Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 20
Perfect panda, a panda care bear with a star shaped ribbon for a tummy symbol, called from where he stood with his twin sister, polite panda whose symbol was a rose, and her husband good luck bear, a green care bear with a four-leafed clover for a tummy symbol
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 13
His thoughts were interrupted when he saw redemptionheart standing in front of the hospital and trying to make her tummy symbol work. it flashed for a moment then stopped. "come on, work!" she pressed her symbol then tried again.
Cream Adventure
Then she tried to find any strange symbols on the ground and walls but found nothing except for a single spiral symbol at the other side of the pool. "hmmm, i know i've seen that symbol before... but where?"
Justin and the Secret Collage Part I
Upon it, it was decorated with extremely important symbols, all of which held their own meaning, to of which only he, and his brothers of the highest order knew about. "no! these symbols shouldn't ever be seen in public! they are highly sensitive!"
408 The Secret Decalogue
I haven't decided if there should be symbols in it yet, but they need to be catchy and geometrical if there are, magic symbols that will attract attention and can be easily drawn from memory but will also attract an effort to reproduce them accurately, so
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 40
Aisa had the symbols for 'renna' just below her neck, where her collar bones came together, and just below that, the symbol for 'baiya yamre'.
Fifty Shades of Tan: Spellbound
I walked carefully down the stairs, keeping a tight hold on the railing for safety's sake, and then warily approached the star-symbol.
To Dream of Darkness III - CH 52
The documents would have included those symbols." "well, a document with those symbols in it would likely be instructions on how to summon a greater demon, or records of a ceremony to do so.
world of elements part 1
The room was decorated with the strange symbols and all were different colors. he has never seen such writing in any of his history books so he couldn't figure the culture.
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Ten
The symbol on his chest appears and disappears sporadically, which it has never done before. the symbol changed again, as it often does after he has sustained a life threatening injury. perhaps that is the cause of its current sluggishness.
Chapter 6
This would give it the sense of sight; she then traced a symbol on each ear giving the sense of sound. finally she drew and elaborate symbol on its chest giving it soul. good, she thought, all's going smoothly.
Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 23
After a moment, the symbol in the trough began glowing with a deep blue light. "wow, hey, look at that!" he said with some excitement. "more magic." "yeah, and look over there," kuna said, pointing to the matching symbol on the wall section.