The First - (transformation/harem YCH teaser)

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#1 of YCH works

A night of fun becomes something much more for Kayo as she finds something she had never expected, finding herself drawn into a whole new world that will change her life for ever. In so many ways.

The dawn chorus was in full swing as soon as Kayo awoke, the bright jungle sunshine penetrating both the tree canopy and the tiny window of the two-person cabin that had become her home over the past few weeks. She had quickly gotten used to it. It was just one of the facts of life at base camp. And it did have its compensations.

She awoke as the usually did, slowly with the last traces of sleep clinging to her mind. Her eyes opening equally as slowly, cracking open to draw all attention to her rounded face that seemed to add warmth to any expression. Even this early, her blue eyes caught the light with a little sparkle.

With a smile at the still sleeping red head next to her, Kayo slipped as quietly out of the bed as she could, fumbling around on the floor to try and find her shoes under the piles of clothes that lay strewn around the room. Neither of them had cared where they landed, both of them wanting to get naked as quickly as possible.

Not wanting to dress and ruin the memories of the night before, Kayo padded nearly naked as the day she was born besides her shoes into the other room of the cabin, fumbling in the low morning light for the kettle, stifling a yawn as her fingers brushed it. A click and the familiar hum as the appliance heated up added to the morning reverie around her, her body already moving through her morning ritual.

Not really caring if she was seen. It wouldn't be the first time any of the women here had seen her naked. And vice versa. Once of the benefits of being on an all-female research expedition. Well, nearly all female.

Kayo couldn't help feeling sorry for Dylan at times. It had to be hard on him sometimes, being the only guy here. And she couldn't blame him for feeling on the outside sometimes. Maybe why she had gone out of her way to make him feel welcome. She had gotten the feeling that he was kinda shy at the best pf times. But he did seem to be opening up. Even if he was pretty shy at the best of times. And young too. It didn't take much to turn him back into a bashful teen.

Kayo smiled, imaging his face if he had seen them last night. His might have just died from embarrassment. The growing whistle and bubbling of the kettle brought her back to now. Coffee, then breakfast. There really wasn't much time for anything else. It had taken her a while to settle into this new routine. Something her bunk mate had done much more easily, then again. She had the experience. She was an old hat at this after all. And woman enough to make her feel like a gangly kid again. Even if there was only three years between them. So why did it feel that she had seen more in those three years than Kayo had in her entire life.

'Hey, you're up early.'

Kayo didn't have to turn to see Haylee walk out into the kitchen, wrapped up in the sheet that been covering their bed. But she turned her head anyway, just in time for their lips to brush in a soft kiss that they both lingered in until the kettle clicked off.

'Maybe I wanted to pay you back for last night. I know it's not much. But I thought breakfast in bed sounded pretty good.' Kayo smiled, making to move towards the fridge. But not getting there.

She felt soft yet strong hands on her hips, curling and holding. Squeezing then tugging her close. Very close, so close that her breath tickled her neck, bringing her out in a wave of goose bumps. 'You know I love eating in bed.' Haylee chuckled in that warm voice that always left her weak at the knees. 'Why don't you come with me and I can get my treat.'

'Yeah, cause that will set you up for the day.' Kayo laughed, her short black hair bobbing lightly. 'Besides, I thought you wanted to get on and explore the third chamber today. It was all you were talking about yesterday. When your mouth wasn't occupied with other things.' Kayo blushed, thinking of what she had done with her tongue. The memory was almost enough to make her want to take her up on her offer, to have her throw her down on the bed or wherever she wanted and have her eat her out until she screamed in ecstasy.

'Killjoy.' Haylee muttered, her pout clear in her voice.

'Aren't you always saying that work should come first?' Kayo chided, slipping reluctantly from her embrace to grab the box of eggs from the fridge. 'We should still have some bacon left, right?'

'I hate it when people listen to me.' Haylee mock scowled. 'Try the top shelf.'

'Your fault for being such a great teacher.' Kayo threw her another grin, leaning over the small stove to spark the gas ring, moving the small frying pan over the heat.

The kitchen was filled with a contemplative silence as Kayo busied herself with the pan, cracking two eggs into the bubbling oil, one on either side of the bacon that bisected the flat black metal. Silence that Haylee took advantage of, rummaging around the cupboard for a few seconds, emerging with the crusty loaf of bread she dumped on the table amidst a delicate cloud of flour.

