Possum Curse

opossums weren't native to here, so that was a surprise, and he could hear the critter click and scurry away through the trees. it was worth stopping to see if there was a photo to be taken, walking after it to get a closer look.

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Hermaphrodite Summer Camp

opossums had two of everything, and that sounded interesting. granted the one here had a two blue eyes, one of which was lazy, and had pretty much ruined the appeal of them by dying her wild mane the same color.

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Sneak Peek: Possum Prison Pussy - Part 2

"fuck, you can't even hold my nut in, can you," magnus wiped his forehead with his trunk, flicking the sweat down on his opossum's matted fur.

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Teaching Lessons

The opossum's hand shook as he tried to hold back. fingers slid against varric's as he grabbed a handful of alex's hair like he was told. "like this?" he managed to pant, driving his hips into alex's muzzle.

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Brotherly Love - 'Possum troubles

And finally his brother turned towards him, confusion written all over the larger opossum's face as he looked around the bed. then finally saw his brother. rick's jaw dropped open, hanging down as if on rusty hinges.

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Mrs. Jackson

She had said it like a joke, but even at ten they knew what some people thought of opossums. especially when they lived out at the edge of town down a long unevenly paved road. she sighed and finished up the dishes.

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Ride of a Lifetime

Lukas slicked back his mullet with the water from the basin and looked at himself in the mirror. The possum gave himself a final check over, noting his two rear teeth which poked out around the top of his muzzle, the holes in his ear lobes where his...

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Greener Pastures, Part Two: Dinner Time

With the final to last cardboard box lid in my paw, I turned to toss in into the pile of lids I had made by the foot of my dorm bed. Turning back to the bed I looked over the box that had my laptop, charging cable and mouse inside, then decided I...

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Greener Pastures, Part One: First Day On Campus

With a groan, I set another box down on the bed that was on the right side of my new college dorm room. Leaning backwards just some I pushed both fists into my back, getting my spine to pop in more places than just one. I laughed aloud...

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Greener Pastures, Part Six: Start of Term/Samantha the Bat, Part 1

I yawned again for what felt like the fourth time that morning. It was just past 9:00 AM, and Eddie and I were in the food court that was off the side and back of the café that was in the main campus building. "Dude, gef a gwip," Eddie's mouthful of...

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STI-The Soup is Ruined

Millie's daughter-in-law was an angel. When Jeremy brought home the diminutive red squirrel, she'd questioned how so delicate an animal could thrive alongside her robust son. Patricia surprised her. Raised in a nest with six rowdy siblings, the girl...

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beat me

I'll start with generic, vaguely accurate stereotypes to give you some broad sense of who we are. I doubt you care for specifics. If you do, you'll have to figure it out on your own. I'm an opossum. I'm a girl. As you'd expect of an opossum...

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