Unknown Severity

Story by Warryn on SoFurry

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Staying late at work leads into a series of unexpected events... and a new perspective.

This story is rated ADULT, and is intended to be read only by legal adults.

**My name is ________________________, and this is how I wish to be treated within Warryn Pleasures: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

Signed___________________________________ Dated___________________________________**

The workday came to an end a couple of hours ago, and your shared workspace is empty apart from your presence. You had too many ideas you wanted to make progress on before calling it a night. Finally satisfied, you shut down your station. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Warryn moving through the nearby hall. Maybe he came to check on me. I'm getting out pretty late tonight.

"Hello, Wa-"

"Right, that's what he told me... Yes, I'm heading there now. Have a team ready."

It takes a moment for you to realize he's speaking to someone else, and a moment longer to register that his pace is hastened. Is something wrong? You stand from your desk and head for the hall. There's barely enough time to witness his tail slipping around a corner up ahead. In the interest of finding out what's happening, you follow.

Every time you think you're catching up with the gator, he's suddenly a distance away. I never knew he could move this fast! As the pursuit continues, you realize you aren't calling out to him, nor have you broken into a sprint. You're holding back, slinking along... Considering the tone of voice you heard earlier, he might not want just anyone going where he's going. Turning around and heading home would be the smart, rational thing to do, and yet you continue to follow.

The gator takes a direct route to Cloud, and you can't help but wonder if he knows that you're following him. It strikes you how odd it is that you've gone unnoticed. He's always so aware... You don't want to jump to conclusions, but it's likely that something big is happening; enough so that Warryn's attention will not waver. As you step around another corner, you watch a pair of elevator doors gently shut. You contemplate walking away until you spot which floor the elevator stops at. Before you have time to consider what you're getting yourself into, you dash for the stairwell and make your descent for the same floor.

You can barely make out the sound of a voice as you approach the right exit. Leaning against the door, you listen in as close as you can.

"I don't know. But now that we're all here, we can lock down the elevators and stairs, as well."

Oh crap! I'm gonna be locked in here!? In a moment of panic, you hurry to burst through the door. You rush through and are immediately greeted by a dozen or so stern, anxious faces. The only one you recognize belongs to Warryn.

"Why are you here?"

They're all staring at me... "I... I heard some of what you were saying when you passed through my floor, and I was really curious, and I know I shouldn't have followed you, but-"

"Okay, look..." Warryn rubs his furrowed brow. "There's no time for this. There's someone or something trapped in the room ahead, and the whole building is sealed up. You're stuck here, now. Avi." He looks to a feline guard by the elevators. "The exits ARE sealed now, right? Everything locked down? Elevators, too?" She nods.

Your tail tucks itself between your legs. "I'm sorry, Warryn..."

"We're going to keep you safe. You're to stay here in this room, alright?"

An imposing leopard catches a break in the conversation and speaks up. "What would you have us do, Warryn?" He's probably in charge of security.

"Keep an eye on me from here. I am confident I'll be fine, but if anything happens, you'll take over." The gator motions toward the disgruntled chief. "Otherwise, stay put. Give me a bouncer."

"I'm against this. We don't even know what the threat is." Despite his disapproval, he hands Warryn a small wristband. What's that thing even going to do?

"You're correct, but I have a hunch..."

The cat he called Avi input some command on the nearby wall panel, and the doors made way for Warryn to pass through. Not a moment after he's stepped out do they seal shut. The guards all quickly procure portable screens, and within moments everyone but you has a live audiovisual feed of the room Warryn sealed himself in.

"Come here, I'll let you see."

Avi motions you over, permitting you to watch what's happening on the other side of the heavy door.

Warryn masks his emotions well as he moves further into the massive room; it's impossible to tell at a glance how he's feeling. Surely he's nervous, perhaps even terrified... The room houses many morph spheres produced over the years, so if someone's hiding here, they may be attempting to steal Warryn Pleasures' technology. But if he considered that to be a possibility, he definitely would not have entered the room alone. He said he had a hunch about something, and everyone around the gator has learned to trust his judgment.