'Do you think we will find it today?' Kayo called over her shoulder.

'Who knows. I had hoped we would find it the first day we got here. But I've always been an optimist.' Haylee replied, setting two plates down on the table on either side of the bread. 'This place is so full of secrets that we may never find it. This is a completely new excavation. Digs like this can go on for ten years or more and still not find everything on the site.'

'But you think the throne room is here somewhere?' Kayo asked, flipping the bacon with a practiced ease, tipping the pan to get the hot fat right to the centre.

'It has to be.' Haylee took her seat, already cutting two thick slices off the loaf. 'All the legends converge here, pointing to this place. It's just a shame those legends didn't come with a map.'

'Well, you wouldn't want this to be too easy, would you?' Kayo slid one egg and three rashers onto her plate, taking the rest for herself. 'Or is the great Haylee Spencer-Heart suddenly losing her drive for a challenge?'

That drew the scowl she expected. She knew what she thought of her reputation, that it bothered her a little. 'Watch it. I could still take you over my knee.' Haylee growled throatily, spearing a piece of bacon.

'Promises, promises.' Kayo smirked, mopping up the last traces of the sweet, unctuous yoke with a chunk of bread. She enjoyed teasing her, knowing where it usually led.

Haylee looked like she was working up to a reply when a knock came at the door to the cabin, a timid voice following with it. 'Ummmm...Ms Heart, we have a problem out here.'


Problem was an understatement really. Losing power to the lights would be a problem. One of the team falling sick would be a problem. But heavy rain over night that had caused land subsidence and as an extension of that, a landslide that had very effectively buried what it had taken a week to excavate in the first place. That wasn't a problem. It was a catastrophe. One that couldn't be fixed easily. Which pushed the whole team into a frustrating hiatus.

It wasn't so bad for Alicia and Jessica, they could still work on deciphering the inscriptions in the first chamber. Which could keep them busy for another year.

It was at times like this that I felt left out, adrift. Being the only one here not majoring in some form of archaeology would do that. Apart from Haylee. She already had three masters under her belt. But they were still in archaeology so she was fine.

At least life here is never dull. Yes, I've turned to my journal. An actual journal, not something on social media or forums I don't really get. Facebook is good but..its no substitute for pen and paper. Where was I? Oh yes, never dull. I'm learning a lot. Which is why I came here. Not what most people want to do with their gap year. Hitting the job market never really attracted me. Not yet. I wanted to see some of the world. And this seemed like a perfect opportunity. How many people get to travel this far and have someone else pick up the tab?

That just doesn't leave much work for an art student to do. Not now that we can't explore the third chamber. Which brings me to here. The second chamber. It's where I go to think. We call it second because we found it second. And because no one seems to know what it was for. The first is obviously a religious site. Apparently. All the imagery around makes that kinda obvious.

Okay, so I'm not archaeologist. But that doesn't mean I can't be useful. Something around here is messing with photograph quality. So I'm recording the important bits by hand. My favourite way. Speaking of which, I had better get back to it. Maybe I can put some of my drawings in here. Later.

Kayo snapped her journal shut, fully intending to get back to work. Not that she thought of it as work. She really liked the art here, the friezes of pictures seeming to tell a story. Even if she couldn't decipher it. These weren't crude cave paintings or carvings like in Egyptian Pyramids but skilful drawings that wouldn't have looked out of place in any modern church.

Except for the content of course. To call them lascivious would be doing them a great disservice. They were pretty much pornographic, all of them depicting one carnal act or another. Most of them in great detail. All of the figures were female, that was easy to spot. And none of them were repeated twice. Save one. The tall, imposing female dressed in loose white robes. At the start anyway. After that better shed to better let the collected women serve and worship her.

Worship. Why had she used that word? There couldn't be anything less religious than the images around her if believed typical church dogma. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she was right. Nor could she deny that she has taken a liking to this room.

Kayo felt her pussy moisten as it always did here, her eyes resting on her favourite image, feeling her drawn to it as she always was. It was the most striking of the woman in white. Something about her gaze that seemed to draw you in, to want to go to her, her smile almost beckoning you closer. Warm and yet with a touch of something..wicked.

