Acalan's "Heartbreak"

Story by Cepheus Runeweaver on SoFurry

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#2 of Flight Rising

An experiment to dive deeper in to the personality of one of my Flight Rising dragons, a quick story about how he copes with loss. Or something.

The large, furry tundra dragon stirred awake. Sapphire eyes fluttering open, he stretched out his steel blue striped arms and legs from his lying position, his wings splaying over the ground and into the air as he came to find that his beloved mate was not in his arms this morning. Confused, he rolled onto his feet and rose, his large fuzzy form drooping slightly with the weight of his fur. Shaking out the sleep, his confusion turned to concern and he started to pace around his sleeping ground. "A-Allura? Mistress Allura?" He whined, ears drooping. Running off towards the entrance of his mountainside cave, he skidded to a halt near the ridge.

There, down below, only a few dozen meters, was his love speaking with some other unknown dragon. A tundra dragon, like him, fluffy and warm. Her fur was rosy pink, and she was splotched with several playful markings of darker and brighter hues. He wanted nothing more than to bundle up under her wide wings, letting the royal purple feathers wrap around him, and to speak her lovely lilting name, 'Allura'. Already, he was sliding down the mountain, wings stretched out for stability to greet his lover.

"I understand what you're saying, but-" He heard her say just moments before impact.

Wrecking his body into hers, he tackled her with forearms spread, embracing her the moment they made contact. She loved it when he would greet her this way. Or, at least, she usually did. As the air was knocked out of her, the other dragon gasped with shock. Almost as quickly as he'd tackled her, she shoved him back off and she struggled to regain her footing and composure. "Oh, for crying out loud, Acalan! Damnit!" She swatted him across the snout.

In a flash, Acalan's mood was devastated. "B-But mistress-"

"I'm so sorry, Ambassador," Allura ignored his immediate pleads. "This is my, er, one of my consorts. He's not, eh... He's not part of my flight's leadership, I assure you."

"I would certainly hope not!" Said the other. A large, intimidating male Guardian dragon, with chipped forest green scales and piercing green eyes. "All of your flight thus far has appeared to be under control and disciplined, and this is an adult dragon whom greets you as a whelpling would?"

Acalan growled and raised his hackles, "Hey! I'm-"

Allura gave him a shove and tried to shoo him off with her wings, "Yes yes, Ambassador, I'm terribly sorry. Rest assured I will take care of this matter, posthaste." She shot him a glare, he didn't notice with his blood starting to boil at the Guardian.

"See to it that you do. Now. And make it fast, I have four more flights to visit before sundown." His massive tail curled around his feet, looking quite pompous to Acalan's eyes.

The pink dragoness restrained and ushered him away several feet, despite Acalan's livid struggling to get past her and take a swing at the Guardian, a move that certainly would not have ended well. "No-No Acalan, knock it off. I said knock it off!" She swatted him with her wings constantly, all while shoving him with her hands. "Down, Acalan. I said down, damnit!" Her command was punctuated by a loud, sharp roar.

The sound of his mate's roar brought him back down from his rage and he was almost immediately docile again. "I missed you..."

A sound of annoyance came from her throat. "Not now, Acalan. Seriously. This is really important."

His brow furrowed with worry. "But Mistress-" Poor Acalan couldn't get a word in, today.

"No! I can't argue about this, Acalan. I'll be done soon, just... Just go away for a little bit, I'll explain it later. With that, she curtly turned to leave back to join the Guardian, her tail whirling around and almost thwacking him in the face.

His morale crumbled. He didn't understand what she was doing with that Guardian, or why it was so important that she couldn't tell him. Sure, sometimes she let other males mate with her, but she always told him first, and they never made Allura so mean before. He doubted he would have even understood what was going on if she had told him. Lowering himself to the ground, he gave into a bout of dog-like whimpering. Did his beloved no longer love him? Did he hurt her? Was she truly doing something important? So important, that perhaps he might have even brought harm to his whole fleet? He scampered to his feet and ran off in the other direction, feeling his eyes glaze over with tears. He ran blindly through plains and forest, clipping his wings on several trees and rock outcroppings until he finally tripped and lost his footing. He fell flat on his chest, scraping his neck and chin along a few feet of bare dirt before coming to a pitiful halt, vision blurred by tears and physical pain dulled by a sense of despair.

