Easter in Devout America

Others believe that the nation's income revenue made from candy and easter decoration sales plays a role in congress' decisions against banning the aspect of the holiday.

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One Memorable Journey Pg.9

"that just makes me hope even more that we don't end up with an enemy nation or worse, a war with said nation." alex stated as they walked. when they got back they all settled in around the room, julie speaking up after a few minutes.

CICS- Modern Info (tentative)

This mixed race nation enjoys friendly relations with the cics the kingdom of canid- very little is known about this reclusive lupine nation, save for the ruling family has been in power for over 300 years.

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Stay Calm

_** **_you can call us toll free, contact your local national health crisis spokesperson, or seek information online at the homepages of the cdc, niaid and the national health crisis._** * * * and that was it.

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The Broadcast

According to national guard sources, the shortage of national guard manpower has made it difficult to maintain a constant presence at the checkpoints.

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Hero, Chapter 2

"why do we even send someone to the pre-nationals? we already know guntur sabah's going to win. big fucking deal. what's a rookie like jake doing getting the nationals coverage over me?"

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The remaining members of the national guard unit, fought back desperately, firing hard.

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Urokon: History, Culture and Religion

Born a peasant in a valley nation, t'rol was an officer in a mercenary company by his twelfth year.

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the Fur Riots- Completed!

The remaining members of the national guard unit, fought back desperately, firing hard.

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Zero Point: Chapter 10- Cultural Differences

"alliances and treaties between nations and groups of nations are quite common. for the most part, everyone leaves everyone else alone... but squabbles happen, or the handful of rogue nations stir up problems.

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Golden Sheild Part One

As the nation's circled, the few musicians from the gramvannar nation began to play their song of passing, the regiment of elite warriors from vanash stood proud and let loose a few sad war cries.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:26

Irelamb, the neighboring nation would see formation just six years later.

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