Kayo frowned. Was she always smiling that much? She could have sworn that the image had changed, the mouth a little wider, the smile a little broader? And the eyes...they almost looked more alive. Like they were looking right at her, staring at her.

Kayo shivered, wrapping her arms around her body even though the temperature hadn't changed. She was suddenly gripped by the inescapable feeling that someone was watching her. She chided herself. Now she was just imagining things. With a laugh she stood. Then her laugh turned into a scream from the figure she saw.

A figure in white. But not a figure drawn on the walls, but standing a bare ten feet away from her. Standing with that familiar smile on her face. Kayo's heart leapt into her throat, her breath catching with it. She didn't even have time to think about it. Without a second thought she turned and ran, her legs feeling like jelly. How she made it outside she didn't know. But she didn't stop running until she was standing in the sunshine. And only then did she think about what she had seen.

She couldn't have seen that, could she? Her rational mind asked that question, almost like a voice in her head. No, of course she couldn't. Her inner reply came quickly, almost too quickly. Like she was trying to convince herself. She had just been working too hard and had drifted of, her mind playing tricks on her. Making her see things that weren't there. Right? She didn't have time to answer her when she heard another question.

'Kayo? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost.'

Kayo hesitated, using the pause of that question to calm her mind. She had no idea how close she had come. How could she say that was what she had actually seen. If it was. No, her mind was playing tricks on her. She had just convinced herself she had seen something. She must have. Out here in the bright sunlight her fears had faded. What's that old saying, you expect to see a ghost, you eventually do.

'Kayo? Did something happen? You seem pretty out of it.'

Kayo brought her focus back to Haylee with a great effort, like ripping through concrete. 'I'm fine. Really.'

'Okay.' Haylee didn't sound convinced but she didn't push her on that. 'The rest of us are gathering in the main chamber. Going to work out where we go next.'


Kayo awoke with a start, her chest heaving with her heavy breathing, pushing against her tank top. She had sat up even though she didn't remember doing it, fighting disorientation. She hadn't meant to go to sleep either. Not even as Haylee called off operations for the day. She had wanted to wait for her to get back, but almost as soon as she lay down, she had drifted off to sleep. And hyper aware of her body. She could still feel the ghostly tingles on her body. Had she been dreaming? Trying to work out what had awoken her. It almost felt like she had awoken from a nightmare but her heart wasn't pounding like it usually did. Her body was drenched in sweat. And wet in other places. Her panties were soaked, and hot. Her nipples almost painful against her chest. She could never remember having had such a vivid dream before.

Except now the details were slipping from her mind. She could remember almost ghostly touches on her body, like soft fingers touching every inch of her. But no details of what she saw. It had been pure sensation. Very erotic sensation too. She was soaked, she didn't even have to feel her panties to know that. The wet material clinging to her pussy, highlighting her lips.

Fighting a shudder, she stood and stripped off her damp and increasingly cool underwear, grabbing a fresh set from the dresser, along with a pair of shorts. It was only then she noticed the room was empty, the other bed not disturbed in the slightest. So Haylee must still be working.

Kayo weighed up her options as she dressed. She could go and find her. Or wait and let sleep claim her. She shrugged off that idea. She was feeling too keyed up to sleep right now. She would need to do something to let her body blow off some steam. She could of course, relieve her frustrations, slowly and intimately. But that was likely to make her feel worse. So she settled for taking a walk.

She didn't move with any real pattern in mind, just letting her feet lead her. So maybe it was no surprise that they led her to the entrance to the temple. It was here that she hesitated. Did she want to go in there again? The memory of what she had seen was still very vivid. And she was supposed to be calming down, not getting herself worked up even more.

She had been on the verge of turning away when she heard something. A soft sound, a distant sound. Weakened more by echoes. But she was sure it was a voice. Almost calling to her. Some part of common sense said she should walk away. And walk away now. But some deeper part of her, her curiosity maybe, wanted to follow it. And it was that side that won out, Kayo not hesitating before she vanished into the gloom of the temple.

The voice grew louder with each step she took until she rounded a corner, not being able to make out the words. Then she froze in her tracks. It was the figure in white again, gliding into the mural room. Almost in a trance she followed, both excited and dreading what she might see.