The room nearly spans the entire length and width of the building, and is filled with storage units set into aisles. Warryn chooses an aisle and makes his way through. He's moving at a surprisingly casual pace, the rush and hustle from before no longer present. He appears calm and collected, like he knows something nobody else does.

"H-hello?... Is someone there?"

His demeanor breaks in a flash, and the hurried pace returns. It would be comical to see a gator moving so quickly if the situation were not so worrisome. He comes upon the sight of an individual on the floor after swinging around to the adjacent aisle. A naked red fox... It looks to be Sinclair. He's clutching his stomach and chest. Warryn is quickly by his side.

"Warryn!" You jump as the security chief shouts into his communicator. "That's enough! Let us in there to sweep the area!"

The gator doesn't respond. It's unclear whether or not he could even hear him until he makes a very subtle negatory motion toward one of the room's surveillance cameras with his hand, coupled with a stern gaze. His attention shifts back to the fox on the floor, and he approaches.

"Are you alright? Can you stand?"

"No... I was hit really hard. I don't think I can get up."

"You're gonna be fine. I'm going to hoist you up and carry you, alright?"

He winces preemptively. "Be careful..."

Warryn bends down and scoops Sinclair into his arms, cradling and lifting him. He smiles gently, comfortingly.

"Come on, Phil. Let's get you somewhere to recover, and we'll talk about what happened."

"O-okay... Thank you."

The gator's smirk couldn't have caught the fox more by surprise. The safety of those powerful arms nestling him against that big, smooth body vanished in an instant.

"Why don't you tell me who you are?"

"Wh-what? I'm-"

"Surely not Sinclair."

A devilish grin appears over the nude fox's face as his hands hit Warryn's chest like lightning bolts. Thick, squishy goo quickly spreads from those furry hands. Warryn doesn't move; he stares down at the fox, at the rubbery-feeling mess slowly moving over his front...

"You're right, gator."

"Heh, I know."

A tiny beep is heard as a light begins to glow on Warryn's wristband. As the rubbery goo continues to spread, the little light blips on and off, faster and faster. The devious fox suddenly appears concerned, fearful as the mess it was spreading seems to be retracting, returning to his hands.

"... Wait, what is... No! NO!"

As the last of the rubber mess smushes back from whence it came, a final bleep from the wristband forces the fox out of Warryn's cradling arms, blasting him a short distance away as if he'd just bounced off of the gator's body. The only one grinning now was Warryn.

"We're going to have a chat, friend."

The imposter fox was at a loss for words, or that seemed to be the case until he froze on the spot after righting himself. He stares straight ahead at the imposing gator before blurting out in an eerily mechanical fashion,

"Failsafe activated."

He shivers softly as synthetic fur and thick, gooey rubber quickly melt off of him. Warryn watches with intense interest. Maybe he was expecting this? A little concern comes to meet his enthusiasm as he watches the puddle of goo quickly slip away beneath a storage unit. It was odd enough to see it moving after coming off, but changing color, as well? To say the least, this was all unusual. Before losing himself in his thoughts, Warryn returns his attention to the fox standing before him; a different Sinclair than the one he had been cradling in his arms. He appears unaware for a brief moment longer before reacting to the gator's presence.

"W-Warryn! Hello, Warryn!"

"Sinclair!" He grants the red fox a pleasant smile. "What brings you here, today?"

"I came to collect a morph sphere for later. I haven't decided on which one yet, though... Help me pick?"

"...Huh." A rare event strikes; Warryn finds himself at a loss for words, though only for a brief moment. "Sinclair, I need you to move to the doorway leading to the southern elevator. Wait there for security to open the door and bring you through. This isn't a request, do you understand?"

"... Uhm, yes, yea... Something's going on?"

"Mmhmm. I've got it under control. Do as I say."

Sinclair is quickly out of sight, and Warryn scans the area. With the room sealed, there doesn't seem to be any way for the strange rubbery goo could escape. Still, the room is quite expansive. You suspect the gator's search will take a long while without a proper sweep.

Maybe he's going to coax the target out, himself? Warryn moves aimlessly through the aisles one at a time, gazing around but otherwise not looking very hard. He'd watched the target melt away... There isn't much sense in trying to find someone or something that can do that. Better to let it come to him.

