Welcome to the Mansion

Story by saw gunner on SoFurry

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For almost over a year, Saw and his fur sister, Kyo, had been speaking to someone named Anastasia Nakatomi. Saw and Kyo, never met her IRL. They spoke only on webcam, text or on the phone. Yet, Saw and Kyo both had this mutual friend that seemed very interested in them both. Anastasia spoke of promises, promises of a better life. She also proposed an escape from their depressing lives. This was after she got to know Saw and Kyo. Now, of course, Saw and Kyo have heard this story before. Saw was stuck in NJ, at a go-nowhere job, living with his folks. Kyo was forced to move to Texas with her father, whom she didn't like. So the prospect of a promise like that, was nothing new to Saw and Kyo. After the many online relationships they've had that were deceptive.

As time went by, they both opened up to Anastasia. They began to think that she wasn't kidding, that maybe she was for real. Anastasia spoke of a mansion of furries and a family of love and togetherness. Kyo and Saw were intrigued, but still skeptical. They weren't as skeptical on the day that Anastasia told them to prepare in 2 weeks. Anastasia was to send them both plane tickets to come live with her and her family. Both Saw and Kyo had nothing to loose anymore. Once the tickets came though, they packed up their essentials, got on their separate planes, and headed to Los Angeles.

Both of them arrived in LA around the same time. It was warm, since it was still summer. Saw was only wearing a Black Sabbath t-shirt, cut-off jeans, and flip flops.

He sat in the waiting area with his duffel bag and his other bag. The other bags was full of his desktop and accessories. His last prised possessions.

Saw looked down at his feet, wishing they were hooves. Saw always felt he was a draft horse, in spirit. That was his fursona. He had daydreams about it all the time, since he was 14. Now being 30, he felt that this was the last resort for him. To finally live with other furries like himself.

Saw looked up, and saw Kyo struggling to get her luggage from the belt. Kyo was dressed in a tank top and a skirt with stockings and sandals. She was only 17, but Saw always loved her as a sister. Yet, his feelings were always more then just that. He understood the pain of loneliness she had, like himself. Saw quickly hopped up and flip flopped over to Kyo. She didn't notice him walking up to her. As she tried to lift one of the bags, Saw took it himself.

"May I help you ma'am?", said Saw in his best Arnold impression, being silly as usual.

Kyo recognized him right away, and hugged him very fast. They held each other for a long and loving moment.

"Oh...Saw....I finally get to meet you, I'm sooo glad to see you!", said Kyo as she held him tight, and they both nuzzled each other.

"I...I never thought I would see the day, but it's finally come.", said Saw with a smile. They laughed together and kissed. They then began to gather their things.

Saw turned around to see a chaffer holding a sign with both of their names on it. Saw went up to him.

"Ummm....yes, that's us.", Saw said to the chaffer.

The chaffer looked at him with a blank expression and pointed at the large black limo outside the windows of the airport.

"Hey, Kyo! Anastasia sent us a limo! I guess it is kinda true...what she said.", said Saw as he helped Kyo with her bags.

Kyo and Saw, took their things to the limo. The chaffer picked up the bags like they were full of feathers, and stowed them away gently. He opened the doors for Kyo and Saw, and got into the driver's seat.

Kyo looked at Saw, after seeing the chaffer pick up their bags like a robot. "Ummm...hun, are we sure we want to do this?", asked Kyo.

Saw was already getting in the back seat. "Babe, we're already here. It's not like we have a choice. Come on...", Saw took her hand in his and let her in the limo with him. Inside the windows were blacked out, so they couldn't see outside. There were soft lights in the back cab, and it was relaxing and soothing. Leather seats, chrome, and plenty of room. Kyo sat down with Saw. Saw took off his flip flops to get comfy, and Kyo did the same with her sandals. The limo took for quite abruptly. Saw was looking around the back area of the limo and found the mini bar.

"Hey! Beer! Alright! I like this already!", Saw grabbed a Becks, and began to guzzle it, and fiddled with the radio, looking for the rock station.