To mixed feelings of relief and disappointment, the room was empty. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She shrieked, the adrenaline and anxiety building up in her body given a sudden and almost violent outlet. She was sure she jumped a good two feet in the air. It certainly felt like it anyway, her heart pounding in her chest

'Kinda jumpy, aren't ya?'

Relief flooded Kayo as she turned to see Haylee a bare pace behind her, even if that didn't stop the furious racing of her heart.

'Couldn't sleep?' Haylee asked concernedly.

Kayo ignored the question, the one rising on her lips suddenly more urgent to her. 'Did you see..' She asked breathily.

Haylee's response was a frown, her brows scrunching together under her bangs. 'Did I see..? See what?'

Kayo didn't respond, striding forward. At least she didn't respond to her. 'It went in here. She went in here.'

'She? She who?' Haylee was confused. And sceptical. Kayo picked up on that without having to see her face. 'Everyone else is in bed.'

'It wasn't someone from..' Kayo looked around the wide chamber for any sign of movement, scouring the darkened corners but not seeing anything but the images on the walls. 'She wasn't one of...'

'Anytime you want to finish a sentence.' Haylee quipped. 'Or to start making sense would be good too.'

'It was...' Kayo paused, biting her lip. 'You really didn't see anything?'

'The only one I saw was you.' Haylee whispered, suddenly stepping closer and pulling her into her arms. Her soft skin brushing her stomach, those familiar strong arms taking her into their embrace.

Kayo didn't notice any of this, nor did she notice that something has changed. That the air around them cracked with little sparks that danced over her skin. Her mind too consumed by her thoughts to notice it. She must have been seeing things, the darkness tricking her into seeing what she had seen. Nothing but a trick of the light. Yes, that was it.

As that trickled into her brain, so did the awareness that Haylee was holding her. As well as the suddenly overwhelming presence of her scent, that sweet aroma teasing her nose, making her take another deep breath. Had she always smelt this good? Kayo mused, unaware that the heavenly scent was creeping more into her nose, filling all of her senses. Changing them. And her, in ways she couldn't yet imagine.

'Didn't get enough of me the night before?' Kayo said coyly as she rested a hand on her lover's that rested clasped before her, forming a soft yet unbreakable circle. Or tried for coy. She couldn't ignore the shaky tremble in her voice, or the need in her body. Something she put down to the scent still filling her nose, unaware that Haylee was smelling it too. And it was starting to affect both of them.

'I could never get enough of you.' Haylee chuckled, popping open the button on her shorts, her delicate fingers doing that so easily before moving to toy with the zip that for now was the only thing holding her shorts closed.

It took Kayo a second to realise what she had done. 'Wait, you want to do this here? Put on a little strip show for everyone to see?' She tried to make it a retort, but she couldn't ignore the way her heart lurched with that thought.

'Don't say you wouldn't like that, you little vixen.' Haylee smirked, her tongue darting over her lips. 'To have me take you here for everyone to see, to have them hear you scream my name as I fuck you senseless.'

'Wouldn't be the first time.' Kayo tried to say calmly, to keep control of her rising desire. Something that was proving harder with every second that passed. She was almost on the verge of grabbing Haylee and behind her to fuck her right here. Or doing the same to her. 'Then again, you were screaming my name a lot last night.'

'Oh? Maybe you need a little lesson in who is the bitch around here.' Haylee smirked, turning her around quickly so that her head span again. Now facing her, she could see the glint in her eyes. And that grin, showing just the tip of her teeth, her tongue tracing the sharp points.

'No way are we...' Kayo started when Haylee cut her off with a kiss, using the pressure of her body to ease her down to the alter behind her. Kayo didn't try to fight it, not that she could anyway. While she wasn't out of shape, Haylee had more upper body strength than her, having more than once wrestled her down to the bed where could indulge in her favourite past time. Namely topping her.

Kayo was a switch but Haylee always had this way of making her swing easily into being a sub. Knowing exactly how to push her buttons. And when as well. A few well-chosen words at the right moment would have her as putty in her hand.

'Stop being such a kill joy. Besides, it's not like you have a choice here, is it.' Haylee chuckled, punctuating that by placing a kiss just above her collar bone, her lips lingering there just for a fraction of a second. But it was enough.

Kayo squirmed inside, hearing the soft yet firm tone that she had come to know so well. That smug tone she used when she knew she was in control. No matter how often she heard it, she couldn't help being affected by it.

