The Battle for Arc
I felt the harness bruise my chest as they cut in, slowing my fighter suddenly and making my opponent soar past. i fired, and even as i did, i saw the fighter roll suddenly, but i also saw a single bolt strike the fighter, and something exploded.
Fall and rise of a hero
A while later, the fighters from tirickenstan started to attack the aircraft. marie watched as the mirages shot down the enemy fighters. the fighters from palistinia didn't lose one fighter; neither did any fighters from germany.
Rudys Journey 4
The wolf thought to himself as he followed his squadron to a group of wrick fighters. ravens' fighter. the male fox pressed down on the cannon switch feeling his fighter shudder as the four plasma cannons fired.
End of an Era chapter 3
Being a fighter pilot who had to learn all systems on his fighter, david manages to make the necessary repairs to the airframe when he and his father restored the old jet fighter.
Starting Anew Chapter 5
fighters are everywhere. "fighters, spread out and swarm in, target their fighters, saphyra, we're taking on the cruiser." he gets an acknowledge. "boss, active camera on our tail." one of the rogues reports.
Starting Anew Chapter 6
Davis sees the fighter heading out and how it shot one of his own fighters. he closes with the elf and fires a missile.
Pokemon Battle Kingdom Profiles
After two minutes, a bell rings and the fighters switch roles (aggressor becomes submissive, and vice versa). first fighter to orgasm loses.
Rudys Journey chapter 3
The young human yelled as the fighter tried to ram the ship. thrack watched the enemy fighter head to ship watching as the closed in weapons systems fired at the fighter. the lion watched as one of his fighters attack the incoming fighter.
Mecha Sonic Univerce: Unfinished
If sonic and the freedom fighters came back they would make sure they wouldn't leave.
Chapter Seven The Rescue Mission
The aud fighters radioed back to the sharon to send more fighters to help. their request was answered with generosity. a total of sixteen fighters were sent up to assist them.
Torpedo Run Chapter 13
Major thaurun, please direct your fighters to attack those..." _shit.
Star Fox, Leon\\\'s Legend (Part 1)
The aparoid ship's turrets, posted on the tops of the wings, began aiming at the incoming fleets of cornerian fighters. letting out a rattling noise they began to fire as the aparoid fighters jetted forward to meet the oncoming enemy.