Randal's rear entrance. Then, licking his lips and smiling salaciously, he thrusts forward with his hips and penetrates Randal's virgin ring, deflowering him in an instant and diving deep into the dragon's warm, wet insides.

"Ahhh! S-so thick!" Cries Randal immediately in a long, drawn out moan; his claws now ripping holes in the sheets as he clenches his fists. "S-so big, so deep!"

Grinning as he thrusts forward a second time, Andrew smirks, "Oh, we've barely even started, big fella; it get's better."

Barely even registering the words, Randal did his best to reply with a panting whimper, but his mind was understandably in another place at the moment. No doubt, the whole of his conscious was focused keenly on the thick, throbbing stick of tiger meat sliding in and out of him at increasing speeds; surging through his tender ring, grinding against his cramped insides, gapping his tunnels and spreading them wide open. Not surprisingly, Randal's own cock had already hardened and elongated to its full length once more; the large, girthsome rod flopping back and forth along with the pair of plump nuts dangling just below it as Andrew continued to plunge through the dragon's stretched hole. The feral feline bucked hard with his hips, hammering into the reptile's moist bowels and nailing him deeper and deeper each time, steadily reaching his maximum depth. The barbed cock, despite the once-virgin resistance pushing against it, slid in and out quickly and gained yet more speed as minutes passed. Randal's moans became louder and stronger and more consistent, possibly even heard by the nightlife passing by the house on the sidewalk outside. It was more than he'd ever imagined it would be, better than any book or internet blog had touted it to be; the hard, pulsing rod pushing through him like a battering ram sent shiver after shiver rushing down his spine and had his lips quivering in between each elated, ecstatic gasp. Then, as though the sensation of Andrew's bone being buried in his yard wasn't enough to drive him utterly wild, Randal soon found the tiger stroking his black dick in timed rhythm with each forceful thrust. The dragon's joyous, rapturous moans redoubled and grew louder still as his every nerve screamed and wailed with pure electric pleasure. Huffing and puffing, then subsequently gritting his teeth, Randal's second orgasm arrived explosively and erupted like a milky geyser; four jets of his hot, potent dragon seed shot from his pressurized tip and spattered both men, one of which struck Andrew directly in the chin. As if on cue, the hulking tiger replied by growling deeply, a strong and sexual rumble, then hit his climax as well, releasing a stream of creamy semen into the crimson dragon's already stuffed behind. A new sensation, warm and consuming, steadily began moving throughout Randal's belly.

"How... about... that...?" Questions Andrew as he slumps down atop his dragonic mate. The afterglow set in shortly after his lips ceased moving.

With his chest heaving in tune to the furry chest pressed against him, Randal quietly responds, "Everything... and more..."

"So long... as you got what you wanted..., big guy..., I'm happy..." Slurred the jungle cat as his eyes crept closed.

Wrapping his arms around the handsome stud, Randal nods sleepily and replies, "Like I said..., it was more than that... It was perfect..."

And then sleep set in, grabbing hold of both men just as they still had a firm hold of each other. As they slept, one paw and one claw found their way through the tattered folds of the sheets and interlaced, fuzzy fingers and scaly nails intertwining and not letting go. Who knows, perhaps Randal will manage to get his schedule changed and earn a few more overtime hours to spend with the towering tiger off of the clock. At the very least, work would be a lot more tolerable from now on with the promise of a warm smile, a warm bed, and a tube of warming gel to meet him once he gets home.

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