Nor could she help being stripped by Haylee, her hips being more than enough to hold her down while her hands quickly went to work. Her shirt yielded first, needing no pressure to lift it over her head. Of course, she could have just ripped it from her, the thin material offering no more resistance than she was. But she didn't, teasing her by agonisingly slowly tugging it higher and higher. Only when she thought she might go mad did she take that last step, lingering for one more second then exposing her heaving chest, her breasts topped by sweet dark circles, her arousal clear to see.

Her breath caught her throat, her mouth inches from her breast. It would mean giving in but she wanted so much to feel her mouth wrap around her. Part of her knew that that would be giving in. But the bigger part of her couldn't help asking why not. Why not submit to what she wanted, to the pleasures she wanted.

Haylee seemed to read her mind. 'You shouldn't resist you know. I could have had my face pressed into your sweet pussy by now, my tongue giving you what you want. But you want to play games, that's fine by me.'

Kayo was about to speak when Haylee stood, rising to her full height, her weight lifted off her body in one smooth movement, now leaving her only pinned by her gaze. But that was enough.

'Turn over, bitch.' Haylee smirked, her teeth flashing a sharp toothed smile, her tongue running over them playfully, mimicking what she had done earlier. Only..did they seem sharper than before? Kayo had no time to think about that. Or about resisting her command.

Her body had moved almost on its own, the cool marble tingling along her hands as she knelt then lowered her body back down to the alter to press her breasts into the smooth stone, her ass raised high in the air. Warmth suddenly blossomed beneath her shorts, flooding her already heated flesh.

Kayo sucked in a deep, shuddering breath; her shorts tugged tighter around her hips, pulled firmly against her sex. It wasn't just the pressure on her pussy making her head swim with desire, it was her position. Lying like a needy bitch waiting for a good fuck. And worse still was that was just what she wanted.

Before she could even register it happening, her shorts were whisked away in smooth practiced movement, followed by only the lightest touch on her hips before that contact was removed. But it was the next touch that made her more worried. An equally soft touch on her ribs, fingers gripping her shirt and pulling it up over her head. Then down again, that second movement pulling the heavy material into a tight bunch that wrapped around her wrists. Just like Haylee's fingers, flexing and squeezing her helpless arms softly.

'No way. We aren't going to do that here.' Kayo trembled, knowing all too well what the touch on her wrists meant. It was a code between them. One that always meant she was out her control.

'What makes you think you have any say in what we do?' Haylee chuckled. 'In what I want to do with you. To do to you. I could just leave you here and go, get my favourite toy and bring it back to fuck you senseless.'

Kayo started, bringing a fresh flow of juices to her lips. She wouldn't, would she? Of course she would. In a heartbeat. And she would still be lying her waiting for her to return, her lips and legs spread for her. Trying not to think about that, she waited for her next words. Seconds turned in a minute, then a minute became two. No, she hadn't. Had she? Had she really left her? And what if someone saw her before she came back. She could have moved to check, turned her head to see if she was still there. But she remained frozen where she lay. Such was the power that Haylee had on her when she was in this mood. She didn't even have to tie her up to control her. Not that they didn't enjoy playing around with a little bondage. But right now, the shirt tightly bunched around her wrists was enough, Kayo twisting her arms against it like it was rope coiled around her, holding her bent over and helpless.

'Haylee?' Kayo whispered, wanting to turn her head but not daring too. Her feet scrabbled in the sandy floor, her breasts rubbing against the still cool marble. Like the cool air that was the only touch on her overheated and overstimulated pussy. 'Haylee? Please Haylee.'

'Please what?' Haylee's voice erupted from near her ear, washing over it just before her breath did. That warm, silky caress sending a electric current right down her spine. 'Fuck you senseless? Is that what you want?'

'Yessss.' Kayo breathed.

'See, that wasn't so hard, was it?' Haylee teased, her weight once again laying across her body. But this time something was different. The feeling of her bare skin on hers was electric. Haylee must have stripped when she thought she had left, even though she hadn't heard a thing. Then she had other things to think about.

'See what I can give you when you just behave like a good little bitch?' Haylee purred softly.