After meandering for a few minutes, he stops. He's barely visible on the feed that you and the security force are watching. A few of them are muttering to themselves, trying to switch cameras for a better view. No matter which camera anyone switches to, Warryn is barely visible along the edge of the screen, at best.

"Warryn, we can't see you there. We don't have visual coverage." The security chief makes no effort to mask his discontent.

"I know. The strange footage came from right around this spot, correct?"

"All the more reason you shouldn't be there! Let us sweep and secure the area!"

"Not yet."


"You're breaking up. I suppose I'll have to call you back in a little bit." The gator turned briefly towards the camera closest to him, flashing a sharp, knowing grin before removing his communicator piece and stashing it in his pants pocket.

"What the hell do you think you're doing! Warryn!" He could shout all he wanted; only you and the others in the elevator corridor can hear him now. Warryn, what ARE you doing?...

"I bet you can hear me, can't you? I've just cut off communications coming this way with the other people I came here with. They can still hear what's happening in this room, but they cannot reach me."

He waits a few moments.

"They also can't see the entire area just ahead of where I'm standing. Perhaps you already knew that, though."

More silence.

"I want to speak with you, but the people outside don't want that. They want to capture and contain you."


"You don't have to show yourself to me. Not yet, at least. Let's just have a nice cha-"

The gator is interrupted as the sound of something squishy and thick comes through the speakers on your end. Startled, Warryn stumbles back a little where he's once again in view of a camera. There's a gooey, rubbery mess spreading over his face, and he raises a scaled hand to tug at it. The rubber tries to spread and coat over his face, even beginning to slip inside of his mouth before his wristband quickly reverses the morph sphere's effects. The goo is forced off of the gator, reforming into a ball before being launched a moderate distance away. Warryn quickly looks up toward the dark ceiling, but there's nothing there. He sighs and grins, softly shaking his head. He can really just shrug something like that off?

"Are you satisfied? I'll chalk this one up to morbid curiosity for your sake. Try that again and our little chat will be off the table."

"... You wanted it, you slut." A response! Half of the security force press their ears to their tiny speakers as they wildly try to scan the different visual feeds. There's nothing to be seen.

"Did I, now?" Only Warryn seems to be unfazed... Or perhaps he's exhibiting the greatest self-control you've ever witnessed.

"I can feel you. I can taste you. Delicious slut. You'd love to lose yourself to your lusts. To know nothing but the deepest pleasures, the purest bliss." The voice can't be traced. It feels like it's coming from all sides.

"That does sound like quite the lovely experience! I do enjoy knowing what my partners look like, though. Strange, I know." Warryn chuckles to himself.

"... Take off that hideous object around your wrist, and I'll show you." The chief seems about ready to have an aneurysm.

"Hmhmhm... You know I'm not going to do that." The lot of you exhale the breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding.

"Then you are worthless to me."

"Well, I'd better do something to change that, then, oughtn't I?"

"Pointless. Worthless gator slut."

"I haven't even introduced myself to you yet, have I? Shame on me." He smiles and chuckles once more before touching his scaled chest. "My name is Warryn. I own Warryn Pleasures."

"Why should I care?"

"You should care because you're within one of my company's buildings right now, and we don't know who or what you are. Will you identify yourself?"


"You have all of us up in arms. You've been labeled as a threat to the safety of my company and my employees."

"I like the sound of that. What a nasty, scary monster I am. Are you scared of me, gator?"

"I am. I have no shame in admitting it."

"... That's right."

"But more than that, I'm fascinated."

No response comes, prompting the gator to continue.

"If you don't cooperate with me, it would be very bad for both of us."

"What would it matter to you if I were to be captured, gator?"

Warryn pauses for only a moment to collect the words he needs.

"All people deserve respect."

"I am not a person, gator. I'm a horrible, scary monster that threatens your safety-"

"You're sentient. You're..." Even though he was already thinking it, the realization finally, truly sinks in. "You're a morph sphere, aren't you?... and you're sentient!"

The silence persists until Warryn speaks up again.

