The things we do for love (herm/female harem)
what do you do when you see the one you love about to be taken from you? Would you risk everything to have her, throw caution to the wind and say damn the fates and secure your happiness to deal with the consequences later? That question is no less important to a goddess then a furson I assure you. Maybe even more so, for who could stand the pain of being alone for ever. Will true love win out? Read on dear reader, and maybe the truth will be revealed.
Esteria relaxed back on the soft cushions, as much as she could, her equine frame draped with feigned ease on the divan that supported her. Not that the chambers around her weren't opulent or luxurious. They were almost a match for her private chambers. Except they didn't feel like home. One reason for her not to feel comfortable here. Fighting back a sigh, the imposing mare tried to ignore the other reason. But even with the heavy doors closed, they couldn't cut out the sounds of merriment and revelry in the Great Hall below. Almost, but not quite.
She allowed herself a scowl that more built her frustration than relieved it. It wasn't just that she didn't care for her hosts, never mind that they had been more than hospitable. Although accepting that hospitality hadn't stopped others ending up with a knife in the back. Or worse. No, it was obligation that called her here. The lack of her presence would be an insult. And for her people's sake at least, she couldn't bring that insult to bear. Not without good cause
Seemed that she wasn't the only one to feel this way. All the great realms and kingdoms had turned out for this Wedding. Oh, some were afraid. How could they not be. This would be the most powerful union in generations. And each clan had more than enough military might on their own, never mind together. So not showing due reverence and loyalty here could be very damaging. But it wasn't politics that annoyed her. It was the bride. She didn't care for the Ferrain as far as she could throw them.
But their daughter on the other hand. To say she was fond of her was an understatement. Of all the delightful creatures and species she had in her harem, something about this naive, sweet and cute as a button vixen always stirred her passion. And made her want to add her to her harem, to show her the passion and sensual delight she deserved. Or maybe that it was just that she was as lusty as her, despite her innocent and chaste appearance. Even lying here now, the though of the sexually charged vixen made her impressive cock rise a little beneath her gown, pressed firmly to her belly. Even if the warmth that blossomed in her belly was soured by the thought of her being married to this lesser man, of him being with her, crawling all over her. She sat up, reaching for a goblet of wine as she pushed those thoughts away. She was wished that she had brought some of her harem with her. But something told her even that would not be enough of a distraction for her. Not right now.
The cool evening air stirred around her, bringing with it the scent of flowers. And the rustle of the curtains. So soft she almost missed it. But she didn't. And stilled, rising up to her full height. She didn't have to turn to look at the figure behind her, shrouded in a heavy grey cloak than obscured all features beneath, even the face masked by a deep shadow.
' has come to this.' Esteria placed her goblet down carefully, her hand shaking a little. But she didn't turn. Not yet.
'You knew it would, one day.' The voice from inside the robe came as a whisper, as soft as the breeze that still tickled her mane. 'You cannot say you didn't.'
'Maybe I just hoped it wouldn't.' Now Esteria did turn, drawing herself up to her full height.
'I know.' The Princess threw back her hood, shaking out her hair. As beautful as the first time she saw her, her fur flaming red even in the flickering torch light that suddenly seemed a pale imitation of her lustrous red fur. 'Just like you knew I would come tonight.'
Esteria responded with a cool smile. She knew the reason for the disguise. A closed court like this was a hive of gossip. It wasn't the first late night tryst between them both. Some planned, some not. But always taken with care. Rumours grew quickly, rumours about her that she had to see proved.
'Did you think I would stay away? She suddenly had her in her arms and she was right back to the first night they met. Her cock stirred beneath her robes again, the warm body against hers adding to the arousal that had been simmering within her. And again as she breathed deep her sweet scent, comforting and familiar.
'I think you are too good for him. That brutish lout that sees you as little more than a trinket to increase his power.' Esteria whispered, brushing away a lock of burnished auburn hair from her face; the back of her knuckles caressing her cheek.
Katrin sighed, the soft exhalation of pleasure tinged with sorrow that resonated in her heart. 'My father has decreed it. But, my heart is not set on it. He does not have my heart. Not as you do.'
'That is why I came to you.' Katrin continued after a subtle pause. One finger rested on Esteria's chin, their noses inches from touching now. Her eyes locked on hers, as if searching for something. Seeking something in her gaze. 'My last night of freedom, I would spend it with one I love.'
'What if it wasn't? What if you could deny your father, deny the oaf you are pledged to and come with me. Come away with me.' Esteria said with steady deliberation.
'But...that could lead to war.' Katrin stepped back, almost aghast at that suggestion. Yet hope shone in her eyes. Hope that Esteria couldn't ignore. Or resist.
'Let me worry about that. I don't want you worrying about anything tonight. Tonight will be just us.' Esteria soothed.
How many great tales have been started with an act of defiance? Have not great events always been shaped by those who said that they will not stand by and let our lives be swept away buy the tides of fate? Even if they do not know where those tides may carry them? For not even the wise can see all ends. Maybe no one can. But one small ripple in those tides can become a crashing wave that reaches and touches everything and everyone in the world. Those events are the ones the world remembers, the ones that are forever etched into the pages of history. Will this become such a tale? A tale that will reach and shake the highest towers and lowest dungeons of the world? I cannot say. For these ripples, have only just begun to spread.
Okay, so maybe that description ran away with me a little. But I like the sound of it. Hopefully it carried a bit of intrigue for where this little idea I've been kicking around in my head. I'm still just setting up characters right now, trying to give you guys a feel for the world I'm creating. Not sure how well I mind has been all over the place with this. To be honest, I've been struggling to get this idea right. Looking for the right way to start it. And when this idea jumped into my head I grabbed it while I could. It might not be perfect, I'm just hoping I pulled together the threads of ideas to make something that reads well. I'd love to hear some feedback, even if just a short comment.
Thanks so much. White.