Kar's Unexpected Weekend

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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This story was commissioned by someone who wished to remain anonymous. I've been wanting to write a story with a dragon as a main character for a while and this gave me an excuse to do so. I know I still have some other things to finish and sequels to finish but sometimes you just have to write something else. Though this isn't far from what I normally write. Also, who doesn't like a teen-aged dragon with foreskin!?

There will be a second a probably third part to this story, they're already in the works! Stay tuned and let me know what you think; leave a comment!

Kar's Unexpected Weekend

By: ToKu

Kar had been awake for several hours but the sounds of his fathers fucking in the next room had unwillingly ripped him from his slumber. He was groggy but finally able to keep his eyes open while his clawed hand drifted down his body, over scales of white, orange, brown and beige until he was greeted by his morning erection. Peering over the pudge of his belly, he grabbed hold of the hooded white shaft and began to stroke to the sounds of his parents a.m. rut. He couldn't tell who was fucking who anymore, it almost always ended up with his father fucking his green scaled husband; then two nuts into it, his inner bottom would emerge to take the whole length of crocodile cock and two equal loads of cum. The never seemed to get enough.

While he had never visually seen the act, Kar would lie awake at night and listen to them passionately make love or vigorously fuck. The mornings usually brought more of the same and more often than not, left Kar with a belly splattered with his own adolescent cum. He had been masturbating ever since he was six but was still impressed with the increasing quantities of sperm and semen his growing and maturing body could produce. He was masturbating up to five times a day and was no longer shooting blanks after just one orgasm.

Light poured in from a large window to the right of his bed, outside, it faced east and always let in the morning sun through sea-foam blue curtains. The warmth of the rays seemed to soak into his scaly skin, heating his eternal body temperature with a slight erotic sensation. His hand groped his privates; feeling their heat, pulling his balls, completely stroking back his foreskin, waging the modest length before replacing the hood to its natural state. He repeated this for a good while, listening to the grunts and groans, moans and sighs from the room beside his. Their bed creaked and the headboard sporadically thudded against the wall; the result of a series of powerful fatherly thrusts.

Kar's eyes whirled around his room, his head suddenly light and swimming in a rush of pleasure. He imaged his own ass getting fucked, at least as well as his imagination and inexperience would allow. It had known his fingers, many inanimate objects as well as a few of his father's sex toys, but never a real cock. He stroked faster as he fantasized, creating his own scenarios in which he got rutted by a friend, an older male, a school teacher, the waiter at his favorite burger joint, and practically all of his father's friends who would come over for three-ways or the occasional orgy. They were always behind locked doors, but the sounds always leaked between and under the cracks and Kar always listened.

Landing his eyes upon one 15x20 poster in particular, one of many plastered all over his walls, he gazed intently at the striped tiger; modeled sexily and nude. His uncircumcised penis hang flaccid between his legs, but Kar studied his thick arms, huge paws, and bulging legs. He imagined his body pressed against his where the smell scent of feline and sex overwhelmed him. Toku was a friend of his step-father. They had stared in an adult film together along with his crocodile step-father a few years back and gave Kar the poster as a gift, knowing just how much of a horndog the young Dragon was. He had only been twelve but the tiger was able to see a little cock whore in the making. Since it had stared both of his fathers, he had yet to see the film, but had plans to sneak it one day.

He stretched, his hand working hard on his dick, foreskin a blur while his other hand worked a single digit into the rim of his tail-hole. His tail ran down between his legs, a much more comfortable position than letting it rest behind his back and it always gave him easier access to his hole. Suddenly it became ToKu's cock in his ass and not his finger, the older tiger splitting him apart, hilting him, repeating. Then it became the tiger's mouth on his cock and not his clawed- hand. Either way his belly ended up painted in off-white jizz as the whole house rang with the crescendo of all three reptilian orgasms.

Grabbing the black shirt he wore the day before, he quickly wiped himself off before crawling out of bed. He tossed the skicky shirt into a pile of dirty clothes that took up a large corner of his room before running his fingers though his thick, dark, rust brown hair, choosing to ignore the mirror in an eager attempt to pay homage to his rumbling stomach instead of brooding over his appearance. Without a single article of clothing on, he went to breakfast.

There was only a short but wide, wood floor hallway connecting the two bedrooms to a bathroom big enough for two and a half furs. The short hall always meant less distance to the kitchen and a shorter trip to food. Kar always felt a thrill at walking in the nude, even through it had been a household norm since he was a toddler. He knew that being outside the walls of their house meant more modesty, but his body never really could separate the two; contributing to his constant state of semi-arousal. Even for a freshly fourteen year old dragon, his penis flopped merrily all the way to the toaster where a box of frozen waffles had already been placed out for him.

He stuffed the toaster with four waffles and eagerly peeled a banana while he waited. He could hear the sounds of his father's moving about the room. Probably packing up the sex toys and hiding the bottles of lube, not that he didn't already know their hiding places. The puff of the coffee maker brought his attention to the pot, full of dark steaming liquid. His father always let him run around naked, stay up late, watch R rated movies, but still wouldn't let him drink coffee. '_Coffee stunts your growth, son.'_His father's words rang through his head. He frowned staring down at his stocky and slightly pudgy form, but the ding of the toaster brought an all too eager grin to his face.

Platted and hot, the waffles were quickly topped with peanut butter, a thin layer of pure maple syrup, and a modest hill of whip cream. Taking up his usual perch at the granite topped bar, he dug in just in time for his two naked fathers to come bounding out of their room, laughing raucously about something said in the privacy of their bedroom. He pretended to be busy with his breakfast, but his gaze hovered over their swinging cocks and dangling balls as they took the five steps down into the kitchen area, reptilian foot-claws clacking against hardened oak floors.

Shannon noticed his step-son first and barked a laugh only a croc could conjure. Standing a solid six feet, the crocodile was the most fit of the three reptiles. Green and gray scales ran the course of his bulging arms, strong legs, and built back, but his formed chest, ribbed belly, and considerably girthy genitals were a creamy white. He grinned a whole mouth of gleaming white teeth and came up behind his step-son. Kar groaned before he even approached, knowing what was likely to come. The crocodile took hold of the boy's wrists, causing his fork to clatter to the counter top, lifting his arms up in the air.