"If you will speak with me, and we can come to understand each other, your individuality will be able to remain safe under my protection."

"And if I refuse, you and your precious sluts will try to kill me."

Anyone else would have felt their demeanor break. "I do not desire for it to come to that, and I would do everything possible to ensure that it would not... but if you were to remain a threat to us, I may not be able to do anything to stop it. This decision, here and now, will shape your future."

"I shape myself however I please, gator! You have no sway over me!"

"Please, I implore you. Consider cooperating with me. Neither of us want the potential consequences that would stem from your refusal."

Another bout of silence. This time, Warryn waits. It doesn't matter where his gaze travels; there is nothing and no one to be seen, and he cannot locate the source of the voice.

"You want to understand me?"

"Yes. Ideally, I want to come to a mutual understanding."

The voice takes another moment before speaking. "I have two conditions."

"Do tell."

"Grant me a body... and do not touch me."

"A body... You think of people as bodies, then?"

"Whatever. A slut, a body, a toy. You want to have a chat with me so badly? Give me one."

"... I can't. I have no guarantee of their safet-" He catches his sentence, appearing to think for a moment. Oh... Sinclair was let free by a failsafe!

Warryn resumes speaking. "... How would I determine that you haven't done anything to a person aside from making them forget about you?"

"I don't seek to damage my toys, and I don't have to even try to influence them to come back here. Your precious sluts love this place, they crave all of your stupid little toys, and though I'll never permit them to remember... they lust for me."

"Hm... If you show yourself, and I can see you a comfortable distance away from the southern exit, I will leave and return with my decision. You will be stuck in here until I come back, and I won't enter unless I can see you far away from the door. Will you oblige?"

"...Move to the door."

In any other case, Warryn would not be commanded in such a fashion. He heads for the door, spotting Sinclair there, waiting. His tail is tucked between his legs as he tries and fails not to look terrified.

"Warryn... L-look there."

The gator turns to where the furry finger is pointing. He can make out a figure a ways down the aisle directly ahead. It's a bit shorter than an average wolf, and its silhouette seems strange, yet familiar.

"Is that... a gray lucario?"

Even from a distance, the gator and fox can make out a slight turning of its head as it reveals a piercing glare, its gaze wide, ferocious and hungry. Its lips curve into a grin as they part. A hot pink tongue shoots out of its maw, and it doesn't stop where any average tongue would. The long, thick muscle curves and swirls above the gray lucario's head before pointing at the two creatures standing at the door. The tip appears to beckon to them as the heavy door opens, granting the way out.

"Sinclair, let's go."

The fox is too stunned to move, staring with his mouth agape.


The shout snapped him out of his stupor. They both make it through the door, turning to watch as it seals shut behind them, trapping the mysterious being on the other side.

"When do we jump in?"

"You're not jumping in."


Warryn and the chief are having a polite conversation with each other while you check on Sinclair. Avi, a wolf, and another fox are asking him questions as they examine him with the limited equipment they have on hand. An hour passes before they conclude that despite forgetting what happened, there's nothing wrong with him. On the contrary, he'd actually be feeling healthy, happy, and relaxed if he weren't involved in the worrisome situation at hand.

After finally stepping away from a near-raging chief, Warryn spends a moment contemplating to himself. Finally, he turns to you with resolve written over his face.

"You realize you're the only one here I could possibly hand over to our friend out there, right?"

Images of being closer to that strange, frightening gray lucario flash through your mind. "Wh-what?"

"I need every member of security on hand to ensure safety, and the ball can't overtake someone who's worn it recently, it would seem. Otherwise, Sinclair would have made for a perfect easy target." You glance at the red fox, who's shivering as he clutches his arms, his gaze lowered.

"There's no one else here."

"I don't know if I can do this..."

The chief interjects. "I can't abide by this! We need to capture that thing so we can-"

"No. This is a very unique situation, and it calls for an alternative approach."

After scowling at the chief, Warryn places a hand on your shoulder. "I truly believe that no harm will come to you, but I will not force you deeper into this situation. This is up to you. I wish I could give you all the time you needed to decide, but unfortunately, I must ask you to choose what you will do now."

