The Tournament of Change - Chapter Two, Second Encounters
What if the center of the tournament area was so far away no one could reach it to get the champion's key and win the tournament?
Tropical Revised - Chapter Five
After a quick vote, with cloud's abstaining much to the amusement of the others, it was ruled that the team would compete in the tournament.
Primrose Valley: Maturity
Am i going to see you in the tournament tonight?" "you bet." arzure grinned and the two shook hands again. "in the tournament, we finish this for real."
Autumn Woods - Chapter Two
Time for the tournament." "tournament?" "ryan had a great idea for the amor games," cloud explained. "now for every time we're here, there's going to be a tournament with about a dozen events and several teams.
Aren Goldie's Back Story
He didn't survive long in the tournament and found out that the tournament's powers didn't allow him to reform! he was dead, or so he thought.
Taunted (Chapter 6 of my YuGiOh series)
He grinned to himself as he imagined spencer and himself facing off in the last match of the tournament.
Squeaks vs. Collith 2
The tournament of pleasure is a story arc in my ongoing the adventures of tik tik series.
Vence vs Leontis 1
#62 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure in this round of the tournament of pleasure, the satyr faun vence takes on teh snowy feline leontis.
Engy's Lesson 1
The tournament of pleasure is a story arc in my ongoing the adventures of tik tik series.
Tobias vs. Thiffrin Iccran Part 2
Now, the two face off in the tournament of pleasure, and you get to decide the outcome!
Radasus vs Jeked 2
#33 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure the fight between the warrior dog kobold radasus nailo and the clone-creating goblin alchemist dr. jeked begins in earnest.
Tikana vs Mayve 3
#8 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure the first match of the tournament of pleasure finally has its finale. after counting up the votes, a winner has been decided. who will it be, the kobold queen tikana, or the cool space hero, mayve?