Amber Scenery

The grass has withered under foot, a hardened ground, with muffled sound. stripped bare of garb the trees are shamed, the wind will sigh, and they shall die. the amber has begun its shift into a frozen winter drift.


Slaughter At Stringybark Creek - Epilogue -

Clanton lay down on his bed, folding his withered paws on his belly, before he sighed with a sibilant gasp - his final breath on this earth, as the filly knelt beside him and wept... end

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Thanks, Shrimp!

His toes withered away as his legs snapped into formation with the other wriggling appendages on his body. hair fell away as three pairs of antennae wriggled forth from his former forehead.

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Murder at the Speed of Life. (Part 5) Mean Gene W24

I blinked, trying to snap out of the hallucination but the wallpaper remained an intertwining mess of withering beauty and never-ending hunger. _something died a long time ago? or something withered?

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The Swarm

Her eyes, her nose, and mouth all withered away, leaving her world now dark, silent, and scentless as she screamed internally.

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True Devotion

Skydancer gave a gasp when he nipped the back of her neck, right above her withers. it made her practically melt on the spot.

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Faces frowning as my silence continues to grow as the scene takes hold of those present to a lifeless body that couldn't endure i wait, for chance, for fate, to look away for just a moment unsure for the farthest hope one couldn't ever see the shadows wither

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Changed Fates: Crola - Prologue

His green hood failed to cover his withering white beard and his hunched back. his wrinkled hands grasped on a wooden staff, both used as a cane to ease walking and as a weapon a wizard uses to fight.

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Bruise Vision

. * * * ## iii **geese level:** _eldrich_ -- **expect:** _red tint to vision; hot flashes_ as the dove bears the olive branch, so to the goose bears the wand that withers all it touches.

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The Short (and ongoing) Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 3

Again a went back to my factory and returned with sticks for crafting bows to kill the 4 withers. sadly the event ended and i went back to zion.

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The Dying Snake

Began to crack you fled in the time of the night, heard of me i wanted you back my heart began fail, sought for a source life energy it began to lack i kept myself alive through sinister lust, desire falling slowly apart my rose of love began to wither

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My ending

Does that mean that i had already began to wither away the knife that you once so called, pulled out..

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