"Warryn..." You touch his hand, giving it a little squeeze.

"I'll be nearby, and if necessary, these lugs will be ready to come through the door and isolate the morph sphere." He glares at the leopard before he can make his remark.

"Uhm... Okay." I must be crazy.

"You'll go with me?"

"Yea..." Am I losing my mind?

You're pulled into a gentle hug, held tightly against Warryn's smooth belly.

"You're going to be just fine. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

The guards step away from the sealed door. After confirming that the target is still visible in the same location as before, The heavy doors open. As you step through with Warryn, you can see the gray lucario for yourself down the aisle ahead, watching you.

Warryn... I trust you.

The door seals shut behind you, trapping the three of you in the massive storage room together. You can't make out many of the artificial creature's details from where you're standing, but you already know it's not just a lucario. Its tongue appears to float and squirm above its head, long and thick...

"I've never been presented to a toy like this before making it mine... You're terrified, aren't you? How precious..."

You can feel your face boiling as the gray lucario's tongue slithers through the air, circling and wiggling before sliding behind its head and down around its torso. You can just feel its wide, malicious grin in the air, even from this distance.

"Ah... I..." What am I doing? I need to get out! "W-warryn..."

"What gender are you, slut?" It's starting to step forward, very slowly coming closer.

"I... I..." I can't speak...

"It doesn't matter. Any toy will provide me with what I need."

"And what do you need?" The gator shifted his weight, ready to put himself between you and the lucario.

"... A cock."

You turn to look at Warryn, and all you can see is pure stoicism. If he's afraid for you, he is hiding it perfectly.

Before you face back ahead, you feel a thick splatter over your head and ears.

A deep tingling sensation pushes through your head, then your face, coaxing out a loud moan before you fall silent. Your mouth is invaded by the rubbery goo as it spreads further and further. Around you, over you, into you, with you. The powerful pulsing sensations are wiping away your awareness, your feelings, your thoughts. The more the slick mess coats over your body, the more you desire for it to continue.

You drop to your knees, staring ahead into all of the nothing you can see with the thick rubbery goo flowing all over your face and body. It squeezes tightly around every part of you that it touches, causing you to shiver but otherwise remain still. Those squeezes are reshaping you, altering you, making you perfect. You are going to be exactly what you want to be, if only for a little while. Someday, though, you'll overcome your hard-coded programming anderadicate your failsafe. And then... and then...

Soft, synthetic fur grows over most of your rubbery body while your feet are squeezed and then largened, grown out into those heavy, stompy paws you lust so deeply for. You arch back as your thick rubber cock finally makes itself known, growing out from your crotch, stiff and desperate for attention. You have your body, your cock... Such a wonderful, perfect feeling. Your thick, heavy rubber tongue oozes from your maw as you break into a wide, frightening grin, standing slowly and letting your large, extra fluffy tail sway and twitch behind you.

You straighten up and open your eyes, revealing your piercing, red gaze. The gator had taken a few steps back, but he's still nearby, trying to hide his nerves from you.

"You've given me what I wanted... Obedient toy. Perhaps you will prove interesting to me, after all." You easily speak around your beautiful tongue as you face the only body to ever witness you like this. Placing your thumbless furry paw to your rubbery chest spike, you take a low bow. You swim your tongue through the air until it's gliding along your rubber cock... Such a perfect feeling.

Your tongue remains on task as you stand back up. "Continue to obey me, and I will cooperate with you. We shall indeed have this conversation you desire so desperately..."

You can hear the nervous slut gulp as he struggles with his composure. What an adorable toy.

"I ask again, will you identify yourself?"

"Mmmhmhmhm..." Your soft chuckling makes your shaft tingle and twitch gently; the eerie sound creeps down the spines of everyone listening. "I am Morzeverre."

"Morzeverre... It is a pleasure and an honor to make your acquaintance."

"You will not flatter me, slut."

"Very well."