"Look Gren, I got me a lil' dragon." Shannon teased in a mock southern accent, treating the boy like freshly caught catfish.

"Stooooop!" Kar growled the best his underdeveloped voice would allow.

Gren, his blood father, stepped forward at this, his massive belly pressed against the other side of the bar. Arm's crossed sternly, eyes lit with a fiery gleam; he stood like a mountain. Unlike Kar's orangey earth tones, Gren was a deep cobalt that always seemed lighter in the sunlight and darker indoors. The surrounding curved windows on the kitchen seemed to let in just the right amount of light, illuminating Gren's scales, accentuating and defining every curve and crevasse of the older dragon's body. The blood similarities were in the chest, and belly, not just in color but it size. Gren was built, hard as stone, but he usually put away more food than Kar and Shannon combined. His belly hung with an impending importance, but was held by his body with poise and prominence. Below and hidden temporarily from kar's view was his dad's dick; hooded with the same cream white flesh and hung with a pair of orbs the size of softballs. With Kar's age and size less than half of dad's genes were obvious, however, the similarities that did link older dragon to younger were those that consisted of genitals and hair color. Despite the size and scales they were practically the same, until it came to personality.

"I thought I was raising a young adult dragon?" Gren grunted, scratching his unruly beard of thick dark orange hair that matched the mop atop Kar's head. The air was suddenly thick with a musk particular only to Kar's blood father. He had told Kar once, during 'the talk' that dragon's had a certain way of attracting mates that most other fur's didn't. He had explained that by the time the young dragon had finished puberty, he would be able to attract a mate of his choosing.

"Look Gren," Shannon mused maneuvering his head under and beside Kar's shoulders. "No underarm hair yet! We were just wondering when it might start to spout."

Gren lifted a single thick arm, revealing a patch of equally orange brown fur underneath. Sighing a deep 'humm.' as he studied his own features, giving his armpit a good scratching before returning his gaze to his son's.

"Dads..." Kar complained, feeling rather humiliated. But his breath was sucked from his lungs when Shannon's large arms hefted him from his chair with almost no effort.

"No pubes." Shannon laughed. Kar's semi erect cock pulsed, bouncing a bit as his stomach muscles contracted in reaction to being lifted up off his seat; nothing they haven't seen before.

"No butt hair either." Gren scoffed with an air of amusement.

"This sucks," Kar shouted. "No fair. Put me down."

The kitchen spun suddenly and despite his embarrassment, he couldn't help but cry out, shaking in giggles as he was held upside down, arms flopping to and fro in feigned protest. Colors flashed and swirled as blood rushed to his head but when two blue claws found their way to his armpits he nearly squealed, instantly forgetting his shame as he was bombarded by wiggling claws and more tickles.


They moved their breakfast out to the balcony overlooking the sprawling coastal town. The bay, a few miles off, seemed to glow a crystal blue in the morning sun. They balcony was private for the most part, neighbors on either side of the townhouse wouldn't be able to see onto their deck but anyone below might be able to glance a swinging dick if the older reptiles stood tall enough. Warm sea breeze blew up from the bay setting the various wind chimes singing sporadic songs. Kar finished his waffles and helped himself to a glass of orange juice while his father's drank coffee and ate the bacon Shannon had fried up before they had decided to break for a pre-brunch fuck.

Shannon busied himself with looking over the Saturday morning paper, a chewy strip of bacon hanging out the side of his jaws. Kar couldn't see under the beveled glass table but he knew there was still only flaccid cock underneath. Both of his father's were quite good at keeping their erections under lock and key when around Kar. He had never once seen them hard before. The same could not be said about him though. He had sprouted countless boners in front of his dad's, mostly on accident as he never seemed to have any control of when his body was aroused.

Kar could feel his cock swelling a little bit, he wouldn't be able to hide if it reached full length but he never usually did anyways. He watched Shannon for a moment, taking a final drink of his orange juice before he noticed the same heady scent from his father. Rather startled he noticed his blood father eyeing him. He had his arms up behind his head as he reclined back, the titanium reinforced deck chair still straining under his massive weight. The sun seemed to light up his whole body; from the dark blue's of his arms to the fiery brown of his beard, chest, underarm hair. And the tail from his belly buttoned that thickened further south. Craining his neck slightly he was able to see Gren's cock, the bulbous head lost in the rolls of his foreskin. It lay between his two glorious white orbs flecked with the occasional blue scale and teeming with orange pubic hairs.

"Were going out of town." Gren grunted.

Kar suddenly felt small under his stare regardless of how relaxed it was. He never could tell what his father was thinking, his deep dark eyes never betraying his true intent. Kar broke away from the gaze, looking down at his own lap, at his own body. His father's always joked about him still being a cub, always made jokes about his smooth body. He was fourteen but apparently a late bloomer. He couldn't even grow a goatee or mustache let along a beard like his father. He knew one day he would probably be just like his dads, but he was impatient and Shannon's teasing didn't help. 'He doesn't have any hair anyways, he's a crocodile.'

"Did you hear me, son?"

"Huh?" Kar looked up. Both of his father's were regarding him, though Shannon had his coffee mug raised to his lips, poised to sip.

"We're going out of town for the weekend." Gren spoke, lowering his arms but remained reclined. The pheromones wafting from his father's body were almost intoxicating, even Shannon took a heady breath through his nostrils.

"What?" Kar cried suddenly. "Where?"

"Shannon's boss at work asked us if we wanted to come teach a class at the County Fitness Headquarters." Gren spoke with a wave of his hand. "I think he just wants to get in our pants, but Shannon agreed under the stipulation that we spent the night at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar."

"What about me? Can I go to?" Kar asked suddenly hopeful but the two adult's features turned stern.

"They only paid for one room and, well," Shannon explained matter-of-factly with a slight shrug of his heavy shoulders.

