A Dish Best Served Warm

Tanja strutted her way through the halls, knowing she was the biggest, baddest bitch in the college. The doberman with the pierced ears and spiked collar drove fear right into the hearts of any girls who were on her bad side. She'd stolen more boy...

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Wish List

Ren ended up being one of the last guys able to use the urinal as the restroom slowly emptied itself as quickly as it filled up. finally stepping up to a vacant urinal as the male his left flushed and took off, leaving him the only one left.

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I Forgot to Lock the Door Once...

He said with a grin, remainders of urine dripping from the end of his cock to the floor, a yellow puddle formed at his feet and around the foxes knees.

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A Warm Fire in a Blizzard - Chapter IV

He held him close and kissed him passionately, his cock spaying urine fiercely and abundantly.

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Jogging Buddies

The urgent flow of urine hisses loudly. soon it cascaded down his legs and poured out the front of his crotch. it felt so good to let go. his warm urine soaked his crotch and legs dripping over his foot paws.

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Doodle Story: Merry Stink-Mas

Not only was his urine not helping extinguish the fire, but it was beginning to rescind. the reindeer looked down at his yellow arc and shrieked before grunting and forcing as much excess urine out of his penis.

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VG Cats #3: Yellow and White

His face turned to relief as suddenly urine burst out of his cock at an incredible rate. but while some urine fell into the plant pot, he missed and his pee sprayed all over aeris. "eew... yuk!"


The Royal Oak: Chapter 1

While i was at the urinal the most handsome tabby i have ever seen walked up and instead of taking the urinal at the other end of the row stood right next to me. i knew he was checking me out, but i didn't mind because i was checking him out as well.

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Stay hear [WIP 2]

He indicated a urinal behind a curtain. "you'll put your paws here, and when you're done we'll clean your front." i stepped to the urinal as directed, but despite my need i could not go. not with him standing behind me.

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Breaking Limits

She pulled it all away with her teeth as fast as she could, gasping for desperate breaths as the urine sank away into the urinal. "good girl!" the bear cheered as she spit out the soggy toilet paper.

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The Lion King Lesson: How to Mark Territory – illustrated

There was a strong taste of his own urine inside his mouth, and it would remain there. "don't know where to begin?" laini asked. she laid on her back. "you can start with my belly."

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