Saw then turned to Kyo and hugged her, holding her. This was the first time they had ever seen each other. He was very happy to be with her for the first time.

"-Sigh- It doesn't get much better then this.", said Saw, listening to the music and having his beer, while holding Kyo.

Kyo looked up at Saw. "Saw...do you think this was a good idea, for us to do this...I...I...mean..I'm really nervous."

Saw looked Kyo in the eyes, something he had never been able to do before.

"So...so am I, love...but I have this feeling that we made the right choice.", Saw held her, and they both layed on the seat together. Slowly they began to nap together, tired from their long trips.

As they began to drift off, they both felt a funny feeling, like they were in a dream. There was a spark of light though the blacked out windows. Saw and Kyo were too sleepy to notice, cuddling together.

After what seemed like hours, the windows had lost their darkness. The sun shining through the windows woke Saw and Kyo. Saw and Kyo squinted at the sudden sunlight, and stretched.

"Oh...big brother...how long were we out? It felt like hours...", asked Kyo, as she rubbed her eyes. Saw looked at his cell phone, the clock showed it had only been one hour. It felt like 5 or 6 hours. There were no bars, no signal.

"Was...just an hour. We must have just been really tired. But...no signal here....hmm...", Saw was fiddling with his cell phone. Kyo's hand came down, and knocked the phone out of his hands.

"Kyo! What th....", Saw noticed she was looking out the car window, staring in awe. Saw lunged to the window to see what she was staring at. They were pulling up to the gate of one of the biggest houses they had ever seen. The limo passed though the front gate. Saw and Kyo could see the huge yard surrounding the gigantic house. The fountains, the flying buttresses, woods in the back, and what looked like a lake, it all just did not seem real. Saw and Kyo stared out the window as the limo pulled along the long circular driveway. As they pulled up, Saw and Kyo fumbled to find their footwear. The limo stopped at the large, old, antique oak front doors. They opened the doors and got out, not believing their eyes. The estate was quite huge. Saw looked up at the sky, it seemed a bit, different. It seemed to have a more purple hue then blue, and the clouds seemed to move rather quickly, but there was no wind.

The robotic chaffer, was already unloading the luggage. He looked at Saw and Kyo, and pointed at the large doors, that were slightly ajar. Saw just looked back at him, and took Kyo's hand in his. They both began to slowly walk up to the doors.

"I hope they're not all like him here.", whispered Saw to Kyo. "What a creepy guy.". Saw said this as he looked back at the dark man handling the bags.

Saw and Kyo reached the doors, and slowly crept inside. They were stunned by the soft beauty of the inside, and the vast largeness. Amazingly impressive Victorian style décor. Saw looked around with wide eyes, and turned to Kyo.

"Um...what have we gotten ourselves into?", whispered Saw. Kyo scrunched her face, and turned to Saw.

"Well, you were the one that...", Kyo was about to retort, when they heard someone approaching. From up the hall walked a figure of a half naked woman, she had only a bikini top on, and nothing else. Her feet slapped on the marble tile floor. She spoke out to Saw and Kyo.

"I'm sorry, I meant to be there when you arrived, but I had to feed the tigers.", said Anastasia. Saw and Kyo looked in disbelieve. She was just as she was on webcam. She was older yet young looking, long brown hair, a model's body. She walked up to them, and quickly hugged them both. Saw and Kyo were stunned, but felt so at home with her, they both hugged back tight. Saw and Kyo had never seen this before. For a second, they thought it may be a nudist colony.

"You both may want to sit down as I tell you about what this place is all about.", said Anastasia, as she motioned to the sitting area. The was a small table, and a soft circular couch.

They all sat down, a butler came up like a waiter at a restaurant.

"Would anyone like to have anything?", asked the butler, who looked strangely like the chaffer, yet different. Saw stopped staring, and came to his senses.

"Ummm...oh yeah, I'll have a long island iced tea. I think I'm gonna need something strong for the story I'm about to here.", said Saw. Kyo ordered a coke, and Anastasia, she ordered some kind of wine, both Saw nor Kyo had ever heard of. Anastasia turned and looked at Saw and Kyo, as the butler walked away.