"That's not fair..." Kar groaned with restrained frustration. His father's were always off fucking different people and Kar was always stuck out of the picture, always left at home with a babysitter or sent to Shannon's mother's house to look after her cat's and do crossword puzzles until he was dead from boredom. He stared from one adult to the other, hopeful that they were simply pranking him again, but they just stared and waited for the realization to set in. Kar let out a heavy sigh, finally dropping his gaze to his lap where he was surprised to see his adolescent erection staring up at him. Then suddenly an amazing thought came to him. "Does that mean that I get to stay home by myself?"

"We already made plans for Ethan to come stay and keep an eye on you." Shannon smiled and shrugged, Kar's sudden hope instantly extinguished before it even had time to kindle.

"Ethan?" Kar groaned. "He's so boring. He's always on his phone and never wants to play Settlers of Catan or Jenga. I'd rather go to grandma's house."

"Ethan's apartment is being repaired and refurbished," Gren spoke, finally sitting up a bit, the sight of his genitals lost under the opaque glass table. "He had a pipe burst in his bathroom. He would have been staying with us for a few days regardless."

Kar's mouth moved but no words came out. He suddenly wished it was Monday so he could just go to school. He had all the luxuries a fourteen year old boy could want. Nearly all anyways. He usually didn't mind being at home, he had plenty of movies to watch, books to read and games to play, but it always frustrated him when his parents went somewhere without him. The breeze fluttering up from the bay suddenly seemed cold and he shivered despite the warmth he felt from his boner and unusual arousal, it didn't help that Gren's musk was ever present.

"I'm sorry son." Gren said with a slight regret but Kar barely heard him, he had a claw on his cock, the itch to masturbate suddenly overwhelming but he was also mentally frustrated and now thoroughly saddened. He simply pretended to gaze out over the balcony at the surrounding buildings and the glistening bay further below. He waited for his father's to finish their breakfast before retiring to their bedroom to pack the rest of the clothes for their trip, or fuck or what ever else they did without him. Kar remained in his chair, back turned to the sliding glass door, lap open to the blue sky where he jerked himself to a quick, sad, orgasm.


Ethan showed up ten minutes past noon; the large brown bear wore only gym shorts, a black ball cap, sandals and a white tank top with the Californian state flag screen printed across the chest; the odd aroma of strawberry vaporizer juice and barbecue trailing after him as he crossed the thresh hold of their living room. Kar had retreated back to his room after breakfast where he plopped down at his desk to boot up his computer and chat to a few friends online; trying to make plans instead of having to stay indoors all weekend. Everyone seemed to be out of town, busy with family, or simply too engrossed in a new video or card game. When the scent of strawberry brisket and ursine musk made a slight presence in Kar's disheveled room, he begrudgingly pulled on an old pair of khaki shorts and strolled out into the hall.

His father's were already making their way out the front door, clad less in business attire and more so in casual wear than Kar liked or seemed fair. He frowned, looking up at the stocky brown bear a moment before he was noticed in turn. Ethan's honey colored eye's lit up upon seeing the young dragon, his gaze darted all over Kar's body before finally settling in sync with the young dragon's. Kar didn't need to look the bear over, he had seen the bear star in one of his father's mature porn videos stashed behind the DVD player. It started out with the bear jerking off before five other furs entered the room to take turns pounding his ass. Kar knew he was just a huge boring bottom. While the thought was mildly arousing, Kar was beyond the point of caring about such things, and downright furious he was being left behind while his fathers went on a mini-fuckation.

"Hey, Kar," Ethan spoke in a much higher voice than his body would suggest. He brought his e-cigarette to his muzzle and sucked on the tip while his eyes did another once over of Kar's body his other free paw fixing then re-fixing the hat between rounded bear ears. The young drake returned the gaze blankly as a plume of vaporized smoke bellowed out of the urine's maw as he smiled. "You remember me? I was here for Gren's birthday back in March."

Kar remembered. Among the sea of shirtless furs who had invaded their home for a day, Ethan was the one in a lime green Speedo who purposely sported a half chub the entire time. His scent was unforgettable as well. Beneath the odor of barbecue sauce and his e-cigarette, the strong musk of ursine was quite prevalent. It stood out at the party even over the canines and the felines. At times, the strong scent even gave Gren's pheromones a run for its money in strength and headiness.

"Yeah." Kar just sighed rather light headed and annoyed, though was thankfully saved by the return of Shannon followed closely by his father, the two of them sported equally revealing white tank-tops that left very little to the imagination. Oddly though, he could still feel Ethan's gaze lingering upon him even as Gren regarded him.

"We're off, son." Gren spoke deeply, scratching his head and looking around the foyer, double checking and making sure they didn't leave behind any important documents, or in this case, large bulbous sex toys. Kar felt his teeth grinding together uncontrollably. Whether Gren noticed or not, he couldn't tell, his father just smiled with a subtle quirkiness.

"Have fun..." Kar said with sarcastic undertones.

"It'd wont be so bad, Ethan here is a video game enthusiast." Gren grunted, throwing an arm around the bear and pulling him in for a belly rub. Ethan just smiled, vapor rising from his grin. 'Why can't they just stay here and fuck Ethan so I don't have to be trapped and left out.' Kar thought as his dad's claw rubbed lower and lower before pulling away right before Ethan's crotch. "I'm sure you two can find something fun and safe to do."

Kar noticed a twinkle in his father's eye, a gleam that spoke something the other two would have never noticed. Kar knew that there wasn't even a chance, no adult would knowingly sleep with a fourteen year old, but the older dragon knew his son well, probably knew that he used the same sex toys that were used on his husband, watched the same porn videos, knew his room was probably covered in cum stains. He knew that it wasn't even a possibility, but his father still had to warn against it. It seemed to be the icing on the cake. Kar imagined the conversation he must have had with Ethan about how he could eat all he wanted, use the WiFi, drink their beer, but that he can't fuck their son by any means.

"I have homework..." Kar grunted the lie, glaring at his father before turning tail and marching straight back to his room where he shut the door forcefully enough to make a statement but not enough for punishment. Discarding his shorts he threw himself onto his bed and promptly fell into a deep midday nap.