Kayo couldn't come up with a retort, her voice suddenly stolen by the finger that pressed to her pussy. A finger that didn't stop there, parting her lips, penetrating her swollen and needy depths. Now, this wasn't the biggest thing she had ever had in her pussy, but at this moment it felt fantastic. Her whole body tensed, feeling the ripples of a rapidly approaching orgasm. That was nothing to what she felt as Haylee withdrew, just far enough to let her feel it before the finger sank back into her again.

The younger girl squirmed with each stroke, the finger just managing to avoid her sweet spot. But that didn't seem to matter. She was on a high, having never felt anything like this. Each movement of the skilful digit buried knuckle deep in her pussy brought her pleasure like she had never felt. Never imagined she could feel.

What it felt when she added a second was indescribable. Her mind instantly went white, overwhelmed with near orgasmic sensations. The second entered as smoothly as the first and just sat there. Not flexing, not moving, not thrusting. Not yet.

Those were the very next words Haylee whispered. 'Not yet.' Haylee purred, her voice sounding odd. Different. 'Not yet.'

Kayo yelped, her teeth nipping her neck, both in pleasure and pain. Her teeth felt sharper. And did her body feel warmer. In a way she couldn't put her finger on. 'Oh, please.' She managed.

Her hips thrust back. And she was granted what she wanted. A third finger. She wanted to hold back to feel the forth but that was too much for her. Her over sensitive sex was pushed to its limped and she descended into a shrieking orgasm she hoped would never stop.

She didn't black out but the next she knew she was lying on her back, with no memory of being moved. She could see a face leaning over her but it took a second of focusing to bring it into relief. Then her eyes went wide, not really believing what she saw before her.

'Haylee, what's happening to you?' Those words more filled the silence than was actually meant as a question. Where her friend had stood now stood a lithe cheetah, her nipples peeking through her fur. If not for her eyes, she wouldn't have known it was her. She moved from her new muzzle to her tail, to her paws and paw pads. Then it was Haylee that moved, lowering herself down into a casual crouch, her paws resting on her stomach.

Any thoughts about what she looked like were instantly banished as her gaze locked on Haylee. To put it simply she was stunning. Her figure was even more lithe and graceful, her breasts having grown as well. Only her eyes and hair were the same, comfortingly familiar details that helped reassure her that it was her.

'To us, you mean.' Haylee purred, her voice deeper, literally like a purr.

Kayo gasped. She was right. From where she touched her, a wave of white fur rippled over her. Starting from her stomach, rippling outward like the surface of a pond disturbed by a single raindrop. Not just along her front either, but running down her sides. And along her back. She tried to trace all of but couldn't, her mind unable to process what she was seeing. She had no words to describe what was happening, and just as few to explain why. And yet, she felt..calm. This should have been freaking her out or something. But it wasn't.

That was all she could think, her mind wasn't able to focus on anything beyond what was happening to her right now. And equally unable to process the warmth that bloomed from her, as her hips grew fuller, the fur fluffier, just like the fur on her new tails that lay squashed under her, the tips ticking her bare legs. Bare for the moment anyway.

For the wave hadn't stopped moving. Kayo was hit by the sudden urge to touch it, to feel it. An urge she didn't resist. Her hands pressed to her breasts as that wave of fur swept over her chest, almost feeling them swell and grow, pressing more firmly against her fingers. That touch stole her breath, her whole body felt more sensitive. Especially her pussy; her legs spread wide, her lips drooling her juices down her thighs and over her ass. The white wave had moved equally quickly down her body as it had upwards, enveloping her sex like the touch of a lover. She nearly came again then and there, her toes curling just as the rippling fur flowed over her feet. The change was more marked here; where she once had delicate feet now she sported two equally delicate paws.

This was nothing to the changes on her face, her nose and mouth elongating, forming a short muzzle. A distinctly vulpine muzzle, topped with a delicate black nose. Kayo was still trying to take all of this in, when she heard two soft almost pops that were maybe in her hearing only before two tall ears protruded from her head. Everything sounded clearer now. She was picking up so much that she had missed before. All her senses were heightened, her vision, her sense of smell. She was still having trouble processing this. But she could tell this; the room was brighter. She could make out much more details of the room around her without the light having changed. This was all what she could feel, since she couldn't see herself.

