wander ~ Chapter 10

You were hanging out with tony today, right? i had to pause and think back if i'd ever told her.

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Xandar Biax - Origins

He has several friends from the football team that he would hang out and play video games with constantly. he never partied or even stayed out past 10pm for fear of what his dad would do to him. now comes the next level in his life, college.

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Chapter 6 - Making Up(Alan's Story)

"i thought you wouldn't want to hang out with me." i turned my head away a little bit and nathan laughed. "alan," he kissed me softly on the cheek, "there is nothing in the world that can make me want to stop hanging out with you." "really?"

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Away from Home

Don't you want to hang out or go to the movies?" "yeah, but going out by myself is expensive." something i learned quickly as i got used to living here. "well why not hang-out with the people there?" "because they are strangers to me."

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Beach babes day

"i ... was wondering if you were interested in, erm, hanging out?" she tried to give a weak smile. the fox gave a soft chuckle. he sensed that she wanted something more and leaned closer to her.

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Prancer's Announcement

I know it must be big for you to give up hanging out at the tavern with the others." "is there any more special reason than just you?" blitzen looked at prancer skeptically. "okay, okay," prancer admitted, her eyes lighting up.

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kion story

Kion told her w...well you know i thought maybe we could hang out more maybe get to know each other. this took jasiri by shock but said i guess we can to tell you the tuth kion i was gonna talk to you about hanging out. kion paw driging in the ground look


A Life Worth Living - Chapter 3 - Slip of the Mind

Just hang out and have a good time." "what? water park?" i said after swallowing a mouthful of french toast. "i don't remember going to a water park." "come on stop playin around.

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College love

I think i love you" he was waiting to hear that ben didn't want to hang out with him but instead ben said "i love you too" then gave him a kiss on his check. sam blushed then gave him a kiss back.

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Prolog- Two years before

Anyways. after the party we started to hang out a lot. he became the greatest person and one out a very very greatest friends.

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Abused part 2

"yeah,i allways wanted to hang out in college but i forgot about you and never got to it." tammy said,taking a seat in a booth. the girls ordered and chatted as they drank some cokes.

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The Buck Next Door: Chapeter 1: The New Neighbor

"well maybe we could hang out sometime. if you're up to it, that is." "r..really?" steve asked. no one had ever asked to hang out with him. "sure. how about tomorrow night? you could show me around the town." greg said. "o..okay..."

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