The day was gone when Kar awoke, night had settled in outside his large bay windows and he could see lights aglow down by the bay. He sported a frustrating boner that had pulled his foreskin back, exposing the pink of his cock head that turned almost purple when he gave it a few mindful strokes. There was no pre cum, that had yet to happen to him, but he knew the amount of cum in his balls was replenished and near capacity.

The house was silent except for the usual hum of electronics. He wondered about Ethan and what the bear had gotten up to but his boner kept distracting him as he lay there. His oscillating fan would blow long breaths of cool air across his yellow orange scales where they turned to goosebumps as he shivered. Ignoring the urge to cover up he pulled himself from the comfort of his bed, roused by the sudden urge to pee. At his door he stood and listened. It was only a short distance to cross to the bathroom. Normally he didn't need to hesitate but Ethan was probably sitting in the living room watching TV, paying the Playstation or watching porn on his phone. Remembering his father's unspoken warning, he quickly realized nudity wasn't sex, nudity was natural and Ethan was a gay bear who had fucked or been fucked by both of his dads. What harm could their be in the ursine seeing him naked? It was, at least, an interesting way to pass a few minutes.

The house was quiet as he tip toed across the wood floor, his tender claw-falls sounding like a marching band in the silence. The coast was clear, the lights in the living room dim and Kar quickly figured that Ethan must have fallen asleep on the couch or was simply out on the balcony sucking on his vaporizer. Relieving himself in the brightly lit bathroom, Kar studied his reflection in the wall mirror that ran along the entire length of the bathroom, from sink to shower. His father's were right; he was fourteen and yet the only hair that grew on him was the four inch length of messy hair on his horned head and the slightest suggestion of blonde white pubes around the base of his cock, and even that was hardly noticeable, even from his angle. Against the white flesh of his pubic area it looked little more than fuzz. 'At least my boner went away before I needed to pee.'

Flushing, he flipped off the lights and made for his doorway. Pausing, he made a quick survey of the living room. The flat screen was in sleep mode, the Playstation undisturbed and the overhead lights were set to dim. Kar hesitated a moment, scanning the chic and lavish furniture his father's had acquired over the years. He almost wanted Ethan to see him naked. He felt a little thirsty and his inner perv urged him to make a quick trip to the kitchen for a glass of water. He wouldn't have normally hesitated if he had a clear view of Ethan's whereabouts but the bear's location eluded him. He couldn't quite see the balcony from his spot, and the kitchen looked just as empty as the living room. He shrugged, worse comes to worse, Ethan would get a quick view of Kar's naked and semi aroused body before he returned to the sanctuary of his bedroom. 'Dad couldn't get mad at that.' With a sly grin he padded the short distance of the hall and down into the dining room.

He went about filling a large glass with water from the filtered faucet in the sink and even grabbed a lunch sized bag of chips to snack on, having not eaten anything since breakfast, but with no sign of Ethan, he decided to eat them there there in the openness of the kitchen. He ate half the bag before he truly figured the bear had simply abandoned his boring post and taken off downtown where the nightlife was probably abuzz with same aged folk or the pier where the rides didn't stop running till 2 am. Kar felt his old anger at having been left behind bubble back up. Ripping open the back he licked the crumbs from the bag before tossing the trash away. With a sigh he gulped down the water and was about to return to his bedroom when he heard the faintest of noises coming from the other side of the wall.

There was a small bathroom off the living room that was big enough for a single person to stand, wash their hands, or do their business. The door was heavy dark oak and slid on a track into the wall for easier entry. A light flooded out into the living room where the near darkness broadened and intensified the luminescent beam. As Kar approached he could hear the muffled sounds of voices distorted by speakers of a small electronic device and likely cupped paws. As he neared, the voices turned to moans and the distinction in age became prevalent; Kar's curiosity turning to burning excitement in the pit of his belly.

Carefully peering into the crack in the door he found Ethan sitting on the toilet, naked save for his sandals and gym shorts around his ankles. He had his smart phone in one paw while the other slowly stroked a moderately sized penis. Kar's heart raced as his own dick instantly flooded with blood, hardening in seconds with a pulsing ache, his eyes wide, not in shock of finding Ethan like this, but from what he saw playing on the bear's smart phone.

In shockingly high quality, the phone played a close up video of an extremely young looking canine boy, his species indeterminable, though he was on the chunky side with chubby cheeks and pointy ears while his blue eyes were wide as he inexpertly throated a huge pink uncircumcised cock twice the size of the Ethan's. The voice of the cock's owner was saying something to the boy in another language, it sounded of Asian dialect and quite unfamiliar, though the tones of the voice suggested encouragement and praise through muffled moans and sighs. Tear's were welling up in the boy's eyes but when he pulled off the cock to give the length a series of tender licks, the boy smiled up at the camera and laughed before taking the bulging dick back into his mouth.

Kar only vaguely felt his claw grab hold of his cock and begin to stroke, his foreskin rubbing tightly against his tender head. Ethan was hard at work on his own cock but his gaze was completely transfixed to his phone's glowing screen. The tongue stuck out of the side of his mouth and his ball cap was turned backwards as if in concentration. He had a look of pure amazement on his face, the sort of expression one got when looking over hot, home-cooked food after hours of fasting for a feast. Kar's chest felt ready to implode, his heart beating heavier than the hardest rock music or bounciest techno beat. He didn't know what to do; all he could do was stare through the slit in the door and jerk off as the older male did the same.

The scene on the phone shifted angles, more of the adult could be seen for a moment. The young dragon tried to make out the species, wondering if it was the boy's father, or uncle, some other distant relative or just a really trustworthy neighbor. He knew the thoughts should have made him feel bad, should have made him sick, but his cock throbbed almost painfully, demanding release but unwillingly denied. The adult in the video had the young boy on his back, his legs up, pressed against his back, his privates far more underdeveloped than Kar's. The adult rubbed his cock over the boy's penis and small scrotum, soaking the furry package with globs of pre-cum. Kar's body felt hot, increasing in temperature as he watched. His muscles ached and his blood seemed to boil in his veins. He watched transfixed as the cock made ready to spread open the young boy's ass when suddenly Kar was blinded by light. His arm came up in reflex, but for some reason he couldn't stop his hand from stroking the length of his cock.

