A World Apart - Prologue

It might be the touch of an accent that i have as well; nothing specific after all of this time, just enough of a difference from their own that i am immediately labelled a foreigner and outsider.

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Left Right Out

The jars were all labelled in a scrawling script. some of them were easy to figure out: the blacker ones were probably grease for the windmill, or for maintaining tools.

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Deep Space: Chapter one - The U.N.E

She did not understand a thing of the layout, and there were buttons and switches everywhere accompanied by complicated instruction labels.

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Nume Undies: First Purchase

The site came up with a simple background and two labeled pictures (as if one needed it) of a female and a male torso clad in briefs. of course the labels were the links to take you into that specific gender's catalog, so sean clicked on the male.

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Caught up in Curiosity

#7 of commissions summary:  breaking into his friend-idol's lab, the fox blake does as he often does; tinkers with a mysteriously labelled device of the dragon's.

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The Dark Fair, chapter 3: Welcome to our newest visitor!

A large open space labelled 'central plaza' seemed to stand at the center, and there was a large gray area marked 'employees only' nestled in the northeast of the fairground. the rest was divided into quadrilaterals of various size.

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Secret Santa

One by one, krister pulled the little wrapped packages from his bag, called out the names on the labels, and summoned the recipients. lissa was among the first to be called, and looked genuinely pleased when she unwrapped her mug.

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Shaken, Not Stirred

Never shake the can labelled "tentacles." unless you want to shake the can. then, you shake the can. xd there's not as much to this as there could be. i might revisit the concept later, but for now...there is this.

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Ioborne: Chapter Seven and Epilogue

"you should read warning labels on what you're taking." "i thought he was giving me a placebo. you know the military, they usually just give you motrin and send you out the door." "now that you're expecting, i also don't recommend taking motrin."

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 9: Beam

He walked through the crowd to the laser console and put his finger on the image of the button labelled "autofocus on." the laser beam immediately shrank to a tiny, unwavering, brilliant dot. emitted power rapidly increased.

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Making Yourself Comfortable

You walk back there and see a stack of boxes with labels of varying quality, some of them are professionally printed, but a few are handwritten on paper by rick and scotch-taped onto a cardboard box.

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Ratty Batty

Don't be appalled: rbf, i've heard it's called plus all these tongue-twist topsy-turves are nature's ploy, or frazzled nerves labels help, right?

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