
#1 of gainer stories an story from a couple years ago... themes of dominance, captivity, weight gain, and "forced" feeding... i came to several hours later, to see nothing but darkness and a slight reflective glint before me.

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Tenta and Sophie

The detached 4 bedroom house on the outskirts of the suburbs had been standing there for 30 years and at this late hour its current occupants were asleep, except one, Sophie was at her computer chewing slowly through some cupcakes whilst just browsing...

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The Back Room 1: Domenic

"Oh he's my dear and darling one, his eyes are sparkling full of fun. No other, no other could match the likes of him. Oh he's my dear my darling one his eyes are shining full of fun. I love the ground he walks upon, my bonny Irish boy." A bright...

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Spring Brew

Spring break. What more did you have to say to a college kid to get them dropping everything so that they could listen to you? Apparently, not very much. Just saying those two words would be enough for anyone to hop in their cars and cruise on down to...

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Stuck Together Christmas "Special"

Aerimis stepped out of his car into the snow, fixated on the sight at his shared apartment door. His and his partner's recent unexpected house guest, a massive minotaur-esque anthro from another world, was leaned against the wall next to the door frame...

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Scara and Sky 2

"Such a good choice!" Scara says, sitting down on the couch next to him as she settles in, turning toward him, her massive milkers pressing against his cheek, supporting him like fluffy and furry pillows. The smaller dragon growls his approval, opening...

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Leviathan Chapter Fourteen: Victory

**Chapter Fourteen** Victory By shalion In her reduced, uncomplicated state, Leviathan as barely aware of the passage of time, only regaining her sense of how much time had passed once her consciousness reformed out of the ether. It felt like...

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The Health Cruise: 08

The Health Cruise By Shalion & Gahtren # Chapter Eight [Shalion]: Collin noticed as they slid smoothly along the fourth deck that all of the cabins were much more widely spaced than what he had recalled seeing below the previous day, but not only...

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Attack of the 50 Foot Anteater - Part 2 (BBW, Macro, Stuffing)

Although her hips were slight, and they hadn't grown as wide as her underbelly, her weight gain had still padded them out and given her a healthy derriere to fill the seat of her pants.

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Rat Trap, Part 1 (BBW, Stuffing)

DINING IN THE LYLAT SYSTEM Episode 7: RAT TRAP (PART 1) Written by: TIM MINK-EAR \* \* \* \* \* "Feeder's log, starweight 278.59. We passed between Solar and Zoness on our way to a conference on Macbeth. We drifted through space...

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TF Remote

(contains: ftm transformation, weight gain, body change, mind alteration, mom and son to boyfriends by mind alteration, feeding, gas) john was bored. being home there was nothing to do. being out of work, his days went by slowly.

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The French Confection - Episode 5 (BBW, Stuffing)

THE FRENCH CONFECTION Episode 5: Emilie Hongerig \* \* \* \* \* "This morning, I received an answer to the yellow notice for Byron Nourrisseur." Carmelita sat at her desk. In one hand was her phone. In the other hand was the last bite of her third...

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