Strange Times, Ch. 3-Passage
We will be going into stealth mode so we shall be quiet and only the power needed for medical and navigation will be used as well as the backup lights.
Tower of Troubles: Bats and Belfries
His clothing was being torn off his body, pale-pink scales revealed as his stealth suit was shredded by some unknowable force.
Character Profile: Render
His nickname, "ghost" stemmed from his uncanny stealth, able to hide and sneak up on people very easily.render, or "ghost" appears as a blond monkey, in having smooth, flowy hair often tied up into a ponytail.
Second Chances
After what seemed like hours, their stealth parachutes along with some massive ones for the vehicles finally deployed at a preset altitude. they were coated in the same stealth paint, giving them a see-through appearance.
The Banished Wars - Volume Three
Three separate velmarian fleets had used a form of stealth technology to place themselves within the defenses of the huli systems.
Chapter 14 -Restock
The stealth prowler, lurched forwards quickly over taking the larger, slower flag ships as it raced towards the planet. "we're approaching the atmosphere now," evan reported.
Raptor Den: Chapter 4
The visual overlay from his stealth and tactic programme formatting additional entry and exit points.
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, First Entry
To strike from stealth or from a distance.
Halo: First Contact, Chapter 1: One Small Step For Man
He ordered, watching as his crew began to activate the stealth systems. the bridge lights went out and the ship was bathed in darkness. "we've gone dark, stealth engaged." the crewman next to thomas relayed.
Mission Failed [Subscriber Reward]
**Mission Failed** **Subscriber Reward for Moxas (November 2023)** **By Limewah** **Inspired by Rubberbuns' setting** **18+** "I'm in." The figure was clad head to toe in a steel-grey bodysuit, blending in with the facility's...
"these two were the only ones to actually use stealth to it's full potential, so they will be using the more advanced stealth devices first before the rest of you, until i see some better work out of the rest of you.
Chapter Three: Onward to Oreburgh
"stealth rock!" the screech ceased and-near as galen could tell-nothing had happened to indicate any effect of roark's last command.