"So, I have brought you here now for this reason. I promised a new life, and that is what you both shall have. But...I must tell you the real reason I've welcomed you here.", said Anastasia in a serious tone.

The butler returned, with the drinks. Saw and Kyo sipped though their straws, waiting for what was coming next.

"OK, you are both furries, in mind and soul. I've felt that from you both. That's why I have brought you here, for you both to be what you should be.", Anastasia spoke as she held her glass of wine, "Now I know you, Saw, are a draft horse. Kyo, you are a white and blue cat. I, myself, am a leopard."

Saw smiled, and looked at Anastasia.

"Well, I knew that, I mean...what are you getting too?", asked Saw. Anastasia stood up from the table and stood before them.

"Do you both know what a Zoanthrope is?", asked Anastasia. Kyo tilted her head, never hearing the word before. Saw knew what it meant.

"Whoa...Whoa.....what are you talking about, that isn't...", Saw began to speak, but he stopped when he saw what his eyes were witnessing.

Anastasia was changing color, her body was growing short fur. She had her head tilted back and eyes closed. Her hair grew longer and more orange, her face morphed into a half human cat face. Ears poked from her head, and her hands and feet became more paw like and clawed. Her tail fell to the floor behind her. To Saw and Kyo, it was like watching a computer morph, but in front of their own eyes. Anastasia's eyes opened, showing slitted iris cat eyes. Kyo sat back, almost about to faint. Saw gulped his drink, put it down, and flip flopped over to Anastasia as she was now an anthro leopard. Saw rubbed the fur on her arm, and then her ears. He noticed she had 4 breasts, instead of two.

"WHAOhhhh...It's really real!", Saw exclaimed as he looked up at Anastasia. She smiled and whipped her tail.

"Come, let us sit down, I'll explain everything", said Anastasia, as she motioned him to the table. Saw slumped in, and grabbed his drink again, he was still in disbelief. They both watched as Anastasia padded over the the table in a very cat like way, and sat down with her tail swinging about.

"Now, you must understand that I am a wizardress.", said Anastasia. "This is an ancient magic, that has been hidden for centuries. I'm sure you have heard the old stories of werewolves. Well...this is where these stories came from. Our power to become more then human came out. People tried to destroy us, fearing we were evil. We were forced to live in seclusion, to preserve our kind. I'm sure you've noticed the sky doesn't look the same here, Saw. I saw you looking up though the window."

Saw startled, and opened his eyes "Yes! I did notice that!", said Saw. Anastasia looked at Saw and Kyo.

"None of us are in, what is known as, the real world." said Anastasia. Saw waved his hand.

"Whoa, whoa...what are you telling me? That we aren't in Kansas anymore?", said Saw with a funny tone. Anastasia and Kyo laughed, but then Anastasia turned to Saw.

"Actually, you could say that, Saw.", Anastasia smiled at Saw. Saw looked at her and knew now, that she wasn't kidding.

"Holy...oh...this is for real...AHHhhh...", Saw was at a loss for words. Anastasia, came over and helped Saw out of his seat, and then Kyo. She rubbed both of them on their backs with her paws.

"Look, I've been feeling both of your aura's, over this past year. You are both perfect to join our family. I only do this very rarely. I hardly ever invite outsiders. Yet, when I first met both of you, I knew that you are both perfect for us. I really feel in love with both of you. But...you must become Zoanthropes. And...you must leave your burdens of your past life, nothing but the burdens. You can still keep the ones you love. You are free to come and go as you please.", Anastasia said looking at them both. Saw looked at Kyo, with a sly smile.

"You are really telling us, that we can be what you are...change like that?", asked Saw. Anastasia took both of their hands in her paws.

"You can be anything you want to be here. You can be human and your true animal form, but as your magic grows here, you can be other forms as well.", Anastasia smiled to Saw. Saw smiled back, now it all had hit him, this was real.