Ethan had jumped up from the toilet, cock jutting out from under his belly, phone now blank, having been set to sleep. Kar couldn't see the bear's expression at first as the light shone in his eyes, couldn't tell if he was angry, frightened, panicked, or pissed. Slowly his eye's adjusted as he took a brave step back and when the brown ursine face came into view he didn't see any of those. His face, while holding mild surprise, seemed brimming with unrestrained lust, held back only by the tenuous shock of Kar having found him out. The air was thick, musky, there had been a wave of testosterone that seemed to flood from the small enclosed bathroom and mix with a new heady scent that Kar couldn't place but it did seem vaguely familiar. It almost smelled like his father, but nowhere near as pungent.

"That smell!" Ethan grunted but not in his normal falsetto. His features seemed darker; his fur ruffled, eyes dark, his nostrils flared wide as he took deep heavy breaths as if the air was suddenly thick and dense, full of some sort of invisible coagulation or particulate that seemed to have stirred Ethan into a frenzy. The bear bent down, his nose breathing in, filling his lungs to capacity. "That smell, what is it?"

"Huh? Wha?" Kar only had a moment before two bear paws were lodged into his armpits, lifting him up off the floor, his bare chest was met with cold ursine nose as it inhaled deeply some scent that Kar couldn't quite smell himself. His whole body went rigid in surprise but that didn't stop his cock from throbbing against the bear's belly. Ethan's muzzle seemed to scurry across his undefined torso, up the sides of his neck and into his hairline and along his gray horns before coming to the young dragon's own mouth. There was a pause, a single moment as if some cognizant thought, some rational feeling deep in Ethan's brain caused hesitation, as if he knew what he was about to do was terribly wrong, grossly inappropriate, but somehow he was already lost to his own new found lusts.

Kar accepted Ethan's massive ursine tongue into his mouth with a rush of confusing passion. He had never kissed another male like this before. He had seen it done countless times in porn, witnessed it in the third person, but never done it himself. The tongue just seemed to slop around inside his mouth, grappling with his own as Ethan's lips sucked and his nose blew out hot, heady air. Kar's body seemed to pulse, he felt a thin layer of sweat envelop his young teenage body and before he knew it Ethan was loosing his grip on the boy. He tried to grasp the bears heavy set shoulders, clutching his fur in his claws for support. His tail felt heavy, swinging waywardly between his dangling legs, his buttocks taut and indented as muscles contracted. He heard the bear's phone clatter to the ground as Ethan stumbled forward, a far off sound that was of little importance to either adult or adolescent. Restrained by his shorts around his ankles, they were lucky enough to make it to the couch before Ethan simply chucked Kar down. Gravity seemed to slow down as he fell through the air, his body seemed weightless, his senses were a blur and the room seemed to spin as he hit the cushions with a vigorous bounce before ending up sprawled out, four and a half inches of cock enticing the older male.

Ethan just stared hungrily for a moment, his eyes glazed over, seemingly lost in lust. Kar was actually surprised when he finally spoke, that he was still capable of words and not completely feral.

"I wanna fuck you so bad." Ethan growled but Kar didn't feel the slightest fear, in fact, his heart raced faster, if that was even possible. His mind spun, hardly able to process everything but somehow a devious grin still managed to make it to his lips. It was all happening so fast, too fast to even keep up with it all. Kar merely resigned his own lusts to the cosmos and beckoned whatever came next, sprawling out his thighs in anticipation. "I need to be on you, to be in you."

Slowly, methodically, as if he was actually trying to be sexy, Ethan stepped out of his shorts, kicking his sandals across the room with a flick of his foot-paws and finally tipped his hat over and off his head. Kar just watched, his claws clutching the cushions around him as the looming bear climbed over him, his nose sniffing along the inside of Kar's legs until his muzzle met the young cock, his foreskin almost painfully wrapped around his throbbing head. Kar almost cried out as the cold nose touched down on the tip, the slit of his urethra just visible amid the folds of protective skin. Ethan breathed in hard, the cool rush of air sending shivers convulsing up Kar's body. He stared wide eyed, on the verge of whimpers as the nose pulled away while a thick strand of pre formed between nose and cock tip.

Kar could only stare wide-eyed, simply astonished at his own pre-cum. Until that point he had never been able to milk even the slightest drop from even the most painful of boners and yet now, somehow, his cock was suddenly oozing with it.


"Fucking hot." Ethan groaned licking his nose before grinning. Grabbing hold of it this time, his massive furry paw nearly eclipsing the whole thing. Ethan took another deep whiff of Kar's cock, slowly pulling the foreskin back as he inhaled. Kar couldn't hold back his cry this time, his adolescent voice cracking, new and wonderful sensations coursing through his body like high voltage electricity. When his cock was taken into the bear's drooling maw he nearly stopped breathing, his breath caught in this throat. He tried to force the air into his lung, attempting to gasp but his pipes seemed blocked. Ethan swirled his tongue around the young appendage and only when he pulled off, his lips pooping against the head, did Kar's chest take in a massive influx of air. He felt dizzy, hot, his cock was so swollen and tender that another tug of his foreskin from the bears massive paw sent a thick rope of cum flying up and over bear's head while a second got him right in the check. The rest just seemed to dribble over Ethan's paw as he continued to stroke.

He normally needed a while to rest after he came but Ethan never stopped stroking, Kar gasped and moaned as his body was ravaged by orgasm and the continued treatment of his cock. He was taken back inside the bear's muzzle, where it sloshed around with his tongue, mixing saliva with residue semen. Grunts and moans and other guttural noises seemed to rumble from Ethan's diaphragm as he worked on Kar's cock, his tongue slipping in and out of his foreskin. The young dragon could tell by the way his body shook and the placement of his arm, trailing under his belly, that the adult was quick at work with his own cock.

"Ou anna ide my ock on't ou?" Ethan slurred around Kar's smaller dick. All the years of watching porn and stuffing fake cocks up his butt couldn't have prepared the drake for the sudden eagerness he felt growing in the limelight of his slow fading orgasm. His cock was still rock hard from Ethan's sucks but with the possibility of being fucked so close at hand, his whole body grew hot once again.

