**"But Mom doesn't believe me..."** I whined as I laid down on the floor of my bedroom, which contained my seashell cover bed, a blue dresser and bookcase, filled with children's books. My room itself was sky blue, save the creamy white carpet, and...
Of Hate and Attraction: Prologue
I have some friends, derek, mike, and a transfer student named alex from florida. i don't really talk to them much and they hang out with me just because i'm popular.
Fade To Black Chapter 4 "Their Purpose"
Chapter 4 "Their Purpose" The streets trembled as the beast proceeded into the town. It's one objective, ravage the city, however those plans were halted when a strange duo appeared in front of him . "Think we can take him?" Daren looked up as...
The Time of My Life Character Sheet
Favorite activity: video games and hanging out with friends.
The Night That Crashed To Hell Chapter 1
Foyote was known as bi but leaned more to guys but all of his friends were cool with it, his mom however does not know but he plans on telling her one day.
Love after all - Page 4
I walked to my room and slipped some shoes on before running a comb through my headfur, i didn't want to meet his football friends with bed head. than i walked downstairs and out the front door, locking it behind me.
Canines are Dog's Best Friend - Intro/Chapter 1
Bring your friends!" in an uninterested tone i say, "i guess." maybe it'll be great pictures of our last party of our senior year.
Painting A Rainbow Heart Chapter 1
My friend, caylah walked over to me with a tear streaked face. her eyes were big, and her hair was soaked from crying. "i haven't cried over a guy in eight months." she told me. i hurried over to my friend and took her hands in mine.
(CYOA) The cabin
'| the two friends looks further in the cabin, everything seems to be distroyed, livingroom, kitchen, bedroom. when they've scearched the whole cabin, they go back to the livingroom.| 'well, it seems to be no one here.
(CYOA) Chapter 1
His best friend was a hot zebra from arround 23. the two lives in one of the lill, wooden cabins in the village. they has a happy, great live with eachother. but only as friends. tobias actually loves his zebra friend, he was so friendly, warm and soft.
The magic candle
With the fact his friends are total cool with his change, and the soft, carefull way they tough his body, roderick starts to wiggle his tail. 'are that make you happy boy?': dirk ask. 'your actually a big, fluffy dog. and you still our friend.
The One Who Makes Me Whole ch. 14
Said petunia, a bit fearful of her friend. "dragging. ugh. handy's. body." said sniffles struggling to drag the unconscious beaver. "yes, i know that. but why did you shoot him!" shouted petunia.