Through his blurred vision, he could just barely make out a bird... A bird with a large green eye on it's body, perched a little ways in front of him, tilting it's head with curiosity at the heap of sadness that had landed before it. It was a Death Seeker, a bird notorious for the uselessness of it's own two eyes in place of the one large one on it's chest. Only one dragon that Acalan knew of had such a creature as it's minion.

"Nice entrance. I give it a 9 out of 10. If your butt had gone into the air, you'd be a perfect score." A boyish female voice called out from off to Acalan's side. As she spoke, she appeared in his frontal vision. Raising a forearm to wipe his eyes, she became clearer. It was Khalida, the Plague-Flight envoy. She was a Mirror dragon, with a very slender, lithe body and fine, durable scales. She was dark grey stone in color, with long agile wings, membraned in dark emerald. Mirrors were unique for their having four eyes on their heads; Khalida had only a blindfold. Acalan couldn't be sure as he didn't understand how such a thing was possible, but the blindfold was apparently a ceremonial item that took away her sight and gave it instead to the Death Seeker, binding her vision to the bird. It was strange, foreign magic, but she did see his entrance quite clearly through the blindfold. "You alright?" She asked bluntly, with only minor concern in her voice; she was more amused than anything. "I don't detect anything chasing you, though you look like you're trying to evade The Plaguebringer Herself. What's up?"

Khalida had been in the flight under Allura's acceptance since before Acalan arrived, so by his logic, she was at least trustworthy enough to speak to openly, despite being an agent of death. "Allura hates me." He sniffled.

Her head tilted, behind her, so did her Death Seeker's. After only a beat, she erupted with roaring laughter. "Are you shitting me? Allura? Hate you? Nah. You're not smart enough to do anything to offend her. Now get up, you look like hell."

"No, she does... She told me to go away, and that what she was doing was too important for me..."

Khalida still had a bemused look on her face, and if she were still capable, he sensed she would be rolling her eyes. "That's because it is, I'm sure of it. Did you get all up on her while she was trying to do something you don't quite understand? Yes, I thought so. That means you were in the way again."

"But I missed her! She wasn't sleeping in our cave when I woke up, and she didn't even say goodbye..." He looked up with puppy eyes.

"Yeah... She probably hates you after all. Sucks, friend." Khalida shrugged and made an attempt to help him up, shoving her head under his belly and trying to hoist him up.

Unfortunately, he was too heavy with despair. He roared out pitifully, crying like a whelp. "I'm sorry, Allura!" He called out. "I didn't mean to do so bad!" Howling, he sprawled out along the ground, still covered in dirt.

"Oh, shut up!" Khalida pulled out from beneath him and smashed his snout into the ground to hush him. Releasing her grip, she slapped him on the cheek softly. "By the darkness, seeing you cry isn't as funny as I thought it would be. You wanna fuck me or somethin'? Would that make you feel better?" Her request, in all it's lewd bluntness, went unnoticed, as Acalan was far too gone to even consider such a thing.

He remained silent.

Khalida sighed and sat down in front of him. "You're really that down, huh? Look, I don't think Allura seriously hates you. Come on, you're bein' pathetic."

"B-But she said-" He sobbed before being cut off.

"I don't give a Zeeba's ass what she said, it's you being dumb again. Allura is literally incapable of hating anyone, seriously! I don't think there's a male in this whole damn fleet that hasn't gotten under her tail and she seems pretty interested in everyone's welfare. You really think that you being a dweeb has evoked her ire? Come on, chump, up!" She reached forward, grabbing Acalan's face with both her hands and pulling his head out of the muck.

