Ribbon - Chapter 9
I had gained not just academic knowledge, but knowledge of myself and others. this wasn't the total and all-encompassing knowledge that i once may have assumed it to be, but it was knowledge nonetheless. and i had gained confidence.
Ghost In The Piazza
The puma asked, his ears flicking for his lack of knowledge, though it wasn't surprised. not many knew about that, after all. "yes, the amphitheatrum castrense.
Stralia - Books in the Dark
Some of it had been replaced or the knowledge extended once the two races began sharing knowledge, about the laws of their world.
The Tome of Purgatory Gods and Goddesses
It is also said that she is the mother of holy magic and the person who first gave mankind the knowledge of paladins and their duty.
Shepherd Siblings Backstory
She spent a lot of her time devouring various books she came across in her travels and trying to cram years of knowledge into days.
Aron Gelder Smith
Of hacking as does not have much experience in social engineering and info gathering, may still pose a threat due to knowledge of karate and kickboxing and being in a relationship with trent dialong schmit.
Christopher Cailin Biton
Profile: christopher cailin biton skillset: metasploit framework use, android rooting and spyware, rootkit coding, remote access tools, sleight of hand, malware coding, cryptography, python coding, c coding, java coding, and vast cryptocurrency knowledge
So he simply associated oak with wood, dark brown - attempting to make sense of this world of knowledge within his own limited experience.
The Serpent Curse - Chapter 9
Serpent: eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and all will be known to you. joey: why would i do that? how do i know it's not some trick? serpent: you wouldn't, would you. not without the knowledge that this fruit will bring you?
The Wandering Shadow: Chapter Fifteen
The shadow of anubis is--in a word--knowledge. it was created to transfer knowledge from one person to another. at some point though it developed a taste for life energy, becoming what it is now. that doesn't change its purpose though.
14 - Bad News
"the ancients books hidden in the city's library holds knowledge beyond any dragon's lifespan. not even the thyamat before you could stand a chance against that knowledge."
Lyndria: Chapter 25
"i've heard of the veiled pass but i'm afraid my knowledge is limited to rumor and hearsay. has no one truly attempted to explore in all this time?" "oh, of course. hundreds.