Attack of the 50 Foot Anteater - Part 3 (BBW, Macro, Stuffing)
The stuffed stateswomen sat on a bench on a side street. krystal sat with her legs splayed, making room for a stomach that was still churning through a feast.
Teddy's Awakening
He was big for a stuffed animal - almost three feet from paw pads to ear tips.
Attack of the 50 Foot Anteater - Part 1 (BBW, Macro, Stuffing)
stuffing his big, beautiful mate stirred up randy urges within him. gradually, the world around them faded, and they only maintained awareness of the sensual bond between them: feedee and feeder.
Cold Comfort - Dining in the Lylat System, Ep. 1 (BBW, Stuffing)
She leaned forward towards the sandwich and took a large, lavish bite; not rushing her food down her gullet, but stuffing her cheeks nontheless. they puffed outward while she chewed slowly, luxuriously, with her eyes closed.
Filling A Booth
Being stuffed to his gills out of spite... that was the best kind of stuffing that sasuke could hope for.
Warrior Sorcerors in the Gay Analvore Kingdom of the Eevee Atmosphere
The day I embarked on the quest to save the hermaphroditic vampire pony princess was the same day I learned how to stick both hands inside my rectum. First I had to hump my way through the Fields of Randomized Battles. This part of the journey was...
XXXMAS Day Twenty-seven - Stuffing
She loved going to the movies, video game marathons, and stuffing her face full of the unhealthiest food she could find. being a literal pig that last one was a given.
He had figured he would be stuffed till he passed out, then awoken a few hours and it would happen again; he had been with a few gainers before and they seemed to like that sort of thing.
Sudden Cake
The voice from before spoke to both of them again after somewhere around five minutes of stuffing.
This drew him to eat even more the next time that he stuffed himself senseless, which in turn took more to get him to get off, and so on.
Grand Finale
He has been stuffing himself to the brim, daily, for over a year now just to be large enough for you.
Fall From Grace
The warning signs were there when Sen arrived to do his interview. The delivery trucks, the heavily trodden steps, the widened doorway... It was all obvious from the start. The feline hadn't taken much note of it all, though, instead just wanting to...