"Well, what are we waiting for! If I say we're gonna do this, its now or never!", said Saw. Kyo was still a bit reluctant.

"I like your attitude, Saw!", said Anastasia, as she gave him a soft kitty lick. Saw blushed.

"If we are going to do this now, we must go to the lounge.", said Anastasia. The butler's started cleaning up, and took their things for them. Saw took his glass, it was a tall drink and he wasn't finished yet. It was at this moment a large, and kinda beefy young man came into the kitchen.

"Hey! Anna! Lemme meet the new ones!", a guy in Tripp pants and no shirt came over with a goofy smile. "Hi, I'm Tyler, the Tiger, but most call me Demon!", he grabbed Saws hand and began shaking hard. Saw wiggled his hand free.

"Yeah..yeah...that's...great.", Saw smirked and downed more tea from his glass.

"Ty, hun, can you get the lounge set up? We seem to be starting early this time.", asked Anastasia to Ty. Ty looked back and giggled a bit.

"Starting?", asked Saw as he looked at Anastasia.

"Well, yes hun. You're magical introduction to the family.", said Anastasia. "Come and follow me." Anastasia padded off as everyone else followed. Anastasia took them up some stairs, and then down a long hallway that was dark. As the shadows went by, Anastasia began to look more human. There was no light, except from the thin windows on the ceiling, letting in stripes of sunlight. They reached a door at the end of the hall. When they approached the door, Anastasia was human again. A very lavish room was revealed when the door was opened. It was mostly pink, purple, and white, made of beds and couches and cushions.

"For those that experience the transformation for the first time. We prefer them to be in the most comfortable environment we can provide." said Ty, after opening the door for them, and waving them inside. There is a circle to sit at in the middle of the room. Anastasia motioned to them to sit at the two furthest part of the circle, with Anastasia at the top, like a triangle.

Anastasia, raised her palms to them both, and what sounded like vocal thunder came from her mouth. The room grew dark, but colors were glowing from the background. There was a force, growing and glowing green from Anastasia's hands, that suddenly blasted out as she yelped. It blasted both Saw and Kyo backwards from where they were sitting. They both fell back against the couch with a thud.

The room grew light again, and Kyo and Saw were both propping themselves up onto the couch. Kyo looked at Anastasia.

"What the hell was that?! That scared me half to death!", cried Kyo. She was clearly upset, and Saw held her. Saw looked at Anastasia, knowing what that was.

"Was...that it, Anna...you..you don't mind if I call you that, do you?", Saw said nervously. Anastasia looked at them both, as did Ty.

"Yes, Saw, that was it. Listen, I'm going to leave you both alone, to experience this for the first time together.", said Anastasia and Ty exited with smiles, and closed the door behind themselves.

"Wait! WAIT! This isn't going to hurt is it?!", asked Saw.

"Quite the opposite, Saw!", called Ty from behind the doors. Saw and Kyo could hear them both giggling in the distance. Saw gave a snort, which he usually did, if confused, but it came quite naturally this time. Saw turned to Kyo.

"I can't believe this is really happening, Kyo.", said Saw, looking at Kyo. They both sat together on the soft couch. Kyo took off her sandals. Saw took off his T-shirt.

"Yeah...If..If I hadn't seen that earlier...I wouldn't have thought it was true...", said Kyo, she scrunched her toes in her stockings, and rested her head on Saw.

Saw held her, putting his arm around her.

"I hope they were right, and that it wont hurt.", said Saw. Kyo nodded at him. Neither one of them knew what they were in for. "It's just so amazing that this is finally gonna happen for us. I really want to be the horse I've always wanted to be."

Kyo looked at Saw, "Yeah, I've always felt that I was a cat."

Saw felt a little funny after she said that. There was a tingly feeling in his chest, and it began to spread to the rest of his body. He stood up, his flip flops slapping on the floor.

"Hun...are you feeling this too?", Saw asked Kyo. The feeling was building. Kyo squirmed on the couch a bit, rubbing her arms.

