Downstream Portland
Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams saw the desert up close in Arizona. Josee & Ryan fought; a lot. Everyone got a free skydiving lesson and tips on how to NOT eat pizza blindfolded. With a little encouragement from Zack, a new alliance was...
Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?
Josee & ryan sit slightly apart, facing away from each other as they travel. each time they turn to glare or growl at each other, they quickly turn back.
Making Time
A short time travel story that appeared in the conbook for furry fiesta 2013 "this isn't like home at all." i say, pressing my nose against the glass which allows a nice view of the frozen tundra that's become outside.
The week of my life -Time Heat and Rock PT1
hey guys...i guess i haven't really been active much lately i know, i've been going through some stuff but i've been trying to get back writing again. i can't believe it took me so long to write this out, i just kinda let it go off randomly so it's...
"The Gift", Richard's (SF) Introduction, Part 1
It caused me to quicken my pace until i was almost jogging, which, thanks to constantly slipping on wet stones and tripping over fallen limbs did little to actually speed up my travel.
Chapter One Time and Tragedy
#1 of second draft massachusetts time traveler credits for the futuristic world go to the amazing nex canis if haven't checked out his profile here is a link.
Which Rio Bird Is Which?
Team must travel together by hand glider, jump off the mountain to the checkpoint waiting below. last original pair to get there could be cut from the race. "let's do this!" kitty says. "i'm not sure if this is safe." joey says. "of course it is."
Bullseye in London
On the last leg of the Amazing Race, 18 new teams began a race around the world. Their first task, run up the steps of the peace tower or bungee jump off the observation deck. Currently, the teams are on a plane dead set on London. Today, one of those...
A simple story II : end
Driving carefully on the exit lane, the large polar bear looked fast at the clock on the radio. He would be on time despite the traffic and the mix of cold water, half molten snow and salt coating the road, driving slowly on the curb. A fast sight...
Arizona (Wendell)
It's gonna be about five hours until we get to California. Dexter said he wasn't planning on stopping anywhere else until we get to L.A. Todd decided to take a nap on my lap again and even though my leg is completely asleep, it's cute to see him...
New Mexico (Todd)
I wake up back at my old house. I don't see anything strange. I mean, nothing's out of the ordinary. I lift the blanket off of me and get off the bed. Holy shit! I just realized that I was naked! I quickly cover myself with my tail. I go over to my...
Texas (Wendell)
"Crap!" I say as I realize something. "What is it?" Todd asks. "Our phones! We left them behind in the wreckage!" "It's ok." "No it isn't." "Yes it is." Todd reaches in his pocket and he pulls out our phones. How the hell did he do that?...