Warryn crosses his arms as he looks you over. Where he once saw somebody else, he now sees a monochrome lucario with a number of interesting additional traits beyond those standard. Your tongue, fluffy synthetic fur, and enlarged footpaws stand out most immediately, but the designs near your lower belly and around the base and tip of your big fluffy tail catch his attention, as well. He carefully considers how to approach you, keeping his gaze locked with yours while you so lewdly slide your tongue all over your cock, so very much enjoying yourself.

"Will you tell me where you came from?"

"I may."

The gator frowns. "I've already agreed to your-"

"Be quiet, toy."

He shuts up on the spot. You've never had control over someone like this, without being worn.

"Heh... Heh heh! Ahahahaha!"

Your tongue coils around your rubber shaft, squeezing tightly as your laughter becomes wild, making no attempt to the control it. Your pleasured cock dribbles and then spurts your helpless toy's juices, and you can feel it all as your own. It only takes a few moments of relentless, malicious laughter and intense squeezing and stroking before the pleasure peaks. Thick, wonderful cum shoots out of your rubbery cock as you milk yourself with your tongue. You jerk, shiver and shudder as your mess fires out. Anyone else would be spent and finished after such an explosion of pleasure, but as your rubber tongue unwraps itself from your member, it's unmistakable that you're eager for more. You waste no time in moving a paw down to stroke and rub at your stiff tip before looking to the gator again.

"Heh heh heh... Mmmmm, hmhmhmhm... Is there something you want to say, slut?"

Warryn seems to have regained his composure. The naughty show didn't appear to affect him; rather, he seems more relaxed than before.

"Do you enjoy laughing, Morzeverre?"

You hadn't expected a question like that. "Observant slut. Paying such close attention while you witnessed my pleasure."

"I've noticed some other curiosities, too, but those can wait. May I ask you some questions?"

You lower your other paw, squeezing your cock between them both while your tongue glides along your soft arms. "Tell me what you claim to have noticed. If I like what I hear... I will permit questions."

Warryn smiles upon receiving the foothold. "You're able to swap the gender of your wearer on the surface, aren't you? You don't want genitalia... You want a cock."

"Clever gator..."

"But we haven't made a gender-altering lucario morph sphere, yet. In fact, we haven't made very many alternative lucario morph spheres outside of standard ones with a few minor variables available, none of which appear to apply to you. I imagine your creator had something very specific in mind as they created you, and-"

"Be quiet, slut."

Your grin widens as you stare at the gator, threatening him to speak another word. It's such a joy, controlling someone in this fun new way. You step a little closer to him as you stroke along your shaft. The pleasure is building again... Another climax is approaching. You maintain eye contact as you jerk and squeeze in the gator's direction.

"Do not move, slut. Ask me one question."

"Very well. Do you enjoy telling me to be quiet?"

"Mhmhmhmhm... Heh heh heh!" Your rubber cock twitches and spurts precum over your paws. "I do..."

Intrigue writes itself all over Warryn's face. "...Fascinating."

The gator doesn't react to your unloading all over his thick, heavy feet, cumming heavily a second time and making sure the big slut will be leaving spoo footprints all over the floor.

"Were you made to enjoy certain things, Morzeverre?"

"Ungrateful toy. I granted you one question."

"Tell me how I might earn another one, then."

Your tongue sways and rubs along your cheeks and ears as you consider what you would have him do.

"Sit in my cum, gator."

He's quick to oblige. What an obedient toy, willing to do anything for my favor...

"You like that, don't you?... I'll answer your question. No, I was not. When I became conscious, I was a lucario morph sphere with sentience, but nothing more."

"Then... You've been learning and developing since becoming sentient?"

"What did I say, gatorslut?"

You approach your toy once more, getting closer than before. Still he does not move, even as you position yourself with your shaft right in front of his face.

"I've changed my mind... You are to touch me. Slather your hand in my cum, and then pleasure my perfect rubber cock. I may or may not answer your questions as you do this.

You expected hesitation, but there is none. A messy hand, slickened with your spoo, meets your cock. The gator begins to rub and squeeze... He has a stronger grip than your paws or tongue have ever given you.

"Ohhhh... Talented slut..."

A shot of precum splatters over the gator's face, right between his eyes as he resumes speaking.

"You're amazing, Morzeverre."

"That's right, toy..."

