Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 1
She looked out from under her lashes at the handsome young buck who was her driver and date on this beautiful sunday afternoon.
Love at Twin Oaks Pt. 2
The young buck had initially been frightened that she was hurt but had soon realized what the youngster wanted. he had carried her over to one of the stalls and allowed her to peek in at the object of her desires.
Boys Will Be Boys - Chapter One -
"get your lazy, good for nothing furry ass off that bed, buck - before i kick it!" peterson snarled at talis, who wished he could close his ears, as well as his eyes.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 12.5
"five bucks says it'll win a razzie." "a razzie?" zack echoed. "what's that?" "the raspberry awards," alex explained. zack opened the door for him and alex stepped inside. alex smiled at the confused expression on zack's face.
Lovingly -Bound
My becoming a big buck goat is something hard to describe, and harder still to not want to share.
Anthro Liberation Ch.2
All i can think about is the buck and his... what am i saying, no not that anything but that...
Second Chances - Chapter 12
I shuffled up to the "Office" building, hunched over to try and retain some warmth in the blizzard that had hit earlier in the morning. The snow had already accumulated past my ankles, and I was thankful to not have to trudge through it once I finally...
Second Chances - Chapter 8
_'Dear Jude,_ _'I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to apologize for the last time I saw you. I didn't mean to run off like that. Something came up, and I didn't know what to do, so I ran. I miss you. Not a minute goes by when I don't think of...
A&B Chapter 4
Eyebrows tightened, Alex checked the processes of calculating writing on the six pieces of A4 paper for the 5th time. He just couldn't find where he went wrong, but he knew he must have done something wrong since the final result was absurdly larger...
Big, Brutal Love
Whatever happened with the alpha and the buck, not to forget the tall skyscraper that was taken as a gift? i think it's safe to assume the buck was more than happy for what he got, but did the relationship between a buck and wolf work?
Stranger in the Garage
The buck looked down at the cum-coated wolf and grinned.
Shut the Fuck Up, Learn To Buck Up
Shut the fuck up, learn to buck up by theonehowl "okay, mr. zerwell. just tell me about these dreams some more..." linerd asked calmly.