"Yeah...I feel funny...its all over my body...but..it kinda feels good...", said Kyo as she layed down on the couch. Saw paced a bit about the room in his flip flops and cutoff jeans, he felt kind of energized.

Suddenly, the feeling intensified ten fold, for both of them. Saw had to lean on the arm of the couch, and Kyo squirmed on the couch. They both began to moan out. Saw looked at his chest and arms, they were getting bigger and more muscular, he could see the brown fur beginning to grow from his skin. He began to grow and feel stronger, and more furry.

"Its...really happening...!", exclaimed Saw, as you could see the fur growing on Kyo. Blue fur on her body and white fur on her chest. Her feet were getting bigger, the toes changed to four, and the claws grew out. Her feet tore right out of her stockings, showing the cat pads on the bottoms. Her head and face was quickly changing to the shape of a cat, and her cat ears grew from her head. Kyo's tail started growing out and began to whip back and forth.

Saw was going though his own transformation at the same time. His head quickly grew a long white mane. His face slightly elongated, and his horse nose and muzzle formed. His human ears disappeared, and we're replaced with long horse ears on the top of his head. Saw's body was so much bigger and stronger now. The back of his cut off jeans fell a bit, as his tail emerged. A long and white horse tail. His body was now covered in soft brown short fur, but long white fur had grown over his wrists and ankles. Saw's legs began to change to a more horse like shape. Saw opened his eyes wide in amazement, as his feet suddenly became big draft horse hooves. They grew and tore though his flip flops, breaking the now useless footwear. Saw kicked the broken flip flops away, and held to the side of the couch. He could see Kyo was almost fully formed as well. Her tail was fully grown out hanging from under her skirt . Her stockings were torn and she now looked just as she wanted to be.

"Kyo....oh...you're beautiful", said Saw as he felt the feeling slow. He put his now very large horse paws on the side of the couch. Kyo looked up at Saw, now being a cute horsey.

"So...so do you...", said Kyo.

Just at that moment an intense sexual urge came over them both. It was so intense that Saw fell backwards against the wall. Kyo mewed and squealed, as she tore away at the rest of her stockings with her new fore claws. There was femme cum gushing from her. Kyo's vagina was growing a bit wider and more cat like.

Saw began going though his own sexual transformation. He could feel the pressure inside the front of his cut off jeans. The bulge in the front was growing huge and quickly. Growing larger until the buttons bust, breaking open the front of Saw's shorts. Saw cried out in pleasure as he looked down seeing what he had grown. Flopping out, was a pair of very, very large horse balls and a jet black sheathed cock. His ball sac began to swell up like two water balloons, filling with fresh horse seed. Saw moaned loudly again, as he felt the head of his cock drop out of his sheath. It has the head much like a human cock, but the shaft was very horse like. It was jet black like his balls, but as he began to grow the pink patches on the shaft were reviled. It didn't seem to stop growing, it kept getting longer, stretching out the sheath around the medial ring. Longer and longer, it rose up all the way to his tummy, a good 14 inches. A huge glob of pre cum exploded from the tip, and he began dripping like a fountain. Saw was almost in tears...he never felt anything like it. He clopped his hooves and he regained him self, and clopped to the side of the couch. He saw there was a pool almost forming under Kyo. She had been watching him grow into a full horse. Saw's cock stood straight up and dripping as he looked at her, and down again at his new immense horse cock. The huge amount of musk was filling the room from both of them. They both looked at each other.

Saw clopped closer to his little sister, seeing her as she is now. The blue and white cat she always felt to have been. She was moaning and squirming on the couch, rubbing her clit. Doing this as she looked at her big horse brother.

