The punishment for pleasure

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What happened to hexine in his backstory? A story for his backstory!!!!!!!!!! Also, this is early! was gonna wait a few days before posting stuff, but i changed my mind, so you are welcome for the early story, if you like it, that is! if you don't because it's not your style, i do apologize :(

WARNING!!!!!::::Some extreme stuff in here, Heavy bondage, pain, (including some torture!) etc, so please be warned!!!!

In other news, if you liked it, some things you could do would be:

Comment: I love some good constructive criticism!

faving: So I know you liked it!

Watch: if you want to see more from me!! (Ps: Not all my stories will be like this)

Hexine groaned, sheepishly walking around the large temple of his father's kingdom, the worst part of being the son of a father who was a void creature? He was the only normal one around...all these creatures roamed, having horns, spikes, even bones were sticking from their sides, and those aren't natural! Each creature he saw made him shudder a bit, and so he stayed near his father, a large Wolf like creature, having large horns and had the purple glowy aura every other creature had around that temple.

He walked for a long while before his father had sent him to his room for bed...of course, he had to be alone. at least, it wasn't worse than being raped...actually, scratch that, being raped isn't half bad if you enjoy it...

He walked down a long, narrow hallway, seeing doors all along the walls, and seeing his room door at the end, a large red door, which had huge chains hanging from each side of it. he stopped in front of the massive door, before lightly pushing against it with his head, didn't budge...he rammed into it hard, with enough force to knock someone twice his size out cold...he whimpered loudly, the door not even shaking from his efforts, then again, he was only 2 feet in height, he had no way of being a door ram. he sat down, looking the door over steadily, before he finally looked at the base, seeing a paw like a shape, which was far too big for his own paw.

Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to put a paw into it, lifting his front paw, he pressed it against the middle section of the paw shape, the shape started closing in on his paw, he tried to pull away, but his paw seemed stuck. panic took hold of him, and he started whimpering and whining, even howling to get someone's attention, although before he knew it, the shape had fit into a perfect size for his paw, ears pinned against his head, he gulped as the door started to open, him removing his paw as it did. "I knew that was a key, I ain't a big baby..." He thought as he watched the door open

Once inside the huge room, he noticed a lot of stuff, a pool in the far corner of the room, filled with this weird purple-black stuff, a large black and red double bed, far too big for him, but he loved the extra sleeping room. he also noticed a few dressers smaller than the rest of the stuff in the room, which he smiled at

"First order of business...EXPLO-"

"Hold it, Hexine." His father said in a deep, thundering voice.

"f-father, I am so sorry for that outburst, I just got a little excited..."

"It is alright, I am here to say that dinner will be short, we are eating with my noble allies tonight, so I want you well groomed and prepared, do you understand?"

"Yes, father, I shall get in great condition for dinner, but can her daughters not come?"

"they are, sadly, I know they can be a bit stubborn and bossy, but deal with it for tonight, they will be sleeping here anyways, now get ready NOW. they will be here soon enough."

"Yes, Father..." Hesitating, he started towards the bathroom he had, his father taking off just as quickly as he had arrived, within a few moments, he were alone and hopped into the pool for a quick wash. the purple stuff hurt a bit at first, but eventually he realized just how amazing it felt, it hugged his body like a blanket, each one of his furs being rid of any gunk that lingered. of course, that went for his sheath as well...he gulped, his tongue immediately popping out as he started to feel the tingly, sucking sensation on his sheath and privates, his ears flicked a bit, and he almost growled, if he didn't choke on it.

he distinctively started humping into the purple goop, his tongue remaining out of its maw as he started to pant harder, his sheath soon folding back as his shaft started to come out. this was immediately his downfall, once feeling that purple sucky stuff against his bare shaft, he erupted, howling out in bliss at the sudden pleasure, his paws and legs trembling as he rested his head on the side of the tub, the howl soon turned into a choked cough, and eventually he fell from his peak, and laid in the muck, panting and groaning as he tried to recover from his climax.

"Oh god...I am in love with this pool..." He pulled himself from the muck, his entire body completely clean of any muck, grime, dirt, etc, and he was surprised to see that the purple stuff didn't stick. he huffed, and after a quick shake off, he went to his room exit, and went down the hall, towards the grooming room.

He passed a few doors on the way towards his destination, one of them being an open door, he saw those girls...her daughters...He growled, his ears pinning against his head at the sight of the two. he turned to start walking but was tackled by one of the two voidling sisters


"Great job, sister, now bring him in, he is far too ugly to go to our dinner at the moment."

"hey, who you cal-"

"Ahh, I agree entirely, sister, yes yes, he must be renewed for tonight." Both sisters grabbed him, and brought him into their room, they throw him onto the bed, and looked over hexine's strange form, giggling as they did so.

"OOOOh dear...sister, he has had some fun, forbidden fun, I must add."

"Yes, yes, forbidden fun? uh, naughty little boy."

"Wait for bu-"

"Enough out of you! Sister, the gag."

Both sisters talked to each other while putting a muzzle with a gag on hexine, he gulped, groaned, whimpered, and struggled to break free of the muzzle, but before he could use his paws for leverage, they tied his back paws and front paws together. giggling as they looked at his privates.

"No, no, forbidden fun is forbidden when we are in your presence, how shall we punish him, sister?"

"A chastity, my beloved sister." She grabbed a purple chastity made of this strange metal, it was cold to the touch, and hexine could do nothing but sit still as he felt it slip over his sheath. after getting it on, they grabbed a strap attached to it, and wrapped it around his balls tightly, but not tight enough to cause pain. they then locked it on and giggled to themselves as they watched hexine struggle hopelessly on the bed.

