The Prodigy
From the top row, everyone would gather around with drinks and friends to lean on the rails and look down towards a performance of a popular jazz band, or the singing melodies of a hundred violins.
Rock Dog: According to You
"jazz." she hadn't had any good examples of it in her personal collection, but they'd picked up a few for cheap at the vendors downtown. "cool jazz, specifically." he nodded, considered the stereo for a moment, then turned back to her.
The Party
He always gloated about how his parents bought him this new gadget that hadn't even been released yet, all that jazz..." it was a typical saturday afternoon. leon had just arrived with the groceries.
Can You Pet a Phantom Cat?
"so, it wasn't always a jazz club?" "jesse's trying to turn it into a jazz revival thing." irene laughed. "it's a long shot from my usual style." a framed photo on the dresser showed irene in her late teens.
A Lesson In Song And Sensuality
"now you're playing jazz, baby," she encouraged him. "don't forget to improvise a little bit..._mmn!
The Club of Wolves (working title) ch1-2
I bounced through the song, keeping it light and happy, throwing in a few spots where i improvised on the piano, jazzed it up because, lets face it, jazz is fun when you do it right, and ended it with one last lick.
Wildfox Island - Chapter 4
Broken heart (sampled from shattered dreams by johnny hates jazz "now you've given me, given me, nothing but shattered dreams, shattered dreams) 9.
Chapter 1- The Meeting
And what story would that be mister jazz man?" asked the person who had come up behind him and for a moment he was too distracted by his racing heart to notice but then he froze and slowly looked up.
Lion Lore
His lead wife is all jazzed because she wants to get out sexually, and she's sick of her freeloading cub pack who are all grown and freeloading, especially purp, who is tidy and tight-wadded. she wants to kick him out the most.
Stripped Off Tonight - 2022
His choice of music would be jazz. "good choice," his fan told him, swaying his body with the white wolf. the tune was slow at first, but he was already familiar with the soundtrack.
A biography of my fursona, Sage.
Likes: music (rock, metal, orchestral, jazz, soundtracks), video games (survival horror, fps games, anything made by konami), books (stephen king, especially), friends, teriyaki beef jerky.
The Back Room 2: Lucas
Every other day of the week it was a dance club, but sundays the old guys and gals would come in, listen to jazz, and talk about old times. arthazon especially looked forward to sundays for the jazz and great discussion that went on.