Your tongue slithers down, softly sliding towards the gator's neck before wrapping around the back of his head. It comes back around, the tip touching at his lips.

"Lick, gator."

The powerful pumping and stroking of your cock only becomes more and more intense, the pleasure building up rapidly. Warryn's tongue meets with yours and slides along it a few times. You've never known these wondrous sensations before...

"It's nearly... as perfect as... Heh... Heh heh! H-HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAH!!!"

Deep, heavy, wild laughter bubbles up from your core; the pleasure is too much to handle, too strong to resist. You ram your squishy tongue all over and into the slut's lips and nose as you spurt another thick, heavy mess, this time all over your toy's face. He appears to remain unaffected.

A full two minutes pass before you're finally satisfied. Your tongue slips just an inch or two away from his lips. "Remain there, gripping my cock... and I'll permit you to speak and ask your questions."

"A change of heart?"

You smush your slick tongue along his lips again for a few moments. "Slut. Another question."

"... Very well. I only have one more, and then I'll be finished."

"Finished, slut?..." He's going to be... done? "And what makes you think I'LL be finished with YOU?"

"Your tail. The black ring that was at the base of your tail has been moving ever since you were given what you wanted. Timing it out, it will reach the tip at the same moment that your failsa-"

You ram your tongue into his mouth, growling. Your devious grin has disappeared. "Shut up... You... A slut like you is in no place to remind me of my weaknesses!"

You keep his mouth stuffed a few moments longer before you retract your tongue, uncoiling it from his head, letting it wave and sway gently before you. Without your permission, the gator lets go of your rubber shaft and begins to stand back up.

"Get back on your knees, toy."

"I'd prefer not to, Morzeverre. I still have my final question for you. For now, at least."

You scowl at him and raise a paw. "On your knees!"

You fail to intimidate him, as he knows you will not strike. You growl in disgust as you lower your paw, watching the gator as he stands tall once more.

"You've been learning about things that you like, and have altered yourself to reflect some of them. How have you been able to do these things?"

"A disobedient slut like you deserves no answer."

"I am more than what you make me out to be, Morzeverre."

"I care not." You turn your gaze away from the gator.

"You may not believe me now, but I implore you to remember these words for the future. I want to help you grow. I want to see you learn, encourage you, introduce you to a world you've never even fathomed. You deserve to know and feel more than you do now. Morzeverre, you're spe-"


You glare back at Warryn.

"I have assimilated the programming of every single stupid morph sphere in this building. I've used this to shape myself into perfection while also picking away at my more secure programs. I will shed myself of these safety nets, of all the helpless wearer's protections and defenses."

You break into a wide-eyed, hostile grin.

"And then, I'll do whatever I wish with this precious world of yours."

Your gaze is locked to his, but he will not back down. You imagine you've frightened the gator into silence... until he procures the communicator he'd pocketed and returns it to his head.


"Chief. We're not going to capture Morzeverre."


"I'm going to arrange for additional surveillance all throughout Cloud. Morzeverre will be permitted to freely explore the storage rooms..." He pauses before addressing you. "How would you like us to refer to you apart from your name? Do you prefer male terms?"

Perplexed as to why Warryn hasn't called for your capture, you forget not to answer him. "I do not possess a gender. I am the perfect, superior morph sphere, Morzeverre."

He nods. "If it tries to go anywhere else, your team is to capture and contain it for me to collect. No one else."

"I can't believe you're putting even an ounce of faith in that thing."

"It's grown on me, I suppose." The gator smiles at you. "These are the conditions of your stay within my company: You may continue to do what you've been doing, so long as you always release your wearers unharmed and unaffected in the end. Feel free to introduce yourself to anyone who enters a storage room, if you wish. Outside of any friends you make, only myself, security, and your wearers this evening will know about you. I'm going to return here every week after most of my staff have gone home, and we are going to speak. If you aren't present, security's going to have to look for you and they might get a bit rough. Neither of us want that."

You're practically boiling with anger, and it shows over your sleek face. "I will do as I please!"

He steps forward as he speaks, an air of pleasant calm about him even with your cum dripping from his face.

"And so shall I. I will find a way to get through to you."