"An outfit to hide this, for dinner as well."

"Good idea, I have the perfect dress and bow!" Both sisters started to stumble around, grabbing earrings, a light red dress, some cuffs which were chainless, and a red bow. they started dressing him, even going to the length to put panties on him, after he was completely dressed, he looked mostly female, his shaft pressed painfully against the chastity, and he whined within the gag, and since there was a strap, the harder he got, the more it squeezed his balls, causing twice the pain. he sat still as instructed, as the girls finished their final touches, they smiled happily at one another.


"Indeed, sister." They removed the gag, and gigled happily, he was wearing complete feral outfits for pets, and now he looked like a feral pet, even worse, a female! he whined as he looked at the two.

"It hurts, the privates cover, it is hurting me, please take it off..."

"No can do, my beloved, now, we shall take you to dinner."

"indeed, dinner will be wonderful and perfect now."

Both sisters smiled, one of them picking hexine up and carrying him. they made it to the dinner table quickly, and hexine's father didn't even notice that hexine was the dressed up puppy dog. dinner went slowly, hexine was made to be silent by the girls as they ate, his father thinking he was just the pet of the sisters. which made sense on how he looked.

he finished quickly, and sat in silence on the floor, his tail stiff, his ears flat against his head, as the pain continued to increase within his balls, it making him fee breathless. the only reason why he wouldn't speak was because the girls had threatened to neuter him if he wasn't quiet and listened to them.

Hexine whined, him giving his father a strange stare, him eventually noticing

"What is wrong with your pet?" Hexine's father said

"She's in heat, and seems to be attracted to you, your heinous." The sisters said at the exact same time

"That would explain such a fertile scent...Anyways, this dinner has been lovely, queen Calamity."

"You may be excused, girls."

Both sisters nodded, walking over, picking up hexine, and walking away, back towards their room. once inside, they grabbed hexine, tossed him onto the bed, put a chain on his collar which connected to the bed, and both sisters scampered off wherever they were going.

Hexine laid down, curled into a ball, and whined to himself, his balls aching, as well as his shaft, he wanted to release, from the chastity, more than an actual climatic release, but he could go for a bit of both at the moment, he just remained still, his body shaking as he waited impatiently fo the sisters return

Which wasn't long, a little bit later, both sisters entered the room, having some strange rubbery stuff on them. they picked hexine up, put him on a strange stand, and positioned him accordingly. both his legs lay on either side of the stand, while his chest lay flat along the mid, and his two front paws hung off in the same way as his back paws. they then tided his two front paws together, and his hind paws together, before lifting his tail, tying a rope around the base, and pulling it tightly, before attaching it to his collar.

"Wh-what's going on? are you going to kill me?" Hexine said nervously

"No, we are going to punish you." One of the sisters said with an angered look on her face. they pulled out a large pink thing, clearly it reminded him of a chew toy, what else would it be? She smirked, gave his rump a few hard slaps, getting loud whimpers from hexine, that was a mistake, he got a gag put on right after, she smirked, and gave his rump a few more slaps, this time, harder, but only muffled cries were heard.

"He is ready for the punishment." The girls smiled joyfully, grabbing a pink, canid dildo which was 6 inches in size, she roughly pressed it against hexine's tail hole. he tried to use his tail as a defense but found that it wasn't an option at this point. she giggled, pushing a bit lighter, making him relax, before roughly slamming the dildo into his rear end. hexine cried painfully, his eyes watering while he shook, jumped and struggled for freedom, but to no avail, he was completely stuck in that bondage.

the Sister who had the dildo giggled, wiggling the pink toy back and forth roughly, before shoving it into hexine's rump, enough to where he started to cry, his ears stayed against his head the entire time, while he was in complete pain, his shaft still throbbed and leaked pre, he could feel himself about to explode, and hoped that it wasn't his balls that were going to blow...

She smiled, before Giving one last ramming push with the dildo, inserting the knot into hexine roughly, once done, she let go, and went to join her sister on the couch, letting hexine sit back and enjoy the punishment.

"He's aroused, sister."

"Yes, yes, does he know the consequences?"

"He feels the consequence, sister."

"indeed, he does."

Hexine cried, continuing to ram back and forth, trying to get some kind of relief, a release, freedom, fainting, anything was better than feeling that pain, his balls ached horribly, almost completely cut off of blood, and his cock, it was horrible, his knot was already completely formed within his sheath, and it caused discomfort beyond belief, he just wanted to die...`

He eventually lost it, going limp and just mumbling to himself, his saliva leaked from the gag and fell to the floor, he just seemed defeated...Right when the girls thought he were going to faint, he suddenly jumped, howling loudly, but choking on it, as his shaft exploded in climax, the semen being shot out of the tip of the chastity, though it was pleasing for the girls to see that he had gotten fully erect inside a chastity, the pain for hexine was unbearable, he whined, kicked, jerked around, wanting nothing more than death...

The sisters smiled, giggling to one another as they walked over, roughly ripping the shaft out of his tail hole, and then went to untie him. it took about 10 minutes to untie him, and then they took 30 minutes before taking the chastity off, by this time, hexine was out cold, laying flat on their bed, not moving at all, only sounds heard were his rough panting and the girl's feet as they walked.

"I get him for tonight."

"Yes yes, very well." One sister laying in a bed alone, the other went into the bed with hexine, grabbed him, and snuggled him to her chest, both sisters went to sleep, one of them holding hexine close to her body.

"Though annoying, ferals are such delights when cuddled." The sister spoke before she finally joined hexine in sleep, the other sister soon falling asleep as well.