They both looked into each others eyes, and didn't say a word and they quickly embraced each other. Saw held her and kissed her like he had never kissed anyone before. Kyo's little cat tongue and Saw's big horse tongue met, and caressed each other, Kyo's lapping over Saw, as they joined muzzles. Saw's cock was rubbing and dripping over Kyo's fur. Kyo was getting very wet feeling so close like this, for the first time. She rubbed her bare cat feet over Saw's strong legs. Saw leaned up and she could see close now, how big he really was. It seemed so enormous. Saw was so long, all she had was to move in a little closer, and she took his head in her muzzle. Saw moaned as her felt her warm cat mouth lick and suck his big horse cock. Pre was mushing from his cock as Kyo stroked the length. Saw's orb sac was growing more full and swollen. Kyo pulled back from Saw's cock, as he let loose a good amount of pre over her body.

Kyo licked the very musky horse fluid from her fur. She could take his male essence, it was making her even more yiffy. Saw, was smiling at her, holding his cock, and slowly stoking it. Saw could not believe this was happening. It all seemed like a dream. He really was a horse now, and here with Kyo who was now a real cat. The feel of what he was now, and the stimulation of all thats happened hit him hard. Saw whined out and grew a bit more rigid, and globs of pre gushed from his already dripping cock. Kyo was thinking almost the same thing as Saw, as she watched him drip. Kyo reached out and took his long cock in her paws. She could see how big he was, but could she really take that?

"Um....Saw...i want you so badly, need..ohhhh...but...", as Kyo was saying this, Saw had already gotten on top of her, and he held her legs up, showing her open cunny. He spread her legs as his hard horse cock slid down her lower tummy, leaving a trail of pre.

"Uhhhh....ahh..ahh...Kyo...this is so amazing, I can't believe this is really happening. I feel so strong and horsey.", Saw ran his paws though his mane, and looked at his 14 inches rubbing over Kyo's cat body, "I never felt so sexual as I do now.", said Saw.

"Ohhh...Saw...I'm in totally bliss now, Saw.", said Kyo, she was panting and mewing. "This is the most incredible feeling I've ever had, I finally feel I'm who I really am.". Kyo rubbed herself and her tail whipped more as she began starting at her naked horse before her. He was looking down with a smile as he stroked his length, spreading the pre over his shaft. "Now, lets stop talking...get closer to me, I need you Saw. I need you noooww....", meowed Kyo.

Saw smiled, and quickly grabbed his cock, positioned himself to Kyo's dripping cunny. Saw shot some more pre and right away started pushing at her entrance. Saw was already trying to enter her, in his increased state of lust. Feeling Saw push at her, Kyo's own lust took over, as she spread out more to let the big horsey inside. Saw pushed his head and a few inches of his black and pink patched cock inside, moving slowly, and panting heavily. Loving the feel of his cat sister's pussy, Saw pushed further, feeling her stretching. She was was taking him so well. Kyo cried out as she felt so much pleasure, being slowly filled by someone she loves. This big horsey that was mating her and filling her up, her loving Saw.

Saw pushed up to his medial ring, and held inside Kyo. Saw couldn't believe this was really happening. he felt so sexually energize now that he was really was a horse. Kyo could feel the head of his cock inside her womb. Saw slowly slid out, warm juices from both of them dripped from Saw's emerging cock and Kyo's cunny. Saw then slowly began to push back and forth. Saw was slowly mating his cat sister with his huge horse cock, as his swollen balls swayed with each push.

Kyo cried out, never having anything at all like this. Saw was so huge, and forceful, yet sensual and loving. When Saw pulled out, after a while of him yiffing her on top, Kyo layed on her tummy, and lifted her tail up. Saw hopped up and held her hips. His long cock poked at her a few times, before he found the spot and quickly pushed inside her again. Mounting her from behind with horse instinct. Saw whined and neighed a bit, feeling another small orgasm of pre, gushing inside Kyo. Her cat femme scent, and her tight and warm cunny felt so good. Saw began thrusting a bit faster. Kyo gulped and moaned. She never felt so full, so pleasured, and so dominated. Saw held Kyo's hips and began mating Kyo with a kinky kinda slower yet hard thrust. Shoving his horse hood inside her bareback, she could feel him almost going into her womb again. Saw grabbed her body. Saw put his arms around her, and on her chest. Saw mounted and shoved and thrust inside of her with animal lust, Kyo pushed back and mewed and cried out. She loved being so full of Saw's horse cock. Saw was kissing her neck as he was pounding and preing in her. Kyo lost count of how many times she came. Now, she felt a big one coming as Saw got faster, and started grunting. They were both about explode. Saw's sac was so full. It wasn't even swinging with his powerful and lustful thrusts. It stayed bulbous and still as he thrust. Saw whined feeling his cum building up to its blast. Saw held her tight as she moaned, feeling the next thrust was it.