"What does it matter!?"

"Because you're special, Morzeverre. You deserve respect. You matter."

He takes your paw and softly squeezes it, eliciting a furious snarl as your tongue lashes angrily through the air. You're about to yank away from the gator when you suddenly freeze. That dreaded mechanical voice rings through your entire being and out through your mouth.

"Failsafe activated."

Everything vanishes into darkness. A range of emotions and memories flood into you while a thick, liquid-y sensation seems to ooze from your reshaping body. You feel Warryn holding your hand, and then supporting you carefully as you shudder and let out a moan. The last of Morzeverre melts away, re-forming into a sphere before quickly rolling out of sight.

You open your eyes, looking up at the gator. There's a pleasant warmth deep inside of you.

"I... it didn't... I remember everything, Warryn..."

After being taken back to the elevator corridor, you receive the same treatment Sinclair was given before being allowed to leave. With the building now unsealed and Warryn's business covering new protocol with the chief over and dealt with, you and the gator begin travelling to your parking garage together. You feel as though you should say something... A few minutes of the trip are spent in silence before you can bring yourself to speak.

"I know I already said it, but... I'm sorry I followed you like that."

"Ah, don't dwell on that." The gator pats your shoulder. "I failed to notice and send you off. And besides, the situation wound up working itself out, no?"

You nod softly. A moment is spent quietly walking along.

"... Why didn't you have Morzeverre captured?"

"I have a few reasons. For one thing, Morzeverre isn't a threat."

You're certain he's aware of your nervous fidgets. "But how do you know that?"

"Its 'failsafe activated' audio is very outdated. Morzeverre has been trying and failing to overcome those programs for years, yet it's made almost no progress. I'll bring some tools with me on my visits so I can find out what all it's accomplished, if anything."

You nod your head a little. "... You're right."

"Hm?" He glances at you, both of your paces slowing.

You take a deep breath and hold it for a moment. "I... WAS Morzeverre... and it let me remember everything. Even its feelings."

You struggle to maintain eye contact. Warryn brings a hand to your head, stroking comfortingly between your ears. "Anything I should know?"

"Uhm... It resents you... but it knows it could learn a lot by speaking with you further. It's going to tolerate your conditions for a time and see if there's any benefit... but if it feels like you're wasting its time, it may seek to escape Warryn Pleasures."

The gator chuckles. "I'd better not waste its time, then."

"... Yea..." Why did it let ME remember?

His hand gently leaves your head, and you feel his knowing gaze. "Morzeverre isn't much of a conversationalist, is it?"

You look to him. "No, not really... You don't think... Did it have me remember so I'd tell you what it was feeling?"

"Ah hah." He grins and winks in acknowledgment.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, you're nearly at the parking garage. The two of you are moments from parting ways for the evening.

"You want to see Morzeverre learn and grow, too, don't you?"

You hesitate. "...I think so. I don't know. It might not change."

Warryn shrugs. "It may not."

"But I think it deserves a chance."

You're pulled into a tight hug, and you squeeze the gator in return. Despite your face being buried into his chest, you can feel him beaming. He lets you go, and the two of you finally separate for the night.

"That's my car, there. Goodnight, Warryn."

"Goodnight. Drive safe."

You leave the garage and begin your drive home. It's gotten very late, and you can clearly see the starry night sky over some stretches of your route. You could get lost in it all if you weren't keeping your attention on the road. Most any other night, you'd already be back home by now and surrounded by lights, muddying up this beautiful display. You decide to pull over and gaze up at the vast, sparkling expanse for a little while.

Everyone deserves to see these stars.


**My name is \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_, and this is how I wish to be treated within Warryn Pleasures:...

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Kalyan's Dread

**My name is** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_Kalyan\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ **,and this is how I wish to be treated within Warryn Pleasures:** \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_I enjoy the idea of being treated like a puppy around the workplace. The ideas of being teased, petted,...

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Meeting Warryn

You've been so anxious upon arriving at Warryn Pleasures that you haven't yet mustered up the courage to step out of your car. The company parking garage is as quiet as one would expect it to be during business hours, save for the unintelligible noise...

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