'You look beautiful.' Hayley's voice came from far away, dragging her back to now. And bringing with it an odd sense of longing. She wished she could see what she saw, could see how she had changed. She contented herself with running her paws over her newly swelled breasts, shuddering as her palms grazed over her nipples. Her pussy moistening again in response to even this slight stimulation.

'You aren't half bad yourself.' Kayo managed to find her voice, even as it shook a little. The deep purr that had become her sensual voice increased her desire, making her heart flutter. Her voice built in her throat, full of raw animal power and lust, those two forces rising and filling her already pleasure clouded mind.

Kayo couldn't hold back any longer. She had to feel her, to know her new body as intimately as her old. Everything was new. Kayo wanted to explore her new body and that of her lovers. She was relieved when Haylee didn't resist, letting her pull her into a tentative kiss.

She was also relieved to find that they still could, their muzzles meeting a little awkwardly at first. Until she turned her head a fraction, finding the perfect angle. Perfect for Haylee too it seemed. Either that or she was having an easier time adjusting to this. Her tongue didn't seem to be having any problems, caressing and parting her lips like she had been doing this forever. Dancing over her tongue, a rough and raspy touch that made her moan into her mouth. All too soon it was over, her next moan more one of disappointment. She moved to take another kiss but Haylee had other ideas.

She was unable to resist as her lover pushed her back down, moving closer so that her powerful arms could open her legs wider, spreading them to give her perfect access to her sweet pussy, her soft curls already dripping with moisture.

'Such a naughty vixen.' Haylee purred, her nose inches away from her lips. Kayo could only imagine what she smelt, how she smelt to her now. Then she had no time to imagine. Her muzzle slipped smoothly between her legs, making her wait only a second before the first touch of that rough tongue.

Kayo squealed, her lips thrust forward to meet her touch. Either from choice or just a spasm of pleasure, she couldn't tell. But the effect was the same. Haylee's tongue filled her perfectly, her paws gripping her hips, holding her close. Not that she was trying to move away. Not that she could.

Kayo had no idea if it was the new sensations of the tongue inside her, or the hyper sensitivity of her body, or the eroticism of being taken like this; or some combination of all three. But she came quicker than she ever had in her life. With a scream of intense pleasure that even caught her off guard, Kayo raised her hips a little as Haylee plunged her tongue so deep that she almost had her nose inside her, her pussy contracting then squirting a flood of juices over her lover, the creamy milky white sweetness clinging to her muzzle as she kept on licking, not letting go until Kayo was completely spent.

Spent but not done yet. Haylee had only just taken another kiss, her juices still lingering on her tongue when Kayo flipped her over, bringing about a rapid reversal. Pinning her down, holding her arms over her head so she could be the one to take the soft kiss.

'Did you think you could make me scream like that and get away without letting me get a few licks in.' Kayo smirked. Even after two of the most powerful orgasms she had ever felt, her body still burned with need for her lover. Desire that grew as Haylee squirmed under her. 'You are mine now.'

'No, both of you are mine now.'

Both girl's heads whipped around the source of this voice that seemed to drift out of the walls, their gazes both falling on the figure in the lose white robes at the same time, just in time for her to raise her equine head with a wicked smile. 'The first of my new Harem.'

Wanna get in on this story? Does the idea of falling in to the clutches of a wicked goddess intent on making you part of her harem sound like something that would appeal? Would you like nothing more than submitting to her in every way? To be little more than a plaything for a loving and horny deity? Then you are in luck. Cause this is a teaser for a YCH story that has been bouncing around in my head. Not quite sure on the final details yet but I guarantee its gonna be hot. I'll be opening up slots soon depending on how much interest I get. So leave me a comment here if you want to get involved. Thanks for reading.


To Have Chapter 8

Mellisa and the others had formed into a tight group around one side of the table, a united effort to stand together. This wasn't completely unexpected. She had expected to have to report that they had engaged in combat when they returned. She just...

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The things we do for love (herm/female harem)

Esteria relaxed back on the soft cushions, as much as she could, her equine frame draped with feigned ease on the divan that supported her. Not that the chambers around her weren't opulent or luxurious. They were almost a match for her private...

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Rocky Start chapter 3

Summer was the first to step out of the landing craft, feeling cool air wash over her, teasing her fiery hair. Never had she been so glad to return home. Even if she was too tired to really appreciate that fact. She had never felt this tired. She...

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