The Winged One - Chapter 3: Finding Truth

winged ones that were born to the humanclan were killed as soon as they were found out, as they were thought to be possessed.

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The Winged One - Chapter 1: First Day Out

He crouched low to the ground, his wings close to body, and his ears perked. he leaped the bush easily without the use of his wings and pinned the rabbet with his claws fully extended.

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The Winged One- Chapter 2: Inside Your Head

Helka was known in the catclan for getting many boys to play with, mostly cause they found the wings appealing, and he couldn't remember it ever going badly for him.

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Soft Chapter 1: Kayla

I have wings. mom: jeremy time for school! i jumped out of my bed threw on some clothes and walked into the kitchen to fetch some breakfast mom: i dont want you flying to school agian!

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Digimon Darkness Chapter 12

Angle wings activate! gargomon sprouted giant angles wings and jumped into the air! gargomon: gargo lasers! the shots hit ogremon dead on and he dissovled into nothing! gargomon: \*pant\* how do we get out of here!!

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The war of metal solders

That impossible force start take off now" i yell felling my wing's spread out of my back the artificial muscles throbbing of the uncalled for awaking. but before the jets could start a bullet came raging through my right wing.

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Baxley 5

Codie was glaring up at a winged black panther, daggers drawn. the panther looked calmer and also had his daggers drawn. "who are you and where is baxley", he asked.

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She noticed his wings perk up for a second, then droop back down. _what was that about?_ "you don't have to do something like that for me." starflight replied. "of course i do." sunny replied qibli snuck into the cave and glanced around.

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Ode to the dragon

Though thy wings block the sun, they can not block mine thoughts so bright of thee. though thy eyes stare death, i . . .only have eyes . . . for thee.

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Aerro's Backstory

#29 of scrapped content so a while back, was thinking of making a longer piece for the wings of fire series. this was to be one of the main protagonists. vague on description of him because visualizing is not something i'm good at for myself.

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Part 1: One Hell of a Wake up Call; Part 2: Starting Anew

I noticed something right away that i can't believe i missed, huge wings sprouting from my back that had the look of an angels wings but the darkness of a demon.

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Beautiful 2

Sam concentrated with all his might on his wings. a strange sensation like a soft tingling sensation rushed through him as his wings started to glow.

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