"Nooooo, I want to stay here until the worms eat my eyes." He rolled his head out of her grasp and plopped it back down in the soil.

"That's some kinky shit you're into there, bud. Sadly it's not gonna happen, they take weeks to get interested in eyeballs and I'm reporting your silliness to Allura before sundown if you don't get up right-fucken-now."

Then, as if on cue, a familiar pink tundra dragon appeared from the debris of Acalan's last destroyed barricade. "What are you two doing- No, what is Acalan doing?" She asked with the most genuine confusion. "Did you beat him up, Khalida?"

"Nah," Both she and the Death Seeker still perched on the stone looked towards Allura in that uncanny, creepy way. "Didn't need to. He beat himself up. He says you hate him and he came running and crying and kinda carved his own grave. He's not even interested in getting frisky."

"Acalan..." Allura sighed and slowly walked over to him.

Still fearing the worst, he turned his head away from her, cringing, but unmoving. "I know... I'm already having the worst day ever..."

"It's been like twenty minutes, Acalan." Allura commented, lowering her head to nudge him.

Khalida snickered and was almost already stifling another roar of laughter. "You serious? He just-"

Allura glared at her for a split second, and Khalida ceased her commentary, but retained her bemused gaze.


"Acalan, get up, sweetie." She gave a nip to his ear. "I don't hate you, and you know it. That was an ambassador from the wind flight. He wanted to make sure that I was still willing to assist them in our alliance, and that I was taking care of my wind envoys here. Which I am, for the record." She chuckled a little bit, letting her typical upbeat personality shine through in an attempt to get Acalan back on his feet.

"'Specially the guys, I'll bet. Got any wind whelps yet? That Caerwyn's a looker. He can wrap his whole body around me anytime." Khalida chimed in, knowing full well she was going to be ignored in the background, but blurting inappropriate things in any situation was a hobby of hers.

"I-I'm not hated...?" Acalan said softly, daring to raise his head just to look back at Allura.

"Yes." Muttered Khalida.

"No!" Allura immediately voiced over the Mirror. "Not even Khalida hates you. And I certainly don't hate you, Acalan. I actually love you very much."

In his typical doglike fashion, Acalan's head rose higher, and his tail started to flicker, starting to forget that he was lying rather undignified in the mud and dirt. "Really? Promise? You love me?"

"Yes, absolutely. I'm sorry I yelled at you, Acalan. It really was kind of important that you not tackle me, though... Next time you see me talking to another dragon, don't do that, okay? Just come up and say hi. Got it?"

Acalan was quick to stand up, looking happy once again, despite the slightly matted tears on his face and the dirt and leaves that littered his thick fur. "Yes, Mistress, I'm sorry... No more running into you while talking to other dragons. I promise no more." He punctuated his apology with his head cuddling into Allura's chest sweetly.

"Yaaaay look I kept Acalan from emotiona suicide just long enough for help to arrive, it was a good day, don't you think?" Khalida stood up, looking quite proud of herself. "I'm gonna have to ask you not to engage in wild-hot makeup sex right here though. This is my private thinking-and-nap-time spot and I don't want pink and blue fur everywhere. I already have to clean up Acalan's Nine-Outta-Ten landing."

"W-what?" Allura asked, not having been present for Khalida's crude judgements. "Nevermind. Come on, Acalan, let's go home. I never got to say good morning to you because we slept in so late, and we never got breakfast! Let's go get you a nice treat!" Allura turned to leave, tickling under Acalan's chin with her tail, whom was more than happy to prance behind her lead.

"Yeah, don't clean him up or anything, just go have a nice formal dinner with a boyfriend that's covered in shit!" Khalida called after them, letting out a sigh of entertainment and relief once they were out of sight. "Never a dull moment here." She let out a laugh as she started off on her own direction on foot. "Let's go kill something, Malak." The arcane bird cawed and took to the skies, and as they left in the other direction, from Khalida's skybound sight, she could see Acalan and Allura happily taking to the skies as they always would.

"I admit: They're cute, though."

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