Ethan let the cock bounce out of his mouth and replaced it with a single finger, practically slobbering on it before the bear pressed it up under Kar's balls without so much as a warning. His golden eyes flashed with dark abandon as he found the hole he sought, sinking the digit instantly, licking the glob of cum off his own cheek as he grinned wildly.

Kar whimpered but reflexively lifted his legs against his belly even as a second finger wormed its way inside of him; the ring of flesh seeming to burn as the bear dug deeper. Ethan grinned evilly as he witnessed the affects his fingers had on the boy's body. Kar moaned, nearly gasping and crying at the same time, his voice higher than Ethan's now that the strange sexual dominance had taken him over, turned him nearly feral.

"Fuck, I can't wait any longer." Ethan nearly growled, his fingers pulled from Kar's hole, his massive paws placed firmly, almost uncomfortably on the young dragon's under-thighs, pressing hard against his belly. Kar knew, somewhere in the pit of his stomach that he should be scared, worried in the least, but his own head seemed fuzzed, lost in a haze of sexual inebriation. When he felt the tip of Ethan's cock against his tail-hole his whole body seemed to tense up, but there was nothing he could have done to stop it, even if he wanted to. The circumcised head pressed against the star of spit soaked muscle, but unlike the fingers, it was met with resistance. The burning returned and Kar whimpered but his own little cock, pressed hard against his belly, throbbed and let loose a heavy spurt of precum, thick and clear that ran down the sides of his abdomen.

The sudden eruption of pre sent a flash of expression across Ethan's face; his mouth hung open, tongue lulled to one side, dripping spit as he salivated. He took in a deep breath through mucus coated nostrils but breathed out a hot sigh of air as his cock seemed to inch through some invisible barrier. Kar would have screamed but his voice seemed caught in his throat as the bear's cock rooted itself deep within him, at least as deep as the bear's cock could go. Kar knew that the bear's dick was no where near a large as his father's or Shannon's, or even half of the other fur's he had seen in countless adult films, but he honestly couldn't fathom taking anything larger, the modest length and girth was enough to drive the wind from his lungs and blur his vision with tears that watered up in the corners of his eyes.

"FFFuuucck. Hoooly shit!" Ethan moaned as his whole weight seemed pressed against the dragon's legs and pudgy belly, he simply stayed buried for a moment, his gaze almost vacant. Kar could only see a blur of brown and beige fur for a moment before the thick ursine tongue was at his mouth, his cheeks, kissing him, licking him, sniffing his smells like a coke fiend in a locked bathroom. It tickled, Kar felt an odd urge to giggle and moan at the same time, but all that came out was a few small whimpers between breaths for air. "I'll go easy, I'm so close already."

Kar couldn't tell if Ethan was speaking to him or simply to himself. He could feel the bear's cock pulsing somewhere deep inside him, filling him, it would have been an uncomfortable feeling if it wasn't making his body burn with an intense sexual pressure, making his cock ache in all the good ways. The huge hips pressing against Kar's bottom shifted then, retreating a fraction of an inch backwards, before pressing back firmly. Sucking on Ethan's tongue, Kar realized suddenly; 'This is it, I'm being fucked. I'm not a virgin anymore... Dad's gonna be pissed.' The worry only swelled in his throat momentarily before it was swallowed along with a couple tablespoon of bear saliva.

Ethan's thrusts were short, but consistent. From what the young dragon had seen in porn, he was thankful it was not erratic or fast; a rut they called it sometimes. The bear would simply arch his back, strain his neck to kiss the younger boy, all while miraculously maintaining his two to three inches of depth in adolescent tail. Kar nearly felt smothered, practically enveloped by the ursine's brown fur. He wanted it. Despite the slight strain on his legs and the almost painful tinge of being fucked for the first time, he was practically ecstatic, his maw opened up in a gleaming toothy grin, though he was careful not to bite his tongue as his body shook with the force of the thrusts.. He stared up at Ethan, the bears huge form would have looked rather comical if it weren't for his new found feral lusts as his cock rocked the dragon's internal organs. Through the darkened features and lumbering movements, the ruffled head-fur, and drooling anticipation, the bear's face seemed to reflect the same pleasurable excitement that Kar felt inside his younger body.

The bear grinned; looking ridiculous with his tongue hanging to the side, but the image was almost sexy. Kar's tail-hole burned but the raising wave of pleasure seemed to already be numbing everything else. He managed a smile all the same as he hugged his legs against his belly. The wild intoxication between them had seemed to have waned a bit. Kar didn't feel so stunned and Ethan eyes were darting about as if finally taking in the whole situation for the first time. He seemed out of breath but when he spoke his voice was strangely calm.

"This is so hot, Kar." Ethan breathed. The young dragon simply stared up into the dark eyes of his molester and nodded enthusiastically as a little moan slipped pasted his lips. It was almost too hot for words. Kar knew that this was wrong, not just in his father's eye but in the eyes of society. He was only fourteen, and closer to thirteen than fifteen. He knew Ethan could get into a lot of trouble for doing something like this but that didn't seem to faze the bear too much. Ethan shifted, in the middle of one of his thrusts, and lifted his torso so that he towered above the dragon boy, his large paws finding spots in the bend of Kar's knees giving the dragon a chance to rest his arms. "You're so hot Kar, for your age."

His cock seemed to throb at the mention of his age and stature, a new gush of pre slicking his belly all over again where the last had begun to dry. Ethan's eyes seemed to bulge at this, transfixed momentarily as Kar gingerly reached a clawed hand down to gently stroke his hairless cock, pulling back his foreskin to review more trapped precum. The mass in his ass pressed further and Ethan leaned in, slowly resuming his thrusts, eyes darting back and forth from Kar's face to the age-gap fuckery below.

"Do you like that, Kar? Do you like my cock?" Ethan asked, his falsetto returning momentarily as his cock pressed inward before withdrawing a few inches, but not enough to loose the since of being stuffed. Kar gasped and nodded, the words "Uh-huh!" rolling off his tongue. Ethan smiled, his large bear body gyrating a bit, as he slowly thrust. "I'm not hurting you am I? You've put something up your ass before haven't you?"

