I Need a Sign!

Straight... or gay... do we really decide for ourselves or is there some bit of dna, some god above, or... or some cosmic force that decides for us? i'm still waiting for that sign! sign! don't you think i forgot!

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Character Sheet: Evei Petrov

-cosmic power: opens a portal under himself to gain strength from the cosmos itself. -stone coil: his gorgon slips out of a portal and wraps her coul around him, turning them to stone to protect him from physical attacks.

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Huge Invisible

That is caused, in part, by interference from cosmic rays: the left over energy from the big bang, which detonated 13 billions years ago.


First, Last, And Only Letter

Please don't blame yourself for what happened blame life, fate and destiny, and also blame existence for being nothing more than a cruel crude crass sick twisted evil demented unfunny cosmic joke that even discord would be offended by.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


2 Of My Poems

cosmic games into the extra inning is there any true way of winning?

Through A Glass Darkly - 5

Whiffletree felt well rested when she rose. It was illogical, of course. They'd escaped a horrible danger, and rested amid the unknown and perhaps the unknowable, and yet she'd slept deeply and soundly. She stretched, as did Luna beside her, and...

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Through A Glass Darkly - 2

The pair, gray earth pony and blue unicorn, slept beside the dying embers of the fire. They slept for an unmarked time, then woke with the stars still gleaming above. The faintest wisp of smoke still came from the fire's ashes, and without a word Luna...

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Vox chronicles - Prologue

A time-line stuck between all possible existences as a cosmic mistake. the events of this world would shape the events of every other if even in some small way. it begins 1000 years after the gene bomb.

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Red vs Blue episode 1

I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence or, is there really a god... watching everything? you know, with a plan for us and stuff. i don't know man, but it keeps me up at night."

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He was picking up nearly every frequency put out by the radio stations and the cosmic background radiation. it was that cornucopia of garbled transmissions; the white noise of the universe and everything else that was driving him crazy.

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Dead Things

It was in those days following the cosmic seeding of earth with the virus which would bring the dead back to life that i sat in the _restless dead_ bar, drinking...what else?...

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It no longer was needed, having played its small, yet important part in the vast cosmic play. now it was time for a new actor to emerge, as the burning wreckage crashed down into sickly swamps neighboring a vast sprawling city littered with factories.

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