Prologue and Chapter 1 of Book 1 - The Grandmaster of Sarthas

Prologue The Wharf Mistress of the Bsani airship docks watched as passengers disembarked from the latest arrival from Kokori. Most of the passengers were Pheonix and their Nezumi servants. She chuckled checking off each individual as they came across...

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Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 6: House chores

Tanya smiled and finished watering her plants, her humming coming to words; she sang a cheerful song in soft tones. Smiling and twirling around before setting the watering jug down and opening up her patio door to let some fresh air in, she laughed...

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Book 1, Genesis: Chapter 3: Dinner and a Movie

Tanya closed the door, leaning against it until she heard him pull away. She sighed, a smile on her face. "Besides that awkward moment... I think tonight was the best in a long time." She set out to cleaning up her apartment, the Finch chirping...

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The Holy Bible of Equestria: Book 1: Chapter 1

**Chapter 1- The Creation of the Universe and the Birth of the Alicorn Gods** In the beginning, there was nothing but empty darkness. There was no time, no sun or moon, and no ponies. But one day, if you could call it a day, there was a tremendous...

A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1, Part 3)

1 part 3: a hand at cards the courtroom was dismally distressing.

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A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1, part 2)

1 part 2: the sanguine thread the road was as dark and muddy as the destination the travelers were in search of.

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A Tale of Two Foxes (Book 1 , Part 1)

This is my first story here and im excited to see what you guys think. You may have noticed the allusion in the title and I must admit, This story will be much similar using many of the same plot contexts-- but keep your eye peeled for...

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Load (Neon City, Book 1): Chapter Five

The door opened and Taura gasped and spun her chair around, then relaxed when Jack and Corona entered the front room. She let out a long sigh. "Hi. I was getting worried." "Sorry," Corona said. "The gig ran a little longer...

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Load (Neon City, Book 1): Chapter Four

"Hey, honey." "Hi, luv." Corona greeted Jack with a kiss and pulled a chair out for him. He sat and she curled her tail around his leg. "Sorry I couldn't get here sooner. Couldn't check my messages until after my shift...

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Load (Neon City, Book 1): Chapter Three

The next few deliveries went smoothly, which made Jack a little nervous. It was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. And when it finally did, it always dropped _hard_. He knocked on the door, stepped back and started recording. The...

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Load (Neon City, Book 1): Chapter Two

"Okay, this one's hard to find." He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "The best way to find this street is to remember to make a right turn where that tavern on the corner is; that's the only street in this neighborhood where you can get to...

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Load (Neon City, Book 1): Chapter One

"Ah, Jack, you're just in time." Bladder grinned and waved a hand at the guy standing beside him. "We've got some new meat for you." Jack shoved the delivery box into a vacant slot in the shelf, plugging its connectors in so it could...

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