Kar nodded desperately as the movements seemed to make his whole body burn in a fiery passion he couldn't quite describe. His skin felt slick with sweat and his insides seemed to boil. More pre leaked out his cock as Ethan took in another deep breath of air through his nostrils, his eyes rolling back in his sockets. In that moment Kar realized just what was causing the bear's frenzy and his own heady high. 'Pheromones' Kar nearly gasped almost disbelievingly as Ethan thrust into him particularly hard, his tail-hole squeezing the cock like vice in protest.

"Can I fuck you a little harder?" Ethan groaned, leaning into the dragon's legs, his own breath bellowing out with the faint scent of strawberry. Kar didn't even have time to respond before Ethan's demeanor seemed to switch again' his fur frizzed, his eyes darkened, this cock stabbing sloppily into Kar's ass, likely leaking it's own pre. When he spoke his voice had dropped to a baritone as saliva drooled from his dangling tongue. "I'm gonna fuck you harder."

Ethan didn't even have to hump him like he had up until that point, simply by gyrating his hips he was able to work in and out of Kar's hole with ease. It took the air from his lungs, still not a full power rut, but it still made him hold on to his breath until he couldn't hold it any longer; expelling an exhale merged with a high pitched moan of a breathy sigh. With his tail laid out between his smooth legs, running underneath Ethan's furry ones, it put his hail-hole at just the right position for this sort of treatment, the bear's hairy balls rubbing the base of his tail as his cock fucked into him.

"I've never fucked a kid before." Ethan growled almost drunk from the statement alone, Kar realized that the bear had a thing for younger boys, why else would he have been watching cubby porn on his phone. Something about the inappropriateness of it all made Kar a little giddy as the strange excitement arose in him again. He wanted to agree, to tell Ethan he had wanted to be fucked ever since he was ten or eleven but words still seemed to fail him momentarily. All the little dragon could do was pull his legs further up and against his belly as the bear pounded away with methodical precision. "You ever been with an adult before, Kar?"

Kar could only shake his head, his voice stuck halfway between a held breath and a moan as his prostate was jabbed with the tip of Ethan's cock.

"So you're a virgin?" Ethan's eyes flashed with an almost frightening abandon.

Another nod before a whimpering moan bubbled out of Kar's mouth. He wasn't panicked, or worried, scared, frightened or in the least bit upset. His body was in ecstasy; a tremendous amount of pleasure and heat seemed to coarse through his body and all other sensations seemed vague and far off. He knew that this is what he wanted, what his young body had longed for. The boy seemed to know no fear despite the slight aches of being fucked, even Ethan's large body on top of him was only a mild nuisance compared to the hot rhythmic plowing of ursine cock into his tail-hole.

"Fuck, that's so hot. That's so fucking hot, Kar." Ethan rumbled. "I wanna be the first to breed you, shoot my cum inside your hole. But you gotta ride on my cock like a good little boy first, okay?"

Kar nodded again, somewhat absentmindedly despite his internal urge to roll his eyes at such a silly yet hot comment, but when the sudden grin flashed across Ethan's features he suddenly and completely retreated from within the dragon. It was enough to pull the boy out of his heady haze of immobility where he gasped as an empty feeling came over him. Ethan reared up and plopped down on his butt at the edge of the couch, his paw slowly stroking the length of his pink cock as it perpetually dribbled pre down the sides, onto his paw fur and into his pubes. It looked much bigger than it had moments ago.

"Wanna suck it some?" Ethan asked, a spike in his falsetto. Kar nodded peering down over his belly to the bear. "Ever suck a dick before?"

"Only a dildo." Kar answered, sitting up and feeling rather lightheaded, hin insides almost felt stretched, all stirred up as if the bear's cock had been a cake mixer. His reply made Ethan chuckle for what ever reason, squeezing hard on that shaft of his circumcised penis, looking from his lap to the boy.

"A dick is a little bit different than a dildo." Ethan shrugged and grinned devilishly.

"Sure is." Kar returned with a smile of his own, his clawed hand reaching down below his balls where he rubbed his hole a bit; it was wet, and stretched a bit and he could feel some of the insides on the out. He clenched his abdomen and all the muscles that tightened his tail-hole before letting it relax again. He did this a few times, rubbing the pink muscles in turn. Ethan just watched him in awe for a moment. "It felt a lot different when you were in me than when I put a dildo inside. My dad has this big black one that's almost the size of my arm, I can get about half of it in, but you felt way better, like, it was all warm and hot."

"That's a huge compliment, Kar." Ethan said waving his cock like an invitation. "Just, be sure to be careful with your teeth."

Kar couldn't help but giggle a bit under his breath as he positioned himself closer to the bear, getting on his hands and knees as he crawled over until his head was directly above the glistening piece of meet. The ursine musk emanating from the bear's loins was strong, though not particularly masculine. Regardless, the heavy spicy scents were a pleasant nose-full.

Gently, is if trying some new foreign food for the first time, Kar stuck out his tongue and touched tip to tip. He had always tried to lick his own dick, but he was a little too chubby and could never quite reach. The sudden rush of savory salt and musk, while rather surprising and strong, was far from unpleasant. Taking first the head, swishing his tongue around the bulbous feature, soon resulted in an inch, than another, and before he knew it he had practically the whole thing in his mouth. Pulling off momentarily to catch his breath and lick his lips, Kar smiled to himself, his mind whirling with excited chatter.'I can't believe it, I can't believe it. I'm sucking a dick, I'm getting fucked, I'm not a virgin anymore. Shit, dad is gonna be so so pissed. But I can't believe it, I'm sucking a dick.'

"Fuck, that's it, Kar." Ethan groaned in pleasure. "You're freaking amazing!"

With his free left hand, he ran along Ethan's inner thigh, having never touched that area of another male before; gently feeling the muscles and natural ursine weight as he got closer and closer to the heavy furry sac. He hefted the orbs, twirled them around in his palm, tenderly squeezed them, pulled and tugged. The large bear let out a rather deep and lasting sigh that eventually trailed off into a low rumble as his cock spurted thin jets of pre inside Kar's mouth. The saltiness was somewhat sweet and the dragon soon found that he loved the taste of pre, and wondered if each species tasted differently.