"OMG KYO! I'm a huge horse and you're cat...i can't hold it, I feel so AHHAAAAHHH!!!...", cried out Saw as he felt both of their furies bodies in union, and his seed about to erupt.

Saw thrust inside of Kyo as hard and as deep as he could. Just as Saw did, the build up had began to gush up his shaft as he felt the intense pleasure of his first horse orgasm. Saw moaned loudly as he felt the first huge blast of horse cum shot from his cock, into his sister. Kyo screamed as she felt her big brother explode. His throbbing cock and flowing cum set her off. Kyo screamed even louder, as her cunny gripped Saw's cock, and a flood of femme juice flowed from her. Kyo loosened for a bit, and she squirted all over Saw's tummy, as he kept thrusting and shooting in his cum. Murring and wagging his horse tail as he unleashed his seed inside of the one he loves.

Kyo was still cumming. Her head was spinning, she could feel it all over her body. All that she knew at that moment was the feel of her orgasm and Saw's huge cock, pounding and cumming inside her. Saw gripped her hips and leaned up as he continued to gush inside. Saw's cum was over filling her, as it splashed out and on the couch and floor. It was running down their legs. Cum spattered on Kyo's feet paws and Saw's hooves.

"AHHHH...ohhhh...ohhhhhh....Kyo....", Saw whined as he shot his last ropes of cum inside Kyo. Kyo breathed heavily trying to regain herself after such a powerful orgasm. Slowly, Saw pulled his cock out of Kyo. The length was still half stiff , Saw very slowly pulled his horse length from her, pent up fluid inside flowing. A waterfall of cum, dripped from Kyo and they both moaned at the moment that Saw pulled from her. They both collapsed on the couch.

There Saw and Kyo layed together, resting and cuddling after such an intense yiff. They were covered in their own juices, and loving the smell of their musks, as they held each other. Both of them never wanted this to end. It was the perfect moment for them, now in their new forms and new life.

There was a knock at the door, and they heard Anastasia's voice.

"Are you both ok in there?", asked Anastasia. There were some giggles that could be heard from behind the door.

Saw and Kyo started to sit up. They were still covered in sticky male and female sex juice, all over their fur. Saw figured everyone must have heard them, so there was no point in hiding anything.

"Sure, come in and see us now!", said Saw, Kyo slapped his big horse butt.

"Saw! We just had sex! Don't let her in.", said Kyo.

"Na, its ok. They're open about it here.", said Saw as he clopped to the door. Anastasia, came in as her leopard form, saw her new friends as they've always wanted to be. Anastasia could still smell the muck and yiff in the air, and that they were both in torn and sticky clothes.

"How do you feel, Saw?", asked Anastasia, smiling and wiping up some of the cum dripping from his cock, licking it off her paw.

"Amazing...I don't think I ever want to change back.", said Saw, smiling as he watched her taste his strong horse cum, "But if we have to, how do we do it?".

"You must totally calm yourself, and imagine yourself as your human form, same vice versa. It becomes very easy to change forms as time goes on.", said Anastasia as she handed them both, warm towels. "I have a ton of clothes, if you wish to change, but we love nakedness here too.". Anastasia smiled.

"I think I'm gonna stay naked for now.", said Saw as he took of the torn cut-off shorts. Kyo also took off her sticky skirt and top. The all stood together.

"I have a lot more to show you both, I'm so glad we are all together now. I feel blessed that I met you both.", Anastasia hugged them both and all 3 stood there as their animal forms holding each other. Feeling a togetherness none of them had ever felt before.


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