"Fuck, I need you to ride my cock, Kar." Ethan murmured, rather lost in a high of sensual bliss.

Kar didn't need the bear to tell him twice. He had seen it done before. He had had many late night sessions staring into his computer screen as scenes of countless species, big and small, thin and ripped, chubby and muscular, all riding a huge cocks while the owner laid or sat back in divine pleasure. He pulled off Ethan's cock with a pop against his lips, lapping up the last remnants of pre as they dribbled down the head and shaft respectively.

Throwing one leg over Ethan's wide lap, he straddled the bear with only minor difficulties. Being only fourteen, he hadn't reached his final growth spurts, and almost believed they would never come thanks to the constant teasing of his parents. But he had enough mass about him to comfortably bend his knees for support, hold fast the the bears large pectorals and ease himself into warm ursine lap. Kar found that Ethan's chest muscles were much firmer than they looked, though his massive belly protruded enough to barely give room for Kar's oozing erection.

"It's okay, I want you to cum on my belly when you're ready." Ethan assured the dragon as he positioned himself with a little help from the adult. Ethan placed his paws on Kar's back, holding the dragon forward as the youth positioned the mass of bear meat under his hiked up tail.

"Do you remember the first time you lost your virginity, Ethan?" Kar asked, rubbing the head of Ethan's cock on his already soaked star.

"Boy do I ever." Ethan sighed. Taking a deep breath. Kar could tell he was breathing the dense pheromones again. His eyes rolled back into his head and his tongue lulled out the side of his mouth but that didn't stop him from spilling the juicy details. "I was eleven, twelve maybe, I knew I couldn't cum yet, but boy were my orgasms violent back then. I got caught jerking off by my older sister's boyfriend. I was scared shitless, but turns out the guy liked boys, at least when they sucked him off. One thing lead to another and soon he was stuffin' his cock up my hole about two times a week for about a year. Then he and my sister spit and he moved to Wyoming for collage, of all places. Never saw him again. I still like to pretend I'm twelve again, sucking his huge cock or laying on my back, taking it up the tail-hole."

There was a silence where the bear let his head fall back against the couch backing, almost in meditation, his paws unconsciously yet soothingly rubbing the sides of Kar's legs as the dragon let the ursine cock slide up and down the crack of his ass. With a smile Kar finally let the cock slip inside as it came up for another slippery slide through his crack. Ethan's eyes shot open wide and Kar didn't care to stifle the moan that shot out of his mouth as his back arched a bit in natural response to the unnatural intrusion. It was as if the cock had gotten bigger. Wider with girth at least, or so Kar thought as the new warmth of sex returned to his whole body.

"My dads never let me fool around with any of their friends." Kar grumbled in a half moan, clutching Ethan's chest fur as the cock rooted itself deep inside his hole, pressing quite prominently on his prostate making his own cock ooze a pool of clear liquid into the bear's belly button.

"It's a shame." Ethan growled much deeper than he had before. "I know a few guys who would love to take a couple a turns with your ass."


Ethan just nodded almost sleepily.

The thought made Kar's mind spin with scenarios of different species fucking his ass and mouth, cuming in his hole, down his throat or over his face, just like in the movies. Ethan paws rose up along his sides until he had the purlicues of his paws stuffed under the boy's hairless armpits, lifting him ever so off his cock before letting gravity pull him back down. Kar felt tears well up in his eyes but he was beyond willing to let the dragon continue this way. He held on to Ethan's huge furry arms, his chest, he belly, all the while letting the strength of the bear's triceps bounce him on the cock.

"Kar, your ass..." Ethan growled, craning his neck until his lips locked with the boy. Kar moaned into the ursine's open mouth and wrestled with his tongue. He realized then that his own cock seemed ablaze, hot as if on fire, while his innards churned in spasms as a modest flood of cum erupted from the bunched foreskin of Kar's cock. Ethan seemed to notice immediately as his hips began to buck, awkwardly fucking up into the boy. Their mouths came apart but a thick strand of saliva hung between both maws for a good moment before the bear finally burst out a roar. "Holy shit, Kar. I'm so fucking close."

The bear practically had Kar's ribs in a vice like grip as he continued to bounce the boy while thrusting up inside of him. Kar shuddered from his orgasm, even as the cum ceased and his shine began, his cock remained hard and throbbing. Ethan's face scrunched and contorted as he approached his own orgasm. It was almost fearful; with his grip on Kar and his eyes almost all white, teeth bared in a constant growl, it was a wonder he didn't break down in tears right then. Instead his cock seemed to repeat the last few seconds, erupting a second series of brief spurts before falling into a steady dribble of cum; his first ever multiple orgasm.

"Fuuuucccck, uuuuuughhhhh!" Ethan nearly screamed as he slammed up inside the boy, Kar's own moans caught in his throat as his guts were stuffed. He was almost surprised when one of Ethan's paws cupped the back of his head and pulled the boy down into an awkward embrace, his nose and the side of his face smashing into the ursine's pelt of thick brown chest fur. A few more final thrusts into the dragon boy slowly faded, the moans turned to heavy breathing and for a long while they half sat, half lay there, breathing in each others scents and smells, musk and pheromones. Kar suddenly felt very sleepy, and probably wouldn't have been able to move, even if he tried. Thankfully Ethan shifted ever so until he stretched out on the couch, with the dragon still atop his bulbous belly, his cock slowly slipping from Kar's hole until the flaccid member finally came loose with a healthy dribbling of cum from the gaping hole.

His eyes didn't want to open, his arms wouldn't move and his legs felt paralyzed. He would have been worried if it weren't for the large soothing paw gently stroking his head hair, his face still planted squarely in brown chest fur. Padded fingers traced patterns along his horns up to the points and back, caressed behind his ears, massaging down his neck and along his spine, stopping just short of his tail and butt before returning to repeat. Kar's last thoughts before sleep finally took him consisted of the revelation that he was no longer a virgin and the repercussions of it didn't really seem all too important, not as long as that paw kept up those blissful strokes.

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